Page 1: lhe t:)l{a ·… · 'lhe t:)l{a ·ndealer A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEJl DEVOTED TO THE LNTBR.ESTS OF OUit COUNTQ.Y AND


Volume '-"• No, o.

ST .JOic~'S, NEW'FOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 8, 1019. Prt« Ono Ccns.

Ocean freight Rates Are Cut to One-Third / 6y the 6rilish and ltmericau liovernments

.'\ hU•• <ll!:r:rtnl•·h fl'vut ~"w \~i>rlr I tb.:- rrtllllJ 'r the \mo;Jue. tu nof"UlljJ llll)'ll: : 'l'tr•• nrul. ... h )lho!Jstn • f •'u.ll<ll!l.:>u:<. The "toiL:! .. r <IJWil'l\lug ShhtJ•lnsr. ut lU;j llr<>~Plw:ty, >.l('jJlthbh)~ wen.· ~"•·r~- W;rb nr rlw

"'\I Ure f•llrer l.llly I hut t/'t'h;iu rAt""' prest'nt rlmf", IJ 61\>1. l!llW, 1 ut il "It$

00 \'cr.HeJ>t f'l-1'<• !J'"ril t;oll!'fUUlf'IU n>· ltullL• 1"-""l'lilil'. wfth tlte l'etiU'=thm \u t:UltdUo•n b.<rtl b( .. •IJ rt'<IUI••'<l96 :.!-:.ll"of fn;lgjot ra~. tbnr Lttera "'ottl+.l illl C€'nt. to.D ~hlvrntutt' rmw tllO' l'nltel,l t>t> u •'lll.tll IllllrJ,<iu ott \ll'lll\t. S!tH-t'll to llrl!llt 1kUJriu. l'hlM U)•Piiefl. Amuican Rates Cut. to Ill! I'S'JlUrt (.'()llltundltlr ... wlt.b lhe Tu Ult>t't lh"' <'Ill \u ll'ftll<ll:!Uaullv ~:Il'IIJ•U"n ~ot f'Otlo!O, wblcoll USually ls Creil!hl r!Uet< !W'I.!I(' hy lhl" Rritlsh clll~-.Uletl Ullder 1\ I<Jti'Cinl ruling. lfinll<lry M !-lh.lflplnr;, til•· l'!h.ipph~g Thl11 tulllll;' al"o lll,l]>ll.e>o ll• flrlt.L~h Honrll n1 Wu~hlngto'll, (ll! Jail. 21lh, ttbh•!i Wllt>lb b.a\'1' trv111 ::(1 to :In l>t'r lUI!HXUwc'<l a re«u...•Uou <•C About •·eut_ or th(llr t•tr~o l'lJIU<:t- axallulJI!'. UO :!"-:} )l(lr ()i'nt. In CIHU'!."t'l:l Lletwvcu lhC '"-~' lwlnw utukr tlmNoutrol nf tb•· .\llll!Uic• 1\ntl UnlC j)(jrb! In !Ill' Cull{'<\ :Uinhotry ot "'Wrl)'ltt.<:. Kl.ugdo•m. F'rttlli'E', ltulJ·, lll.'lt;lnm. tlllll

l:lbJJ)pjug tthm lllll<lthiH rbls. 1.0<'1\Ut I he N1·tbcrlnud1<.

that the 'n\ll'l! ot $:!.flU jl<'r JQj) To Mn'r"SeO\e;;, <'t'\l{>, flClltiQ, llud 1lOUOilil n't'l!fbt. tn E'uroJ·•· h11~1 bN.11 ~lljllt .... lh~ Ul!W nue i;o &L$0 li!'r 100 tl!dUl't!d El• til, find by lllCU~Urt>nH"Dt JlllU!Ijhl, <Jr Gl) ccut;. fl uuhlc r~•ot, the rnle of ;tlt.1G l••r f~X~t "'OOid lltl>\- :l!ffiln;or.JllE' olt.l1'11lt'! ~t $06 u lo;>n,

~~~;·:~~; 111 T~.~r ~~~~i~•~:~,;~~~~ tl;~ ~~~:~"~::~· .~:,~ ~;:,~;·~n':,· ~~•ril~~ ShiiiOWllel'S, ba"ttl!.>il' II w .. ultl ''llll~t- 1i l"'l' lfiV i>OUIH.I~. Or GS C:~lt'< llll~ eui!T<' i.lf!ft'!lOJIIIlcnt ln Jtw t'<>mw1>n...,. trom I f<>ot, ll~mlu~f th~ ol!l c: b.:Jrgo:> ur t;.,fi Atol!rl<'nn Jl(!rt;< M1d tend to ltnljten n tnu ..

-----five Carnegie l'ledals for Newfoundlimders ;

All the Recipients are 6onavista 6ay l'len

At the IJJuuat roeeting (If tbP nl\r· • \\•ay !rom drowninv. at BI•Dlll'lst.u. llegle Ueoo Jo•urut c;c,m.tniJn<Jnn, bC'l!lu: ~fld. • .A.priJ 4 1017 ..

PfttflbU11!:, I'll,., ;J.anuars :!<!rd. 1hlrrJ' · Dllnll'[ Bgth•r, Uom1rlstn. Xfl<.l •• one ll.e!Jl ot h"rolsm ·were ttl-eOgnlr.M, beltn:d to strvl.' Phi1111 anU ftt'rbt:t·t t"·entr·tour Bmue n.nd "'''rt·n Slln~T \l'n.r fl"()ln •lro..-run,: at RtiUUiJ<t11 .. Yer.Jahl bdn~ a~'iml<'ll. F\vp Cof lbf> \:ltd., A1orll 4, rOOiplcnts Wl'.rf' J:l."rwtvun<llnudenr., nil boiUI.t' J. "Uu!l<•t·. Htmtn·l~tu. NHol .. llouavW. Uay meD, thf' nn.m~ 6! lll'ip~J to Slll'f" Pbllh• uno! UulK·TI ll·bom ""-" here sub.1Mned Wny trvm drowning Ut llHfliiT"Istu ,

Sll"er Medal. XO~L .• \11rJJ 4. lflli.

Hez!'ijlll!, Alillotr, Uvntl'ril'-1~•. XUd.. belyed to l<lil'e l'ldll~l Rllfi Raltert Way, n~h~oE'tl. trow iln•wrJlut;" 111 U®-a.villta. ~IM .. ~-\ilrll --1 • .IIJlT.

!Jirlli Abi•(IU.. Uon ..... !\ri<J., belpNl t.o ..are Pbll1t• lint! lt\.ll!eM

Way, JlliliertiJ('II, li"((W tlri•ll ulng ''" 1\n let' llehl tn Ute .\.Uu . .ull" l"lQ.>ftll. llt

U l'lllll'fl:ltn, Nn~ .. Ailrll "'· 11117. H. JtUUt'!l Abbott, UtmlllL~tu. Nll\1.,

ht.-lpt'\1 to 1!:1\"P l'lililp :turl Bub~rt

'rhl' dt'P!) for wbk·h IIIWII• Jh~• hl'J:'(Ih W\'10 tll('lr Ult'I!Ah 1\"JIS )rt'l'f'11

Ill tilt'! tlUH' lu Lhf;j jlll!)f'r, nUl~ 11'11>1 lllat tlm.l!• mt•u. ~II«. wher< lu •tut~l

:!. ".:!.~,~ I;~~· R~lri:ft o~ JlH'• !~·,. \1'()01..-d •f the live tn<'~l mL•nttoned W"eui h> ll1.e n"'<!UP, t\'llh t!;IP ti'Sull

U1nltwo ut tlte'l"• WCN' o<aVL'<l !'ro'l!wfoondlantl b< 1•ruuoJ of all lis 5.Jd.t· ermen llenll!olf, tPilrtJt"lllllrly UIC Jh•(' wllo<u Ull' C1~rueg!c ('(IJllmt:J~I()Il buti rbougbr rH U> !'>.'<'<IJ:-O.l:!P and rt'Wlll'iL


~ ... The ...


Winsor Rigging Works ! · ____ , ___ _


---.--- ~ We io.,ltC! you lO ~t our prlnos. on all -.·ork in our line, Only com• ~

i ~~~~"n,;=':e:·sh:J:. f~ ~g ioan•'!oc~e.lx!~sre::~ ~ able pfices to c ... tomta. See or write us whtfl JOIJ ncc.'d 11ny woril: ~ or JOOCfs in l.hi•line. All ord<!rs promptly attended to. n


OUR. TEN COMMANDMENTS. l. Quule octwal UIUrket pril!E'll. :!. Bonellt..aut1 f.Jbet·ol Gradi.n~. 3. WIJbt'!i!L <oblahutble nluew. 4. Gl"eablpyer the betlf'lll. 11 d.:~ubt·

tuJ ln auortmwt. s-. Cbeek mailed promptly Utx>D re­

~•.!Jit ot shlPll\l'lll. tt -'JJ ellp!'HII c.hara:es tluld.

1. FurM helll ,..-!)ilnlk for lljJPro\'UI If r~'QU!nllt

'1, GOO<I.i! teturned, t<I'!'JWU, lr vnlu· a.tlon l!i not SlUsfnt"tory.

11. No ••omm.l.!ullDIL t.b.IU1;1'1< 10. }'iv(!, per <:ent. adilltklnal s.Uowed

on !>hlpml'nl!! JUUounth110 to $30

Send for our latest prir;e ll!Jt .. SJ:t.''

SATISfACTION WHAT .ARE YOU <JOIN(j TO DO? Would vou go fishing in o leoky boot? NO I you cntainly would

not. Then, why would you instoll an engine. thot cannot give complete :SATISfACTION?



STRON<i, SIMPLE EN<iiNE fOR A fiSHIN<i BOAT . The ONLY 100 per cent. engine !hot is sold in NEWFOUNDLAND. The ONLY engine !hut is capoble of giving complete and SATIS-

FACTORY SERVICE in a fishing (loot. The ONLY engine built in the DOI-IINION, the plnce thot it should be to give SATISFACTION TO THE NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERMEN. Write TO-DAY for the " CHAMPION" catalog, which describes this

engine. Ask for terms if you need them.

~~~MPWN M~~m~f ~~~ MOifl~ WO~~ I


.. ~~~Mrm~ .. mt [~m~[~. ~m~l~. ~ ~fmt ~[~~~~ ~mm~ fACTORY AND OffiCfS ST. JOHN'S, NfWFOUNDLAND

mmmm~~m~~~~~~~~~J·&··,~~~~~~~ (I !S..~~---~~-~~~~ .... 'C..~-4'1!.~~)1!: i. i~:· .PHONE .ATTENTION! BOX.... :1








VESSELS D~s;EHEA~~~~::G~ .. Ui~ WHARF ~

~ mf ~~~~m~~ m~~ ~ Mml ~~- ~ ~ 17 WATER STREET WEST. ST. JOHN'S .. '1. F. ~ ~~·-->a;,llil'~Xl;l:- ~~ .. ~~~~~~~

Advertise in The Plaindealer


¥,The Way ; ~To Success .:

W. You'll l'lake Your ~ ~ I !1, Shop the Centre of ~ lj Style and fconomy ~ ~in Your Place if You ~ ~ Will Have Your Dry ~ ~ 6oods and Clothes at ili ~ I

~ Saxon & Co. ~ g ~ ~ 2S2 Woler Street, St. ·~ :r, John's, Nfld. · ~ Postoffice !lox I 046. ~ ~~~~-;-~~~..:~

Too l'lany Honors 7 Not in Keeplntr; With Hrill•h Tradt­

tion1 Sa) I Minis~r.

r .. mu.lvn, -hu. .!.-1(,.,, 1111gli Chaputan, at UIE' CIU!J,.•I l.t))'Al. "1111!. Lb .. U tilt' rt'I.'!"U! "<'ll!f.,rln~ :abi"OUII >! J.vur•r>< ~'' llll"i><.bl,!', •u•l l<i ,;}f "lu­~11\ll~'t._ mu"t w,r,drl~·. wu" m.r '" t~l>illl{ wllh the t"ffi'U<!l' dm"'ct.-r .,( !.lito BritL<b IWOPl!". h 11·a..~. litt IICL!<I nlru('lo"l groi{!OI(JUP- who•u UH.·tllll~ untl rlbboru! """"" Ull<tril•ut•_ .. l ttfll."l) uUh no retrrenl.._.. to.> rhok n.f !.Ieath tor dun~rer 01' 1:\'t,;tl ,f l>l'f"lQUIII 1111'011• \'om len~.

War Cost forty Billions lndirect Cmits Add Tefl Billicma .!\'lore

To Tbb Total.

l.cfudon. lo'cb. -1--Th(' 1lltk,'t ,.,,.., {•( rile wnr h; ~t~l ur tony bll· ll~•n POUIHI~ ~terlliJg, >lilY" .11 !l)t~lnl urtldc !u tlll' IJnlly •r,•h.'I'UJ•il UHlaY. Tb(' lltdh()T l'l<timllfo>~ th'-' !Jitlire!•t t'O.~L of dimlJJ!iohetl ll'IUie nntl Dnl!ll· t•lll.l l~lurbaucc.'< Ill IItty bllllou voun~Ll "tl.'rllnJr.


The Strike Situation London, Peb. 5--Tbere "a• n

illlprovellteut tn·day in the strike situation .. and io Loudon ~I thto tubes aud nnikrgrouud lines, wilb !be cxl':eption of I he ~fetropolitan.

wbicb. h.>.'*V!M'· luM only one line rouuius:: iuto the i::it}', wen!- S'.ill tied Ufl. Tile bot~ls IUld re-stau· rants, while ahk to replace a few of lheir ~n·a1Jts, still \tete offering only Iuentre imitations of their regular mo;!UU To-day will de· cide wbelher the staffs of the eltt· lrical power ::;tatious will join the strikers. Uo.n: meu fl'tumed to work to·da:r in Glasgow, while the presence of Lord Pirrie, coulrol1er of mercb:mt shipbuJlding iu Bel· fa."'t, gi\'~ sowe ho~ or a settle­there

haly',; national debt is now more. thau SJ~.SOO,OOt,()OO.DO .. whtoreas when she entered the war it was about $2, 7.50,000,000.00, says Lui· gi Lunatti, fanner premier.

& Co'y Quick Sellers in Populor Priced

Clothing and Dry (ioods !:very Merchant will find if Extremely Pro­fllllble to Coli or Order our line or Suits, Coots, Ponls nnd General Dry Goods. fnshionoblc hbrics at Extremely /'lodernte


Saxon &-Co'y 252 Water Street

Saint John's, Newfoundland P. 0. Box 1046.

Women and Children First ~n the Empire's call to !Inns Ut~ order of selection

First-Single men. Second-Ma rritd men withouf children. Third-Married men with children.

The Government recognizes that war is more tragit and its effects more s.erif)us when lhe killed are m:t.rried men with families. You may not be going to the front, but if death should caJI you to--n10rrow-and JOII must arln_:Jit the possibility-what wouhl h..l.[•pe.n to your wtfe ancl your little ones ? W~'ll tell you a.boot ~ lmperiaJ Life ~ol~y th~t will protect them agam-;t such a calannt:y 1i you II till out and return Lhe c.oupon hdow

Name Age .... , •..

Addreu .


~\\arricd ..• Single .


James A. .. MacKeiiZit, Mgr. for Nttffoundland, Sl. JoU'a ..

P. 0. 6ox 2J6 Slattery's Wholesale Dry Goods House!


Page 2: lhe t:)l{a ·… · 'lhe t:)l{a ·ndealer A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEJl DEVOTED TO THE LNTBR.ESTS OF OUit COUNTQ.Y AND


tbr. tn•lwot,.. wbll'b b(of,.r•• tht' "·•r t\"lliJ lu H•'r'JII.4D blln<l". 'J .. ke tiUf

I :::m;:l•'zt:,.~"'·r;::~~·~~n~~ :~

Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria

In Use

For Over Th irty Years



laterview Willi Lord l'lorris---<iovernment Control of Trade---Newfoundland Developments--­

Official Representation in London

nar laF'(I.'t" lron·,..,. c:vmJ•&nlt-t~ Hnl IWI!.rl,. half a mlllk>u t•>U• t•f lrou uf't' to Ut•rtnaUY 1•1 t.. au~nafn<1l1red thl'n" an•l lftlt l,.,.k tt.Otbe nrttfab t:nmtre ~uthlnK whatt11'r to J" ,,H the !lUlnnt.rttu·t!' liM'\' In l:UK ~o<l. 11tun •leri l-• reqnll'td, and t

whM"P fur JNI'll "'"hAT t>eol'll lm jot>f'lflllf til""! frt>D 1/t'TDUU$" for !hi'

IOQU•ltrut l>f our .t.t,._ Tb!' MU.e Ia lru!· of UGI" lc ... to

il!ih<"'"'PI'. w .. ~r~ot • 111~· ponkm t our lob H-t'lll In 11 n!UDII!'Il atn1•• t•

t,f'I"!,r ""hlrb JUli::bt .a I u uJ,I IOI'e'IILQd 1101<1 w\lhlD I

t.;wpt,.............( Cl!na•ln, f"r ll>lltalw~

1\bf'r,. tbf'ft' 1,. a u~~orkt't wUhtu :-til bwn~·~.-~ ...

Allol 110 I mll'liii:')OU Jthlug J'U'fltlniUI hf huw lhP t•r••lu•U vt ll•t> l::tut•lr•• ran h<' laf'~ll' lot•rft.Mil \17 tb& utlllzatlnn ot thf' tllW' ruato...­!nl wilhln lh• t:ntt>lr.-. 00\ rmm rn t Conlrtl l of Tl"lldr and

Shlpplnc. .'o.J.k .. dfoor bl11 vlfow <>ftr.htolm

J Klan! IJUl'$t1<>tl of f;{IVt'rDIHf'DI <vii lrnl UC IMI<l .. M1tl llillj<J'illll'. 1.<>"1 )f,>rrlai .. ltJ "I<Uff'rloWI'IIt CW!Irol 1 volvl'<l a t•riD<"I;J•IP whlt"t1 11·U1 n quire .. .,..,.. par(' Lhou,;:-ht autl coa,.J, t•nllltnl Iuton.- u,. llnal a<IO!'Iiuu. Tht-r" 111 no tloubt llat llw v.-r:r ,,.. I I'I'IIU!UI 4JU."hl t<l be ac-hli'Vf'tl, IIDd Ill r:~tl'fll pfth•ltui'T llltalurd. by h.ull , hlual ..t!ort. t'ompeUUon, whtcl.l

IJ•rodn~ •h.N(Hn'l!>l aull nt•l<ll£7 lD handling 1•! J•ruda•·r,., t<r dc>Bini\>U> wb .. ~ t't>IDhluat1nft I<> t•ro•\'1'111 m• "i"'ll.r la all~mt. TOtl uftrll (I'I'St

ptlbll<" UIIUtlll!lll, IUw n.IIIUJII lltH

•tculllllhlt-, an.- nul utlllzo-d '" t lr tb.. n

:~:b::~tl~·:.~tl~~- ~::~~~~··Yl~l''' b•:u j J'l' .; llllllw t..... Dll:ll!- f'3"ptl1nH.'f' !11 {lib"' <'DUI& f trlfllll, &lth"nt:Ja It ought n••l '"hoe t 'oiflnltlno of'llti"D <'u.l!'ht I•) fii'(><IU,.<' th.- .- 17 bft.t rt'!ruil~ Cur th~ )"IObll

A ~rrrat dt'&l L Nhl ab-out the i•rodu.-tltlu nf foo.~l ,.-ltWn the Elll Jln!. Y.-ry w.u<"h J:ug..r tpm

>Q.iol tK- ubi4!JII:'d lC ln'al .. r aull rbt"II.Jif'T f1t;·Uitl• for dl•h1hall

THE EAT C: 1-1 I C:: ~ c= C» FUR HOUSE where you will always receive a FAIR A. D LIBERAL A:s;ORTMENT

Highest Market Prices RETURNS-" QUICKER"

"Shubert" Unexcelled SelVice ~'r!~~~·1t:;~g~!~'h'!,d,!~rnsi\'c Furshlf'Jl• rs all O\'er N wfou!Jdland. If you high prices Newfoundland F you are not . ngthelull be, .. ,~ c>f theextn>mely don't delay-ship all the ~~-o~h!':::u:n h!~ ·:n~hk!~~h"ini 1:i~=~1QJ~Ck-" Sbuben" Retu rns are S atiSfactory Returra-Wrtte lor~ ,Zijl &Jr®rrl &t,if'F"' -It.'a F REE.

A. B .. SHUB ERT , INC. The Large•t Hotue tn tlte World Dealing E:;rcltUiHly in American Raw Fun

Dept. 263-25-27 W . Austin Ave., • • Chicago , u. s. A.


The G-E Radiant Grill is extremely USC'ful Md ('om·enient. It is designed to accomplish ull cooking operations., except roostmg 1\0d bnkin~: A breakfast of bncon, eg~. toost nnd N•f1l•e fo r t. wo may. be fi~~v~~ twenty ~inutes on this efficient



f'bab~·l1f'll Uaor.l of tin•lbu<l w u

\"l¥ltll'l.1 =--~ .. -f.,.uut.Uan•1 t n-Pt•rt >U

"ur ft><ta·rit, •tat. .. ! that !be btrrlng lli:lbM"Y ot :<."t-11 fi.,IUdill!ld IWI~' Itt ..

o:-um~ II~ lDli•"I'UIIH a II C'<Ml ll~l• J'f

\:ou will - what thai 1ltt1UUI ll'hf'!o 1 t..U ye>u that ~our hl'ffina ft,.lt~ry '" tlay ill nuly t>r«'k.~'llt•><l hy a .-um1••n1 llvt"l)' f•·"- lu~b.""' rl!olunueD, tht> \"-.lUll! cot lhl" ..-lo<>l'" <nJipal llf'WC I \lOut !'n>.IUM>. Wht"rt"AII lbt• nahu• o ( lhf' ~~~ IJ~hrry !11 o\"<"l'r £ l,ll<Hf,IIH\1

Th , 111pln. w• ha 111 I•IIL>IIl.

~T~~n ,_ .. , aruoltll d<llf n~b wolf tl It rloKf uri' ""'l•n-·ofl•llltall."

E:o.pc:l'l Opinion on n rat Froun Carro.

1."1'11 \lorria hii!Adt'd In'' II ii'Hol"l>t" Wid 1'\'C'II"h"f'<l 11. f~>w d:\f• rift...., rrom l'llr Tloo11111~ Jltoblusrll. a l..,.o.!lnll' I b r:'lf'rl'hllnt nml1111wl uWnt•r. ut llrhn.

by. ht wltleb IH'I:'IIItl llnlf he-,,.,,''' !J<< ted tht> fl~h anol fnund ':be t"UQdl

liolt txreU..nt, I ll tilL< ll'tlt·r lw furliH"r ~murlu~t·

Tlllll n .,, 41Th-o"'l lu '"" lt'tlhl~hiJ> llll$at~t• th•· lliiiODUt bt'fw.-.u I IGtl

IHI I o!MII"ll I'(N!llbJWIDI!I'Ilf t"'~l bad<I••·Jr. 'l'l"l">!t U"tl. '\'o•wfol<uotllMHI larbot. l~>·rrloa::,. allol l'lll•lht. II ha I I.P-...-n••rt<'lln-rulb'dflltl"'ltbl run­tbc- fr'!'eahur TIHI Elt-" raid .. 1'111« at :oil Jtthn'a hi,. a mutlt·rt•lllll" c-lllc-le~~t J•lant. Tbro r4fr1a::•natl<o

I :~~~~~ Ul~b~~~~; ~ :;;~~ .c:.. "QUjo) ltdl ~IHIJIM bo·lh'l" lh#lt lhC' >~mall r fi~il lin· flff''t\f(Jtl.Q a J turbot bt D(.>( nt all ltko• IIUT 11ubu1

hat wuutd l'OUH· h1 17 u ... rut fur tllft•tlnc-. 4)m ' " ttl•'l"l'lu

Uol Wf' ha•e- n•ot J.-d tOO f'tlligriDIII ln"'f''l<"f•-dlandtutbe-la8t llllree"'

"'Thl"" •t ruunoC' ..... lanre-ty d~e tu the t Ad lin~! t!J,. lnteri<H" of tbo C"o>QUIJ']' voaa nut. a• II b Dtl\0', opomed u1• h7 mmua of main Uue and hriOt'b natl'fi'JI111. Th<- bf t l•f our • rrtcul· tuntlhmrlw"'I'N.' t"'trPA•lt.aH Iller 11..- art'. ft~r"'•UII"IIlf'Dt. \\'C'"Dfi'H"•

ed alao from lh" aUra<"IIOM <.t out t..-,, ~~ nel~bll(>rll, ltle- l'n lted !'tate~t u.U t•auaoln. \'ou w l11 ha"fr , otk-t_oo-1 b· w tile- popuJ.tlnn t•f (.'aa• 11 bo .Jnrbur U..- Ia I 100 ,.,.rt baa

.,___ "' 11 -•I>.Jl.nUI, w~e that •·f u ... ut>l~hUorhur rt'l•nloli<- tta.. jnUIJ<e-<1 fn•<n 10 mutlunot tu 100 mn. lloua l•ut f'•uada'• Cftltl&l'1 lla• n""' •'Qm•. and It 1A not at a11 un· Ukt•l.r that at tb .. dt><~l' or tbb l't"D·

tur1 {'alll!• wW ha'"'' a P<>t •Ulation .. r auythlnc bct'l'l"ft'll :;u u d ~00 nllllluns.

l\rwf0tlndlan4 Rl"pruent.diM in lolldo ..

lu ('oll<luolllllt lht• IUI <" rvlno·, Lonl ,\l.,n-iot •1<1 "'\'1·..-touutllllud , I nw glalt·••J'· L .. UO\II" v• t l:lt- 11Jolt l1g lb¢ • r •·nllil.alllot~t a nd ln"""'un. l>arlnt:r lilt• Ia I 1:! mnotb~. aJJ y uu t;.'"'"• I l111n• I.Ja•J tuany USJI'lii'IUnl tl ,.. uf RIJJklall' kti<"D tu lhf" 0 11\ .. b p ub II• tb<'l'n(IUI't1: ancl.,~WU I.- of lht' oourur , •nd !he :'\'ewt oWldtand (;,.,·~·.rnmtut U-11 11!111 n'<'f'IIU7 l>f'<'D

I ht' 1risdttm r RI'P<llPUn• a ptrma • Dt I rumlll r la r.-Joo. l:! lr

FA,.,.,. n, 1\ t lttJ!l', ""h•• r .. "''"~' ntfil :\' • wfm!U<iJan•l "II the I 'Oblhti•IIIM lt•ral l'tollllll ,. anrfa b:it'lbbnc•f I!J linn • r Ucn•rlnc nro~.t.. ,,.,. a• ~·~-too II uttl•·•· n u d llt n""' hi thil•


f~ u!litJaaa.wh .,_b '"' u t11u .- ... u 1t• r tn thlf"'AJow

u t ll r alu bP,-• ..u tht -.

.J \ a P.ttln~ wntd, lf't lli.-J' thut J c-annuc ~~-k Inti b llfbiJ uf tbe

1 IUJJII I I~t~!l · t< •Jotlou 1 iut "f l' ,._ ,,.,fat 1 · C•f th" U r111!<1,

r..,__, llorh Lit Lo1l4ott and l bt• pro­

"" ·~'K. an•! llflr1kulor!y rtour l"> oii"D 1o0prr. Tit•· F1IIIltrln Wblt'h lia~

ti4Jw " w.U<:, lo ad'ran•·t' t b .. '-t Lilt·~· ls<·f lb· J:w.ptr.•

Tllt' ouuut· " trn.- c>f our • lll'lll·r l n trrntlnt o~~F'kat Banq~t. t>Ur ull, uur ~h:tl•• J•rodudug uil, t~tr .. \It IUI<'to t1nl!l' U\'f'n<('a>o lma<JQo,i a~<l>OJt•..., ·~•r "'1. ler.•l IIAlln! t't l•••kJtlll~lll "'"''"""l't'DI•r11t<tri-Winffi!Lo-. W1· ''"' •• 1•.-da,y "''" .. r Tn""'la,l' lett-! WIIM.i llu· M"Dinr Wft•·f'rll tlw lint I 1"'1' r ~IIJ" lu tl~t· ""rl•l ur Ito•· h'-'1111 Ki"""'JIIIutbt•r bran.-h ut J•rt"Jo.htdo~r tb" w•Ht·rlah• 1111"11 whll h lh<· Tlmbf-T routn:tl. with l:i1r Jamf'11! many "' tht· l.o.aoJ• n ,,.,...,.. an> llall In thf" 1:'-balr, .. -,...'-' IIcea c-r t h•

rinTt .. L .\ fo·W' mlln "'"•-•· i nu t'allaolbtn uod C\"ewtounlllaad ~r-•IIIIH' t.r,IC• flliiJ•mlll ""'llr<J I>,Y11 l"'trY l'orJ18, wlhl htt<·f·~n ta thh\1 t .. •n•Jmt firm. lmt lhC"-I'l' nrv :!It Jullp 1'9UntJ1" f,r .,ffll,. )"MII'l'l, and 1ft and PAl>f'l' proa-ltlntil! tn :o.;, ... f•111r: 1 1-""rau('t·. In • luu~ of the- opP.nnton"

::~::tal'~~~=~~~:m',~'~, .• ,:·.~7~17 :;:~-~:··~~=~;•"'·tll"t' ruontoenl~ <'UU1n.J

\~~~~~r:!~.-~.~ ;~~;.":,~~ .. d \lr W111!o-r l.ou~ tit'<'n>t&l')' fit

lll<'IDI'IIt, It-t ot<· C.Sf.!laln, Qlol ~~at~ ~~:;~,'b,','n::~.";';lnl~'::of:U=: l.c•rd llorrl~. "111"1 tb,. 114'"· a.-ttl, ft>un•lla 1 ('

~~~·]EI~:~~}~!;~~~ ;~::~~::i~~~~~~ rvun41a•oi tb .. )· •n.•lllol l'hC"- t'Jnplo,-.lll:"ot.•l telto~·•hlt• aao<l .JtlOd t~lln m•·nt aud a Jrood Jh·tc..,: h• Utt•U>111WI ''"• t•v·bauJr('<l. U!t> ltn'tl.t detoln:> be~ uf .,,.,lllt'na. l t• "'Ill" l'""'l'UI no ur- lu• to n"Dfh·l' mnno N'flDilllt'DI tbe

pniJ:t-d C"lfurt b11 IJC< 11 w~ t•• ht ""'"' rrlaUoth•hlp l•rndu<"ed bT the

1~~·£:~t:~:~··:::.:·.:;; .. ~ .;~.. ~::::~:·:::::::~;2-E',E,: 81l~illf' UC'\IItJDWITbtnttlf" ~- ll!l

Page 3: lhe t:)l{a ·… · 'lhe t:)l{a ·ndealer A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEJl DEVOTED TO THE LNTBR.ESTS OF OUit COUNTQ.Y AND


Indigestion Resulted From Bad Case of Inactive Liver

Experience Proved That Dr. Chase' a Kidney.Liver 1-nla Were Exactly What Wu Needed.

lt • ..-.,.,. Alruar rn•m .ruu..-tton u.~ ~ 1 1:01 to -~a Or.'• ....,.,. llllUdJi' Ialii- u did th• writer Kfdney-Ltr~ Plllll 1m<!' wu .o tm­of th.IA Totu.r the &rMt m&JoTII.)' proved t.ha.l- I be~ to •t11d7 lhfl mal-

::;klbe~~11ai:!,C~!bt~~u.n11:: ~~~ ,',..~:~ ~I:J ~~":' aO:.'d :::.,. !~4~:~:~ ~1,, Unr, and u -~~ u t 1:<.>1 tho~- u.-er

ltllllbell&llf!aaJII.'erotoflndln.:• worklrll! f'ic"bt, 1 didn't M•a JlnY • .,,.., t<>f" n,.,,.. W ftl.tnC' ko r st.omaeh troobla or lndJI,.IJtlon. tha ca...'JI Klt!ney Lht~tr l'llla '" wa..ken n..-..ou.. spell• ••nt.bod •nd the Ur.a a cu.ion of Ilia LIYer, ll.hSn"v- and 'blo..,. !low away I lUll 1111.\'f'r Uc,ok lleWala. With thue or•m~ to.r· now, b~lt ~bOUid th• c;~ld b"o<~bl~ ,... totrnlnc their nuunl fun.-tt.,na the IVm. I know how tO eora h qutrkly .,.,."""' lll thorou.hly ~~,....~·1 M &ll There lll a •rrol• boat <>t darance­'fOUoao~a w-.t• maUfr •nd U•• pro- menl!l whlclt .n.ppf'•r whf11 th• 1\"er - of dlp.UOn. IJ no lon~~~:er lm- .. ~et nMC. Bftlouomrem. lndlirutlon. __.._, hea.da.J:h..-, !Trlta.blllty. cenaUr>..Uon

K,.._ w. L. J"on.a. Ht I l';prt!lir. Alu... are a n-W11\.. •·J 1'1••• often tl><ni•M I would aults tha

:=.,.~n: . .tb!':!·.h"~,~~~e!. ·:: oh """-"~'~~"!~ E£':' .. ?rw~':!r~~:1

:r::I~~Iumlted. Toroata ;:,_,!. 'T-~~

6roken Leave "And you ain't got nowh~re to

go to ?'' ~aid the big man in the corner of the cOmJXlrtment, lean­ing fonvard.

"No," said Private Alfred ?.fimms. He was a linle fair man with watery blue C:)'Cll. " :\s 1 told you, !lived with my Uncle

/O:o~l·~f!~~t~! ~':bac~0t::~~~~n. "Your Uncle John left you his

~~:.· 5plosh ?'' continued the big

"Yes. That's where it is. you sec. 'E 'ad other relations li¥­ing. ln Melton. They rruon­cd they were going to ·~1\'C it. I'd rather not meet 'em. Not much I" He shook his head knowingly. "There was :1 cous­in. Mary Eliu. They might want me to marry 'er. She would. I'm taking no risks''

The big man looked at him ad­mi:intly.

You weren't born ~·e~"'titly I ,Nor 3 week afore ! I see that whton 1 met you on board Did your t.'nde John leave much ?"

"Pretty tidy bit,'' "limnl$, complacently.

sm~~ ~~f~!~ l:n\!~r~j~~~d~1~ The lrain, £wen·ing to enter Victoria Station, assisted the as· sault by pitching the big man in­to Mimms. ~limms emerged

fr<:,St~~d)~'!~ f,~th~~ ~~~~~lrn-j~~ba~ ~:?1 not a bloom in' ptmch-

" \Vt:.t [ mean.'" ~;'li!l the big man, hurriedll. "i~. cmae 'orne with me. Kentbh Tahn. Not the Crystal Pallis. But 'ome. ~le a.n' 1ny missm. ~he's a g-ood ~ort. She's jolly well got to be, J( you know what I me:~n And you can pyc. I know Hm're. r~hrl. And I re~pecks yf;u for

"I &:n't think--" .fimm'!o cautiou!'ly commenced, arranging hi5 impedimenta.

" Not a w{lrd m•lrt' · the b1g LIIJ•

~~ ':1. :~k ~ 'a[•py, me and the m1s~u . 1 e don't, ,)"OU give 11'1 _the up, unci I'll bl'?."tJ~~·~v~~~~ ~:._~cro!\1 'er."

"I'll ~five you ten dn:~ of the, or m~:: nime isu"t Hill Winter -Bill to you, Alf." He thrust himself from the waiq upwards through th~ wi1Hiu11. .. There sh~ is, Alf I Sec: 'er ?'' lt \\as an i~possibility with Wintu bl~kmg up the 11 indll\1·, ~wen ii lllnnms had known her .. , Uc!>sl" roared Bill Winter.

/1. Hntc l:ttcr i\limms, carefully ~h~phcr~ed by the big rnau, wns bemg mtroduced tn a l;~dy nf l;~rgr. and muscular proportion".

.. M:YP"l!• Alf," said Wimer, sl~ppmg h1m on Ute che!ltt in so fnendly a fashion that ~imms !>tumbled. " 'E's comin' 'fJmr. wif u~. Bess. Ain't nowhere else to gu---only 'uts. And 'e 'ad enough of them trainin' 'l-t~ i~ 'uts,

Y.~~~A.'s .?~~~~rfe~~ed ~limms "Thi~~s 'e'll. be i.u the wye,.:

~a*~ll \\,:::;er~e'~n ~el:~~~e . asJ~~ gom' to pye."

by"~~!· ~~nter took him firmly

:·We can't tike no refusal," she

~aB~il's Shfrie~~~i~d ~iine~e\Ve~~j g~t on to the. Underground. BiU W1,f,' g;ct the tic~cts." ·

ft5 very kmd-" ~~imm5 ~ff~:~~~c~d d~fni{:~ i~efu~~fpernte.

"Thaes all right," Mr5. Win-

ter said, graciously. "Let it go at that. l\fy, they do gi1·e yt;~u a lot of lumber to carry abaht, don't they ? Quite r1 mavin' job."

Se\•eral times Mimms tried to con1·ey a polite desire tt) part company in the cuurse of the journey to Kentish Town, but ineffectually. They cithe.r inte.r­rupted, or took it good-humored­ly as a fear of intrusion on his part.

"You ain't got nowhere else," Bill said at last, clinching the matter. "You 'aven't took: a dis­like to the missu~ ?"

"Oh, no!" Mimms h1.1stened to assure them.

"Well, Bess'll like it personal if you don't come," Bill replied.

It wa.s a neat little house of two storeys standing in a terrace.

"Nat Buckin'um Pullb, old .;port," Winter said, hear1ily, "but a snug enough dos11. Come and wash in the s.cufl'ry."

They fussed 0\"c.r him, and ~Hmms, -who had never before been fussed over-at least, his sergeant's fussing was (I{ a differ­ent nature---rather enjoyed it. At tea Bill's sister Blanche was introduced : a big, rather good­looking woman on the wrong side of thirty. h appeared that 10he lived with Dill and his wife. It did not appear - ahhDugh equally true-that ~ill and his wife were sorry fur u. Dlanche was very interested in ~imms. She passed him thing~ <~I tea and listened to him when he told :;orne very uninteresting items of a very uninteresting career. Men in Mimms's platoon never listen­ed to him. He rather liked the change. 1l1at evening- the}' all went to the pictures. L'nfortu­natcly, in the. CTO\\d they were sepa.rated. Mimms sat with . .

After i(lur da)S ~limms be­canle uncomiortabh aware that ..Q.e spent nearly all hi~ timl' with ltfam:he~ and '' J!"Oti <leal nf monel" too. Mrs. WintH when fre~ from houJOehol<l cares took Bill in triumph to her iriends and r~lations. Blanche s.airl that she \h•uW see that ~lr :\limm~ wns not lonely, and was as good as her word.

\\'hen the tl\ol ladies had re­tired and :\limms and his host sat ~moking in the kitd1en with a jug handiJ~· vn the table, .Mimms hinted at changiJrg hi"i re.~idence. Bill laid dttwn hi~ glass and stared.

"\tVot yun got to compline abaht ?" be asked.

"Oh. nothing," ~limm~ replied, hatsily. "On'r I thought ns I'd like e~ change."

"Oh !" Bill !'tarc~d moodily at the empty grah~- " 'Ere, l'd bet­ter tell you. I wan't goin' to-­you .seemin' so 'appy tikin' Blan­che abaht... But I met a man. From ~1erton 'e was. ·\~ked if I ever come acrost anyone nime of ~fimms. Said 'is relations wa~ lookin' for 'im. 'Specially 'is cousin Mary Eliza."

Allred Mimms ln••kcd fright­<n«l

"You didn't ~r.Iit ?'' he asked. "\\'ot d'you uke me for, old

ron ? ~o. But you tike my tip." He laid his hand hcavilv on his friend's s.houlder. "You stay 'ere. See ? 'Ow d'plLI like Blan­che?'' He winked. Alfred lllOI'Cd his chair back ;;nd took a long

ti~S~~.;e~~~;tn~~~.l.'iPl~~ snid at last, tmenthusiastically. Reminds


======~=============== '11 sleep easier knowin' it'$ come -off.''

:\limms knew be ougbt to have spoken at once, but Dill's change a{ manner had tak~n away his breath. The whole matter had bee nso sudde11. And 13ill was very hefty. That made him hesi­tate. \Vhen he had recovered sufficiently to explain, 'Bill was going up the narrow ~tairs two at a time.




DRAPfRY: HARIWARf: (iiiOCfRY : STORE ~ UOTH are always stocUd with e:ftt)l.lhing •PP.U· t~laJog to tbe gcuenl b~ue€5 of_ Colooy. We: .rther ilan what you n:qture, w~ wtll ret tt, or it iau't IDII<l..

.SOt.r: A41DNT5 roR

TU llnRPO!JllKD lOIOON IND OlUBf IN8UR!N&f CO.. liD . 'T'bc- pr•mtf'r iostuauce hQU$t' in tbe ~olony.

0-..u. and A genu: of tb.r:. Newfuundlaod Royal )(ail S.tcaau. Portia aud Pros~ro plying fonuia:btly bttweu Westttn aed Northern Outpona. : Rll:ceHeat CuisiDC 1 Ac-=ommodalfn Uu.urpaued.


C. T. B~i~c~~r tu~~~:~~~~T~.MITED, BOWRING & COMPANY,

New York, etc.

way. My equipment's in Kentish lt!J.n.oelt. "'"In • lll~ tuuk. EvPUtn· Town." he added. for the benefit itlly b.- J•UI'I~owiy !lot btm&eU atrea:t· of the M.P. ed. t.wln¥ tv tlntllu tbeeeeur·

"I tell you 'is leave i!>n't up !'' lly tbnt Willi •lenh•tl to him out,.lde. Bill shouted. I nut h•· rt!<•konl>d wrongly. J,·or

"D'you want us tu beliC!.\'C a Ilnrt; llurJ' llkewhlt! KOt hlln!Sdl at· man 'ud give up an hour of 'is ro!!l!"d, n.ud owl! l'f·mllllth'"ll. to BoJio-leave ?'' one M. P. demanded. wny Jnll. when> 111110. IIWilltlnt; trllll. "\Vhy ?" · "1\"~ Card""¥· Thu Iuter, dlrecUy lae Th~ question ,taggt-reJ the lffintt nf Ill~ M<t•ut:r·~ ftrrlnl, •haun ·

\Vintel' family They hardly m~ 11itk. ftll<l wu IM'tll to the p!Uon could explain that a man would lnli.rllUIIJ', rather sacrifice hi~ leave than !'ow BaiT,. h1ul onee bfoen a com· marrv Blanche. "\nd wbat other Tobu.nd~>r" in tlu.• 11..\.M.('. TbLI" t:l<'t reasOn could they gin· ~ b<' c:oo:ouununl•·at~ tl'l th(' b.•d wll.l\ler,

•· You see !" continued the ~L who t•romt•tlT 1<(1'1\'t' him tbe ptboD P •• triumphantly. " lt wants a ~tlln' hUlet M ~U~toh;tiUll lllipeuser. clever chap to COIIlC: over me. .1 day (•f'_ two I.Ufl' Oftrk Harry Jack, you J(O with 'im and collect to<:~kc ~ ><l.lll'lllt>IN•C' ot ettke-tobaceo, the bloomm' equipment." Bill- ~081:1'11 h overnlKht In 11 llel.l'Cted bot· obedience is taught in th(; :trmy- 11~ l'rom the ]t("tl~oJH.:opboon.l, nud went off growling. After all, !lo>cretecl It lu ('or<lrY'" bOOsl<.l ... loek· i\limm~ had paid for the whole


e-r. 'l'be IIHI..r /lf.>Un~e~l U{l\>11 It extent oi his leave iu ad~·am::e. ettgt:rly, Ju.ot a~ ~~~ .. pem:r lJLtd ton'­But hope dies hard iu the female seen 11...- ,.,mil. nu•l •liM with Lu th" breast. Ol:lnche mad~· .mother llour. appeal. Atlvllll!l' IOP111t.ntl• ,,.,, U111.mntie ~

" It's g(J!;pel truth 1'' she cried. 1'<'n~ Wll." ttt..l f"'orpt.•trated In .Lau· 'E',. only 'ad fov;·cr dyeo- Come casu•r Jan 11y a RUI:ll>llm J.,w, uamed

(<Yer strite from Flmlden; 'E's Kat.b. Ut.o<.o~! a ~·~r~patriot- oae done it for a lark." Trluk<l.

"Rum kind of a lark," ..:om­mented the ~1. r.

"Turn it up. Dlanchto," said Mimms. ''.lt'8 no gnot!. I felt if I didn't g1\"e my~;elf up I ,bould get it in the neck wor~e..··

The meaning <lf the somewhat cryptic: remark slowly dawned on Blanche. She grew purple in th~ face and seemed tO 5well visiblv.

"You-'' t-he commenced. Then she thought better of it. "Come on, Bess," :o;he said. "\\'e are well shot o£ 'im. 'Ard np in the army they must be wen they goes to the expense ~~r n unifom1 for 'im I''

w~~ w,~-~~~ ~~a,fP>~v~lllirt~~e !ll~~~p~ Whatever theyJ ir! to him whe.n the yfound out-nnd he was al­ready Inrrning :In uplanation of a mistake iu the date--could not. he decided, be "' had 1s what he had escape_"-__ _


.\1 <1<'0.•1 of nhihl. h< rlu- ellt•rt<'t" "t a rl.;,> nil nr f:la~~:o\\· 1l w .1• t .. do. ,.,.,. m1n r•><~«<U a bnu t<.) r.b,.

11..0.d k.teked to IIUijl. wltlle !he Swede ,.,.u: buddl('ll In n •·nnll't', unconseloo.s trow almflolll eo1ue.lly ~Cl'lln• ln,hu:ies.

\'"""yllmmall•• waM lht>n'Vt'D~

tak€'11 Ut)(IU " Cll<.tJI~" Co.trd~y by "Dark" Barry. Botb were prot~· ~lf!Qal edmlnlllil. Thtoy were a.l$U

bolsom pall!. uuUI vnf' <la.; an ertJ boor tor, COrd<"Y mn nway 1\'llh hill chum'll "donah,"

Dark Uarry, who tlJipMn: to have bee llt)Uslountcly nttncheo:J to t11e f'lrl, sworu rCI""nge; nn.d Conle.r. wllo knew hi!! <'I"!I!Whllt!o Jlltl too well! lhl!!to hea tMte {dl.e

A Trngjc Maaqutn~de. Bolli men <>"t·l'<' ........,t'll"f'l"' o( l<tleD

I•rovt·ny,llnd Ull' 111.1!1'1' Wll!f one fill,)' arre..-tell. ~li><llt'<.•tluJC Kntka ut lla•·· tug llrtll hlru ··r•ntawaJ'." Trinko Lht.:N>Ili>UU w .. nuo~l Ulk>U him. with the rt;'!<Uir li<llt h•· .11.1!t<o waa takeo lulu elll'tW~·. bvth uu·u hctn~: "ommltt~ totb .. samt>ja.ll.

.!\O'Iw. Kafka ot~W tbal l'rfnko ""~~-'~ ttU.~t·~ tf'd t•f lmdug t"->bonetl hU< "l"'ife In \\'11."'-11"" '' om• night. hav ing bl· ~omr m••1H• 11'\11 out ot hb c~ll. heAJIJI~rl'dtu'J'rluk.oln thc.ogulleot tho> j:"hfoMI lof lht• <h't"•"'UMt!tl WOJIJR.D.

•nu> renutli.• dntpPriNI hi> wort- ~~~

hnt.l m~glily tu>~lolollt".l out ot llllf berl ><ht·l't . II~ luul u\~<) gem!!' to lhto paln11 ot n1hblnl:" JohV!II>ItOI'\l..$--Oli· llllne.l 110111.' kii(>W loi)W--(1\'er" hb fuC"e ami lurtuh'- anti ball dount'<.l upon blshl'ft<\ ttll~l> black t~•lg, lutllll' from hu~ llalr ul•~tra<"tl."() t'rom bb l"rls<>u !'IIIUn~

Th rNdt l'tlilt.t' IIJI It what Wt"rt• doobll~ht.~ IAIJ,(}Jpt rvr111" !llf"""'tlllou_"' aY,tleoU*"i<"DC1C'·slrf<'ktu Tnnt., •·uf nnlJIII' llllld. llnd bad toJ lK' n JIJ"''"l \u ~lr•~•hUOtJr f"riruinnl Ltntatk .byJum .. -r .. on- be ~horrlr llfft'"' .,.,1 oii~.,J

lirupp Plant Now Work­ing for U. S. A.

The Ge.rrnan cummi.s,-;i,•n whiclt bas. been in Berlin considering the <1ucstion of th~ heavy guns rejected by the American author­ities has arri,·cd :u Coblenz and reported that eighty cannon have been .shipped to the headquarters of the :\meri~an Army of occu· pation to repbce big gwts whkh failed to meet requirements.

With the delivery of the parts for the "eventy-two ~;a.tinon, the delivery of heavy artilltry to the Americans will have been c01n· plete:d, the American !l.llotment calling for 152 heavy guns.

Page 4: lhe t:)l{a ·… · 'lhe t:)l{a ·ndealer A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEJl DEVOTED TO THE LNTBR.ESTS OF OUit COUNTQ.Y AND


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