




UmotOU July 8.-The Cabinct Council bas

^dedtoappolnta royal ooumnwlon to lnqulre Into

M. Waddlngton, Froncta Ambaeaador to I*"-

flon kM lnforroed Lonl Sallabnry tbat the

fon.lder.tlon of tbe Bue* Canal qoaatlonSSllNlMtn by the Interested Power.

iT.ado.aatP.r1a. TbePorte.ti. reported Intend* to

XSSneKotUtlon. wltb En*land for Turkl»h occupatlon©ftbePoudanatEirjpt'sexpenee.Ther«ri.*«H~le»uthority for the atatement tbat

tbeMarqul.of MtMTf ha. b.e'y**1* »**Power.lDte««t*lurKl««tlw« to ratlfy the Egyptianflnanclal eonvcntiou. r.isslaTbe8t. Petenbur* Soroe Vremy* deelare. that Roaala



Lonpox, July 8.-The Kcv. Mr. Spurgeonfubl»hesa le.ter In TKe Fall Uall «¦* »*'.»'Vrovin* tbat journai'e expo*ure of tbe, seeret vices of the

ari9tocr..U of London. The lctter ls reraarkable ln inany

¦taMeM and the followinjr are itotue of lts expresslons :

"I foel bowed dowu witb sbarao.and MIfMlftM. Thls

k a lilH.' biialn«-aa. but even sewer. nmat »«o

cleanvd. I pray that fat* BMJT oorae from thls h..r; lble

anaaai*. wbicb. laaOaatally, mmt U bara, i.ut wkoaa

K,eat drift niuet result In bwtin* b.-ncflt. I don t thlnk

our ch.u.hes have falled. for they bavo kept . p« retn-

nant allve ln the land. I bellcve that mauy are unaware

of these dunKhtlU reekln* under thelr nostrlU I tliaiik

all IjllUlTI tu your brave. warfare. Sparonot

cren thouith wearlng *tars and gartors. We noed a vi«l-

lauce eo.uinlitee, a polloc, to M| pross tbn infatuy.Let the Nffet lu wlthout Htlnt."

77.- flaftafc has been orderert to he reiroved from the

|M ttaJ NM Km of the Kefortn and Athen;eum e'.uM.

.ml cnpi.-s of the paper wlll uol be aduiitled luto tho

feaMkafi of those clnbs henafter.Jhc Uazcttr, in onc of lu later aftornoon editlons, blds to the iiulhontlos who are MfMei !¦ the w<»rk

of atteu>ptinc to buppre»s Ifea W* of the laM thr.e dayslscur-s of the P »per. It MM h.»i.or for lea-UiiR tn he

cauiw <»f .xn.»»tiiK the vicea of Um i ich. and decla: es that

SSZ* ..h1., of tortand entboata-UoaUr "PP?"" "

\u cru« ide. It cb ilh-ngeatne oouru of London to proijcf fo hew,.rk U U enc^-l »«. »'"«, fX" ¦;'fwbMBaa nali ot the Laclalatan ol tiu and o prove heuV.nii.vof lt« It toiitmue._ to-d.Ij t!.e

«,!.«., it. n-voiat.ons. Th- papar U, aelltBg Ht

r Ji.-al |T.-U.I.1IU and the ClrcuUttoa U .-..or..!.. s

ti .. Mlloa l.iv.« beenordewd t» eopppeai tbeatreetJ0} {.J lU.-H..f lhrt:a2lU whirh contalnth-«rucV o he s!« vlcrs of hon lon All *V».**.foand eellln. the laauee In the »»".«¦ J" ;' Fgljgv.i,,w uh.i w»-re tHkcii into eastod) thln inorni m

l., -.ira^ a ibC atteraoea in tba Maaalon Houe Po-SS lCSrt remauded for a M« ba.l MH allowed.


Pahis, July 8.-General Courcy telegnpblfr-iu ilu-' that Kr.-nch |fta| MlnaM are patrolllntf tba

.BVfcNM of llue. aeeklnx Thnk,-t. the i'riu.e Mlninter of

Anain. who w..8 the iustiRator of the r« <¦. .t attack M

u, fiewiib Headds: ¦ We axe abaalale ¦aatera h.r<-

iiow. Iba .-neiuy'a troops ary Th«re are

Bttll bun.inn a few lsolated tlres MH the legatlou bwJM-li.K and im.i tions of the cit .del are burni:.)t. Tba Baj .!Kflaoe lilntaci. owimttotli.' eip.i.piary dlaclpliae of

Um aou«TebattalJoawboeapt«ra- aad w>w <"';'"''.Tba MOaea eootaim (treat w. aith. Maawlalu :..oo«vxkj1, meVlu if.rMlv.-r. whioh imu will he lar^i-ly IncreaaedUaoMbarabefoaad. 1'ho artistlo richo* are lailttBIXlZ. 1 U*ult -i..-t;UV I.lHSfv."


eir.xi. o, July 8, via Galveston..The troubleover the Bfttleuieut of the Ki.Rllsh del.l coiitiniies. Ad-

diiloiial arrests of stndenw and opposltlon editor« k |»a

been luade, The streeM are patrolled at nl^'lit bftroop«. and tbe cavalry rcpin.ei.ta hare their hows

rcady sad..leddayandul«bt Ibe (iovernn.ei.t has a

lan..- force of aecret pollce all ov< r Ifea <lty aad pti>oi.»luakinitoutcrlesaftaliiit Ihe iiutbonties aro siimniurilyorrestt-d. A student * l.o assaulted a hiKh otticlal on theetnet wb» linu.ediately arrestert by the setret pollc*.Th.s afternoon son.o Mu'Unth who wcrc aagamad In j»ut-tliiic up new printed protf»t» were arrcsted and the pla-eardatora down i.y the petlea. The taeaatealacboulaliivr aad toclose thelr dooradurtiiK the last modaysonaeeoaat of tba exetteateai aaeac »ba itadaata,wboare holdii.K li.ectlnc* 01. tl.e Alaineda. The <i..v.r:.:. entaiiuounces that unested BereoM wlll t.e trl.-.l i.y clv.

IIMIH. and It is espectad that convKU-d persous wlllte baatabitd The Oarenaaeat eanaldera tba laaxoace¦aad hv Uae arrenteJ editors a» treaaonahlo aud a-i tt-nd-\un to cuuac rlota.


¦swi vora raoM london.Iv>.Ni>oy. Jnly 8.

A OMtll Fti'.K..Young'x glne factory and Powell'stannt-ry. laaatfeaC eererma thrne atre« of KrouuU. .11

Jierinoi.ds.v.a London sai'tir!. In Bnrrej Coniity, were

feumed to-day. The laaa la i?-.,(M>.'»o<». Tb<- beat warpedaud bur-t a Uri;o taiik ou the (froiiiich*. and 150 to.i* ofvater were thus llbciated, survluj to prcvent tho spitadof the l! .in'¦-.

Tiik f4. f Chasb..The Unlled Staten Revenue Marltiebark 8. P, Chaae. from Now-iJedfotd, arnved atI'lyuioulh ou Jnly 7.

TO BE KEGENT OF BMUNWIOK15kri.iv, July 8..Thfl ngMMf of the Duchy

of Brunswlek is to be offered to ITinee Henry of Iteuss,\%bu ba* slfc'nilleU hls wlllluguess to accept the po«ltiou.


UKATHS FROM CHOLERA IN BI'AIN.Madrii>, July 8..The number of ne,w cases

Ct cholera rei^rted ln .^tj.ain yest«rday excluMve of

thoae ln Mareia and Canteilon de la Piana. was 1,100,and tbe numt er of deaths tViH. In the town of Aranji.erthe numbei of reporttd lu the»aiue pcnod »u tiO.aud ihe deatlm BO.


Ottawa, July 8..Mr. Heaudiy, of tho PrivyCouutll olliee, U about to prcMout to the (iecretary ofPtate the orl«lnal HiHin.Milpt reKister of baptl»ins,burlals, ete., of Fort ln. ijuemo. uow Fittsl'urK. I'eiu.

datluK back to 1750. Tliere are already a number of

reeord» lu the HUte Uepartiuout relatln* to thls onct! lui-

poitant Freuch itroujiboid. wl.Uh waa b.tllt by the

Marquia Uu Quesne, Governor of the colony, lu 17."*:*.

Anioi.K the curloua eutrles lu the rctfUter l» that of tho

baptlsm of Marle lAiulse Hartey, daughtcr of FatiUk

llartey, " Iriah by natloti," aud Fiances I>aIlKhaul,. a

Biarirlual note etatln«r ln French that the niotuer wa»

.toli n hf IudlauM ou July 9, 1750.A deputatloii oftneNova laatbl niembera of Parlla-

Bient walted oa the MlnUterof Marlne aud Fl»be.les to-

day to urire that all iinports of linh oil» be nMadai t<>

aouty aud lhal thews oiU sho.ild l*e retnnarly < la»<iti-liiti ferentry, so that oi!s lapaolo of beliiK nacil pmposes hhould pay a hsijiierraie of duty. iaorder to entoiirafe the retlniiiK of olla ln theUoiulnlan. The in..nibrr- of l'arilanieul frmn tba Mant.u.e 1'rorlneea yesterday to Ifea ITetaler. a uicuiorlalairouirh protestlinaK'aUist the cuntlnuation of any ar-

»«UK«ui'ent by whlch Ush aml oth.-r of Ne«-fouiidiaiiJ inay be aUuiilled luto the Uoiuiuloii frec of

duty, uiiiena a earraapaadlac leuiiction i>« u.a«ie by thetioveriimeiit of that eolony ln Ifea axaaaalva dutlta itliow levlea tiiKin all Canadlaii au-rKUliural products.Mo.NTKfcAL. July 8. -Mr. liUgMMa, of <J..iebec, j.aKicd

through the elty to-day on the way to ReKina to lou-

duet Riel'n defmice. He will Kiel's insauity andtake Ulllttia to the JurUdicti-.i. of the < ourt.

.ihe m.-aniei Lake C'haiiii.ialn arrlve.l to-day wlth theaurvivors from the Ueut Haiaia iboonly UMItB0arwaa a boy. The i-aptalii and crew lo»t «verythlng.IIalifax. July 8.-The Uulted Htatas Flhh Coiumlaslon

aiearuer Albatrosa arrived here thls afternoou from HLiuiiu-,, N. F., wlth a aclvutiuu parly aboaid.


FRAOMEXTS 09 CAHI.E NEWS.pAItH, July H.-Admlral Mlot teleyraphs from Mada-

f*car urjjently UeuiaiidniK reiliforxeinents.Iialral OaillM-r. Mlulalei of Mariue. wlll a»k au Imuie-

dlateereditof 92,400,000 for pieparlug aud e«;udin« to

ltatlagaacar 4.OO0 troopa.HhNi in, July 8.-Uoetor Fln, who was commlssloned

.o explore Kafser tVllLeliunlaiid, hau coniplcied that|M»rtof bis work wuicli lavolvud the cnaul betweenAstrolaha and Hunibi.idtbaya. He reportetiie aslaaaaMof itoo'l Uarbonaudof a naviifable rlver, and «ay« that

{be land I* auitable for faruiliiK and stock miIhIuk aud iauhaint.-ii by natlven wbo are frleiidly.Bai'MKta, July 8..Tbe pollc« of thls elty reo«ntly re-

aelve.i information of a plot for the removal of a n.iin-

ber of ineu,;,ei* or the (iovernmenl for tbeir h< tivity luwulaavorlna to suupreaa Anarcbiat orjteuizailoua lnBelKlum. It ls aaiil tbat Klng LaepaM was liuiubeiedbpioiiif tboae to be reuioved. To-day tlfteeii yeriouaVere arreated In counectiun wltb tbe alleged plot.

Ai* exorjrssirklZLiD or jln exi'losio.v.TiTCavaLt, July 8 (Special)..A defoctive

iktUr lniFratt 4 Benaett'a aaw miU at tba WludfaU.

iix milea from Tltuavllle, exploded at 1 p. m. yeaterday,wretklng the mlll and kllllng Khgtneer Alcoru. T*oother einployes were lujured, thougli not daugor-ously.



Mt. McGregor, July 8.-The warm. clearweathertomptel Oeneral Orant togoout of donra thla

mornlng, aud he apent nearly an hour alttlng wltb Mra.

Orant on tho vernnda. Between 1 aud 2 o'rlook he Rgalntook a aeat ou the plazza. A board w»i placed acroea

the aruiB of tho wlllow chalr In whloh he aat, and. ualngthla a« a deiik. tho alck man wrote for a eonalaorabletinie. He wnre a MMt auit and a whlto handkerchlefabout hla ncck, and from a dlatanee of twenty yarda hla

appearance aeeiued llttle ehanged fruin that of a yearago. Cloaer obaerratlon, howover, dlacloaea the traoee

of dlarase and aufTorlng.Among tho vlaltora who eamo np tho mountaln thla

afterooon waa the Rev. Fathor Kdmund IHdier. paator of

8t. Vlnoenfa Churoh, Haltltnoro, who, unattondcd,mountcd the ateps to the cottago veranda where Oeneral

Orant waa alttlng. Approaching the patlcnt the vlaltor

aald: "I aiu at'atuollcclorgyuiaii. Oeneral Orant," aud

preeented hla card. Tho Oeneral at enoe tndlrated a

dealro that hla vlaltor ahouid be aeated, and taklng "Phla pad he wrote, " I regret vory uinch that I camiotconverse, not evcn ln a whlaper.""Wo aro all praying for you, Oeneral," aald Fathor

Dldler."Yea: Iknow." contlnued tho Oenoral, wrltlntr, " and

I feel very grateful to the ('liilstlan people of the landfor thclr prayers on mv behalf. There la no aoot or re-

llgion. aa ahown ln tno Old or tho New IM imeiit. to

wlilcb thla dooa not apply. C.itholica. rroteatnnta and

Jewa, undall tho good people of tho Xitlon of all 1»<>U-tfea aa well aa rollgion, and all natloiialltloa, M'Cin to havo

imlted ln wlahlug or pr.iylnif for my linprovetiieiit. I

ani a great sufferer all tho tini«-. Imt tho fa H I havc re-

lated aro cotupenaatlon for iniioli of lt. All that I can dola to prav that tho prayera of all th >.>" goo.l 1"' >plo tnayhe answerod ao far as to havo ua all moet ln auoilior and

better worl.l. I eanunt apeak even in a whlaper."The iBcMeol of tho nftrrnoon wh» a vi-il to tho numn-

t.iln of twenty adltora of the Hexlcau Aeaoclated Freae.Thoy were con.lii.ted to Ike eottage bj < olone I-i ed(ir..nt. Oeneral Crant BrOM to nMl thein. I-.. Il.lai-bot. of Thf Kmilwmg Jfa, w.ia pi.-«riitcd !>y tolonol(iiaut to hla faih.-r. u3 Mr. 1 al'.ot n turn DTOMOtod.mcIi of tho pitiy I'V IHM, an.l o.ioli MWM U« .'<.-

knnwledmBrnta. Tio' Oeneral waa t1 .... M-..t,-.i andHenor Aiik'u-tlit Arrovo da aecreti ry ol tbc »i»olated Praaaof Meiie*. UMa44rt«Md imOmmtm lnbekalfof liN oollCMOet I .," In tho tiamoof tho Vlaltlng CommlttM of H«l U

JournailKta. who aro vi^ltnn; thl« r.nintry. 1 iloMir 0¦M that th.-y eOUld not pai- M noar ln a gT >t frion.l olHexlro withont oaning to pa» ""-ir reepeet; t" th<> bero

of Rlchui.i. he who broke tbc akuna of al werf ln or-dorthat tho lroii of tnorhalif Hroiitol tho -.avr- mlirlit

ba ni.oio Into ralla for Um ui.r«. of ike eonntry anatluia ntiitr tho two KepUbllOa hy bowla of at. .1 ke who

dM m niiKh to hibUo th.- two BepabUoa a«M.m iivmgttigothoi- In hiirmoiiy.".i..i,.i,«

ln rwpoBM Oeneral Onwl wroto aa Mwwk, whlle theentiro partr llood In aihiuo :

.. Mv groat Intoroat in Mojio.i datoa k«ek to tho war

between tke Unlted Btateean«l tfcal eonntry. "f mior-oat waa ln«roa-o.| «hon tonr Buropeao wonareniea at

terapted toaet np tbelr tnatltiitiona oa tnia rontlnent,aeiei ting Mesteo «. tbelr territorf. lt waa an ontngeon hiimiM rlL'ht- lor fore4«n ¦ itloatoal.ipl to tr ,n«-

for ber liKtitutiona and her rnlera U> Ibeterntory <>f a

rlrlllzed people withoot.Ir<.aent Th.-v w.T' fwfuliv puol-ho.i for tbelr .ri. I bone Mezloo m .y aoon

iM-gln hii npwaM and |in.rona depei nre. Bbe bea all

Ibeeondltlonai «he inn ih- peoplei abe hM Ibj a..uaho haa tboolimato: andakebaalke mlneraU. [be eon-

(juoat of Mexlco wlll not t.o m oa«y ta^k in tho futnro.


Boctov, July S [Si>n-i<il)..C. C. Ooodwin,IMitorof Thr Sall LaUt lYibwnt, who haa hooi, ln thla

olty for a few daya, miM t» a roportor t"<liy that

the dotnoni»tration of tho. lonrtli of Jalfi!, |«kl I-iko ( Ity waa an »ZbJMthM..f "pnro ouaaodooaa" .lo-U'ne.l aint pr..iimt.-.lbythe Morinon lcadera who aaw In lt . nn-ana of. iii-

pliHKi/ini: the ido.a whloh la ao.lnlonaly rultlTit.-.lbr thoni "tho t.«lnt-" nro tir.rf\r»

A arhlatn ln tho ( hnrch hy whloh Ibe polygamlaU wlllbe pnt ln tho nilnorlty la probeble. Tbua dlalntegratloiiwlll uco..iii|.ll-h wlml tho oim.tioont itn.l onf..r.-.--inont of law ran now >'.¦' »nly Imiterfertly. Itut the Morinon loailora bopethat l.ofore thla lmp| ona by hii api>aroht ahan loiimontof Dolyif.iny tholr Torntory wlll botcmc. a Htatean.l by tholr bjdap.d.1 I^tl-laturopolvL-amy will l>o ii.»do lawfnl.Tfce oniv way todeaJ effcellrel/ wltb Ibe Monnona i- byn ooininlaalon. whloh ahonld t ike tho pl tf of th'a pr a

ont Territoriai Lesialatnrc an.l ln wh..-o eomnoeltlnathe Monnona ahall ti.i\>' M \..l.o. 1MMonnona ate In-ld In the F.a«t ln loofaTorableeatlmatlon, beeanaa laeybnygeoai hore an

aaally wortk f/2,000,000 er mete, aad ikey aro aerupo*lomly oarefiil to pay tholr billa. Aimthor i.««..n I* tkalon thorallroada ln tho Torrilory no taxea ar- lovio.l.Tluia the Mor BOM Man.l In tho poaltl. n of bonofactorato powerful corporatlona.


JF.AUH OTOVTLAWMt U WOMTB OAMOLDU.RaLSIOB, July 8 (Si>,cial)..lnfoniiatiuii

from Aloxandor and < 'ald well CoUMtloa haa b en prolr.-'l

concoriiiiiif a hatid of oiitlawa lntrei:oh«-d ln tho biuhyliionntalnaon the llno iMJtweon the two countlea. The

hand niimbera twenty nnn, and haa been gnllty of

aliuoat every crime known to tho law. For y.-.irs tho-e

uiin havc c .rrlod on Illultly the uianiifaotnre and trade

In whlakcy, untll a awaja nnmhor of tbo |.o..plo of both

Alexan.ler an«! Caldw.ll Countlea havo br.-n rulno.l.

Thoy havo galoed control of pnbllc aenllaii-iit and rnlo

with an Iron hand. No man noi ln th« ejaafl d.iroa to

toatlfy lnooiirt agaln-t any of tli.iu-n IM !.'.' rear

thoy waylal.l an.l klllod Mr. who had glvon ln-

roriiialioti agaiiKt thein. Thev th-n hnrno.l al* jIwcIfImg oatbooaeeaad feneea. J O. Mariry. tho abiaf >>ftiM-acoutlawa. haa beea baated for yoait kj Mate aadFaderal eMoara, imt evwied arraal aattl ¦ »>w wcakaa«0 whan by atratait. be w«a lakaa. Niimoro.ia of-fon.oa woro provon Hualnat hnn Hiid ho waa coininlltodto Alexan.ler Coiinty Jall. A wook lator th- OUtlawa,dtaguleed aa En-klax, rate*e4 tae tewaef njrloravllialn the night llino on horaohaok, broke o|»on tho Jail andreleaaedibelr leader. I.a«t wook tka ¦karlaT «f Awi«Hiidor. wltn apoa-oof tlfty inon. vl.lto.l tho oainplnirgroiind OO tweb Creek, but Mailey aud hla laon

Im<1 mo»o.l over Into tho biiahy niouiilalna of t'aidwtllCouuty aud uo arreala wote inado.



Hanmijai., Mo. July H..Iho Qlobfl If«»f<-lln lxMilalana, Mo.,«iiU.liltlre yoatn.lay BaanlBa

tho exploalon of a fauip, aud waa bitrned to the groiind.Tho buililing wia IfelW Btattaa hlgh. There wen- tbirty-tlvo gueata acleep itt the time ofthe tlre, all of whoin

were awakone.l. Many of thein 1< apo.l from the ao. on.l

midthlrd atoiy wlndowa to the grouiid, ilad ln thalr

nipht ciothea. i>r. Laajaiwaaj. who Jaeaped from tkathii.i rloor. atrnrb Ike brtei awawalk mi.i waa kiiu.i ,.i-

ino-t lliatantly. OtkOt glioala, bealde loaing thelr ttiinka,ifiwolry and all thelr clnllilng, reooived »evorr, Injiirlea,maiiy breekiBd tkatr n>« m.d anaa la Jaaftag. Tholoa» la f 10,000 ; liiauraiitc Ir'ti.OOO.


LOSftKS IN VARIOLS PIVAObV.Ci.kvei.aM), July 8.-A coulliiKi.ilioii, at-

tei.ded by loaaea aggregatlng over 1940,000, \Mte.l

Morwln thla niornlng. II broki ont ln a bibk biiild-

Ing oeeii|.led by the (iarry Iron Itooflng Compaiiy.Thla (oinpany loaea on buildlng and atm k |4a\aW9. and

b-ia*r2.00<niiNnraiHe. 'I he ( level ilid Iron Oie I'alntCoropanVa loaa on atoek and kalMlna la betweeuIwo/Miand »10,0«): Inanrence 05,000. vs. c. Ua<eneea, braaa worker, loae* !..J,OlM>, and haa if.'.loo Inaur-aiae.Dknvf.K. July H.-Mra. Agnea ltovorlrl. h, a yoiing

Iliingarlun, livlng with ner biiaband on I h.rty-llflb-at..lltt. iM'lel to htart a ll.e l.i.-t ev.ning with kaCMOM 8iLTliecanof oll expbaled. and the womaii wua burm d to

death.HntfU, Wla.,.Inly «.-A flre 1u Iho lim.brr ynrd BJOi t>> the Menaaha Cftfltf (oinpany yeater-davdeattoyedaboilt 100,000 foet of hardwood luiii «i:

The laaa la 94,0001 .imuunf.»iS*..i.s.iw,Mi<l'.. Jnl> *¦ A aawnilll belonglng to

Fowlerllro*. at Manon, waa kfal yeaterday. Th. h.aa

uMLOOOt teawaaaa Oa\ft00. m tho ¦.¦. and Lan-cnahl'ieand Wealoni li.Miralioe Colii|>anlea,

Hi.oo»iiK(iTo>, III.. July H.-Iu (irlgley yeaterday flro

dfatroyed 1). I- Iloovei'a geiieral atore bnlldlug aud ita

<o..t.uta ; alao Chen.y "rooka'a , Igar fao.ory. Thetotal loaa la OtfMWO I InMii.nue #1 l.Oiai.

Iiiok N. Y., July I O-prcM/l.-.-Iigabaucr'a furnituro

wareho'uae at Ulou, waa burned today. The loaa la

*10,OOO. ._ _.

IUVAKA, July B.-Firolaat nlght deatroyed the Tram-

way depot at Kegla, eaiialnif gnat loaa.CiKVKlAM., July 8.-Firo at Dunklrk thia morntng

deatroyed flvii atorea and 0 dwelllng. Loaa, *l'J,0OO;luaurauoe, 87.0O0._

miU(OAi) WMMOK /.v iwsr viroixia.

Stki rksvili.e, Obio, July 8 (SptcUiD.-Afrelght train on tho Pan Ilandle Jumpol the tra«k at

Hollday'e Cove, W. Va.. to-day and alxteen cara were

wreckod, entalllng a loaa of »30,000. Thoma. Wllaon, a

brakeman, waa klllod.-?.-


Lynn, Mas«.. July 8 (Special).-Coal fMnnder a boiler ln the BjajMOB faotory of Joaepn Splt/.er

exploded laatuUjht flre mlnutea aiter UUrty emplojoa

had left the bullding. Uavid O'Brlcn, Joseph flpltaer, Jr.,JainesGrecn and Louls Letiienteyer were aerlouslyhurt. Tbebiilldltigwasdamaced to to the extent of

14,000,aad as there was M llre tbla wlll bea total losa.Al. tho injured wlll recover.


to wss "cIHtkT:d"by"isdiasb.A WHITE FAMILT MA8SACRSD U KA58A8.


Topeka, Kan., July 8.-The Sheriffof Klnj?-man Cauuty eaye tQ»l «*.¦ hM been reoelred thnt

Neoeatunga, a llttle town of 150 parsons. la ln tho pos-.esslon of tho Indlaus, and that Col Iwater, sorne flfteenn.lles west. ls surrotir.ded by thern Tbe Sherlff says thatthete reporta may besens.itional, but he re«iueita Gor-

eroor Martln to send anns so that the pcople may be

prepared. The Oovernor has ordered tho mllltary eom-

p.ul.sat Learned. Wlnflold. WVlllngton anl sterllng to

be roady to movo at a roomeiit's notlee. and has dlreetedthe SherlrTof Flnney Connty and the Mayor of PodgeCitytoorgaulze forcoi aud send out runuers to warn

th>' settlers,TJaatml iafn Hlmffek Oorernor Mar¬

tln that ho haa had no Inforrnalon from

Fort Renoof an outbr-ak th-re. but has ordered three

coinpanies of aaratry to Batfeeat Oaaatr. Tho generaisuperlntendeiitofthe Topeka and 8nnte Fe Rallroarthns been uireeted I.y Quarterniastrr Glllis. nt Fort Leav-

env.-orth. to send aafl t«> !'.>" Riley at on.-o la ttaaapdWtroops so.ith. a fore.r «f men was at w.rk at the ars.-nalh. rc inost of last nlgut gettlug tho stato arms Baafel for

shli'tnent.A Uflrt ¦¦¦!¦ from Pratt Oaatra that a largo nnn Mr

affaattiafaharearrlradtherefteelng rr..m th« Indlaoa,who were reportu l m.ivlin/ north. They alae raporl the

-i-al a lainiiy of ifea nnn of ¦afealafcl, al ^nrlng

Tb*lMlairlB*4la|BtfahWM roeaived tkla morntBg bfthe Oorernor. from II. It. NtofeafaaB, .llvMnti superm-

tawtaal of tbe Topeka aad Baata Fe Rellway. It waa

aeat to Mr. Makeiaea by Ifea atattaa ageal at Klafeaaafejaad waadated JfewtaaTba ladlanacare aasotned Kjcnntle PW^ona hm

reeterdayand it nlghl hnwlreds of famlllea "«**«¦iV,.o town fn.n. potnta aa f.r weal aa forty ... 1<- leturotM-tlon Berera ..g nartlea bare been ooiaa

,.,b.,-yn.ll'-.a:.l th. kfth.-r ont theviKi|tbiifm>hereff tbe Indleneare. Tbrre i. n..t « traeeo .... In,l:..etrldeaoe ol anj harlug >¦.¦.¦.. »"»*£* '-. *.

Connty tbaa Iba Terrltory Uaa, .»""1 noJ*d,*f*?J,"^2,..,v,.n. T!.-i" Isageneral aenre but lls orlg.n " .

ili.i.Ver..I....1. OneJoneewaadown to tha I trrl,.'vlii,ean.i heard tbat the Indlan. were on the mora.

,.7onbl*waybaektoPratl O.ty he roet a nel hboel,,!:,,,. wl... told filin thit tbelnlUnswerr roroln*Clth aaw Rrawn aad Brown «w htt H«..d and il. ia

,,,'. !,..rv arrw aad lha eaeltemenl lacfaaead. Iba.,.,. ,.: i,.,., ., -i trtad beek f..r ti.e.r aeeaee.

Tha Oovemof baa anlarad 250 ataadaof arantafeis.-nt to KU.irma... I...r..ed. Uudffal I »nd OardeaOM*t oaea The.,.e ifeay wlll '>« duirtnuted t.. raraaaa]patata la tha aaatbwaal laaaae al aa la^aalaa,KAJNaaCiTT. M-.. .lu..e-.-.\ dlapatrti from r^wj*iiryennes bas beea reealred .1 I orl I- ... 'w«»rtb. II

«r.|.:ri...vl.-v...b......v..-tv»f f,,r rs .... tbe fr....-

tlarronr troopsofi "r1:'"'''",,K" -V ,: i,,,..,.....,. bortlerol afanwia, tod ¦«...¦..-.,,. du. y I aaalusi r tbreatened "'\»«'on;otberlroopaan t i.hed along the bonier,.,,.1 ,,-.. rv! ^ an he J in r-an..-- wbli h ea.i be >t»^\,-.,..v.-jtd by ratl fwai poatala KaaaaaUaa. latea afeMM

WtcaoTA.Jalrf »¦ ««J*aalapatrb Itoai r-rt pjaaaaaya laat tbe si natloa Ibera ls.injte.1. Abont ais

,.,¦'.. ren t.i. .-¦ .na bn« k- aay lhal Ibey wii tiu-ht ifIbalranasarwdeaianded. rbes* roui.a Cb-yei.n.been rnnraealBB-a.M tba Arapabues »" :,',''"'.'"," ",ri,., Theyadiall lhal tbe arcWenUI ofti.. younahrafa lu tbelata sbaaabattle wa mi >...-. i-

,,',/ il... .,,.- m...- ...... a,.. wwrklna llka baaaaratak.-p .... Ibe war aplrll aleaa tha auu.bei of traapa bailoul Inl th. v wlll tr» thelr lu. k at n.oie lucUl. luo mak-l»l( wlinin afe» da)n.


.1 \ 101 l> kf/'J i*J UOA ''"

pTomstiTowir, Poan^ Jnly s (>/."''r.-Thrfu.ierai "f llaary Ballawbaah, ag« rlfhtr^aa, to..k

,.. M BtFradertek. It waa aapyaaed lhal kawaalaOaa-Uiau clnaaiataaaaa tm bla toaally .abalBlad aatbakaieaetaaaitlei alUfa. Aft-r blasVatk »»Mrtj |5^001agaMaadallTai raala* dlabexeaad i»- obea srcratedlu tha Sw»ii«e. .,f .!.'. W'.m'n e..... ".''*

ihe f.i...-r.i. hawtaf oaraaaoa '>< wm asaaailakea, waalla tt..- aapbaanl, ....l fbaad lusiaa sa nptan.Ushalarsa ralietM la md awM Bweaatlaa** ft^aOO, Ai.mihalal wmm lari.¦baraa oM aataa. feaarfaaa and

f.ijra.ta gaad aaadltloa. ahowlM that Ifeay had as*

kcaa in atrcatlattaa alMt Ifeay wwn «o. i.d. o>.r uk»

yaaiaiay*. _

A MUMDMM in 0OM0MAI MUBDMMM.RAXIIOH, '"'y H (Xp"-i-il).-\.^t wcok n

party ef bswiata aa " .aalala aaar MtHa att«wt\ laAn.ler^.n Oattal v, f'.u.el i-url-l ln a be.p of a

I,,..,,... skatataa Kardar wan saapaadBtfe but tha rb Uaa

aad tha paapalralara wer« u..k....w... TfeaaoeafiwaaaMaalad .<> BMCfe taO lhal tiie i.raaaf noid ... lavaMtgaUaa, a..d.iillle..-n: .-M len.WM ..Mained toju^tlfy lhaamataCcartala partaralat vfewS aarraali havahaaalaaaaA Tfea awrdatH mm la battafad t» baw .>

km.wl.sUe of tha ...uider aad ereina-l.... of th" Joy.-ef.mll) ln- In ......."-!. on II....!..« < re.-k, lu I...'."">..

County.aoaie i.itba a#a.aad tbai ka « .« ..¦.ove.ilut» tba..1 .Inaaad klllad.I banaed, 11.-m.i.e. e-

tiai.le i.M-tery wlilrk .^l-t-..^t" tba murdereis of the

Joyearaaalli bm) beelaafad up " tbapaiaaaaanaaf*t.iie.i r..r wh..m aarraau *< r- laaaad,


OArrvMM <>y thmmuhdmmmm mookm.PbtbsUBI ua, v.i.. J«1j H [Speetai). Reniy

Haara bbaaagra Mithararaf LHUafaa Kawari, who es-

,.;,,..,i fr.ifea aoaaty ball at Otaaasbanj i.« Ihla Itaaa,Ihraaaaya baaefi l.latafeaal terfebt aaaaallaa byburnliiK' a ho la II. Ifea ll'-or »f hl. .11. I. as bBM ea|.tuie,lkt l.ilx rty. ()..v.Th..r » aiuero.i a few days aico odrred a

r-wanlof fJ'M» f'»r hls air-^t. The Bfeaitfl and thre.

Jall k'uarUat <..". ¦usl.urif have l.eeu ladlcted for neKU-gaaaa for paiailltlag Maaaa/a es< ai«.

fOVWD i>ris» ;.v tiii: stri:i:t:

Pl rrtfeOfeOi July B (Sprcial).- A i.olireinriTi¦hniiianUbniii '-ff'~*.¦.".I,!" bsakmg aaaa ap-m_lUj lllltf-< ln front of the I>..'|U. -'...

Ki.Klne Ho.ihe. At th.. olbeer was al.out to awaken tl."

aaaa ba MI aa tfea lacUac BaaUad vttfeaai rasjal*t*S,,.., loasaaas Efa ^.< ..t. i.t.ti.-.t aa Dr. n. 0. Wllltaaia,of No ..¦'" l'e ii av.-. I»r. WIIUaaM was a auaoeaafulraunaauraeanaad a aradnata of NewYork MediealUi.lvcrslty. He was addletad la driuk.


vn.iitnr.s UADM A0AIMU t OOLOMML.Baltimosyb, Jnly H- BeffBBBit J. H. ."'".

ofthe.Mi. Haiybwd Rasrl.nt. was u.u.l by a aaarlmarlli.l le.ently iil.-l eA|.elle.l fio... the leKl.uent for

playlBsjpnMtlealjabaa <>.. lha aaaean and simii-r uu-

soWlerlf -. t. T.-i-y ba »i*i..d A....a|...ii-. aad |.rereire.i ebargaa i.rei.Joydajalnst i ..I.....I m. w-

art Browa. ooiamandlug onlear. rba ekaraea emi-r... e

riolatlon of aillitary eaurtaay, BSMJoreruabla tMupar,aalaa laaultlag laacaaca to aaW ai.u otlirers and babMbcalion._

Dll. CAKYKK sl.l AT l.lttKHTf.

N'.KWKll C.iin., Jnly 8 (Sprrinh. Dr. C;tr-v. i. wl.ose - VMI Weat " show went to p.oees ln W.II1-

ii.a.itle «... of legal pro. eedlmts I.yItiiflalo HIII. »as r.l.a-e.1 fr.ui rust.Hly U> .lay. Hls

brotber h.-iaw faratabadflfcOOOaaaarity. Oartaa i.«s

gonVta Naw-llarau Wban bla tual wlll prohahly laki.

piate ou .-eplciile '-'-'.

orr.siso lAii. OMLLA wirn a WOODBM KMT.Yokk, IVim., July 8 i.^.ri.//).-J. 1>. D..M.1-

aaa, laaaaa Maanfft, J. T. Otfeaaa, W. a. Baataa aadThoiuasMurraj ina.le Ih'lr ese.i|s- Irou. the (ouni, Jall

taday Baataa p.< i>e.i ifea i«.< w ..t his ceii aad aaba bailha "Hi.r ..IN Wlth aw.len key. Ifea prisoners tlienwent to thetow.r. from » bieh they lawared laansaalvea|,y innat.s of A r-.|.e. I>..U.Ihoi. ls a llol.d plrkpockcUTbaatfean waM tafrhag terms r..r kwaaay.


Nsw-om i an-. .l.ny s hoiiiinu plgeaas, fromllr.H.kiyn. were relrasnl l.eie Hns BiernlBK. Tbey <o"k

I. n.Mti.erlv dlraatloo. i.irds hava keratofora wadaalouiney of 5<Mi miles. They bare uow set out ou oue

of i,i.'..» aaiieaEM) Of L0VQ niNTINi'i:!' LITIOATIOfe*.

ITKWroaT, R. i. July ». ln the Unii.-d Watea WrenllCourt Ke.lay tbajary avoafbl fl a jarntet ef «3,0O0dau.sKes aKalnst the estate of \Mll.ain H. a< h I..« r.'.re

ef tbla.-ii*. in lav... ..f lha estaie al lha it. M. SUaX ofBoatoll Th-- <ase has been lu the o.irts over lv.ei.tyvrars. lu iNOXBtagg no.iKbl f.o.u alot of

land on whleh bas l.eeu the sul.Jert of the

lltlgatton and ls now covered wltb millloiiaires niau-

DTOrO IN TBM KiitLKT AT ni;w-i.«.nik>v.Maw-liOBxtoa, Ooan.. J»iy «. A .Uarasaa abont

aevaaty. waa fooad laadytag eaaaMHy aa tba wraalUM aUkt aad «ft.-r his raaaaTal ... Iba bewalUl ba dM.He ga»«. hls as J..I111 Myers of Ir-nt-t IIBW-I " k.

Oi a <ar.i aaaaag his aflacts wara tfea ****%*.. ihe i:rl.- W, U llraue!.. R. K. an l K. W. W. ea.ukiu. N.Y bia.^h of l.lle Rent Holel. Kath, L I.

oBAjioa pRHiutHi.K in oatholic omci«.BAiTluonf, July H.-A ruiuor i.r.vals u (aih.-lle

cffurehtirele; trat A.ehMal.op OuVbaos wlll r.H»tia a

(ardlnals bat and lhal the Re*. John fe Foley. «!¦.,Maru..,s tJburrb wlll earlier be ma.U. a Btafeoa. fbtb«F»ie wlll ue reealled U. Ua? aad be made e..a.l|u-f, l . the ttrdUaJ Wfetla tbe Rev. B*WMT£j«e5of Bt. Peter's Uburcb, tbe yreseut XUmx Uen-

dral wUn* aiade a Mouaelgiiur.



rBTTRt-EOKAriiTOTna TRintnrB.]Ci.evei.ani), July 8.-Owinf,' to the number

of Idle moii ln the clty, aereral inauranee eempanleeto-.tay wlthdrew thetr iiaka on property ln the ltimberregloua. flrea to-day have glven rlae to thoauaplilon that Inoenrtlarloa are at work. Thla evcnlng a

flre, tho orlgln of which cannot bo aecounted for, de¬

atroyed the plauiug mlll of lit.ll, Cartwrlght A Co., on

Biimmer, Jordau aud Frencu »ta., eutalllug a losa of|l.t.OOO. paatlally offaet by f11,000 Inauranee. FlremauFrederlrk Wllder waa fatally cniahod under a falllngwall. Captalu MofTatt waa lnjurcd allghtiy. A greatflre waa raglug at 11 o'cluck to-nlght ln Lllle-at, near theBtandard <lll Worka. A large dauolug-hall aud fourdwelllnga had been deatroyed, and owlng to the preaeucoof the flre apparatua at tho plauiug -mlll the flre waa

aproadlng unchecxed,At 10:30 a. m. to-day tho picn who were ao

vlolout yeaterday ntet at Nowbnrg, anddftided upon an eOort to eiillttt tho ba>operatlon of the native atrikera, who havo thuafar.hehl aloof frotu tho more vlolent fsreigncra. lt waaalao agrced to pay unother vUlt to the Unlon] Hteoli-crew Worka;to-morrow uiorning and BM that tho workawero effoctually el^aed. ;The n>oat conapleuoua feature of thla mornlug'a parado

waa thodlaplay of the red. Ilag of the (Otnnninr, whiehone of the atrikera oarrled aloft oloae bealdo the Nutlonalotubloin. Thla aftonioo:. bjUdfBjd of the native

atrikera h. 1.1 a ineotlug ln Nowburg HalL The prealding..lli.oi'aunouueed that ruuiora were ln clrculallou to thoeffeet that a large proportlon of the atrikera were wllllugto'iot'iin to woik at the re.iuetioii, aad roqaeeted Ikoeapreeenl who were of that inlna t> ralaa tholr hand*.i waa not a aingle reaponao. BJhea thoaa who were

ln favrnrof hoHlagn-if agamat tha o«ui|iany wetaaakadto algulfy that lnieUlloB, the re-pouae waa unanlluoiM.A protuluent agtia'or, Qeorga Davte, addreaaed theineoliiig. lle aai.l that thla waa not a tlgbt for hroad andbuiter. iini for bread al. tha faaalllta af tha CleTelaadl; .. nu Millaoinployea bavlug loug aluee dlapeuaed allhbutter.Towar I tho c\.f tho nioetlm,' the partt.lpanta In the

moraiag meetlug Bled imo the batL An aftort waa madoto ludaea aome ..r ttta foralaaara to midreea lue.-e mcu lntho lutereet af publk bal it falled,Tho t'uion atoel rtcrvw Worka aro m.lag to-day with

a amall for.e.Thla ereaUaf the ajajoflaa or tho varloua tnllitary

oraanlBatfoaa were etreagjy gnarded, Tha eeaUBBt offio airuera for the autliortiiea aa* aev.-nd llaiaa ahaWBthla mornlng. The er..w.l baotad at tbe maotJoaaf thapollee bf on.- of tho ipeatBfB, and wliihever a bluc coatw»a aeen expreaalona ol contetupt wera beard. uM

, and r-loo.l lo-nk'lil loa; tho atrikera wlll aaaailltth. rjatoa leraw w.nka agaln nt «i oVloek lo-morrowBtorBIBg, If th. v .lo they wi'd me.-t wllli » wiirin re- Tbe o.iiiinir g'lu oa'terv la ready for aarrtaawithtwo Oetiingaaad ihreeOaronerguaa. Palloemeub .%.. boeii dtetrtbuted lu uiding plaeea la tbe tbreateaadi... allllee wltbla call af telephoue eon.tloaa ao»» to ie i.r it i">aait,i» to aaake a proinptdeeeeot lnf,.roo 111. the moii. A ao,ret .tlng w.a fceM Ifl IbeM iyor*« onlee thn afteraooa at whieh aa advi-orv eoat-n.iu.e ..f twetrv tivo proadneat ritlieoa waa rormedwlib Oeaeral jamoa Bametl preeldeBt, Ba aill ai««

.naiid or iho n.ilii .ii y foreaa. Ibe alriafnll ofrnm»ra to>Bl«bt| one la that ino hiilkora will niareh <m aad attvaiptlu deetraeiloBi aaothertbaiIbe bomea ol the < hubolau and other atoekkoldera af tbe

md Ro'ling Mlll wlll ba atori.l. Both atdea anined. rbeatrlkan aro f..r tha atoat partdeeper-

ai.- and Irreeponalbla mea, aad Boel or tho Pulca audBohewlaua are old aoldlen and eaa tlght well.

1 M) OF TBI .-TKl.I.i <'.u: HTMKK,Chioaoo. Jolj 8..The attilu <>f 11»«* WeaA

PlvUlei tl.laardi yaxaaa4e*aataaaatala aetar, and

th. < .Miir. niiiiiing aa uaual on all the llnea of the .'oin¬

pany to-lay. Tho reatilt waa brotight about bf the men

BcaepUag tho pcaaaattaaa btaala by Pfaaeiaal loaaa lhalall :liv uien In the rompniiy'a omploy whon the BtrtlM

ineludlng tho-e arroatrd durlng ifea atilko. ahoiild

Bja l>.. k lo work. th i.Pi.ial.'nent or th" .l:^oh.iik*e'l- iff tho atriko waa ln.iiigurate<l, to

abad'e tbe reaalta of aa laTeatlgatlot bfalr, laaaa blai»^lf ..r ibe ebargea tli> .1 agalaal tbeia. Tha av n reportedforduty at ."> a*cloak tbla uiorning BoaM of tha men

a-bo a >i k.-.i for th* eaajp iay darlag tha atrlke ware at

t .. b ro wfcen tbe care aere tahea oat, imt thej weteBBBI boaie an.l - oiio ..f Ih.-in wero li-aton oll the WBJ,

... n «a< afandliigln tho Imrn w»ion the late,mt tln <aia and waa kiio. Weii down

an.l aattaaaly baati a?-

AN ri.TIM.M't M T<> NAI1. f/ORKKBH.I'ivi innati.JuIt 8.. I Ik- Wc-ti rn Nail Aa>

aeetatlaa aald a aaarel ¦aatlag bete to .iay. Tho prim !-

p.ii u. toti w.u tho adapllan af a reaalattaaj whi.h gl«aanotioe to the t'r ,t.. I .1 BH of \in. ih a If the acalefor aelbng aehwabad by tha Wiatara Wall Aaaoetatloa bbMai .'¦« la n..t m >¦. ated.r i.. fora nexl Saturdey thomiii- nBDeeted with tha aaeoelailoB will be opened andtbe BMeblaea glTeu la aall taadara who ¦* 111 agree M cutnaila al the prleoa namo.l.


nOOBLfM AMnXii i.aiioi:isi; mi v.

IJvv Ciiv. MmIi.. July h,.rin- inill Rtrik.rai¦TB -troiiKer th.iu ver to-lay. At Kit.t'a mlll a contliotto..k plaee betweon the atrikera and po!h e, chiha belng

fraelyaaad. Two men Bfefaarreeted.betb Poteadera. Arowd iiidrd the releaaa ol the prtaowera, abiah waa

refnaed. Ktbtj aaltl aa tha rl»ar haa ahat dawa,T*l M.i-a, July bV.Tha traikiuakoi* have all re-

tnrn-.l to wrk, aeoopting tho JO per eent reductiou ln» ,n;oa.Caauoo, Jaly h. -rho ralllag aitlla al jmiot atarte.t ap

IaateidajraftarbaTtagIraaa that down Far atartaiaaioontha. Thla will aflord omploymont M abmit 1,200nion. a raadjaataaat aill '>o had whieh radaeaa tno

vagaa or tno.n abeal 11H i"r aeat.

PBiLoToUiafa ia DibCUSStON.iiu:mi) paoraaaoM itK*t> PajnuM om thi

OxUOIM 0P umii ai.k,

Niw-IIwen. Cmiii., July 8..The nuinlit r

in atteadaaea upon tho HTaataaath aaaaal aaarea*

Haa of the Amonoan I'hllologleal Aaa.)el,4llou waa

WadllaklB. aomo aixty or aevonty bolng preaent. ln

comp.irlaon with thlrty-fonr laat year. The lutore,t in

Iho i».o. latlon la otl tho Inereaao. Thla fa.t la uianifeat

from the number of papora bau le.l ln aud the f..r niemheralilp. At tbe openlng of the uiornliii,''*aaaaaaa at wbtab i*rofeai.»r o.m iwm ptaahtai, i'rofoiaorJ.i.n il. Wright, of Dtrlmonth, a.-( ratary of the aaaoela

Haa. reported lhai tho faHawtag h...i kaaa biailtbad to

¦aajaatahlpla tha aaaaatoUaai Lawla IXBay,Waw<Tarhi Frataaaac* DavM T. i.y>n, Batraid, aa4 F. a.

¦iiataaad.laalarirf *.¦ i De-Caaa rtaaaka, Har

vaid; 1'rofeaaora F. II. D«.Hangor i'heologieal Hoiu-

Inary; O.or_-o f, M..K.ihbiu, Donnlaou Umveralty | 8.

H.iinliam. Mallaon UnlvoMlty; Jolin M. Uroaa,Lawreiucvlllo, X. J., aud Dr. \V. F. 1'iper, Cauibrldgo,Maaa.Iho llrat p»por of the mornlug wai by I'rofoiaor John

ATery. of Braaawlek, Mo., on tha .' rn>ot.>-uiiriuan

t ir.Hip of Uaaaafae." thai irattf the r.-a<ier daaatibadBalBjaa«taat,baaaaaaal ita gaagrapblaBl paattlaa aadfor ita edoa on tha dai ilopment of hiimaii apeeoh. Tho

Tlbataagmg waa rateftattaaa thalargeat one,aaiikeone barlng tbe moet lalaeapa aa tbe other laa-¦maawa about lt Thataata atany dtaleota apokea.aaiatrueofmoetof tno oikerBaeaiueraof Ikagraap. ibe

laBtaagea af thla groupare uioetly mouotyllable andhave amiiilo forinatlona.Tbla afternoon Profeeaof atarah. of Ufayette, raaa an

int. reetlag naper apaa Ibe M Neo-tlrauimaiiana," aa timm.i.ioin acnooi of graaiBMrtaaa la aalled. i ka pcafaa-a.n'a aaner waa aaketaaUall] a erltlclataaf theOermaagraiinnaii,,... Bwera, aad aapet laUy or hUeoatrtbottoa to

tho .. i to-yeiopatdla Brttaaalca" on pbllology. Frofea-¦M M acrlbed hwera aa ubaiidouiug 10 glottOgPBlOoroblema, objectlug lo mlaleadlag naaUphora, aad aa.'.ol .riin.' tbe atody »r llTlag laaguagea aboald fur-n.-.. the lawa of laugouge. T .la j.oallioii PrataaaatMairb aa .of ikeoM ao.lof graaaawrtaaa, pro-... ..1..I to couibat, Inalatlng tkat tka lawa of laagaageooiiid oniv be deriaad from tbeatadyof aulaagaaaaa,and that all metaphora are not BMleadUtg.Prvfeaaor \n bitaey, of Yalo. made bobm raaaarki upon

tho papor. in whloh he expre-aed iho greatMt ¦7«|N»thywiii! ui.iny of Profeeaor Hareh'aeoai lualona. i rofeaaoiWbltney waa. bowerer, laellaad to lookaMra lealentlyupon tha yo.iug gr..mui.uiana. lle deelaied that theyKinid not iibaiidoiigbiaaotouiy. Cyrua Adler. of Jolmair.i.k n- the roangaat man lu thafeaat,alaa aaaaaaaIke1 aaiue aulOect"pleadlng that the law of analogy benot eharaetertaed ua aUmbofor tha Igaaaaati aa tho

l^£rJ!£i?£* "<.ea...gyof Wo,da."by Pro-foaaol M. W 1 .iM.u:. of th. l nlvo. -Ily of I'enuaj Ivuula.,,,,.1 re..i by nataaaiif ¦/.B.Owaa,of LafayetUCol-vSmt and -Iho Vah.e of the Attlo Taleut lu MoUerum.i',j," b> PrafeaaecQoodwla.

Ults. HAYAUt) OAM0MMOI si.Y IIh.

\Vn.MiN«.T'»s-, D.-l.. July 8 (>pmW).-Thowlfe Bf rieoret.iy M dant-roitaly III at Iholrhoiuoln thla nty. Mi. llayaid. who apent tho Kourth of Julyheie, waa roealled from Waanlngl.m hul evenlng. bho

ba* Iwen aiilTcrlug from ueuralgla a loug lluie.

\ii.i:r. kisos oovwn omOMMi nniRFP t

Tho IHfllllfUl Of tha Kiti^.s liM.nty Bofafd ot

Supeivlaore. appointed to Invoatlgate the < hargea of

nllegod bnbery in eoimeollaa with the aeleotiou of a

Oeaaty Farxa aa i^-ug Maaa, baal ita .ir-t mcet-

lug yeaterday. Johu Y. McKaoo, of li.ave-

end, j.realde.1. Hiate Commiaaioner of

ri&mSfiSSSZrS*** iaa-a.

he eould get tbe facte be would go before the GrandJury.Joaeph Reeve, one of the Commlaslonera of Charl-

tlea and Correctlon, tesiltled that he badbeon api.rn.ieh»d by sevoral partles. Before any .ltewas consldered by the Board of flopervleora, a Baancalled on hltn and aald he waa autuorlzod to aell theVi nt property for a County Farm, aud waa to be pald.4.000. He toid Mr. Reeve that tf he eould effect theaale tbla amount eould be alvlded by tbem. Mr.Reeve tol.l blm never to corae near hlm agaln, buthe returued and off.-red f3,000 later. |At tblaMr. Reeve told hlm that if Mr. Vlnt aent hlm agaln he(Mr. Reeve) would oonslder lt a personal lnsult. Theman replled t " I bad a good deal of respeot for you be¬fore, but I have a blank slgbt more uow."Mr. Reeve said he thought the county was gettlngthe

St. Jobnland property at a reasonable prlce, Tbe lnvea-tlgatlon wili be coutluued hereafter.




[nT TELE«RAPH TO THE TRIRUXB.] ]Washingtox, July 8..Tho call for a conren-

tlon of represcntatlvea of the varloua agrlculturalcolleges and expcrlmeut statlons In the dlfferent Btateahaa l.rouglit together a notable gatherlng. The avowedpurpose of tho nieetlug was to consldor soiue meana ofunifylng the work of theao aeparate lnstltutlons by ea-

tahllslilng ¦ more vltal oonneotlou between them and theD.'l artii.eut at Washlngtou. l'erhapa tbe controlllngmotlve of Com.nlssloner Colman waa toaeeure an ln-dorsement of tho Cullen blll. whloh glvea $15,000 to tbeagi¦l.'.iit ural college ln each State annually, to be uaodfor exportinental purposea.Thero ls n.tich to be sald In favor of Xatlonal ald to the

dlfferent statlons, Iudeed, the argutnenta were so con-

vlneing that tho blll waa reportcd favorably by a tinan-

luious voto of tho Couiniitteo on Agrioluture, and tbevotes uecccsary to pasa lt wero roady lf lt eould harobeen brought beforo Congresa, lu tho prcasure of theclo^iug days, however, lt was not reachod. lt wlll prob-ably pass wlthout .serloiis opposltion ncxt wlnter, but lfMr. < olinan eaa Ufl himself a-straddle of tt and lutosoiue proiulueuoo a.-, lt gne.s through hls personal V.ultywlll be gratitlod. A rcsolutlon ln favor of the bill was

adopted to-day wlthout dUseut.Mr. Colinau'b|oponlug rtpcjoh to-day would have paseed

for a oreditablo etlort lf dellvered tweuty ye.irs ngo byr. unitor before a county agricultural soeloty, butwheu BtVbraaaai to thls select body of men, niost enilneutfor attaiiiments In agrloultural so.onco, it was a dlstross-lng aafelbttloa of the spoakor's Iguorance and hls low

.-..inIta ..f tfea Orltlaal ebaracter of hUaudiouco. The

poalttea ha taak at ti.o out«et as to tho trae functlousif aF.feaHiaial aaHagaa aad aoltaga farms aaaaatba de-f. nd.d. rth'l tlie reiuiilu.lur o.'hlse!l..rt waa a desert of

.¦aaflaaa wlthonta slngle simeitlan or IfeoBgbt, wlth the exeoptlan, perhaps. of hls vls-loa of a aa icI.uia (invernuniit farm near Washlugtonwbera rntara waald di-port thewbclveawith a perinaiient ahaw aa aa aaaaxTlicee 1 illstrlbutlou abaaa Waa brought up IneUentally

thl« atteniauii. Mr. t'olniau tbougbt It was all w.o.ig,bul he i.i.l... i.i<- up hls inind lhal Coagreaa waaUd ta

¦ead oata and potatoea to thelr ralatlvoa and eoaatlta-ei.ts. and liedld uot proposetobo tho BOU to butt tubtloonmotlTB. . ...

Profeaaor Knapp. "f lowa, sald tbat In.vmueh as he didnot depet.'l on C'OBgiaaahiaal favor he was wlillng toclu.ri.eten/.e tlm praettoa as an iiuuiitlgated tUtrBsTa,Profeaaor Ual ney.of Nortb Carollna,«flered u ....«..lutlou

that " tbe dtotrtbUttoa Of .¦..imiiol. farui aud galdeii see.lst.. untrained peraoni aboeoold aot aaetbemto advantaife tor pnrnnaei of experlu.eiit was lllegal, BaaleM andluliirl'.UH." Bul soiii.) of the lnoru ineti ofselence ar*t.ed that If was iin|...liuc tn assaii Coi.gress-iii. u i.r ihelr parqBlaiUa wbaa H.ey wanted au appro-prtatl.iii, and lha resolution was v.ted down.

ta tha eoaraa of tba dlaaaaaloa Pralaainf Dwtaana, ofCallforala. m»de an tataraatlBg Htateinent oi tha haaaanaableb bad ooejetotaai Btatafrem the lutrmluctlon ofOdeaaa wbeal ti.m.igii Iba dapartaa nt. Ha ud i.d. how¬ever, lhal wltb tha aaaga and ptaata spnt to that eoaatmany daatruetlve luseots aud t<iux\ ha<i beea latraaaaadtbat were dolng ln. aloutable .1 iruage, Ha saggeetad ¦hoald beeerefully Inspeetad and freed tromaaaaaof iBjurloaa weeda aa wetl aa taeeete aadraagaal parw.

Mr. kjlm in had luten.le.l. I.e ..ald, to Uke the co.iven-tl..n on a picnle to Mnt.ut Ven.on. but on appUcatlon toHa. retary that aaatlasnaa kad iaformed all tba reaaau al bla dJspoaal whtek waia aaltafea for¦o peaaefnJ aa ezpad r t.m were aaw ln Maw-Toak.

ii,. meetlng wlll eontlBoa to-BJorrow. and the MountVemoa aaenraloa seems t«. te iiftleflnlteur paatpoaad.Hiaatever tho tlnal delheraneesor^he b.Mly mayls^they

eertalaly wlll ba wortby al atteBtton -for the mem ers

aie itll uieu of so.'.nl practical -euse aa well as scleuililoattalnmetits. An.ona th.-s.' j.resent are Pre«tdent Fer-nal.I ..f htataai Profe»*»r liiai.tlnt. New-llan.fshiro;Dr. fJnnainiBB. M.m«s. Majat Alvor.1. Hoagfctoa Farm;DirectorSiurtevaal and Mr. Armstrong. of the Lxperl-menl BUUon, Kew-Yorki rre^ldent'Athertou, IVnn.;Profesaora Lebow aad Pabaay, Borta Carattaat Oawarall.:,n i i.r. Pbarea, M.s.s.; Prafeaaar Dinwi.l.lie. Tex.;i.r Cook n J.i Beraetary Oold. Oona.j Prafaaaar Bao.luri. Mlaaoorli Prealdaal Falrchlld, Kaa.| Pratoaanrw.iig N.h. i PrafaaaarKaapp.Howai PrafaaaarAnaaby,wi*.; Preeldeal WlUatta, Mleb.: Prafaaaor Patlereaa,Ky.; Ptonaaor Laxaaby, OhiOl Profeaaor Woodhull,l.ak. PranaaOf Uwinelle. ('al.


OCBAM (Jrove, N. J.. July 8 (SprciaP.-Theinmaur meetlng of the Woman's Clirlstlan Temi>erunceL'.ilon of New-Jersey was opeued this raornlnc. ThoH.l.lress of welcome on bnfealf of tbe Woman's Clirlstlan

Teuipcranee I'iiIoii of o.ean Grove and Asbury Tarkwas glv.n by the [.re-ldent. Mrs. \V. Helen Crane. A

work. rs' conferenee was h.M ln whleh Mrs. Hammer,.uperlntend. nf of Juvcnile work In Ifea Vatlonal organl-xatlon Mrs. Fllls, correspon.linir a..cretarv af tho State'sInlon' Mrs. Baldwla, and Mrs. F.nnle n.rr of Camden,tooKpart Mrs., of Newark, supsrlut.Miilent M«..rk anoflg tba aaarroea, ...ade aa aaraeat apj.eal forh.lp ... save h.T paapte from the eurs of tmlcuiperaueo.M.s. K.nina U'.urne si.oke of the necosslty of aelf-deny-i..g tempe ranca work ln the .liureb.



Rkiimonp, Va., July 8 [8p*l*l). BoportBfr»m tha oin.eof thefuperintendentof Publlc Instructlonshow that e.m.'.i^l'.n'Xlsts In thn couaty sehool

inaehlnery. Tho sehool trustees of the couutlesha7etgnored the eounty superlntendents, and there are new

sehool .llstrlets recently lald out by the that are not even ki.own to tho Stato Hoard of

1..1... atlon. Tho next salootlon of teachers, lt ls tbougbt,wlll be largely polltlenl.


MIM OLMTMLAMD*» BOOK IS PniLAVF.irm.i.I'liii.APEi.pniA, July 8 (Special)..Inquiry at

IN.rt. r i Coatre'B and J. B. Llpplneott A Co.>, tbe two

housestn Phlladelphla whleh would be llkely to do themost wtth Mlaa (levelaud's book, sbows that the demaud

aan fcaa not been irreaf. At the flrst nan.ed house therohave been f.w ..rders, and Llpplneott A t'o. have sentforonly loo.oples. Amouifl.nok men there Isadlver-sity <>f opiulon as to the probabie selliug qualltie. of thovoluuie._

XATTTRAL BltTOMT B BOffbW.BOtTOV. July 8..A« Mis* Sarah B. Mardonald,

of No. 11 Roxbury-st.. was eattng her dinner yesterdayshe wss astonlshed at fludlng a canary blrd in tho eentre

of a l.aked potato whleb sho biwl cut oponThe paatbarad Bahgaaaa wa^abnrt aalaab ln teiigtb. fuiiydeveloped, Wltb l.eak,,^ and tail. Dr. J. Kllotu'oodward praaoaaeaall Iba araataal eurtosity he hasaaaa for years. tt wat pli.I la the N.uural IilstoryHulldlugou HoyUtou-st. for iuvoatigation.


Pirrsni RG, July 8 (Special).-There Urieur-reney fau.lue ainong the elty bauks. One large cltyoon-eem ha.1 to pay oft Its hands t.wlay ln sROOO worth of

aaU althongh an atte.upt was n.a.le to get pi.per at allihe leadlnx banka. Tba priaeipal eaaaa ls tho dralu on

tlio banks by tho wo.d dealers.

uvrii imsoti 90M tv f.mtor.

BoUTHTOBTi Conn., July 8 (Special)..A partyofleadlng frult men by tnvltatlon at the

Mierw.MMt Furm near thls vlllage to-day to examlne a

new l.laek ra^pl-erry ori -Inated by A IL Hherwo.>.l. Theborry h.«s been naieed " Cirman ln houor of E. 8.

Caruiau, Kdltor of Ihe Kural .Veic-1 orktr.


Pnti.Ai.F.i.PiiiA, July B (N;>M7»0.-Mi8* F.nie-llne H. heru.erhorn, age forty. formerly of lTovideuce.has dlsappeared. Bbe caiue to thls elty lu Aprll as sgentSfa Naw-Yart buslness house. Her slster aud brother-In-Iaw are here maklng in^uirles for hsr.



PUK'IPK OF A MLTHOPIHT MINI8TKRATI.ant^, July H -The Rov. M. D. lurner. a Mettio-

uist nlBlater wl.oiivesat LaaraaaeiiUa, tta.. aaauBittadsuieldo at tttona Moiiutaln last nlghl by taking stryob-n..... He wrote a letlor to hls wlfe saying tuat sho waa

not to blaii.e. but tbat ho had lost faith aud hono for tbeworl.l and that Whleh was to eomo.

¦Hoornra and killing a vbobo laborer.Ljotartixa, July h.-a dlapauk from rraaklla raye.

...Jobu l.aily, a wblto farui.r. shot an. k.lle.1 *VmWiliiains. a rolored laborer. thls luornlng. >* llllamsw." curaged keeaaae Ua.iy would uoi pay b.m hlswages ai.'l ma.le an allack on tlio fai.uer.'

TWO TBAMM BUBJJBO WIHI LIME.Civ.iNMri.oh.o. July fe A Blua Lln., f.-eigbt tralu

was.lerai.e'l near llanl-on , au.1 lu s . ar l.alflllle.l wilh lune wrre two eol...e.l trami.-. 1U« >a" was aud the U.rown over tbe l.auips. I dlg them out, by whlon tluie they were

frlgbtiully biuii.d.RAILWAY TRAINS IN COLLIMON.

I \ aCHBUaO, Va., July 8.-Tbe Nm tn-bouud pansengertr ....... .« Vli-gi.u Mldlaud Rallway auU tho fast ma.ln - u... bound Into oollUlua thls atternoo...

,' ... luaTwere wraeke.1 .1 ^^fgSSiiSt.itfou. a af tbe paaaengera were allghtly hurt.

\i\i\ n.ino aerloualr.



Senatoi McPheraon, of New-Joraoy, makaa thafollowing reply to the chargea recently praferradagainat bim by The Trenton True Amerioan:

Bei.le Mead, N". J., July 8, 1885.The charge as made l»y The True Amrica» la

brielly, that Willlain J. Sewell (at preaent a Sena-tor in Congreee) and myself met together in Koom20. Contincutal Hotel, l'hiladelphla, Decerubor 0,1878, aad thea and there cincocted a echeme tosecure and adrauce the political fcrtunoeof botht-ewell and mysolf and alao to aeaiat the Pennayl*vania Kailroaid Company. Tbeae chargea are aup-ported upon the aole alleged atatemeot of Peter IT.\Vataon, who ia a total etranger to myself anawliotu 1 have never aeen, wbo it ia aald occupied aoadjoiuiug room and overheard the eouvereationbotweeu the partiea. The aiiawer to it all ia, thaman wlio niako* tuis atatetneut waa eitlier orazy,an egregioas llar, or groaely miataken; the pre-sninption being ho waa the latter, at leaat imatakeaaa to the identity of one of the partiee acuuaed, aaI shall preeently ahow, aud poaaibly aa to both.And now ae to the story iteelf. 1 am iufonued tharooma tbus occupied on that eventful day or nighlare aepaiated by heavy brick walla aud doubladoors, eacli throe inchea thlck (except tbe ear-wit-neaa waa euscouced in anaintervening water-closet,lu whieh event by one door utilyj through whieh acauipaign orator could scarcely be lie.ird. Perhapdtherefore. we may be peruiitted ugain to prenumothat he urew largoly upon liii imaifinatiou for thaetatement.s madc if au\ ho haa mado, of whieh tberaia aa yet no evidence) uule«s the coiiapiratorewatitoil to be heanl by aomebody. The very ex«travaganee of the asaertiona, coupled with the cir-cuiiiatauce* auiroutidiug tho wbole proveathcir al sunlity.As to the charge marlo, that of couapiracy ia

the iutenatsof siibsidv or railroad legialatiou forthe I'ennaylvanla Kailroad. 1 refer tho publioto mv votoa in the State Legialatureatid in Congreatdtmug eleveu consecutive years ot* aervice to lindeven one votegiven for a aubtidy for auy purooac,railroad or otherwise, or auy legialalivo favuCgranted toarail-oad. Xothiug is Mttat kuowu iaNew-jersoy tliau that jjv lirHt election to thoSeuate in 1*77 waa biltmly onpoacd by the I'enn-aylvauia and other railroad* ol the Mata bai au*e ofmy then teeord. and my proclaiined oppoaitiou totho Texaa aud I'acihV etibaidy tlieu pelliliug ittUoagraaa, In view of taeaa Faata ajgrtalk withSewell one year latcr, as rcported. secuw ridtc aloua.

TIIE POIITICAI. C>'X*PIRA( Y.In Octobcr. 1*70.1 waa BJtgai the uieaiiing of a

report eoiiceruiug a political iinderitandiug oe-

twoen Sewell aud tnyuell' whieh took plaee at thflContiuental Hotel, Philadelphia, in Deecuiber pre-cediug. Expresaing great aurpriao. I aaked for thastory and tbe oourco of tho luforuiatioii. to Sonutor Thex.ioro I*. aaadaifa theu.liviug'for fartber informauou, aud to him 1 ad»draaaed the lollowiug letter:

NEW-YoKK,'Oetober2l, 1970.Hon. T. F. RiM)#iril. , ,DBAB iia: A Mead haa J.mC lnformeil me that aa

allaaedeoararaatJofl batweaa Oaaeralw*. J. -..-weiiandBiraatf, al th outiaeetal Hotel in PuiladelphU early iaDefi-in ior laat, haa been overheard aud reported. I amBlaoadrtaad lt bad been reiorted to you aome monthiBl« aiH the BBraart of that couveraati.m wia latlie nature of a eouaplracy Bfalnat the DaaMWatta pirtyau.i y>u youraeii, and lu tha labBfaat af tha BapabUeaait irtv and eapoelally Kewell'a polltbal amhlttoaa. l'er-nnt 'n.o toaaylt you have been tho < or tblafalae ii.d alati'ierous accuautlon for ataa aaa day, uiaieadiof montha, «itn.iut dftaf me a chaticc of defonee. tiu-o Iam gi-eatly dlaaepotated la your faatlaga lawara aaaWltboat reganl to Ita efleet aiOB BM |«r-oiiaily I cer-

uiuiy oonelade that party lataraata caunoi i«j beaaatatby aueh aeourae. I aja; >k thua plaluly. th.iO\oil kni»W of aueh repoita. To aay tne le lat. I ahouht¦ataaetad BtaarwlaaIfaaraaatttaaa were revaraaa. Ckuow uot what the ro[ ar.- BXOBpl ln a goii.ral way.aud atu loft to ..-ttijo. turo reape. ting the identity of tholrnitrhor. I lM-g have to aay. however, that wh.aver thdauthor may be he u groaaly decelved aa to the l.leutlty he ia a'ain.Vo"aay that Oeneral 8aweU and Btyaatf lu Daiiatbaf laae,lu Pblladalplda, or at auy tluie or pla-« lield auy »u« lye'.uver-atl.'nU falae aabolU To tbia edeet my deulaland that nt < ieneral Sewell uoder oalb la ready. I waa atthe ConUneatal Hatal on the 5ih of maahtbar laai aud,t ao other tiiue diirlug the nomtb. Now lf tbla he thetlmoa'l.-u'od I wlll ahow by other teatlmoiiy aa reliablaaathe'fabrleatorof thla atory that It la not. and witboulthelr knowledge eo.ild not. be true. It la v.-ry unfor-tun'tefor tbe ven lor of thla nonaouae that he dld uoBwalt lor averltleatljuof hla aU.ry uutil a.m.e pnailaolmy mlldellty were ahowu. Xcw. alr. If you have anfk i.iwledge ..f the aubject matter of thia letter. I iniat >o»wm reeognlxe tne lajuatlee of wllhhoWuvg louger taefacta aud leave me to deal wltb the author.

Ke.-p'l J'our oLt. BW t,v J. It. M.Pin BJOB.Senator Randolph calied upon me a few dayg

laxor aoobrgitH braataiaaaa raplyiag to uiyutter.Doob-poobad the wbole ¦aattar aaaaaawlnnd whtlo lu- ailinittcd he had on a certain occaaioo

inokaaofttM atotyasapoUtiealincWaat,ba Laddroopad tho wholo aubject from hta miud andwuuldnot again apeakof.t eveu to me. ItMhinivnameconuected with no nrnre inculeuts of thigkm.l aud so iufonued him. Except to mako tbnhlatory eompiata, I would not have usc.l tka or iu any way rcferred to the deceaaed

8llu*likri- nianncr the aubject had been disuiiaaadfro n n.v ui.nd. aatil in October. 1n«-0; m tho veryn. it.'f tbe Vieai.Uutial t-auip»ign of that yearwhieh thiaconapirator aa chaitniau of the Mata

Suutteowaa 'ehaiged to to a auce.-aafalia"i" 1 waa intormed for the in a wrtoua.,,,1 1 thonght. threati-uiiig uianuer by Heiiry t.Kelsev of tlna alleged (otut.ination hatwaaa HawaBand inyM'lf. date an.l p'.a.e this timc baifaf giyembatthenamaof the publ.c bonelactor who h.«lraDOrted the storv w ithh.-ld. 1 demanded, w.tln.utsuccess however, the name of the a.ciaer au<Uthat no iniiiry inigbt ho done tho catiTaaa theu ta

pVognss.aoaoonaaended. tho publicatwn of tha

'''nhe^ao.isjhtthonamo of the occurant of on the Contiuental Hotel^r..,i,ol Ohio.the reg.ater aa.d. waa tha,na. addraaaadtO him alsoa letter atating all1 waa pennittwl to know, and .lemandiug if he had¦ada aucli a statemoat to g>ve tho aatne at ouca

fuU BBbliclty. Thia letter for aaf.-ty ot.del.Tery Ia nt throiikU Hugb J. Jcwett. at the pr.a.deulol-the Er e.Kailroad. To thia letter I rece.ved ao

iiVtrustingtbesourceofmy informat.on. to ma

alwava a" ai.u-ious one, perlorce. thia cliarge waa

f, M ot neati'ing and l begno to look to my ammu,

lition in sli.nt. to luveatigate aud thommdmoes proved very auapictotw. aa the aei|u4

wi 1 ahow. 1 diacov.-red uuerringly that ...y vtaitto PhfUAIaWa al the dato aforeaaid. the onlrone iii i le by BM duriug the enttre winter-a» I ael-

., Lt p thVro at aii-was fora twofold paraoaa », ..d to conorattaa ...eetmg n.ot railroad' at tha

hotel in the day and foi that purpuao 1 tele-*r. uhe'l tor roota (36 beiug asaigned) aud to attend11..iaineaa i.ieetit.g Ib the even ng. not m the hoteLlJaBra?B»^B^xaiIad to reach, but waa...

lor the ae- m.I. I .« "ot viait the room (20) oraB*roo., at all but left the h.mse at once with Mr. A.\^ r ullcr an.l other* to Eaw niy aeeond et. -age-i, ,' nt lisappomting a number of pol.uciil t*MPv.olii bei notihedof my coming to I1u1t4*I i aiid withuut euter.t.g the ho'el agaiti thal

ptiia. aiiii « ¦ toNew-\ork reachtnfKSJ ae ^davlS.11.1\J a ,.l hete atliia. witfiall the Boadaroaity af paith¦ulanty. that 1 Wiaajo.t (Ieneral Sewell or auy mau, wjinaii »r ehild» rooiii 5 toi.tinei.tal Motel I'hila.lelpl.. i. oa

i e^ the Sth. 1878. attbat durmg tl.e.lay or

V \J\ it. levei-.i.el Oeneral .-ewelli-t tor to[hat <r ubseunoutti that datola pRadatPlua or alaawBata for the objoet and putpoao aa

eUK*t thia ii not all. raataad af b.-ing a aaaayjwaaimytl " h.S aattwd the rifkl to baapaat Hu 1 «Jb,:..Tg ti ade the vietiu. of a coBsuirary. ¦"¦'« ¦".'k'n«l, all wancefor thedeath and /orgetiiltioaaot d.i-.'ited a-lduional aafi g.iaida. Ae.-ord-gly. I ad ireaaed letleta to tho .oUowiBB «B«Ui>

aSa.a ho aariai had taach to do w.tutiie..i J.-.taoCvt'npto Philadelpbla, thelf n.etm.iyo ihe eir-

c^uiun^a wasl.kely to ba aieurate: Mr JtiiueaM tgunery. theu of ChU «4ro, now of Naw.M|Mr A M Filler.a promin-nt ''ti/fn of Phlauol-..;., direetoriii th. Firat Natiottal Hank. JaMfP-' y' iuK ItS llri-t property-owners m that^ siiiTinaii. pre.-ident of tho

,. e poa.ail.1o the oue uiaji.rity on jo.Bt DalloJWhieh elecledaDemoeratK- Senato in 18.7. IDB

f<),low..g replia. were reeelved .^^ ^ ^

¦ftk/SttaffrTO that the poUtieal ¦».>£J2£ ia abroao . ardaa yaaraaU and <£2**g*w u a Bauaptraay mvoui- K.x.m Mat^thaMa*tlneiital Hotel. riiiladelpula. fiec-moer 5. ls.». t"J«l\Zi for our uuvilug. aud aak .ue to atate a. u« r aal

eail . n the day to^umd a meeilug of a «^r'^u*whiek I w»- tntere^d aud wbltb luerting I eaiii N«

Chieago to attend. aud owlug to your abaeiMeMdattaa|tb nieeiing waa poatponed. Yoa d.d uot reei-b Ibe noia*

amuutii w. both took the 55a ta aa^jaayjbfghfcYork. Tho room waa a* cotouiou aa tbe "r«*v 'JJpBUAtalaaa and o.her. .bJajjmd j;^"*,*'''..^they oame to weet foo. lt laiportaut t* you you ¦»-.¦

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