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Barbares attaquent l’education !

Many thanks to:

Every country on earth is reforming education

How do we educate our children for the 21st economy?

We cannot anticipate what the world will be like in a week!

How do we educate and give a sense of local culture without disconnecting from a global perspective?

There is a problem: millions of kids are being alienated at school

The old story : Work hard -> Do well -> College -> Nice job

Kids don’t believe that...

And they are right not to!

Better having a degree than not?

It’s just not that simple anymore

We should raise our standards about education

After all, why would we like to lower them?

The problem: our current system was conceived for a different age

Industrial revolution

Public education was a revolutionnary idea

Btw a lot of people sad it was impossible

The Enlightenment view of intelligence: Academics is the goal

Consequence? Academic and non-academic people categorisation

Meaning smart vs non smart

Consequence: Many brilliant people think they are not

This model created lot of chaos: only a happy few benefit from it

Education is modeled in the interest of industrialisation

Look at the design of a typical school

School bells

Separate subjects

We still educate children by batchesWhy do we still organize children by year of fabrication?

Divergent thinking

Education deteriorates it

Information changed

Collaboration & team working

The academic / non-academic distinction doesn’t make any sense

Great learning happens in groups: 42






Khan Academy

Ideas spread like never

Sugata Mitra’s Story

Cleverinfo on le graph de traction?

Smart: Joel on software

Gamification of the learning



Education became a continuous process


The hacker mindset

Language learning is disrupted too





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