Page 1: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY


10:30 am

May 2018

Church Staff Reverend Allison



Roz Presby

Pastoral Associate

Caleb Flick

Director of Music


Wanda Beaver

Associate of Music


Debbie Kissinger

Office Administrator

Carolyn Frischkorn

Financial Secretary Virginia Henning

Treasurer Joe Sponaugle


Faith Immanuel

Presbyterian Church

1801 Colonial Road

Harrisburg, PA 17112


Life in Faith Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church is a welcoming community

committed to worshipping God,

growing in Christ, and, emboldened by the Holy Spirit,

extending Christ’s love, grace and mercy to all.

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of

the earth.” - Acts 1:8

Last Sunday, I invited everyone in the congregation to participate in the process

of defining our mission and identity as Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church. At

our core, any Church’s mission is centered on sharing in the good news of

Christ Jesus our Lord and following his loving and reconciling example. And yet,

even the very earliest followers of Jesus struggled to define what it meant to be

a follower of Christ in their particular time, culture and place. They engaged in

questions such as “What spiritual and worship practices must we observe?”

“How do we live together as a community even in the face of conflict?” “How

can we serve the least of these?” Our ancestors in the faith worked through these questions that are relevant for

any church today, in part, by sharing their stories, their ‘God sighting’ moments

and sharing that story until it became part of the fabric of who we are as Chris-

tians. While we face the same questions today, we are not as practiced at telling

our stories in the same way our predecessors were. You may find it difficult and

be unsure where to begin. For most of us, it will take some time and some ef-

fort to figure out what stories need telling and how to present them. Scripture

reveals storytelling, story sharing and story interpreting as a spiritual practice

and so it is only fitting that we would include it as part of our shared life of faith.

As I said on Sunday, this is the longest way possible to develop a mission state-

ment, but I do believe that it is worth doing for a number of reasons. Our work

is not just being creative and coming up with “something good” but discerning

what God is calling our community to do and be, what gifts we have been given

and how to live our the gospel message. As we study the book of Acts together

in worship- we are reading the stories that the early church compiled as they

sought to answer the same questions for their time and place. We participate in

that work of discernment by sharing and studying our own stories. The Holy Spirit is inconvenient and refuses to abide by our time tables. Yet as

we seek to keep our ears and eyes open to what the Spirit is doing in us I be-

lieve we will define a mission statement that is valuable and useful, inspiring and

rooted in Christ. In the coming days and weeks I invite you to send me your stories through email

([email protected]) or to use good old fashioned pen and paper and put

your stories in my mailbox at the church office. My hope is that in writing, shar-

ing, listening and discussing the stories of our community we can be renewed in

our call to discipleship and shine with the light of Christ for all to see.

Grace and Peace, Rev. Allison Spooner

Page 2: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY


Class of 2018

Linda Graham

Bub Manning

Joe Stimmel

Class of 2019

Shirley Cleaver

Terry Hack

George Hope

Class of 2020

Bill Hawk Rose Jewell-Jordan

Jackie Webb

Clerk of Session

Norm Diefenderfer


Class of 2018 Carol Gangwish

Ken Shatto

SuAnn Tucci

Class of 2019 Bonnie Hack

Wendell Jordan

Sherri Linn

Class of 2020 Bob Dash

Barb Hablett

Anita Klaboe

Coming Soon: Homebound Communion Ministry Faith Immanuel currently has about fifteen local members who are home-

bound, either at home or in care facilities. Some of them are able to attend

services occasionally, but others are not.

One of the active ministries at Progress-Immanuel involved serving Com-

munion to homebound members to keep them connected with the life of

the church. The Worship Committee and the Deacons are working to con-

tinue this ministry in our Faith Immanuel congregation. We anticipate put-

ting together teams of two Elders and/or Deacons who would visit home-

bound members on Sundays after Communion is served at church and share

the Sacrament with them.

Any member who has been ordained as an Elder or Deacon is qualified to

be part of this ministry, whether or not you are currently serving as an of-

ficer. If this is something you have not done before, fear not – we will train and equip you. Depending on the number of people who participate, you

might be scheduled to serve anywhere from one to four times in a year. In

a perfect world, we would like to be able to do this every month, but it will

depend on how many folks are willing to serve.

If you feel that this is something you are called to do, please let Allison, my-

self, or Wendell Jordan know.



Page 3: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY



Faith Immanuel


Chancel Choir

Wednesday evenings

At 6:30 pm

Bell Choir

Wednesday evenings

at 8:00 pm


May is for Music at Faith Immanuel! Music Recognition Sunday is May 20th. We

will use this occasion to thank those who have volunteered and contributed so

much to our worship through their gifts of music. I would like to invite you to

come back that same afternoon, May 20th, at 4:00 pm for a performance by the Praise Him Singers! They presented a concert here last year and will return to

share the Good News through popular sacred music. They are a not-for-profit

community based group which would like to build a lasting relationship with Faith

Immanuel. (See their 2018 concert schedule on page 7.) Please join me in wel-

coming them!

After Pentecost we transition into Summer Special Music. While you can look

ahead to the Summer newsletters for exact details, there is one special treat the

last week of May. Mezzo-soprano Hannah Shea, who sang for us so beautifully

this past winter, will be presenting a recital the evening of Thursday, May 31, at

7:00pm. She will be accompanied on the piano by yours truly, and possibly joined

by “Clarinet Steve” Christ and violist Michael Gamon for some chamber vocal

works with various instrumentation. Mike was a classmate of mine at Lebanon

Valley, a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory, and is the director of musical

activities at Harrisburg Academy where Hanna graduated from high school in

2014. The concert will be about an hour or so in length and will skew heavily in

the classical direction, perhaps with some musical theatre favorites. I hope that

you will attend and support Hannah as she prepares to go off to Summer pro-

grams and graduate school!

Thanks! Caleb


at Faith Immanuel

The “Praise Him Singers” Concert

Sunday, May 20 at 4:00 pm

Recital featuring Hannah Shea and Caleb Flick

(and guests)

Thursday, May 31 at 7:00 pm

Page 4: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY



May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager.

June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.








Questions, contact the church office at 717-545-4631.



6—Shirley Cleaver

13—Bob MacIntyre

20—Terry Hack

27—Marjorie Key

6—Gary Souders and Terry Hack

13—Shirley Cleaver and Karen Miller

20—Fred and Jean Muncert

27—Holly Dash and Marge Barner









Faith Immanuel’s Lee Robert Webb Memorial Education Fund offers a $500

scholarship to high school seniors entering their freshman year of studies at

the undergraduate level or students participating in mission trips or charitable

work that requires funding (students in middle school through graduate school,

including past participants). Applicants must be members of Faith Immanuel

Presbyterian Church, active in church activities, demonstrate good citizenship

through community service, and exhibit academic achievement in the last two

years. Applicants should submit a letter of intent to the church office

(addressed to the Nurture Committee) along with a resume highlighting the

above qualifications. Submissions must be received in the church office

by April 30, 2018.



Page 5: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY











Faithful Stitchers

led by Jackie Webb

meets the 2nd and 4th

Tuesdays of each

month at 1:00 pm in

the library.

WEDNESDAY FAITHFUL “All meals seasoned with love!”

May 16 at Noon in Shaffer Hall

Well folks, Mother Nature finally cooperated and we were able to meet in April.

The count for lunch was 73 which was a great turnout. The chicken casserole and

seven layer salad were both big hits and the dessert table offered a nice variety of


We will meet in May for our picnic lunch and then take a break over the summer.

Our menu for the picnic will make you think summer is already here!

Hot Dogs and Sauerkraut, Hamburger BBQ, Potato Salad, Macaroni

Salad, Carrot Raisin Salad, Baked Beans, Deviled Eggs, Mocha Punch,

and Dessert. Watch for the sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center.

OOPS! A long black coat (J. G. Hook label) and leather gloves belonging to Gail

Diefenderfer were taken by mistake from the coat rack at Faith Immanuel.

In their place was left a short black wool coat with the label Cuddle Coat

New York. Please contact the church office at 717-545-4631 if you discover

Gail’s coat. Thank you!


Mark your Calendar

Page 6: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY

Northwood Notes May

See You Later

See you later alligator,

Bye bye butterfly,

Give a hug ladybug,

Be sweet parakeet,

Blow a kiss goldfish,

See you soon raccoon,

Take care polar bear,

Out the door dinosaur!

Northwood said goodbye to April with our 34th annual Art Show. The hallways

and classrooms were all overflowing with the children's art work. They were so

proud to show off their school and many works of art to family and friends.

May is going to be a very busy month for us. The children will be working on

Mother’s Day cards and gifts.

A school bus will be making a stop at Northwood for the children to tour and

learn about bus safety.

Everyone will be practicing songs for our closing programs. We will be having our

year end family picnic at Brightbill Park on May 21st. Our last day will be May 23rd.

I will be retiring at the end of this school year. I have truly enjoyed my time at

Northwood. Nicole Evenhuis currently our Administrative Assistant, will be the

new Director. I know she will do a great job leading Northwood as it enters into

the 55th year.

No need for me to say good-bye, I will continue to help Debbie with Wednesday


Thank you for your support and prayers. It has been a blessing to be a part of

Faith Immanuel’s mission of serving the children in our community.


Deb Mercurio


Nursery School

Of Faith


Presbyterian Church

50+ Years of ABCs,

123s and TLC

Northwood Staff

Deb Mercurio


Nicole Evenhuis

Office Administrator

Margaret Grobinski


Madison Stadler


Julie Stadler


Anita Klaboe


Cathy Lyons


Melissa Gaiski





Page 7: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY



The Praise Him Singers

♪♫♪Present ♪♫♪

Our Spring 2018 Concerts

“Sing Joyfully!”

05/17/2018, 7:00 pm, prelude 6:30pm

Our Saviour Lutheran Church

420 N. Progress Ave., Harrisburg, PA

05/20/2018, 4:00 pm, prelude 3:30pm

Faith Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

1801 Colonial Road, Harrisburg, PA

05/22/2018, 7:00 pm, prelude 6:30pm

Baughman United Methodist Church

228 Bridge Street, New Cumberland, PA

05/31/2018, 7:00 pm, prelude 6:30pm

Charlton United Methodist Church

5920 Jonestown Road, Harrisburg, PA

Page 8: Life in Faith · 5/4/2018  · May’s book is Sisters First by Barbara Bush & Jenna Bush Hager. June’s book is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. LAY LEADERS FOR MAY

We’re sorry if we missed your birthday. Please notify the office at 717-545-4631.

May 1 Joseph Weaver

May 3 Scott Pollack

May 7 Amanda Klaboe

May 8 Chris Fenstermacher

Steve Snyder

May 10 Rusty Keiser

May 13 Erin Glass

May 14 Gavin Kopp

Megan Stewart

May 15 Dorothy Runkle

May 18 Erna Tunno

May 21 Barbara Longenecker

May 22 Cheryl Caplan

George Hope

May 23 Gina Deiter

May 26 Megan Rivera (Keever)

Ronald Linville

May 27 Olivia Sorensen

Nancy Travis



June 2 Rose Jewell Jordan

June 3 Jane Shatto

June 5 Michael Leader

June 6 Ron Schubauer, Jr.

Carol Carnes

Alyvia Walters

June 7 Caleb Flick

June 8 Evelyn Jarosick

June 9 Carolyn Frischkorn

June 10 Marjorie Key

June 13 Zachary Key

Michael Rhoads

Amy Berdanier

June 15 Edwin Musser

June 18 Elaine Marsico

June 19 Hannah Caplan

June 20 Gerard Berdanier

June 21 Robert Kaneda

Barb Dugan

June 25 Pat Lebo

June 28 Charlotte Acri

June 29 Wanda Beaver

June 30 Dianna Plack

June Rounsley

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