
1. An Adjective Clause: Is a dependent clause Modifies a noun in the main clause of a sentence Occurs after the main clause , or it can occur inside the main clause Often begin with relative pronouns WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, WHEN , WHERE, THAT 2. Use WHO, WHICH, or THAT as the subjects of verbs in adjective clauses Who & That refers to people 1.The Smiths are the people who bought the house next door to me. 2. Rupert is the man that married my Aunt Sue. Which & That refers to things 1. Game of Thrones is the TV show which is my favorite. 2. Kentucky is the basketball team that is the best. **In both cases, THAT is considered less formal than WHO & WHICH ** 3. Use WHO, WHOM, or THAT as objects of verbs in adjective clauses when referring to PEOPLE. Whom is formal 1.Mr. Obama, whom I mentioned yesterday is the President of the United States. Who & That are less formal and are used in conversation and informal writing. That is the least formal. 1. Mr. Obama was the person who I mentioned. 2. Mr. Obama was the person that I mentioned. Use WHICH and THAT as the objects of verbs in adjective clauses when referring to THINGS. Which is more formal 1. The test which I took in AP Stats was difficult. 2. The test that I took in AP Stats was difficult. 4. Use WHOSE to introduce an adjective clause indicates POSSESSION. Use WHOSE to replace HIS / HER / ITS / THEIR + the noun. WHOSE can modify PEOPLE OR THINGS 1.) Ken is the man. We met his wife. = Ken is the man whose wife we met 2.) Its a theory. Its origins go back many years.= Its a theory whose origins go back many years. You can NOT omit WHOSE from the sentence. CORRECT Harvey, whose house we are renting, is a lawyer. INCORRECT Harvey, house were renting, is a lawyer. 5. Use WHERE to introduce an adjective clause that modifies A NOUN OF PLACE. WHERE replaces the word THERE. Use an adjective clause with WHERE only if you can restate the location with the word there. 1.) This is the restaurant. We ate there. = This is the restaurant where we ate. 2.) Youngstown is the town. I was born there. = Youngstown is the town where I was born. WRONG Florence, Italy is a city . It has beautiful scenery there. = Florence, Italy is a city where has beautiful scenery. RIGHT Florence, Italy is a city that has beautiful scenery. 6. You can use WHEN or THAT to begin an adjective clause that modifies A NOUN OF TIME. 1.) I cant think of a time when / that I wasnt happy. You can omit WHEN or THAT is this type of a adjective clause. By doing so, the sentence is now informal. 1.) I cant think of a time I wasnt happy.

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