
Lesson 8 Eponyms: Is a word that comes from the name of a person or place. Derrick- a large crane. Mesmerize- means to hypnotize. Zinnia- is a colorful flower. Cardigan- is a sweater that buttons in front. Maverick- is someone who doesnt go along with a groups thinking. Boycott: you stop using something. Saturnine- means gloomy Laconic- someone who uses few words. Sequoia- is a giant redwood tree. Bacitracin- is an antibiotic ointment. Lesson 9 Eponym- is a word that comes from the name of a person or place. Afghan- is a blanket knitted or crocheted in a colorful pattern. Badminton - is a game played over a net. Cashmere- is a soft wool that comes from a goat. Currants- are small berries. Spaniel- a kind of dog. Denim- is a heavy cloth used in making overalls. Canary- is a yellow songbird. Atoll-is a coral island. Turquoise- is a blue-green gemstone. Mayonnaise- is a dressing made from oil and egg yolk.

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