  • 1 EFT Level 2 - - Andrew Lewis


    Emotional Freedom Techniques

    Level 2 EFT Training

    Master trainer Andrew Lewis

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    Increase your knowledge, skills & gain more confidence in using EFT

    Learn how to address more complex issues

    Learn how to obtain more consistent, longer-lasting results

    Learn various approaches to do all of the above and more

    Get some of your own personal releases/healings/transformations/insights

    Have any further EFT questions you may have answered

    Level 1 revision

    What is EFT? (build a bridge)

    What can it be used for?

    How does it work...... for emotions? for pain or physical conditions? for limiting beliefs?

    What is psychological reversal and how do you overcome it?

    How exactly do you apply EFT?

    How do you do the 9 gamut?

    What is one important thing you can do to make EFT more effective?

    What are shifting aspects?

    What is the generalisation effect?

    What do you do if and when someone has an extremely intense emotional response?

    Why should we test our results and how do you do it?

    What are some reasons as to why EFT may not work?

    Why might some people get benefits but not notice it?

    The Apex Problem

    Sometimes EFT's results are so quick and easy that people find another

    explanation for it

    Clients don't give credit to EFT.

    The client may underplay the issue once it has been resolved.

    Important to build bridges to existing beliefs.

    Clearly state the initial problem, the desired outcome and confirm this at

    end of session.

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    Global Vs Specific

    Being specific is generally better than global.

    Remember this: For results that are terrific, it's best to be specific.

    However, often starting globally will lead to specifics.

    Cognitive shifts

    Often happen behind the scenes and your client is not aware of it.

    Often comes in the form of learning/understanding/gaining something

    from the issue.

    Shifting Aspects Like a daisy chain

    Two main approaches 1. Keep following the natural flow or 2. Stick to one event/aspect.

    Often a sign of aspects being cleared, although can result from avoidance of core issue.

    When on a roll, keep rolling. When stuck, look for a core issue.

    Tuning into emotions

    Working with feelings/emotions usually better than thoughts only.

    Work with thoughts until you can bring up an emotion or physical


    Reason why EFT might not have worked:


    Keep going. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

    Keep trying different approaches.

    Attachment to outcome

    When you let go of needing it to change, it probably will.

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    Underlying core issue

    PR Psychological reversal.

    Not willing/able/safe/worthy of healing/changing.

    Benefits to staying the same.

    Play detective to find out what's really going on.

    Energy Toxins

    Very rare but always a possibility.

    If possible avoid it. E.g. elimination diet.

    Level 2 Concepts

    Palace of Possibilities Gary Craigs version of the Law of Attraction

    Your consistent thoughts become your reality. Positive thinking however

    is not enough. How you really feel is what really counts.

    Affirmations work ....but... what is really being affirmed is the emotional

    truth of the statement and the attached feeling.

    Tail enders and yes buts.

    So once the tail enders have been collapsed with EFT affirmations

    become effective.

    Writing on the walls Gary Craigs metaphor for your programming or conditioning

    Peoples beliefs and rules they have for themselves and others are a result of the writing on their walls.

    Positive affirmations and setting inspiring goals can really help in

    bringing up the resistance that people have and their greatest fears and


    You are never upset for the reason you think.

    Burnt arm metaphor.

    EFT gives you an eraser to remove the old writing so you can put new

    positive writing there.

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    Additional tapping points

    Several meridians go through these 3 points and tapping all 3 areas addresses

    13 of the 14 meridians/vessels.

    Wrist points

    Top of the head

    Ankle points

    More Gentle ways of applying EFT

    Chasing the Pain

    Start addressing physical discomfort in a part of the persons body which presents itself at the thought of the trauma.

    Keep working through the different aspects of the pain/discomfort. Work through the different intensities, qualities, locations, feelings. (This is

    most probably addressing subconscious emotional aspects one by one).

    Continue with this until the physical discomfort has completely gone or is very minimal.

    Contemplate imagining the event and notice if any intensity arises just knowing that you are about to mentally replay the event. If so, use EFT

    on this new sensation.

    Imagine the event. Use EFT on any new intensity.

    (optional) Talk about the event in detail stopping to address any new arising emotions with EFT if need be.

    The Tearless Trauma Technique

    Locate a specific traumatic event. DO NOT re-live the event in your mind yet.

    Write down or take a mental note of a key word or phrase which summarises the event without vividly imagining the event.

    DO NOT vividly imagine the event. Instead, guess what the emotional intensity would be if you were to vividly imagine it.

    Perform EFT as follows Even though I have this (key word/phrase)

    Continue with EFT until your guess of how intense you would be is close to a zero.

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    Imagine the event very briefly at first. And use EFT to address any new intensity.

    Replay the whole event mentally. Apply EFT again if required.

    Imagine and replay the event in vivid detail but this time exaggerate the sights, sounds and emotions of the original even and even try to get upset.

    (Optional) Tell the story of the event in great detail. Use EFT for any new


    Other EFT techniques

    The movie technique

    Take the specific memory of the specific event and turn it into a brief movie of preferably less than a minute.

    Give the movie a title.

    Notice the intensity around the emotional peak/crescendo of that movie. Rate this intensity from zero to ten.

    Apply EFT using the movie title in the set up and reminder phrase.

    Run the movie again, notice changes and apply EFT to new aspects or intensities.

    Continue until intensity of replaying movie in vivid detail is at or near zero.

    (Optional) Tell the story of the event in great detail. Use EFT for any new intensity.

    Tell the story

    Identify a specific event with emotional intensity.

    Use EFT to address any emotions about knowing that you are going to tell the story.

    Start to tell the story but stop whenever any emotions arise. Use EFT to address any new intensity.

    Continue with telling the story once again stopping whenever emotions arise and using EFT to bring back down to near zero.

    Continue until you can tell the whole story comfortably with little or no intensity.

    The Personal Peace Procedure (mentioned in level 1. good for


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    Ways to find Core Issues

    Keep on following the feeling down deeper as you clear layer after layer

    until the main emotion arises and is able to be cleared. Pause after each

    round and ask What comes up now? or What is the next piece to be released? Ask them to tune into the feeling between each round.

    Ask, If there was a deeper emotional issue here, what could it be? possibly followed by I know you don't know but if you did know what would it be? if required.

    Ask, If you could live your life over again, what person or event would you just as soon skip or what would you like to change?

    Use the tail enders that occur after saying affirmations.

    Ask, What is your theory as to why you have this problem/cant overcome this?

    Ask Whats really going on (underneath all this)? Ask If there were a downside/disadvantage(s) to overcoming this

    problem, what would it be? Ask How does having this problem/staying stuck serve you? Ask What does this remind you of? Identity beliefs E.g. I am a worthless piece of shit. Ask Where did you

    learn that? or When did you decide that? or When did you start believing that?

    Ask, When was the first/worst time that this happened? Ask, Why dont you deserve to heal/get better/overcome this problem? Ask, What about overcoming this problem does not feel safe? Ask, When was the worst/first time this happened? Ask If you were coaching/treating you, what would you the

    coach/therapist say to you the client in order to help you heal/overcome

    this issue/problem/condition? Positive affirmations and setting inspiring goals can really help in

    bringing up the resistance that people have and their greatest fears and


    Ask, What else was going on in your life around the time or just before the problem/symptoms started?

    Ask, Who or what have you not forgiven/do not intend to forgive? What shoulds do you have? (should, shouldnt, shouldve, shouldnt


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    Say this Maybe I will never get over this. and notice the feelings, resistance.

    The client says something and you simply reply because.. and they add something else and you reply because etc. Often brings stuff up. e.g. I'm angnry with my dad because he was always mean to me because I was a bad kid because I wanted attention because I wasn't loved because I didn't deserve to be because I was born evil because I don't know

    Addressing physical issues

    Many, if not all, physical ailments have emotional contributors and

    sometimes causes.

    Resolve the emotional contributor/cause and the physical ailment often


    Try it on everything BUT there are some things that EFT might not work


    It is not a cure-all. Not to replace medicine or any other therapy or


    Name the symptom using lay terms or technical/medical

    terms/labels/diagnosis. Even though I have this sore lower back Vs Even though I have this herniated L5 disc

    Get very, very specific about the location and very descriptive of quality.

    Put one hand over that part of your body, tune into that part/pain and tap

    with the other hand.

    Imagine colours, shapes, weight, size, pressure, temperature, sounds,

    feelings, tastes, smells and use EFT for these more abstract notions.

    Talk with the part of your body and the symptoms:

    Pain and illness is just feedback from your body telling you that something needs attention. It is your body communicating something.

    What might it be trying to tell you? E.g. Get really small and go down into that part of your body. What does

    it look like? If it could talk to you, what would it say to you?

    Emotions before the fact (cause) or after the fact (effect):

    Cause side: If there were an emotion that may have contributed to this condition, what might it be?

    Effect side: How do you feel (emotions) about having this symptom/condition?

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    If there were an emotion in that part of your body/symptom, what might that be?

    What else was going on in your life (stressful events/situations etc.) around the time, or just before, the symptoms started showing up?

    Testing Results

    Ask client to imagine vividly, talk about in detail.

    Try to trigger them. Using questions. Provoke. (only once intensity is zero)

    Put them in or re-create the environment.

    Future pace Imagine doing the problem behaviour in the future and check that emotional intesity/(SUDs level (Subjective Units of Distress)

    is zero or very low and also that positive VOC level (Validity Of

    Cognition) is 10 or very high

    What to say

    No one size fits all. Make it up as you go. (sort of)

    Follow the feeling.

    General rule: start negative then neutral and finish on positive. (See the belief shifting example below for ideas on how to progress here)

    Negative. Even though I hate myself.... This resentment.

    Neutral: openness, release, possibility. What if I could release this? I am open to change. Maybe I was wrong. I wish it were different, maybe it can be.

    Positive: I am glad I have learnt this lesson. Thank you for this healing.

    Call it what it really is. Call a spade a spade. If its black call it black, not light grey. Its OK to use really negative words, language and feelings. You acknowledge it, allow it to be and release it.

    If you use the clients exact words, you cant go wrong.

    Use the clients words. (thoughts feelings, beliefs, emotions, sensations) and your own intuition

    Try to get whats really going using your own intuition, but no mind reading, being aware of projection. Check with them. Trust your client.

    Reframe but not before validating and acknowledging feelings.

    End on tapping positives but dont go there too soon.

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    Working by Telephone

    Pros and cons (but just as effective).

    Fewer visual cues.

    Need to really listen. (good for taking notes)

    Need to ask for feedback more often.

    Delivering EFT in groups

    Better economically for everyone.

    Borrowing benefits (win, win, win).

    No need to divulge.

    Positive side effects.

    Be aware of emotional state of group and individuals.

    Working with children

    Fewer points, magic buttons or feel good spots

    Arms spread wide or hands close (not zero to ten rating)

    Use words like I feel bad but Mummy still loves me, Even though ______, Im still a good kid.

    Tapping a stuffed doll or teddy bear with dots drawn on it.

    Tap for your response.

    Use surrogate EFT.

    Alternatives to tapping

    Imagining the tapping.

    Touch and breathe.


    Choose your own positively-worded choices. Make them what you want

    instead of the problem.

    I choose _____, I choose to feel ____, I choose to be _____ Even though (undesired state), I choose (desired state).

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    Working with shifting beliefs

    Start with where you really and honestly feel emotionally. Even if very


    Im a failure

    I feel like I have failed

    I always fail at everything

    I am not successful

    I wasnt successful in the past

    I have never been successful

    I will never be successful

    I might not ever be successful

    I dont feel successful

    I didnt feel successful in the past

    I have never felt successful

    I will never feel successful

    I might never feel successful

    Then you go to the intermediate, neutral step, or the turning around stage.

    I wish things were different

    What if I was wrong?

    I wonder if I can change this belief?

    Perhaps I could let go of this old belief

    Maybe I am wrong

    Ive been wrong before (give example)

    Who says I cant be successful? (name person/reason)

    Why cant I be successful? (give reason)

    Maybe I could be successful

    I wonder what it would be like to feel successful

    I am open to thinking in new ways

    What if being successful was easy?

    What if I could be surprised at how easy it could be to become successful?

    Some people are successful

    I have done something successfully in the past (give example)

    I have had success in my life before

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    I wish I was successful

    And once open to the new belief install the new, positive belief.

    Anything is possible

    I would like to be successful

    I remember feeling successful

    I think I will become successful

    I intend to be successful

    I choose to be successful

    I am so glad I changed my mind

    I am so happy I am able to choose to be successful

    Maybe I have always been successful but never saw it

    I know I can be successful

    I love being successful

    Thank you universe for showing me my success

    I love this great feeling

    I love feeling this successful

    I am successful now

    I always have been and always will be successful

    I am a success


    Projection, transference, practitioner maintenance.

    Clear your own issues in order to help your clients clear theirs.

    Ongoing learning and mentoring.


    Certification, case studies

    Code of Ethics

    Mentoring, supervision and ongoing professional development

    The level 3 workshop is better than 1 and 2 put together. It is well worth it and

    so are you. :-)

    To download the EFT manual, free EFT video course, or for EFT training

    course and workshops visit:

    For EFT coaching, mentoring, training, contact [email protected]

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