Download - Lesson 4.1


Complete the gaps with an irregular verb in the past simple tense

Write the correct past forms of the verbs:

1. Yesterday I (REMAIN) in the house. I (COOK) dinner and (DO) some housework.

2. I (REST), (READ) books, (WATCH) television and (GO) to sleep.

3. I (BE) at school most of the day. I (STUDY). I (GO) to the gym and (WORK) out, (WORK) at my computer, (WATCH) a little TV.

4. I (GO) to work in the morning and I (GO) to school in the afternoon.

5. I (teach) yesterday. I teach at school two days a week.

6. This morning I (GET) up at eight and (WATCH)the news.

7. We (walk) around the city.

8. Yesterday I (ATTEND) a speech at Columbia University.

9. I (GO) to my shrink.

10. I (BE) pretty good at school.Cristinas day started well. She got up at the usual time at 7 oclock. She made breakfast for her children and they had breakfast together. The children left the house at 8 oclock to go to school.

At 8:15 Cristina left the house as usual. Then everything went wrong. First her car didnt start, so she took the bus to work. The traffic was terrible. The bus didnt move for more than half an hour. She decided to get off and walk.

Cristina finally arrived at work at 10 oclock. First she replied to some e-mails and made some phone calls. Then she started to write an article. Suddenly her computer crashed and she lost all her work. She was very upset, so she decided to go out for a very long lunch.

I (be) ..born in Colombia. When I (finish).. school I ............................... (get) a job as a secretary in a company in Bogot, but I ............................... (not enjoy) the job. I ............................... (be) very interested in politics and local issues, so I ............................... (leave) the company and ............................... (start) a course in journalism. The course ............................... (be) very good but I ............................... (not finish) it because I ............................... (marry) an English man. Twelve years ago we ............................... (come) to England, to Birmingham.

I ............................... (be) very lucky and I ............................... (get) a part-time job as a secretary on a local newspaper. They ............................... (not pay) me much, but I ............................... (like) the job and the people. In 1999 we ............................... (move) to Coventry because of my husbands job. After six months I ............................... (see) an advertisement for my job at Stroke News. At first I ............................... (work) as a volunteer, but now I have a permanent job and work 40 hours a week.Look at the questions and answers about Cristinas life. Then complete the

missing words.

Questions Answers

a Where ................ her first job? In a company in Bogot.

b ................ she ............................. her course in journalism? No, she didnt.

c When ............................. she ............................. to the UK? Twelve years ago.

d ....................... she ...................... her job in Birmingham? Yes, she did.

e ............................. the job in Birmingham full-time? No, it wasnt.

f Why ................ they ............................. to Coventry? Her husband got a new job.

Adverbs Explain How We Do Things! 1

a) Complete each sentence by choosing the best adverb from the list below.

Passionately yesterday slowly quickly completely suddenly quietly badly fluently dangerously early soundly beautifully perfectly late angrily well often honestly

1. I woke up ____________________ this morning, so I read for a while.

2. I enjoyed the concert. The choir sang ____________________.

3. My dad shouted at me ____________________.

4. We walked home ____________________ because we were tired.

5. The builders finished ahead of schedule. They worked really ___________.

6. Janet went to the cinema with Phil ____________________.

7. I can play the piano a bit, but I play it ____________________.

8. We arrived at the station ____________________, due to the traffic jam.

9. The baby was sleeping ____________________.

10. The anti-war protestors spoke out ____________________ against the illegal war.

11. Derby County played really ________________ on Saturday. They won 4-0!

12. Im afraid that I disagree with you ____________________.

13. What do you think of my new dress? Tell me ____________________.

14. Can you hear me, Mike? Yes, I can hear you ____________________.

15. Im afraid to go in a car with your brother. He drives so ____________________.

16. I dont go clubbing very ____________________.

17. If you come home late, can you close the front door ____________________, please?

18. Joel and Marc speak Portuguese ____________________.

19. ____________________, the fire bell rang.Add an appropriate noun to each phrase:

A bar of ______________.

A cup of ______________.

A glass of ______________.

A loaf of ______________.

A piece of ______________.

A bottle of ______________.

A bag of ______________.

A packet of ____________.

A jar of ______________.

A lot of ______________.

A plate of ______________.

A slice of ______________.

A pair of ______________.

A group of _____________.

A bowl of ______________.

A handful of ____________.

A carton of ____________.

A box of ______________.

A can of ______________.

A jug of ______________.

A tin of ______________.Look at the shopping list. Write each phrase again using a more appropriate quantity word.

For example: a tin of washing-up liquid should be a bottle of washing-up liquid.

Shopping List:

1. a jar of crisps _______________________________

2. a bottle of bread _______________________________

3. a bag of chocolate _______________________________

4. a packet of orange juice _______________________________

5. a tin of ice cream _______________________________

6. a can of chewing gum _______________________________

7. a loaf of sandwiches _______________________________

8. a packet of milk _______________________________

9. a carton of jam _______________________________

10. a bar of cake _______________________________

11. a piece of lemonade _______________________________

12. a bottle of cheese _______________________________

13. a can of lettuce _______________________________

14. a tub of fish _______________________________

15. a box of baked beans _______________________________


Dear Ethel,

Im writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I __________ up at the usual time about 10 am __________ a shower and __________ breakfast. I __________ a big bowl of cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I __________ into the kitchen where I __________ a funny noise. I __________ it __________ from behind the cooker. I __________ my tool box and moved the cooker out of the way.

The noise __________ louder but I couldnt see anything. I __________ my uncle to ask his advice. He __________ that he __________ it could be a gas leak. When I __________ this I just panicked! I __________ the phone down, __________ outside, __________ in my car and __________ to the local police station. I __________ them about my gas leak but the constable __________ his patience with me. He __________ that I should have phoned the gas company. He __________ his report, then __________ the gas company for me.

Then I remembered that my house doesnt have gas only electricity! I __________ really stupid and __________ that the constable would be angry with me for wasting his time, so I _________ out of the police station while he __________ still on the phone. I __________ home to try to find out what the noise __________. On the way I __________ a newspaper and I __________ about an escaped llama that __________ out of the city safari park last Wednesday.

When I __________ home I __________ my key in the door, turned it, __________ inside and straight away __________ that funny noise again. I __________ my breath and opened the door slowly. Guess what? I __________ the llama hiding in my cupboard!

I __________ him stay and he __________ in my garden last night. The snoring __________ so loud! This morning I __________ him back to the safari park. They__________ really pleased to see him again and __________ me a reward of 50!

be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold,

know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write

Note: you will need to use some verbs more than once_1382703931.unknown






















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