  • 8/7/2019 Lessons From Lithuania


    Lessons From LithuaniaA few basic lessons from people with experience...

    Note: This is not my information and I am simply compiling the data; this

    information comes from various sources & individuals whom Ive had the pleasure

    of talking to & dealing with on both a personal and professional level. This

    information & this PDF is free use material so long as credit is given to the originalsources.

  • 8/7/2019 Lessons From Lithuania


    Introduction Lessons From Lithuania; A Post-Event Look...


    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Lessons From Lithuania -- Part I

    Extended a business trip to London with a detour to Vilnius, Lithuania and

    environs. Got back today.

    While in Vilnius, I went to the NKVD/Gestapo/KGB Museum, and on my last day,

    the massacre site at nearby Ponary/Panieriu. In between, I got a rental car and

    drove about 100 km to the west of Vilnius to a city called Kovno/Kaunas -- site of

    the infamous 'Ninth Fort'. And no, the trip wasn't all death and gloom. In fact, I

    found Vilnius and its inhabitants to be charming and worthy of another visit. But I

    did draw a series of lessons from what I saw on my excursions; part I is below:

    1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and

    other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and

    expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR,

    each victim's identity card was both part of the initial targeting and the final

    "production record".

    2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they will be coming for

    you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where they know you work and live.

    Act early if you want to maximize your chances. You and your family will die if you

    are at your government-approved address.

    3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors: The most disturbing

    moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution or

    interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through the excellent

    exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after "liberation" by the Soviets

    in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of whom were subsequently executed

    or starved or died of exposure and disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB

    by their neighbors.

    4) "Fascism" is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the real enemy is

    collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one could tell the provenance
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    of any signage by its reference to "fascism". Mostly, such markings were from the

    Soviet era, during which -- not coincidentally -- many more millions of innocent

    human beings were killed by the "enlightened" Communists than had been

    slaughtered by the Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to

    expect the Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-mindedfolks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to the mass


    5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to

    folks who do.

    6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address in order to

    live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does not make.

    7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used to the idea.

    Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try to avoid jeopardizing your

    allies to the extent possible, but know that they too will be swept into the


    8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family members: Sippenhaft ain't just

    a chapter in Vanderboegh's long-awaited novel. The KGB museum was filled with

    execution orders with notations indicating that not only had the subject been

    killed per order of the Party, but that "special measures" had or would be takenagainst the victim's family.

    9)You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods,

    you are there for the duration. The Baltic "forest brothers" stayed out until they

    were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report.

    10) If you think it can't happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and Lithuanian

    Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppen thought the same thing.

    So did the Lithuanians who couldn't believe that the Communists under Stalin andsubsequent regimes would hold their passionate patriotism against them.

    Almost all of those folks who believed "it couldn't happen" died. A few survived

    by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the brutal realities of the

    Gulag, year after year after year. Each of them knows the single biggest lesson

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    from Lithuania: naked, brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of

    kin and country, and simple human decency -- often for decades or more.

    Lose your illusions.

    While there is still time.

    Dealing with Resistance Operations & Survivalism

    These chapters while the work of Alfred Krmann, and Kirjastus "Kajalood

    in a unpublished book (Sissitegevuse ksiraamat.) were passed on to me from a

    friend, who translated the subject matter into what he

    calls his Mediocre English so that the information may be passed on to others.

    A special thanks must be given to ProPatria whom translated the work of

    Alfred Krmann & Kirjastus "Kajalood so that we can all learn some basic

    concepts & insights from the experiences of others...

    Sissitegevuse ksiraamat.


    The struggle for the survival of the Estonian People is not over yet...

    Threats coming from the east, and arrogant demands. From the west, ridicule and

    (umm... no matching word here) suggestions to give the enemy what they want.

    As long as the world's mega countries act as big predators, the threat of dying

    exists to small nations.

    The only way for their survival is a (umm... steadfast?) undisputed will to protect

    oneself and his country, and the skill to wage sissisda (Guerilla war, siss can't be

    translated) against the enemy.

    The experiences of sissisda published in this book have been gained at the cost

    of the lives, blood and tears of thousands of Estonian and Latvian Forest Brothers

    and their helpers. These experiences will be true in the future also, because the

    enemy has been the same for a thousand years.
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    Of the name

    Military activity in the enemys rear cannot have a common name.

    Communist movements in the whole world have called this kind of war partisanwar. But because communist partisans all over the world have become infamous

    for their acts of terror against the local population, I'll try to use the name

    "Partisan war" in this book as little as possible.

    Estonia has experiences with "red partisans". In 1944, spring, a red partisan force,

    500 strong, came over the ice of lake Peipsi and killed all the people and animals

    in Murasaare (Umm... again, no translation to talu) farm. Because of that, I think

    that military activity against the invading enemy in its rear should be called

    sissisda, like the finns do.

    Modern Mega countries

    The mega countries are worried, that small nations once conquered by them,

    want to get out of their influence via national independence.

    "The right of people's self determination" they declared after The first World War,

    costs nothing in their eyes anymore.

    Instead of wars between each other, mega countries prefer "local wars", that is

    local national murders, like in Afghanistan, Tibet, Kamir, Haiti, Panama, Kosovo,

    justifying their armed invasion by "defending their citizens", "protecting

    democracy", "territorial integrity", "the fight against terrorism", "defending


    "Racism" is being condemned, at the same time they sit by the same table with

    the performer of a national murder, speaking up for them taking part in

    Eurovision, and their participation in the Olympic games.

    Small guys are being dragged in front of the Geneva tribunal, the ongoing national

    murder in Chechnya "isn't worth democracies interest", that is not against

    humanity?? Why? You can't condemn another "big guy", when Your own actions

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    are the same! Or, like we say in Estonia: A wolf does not shit on its tail. That's why

    the big bear is under the protection of the EU and it's cruelties are taboo.

    The secret war against the nations of Europe

    When in a public war the enemys invasion began with massive bombardment,

    then in a modern "secret" war it goes on via devices of mass information: the

    press, radio, TV and the internet.

    The ending of the cold war, crashing the Berlin wall, setting up democracy and the

    secret agreements of Malta, by which communist criminals are not punished,

    gave international communism an opportunity to conquer to world by a

    democratic way.

    All kinds of means are being used to defeat the European nations will of defense

    and patriotism.

    How is it being done?

    The press constantly (disparages?) says bad things about everything in the spirit

    of Estonia: integrity of the people, the military, carrying of arms and the will to

    defend Your life, calling it "Nazism" and "Faism"!!!

    At the same time, all ofEuropes TV channels are distributing violence in their

    shows. Beating, torture, chasing, killing, explosions, destruction, fire and bodies

    are shaping the Young peoples understandings of the world.

    Sex, porn, betraying, disloyalty, meanness, greed and Moneyophilia (coined a

    term ) shape a human being, that nothing is sacred to.

    Instead of music, pleasant to the ear, the radio transmits banging, and instead of

    a song, there is an unending repeating of a sentence on TV, plus the wriggling ofthe body, metal banging and flashes of fire! The words and tune of songs that

    have become dear in time, are being altered, instead of accompanying music they

    add "Euro-banging".

    And all of that mental pillaging must be paid for by the people!

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    A nation is composed of families. The objective of the enemy is to break the

    families. Then there won't be any more people to lead the nation. Instead of a

    nation, there will be a nameless, history less, memory less pack of slaves.

    The violence between students, and students and teachers is the outcome of TV-


    "Don't hit the child" will end up in the child growing and beating it's parents. (Yes,

    I used IT'S)

    The using of drugs, alcohol and tobacco is the parents fault, that let their kids

    have too much allowance and let them hang about, not knowing where they are

    and with whom.

    The lawmakers have been paid for in all of Europe. The native people have been

    knowingly left without protection, life is ensured for murderers, the victims are


    "Hunger profits" paid for by the enemy will declare without shame, that farming

    isn't worth it. All the hardship of the past wars have been survived thanks to

    farming. The People survived thanks to their cows and garden, both in Estonia

    and Siberia.

    Democracy doesn't protect!

    An American, Bill R. Davidson has published a book called "To keep and bear

    arms" in 1969. It means "Hoidke relvad keprast". This warning is meant for all

    honest people, whose lives and homes are not protected by the highly praised


    Unbelievably cruel crimes on peaceful people in democratic lands, also in Estonia,has made the author ask the reader: "Are You capable and willing to protect Your

    wife, Your kids, Your home and freedom, in times of distress, from assault?"

    From the conditions in Estonia, follows a second question: "Or is national violence

    pressed on by the "liberator" turned You into a defenseless and will powerless

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    work restlessly, seeding anger and distrust in his neighbors rear. With the purpose

    of undermining our self confidence and will to protect ourselves.

    He will do it unnoticeably, in a seemingly innocent way, with devilish needle

    strokes, with which we finally get used to, if we're not careful.

    Those that want us doomed, seed all kinds of doubt and fear amongst us. We

    must not believe them. All kinds of "scientific" theories about the downfall of

    nations and cultures are a mind-weapon used by the enemy to paralyze our will to

    defend ourselves.

    We have gained peace and freedom.

    We must be ready to tolerate hardship for our happiness. We are not weakerthan other nations and our forefathers.

    The invasion is followed by:

    a) Right after the front forces, Smer, that will take some near-the-woods farm

    with a massive cellar. The inhabitants will be driven away, the furniture stays.

    Smer soldiers will roam around the countryside, catching locals that they will

    drag to be interrogated. They will want to know (Umm... again, untranslatable)

    the people with the Estonian mindset, (Sorry, the best I could translate it) that areto be imprisoned and terminated. The traitors will be allowed to go home. But

    those that were accused of something, are sent into camps or shot on the spot,

    like they did in 1944 august by the 54. army Smer in Vana-Roosa Piigli talu. (Or

    farm for You) The slaughtered were buried in the Piigli talu pasture, where they

    still are- no one cares. The organizers of this massacre were the Leningrad front

    54. army Smer department commander polkovnik Jermolajev, major Djatenko,

    war prosecutor Kirejev, detectives captains Hramtskihh and Dojanovski... Who

    they couldn't get right away, then they sent the list to the headquarters of

    Vrumaa KGB station.

    b) The land conquered by the enemy already has a "government" ready!

    c) The obligatory accounting of the populace via writing them into the place they

    live. Also written down are missing family members, whose location is unknown.

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    d) The obligatory accounting of all food articles and establishing of a "hunger

    norm" to ordinary citizens, so no one can feed dangerous "bandits", that are not

    written in.

    e) The confiscation of all weapons and modes of communication from the

    populace, including radios, TVs, computers and "especially dangerous" copy


    f) The seizure of all vehicles.

    g) The banning of all medical institutions-all healthcare is being subjected to the

    enemy. Every sick person is required to have a passport, to be written in, a place

    to live and work. In the purpose of finding bandits. Doctors are needed to reportall uncounted patients to the enemy.

    h) The occupation of houses in the immediate rear of the enemy. For the

    accommodation of the enemys officers, headquarters, and other people. Usually

    the inhabitants are driven out of their homes. When the "victors" have moved on,

    the inhabitants get to come back into their pillaged and contaminated homes. An

    example of my own home in august-September 1944. My father wouldn't leave

    our home in Hargla. He packed new clothes and laundry into suitcases and hid

    with them in an empty potato cellar. While the battles were going on, my fatherwas ordered to come out of his "shelter" between gunmen. When he was finally

    allowed to go home, the suitcases had been "opened" with an axe and my sisters

    dresses and other garments gone. When I got home in the 4. of October 1944, I

    noticed that our coffee grinder had a new drawer. "Why?" Father answered:

    "They took the grinder out, pulled the drawer and a Russian soldier shit in it." And

    that is not all that the "brave fighters of the guards division named after "Riga""

    did in my home in Hargla.

    i) Smer soldier took all the pictures that had uniformed people in it and tookthem to their superiors. They took those pictures to interrogations of local people

    and showed those to them and asked: "Who is this?" "What uniform is this?"

    "Where is this person now?" "You, local person, must know, don't lie!"

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    I was told by Trvase farm owner Alfred Peltser, a Kaitseliitlane (Wiki Kaitseliit)

    from the free time: "Before the Russians came in august 1944, I had spring

    cleaning. I hid the Estonian flag, all weapons and pictures with me in uniform, I

    took them all away from home and hid them separately, so if anyone found them,

    there would be no evidence of who hid them. Only a few good pairs of boot solesand a few boxes of Parabellum ammo were dug into the garden. After the from

    passed, smer soldiers came, and they were like devils (again, translation

    impossible), went through the house, probed the whole garden. The bootsoles

    and parabellum ammo was found. "Who hid them?" "Don't know, before You

    came there were Germans and refugees here." Suspicion stayed. The smer took

    a room into their possession. Over a day, they had greasy lamb meat, and then

    shitted for a whole day. After the front was broken in Koiva river, Latvia, they had

    the rich farms near Riga to rob and pillage, so they left. Big was my surprise, when

    I found a German P08 and a holster hanging in the spat and full-of-cigarette-buttsroom the smer had used. What the hell should I do now? Can't throw it away,

    people may come back for it, can't keep it here, Russian soldiers roaming around

    the place, and if they find it, then the whole families packing! So I took my old

    workers coat and covered "Gott mitt uns" with it. Two weeks went by, the room

    was not cleaned. One day a Smer Willys drove in, a soldier ran into the house

    and grasped the P08. They didn't even say hello. The car drove away. I thought to

    myself: Look what clever trick they played on us. But "god was with us"."

    Let the experience of Alfred Peltser be a warning, that You shouldn't hideanything illegal on Your immediate property. The enemys and his servants of the

    devils manners have been the same for a thousand years.

    In the rear of the invading enemy, people must:

    People, that are not a part of the fighting, be silent. They have seen nothing nor

    heard nothing. By the law, citizens are not obligated to give occupying forces any

    information. No one is required to accept the cultural bait the enemy offers You.

    No one is required to be friends with the enemy. The inhabitants years and yearsof silent resistance will erode the occupants morale and make way for a fight for

    independence. The enemy will work with all he has to break our inner strength.

    He will bully us with false promises, try to recruit as traitors, drive the people

    against elected leaders, against officials not cooperating with the enemy. He

    wants to drive us nuts, mess up our thoughts, intentions and doings.

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    We will hold, as long as we don't trust the enemy, see through his plans. All we

    see, hear or read, we consider thoroughly, how much of it is truth. We don't

    believe anything, about which we don't know, where it has came from. We will

    relay nothing, about which we don't have solid evidence.

    Local citizens and forest brothers

    The truth is, that without the support of the people, neither forest brothers or red

    partisans couldn't do anything during the last war.

    According to their mentality, they can be the "eyes and ears" of both the forest

    brothers and the enemy.

    Half a century of the enemys occupation have shown, that part of the forest

    brothers helpers, that have wished to be so, have remained unknown to this day.

    On the other hand, the traitors working for the enemy, are all known and "their

    deeds follow them around".

    The support of the local populace is expressed by them "not seeing or hearing no


    This sort of neutral behavior is beneficial first of all to the populace themselves,

    and will keep them from the interrogations and torture of the enemy.

    The enemy will want to know everything from everyone, that has babbled

    anything anywhere.

    A colorful example.

    In a warm September night 1945, our squad moved through Hargla by railway.Kalli Helm's house was lighted up and the sound of partying sounded from the

    open windows. The forest brothers surrounded the house. Oskar Mlder, who the

    locals did not know, pushed the curtains away and yelled:"What's going on?" "It's

    Osvald Krde's jubilee" "We came to ask the birthday boy what the hell does he

    want with the forest brothers, and why is he spying on them, asking around the

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    village?" The jubilees face went white, as Oskar pointed the Nagant at him. "N-

    nothing." "If it's nothing, then don't spy on us. This time, I won't pull the trigger,

    have Your party and stop spying."

    The forest brothers left, but the jubilee was so offended, that the security forceswere so incompetent and "don't know where to look for bandits".

    This "criticism" about the enemy was known to them. Osvald Krde was

    captured and interrogated. "Show us where the bandits are hiding!"

    Because Krde "also didn't know", he got a good kicking from the tekists, who

    thought that "if he speaks like that, then he must know."

    Both the forest brothers and the enemy are interested in intelligence about theirenemies. Both sides want them to have the "eyes and ears" in the local populace.

    When the forest brothers get Intel from their personal Estonian spirited

    informants, then they must keep their sources in complete secrecy, even from

    their brothers in arms, just in case someone gets taken prisoner and that info is

    beaten out of him. My supporters in the years 1944-1952 are all still there,

    because no one of my fellow forest brothers knew "where Paul goes". I was a lone

    "wounded wolf", that had paid bloody school money for their experiences, I had

    learned to keep my assistants as safe as possible.

    The enemy recruits:

    His "eyes and ears" and doers of the dirty work in the middle of the local

    populace, that are dissatisfied with their fellow Estonians, like drunks, thieves,

    greedy wanters of others goods, that are found amongst every nationality.

    To make the local populace fight amongst themselves, the most effective way is

    to use the "Leninist way": "Take from those that have, and give to those that


    This was used effectively by the enemy in 1940.

    They took all from the Estonians: Land, Homes, Shops, Factories and even Lives.

    The gathered goods were given to the communist party, that handed it out to

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    feed. They ate, drank and waited, there was a watch on the road, whoever came

    into the village was captured.

    The German cars riding through the village were fired upon- the soldiers killed,

    take the goods and torch it! The reds disappeared into the woods, but the wrecksremained. the Germans came with a large force, the villagers were blamed " that

    were hiding the partisans". The village was burned. The villagers had to run to the

    forest now..."

    These kinds of cruel behavior set the locals under the hammer. "That wasn't all"

    my fellow continued. "The reds dressed themselves up as Germans, robbed the

    people, raped their women and occasionally killed a few villagers. And upon all of

    that, the Germans were blamed of it. And the confused people ran to the woods,

    just to survive."

    The enemy sent red partisans to Estonia during WW2.

    Thanks to Omakaitse, that kept the danger of partisan war like in Belorussia away

    from Estonia.

    Let the aforementioned be a warning to all freedom fighters defending their


    You cannot set the local populace under the hammer, or use the other guys

    feathers to look like them, do stuff in their name. That will not remain a secret

    forever. Besides, there's no need for that, as the enemy's "actions follow him for a

    thousand years".

    The battle of minds in guerilla war

    The mighty propaganda of the enemy has always done everything to

    justify or deny the anti-human crimes of the Empire of Evil. The nationalmurder in Chechnya was justified by Vladimir Putin by using terms like

    "" (animals) and "" (terrorists).

    The duty of every resistance fighter is to spread the truth about the

    deeds and goals of the enemy:

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    1. Via words among other resistance fighters, their loved ones andsupporters;

    2. Written down as fliers, posters and slogans on the road andpublic places for the whole nation to see and read;

    3. Fliers written in the enemys language, and put up on roads,walls, pillboxes at night, so the enemys soldiers could read forthemselves, who they are and what kind of national murder they

    are forced to commit.

    In fliers to Your own and the whole nation, one must stress on the cause of

    liberty, love of the fatherland, the need to protect ones family and home for the

    survival of the whole nation.

    Publish the names and homes of the captured, tortured and murdered martyrs to

    the public, what exactly happened and who (namely) took part in the crimes done

    on that person by snitching, capturing them or by robbing their property.

    Call upon the populace to show cold defiance to the enemy.

    Call them up to not talk to the soldiers and officers of the enemy, not set up

    relations or help them. When they are interrogated with a translator, answer

    questions "I don't know" and "I haven't seen nor heard". On the principle, thatsharing any info with them is betraying Your nation and country.

    From history: The German forces marching into Paris were greeted with empty

    streets, closed windows and doors. The insulted fuehrer left part of France

    unoccupied. Our enemy isn't so soft-hearted though. Here, the invading forces

    will be greeted by spies sent here, colonists, red army veterans and "formers".

    From somewhere You can hear gunshots and a tank blowing up... If General

    Einseln's command isn't annulled:"The invading forces must be destroyed,

    without waiting for an order from the higher positions."

    The enemys countermeasures

    Not depending on the fact, if the forest brothers were fighting or not, the enemy

    has always used all means to destroy all that are Estonian minded.

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    By the deportation and destroying the homes of families, the enemy has made

    the population of Estonia sparse.

    The countermeasures are:

    a) Using spies and provocateurs to collect information amongst the people about

    Estonian minded people. The guarding of the Forest Brothers homes, in the

    purpose of betrayal. The spies are recruited amongst the locals, that know the

    language, the people, the surroundings, especially Forest keepers (game

    keepers?) and other officials. The most dangerous spies are those, that are

    recruited amongst the freedom fighters themselves.

    b) Special strike teams with special training and the best weapons. Being suppliedwith radios and vehicles, they are very mobile and dangerous. The mining of

    bunkers is very effective against them. Untiring vigilance and caution are also


    c) Big raids using the army are very expensive to the enemy. The encircling and

    going through large forest massive demands great forces and can't happen

    unnoticed. These kinds of big raids are not as dangerous as strike teams. There

    are possibilities to sneak through the lines or break through in thin spots. Or dig in

    somewhere and let the bastards pass.

    d) In future wars the enemy is going to use Mushroom pickers, berry gatherers,

    bird watchers and tourists, supplied with a good map and a radio, that will go

    through all possible hiding places and report to a strike team stationed nearby.

    These kinds of agents, the enemys eyes and ears, reveal themselves by trying to

    go through the thickest bushes, and that they have a radio or cell and a map- that

    enables them to be recognized, interrogated and treat them accordingly.

    e) The enemy has always used guards in his rear. Troops on bridges, movingpatrols on roads, control points in major traffic areas, trains, ports. Also, they

    search houses at night, under the sign of "passport control".

    The training of the siss

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    1. A good infantrymans training is very important to the guerilla. Those that don't

    have that, must perfect the major skills: handling of weapons, including the

    enemys; shooting drills, learning to use the landscape, CQB with a weapon and

    without, CQB with a tank, the cooperation between a group of guerillas and a

    bigger unit.

    2. A pioneers training, so that every fighter knows how to build barriers and stuff,

    do blasting, set mines and defuse them. As many men as possible must know how

    to do demolitions.

    All situations occurring in a guerilla war: living in the wild, taking cover, camo,

    night raids and travelling, night battles, all must be rehearsed. Movement in the

    day, night, adaption to things, ingenuity and a hunter instinct are far more

    important than pointless drills.

    The guerilla is a personality, not a sheep.

    3. The use of the landscape and camouflage are for hiding from the enemy,

    deceiving him and outsmarting him, and in the case of possible discovery, offering

    the smallest and worst-to-see target possible. Camo from helo's and planes must

    not be forgotten. The uniform and camo-nets, tent color, head gear must blend in

    to the surrounding nature. All these things are learned under the watch of an

    experienced instructor. You should use the experiences of the Chechens, gained

    in the war against the enemy in modern war.

    The armament of a siss group

    The weapons must be light, not obstruct movement, yet still be able to spray

    destruction at the enemy, when the need arises. Most of the guerrilla group must

    have light automatic weapons, the rest be armed with self-loading carbines.

    Extremely necessary are hand grenades. Very necessary to every group is a long

    rifle with optics and a suppressor. In bigger raids, a group must have machine

    guns, Rocket propelled grenades, a mortar and a flame thrower. (Although the

    last isn't necessary, it's still fun to have ) The bigger weapons are not carriedalong, each weapon must have a container for it hidden in the ground. The

    automatic firearms must have the same caliber. To get ammunition (and

    weapons), a group will attack the enemys supply columns. Every group must

    have a sufficient supply of AT mines, various weights of explosives sealed in a

    watertight bag, Detonators, and Firing pin activated detonators, to make antenna-

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    mines. Every second man in a group must know how to use the bigger weapons

    and explosives.

    The men

    The siss must be marvelous, a fighter and a builder at the same time. The

    sissisda requires a deep connection with the nature from him, he must be

    undemanding and resourceful, to use the few measures and opportunities

    available to him. With his attitude towards the local populace, he must wake up

    the people, make the freedom-loving people trust him and respect him. Cowards

    and traitors must fear him like the plague. It's important that as many men as

    possible know their AO, knows the language and even the local dialect. The

    schooling of radio operators must be done in the right time (before the SHTF, that


    The personnel of a sissigrupp

    The makeup of the group depends on the enemy's presence in the AO, the

    mission and the terrain. Strongly guarded and on terrain that offers little cover,

    only very small groups can operate. When the need arises, these groups will join,

    give a joint strike (at night!) and disappear. On sparsely occupied terrain that

    provides good cover, bigger groups may operate, but they still must be placed

    dispersed in the AO, to eliminate the possibility of discovery from the air andencircling on the ground.

    The leaders

    Of decisive importance is the choice of leaders in sissisda, and their training. A

    guerilla war cannot be led from a center of some sort, but the leaders of

    individual groups must act on their own. The leader of a siss unit must be

    demanding to both himself and his "employees" during a mission and between

    missions. On the other hand, he must be fair and tirelessly take care of his men.This image of a "personal leader" greatly lifts morale. The bravery and justice of a

    leader must invoke trust in his men. TRUST IS THE BASIS OF GUERILLA WARFARE.

    The authority of a leader relies on his personality, not his job or rank. The leader

    of a siss group carries the highest possible responsibility, and because of that, has

    the right of the captain of a lone warship in the raising of his staff and punishing

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    them. Including death penalty in severe cases. Besides his military knowledge and

    characteristics, the leader must also have political knowledge, and be able to pass

    it on to his soldiers.


    Sissisda against the invading enemy is a very effective measure to a small nation

    with a clear political purpose- to survive.

    This, a sissisda pressed onto a small nation, must be waged in a situation where

    You are outnumbered and with inferior equipment, using special ways of fighting

    and tactics. The better knowledge of the landscape, courage, bravery and

    decisiveness, smartness, deceit and a sole purpose- to survive, is the advantage of

    siss fighters. Sissisda is a way of modern war, not a passing fashion. In adesperate situation, sissisda is the last resort to save a nations Life and Liberty

    from the enemy. Sissisda is held everywhere, where possible, against the

    invading enemy in the forests, cities, towns, villages, roads, day and night. To the

    enemy, and his traitors, it must be obvious, that moving about in occupied land is


    Battles of sissisda

    A meeting-battle is unexpected to both sides. It can happen in the day, whilemoving on closed terrain or on a road while driving a car. Or at night, in open

    terrain, in a settlement or a road. The chances of survival are better for the side

    that notices the enemy first, and can shoot first. A short action-filled firefight is

    followed by retreat, the forest brothers go back the way they got there. The

    enemy will take up defensive positions and wait for backup. Neither side knows

    the enemy's strength.

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    The Two Man Stakeout


    oThey must fit each other.

    o They have two main weapons: a self loading marksman's riflewith a scope and a normal Kalanikov (In Estonia's case, anyway.)

    Both men must be able to handle both weapons.

    o They get to the ambush site early in the morning, under the coverof darkness, silently, no smoking.

    o The ambush site must enable hiding, disguising and have a safeand covered route out of there.

    o Everything necessary for the entire stay must be brought along tothe ambush site.

    o They're foxholes are side by side, with a distance of 1.5-2 meters,so they can communicate via whispering.

    o The marksman will observe the mark appearing, his mate willobserve the surroundings with bino's. You must not look at the

    sun, or else the flash of the lenses might give You away.

    o The way the enemy will be coming must be observable for a longdistance, to avoid any surprises.

    o Targets are: couriers, motorcyclists, local traitors, cars withenemy officers, fuel trucks, radio and radar stations on vehicles.(Plus targets of opportunity, and those of highest threat.)

    The marksman will shoot a target either closing or riding away from him. (Hitting

    a quickly moving target from the side is a big IF.) An exception is the long fuel

    truck, which must be shot with an AP incendiary round. If the mark has been hit

    and killed, it must be checked, if the situation allows for that to happen. Anyway,

    You must leave the site hidden, and without leaving a trace.A good aid against

    dogs is a mix of 1:1 petrol and turpentine smeared across the boots. Or anyother non-organic smelly liquid.(Stressed by me)

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    Ambushing the enemy

    The ambushing will take place near his routes of travel, as far away from his

    greater forces as possible, and away from settlements, to spare the locals.

    An ambush site must have certain properties:

    o To be able to come there, be there and leave there withoutdiscovery. Closed terrain, the woods, bush.

    o To have open landscape towards the direction of the enemy, so Youcan see the size of it's forces from far away and decide upon Your


    o To be able to place mines in the road or near the road undetected,which will be detonated with electricity in the right moment.

    The explosion of the mine means the start of the ambush. After that, You open

    fire on the enemy from all guns. From that moment onwards, the forest brothers

    are discovered and the clock starts ticking for the enemys advantage- he will have

    help coming. So You must act quick and decisively, take from the blown-up car

    whatever is good enough, weapons and intel from the enemys fallen. You must

    leave while keeping cover, in full order, leaving behind some antenna-mines and

    handgrenades for the enemy.


    In an ambush, the victor is usually the side that stages the ambush. To avoid

    falling into an ambush by the enemy, the forest brother cannot betray their

    travelling routes by any way, not by moving and not by talking about it. The use of

    roads must be avoided when possible, the same goes for houses and settlements,

    where You have been noticed. When moving ANYWHERE, You must not use the

    same route twice. All intentions of moving must be a closely guarded secret.

    Where, when and by which way, are known only by the masterminds of thescheme. The enemy must NOT be given a chance to ambush You.

    Attack from the ambush site

    Of decisive importance is the element of surprise- A powerful mine explosion and

    the following dense volley of fire by automatic weapons.

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    This may bring victory over an enemy of far more quantity and who might be

    better armed. But when the assault fails, and the enemy manages to gather itself,

    it can lead to major losses or even the complete annihilation of the sissigrupp.

    The forest brothers must never engage the enemy in a long lasting firefight,because the enemy will get help. If the first powerful blow cannot surpress the

    enemy, You must give the sign of retreat, which was previously agreed on inside

    the group.


    A perfectly timed and skillful withdrawal from the enemys forces after the end of

    a battle or after breaking contact, is the main requirement from the sissisda

    tactics. A good retreat avoids losses and gives You a chance to surprise the enemyagain, someplace else.

    The retreat is easiest in the case of You having destroyed the enemy. This must be

    considered before the ambush is executed- that You have the capability of

    destroying them. When retreating in order, You must have pre-arranged meeting

    places 2 to 3 klicks away, where people will wait for those that are late for 1-2


    In the meeting place there will be ONLY ONE waiter, that will lead the late ones tothe rest of the group stationed a small distance away.

    The meeting place must offer good cover and observation possibilities in the

    enemys direction, and where You came from. Following with dogs is possible,

    and the location may have been beaten out of a man that was captured.

    The "prizes" collected after a successful ambush, like unopened ammo canisters

    and canned goods, are not to be carried far away, they must be hidden in suitable

    locations by every man that carried stuff. He will hide his loot and come back for itlater. That is the best way, based on experiences; a big stash hidden by a large

    group is easily discovered from tracks and stuff.

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    The weapons of an ambush

    o AT mines or pipe bombs, at least with the power of 5 kilogramsof trotl. (Trotyl?)

    oDirectional mines with the power of a' 1 kg.

    o A machine gun. MG-3.o Self loading sniper rifles.o Kalanikov automatic rifles.o Granatgewehr FN-40.o Tank-killers.o A portable flame-thrower.o Hand grenades, F1 or RGD.

    The experiences of sissisda show, that not only the number of barrels is not

    decisive, but a good amount of ammunition for every gun, which provides greater



    An assault is one of the ways of fighting initiated by a sissgroup or a lone fighter.

    The objective is usually an enemy unit standing away from the main units, strong

    points, comms or radar, storage facility, an establishment or the home of a


    Before the assault on the objective, thorough Intel gathering must be done. You

    must know the enemy's strength, armament, comms, everything related to their

    guards, transportation and the place of the nearest enemy unit, from where

    stalkers may come.

    The fact that You are going to attack anything, must be known only to the leaders

    of the group, Intel is gathered from people You trust "just in case", as well as from

    the members of the group watching the nearest roads. The day before the attack,the enemy's roads must be under continuous surveillance, to avoid any surprises.

    The assault will take place at night. That will confuse the enemy, the enemy can't

    get a clear picture of the siss-group's actions and location. The best thing is, that

    You can get near to the objective, and escape over open terrain. The guerillas will

    operate in fire-teams, at least one of them must know the surrounding landscape.

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    In the past war the Russian partisans stirred a lot of trouble for the Germans by

    blowing up railways.

    This very same activity can be very effective against the enemy.

    When big railway- and road-bridges are heavily fortified by the enemy with

    barbed wire, trenches, alarms and a guard unit, they can't protect the whole

    railway like that. At night, the approaching train can be heard from a long

    distance away.

    When the tracks blow up 10 meters before the train, it will have effect. This can

    be done by 2 men, of which one has learned how to place the charge in the rightplace. (Also at night.) The charge will be blown electrically at the right moment.

    These two men can sneak up to the railway at their chosen spot, wait silently,

    when hearing the train approach fulfill their mission.

    The charges cannot be placed before, because the railway might be patrolled

    upon by forcefully recruited civilians or armed patrols. How the railway is

    guarded, must be determined before the show begins.

    The authors of guerilla war handbooks in the west say that You could blow up

    other stuff besides roads and bridges, like power lines, local power transformer

    stations, phone stations, comms lines and other stuff important to the enemy.

    But I think that when blowing up power related stuff, the local populace suffers

    the most, the enemy has generators running for his needs. Comms lines and

    phone stations must be blown up AFTER the enemy has collected telephones

    from the populace, leaving only his agents and stations alone!

    Let's not forget, that in the ENSV (ESSR) only red people had a phone at their

    house! Certain is, that cell phones are to be collected, the network will be used by

    the enemy. With that, the cell phone towers also become targets, so the network

    would not work anymore and spies couldn't send messages from everywhere.

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    woods a raid was conducted. In that raid died Arseni Dreialts- A teacher from

    Gauijena, Oskars Kaksis and Villis Rudkaste. We broke through the first circle. The

    snow was deep, ammo was running out... There were three circles, many trucks

    on the road, about 600 soldiers!"

    A day house

    What do You do in a situation when You don't have anywhere to rest?

    It was winter, deep snow, very cold and we were tired... The morning was


    We decided to use "the right of the uninvited guest", rest up at a local commies

    residence, hoping that they wouldn't know to search for us there. We also knew

    that he has no gun, so no shooting was going to happen.

    We knocked, the door was opened, we went in and asked if everyone was home,

    if there aren't any strangers in the house? They answered that only the family. So

    we said to the host: "I'm guessing You know who You're dealing with, we need to

    rest, we will stay here for the day. No one will leave the house while we are here.

    The hostess will tend the animals and cook for everyone. If any neighbors show

    up, You will say that the man of the house has left, went to the city. No one is to

    be told that there are guests at the house. If any of You leave without us knowing

    it, we will bring doom over this household. The host will stay under our guard, therest of the family move into the living room. No moving about outside, the

    children will not go to school today."

    There were just the two of us alone in a hostile house, one of us was resting, the

    other one guarding the family and keeping an eye on the road leading to the

    house. We took off only our uniforms and boots, like on guard duty, with

    weapons right at hand. We ate with the family, the same food. The day passed

    calmly, no one came. When darkness came, we told the man: "We know Your

    political preferences, You are collaborating with a foreign power, who tookEstonia's freedom and our homes. YOU have a family and home. If You don't want

    to lose those, do the right thing.

    Don't snitch on Your brothers, with that You doom them and Yourselves. It is best

    for You is You haven't seen nor heard anything. We thank You for the day house

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    and now we leave. Remember now and forever, all of You: "This house has seen

    no uninvited visitors."" Everything fell silent. Even we kept silent about it amongst


    I have had these kinds of day houses in times without snow, and with a largergroup. Then the guard duty is easier and You won't leave tracks when leaving.

    Using the "hospitality" of the house owner, the Forest Brothers gained a lot of

    Intel about the whole "elite" of the parish, also who were the leading commies of

    the county and that official mail was carried by paid couriers!

    Switzerland is ready to protect

    The small country of Switzerland located in the alps is known as a democratic

    country. During the Second World War it managed to stay neutral because itdidn't have neighbors like Estonia did. As You can see below, they are ready to

    engage in guerilla war against an invading enemy.

    The "silencing" of spies

    Be sure of the spies names. Publish their names everywhere.

    Kill discovered spies, if You have the chance. That is not murder, it is self defense.

    Even in the resistance, the principle "Either You or Me" applies. The purpose:

    Working FOR the enemy must be as dangerous as working AGAINST the enemy.

    V. Dach: "Der totale Widerstand. Kleinkriegsanleitung fr jedermann.

    There are no neutrals in the future wars

    A personal danger between ideological wars doesn't depend on whether You are

    a part of the resistance or not anymore.

    Leaving Yourself out of the resistance, saying "I don't have any part in this"

    doesn't help in the modern world. In the system put to use by the enemy (takinghostage, collective responsibility and collective deportations without choice, to

    everyone- fighter or not) nobody will help the bystander. The member of a

    resistance movement is protected by the organization, that is interested in

    warning it's members and finding a shelter to those that are threatened by the


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    "All those, that heritage, job or political mind threatens them with deportation or

    death, must "go underground" or "go to the woods" (run for the hills is said in

    America) I think, that means: join a resistance group."

    "Freedom will grow only from the muzzle of a rifle"

    That, and the following have been said by Uncle Mao: "The fight begins with weak forces: it is the struggle of minority againstsuperiority, which must end with the minoritys victory."

    "All principles of military operations come from one main truth: To hold Your forces with everything available, destroy the enemys.In revolutionary war, that main truth is directly connected to the purpose of war. This wars political aim is to banish imperialistsfrom this country and the creation of an independent, free, happy fatherland."

    "The gun is important, but not the decisive factor in war. Decisive is the man, not the thing. The balance of forces are notdetermined by military and economic strength only, but also the relations of human reserves and their morale."

    The communists brought war to every family!

    Fighting nations in the first World War stood true to the main clausel of the Geneva convention: "The civilians notparticipating in military actions, are under protection. The familys honour and their homes are to be protected."

    Communists, that started a civil war in russia, didn't acknowledge any kind of neutrality. They announced, that"Those that are not with us, are against us."

    On the 11 of march, 1918, The red leader of the Ukrainian peoples republic gave the order to createpartisan groups, whose objectives were:

    Terrorizing the enemy in their rear. The destruction of bridges, roads, railway lines, phone lines,telegraph lines and stuff like that. The destruction of food items. Getting reliable intel of the enemysstrength and location. Killing the enemys morale via oral and written agitation.

    In the rear of their own forces: Creating fighting ready units for the red armys needs. Huge agitation forthe reds. Eliminating "class enemys".

    Drobov: Partisans and varmints. Moscow 1931.

    The names of guerilla warfare in Europe

    In Austria, Germany and Switzerland, they use the name Klenkrieg. Difference is made between the local resistance composing oflocal people, in occupied territory- Widerstandsbewegung - and specially trained jaegers, that have been made into guerillagroups, or Jagdkommandos.

    To get siss-groups behind enemy lines:

    o Small groups hide in prearranged, hidden and supplied bunkers and let the enemy pass overhead.

    This possibility is useable in Estonia, against the enemy, but with the next criteria: the mentioned bunkers must not be located inhomes, because the experiences of the past war show that the enemy will pillage and search every building, and probe theimmediate territory around them.

    o The guerillas hiding places must be outside of settlements, in closed terrain and the immediate territory aroundthem MUST be mined. The mines must have electrical ignition, blastable one at a time, when the enemy stumbleson the bunker, with a dog or not.

    o Guerilla groups will be parachuted in or flown in by helicopters, which is a better way- with battle gear.

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    o Driven through the front lines with a tank wedge, that heads back as soon as they have dropped off theguerillas, bringing along captured enemy soldiers. Stosstrupp.

    o The group "infiltrates" the front lines, at night, in a concealed place.

    Dropping from planes in Estonias conditions is an old trick, it gives away the position, men and the equipment end up separately,gathering and finding the gear, hiding will take up a lot of time, because the landing zone must be cleared.

    Stosstrupp isn't doable, if You haven't got enough tanks.

    o Landing on the shore at night, in this we have historical experience. Erna group 1941.

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