Page 1: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present

LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera OdometryXingxing Zuo∗, Patrick Geneva††, Woosik Lee†, Yong Liu∗, and Guoquan Huang†

Abstract— This paper presents a tightly-coupled multi-sensorfusion algorithm termed LiDAR-inertial-camera fusion (LIC-Fusion), which efficiently fuses IMU measurements, sparsevisual features, and extracted LiDAR points. In particular,the proposed LIC-Fusion performs online spatial and temporalsensor calibration between all three asynchronous sensors, inorder to compensate for possible calibration variations. The keycontribution is the optimal (up to linearization errors) multi-modal sensor fusion of detected and tracked sparse edge/surffeature points from LiDAR scans within an efficient MSCKF-based framework, alongside sparse visual feature observa-tions and IMU readings. We perform extensive experimentsin both indoor and outdoor environments, showing that theproposed LIC-Fusion outperforms the state-of-the-art visual-inertial odometry (VIO) and LiDAR odometry methods in termsof estimation accuracy and robustness to aggressive motions.


It is essential to be able to accurately track the 3D motionof autonomous vehicles and mobile perception systems. Onepopular solution is inertial navigation systems (INS) aidedwith a monocular camera, which has recently attracted sig-nificant attention [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], in part because oftheir complimentary sensing modalities, low cost, and smallsize. However, cameras are limited by lighting conditionsand cannot provide high-quality information in low-lightor nighttime conditions. In contrast, 3D LiDAR sensorscan provide more robust and accurate range measurementsregardless of lighting condition, and are therefore popularfor robot localization and mapping [7], [8], [9], [10]. 3DLiDARs suffer from point cloud sparsity, high cost, andlower collection rates as compared to cameras. LiDARsare still expensive as of today, limiting their widespreadadoptions, but are expected to have dramatic cost reduction incoming years due to emerging new technology [11]. Inertialmeasurement units (IMUs) measure local angular velocityand linear acceleration and can provide large amount ofinformation in dynamic trajectories but exhibit large driftdue to noises if not fused with other information. In thiswork, we focus on LiDAR-inertial-camera odometry (LIC)

This work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundationof China under Grant U1509210, 61836015. P. Geneva was also partiallysupported by the Delaware Space Grant College and Fellowship Program(NASA Grant NNX15AI19H).∗The authors are with the Institute of Cyber-System and

Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. (Y. Liu is thecorresponding author). Email: [email protected],[email protected]†The authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineer-

ing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA. Email:ghuang,[email protected]††The author is with the Department of Computer and Information

Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA. Email:[email protected]

Fig. 1: The proposed LIC-Fusion fuses both sparse visualfeatures tracked in images and LiDAR features extracted inpoint clouds. The LiDAR points in red and blue are theedge and plane features, respectively. Estimated trajectoryis marked in green.

which offers the “best” of each sensor modality to provide afast and robust 3D motion tracking solution in all scenarios.

Fusing these multi-modal measurements, in particular,from camera and LiDAR, is often addressed within a SLAMframework [12]. For example, Zhang, Kaess, and Singh [13]associated depth information from LiDAR to visual camerafeatures, resulting in what can be considered as a RGBDsystem with augmented LiDAR depth. Later, Zhang andSingh [14] developed a general framework for combiningvisual odometry (VO) and LiDAR odometry which useshigh-frequency visual odometry to estimate the overall ego-motion while lower-rate LiDAR odometry, which matchesscans to the map and refines the VO estimates. Shin, Park,and Kim [15] have used the depth from LiDAR in a di-rect visual SLAM method, where photometric errors wereminimized in an iterative way. Similarly, in [12] LiDARwas leveraged for augmenting depth to visual features byfitting local planes, which was shown to perform well inautonomous driving scenarios.

Recently, Zhang and Singh [16] developed a laser visual-inertial odometry and mapping system which employeda sequential multi-layer processing pipeline and consistsof three main components: IMU prediction, visual-inertialodometry, and scan matching refinement. Specifically, IMUmeasurements are used for prediction, and the visual-inertialsubsystem performs iterative minimization of a joint costfunction of the IMU preintegration and visual feature re-projection error. Then, LiDAR scan matching is performedvia iterative closet point (ICP) to further refine the prior








] 1




Page 2: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present

pose estimates from the VIO module. Note that both theiterative optimization and ICP require sophisticated pipelinesand parallel processing to allow for realtime performance.Note also that this essentially is a loosely-coupled fusionapproach because only the pose estimation results fromthe VIO is fed into the LiDAR scan matching subsystemand the scan matching cannot directly process the rawvisual-inertial measurements, losing correlation informationbetween LiDAR and VIO.

In this paper, we develop a fast, tightly-coupled, single-thread, LiDAR-inertial-camera (LIC) odometry algorithmwith online spatial and temporal multi-sensor calibrationwithin the computationally-efficient multi-state constraintkalman filter (MSCKF) framework [1]. The main contribu-tions of this work are the following:• We develop a tightly-coupled LIC odometry (termed

LIC-Fusion), which enables efficient 6DOF pose est-mation with online spatial and temporal calibration.The proposed LIC-Fusion efficiently combines IMUmeasurements, sparse visual features, and two differ-ent sparse LiDAR features (see Figure 1) within theMSCKF framework. The dependence of the calibratedextrinsic parameters and estimated poses on measure-ments is explicitly modeled and analytically derived.

• We perform extensive experimental validations of theproposed approach on real-world experiments includingindoor and outdoor environments, showing that theproposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robustthan state-of-the-art methods.


In this section, we present in detail the proposed LIC-Fusion odometry that tightly fuses LiDAR, inertial, andcamera measurements within the MSCKF [1] framework.

A. State Vector

The state vector of the proposed method includes the IMUstate xI at time k, the extrinsics between IMU and cameraxcalib C , the extrinsics between IMU and LiDAR xcalib L, asliding window of clones, including local IMU clones at thepast m image times xC and at the past n LiDAR scan timesxL. The total state vector is:

x =[x>I x>calib C x>calib L x>C x>L



xI =[IkG q> b>g

Gv>Ik b>aGp>Ik


xcalib C =[CI q> Cp>I tdC


xcalib L =[LI q> Lp>I tdL


xC =[Ia1

G q> Gp>Ia1· · · Iam

G q> Gp>Iam


xL =[Ib1G q> Gp>Ib1

· · · IbnG q> Gp>Ibn


IkG q is the JPL quaternion [17] corresponding to the 3Drotation matrix Ik

G R, which denotes the rotation from theglobal frame of reference G to the local frame Ikof IMU at time instant tk. GvIk and GpIk represent theIMU velocity and position at time instant tk in the globalframe, respectively. bg and ba are the biases of gyroscopeand accelerometer. C

I q and CpI represent the rigid-bodytransformation between the camera sensor frame C andthe IMU frame I. Analogously, LI q and LpI is the 3Drigid transformation between the LiDAR and IMU frames.

We also co-estimate the time offsets between the exte-roceptive sensors and the IMU, which commonly exist inlow-cost devices due to sensor latency, clock skew, or datatransmission delays. Taking the IMU time to be the “true”base clock, we model that both the camera and LiDARas having an offset tdC and tdL which can correct themeasurement time as follows:

tI = tC + tdC (7)tI = tL + tdL (8)

where tC and tL are the reported time in the camera andLiDAR clock respectively. We refer the reader to [18] forfurther details.

In the paper, we define that the true value of the state asx, estimated value as x , and corresponding error state δx,is related by the following generalized update operation:

x = x δx (9)

The operation for a state v in the vector space is simplythe Euclidean addition, i.e., v = v+δv, while for quaternion,it is given by:

q ≈


]⊗ ˆq (10)

where ⊗ denotes the JPL quaternion multiplication [17].

B. IMU PropagationThe IMU provides angular rate and linear accelera-

tions measurements which we model with the followingcontinuous-time kinematics [17]:


˙q(t) =1


)IkG q(t) (11)

GpIk(t) = GvIk(t) (12)GvIk(t) = Ik

G R(t)>Ika(t) + Gg (13)

bg(t) = nwg (14)

ba(t) = nwa (15)

where Ω(ω) =[−bωc ω

−ω> 0

], b·c is the skew symmetric matrix,

Ikω and Ika represent the true angular velocity and linearacceleration in the local IMU frame, and Gg denotes thegravitational acceleration in the global frame. The gyroscopeand accelerometer biases bg and ba are modeled as randomwalks, which are driven by the white Gaussian noises nwgand nwa, respectively. This continuous-time system can thenbe integrated and linearized to propagate the state covariancematrix forward in time [1].

Page 3: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present

C. State Augmentation

When the system receives a new image or LiDAR scan,the IMU state will propagate forward to that time instant,and the propagated inertial state is cloned into either thexC or xL state vectors. In order to calibrate the timeoffsets between different sensors, we will propagate up toIMU time tIk , which is the current best estimate of themeasurement collection time in the IMU clock. For example,if a new LiDAR scan is received with timestamp tLk

, we willpropagate up to tIk = tLk

+tdL, and augment the state vectorxL to include this new cloned state estimate:

xLk(tIk) =


ˆq(tIk)> GpIk(tIk)>]>


We also augment the covariance matrix as:


[P(tIk) P(tIk)JIk(tIk)>

JIk(tIk)P(tIk) JIk(tIk)P(tIk)JIk(tIk)>


where JIk(tIk) is the Jacobian of the new cloned xLk(tIk)

with respect to the current state (1):

JIk(tIk) =∂δxLk


∂δx=[JI Jcalib C Jcalib L JC JL

]In the above expression, JI is the Jacobian with respect tothe IMU state xI , given by:

JI =

[I3×3 03×9 03×303×3 03×9 I3×3


Jcalib L is the Jacobian with respect to the extrinsics (includ-ing time offset) between IMU and LiDAR:

Jcalib L =[06×6 JtdL

], JtdL =

[Ik ω> Gv>Ik


and Ik ω denotes the local angular velocity of IMU at timetIk , and GvIk is the global linear velocity of IMU at timetIk . Similarly, Jcalib C , JC , JL are the Jacobian with respectto extrinsics between IMU and camera, clones at cameratime, clones at LiDAR time, respectively, which should bezero in this case. It is important to note that the dependenceof the new cloned IMU state corresponding to the LiDARmeasurement on tdL is modeled via the IMU kinematics andthus allows our measurement models (see Section II-D.1) tobe directly a function of the clones which are at the “true”measurement time in the IMU clock frame. This LiDARcloning procedure is analogous to the procedure used forwhen a new camera measurement occurs.

D. Measurement Models

1) LiDAR Feature Measurement: To limit the requiredcomputational cost, we wish to select a sparse set of highquality features from the raw LiDAR scan for state estima-tion. In analogy to [7], we extract high and low curvaturesections of LiDAR scan rings which correspond to edge andplanar surf features respectively (see Figure 1). We trackthe extracted edge and surf features in the current LiDARscan back to the previous scan by projecting and finding

the closest corresponding features using KD-tree for fastindexing [19]. For example, we project one feature pointLl+1pfi in the LiDAR scan Ll+1 to Ll, the projectedpoint is denoted as Llpfi:

Llpfi = Ll

Ll+1RLl+1pfi + LlpLl+1


where Ll

Ll+1R and LlpLl+1

are the relative rotation and trans-lation between two LiDAR frames, which can be computedfrom the states in the state vector:


Ll+1R = L




G R)>


LlpLl+1= LI RIl


− GpIl +Il+1


)+ LpI

(22)IpL = −LI R>LpI (23)

After this tracking, we would find two edge features in theold scan, Llpfj ,

Llpfk, corresponding to the projected edgefeature Llpfi. We assume they are sampled from the samephysical edge as Llpfi. If the closest edge feature Llpfj ison the r-th scan ring, then the second nearest edge featureLlpfk should be on the immediate neighboring ring r − 1or r + 1. As a result, the measurement residual of the edgefeature Ll+1pfi is the distance between its projected featurepoint Llpfi and the straight line formed by Llpfj and Llpfk:

r(Ll+1pfi) =

∥∥∥(Llpfi − Llpfj)×(Llpfi − Llpfk

)∥∥∥2∥∥Llpfj − Llpfk



where ‖·‖2 is the Euclidean norm and × denotes the crossproduct of two vector.

We linearize the above distance measurement of edgefeatures at the current state estimate:

r(Ll+1pfi) = h(x) + nr

= h(x) + Hxδx + nr (25)

where Hx is the Jacobian of the distance with respect tothe states in the state vector and nr is modeled as whiteGaussian with variance Cr. The non-zero elements in Hx areonly related to the cloned poses Il

G q,GpIl and Il+1

G q,GpIl+1

along with the rigid calibration between the IMU and LiDARLI q,

LpI . Thus we have:

Hx =∂δr(Ll+1pfi)




the non-zero elements in ∂Llδpfi

∂δx are computed as:


∂IlGδθ= LI RbIlGR


G R>LI RLl+1pfic

+ LI RbIlGR(GpIl+1

− GpIl +Il+1

G R>I pL)c∂Llδpfi∂GδpIl




G δθ= −LI RIl


G R>bLI R>Ll+1pfi + I pLc

Page 4: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present


= LI RIl


∂Llδpfi∂LI δθ

= bLl

Ll+1R(Ll+1pfi − LpI)c

− Ll

Ll+1RbLl+1pfi − LpIc


= −Ll

Ll+1R + I3×3

In order to perform EKF update, we need to know theexplicit covariance Cr of the distance measurement. Asthis measurement is not directly obtained from the LiDARsensor, we propagate the covariance of raw measurements(point) in LiDAR scan Cr. Assuming the covariance of pointLl+1pfi,

Llpfj ,Llpfk are Ci,Cj ,Ck respectively, Cr can

be computed as:

Cr =∑


JxCxJ>x , Ji =



Jj =∂δr(Ll+1pfi)

∂Llδpfj, Jk =



We perform simple probabilistic outlier rejection based onthe Mahalanobis distance:

rm = r(Ll+1pfi)>(HxPxH>x + Cr


where Px denotes the covariance matrix of the related states.rm should subject to a χ2 “chi-squared” distribution and thusr(Ll+1pfi) will used in our EKF update if it passes this test.

Similarly, for the projected planar surf featuresLlpfi, we will find three corresponding surf features,Llpfj ,

Llpfk,Llpfl, which are assumed to be sampled

on the same physical plane as Llpfi. The measurementresidual of surf feature Ll+1pfi is the distance betweenits projected feature point Llpfi and the plane formed byLlpfj ,

Llpfk,Llpfl. The covariance propagation of the

distance measurement of surf features, linearization andMahalanobis distance test are similar to the edge feature.

2) Visual Feature Measurement: Given a new image, wesimilarly propagate and augment the state. FAST featuresare extracted from the image and tracked into future framesusing KLT optical flow. Once a visual feature is lost or hasbeen tracked over the entire sliding window, we triangulatethe feature in 3D space using the current estimate of thecamera clones [1]. The standard visual feature reprojectionerror is used in the update. For a given set of feature bearingmeasurements zi of a 3D visual feature Gpfi the generallinearized residual is:

r(zi) = h(x,Gpfi) + nr (28)

= h(x,Gpfi) + Hxδx + HfGδpfi + nr (29)

where Hf is the Jacobian of visual feature measurement withrespect to the 3D feature Gpfi and both Jacobians are eval-uated at the current best estimates. Since our measurementsare a function of Gpfi (see (29)), we leverage the MSCKFnullspace projection to remove this dependency [1]. After

the nullspace projection we have:

ro(zi) = Hxoδx + nro (30)

It should be noted that the Jacobian with respect to therigid transformation between IMU and camera CI q,CpIis non-zero, which means the transformation between IMUand camera can be calibrated online.

E. Measurement Compression

After linearizing the LiDAR feature and visual featuremeasurements at current state estimate, we could naivelyperform an EKF update, but this comes with a large compu-tational cost due to the large number of visual and LiDARfeature measurements. Consider the stack of all measurementresiduals and Jacobians (which are from LiDAR or visualfeatures):

r = Hxδx + n (31)

where r and n are vectors with block elements of residualand noise in (25) or (30). By commonly assuming all mea-surements statistically independent, the noise vector n wouldbe uncorrelated. To reduce the computational complexity, weemploy Givens rotation [20] to perform thin QR to compressthe measurements [1], i.e.,

Hx =[QH1 QH2

] [TH



where QH1 and QH2 are unitary matrices. After the mea-surement compression, we obtain:

rc = THδx + nc (33)

where the compressed Jacobian matrix TH should be squarewith the dimension of the state vector x, and the compressednoise is given by nc = Q>H1n. This compressed linearmeasurement residual is then used to efficiently update thestate estimate and coviance with the standard EKF.


To validate the performance of the proposed algorithm,several experiments were performed both in outdoor andindoor environments. The sensor rig, shown in Figure 2,consists of an Xsens MTi-300 AHRS IMU, Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR, and monochrome global-shutter Blackfly BFLY-PGE-23S6M camera. The extrinsics between sensors arecalibrated offline and refined during online estimation. Forevaluation, we compare the proposed LIC-Fusion against thestate-of-the-art visual-inertial and LiDAR odometry methods.Specifically, we compare the proposed to our implementationof the standard MSCKF-based VIO [1] and the open sourcedimplementation of LOAM LiDAR odometry [7]. It is alsoimportant to note that we directly compare to the outputof LOAM which leverages ICP matching to its constructedglobal map and thus has leveraged implicit loop-closureinformation, while our LIC-Fusion is purely an odometrybased method which estimates states in a sliding window,neither maintain a global map, nor leverage loop closures.

Page 5: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present

Fig. 2: The self-assembled LiDAR-inertial-camera rig withVelodyne LiDAR, Xsens IMU, and monochrome camera.

TABLE I: Outdoor Experimental Results: Average of averageabsolute trajectory errors (ATE) and their standard devia-tion/variability.

MSCKF [1] LIC-Fusion LOAM [7]Average ATEs (m) 10.75 4.06 23.08

1 Sigma (m) 3.56 3.42 2.63

A. Outdoor Tests

Firstly, the proposed system is tested on an outdoorsequence collected by mounting the self-assembled sensorrig (see Figure 2) on a custom Ackermann robot platform.This outdoor sequence is around 800 meters in length andis recorded over a duration of 4 minutes. RTK GPS withcentimeter-level accuracy is also mounted on and the GPSmeasurements are used as the groundtruth for evaluation.

Each algorithm was run six different times to account fortheir inherent randomness due to the use of RANSAC and toprovide a representative evaluation of typical performance.Figure 3 shows the resulting mean trajectories estimated bythe proposed LIC-Fusion, MSCKF, and LOAM. The averagemean squared errors (MSE) of each method is presentedin Fig. 4, in which the trajectories are aligned to the RTKgroundtruth using the “best fit” transform that minimized theoverall trajectory error. The proposed LIC-Fusion showed a2.5 meter decrease in the average error as compared to thestandard MSCKF, and 5 meter decreased when compared toLOAM. We can find that the drift of LIC-Fusion grows muchslower over time as compared to the other two methods andmaintains the smallest error for most of the trajectory. Theaverage absolute trajectory errors (ATE) [21] and their onesigma deviation/variability are also reported in Table I. Theseresults show that the proposed system is able to localize withhigh accuracy by fusing different sensing modalities (thatbeing camera, inertial, and LiDAR).

B. Indoor Tests

We further evaluate the system on a series of indoordatasets which were collected in various normal to low-light lighting conditions with slow to aggressive motionprofiles. The indoor sequences are collected by holding thesensor rig (see Figure 2) in hand at chest height. Since

Fig. 3: Top view of outdoor sequence trajectories, showingthe trajectories resulted from proposed LIC-Fusion (blue),MSCKF (red), LOAM (pink), and RTK GPS groundtruth(black)

0 50 100 150 200

Time (s)










Fig. 4: Average mean squared errors (MSE) of the proposedLIC-Fusion (blue), MSCKF (red), and LOAM (pink) on theoutdoor sequence, over the duration of the trajectory.

groundtruth was not available indoors, we returned the sensorplatform to the initial location and evaluate the start-enderror. Table II, summarizes the average start-end error resultswith the trajectories being shown in Figure 5. The resultsshow that the proposed LIC-Fusion is able to localize withhigh accuracy and is able to handle even extreme casesof high motion and low light due to the fusion of threedifferent sensing modalities. Shown in Figure 6, the Indoor-Csequence recorded while we shook the sensor rig as stronglyas we could, hence it has both high angular velocitiesand high linear accelerations with aggressive motion. Theproposed LIC-Fusion is able to localize in this sequence,while the compared two methods fail with large amounts oferrors.


In this paper, we have developed a tightly-coupled efficientmulti-modal sensor fusion algorithm for LiDAR-inertial-camera odometry (i.e., LIC-Fusion) within the MSCKFframework. Online spatial and temporal calibration betweenall three sensors is performed to compensate for calibrationsensitivities as well as to ease sensor deployment. Theproposed approach detects and tracks sparse edge and pla-nar surf feature points over LiDAR scans and fuses thesemeasurements along with the visual features extracted from

Page 6: LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry · proposed LIC-Fusion is more accurate and more robust than state-of-the-art methods. II. THE PROPOSED LIC-FUSION In this section, we present

Fig. 5: Isometric views of the estimated trajectories on indoor sequences A, B, C and D (from left to right).

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80-10





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80-20






Fig. 6: Raw IMU measurements over the high-dynamicIndoor-C sequence.

TABLE II: Indoor Experimental Results: Average trajectorystart-end errors

Sequence MSCKF [1] LIC-Fusion LOAM [7]Indoor-A (39m) 0.99 0.98 0.66Indoor-B (86m) 1.55 1.04 0.46Indoor-C (55m) 49.94 1.55 2.44

Indoor-D (189m) 46.03 3.68 5.99

monocular images. As a result, by taking advantages ofdifferent sensing modalities, the proposed LIC-Fusion is ableto provide accurate and robust 6DOF motion tracking in 3Din different environments and under aggressive motions. Inthe future, we will investigate how to efficiently integrateloop closure constraints obtained from both the LiDAR andcamera in order to bound navigation errors.


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