
Life is a lot easier when the best opportunities and people come to you vs you having to go find them

Life is a lot easier when the best opportunities and people come to you vs you having to go find them.To make the most of Attraction, you may need to suspend your goals and focus more on what's right in front of you.The Attraction Approach is a Personal Operating System that you can adapt to fit perfectly with your style and in your life.Attraction works both in your personal life and in business.You only need to apply 5 of these 28 principles for the process work; there is built-in redundancy.Principles vs DirectivesWondering what the 'principles' versions of the above directives look like? Here are principle versions of the first 5:

#1 Directive: Become incredibly selfish.Principle: Selfishness is the first step to true generosity.

#2.Directive: Unhook yourself from the future.Principle: The present has far more opportunities than the future.

#3.Directive: Overrespond to every event.Principle: The events of your life are opportunities just waiting to be over responded to.

#4.Directive: Build a super reserve in every area.Principle: Fear virtually disappears when you have a super reserve.

#5.Directive: Add value just for the joy of it.Principle: Adding value is sustainable when you do so primarily for the joy of it.

20 qualities of a person who has mastered the Attraction Operating System. If you focus on developing these qualities concurrent with your learning of the Attraction Principles, you'll find that these qualities accelerate the integration process.1. Generous. Because you can easily afford to be.2. Integrous. Because you are whole and the circle is complete.3. Loving. Because there is a marked absence of fear.4. Compassionate. Because you've been there even if you haven't.5. Balanced. Because there is nothing left to juggle.6. Articulate. Because life is so very simple.7. Respectful. Because every one is special.8. Positive. Because it wouldn't occur to you to be negative.9. Secure. Because you have a strong reserve in every area and eliminated the primary threats.10. Aware. Because you have learned to see clearly and feel everything.11. Flexible. Because there is no weight and you are in the flow.12. Willing. Because there is nothing to lose.13. Resourceful. Because you've learned where to get exactly what you need to be your best.14. Interdevelopmental. Because learning is continuous and people are the best teachers.15. Initiating. Because waiting no longer appeals. 16. Light-hearted. Because life isn't something to win at.17. Creative. Because you feel free to express yourself and have something to say.18. Forthright. Because truth is everything and honesty is natural.19. Collaborative. Because it's more fulfilling than competing or protecting.20. Genuine. Because there is nothing left to prove and all that's left is you.

Section #4. The Five "Levels of Understanding" for Each of the 28 Attraction Principles

I've identified five levels or 'spaces' a person would probably move through during the process of grasping the depth, power and subtleties of each of the 28 Attraction Principles.Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

IntroductionAs you learn each of the 28 principles, imagine that each principle has 5 levels of understanding. This will help you recognize that there ARE subtleties of understanding for each of the principles AND stretch you to create your own levels. The five levels of UNDERSTANDING, are not necessarily action, and are the ones I've personally had to 'move through' in order to fully benefit from the power of Attraction. Your five levels will probably be different than mine, but that's the idea!Benefits of the 'Five Levels' ApproachThree of the reasons that this type of list is helpful are:1. It gets you to thinking about the depth and richness Attraction.2. You get to create your own 'definition' of each of the principles.3. You can see 'where' you currently are, have been and probably will arrive at in terms of each of the 28 principles.Reading/Using the Five Levels ListAs you read the five levels under each of the 28 principles, you will probably 'see yourself' at one of the five levels. I've tried to make each level progressively more 'challenging.' You may or may not agree with my description of the five levels for a particular principle, but I am hoping that whatever I've described will at least get you thinking along a similar line. Some of my points below will be confusing or incomplete -- I don't have a full description of what I mean for each of the five levels. You'll need to either guess what I meant, or come up with your own list of 5 levels. You may even think I've got some of the 5 levels backwards, or out of order. In any case, what I've written should give you some good ideas and get you thinking. Level 1 is the most basic level; Level 5 is the most advanced level. You 'advance' by simply reading, ruminating about and then grasping the richness of the 'remaining' levels of each principle. Often, the wording is subtle or even paradoxical, so give your mind a couple of days (or months) to 'try it on.' There is no rush. There is a separate list of five suggested ACTIONS to take to put each of 28 principles into practice. The Five Levels List below is mostly 'spaces' you grow through on your way to understanding and mastering the Attraction Principles.1. BECOME INCREDIBLY SELFISH.1st Level. It's okay to put yourself first.2nd Level. You can be very selfish and very generous, simultaneously.3rd Level. It's incredibly SMART to put yourself first.4th Level. If I'm not being selfish, I'm probably being stupid and ineffective.5th Level. The biggest gift I can give to others is to be incredibly.2. UNHOOK YOURSELF FROM THE FUTURE.1st Level. Goals are a good thing, but it's easy to get seduced by the future.2nd Level. Enjoy today, but do be working toward what you really want.3rd Level. Let go of the goals that YOU didn't set for yourself.4th Level. Abandon all goals, period.5th Level. As you make the ultimate of the present, the best future finds you.3. OVERRESPOND TO EVERY EVENT.1st Level. It's normal and healthy to react to events/people, otherwise you bottle stuff up emotionally.2nd Level. There is a time to react and a time to overrespond.3rd Level. When you overrespond vs overreact to events/people, you are evolving yourself in the most natural manner.4th Level. When you overrespond vs overreact to events/people, you are evolving your environment.5th Level. Every single event is worthy of overresponding to, just for the sheer richness of it.4. BUILD A SUPERRESERVE IN EVERY AREA.1st Level. Stockpiling possessions seems to make the statement that you don't trust the universe or yourself.2nd Level. Having more than enough is enough.3rd Level. Having more than you'll ever need is both possible and extremely beneficial.4th Level. With enough reserves in key areas, one experiences a permanent sense of reserve.5th Level. When you this degree of comprehensive reserve, you live a very, very different life, virtually unrecognizable.5. ADD VALUE JUST FOR THE JOY OF IT.1st Level. Offering more and better services/products is a great way to attract more clients/business.2nd Level. Helping clients to see ALL of the value available from your product/service is a good way to build your reputation.3rd Level. Learning what people MOST want and need and then creating a superior product or service is an excellent way to add value.4th Level. Innovating for the sake of innovating is personally rewarding.5th Level. Creating value even if no one ever consciously recognizes it is reward enough.6. AFFECT OTHERS PROFOUNDLY.1st Level. It's important to recognize the specialness in each person.2nd Level. It's important to tell people that they are special.3rd Level. It's important to show people how special they are.4th Level. It's important to become the type of person who people feel special around, even when you're not trying to make them feel special.5th Level. It's highly enjoyable to operate in the realm of profundity, yet be casual and approachable.7. MARKET YOUR TALENTS SHAMELESSLY.1st Level. I know what my talents are.2nd Level. Other people can describe well what I provide for them professionally.3rd Level. I am able to simply and powerfully describe how people will clearly benefit from what I provide.4th Level. I have zero fear about 'asking for the order.'5th Level. I sell the person on themselves, not on my services/product.8. BECOME IRRESISTIBLY ATTRACTIVE TO YOURSELF.1st Level. I like myself.2nd Level. I love myself.3rd Level. I totally enjoy myself.4th Level. I am often impressed by what I do.5th Level. I keep falling in love with myself because I'm so awesome.9. GET A FULFILLING LIFE, NOT JUST AN IMPRESSIVE LIFESTYLE.1st Level. I have a great lifestyle.2nd Level. I have a great life.3rd Level. I have a great lifestyle and a great life.4th Level. There is nothing in my life or lifestyle that I would change or improve.5th Level. I couldn't care less about my life or my lifestyle.10. DELIVER TWICE WHAT YOU PROMISE.1st Level. I am a person of my word.2nd Level. I deliver what I say I will over 95% of the time.3rd Level. I deliver what I say I will, 99.99% of the time.4th Level. I deliver 150% of what people expect.5th Level. I delivery twice what people expect, without breaking a sweat.11. CREATE A VACUUM WHICH PULLS YOU FORWARD.1st Level. I use goals and deadlines to be at my most productive.2nd Level. I've stopped pushing myself and let things happen.3rd Level. I've selected the right people and designed my day/activities so that I'm being pulled in the right direction.4th Level. I am a part of something bigger than myself and am being carried forward by that.5th Level. I am weightless and experience no resistance.12. ELIMINATE DELAY.1st Level. I don't like problems and I solve them as soon as I possibly can.2nd Level. When I notice or encounter a problem, I stop everything immediately and permanently solve that problem.3rd Level. I have no problems, period.4th Level. I have enough space and time to orient myself around an emerging opportunity within minutes of discovering it.5th Level. I have nothing on my to-do list.13. GET YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS MET, ONCE AND FOR ALL.1st Level. I know what my personal needs are.2nd Level. I know what my personal needs are and they are all met.3rd Level. I have discovered what's BEHIND (history, dynamic, motivation) my personal needs and have comes to terms with that.4th Level. I don't use people to get my needs met.5th Level. I am needless and 'operate' so efficiently that I draw almost no 'power.'14. THRIVE ON THE DETAILS.1st Level. Details are nice, but the bigger picture/paradigm is more important in the scheme of things.2nd Level. I know the difference between a nuance, a detail and a subtlety and I enjoy all three tremendously.3rd Level. Give me 3 details about a person and I can tell you who they are.4th Level. Life occurs in the details; the details ARE the bigger picture/paradigm.5th Level: Details indicate mutation/evolution and that's exactly where I want to live.15. TOLERATE NOTHING.1st Level. I tolerate certain behaviors if the person is making progress/improvement.2nd Level. I don't put up with very much any longer; life is too short.3rd Level. There is nothing that I am currently tolerating about myself, others or my environment.4th Level. I am incredibly tolerant, yet I don't tolerate anything.5th Level. I don't tolerate my own behavior; I immediately change/fix it.16. SHOW OTHERS HOW TO PLEASE YOU.1st Level. I know exactly what it takes to make me feel good and be happy.2nd Level. I am willing to include others in the process of my getting pleased and appreciated.3rd Level. I show people exactly how to please me until they get it right.4th Level. I show people how to please me to the point that they can't wait to please me again.5th Level. I am pleased 99% of the time.17. ENDORSE YOUR WORST WEAKNESSES.1st Level. I have accepted the reality that I have weaknesses that I may not be able to overcome or solve in this lifetime.2nd Level. I easily love myself for the strengths I have, even though I clearly have weaknesses that I am not proud of.3rd Level. I have come to see that my weaknesses may, in fact, be my ultimate strengths -- or at least that my weaknesses have motivated/forced me to compensate by developing admirable qualities, skills and traits.4th Level. I kinda like my weaknesses; I view them as normal as my strengths.5th Level. I have come to enjoy even my worst weaknesses to the point that I am grateful for them.18. SENSITIZE YOURSELF.1st Level. I trust my feelings to guide me even if I can't justify or explain them.2nd Level. I notice and feel things before other people do.3rd Level. I don't watch TV, use caffeine or adrenaline.4th Level. I am so sensitive that I have to protect myself from the insensitivity of 99% of the population.5th Level. Inklings are life.19. PERFECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT.1st Level. I am happy with my home and work environment.2nd Level. My home and work environments bring out my best.3rd Level. My home and work environments are just awesome.4th Level. My home and work environments evoke hidden parts of me.5th Level. My environment IS me.20. DEVELOP MORE CHARACTER THAN YOU NEED.1st Level. I don't lie, other than white lies.2nd Level. I never lie, period. I don't even tell white lies.3rd Level. I am completely forthright; I make sure that the other person is fully informed.4th Level. I am not involved with anything or anyone that's not healthful for me.5th Level. Integrity is everything to me.21. SEE HOW PERFECT THE PRESENT REALLY IS.1st Level. I don't resist or reinterpret what happens to me.2nd Level. I want to see how perfect the present is, but I just can't.3rd Level. I believe that almost every event/experience is a lesson to learn.4th Level. I see that I probably cause almost everything that happens to me.5th Level. I am grateful for the current problems and challenges with which I am dealing.22. BECOME UNCONDITIONALLY CONSTRUCTIVE.1st Level. I don't criticize people to their face.2nd Level. I don't gossip.3rd Level. I always find a way to share my reactions/opinions in a positive and respectful way.4th Level. I always speak to the best part of a person.5th Level. I barely even notice a person's faults and to me, they don't matter.23. ORIENT EXCLUSIVELY AROUND YOUR VALUES.1st Level. I know what my values are.2nd Level. I have aligned my goals to my values.3rd Level. I have oriented my life around my values.4th Level. Every goal I have is an expression of a value, not a need.5th Level. I don't have to set goals; my values set them for me.24. SIMPLIFY EVERYTHING.1st Level. Less is more.2nd Level. Simplicity is easier.3rd Level. Simplicity is grace.4th Level. Simplicity is power.5th Level. Nothing is everything.25. MASTER YOUR CRAFT.1st Level. I would be called competent by the masters in my field.2nd Level. I perform/do my craft with virtually no effort on my part and the output results are extremely high.3rd Level. I teach my craft to others; mentoring.4th Level. I had found better/innovative ways to practice my craft or have created tools that others are also using.5th Level. It's not a craft, it's an art, and I am Picasso.26. RECOGNIZE AND TELL THE TRUTH.1st Level. I am honest 100% of the time.2nd Level. I am forthright 100% of the time.3rd Level. The truth is more much advanced than mere honesty.4th Level. I can see the truth in almost any situation.5th Level. My life is a reflection of the truth.27. HAVE A VISION.1st Level. I am optimistic about the future.2nd Level. I strongly sense that I have talents or skills that will contribute to a higher quality of life for others.3rd Level. I have a vision, meaning that I can see an aspect of how life will be different or better in the future.4th Level. I spend a good deal of my time making my vision a reality.5th Level. I feel absolutely no responsibility or pressure to make my vision a reality.28. BE MORE HUMAN.1st Level. I am a spiritual being having a human experience.2nd Level. I can accept inhuman behavior; I understand why people do what they do.3rd Level. I have accepted the weaknesses in my colleauges and friends; they are not a reflection of me.4th Level. I am a human being having a spiritual experience.5th Level. The evolutionary path is to become more human, not more spiritual.

The 25 Ways That Every Coach Will Benefit by Learning the Attraction PrinciplesThe Coach who masters the Attraction Principles will be more effective with their clients because the coach -- and client -- will be using an advanced personal operating system that reduces resistance, accelerates learning and provides a common coaching platform for both parties.

Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

IntroductionAs you learn each of the 28 principles, imagine that each principle has 5 levels of understanding. This will help you recognize that there ARE subtleties of understanding for each of the principles Introduction The learning process to become a masterful coach is never complete, is it? Just when you've learned your professional coaching skills, learned the best advice to offer in the most common client situations and begun to have financial success as a coach, you are encouraged to learn an important set of principles, called the Attraction Approach. I've made a list of the 25 most compelling reasons that I could think of that "create the case" for why it's so beneficial -- to you and to your client's success -- for you to master Attraction. Naturally, you'll want to buy The Portable Coach book in order to study the Attraction Principles, but the list of 25 reasons/benefits below explain the role of Attraction in the coaching process and in the life of a coach.Reason #1. You will attract a higher-caliber, higher-paying client.The more successful clients want to hire a sophisticated coach because they want to be personally and professionally developed AS they are supported to reach their goals. They understand that there is more to life than just achieving linear results. The better client wants to play in a different ball park, using only the best equipment on a solid playing field with a coach who brings out their best, not just pushes them hard. The Attraction Principles are a higher-level, more sophisticated way of playing the game, and once the client experiences several of the principles, they'll come to respect you even more as their coach who KNOWS. --Low-caliber, problem-oriented clients sap the energy of even the best coaches.Reason #2. You will lose far fewer clients. Client turnover is currently a significant problem in the coaching profession.This is a missed opportunity for the coach because each client is worth between $10,000 and $25,000 over a 5-year period. (Thus, each client is an 'asset' and worth keeping happy.) It's also a missed opportunity for the client because if the coach is doing a great job and adding value to the client's life, there should be no reason for the client to quit coaching. From what I've seen, the REAL reasons that clients leave there coach is for one of three reasons -- 1) The client has outgrown their coach, 2) The client reached their goal and hadn't set another, or 3) The client didn't bond with their coach. Each of these three problems is fixable when the Coach knows the Attraction Principles. How? Because when the client has learned and integrated the Attraction Principles, the coach 1) gets on a faster learning track so clients won't 'outgrow' the coach, 2) has 28 seeds to plant so the client never runs out of worthwhile goals, and 3) bonds extremely well with the client because the coach has been sensitized enough emotionally to accurately sense what the client needs at any given time during the relationship. --Clients can spend 2-5 years learning and mastering the Attraction Principles.Reason #3. You will become a much better coach with almost every client because you'll be using meta-principles, not just giving advice or being supportive.Most coaches take a lot of pride in how well they are able to service (coach) their clients. The committed coaches enjoy learning new coaching skills, coaching models, coaching programs and situational-savvy advice. But there is one more category of expertise to master, and this is called meta-principles. The 28 Attraction Principles are a great collection of meta-principles. A meta-principle can be defined as an underlying principle, or a principle of principles or as part of a personal operating system. An example of a "basic" principle is "Persistence pays off." The corresponding meta principle is "Add value for the joy of it." In other words, if you follow the meta principle, you'll naturally use the basic principle -- but you'll be using it much more intelligently and taking it to its next 'level.' --Meta principles create a gap and therefore a vacuum. Client's are pulled forward effortlessly instead of having to push themselves.Reason #4. You will have a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace.The number of coaches in practice is has been doubling each year since 1990. That rapid growth rate speaks well for the demand for coaching services! Yet, at the same time, clients have become 'smarter,' meaning that they are better informed about the coaching process and have many more coaches from which to select from. Things like experience, reputation, special skills and niche markets help the coach to differentiate themselves among their colleagues. But what will give you a competitive advantage? As far as I can tell, three things can provide you with enough advantage to build a very successful practice: 1) A marketing engine, 2) superior coaching skills, and 3) superior advice. Knowing -- and living -- the Attraction Principles will help you in all 3 areas. Specifically, 1) in marketing because you'll be attracting a like-minded network that will result in the right referrals, without selling, 2) in coaching skills, because Attraction-based coaches listen better (because they've sensitized themselves) and coach better (because they are fearless), and 3) in giving advice, because you will be giving integrated advice (advice that links to the client's personal operating system), instead of good-but-linear suggestions. --Remember, it's not how good your advice it, but how perfectly fitting and timely it is, that will make your reputation as an extraordinary coach.Reason #5. You will naturally develop your finest personal qualities.It's my view that most of us are simply too busy to discover and fully develop the personal qualities that are what make us extraordinary. What happens instead is that we develop skills sets, learn knowledge, build a marketing engine or create a lifestyle. Hey, these are obviously worthwhile investments, but they are still add-ons to YOU. So, if we define YOU as the qualities you are comprised of, what qualities exactly are we talking about? Things like resourcefulness, balance, love, generosity, compassion, awareness, willingness, creativity and forthrightness. Sure, they aren't as sexy as a Porsche or a $250K a year coaching practice. But personal qualities are at the core of will can attract those things to you. Think of these qualities as your memetic foundation. --Don't you deserve to spend as much time developing your qualities as you do developing your professional life?Reason #6. You will create profound experiences for your clients instead of just providing a coaching/support service.You've heard of the service economy, of course. Coaching, in fact, is one type of service that comprises the service economy (vs a Ford truck, which would be part of the industrial/goods economy). When someone buys your service, you deliver it on demand, providing a customized benefit to the client. Nothing new about this. But what if you transformed your coaching practice to become part of the experience economy instead of the service economy? What you would be staging (not offering), according to B. Joseph Pine II and James H Gilmore (Harvard Business Review, July/August 1998), would be a personalized experience resulting in wonderful memories and with new sensations and awarenesses being revealed to the guest (aka client) over time (before and after the event). Sound a little confusing? It will help to think back to a REALLY great coaching session you had, where the images, words or sensations are still present with you today. Or to make it really easy, think DisneyWorld. Disney's theme parks are clear examples of the experience economy. Why does joining the experience economy matter to a coach? Because if you're simply providing a coaching service, you'll soon only be providing a commodity. If you are staging an experience, you are providing more value and will attract more clients because of the powerful buzz about your coaching. --Coaching services are becoming commodities; making the coaching service an EXPERIENCE will give you a competitive advantage.Reason #7. You will become the ultimate model for your clients, without the burden of being a model for your clients.One of the things that draws a client to a particular coach is because that coach has something that the client wants more of or to become more like, whether it's a lifestyle, communication style, wisdom/knowledge or personal style. So far, so good. But the problem comes when the coach tries to emulate other coaches or experts because they feel a need to become a better model for their own clients. What happens is that the coach begins to perform, the classic "if I do X, then I will get Y." What's nice about the Attraction approach is that you give up that type of cause and effect strategy and simply become more of you. Which, of course, is EXACTLY what being a model is all about, but this way, you're being a model as a byproduct of just being you, instead of trying to be a good model. --The attraction approach helps you to become a model for YOURSELF.Reason #8. You will become fearless.Only one out of 10 coaches is direct enough with their clients. Either the coach is 'afraid' to be blunt, can't find the words to language what they are sensing or isn't clued into the underlying dynamic of the client to know what to focus on. This is no fault of the coach or of the coach training -- humans in general have learned to hold themselves back, even when they are being paid to have the Edge. Is the solution to try harder or learn more communication skills? Not really, because they only brings incremental results. What does work, however, is to immune to the fallout/consequences of being so honest with your client. A super-reserve of the type described in The Portable Coach book is the only permanent solution to the problem of fear. Every other approach or 'system' is a mind-trip, as far as I've seen, and doesn't last. Fear is the most costly element of the coaching relationship, because it results in the truth not being discovered and discussed. --The Attraction approach reduces fear to the point that it won't get in the way of the best coaching of which you are capable.Reason #9. What is holding you back professionally and financially, will begin to dissipate and disappear.Physics tells us that when you reduce resistance, flow is increased without expending any more energy. Attraction is based on this physical law, and we take it one step further, and that's that as you have more flow, you increase the chance of synchronicity and serendipity. (There's more to the process of Attraction, of course, especially the elevating affect of having a super strong Personal Foundation and the notion of creating a vacuum.) During the process of learning and implementing the 28 principles, you will begin to notice the many (probably over 100) things that are holding you back. Especially the ones that you hadn't seen before -- those hidden blocks come to light during the Attraction process. In my view, it's better to dig deep and remove all blocks than it is to push yourself harder to overcome them. My approach (the Attraction approach) is counter-instinctual, but not counter-intuitive. --I say that most people tend to compensate for a block (by pushing/fighting it), than take the time identify and remove the block. The Attraction approach will help you make this shift.Reason #10. You won't have to market yourself heavily in order to develop a full practice.Building a practice IS a challenging process for most coaches and as much as I'd like to say that Attraction approach will instantly fill your practice with absolutely no effort, it's simply not true. But what is true is that you'll become a much more powerful and effective marketer of your coaching services, for several reasons. 1) You'll come to discover EXACTLY what it is about you, your skill set and coaching style that is what clients MOST respond powerfully to. Most coaches understand only vaguely what makes them effective. 2) You'll start selling the potential client on THEMSELVES, not coaching or on yourself. Most coaches try to sell the client on how great/effective coaching is. Wrong. People don't buy coaching. Rather, they buy themselves. 3) You'll attract new clients because they'll find YOU someone who is compelling, not just someone who is a good coach. The WHO is always more attractive than the WHAT. --With the Attraction Approach, you'll still be marketing, but you'll be marketing very, very differently.Reason #11. You will hear what you haven't been able to hear during the coaching sessions.There are over 200 things to listen for when coaching someone -- everything from what they said to what they didn't say, from how they react to what you said to how you are reacting to their resistance, from what they say they want to what they haven't realized (yet) that they really want, and so on. When you can really hear all 200 of such things, you become a masterful coach because you are able to respond to what matters most at the very moment. There are two effective ways to become a great listener. First is to learn what to listen for (those 200 things). You learn that at Coach University. Second is to simply hear better. Ideally, a coach would hear (and recognize) 100% of what is going on with the client, but most coaches only hear about 25% of what's going on. Why? Not because they aren't good listeners or because they don't care -- it's just that the coach's mind is so full of stuff that the stuff they are hearing from the client is overpowered by the quantity of stuff in the coach's head. In some cases, the coach is so 'full,' like a full hard drive, that they can't hear most of what's going on. The solution. Empty out your metaphoric hard drive, reformatting if necessary. Attraction quiets the mind, without numbing it. Attraction organizes the clutter, without compartmentalizing. Attraction opens the ears, without overwhelming. --The coach is being paid to hear, not just listen. How can you year, if your own mind is competing for attention?Reason #12. You will start to evolve, not just to change or improve.As coaches, we are usually hired to help a client resolve, understand or accomplish something. Sometimes, we are even brought in to teach skills or to develop strategies. But when's the last time a client brought you in to evolve them? Actually, every time they call you for a session, the client is wanting to be evolved, not just improved or supported. True, they don't directly ask for this weekly evolution, but it's what every human is being compelled by -- the need to survive well. And does a coach help a client to evolve instead of just improve? By giving the client something to work on that expands their thinking instead of just strengthening their skill sets. The technique I most often use to evolve a client is to sow seeds during every coaching session. Rather then give the client 'cut flowers' of knowledge/wisdom, I'd rather sow some seeds of wisdom that will GROW in the client's soil (and soul!), instead of just being the pretty bouquet of the week. And how does this relate to attraction? There are 28 seeds (principles) of attraction and EACH is evolutionary, given there are 5 stages/levels in each of the 28 principles. As the client 'gets' each principle, they are forever different, not just improved. --If a species doesn't not evolve, it usually dies off. If a coach doesn't evolve, they can't attract the better client.Reason #13. You will help your clients reach their goals much even more quickly because you have become more creative and unconventional.One of the reasons that clients hire a coach is to SAVE TIME. In other words, the coaching is an accelerant. The results happens sooner because of the wisdom, love, support, advice, discussion, structure, etc. that occurs during each coaching session. So far, so good. But every coach is now offering this. How can you help the client save even more time? By becoming unconventional in your thinking and creative in the advice that you give. It's easy to say "become more unconventional and creative," but how does one become this way, and how does the Attraction Approach foster this type of change? The simple, yet complete, answers is that as you get into the Attraction Approach, you find that you have to experiment and test what you are learning. This helps you learn differently -- trial and error vs following a procedure, trusting intuition vs acquiring knowledge, adapting in real-time vs planning ad nauseum, etc. In short, you get out of your head and life. There's no other way to learn/benefit from Attraction -- you have to try it on and customize it from there. This changing in learning style will also change your approach to coaching. As a result, coaching because a radically creative process where the coaching occurs between the parties, instead of the coach coaching the client. In other words, coaching occurs. This is a huge leap forward for our profession and those coaches who have learned to be experimental and learn in real-time, are the ones who have the edge. --As the world becomes more creative and unconventional, you'll need to become even MORE so, just to remain competitive.Reason #14. You will complete your own personal development and be able to simply enjoy life.Coaches, by nature I think, are into self-improvement and personal development. We, as a group, seem to have a sense that there's a lot to learn in life and that what it takes to be our best is always changing because of the evolutionary nature of life. And coaches are more willing than most to try out new approaches, philosophies, etc. I'm certainly all for that! But the problem a see a lot of is that we tend to get on the searching treadmill and spend so much time seeking that we keep missing the boat. I'm not advocating that we stop learning; I'm just saying that it IS possible to take your casserole out of the oven and declare yourself cooked. Will you ever be fully personally developed? Will you ever stop being open to new things or experiences? Will you ever stop evolving? Will you ever stop learning? No, of course not. However, I do suggest that if/when you CAN declare yourself 'fully cooked,' that you then start to really learn. Why? Because most of us have learned by seeking or striving. This can work well, but it's very stressful and expensive. The Attraction Approach advocates another method of learning and that's to overrespond to what is occurring around you and see what happens. This takes the 'future' (aka striving/seeking) out of the dynamic and lets you be in the present, which is where life, and true learning, is anyway. --Attraction helps you to more fully experience life, which is the most effective way to grow.Reason #15. You will find yourself treating everyone as a potential client, without turning them into a prospect.I shudder whenever I hear a coach talk about 'prospecting' for clients or when they refer to a potential client as a hot 'prospect.' Doesn't that turn the person into an object? Not pretty. I think a better approach is to view everyone you meet as an amazing person who doesn't need you, yet to whom you can give a gift. Is the gift an Attraction principle? No. An offer for free coaching? No. A business card? No. A patient ear? No. Rather, the gift to give a person is themselves. If you can point out something about them that they've forgotten or never new, you've created a gap that they can grow into. Now, I'm not talking about complimenting or acknowledging a person, because that's usually manipulative. Instead, I'm talking about becoming the type of person who -- AS A MATTER OF COURSE -- points out something positive about the person. In other words, become that type of person, instead of using this as a marketing or emotionally-hooking technique. See the difference? Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Instead of saying, "I like the way you talk," you'd say something like "You have a compelling way of speaking." Instead of saying, "You're obviously very successful," you'd say something like, "You handle your success very graciously." Instead of saying, "I'm sorry to hear that your business isn't doing well right now," you'd say something like "I can only imagine the amount of stress you're under right now." In other words, get what the person is feeling and empathize with them in this 'advanced' way. Or pick up something unique or special about the person and point that out. So, you're stating the obvious without puffery, yet it's a different thing than the person has probably ever heard before. THAT'S what gets their attention and THAT'S what will attract them as a client. AND, if you do this with EVERYONE because it's the type of person you are, you WILL get more clients. And how do you become this type of person without it being an act or performance? --You'll naturally become this type of person as you integrate the Attraction Principles. You will become generous because you can afford to be.Reason #16. You will bond more tightly with clients because they'll feel what they most need from you -- total acceptance.You've probably heard how important it is to accept your clients -- to accept them for who they are, where they are, how they are feeling and what they are going through. The idea is that acceptance on your part fosters acceptance on the client's part, and along with that comes a relaxation (less stress) which increases flow. Instead of accepting others (and ourselves), most humans have been trained to judge, compare, expect, exhort, convince, argue, debate and share our opinions. Did you ever have Acceptance 101 during you formative years? Me neither, so it's a learned skill isn't it? And even more than a skill, it's a way of living, because you don't just 'use it' with people. Rather, when you grant yourself such a level of acceptance, you naturally accept others. True, you can accept certain parts of people and your clients, but to be truly accepting, you'll have to accept the parts of you that have heretofore been unacceptable to you. Why does this matter so much? I'm not certain about this, but my best guess is that in order for a client to make significant changes, they have to feel solid about where they are first. It's like jumping across a stream --- you first check to make sure the bank your on (even if the wrong bank) is solid and can accept both your standing weight and the extra pressure of pushing off from the bank to leap to the other side. I think we coaches sometimes are so focussed on the other (better) bank, that we want our clients to leap before they know where their feet are. When you are not afraid of the 'wrong' bank, the client feels they have the time/space to get to know where there feet are, so they'll naturally make a leap to the other side, because the risk of jumping has been significantly reduced. --When you have accepted enough of yourself so that you find even your client's faults attractive, your clients will grow more quickly because they'll have experienced total acceptance from you.Reason #17. You will help your clients make the most of what they already have instead of chasing down empty tunnels with them.This may sound harsh, but I'm of the view that 90% of the coaching session is, essentially, wasted -- or at least highly inefficient. This is true of the sessions with my clients, as well. Why is so much of the session 'wasted?' The primary reason is because the client is focused on a goal that they'll either never reach or the type of 'never enough' goal that they'll simply replace with another goal if they do reach it. These types of goals are set without a whole lot of understanding as to the underlying motivation (which is usually an unmet need or as a way to compensate for something). Both client and coach can spend a LOT of time chasing this type of thing. And how can the Attraction Principles help both the client and coach to be more effective during the coaching session? Because each of the 28 principles does two things. First, it strengthens the underpinning of the client (financially, emotionally, intellectually) aka Personal Foundation. Second, because it focuses the client on becoming a person who is able to develop and deliver VALUE to others, yet while staying true to themselves. If you want your client to be successful, focus them on providing more/better value to everyone around them (clients, customers, family, friends, employer). Adding value is the cleanest, smartest, most enduring skill set to master. Value is where the money is, as well. --When your clients are adding value because they enjoy it -- they'll stop chasing the wrong goals.Reason #18. You will perfect your personal life.Have you ever taken the time to perfect your personal life? Did you ever thought it possible to perfect your life? (Many of us were taught that perfection is a bad thing -- they were probably speaking about perfectionism, which IS fairly costly. But a perfect life is the type of gapping-goal that can bring out your own creativity and selfishness. It's a great self-motivator as well because it creates a vacuum that pulls you forward. It also sets a focus and a pace that some of your best clients will find very attractive. Think of each of the principles of attraction as supports for a platform/deck on which to craft your perfect life. --Having a perfect personal life IS a worthwhile goal, and the 28 principles provide the foundation for this to be possible.Reason #19. You will develop an inner confidence that comes from knowing that you know what you're doing.The process of learning the thousands of skills, distinctions, wisdom nuggets and communication nuances in the process of being a coach is more stressful than any other profession, except becoming a physician. And, in some ways, it's even tougher than medical school, because as a coach you're expected to not only know so much, but also to have fully integrated it into your own life as well. (MD's can smoke cigarettes and still practice medicine, if you know what I mean. Coaches can't get away with that sort of thing.) The stress of realizing how much you don't know that you didn't know is enough to lower a new coach's self-confidence several rungs, with emotionally negative results. In other words, you'll start doubting yourself, your abilities and perhaps even your choice of becoming a coach. And just when you began to recover some of that confidence, boom!, you just learned of a whole new area of the coaching process that you had never heard of before. (Don't worry, if you stick with it, you'll move through this discombobulating period.) So, how can the Attraction principles help to reduce this stress and strengthen your self-confidence? Because if you start using some or all of the 28 Attraction principles during your coaching sessions, you WILL see your clients respond to them. This is the kind of positive feedback and reinforcement that every coach needs, especially newer coaches. In other words, we've taken some of the best advice that a coach could offer a client and packaged them to become the 28 principles. In other words, the principles ARE coaching, not just 28 new things for you to learn. --Confidence as a coach comes from causing results or seeing improvement.Reason #20. You will develop much stronger relationships with other coaches who have a similar interest in the Attraction approach.Coaches are always on the lookout for other coaches who have something in common with them. Traditionally coaches have bonded and formed networks based on geography, personality, skill/experience level, professional backgrounds or style. Over the past several years, coaches are now forming relationships based on common interests, beliefs and approaches, as well as because they're a part of a specialty group such as corporate coaches, Coach U TeleClass Leaders, and now, Attraction-based coaches. As in any profession, there are subgroups, and at least for now, Attraction-based coaches are a subgroup of coaches. (This, because as soon as most coaches learn about the 28 principles, they'll adopt many of them as part of the coaching advice repertoire.) The trick is to become an "early-adopter" type of person -- that's when you get to meet and bond with other early adopters -- because super strong bonds form as a result. --The benefits of a strong bond with other like-minded coaches are many -- referrals, emotional support, intellectual challenge colleagueship and friendship.Reason #21. You will be able to leverage the coaching skills you've already learned.There are over 200 coaching and communication skills that coaches learn at Coach University. These skills are key tools in your coaching tool chest and are a way that you add value to the client's life. The Attraction Principles are not coaching or communication tools; rather they are strategies and principles that clients can use. You use your coaching/communication skills to SHARE these principles with clients and to coach them to understand, adapt and use them to their best advantage. So, the Attraction Principles give you at least 28 new, advanced and powerful foci to coach a client ON. And when the client is working on the higher level foci, such as the Attraction Principles, the best of coaching can occur because there is enough of a gap between where the client is and where they want to go. The Attraction Principles give the clients better IDEAS about what they want, and they'll use the well-trained coach to help them get there faster. Thus, your coaching skills will be used to advance the client instead of just motivating them. You become an even more effective coach when your clients are already motivated around a healthful objective. --The 28 Principles are healthful objectives.Reason #22. You will be learning a set of principles which can be customized to fit the needs of virtually any market segment.With just a bit of creativity, you can adapt the 28 principles to meet the needs of different types of clients. For example for a small business client, you can adapt principle #5 which is Add Value For the Joy Of It to read something like: Show Your Customers How To Get The Most Out Of Your Product, or Continually Surprise Your Customers With New Services That Meet Their Emerging Needs. See how easy that is? The very simple idea behind the customizing is to say to yourself, "Okay, there are probably 28 solid pieces of advice I can give to my ______ client (i.e., small business, corporate, restorative, progressive, or creative client), and if so, what would they be?" Once you buy into that simple premise, you can start with the 28 principles of attraction and adapt them easily -- they provide a convenient place to start this process of developing your own nuggets of advice. (But it helps to first learn the 28 principles and apply them, because then you'll get better at phrasing your customized version as you come to experience the powerful wording nuances of the original 28 principles.) --Clients want the 28 Attraction Principles customized so that they can identify with them and to understand how to benefit from them.Reason #23. You have the option of developing a coaching specialty in Attraction.Most coaches who learn the Attraction Principles will adopt and integrate them into their "collection of coaching advice." But some coaches will be so intrigued by the 28 principles that they will find themselves becoming experts at Attraction and actually marketing themselves as an Attraction Coach, just as some coaches market themselves as a Personal Foundation Coach or Marketing Coach. The Attraction specialty is a viable specialty, especially as word spreads about the Attraction Approach. So, if you are looking for a specialty/focus, or wanting to add another specialty to your professional collection, Attraction may well fit the bill. If nothing else, it will make you more effective in your other specialties! --Attraction can either be a theme you include with all of your coaching or you can specialize in Attraction coaching.Reason #24. You will better understand the dynamic of life and success and be able to provide this wisdom to your clients.Most clients just want your help to achieve a result and don't really care that much about the nature of life or the dynamics of success. They know what they want (or think they do....) and want your help to achieve it faster. There's usually not a lot of time or space for the 'bigger issues' or context of life and success, during the coaching session. However, I think this is changing. There are SO many books in the market offering really good situation-specific solutions that I'm guessing that a growing number of clients (aka people) will be wanting to understand better themselves and the situation instead of just solving the problem. An increasing number of people have the space to be curious about 'things' and seek to be wise instead of just successful. If you're a magazine reader, you've probably heard of two magazines -- Fast Company and Wired. Fast Company helps you to become more hip and smart in an evolving business world. Wired goes a step further -- it almost never deals in straight commerce or business tips. Rather it focuses on background/bigger issues such as memes, the Internet and the evolution of humankind. I find Wired much more helpful in business than I do Fast Company. Why? Because Wired AFFECTS me; Fast Company simply INFORMS me. I believe that people are now wanting to be more affected by their coach, than simply affected. I may be 5 or 10 years ahead of the marketplace on this, but it's one of those trends that WILL swoop down upon us as coaches. And, with your knowledge of the 28 Attraction Principles, you'll be ahead of the game, because, in my view, the 28 Principles provide a readable blueprint for success over the next 20-30 years. --The notion of "personal evolution" is likely to become a popular focus among individuals interested in personal and professional development. The 28 Principles offer such an evolutionary path.Reason #25. You will reduce the stress of coaching -- both to yourself and to your clients.I've never met a coach who wasn't eager to help his/her clients. I think it's one of the genetic traits of the people called to become coaches. It's a great quality, don't get me wrong. But it's extremely stressful and ultimately costly to both you and your client. (And you really start to feel the cost when you're coaching 60 clients a week!) The big question to ask yourself is "How can I help my clients at virtually no emotional cost to me and in a way that is extremely empowering to them?" The answer is twofold. First, become a person who really cares about your client (caring more about THEM than their goals. This sounds simple enough, but caring is a very advanced skill, especially to be able to care deeply -- and to demonstrate this -- without feeling the need to help in the traditional sense. Second, become a coach who makes it possible for the client to ADVANCE themselves during every coaching session. You can do this by asking the right question, which creates a gap/vacuum that the client is pulled into, thus causing a change. For example, if a client is having lots of business problems, what a traditional coach would do is ask the client to prioritize the problems and then work together on the best strategies to solve them. That's not a bad approach, but it's stressful to both parties -- it's hard not to feel burdened when you're clients are sharing their problems with you all the time. So, what's another approach to take in the same situation? Ask the client why they are having problems at all. Get them focused on THAT question and the real coaching can begin. The 28 Attraction Principles are each 'that type' of 'gapping' focus. I believe that real coaching happens when the right focus is identified. You now have 28 such foci, any one of which will make you a better coach because your CLIENT immediately starts doing most of the work. The difference is noticeable; the shift, palpable. (In other words, you'll start breathing more easily during your client coaching sessions.) --Sophisticated coaching becomes the norm when you are an expert in the 28 principles.

Five Actions Steps To Take To Put Each of the 28 Attraction Principles Into Immediate PracticeA list of things to do in order to implement the Attraction Principles and become more attractive

Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

IntroductionI am often asked by clients what they can do, specifically, in order to implement the Attraction Principles and to become more attractive. Here's a list of things to do for each of the 28 principles, with more to come in the future. (My goal is to have five things to do for each of the 28 Principles.) There are probably scores of things you can do to implement each of the 28 principles, but this will be a decent start as you learn the Attraction Principles.1. Become incredibly selfish.In other words, build the muscle of putting yourself first. Say no when you can just as easily say yes; build that muscle if it's weak. Buy the brand you really want, even if it's expensive.

Stop helping people who don't provide you with the same level of help.

Ask for exceptions and special treatment when told your request isn't possible.

Ask vendors/service professionals to customize their services to perfectly meet your needs.2. Unhook yourself from the future.In other words, stop striving and stop chasing goals.

Give up a lifelong dream that hasn't been progressing well. Put all of your goals aside for 30 days and just do what you feel like doing each day.

Identify 3 "if...thens" in your life, meaning things you are doing now in order to have something later, and instead, work on the 'then' (the ultimate goal) directly.

Tear up your to-do list and see what happens.3. Overrespond to every event.In other words, use every problem/disappointment as an "excuse" to evolve and master something. The next time you have a problem, don't just solve it, find a way to measurably benefit from it. The next time you lose a client, dedicate the next 3 months reinventing the quality of your practice, with the help of your current clients, making at least 50 quality improvements and innovations. The next time you stub your toe in the furniture, rearrange the furniture in that room so that it's unlikely that that will ever happen again. The next time your boss gets pushy with you, spend the next six months perfecting every single aspect of your job and performance. The next time you meet a successful business person, invite them to lunch to learn about what has been them successful.4. Build a superreserve in every area.In other words, quell the animal-based survival instinct that drive all humans, by having so much in your life that you can afford risk. Buy six months worth of paper towels and toilet paper.

Simplify or integrate your week so that you have at least 3 free nights a week.

Always be 10 minutes early, just because.

Let go of -- or at least be completely honest with -- the 3 people in your life who are draining you.5. Add value just for the joy of it.In other words, make joy your motivator, not profit or other traditional measures of success. Ask your clients/customers/boss for one change/improvement they would like you to make; then, make that change.

Spend 3 hours a week working on your professional skills -- or learning new ones -- in order to do your job better, just because it feels good (in other words, not just to get ahead). Make a list of what motivates you professionally, and then find cleaner/less expensive/more sustainable motivators.

From your clients/customers, learn how they are using your product/service and then identify 3 ways for them to get even more benefit out of it/you. Identify something that you can do LESS of that actually provides more value to the most important person in your life.6. Affect others profoundly.In other words, touch people deeply. Ask the 3 most important people in your life what has a profound affect on them, and then do this for them in a natural way. Identify what affects you profoundly and then ask one person to do that for you. The next time you see someone who needs something, take 3 hours to give it to them in a way that affects you profoundly. Give someone $5000 for absolutely no good reason other than you want them to have it.7. Market your talents shamelessly.In other words, figure out what's special/unique about what you do and then put words to it that conveys it cleanly enough so that you don't feel timid about talking about you, your talents or your services/products..

Ask 10 clients/customers or your boss to describe the one communication skill that you have that makes you so effective with them. Ask 10 clients/customers or your boss to describe the one personality trait that you have that makes you so effective with them. Ask 10 clients/customers or your boss to describe the one special thing you do when delivering service/doing your job that makes you so effective. Ask 10 clients/customers or your boss to describe the one thing you seem to know -- more than anyone else -- that makes their job easier. Challenge people to want more for themselves; this will help them buy from you.8. Become irresistably attractive to yourself.In other words, do stuff that makes you proud of yourself, regardless of what others think or whether it's even practical.

Do something good for someone who doesn't deserve it. Give something away that you would normally charge for. Admit something important that you haven't, but need to. End a habit or practice that you don't feel good about. Identify the one quality that you don't currently have that you REALLY want to have and then take 30 days to develop that quality.9. Get a fulfilling life, not just an impressive lifestyle.In other words, have life drive you, not your lifestyle. Make a list of the 5 physical possessions you have that were someone else's dream; then sell them. Make a list of the 5 things you own that you've outgrown; then, sell them. Make a list of the 5 people you know who are more important to you than what you own. As an experiment one month, spend only 10% of your normal entertainment budget, yet have this be one of your most entertaining and enjoyable months. Using two columns, write down what fulfills you on the left column and the elements of your lifestyle on the right. Whatever items on the right that you can't match up, sell or simplify.10. Deliver twice what you promise.In other words, underpromise or overdeliver. Stop overpromising, even if it means losing a contract/client. Promise less than you KNOW you can easily deliver. Ask clients/manager what performance measures they expect from you; then deliver 25-100% more than that. Promise twice as much to a client than you normally deliver, but work WITH them to help you deliver it. Provide the same current level of service/product, but work with your client/boss in advance so that you can deliver it with half the effort.11. Create a vaccuum which pulls you forward.In other words, don't push yourself forward; be pulled forward.

Have an idol or hero who inspires you to grow. Involve others or get a partner for whatever project/goal that you're struggling to complete. Establish supportive structures and routines during each day that 'guide' you through the day. Create momentum for yourself by starting your day with things you can easily accomplish. Make promises and/or set deadlines for yourself that you are empowered by.12. Eliminate delay.In other words, stop waiting. The next time you're not sure what to do, do the opposite of what you should do. Even if the 'wrong' thing, it will break the pattern of delay. When faced with a difficult decision, rather than trying to process the pros and cons, instead figure out how to reduce risk and consequences of both options. Spend a month, where you just say yes to virtually everything, just to break the habit of thinking/processing everything. Procrastination is a form of anger/resentment. Identify what you're ticked about that is causing you to procrastinate. When you base your life on your values, decisions and actions come easily and delay is negligible.13. Get your personal needs met, once and for all.In other words, discover what your needs are and spend a year getting them met. Ask your three closest friends/family members what they think your top 3 needs are. For every one need, realize that there IS a way to get it permanently satisfied and then begin to do that with each need.14. Thrive on the details.In other words, start seeing the details and nuances in life and orient around THEM, instead of just the obvious or the bigger picture. Make a list of the 3 most important pieces of services/work you perform and tweak each of them in at least 2 noticeable ways. The next time you buy something -- anything -- identify the 3 details about this item that gives it the character/feeling that you most like. The next time you look at an ad in a magazine, identify the 10 details that 'make' the advertisement.15. Tolerate nothing.In other words, stop putting up with stuff. Identify a toleration at work, and implement a permanent solution. Identify a toleration at home, and implement a permanent solution. Identify a toleration about your body, and implement a permanent solution. Identify a toleration about a relationship, and implement a permanent solution. Identify a toleration around money, and implement a permanent solution.16. Show others how to please you.In other words, show people how to win with you. Make a list of the 10 things that make you the most happy. The next time you want something from someone, work with them to deliver/give it to you in the most perfect manner. Discuss with the key people in your life if they are willing/interesting in REALLY pleasing you exactly as YOU want to be pleased. Take your spouse's hand and show them how to touch your face in the way that most pleases you.17. Endorse your worst weaknesses.In other words, accept even the most unacceptable parts of yourself.18. Sensitize yourself.In other words, stop stressing yourself or otherwise numbing yourself. Stop watching television; TV overstimulates and numbs you. Stop smoking, drinking or drugging. Drugs numb. Eliminate all forms of stress, so that you can relax. Identify and eliminate the source of adrenaline rushes in your life.

19. Perfect your environment.In other words, change or improve your environment so that it brings you to the next level of your life. Go into your clothes closet and toss out every single item of clothing that isn't perfect for you. Buy a painting that becomes the centerpoint of your living room. Hire a house cleaner to come in weekly. Have your car detailed, or do it yourself. Join the gym.20. Develop more character than you need.In other words, become the kind of quality person that you know is possible. Start being naturally punctual. Don't just tell the truth, be forthright about all things. Make the decision to become someone who is accountable. Put your honor ahead of everything, especially ahead of expediency. Increase your capacity to withstand life's problems.21. See how perfect the present really is.In other words, deal with life as it is, not how it should be. The next time something bad happens, identify the one thing that you did to help cause it. The next time something bad happens, look for and discover the GIFT that it is, even if it looks bleak. There is always a gift, and it's not a justification. The next time something bad happens, raise your standards so that type of incident doesn't occur again. Learn to enjoy confusion.22. Become unconditionally constructive.In other words, have everything you say advance people instead of just be an expression of your opinion or advice. Rather than tell people how much they have improved, tell them instead how well they are doing. Rather than criticize a person, identify the quality in them that you admire and point THAT out to them. Find a way to say everything that needs to be said, yet without putting the other person down. Only hang out with people with whom you CAN be unconditionally constructive. Instruct people how to be unconditionally constructive with you.23. Orient exclusively around your values.In other words, know what means to the most to you and then craft your life around that. Identify your top values. ( may help.) Make a list of your values and your goals and toss out any goals that don't express one of your values.24. Simplify everything.In other words, simplify your life so that you don't have to juggle. Expect less from people. Live in a simple residence. Sell the stuff you don't use very much. Disentangle yourself from 50% of your obligations. Spend much more time in nature and let it teach/affect you.25. Master your craft.In other words, perfect your reputation. Identify the 5 measures of ultimate performance mastery in your craft and seek to achieve 2 of these within a year. Reinvest/expand upon the services/functions you do to make it more user-friendly to customers/users.26. Recognize and tell the truth.In other words, increase your ability to recognize what's true/not true and to develop the words to articulate that.27. Have a vision.In other words, strengthen your ability to see what's coming.28. Be more human.In other words, be happy that you ARE human.

Introductory Points About AttractionIn this section, you will learn where Attraction 'came from,' how it has developed, why people are using it, and the role that synchronicity plays in the process.Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

1. Between 1992 and 1997, Thomas Leonard, with the input from hundreds of coaches at Coach University, developed 28 personal and business success strategies, called the 28 Principles of Attraction. These 28 principles are identified and fully described in a book called The Portable Coach (published August 1998 by Scribner/Simon & Schuster). The book is available for purchase via and all major bookstores. A website, with related links, is available at http://www.theportablecoach.com2. This collection of 28 Attraction Principles represents the second generation/next level of earlier work (1991-1997) developed by Thomas Leonard and Coach University. This earlier (and still very popular) work includes the Clean Sweep Program, the Personal Foundation Program, the Coach Training Program and The Distinctionary. Thomas built a developmental path that starts with these earlier works and 'leads' to the 28 Attraction Principles. You may begin with the earlier work and work forward to Attraction; however, most individuals start with the 28 Attraction Principles and, as they go deeper with them, they eventually tap into the original works, especially Clean Sweep and Personal Foundation, which both work to strengthen a person's foundation in life. Either approach works.3. The 28 Attraction Principles have been tested by hundreds of coaches and their thousands of clients since the completion of their development in 1997. Some coaches specialize in Attraction; most coaches use the some or all of the 28 principles as they coach and support their clients. With the publishing of The Portable Coach, the public now has a clearly written book describing each of the 28 principles and how to apply them personally and in business.4. Individuals learn, assimilate and use the 28 principles, naturally, without effort. One thing that is interesting about the 28 principles is that they are intuitive, natural, practical, and sustainable. They do not require such things as willpower, thinking, self-talking, attitude adjustment, concentration, commitment or 'force' in order for the Attraction Principles to work effectively. That makes the Attraction approach very durable, and distinct from many of the personal and professional development programs available today.5. There are many reasons that people choose to learn and use the Attraction principles. Some people are tired of pushing themselves or others so hard to reach goals. Other people sense that there is probably a better, less costly (emotionally and financially) way to be more successful. Others are seeking fulfillment and recognize the Attraction approach as a 'personal operating system' that results in fulfillment. Finally, others are finding simplicity itself attractive, and use the principles as a path to clearing out what no longer matters in their life.6. There are many ways to become successful in life; the Attraction approach is one proven way. Traditionally, people tended to push themselves or others harder in order to become more successful. Or they seduced others (and themselves!) in order to get what they want or need. Or they tried to 'beat the competition' and become winners. Or they kept trying to self-motivate or adrenalize. All of these approaches can work, but they have become increasingly costly - emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. The Attraction approach is a super-low-cost, highly efficient way to become successful and fulfilled without the accompanying stress usually involved.7. What makes the Attraction approach work is that it increases the frequency of synchronicity. You might call it great timing, good luck, chance, a lucky break, hard work that pays off, etc., but what it really is called is synchronicity -- the intersection of you and opportunity. The big question (of all time) is how does one "increase" synchronicity? The answer is to increase flow, much like a chiropractor realigns your bones to let your nervous system send more healing energy throughout your body.8. There are two ways to increase the flow that leads to increased synchronicity, and the 28 Attraction principles show you how. The first way is to remove resistance (aka blocks, delay, ignorance, broken 'vessels', etc.). The second way is to strengthen what you have so that it 'pumps out more.' So, the Attraction approach is, metaphorically, one part chiropractic and one part muscle building or aerobic conditioning. Each of the 28 principles has an element of both in them.9. The 28 Attraction Principles are seeds, not flowers. Most of us are trained to learn by 'picking the flowers' of knowledge. There are plenty of beautiful flowers (knowledge nuggets) in this document as well as in The Portable Coach book. However, I suggest that you become fertile soil for the seeds of attraction instead of a crystal vase to hold the cut flowers. There are two reasons for this. First, because the Attraction Principles are best customized by each person who learns about them. Second, because the principles are continuing to evolve, just as humans evolve. Learning the Attraction Principles is as much a process as an end result. If you just go for the cut-flowers-in-the-vase approach, you don't give them a chance to take root. See them as seeds and you'll enjoy the resulting flowers perennially.10. The purpose of the Attraction Principles is to help you attract more of what you really want. Sounds obvious, right? After all, why learn something unless it's going to help you get more of what you want? The tricky part of Attraction, however, is that during the process of learning the principles, that which you really want will likely evolve or change. Oops! That is something of which to be aware. Why do your wants change during the Attraction process? Two basic reasons. First, as you strengthen your personal foundation and get your needs met, you'll actually want less in general. (Really! This is because most wants are symptoms of unmet needs or fear.) The second reason is that you'll get to know yourself better and as you do that, you will get a lot clearer on what you really want.

What IS Attraction?Attraction means different things to different people -- everything from a Personal Operating System to an approach to living, from a collection of action-able principles to an evolved success model, from an progressive skill set to master to an advanced path of development and from a force of nature to a system to filter information, people and events. In this section, you'll learn how Attraction is defined and used.Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

IntroductionBy definition, attraction is the process of something drawing toward something else, whether it be by magnetics, vacuum, superconductivity, adhesion/cohesion or other physical laws/methods. What you'll find below below is a list of the 10 key points about what Attraction is. In a later section, you'll learn how to understand Attraction and why it works, but the following 10 points focus on what Attraction IS.1. Attraction is a law of, and force in, Nature.Attraction is a key function of the physical universe -- think about how a plant always leans toward the source of light, how chemical elements bond together to make compounds, how lightening always follows the most conductive route. Learning and integrating the Attraction Principles makes you, your body and your life more attractive -- lighter (less burdened, actually), more aligned with nature and more informed about how life works and what is driving your life.2. Attraction is a meme, an idea.Just as living things are comprised of and programmed by genes, thoughts/ideas have a 'life' of their own. Recently, thoughts and ideas have come to be called memes -- they replicate, mutate, and insert themselves into nature and humans, affecting behavior and providing additional sources of motivation. A good example of a meme is your favorite advertising jingle, i.e., Where's the beef? Apple Computer's "Think Different" campaign is another effective meme. So is the idea of communism or democracy. The benefit of calling thoughts/ideas memes is that you can look at them more critically and see yourself as distinct from, yet affected by, them. Just as we have genes in common with other people, so too do we have memes in common. No sex is required for propagation -- dissemination is instead made via media/Internet/conversation. The point here? Attraction is an IDEA, just as profitability, happiness, success and love are all IDEAS. And why am I saying this? Because I don't want you to accept the 28 Attraction Principles without thinking about and experimenting with them. Each of the principles, and the Attraction Approach, is an IDEA. (And a great idea/meme, of course. Just don't make it into a religion, okay?)3. Attraction is a simple, yet sophisticated, approach to living.There are many strategic approaches to living and all of us has either created our own or are following one or more of the popular approaches. (Strategic approaches include rising in the organization, work-for-vacation, retire as early as possible, balance, commitment, vision/passion, etc. There are hundreds more approaches.) Ask yourself, what is your underlying, dominant approach to living? We mention the point that Attraction is an approach to living because your approach to life is a CHOICE, although few have made this choice, consciously. In my own experience, I experimented with several approaches to living (success-at-any-cost, love, spirituality). For me, none brought out my best. The Attraction Approach does. Once you learn it, you can 'forget it,' just as you can about driving a newer car that doesn't require tune up for the first 100,000 miles. The car just works and keeps itself in tune.4. Attraction is a set of Actionable Principles.As mentioned earlier, Attraction is a force of nature, a meme/idea and an approach to living. It's also a collection of 28 principles, each of which is action-able, meaning you can DO something with each one, instead of just 'thinking' about them. Attraction is not a mindtrip. It doesn't rely on intentionality or chance. Nor on mood-of-the-day or priorities. It's not destroyed by the stresses and realities of daily life, either. And, because of the 'overlapping network' of 28 principles, all of the bases of life (and you) are covered. And with such a large number of principles -- 28 in all - there is built-in redundancy. You only need to fully integrate about 5 of the principles (of your choice) in order to be measurably more attractive. You learn and experiment with all 28 principles and let your body/heart 'decide' which ones work best for you.5. Attraction is Personal Operating System.Just as your computer probably uses Windows 98 or the Mac OS, humans have their own Personal OS as well. The purpose of your computer's OS is to provide an efficient bridge between your computer's Pentium or PowerPC chip and the application software (i.e., Word or your browser) you're using to get something done, like write a report or surf the net. Without your computer's OS, you couldn't use the software you have. What's the comparative analogy for humans? Basically, I see our intellect and body as the equivalent of the computer's CPU, and our knowledge and skills as the equivalent of the application software. What's the bridge, then, between our intellect/body and our knowledge/skills? Our Personal OS. The stronger/smarter our Personal OS, the more we can make of what we have. The point here? Many people are still using the equivalent of DOS as their Personal OS. Attraction is an advanced/evolved version of a Personal OS. Note: Just as there are a number of computer OS's (DOS, Windows, Mac, Solaris, Unix, etc.), there are a number of Personal OS's such as religion, philosophy, logic, spirituality, beliefs. Some people can be easily cross-platform (meaning they use two or more Personal OS's); others prefer only one Personal OS.6. Attraction is a skill-set to master.In addition to being a set of principles to learn and integrate, Attraction is also a skill set to experiment with and master. As mentioned before, the principles are all action-able, meaning that you don't just learn-and-file away the Attraction Principles -- you actually put them into practice. And anything you put into practice is essentially a skill you're learning. For example, Principle #5 -- Adding Value for the Joy of It -- requires practice to master. This because 'adding value' calls for building the muscles of creativity, listening and experimentation. And 'for the joy of it' requires emotional growth to understand what Joy is and how to set up your life to enjoy it frequently. The Principles themselves can be learned by reading and discussions. However, the skills (and mastery) of Attraction require practice and customization.7. Attraction is the absence of resistance and the increasing occurrence of synchronicity.Thus far, the description of Attraction has been fairly practical and straightforward. Learn X and you'll become more attractive. Do Y and you'll become more attractive. Adopt the Attraction OS and you'll probably make better use of what you already have. And so forth. But you might be wondering what the fundamental, underlying dynamic of Attraction is. It all comes down to identifying and eliminating everything that is holding you back (creating resistance or impeding flow). You'll read more about this later in the document and learn several analogies that will make the idea of Attraction crystal clear. Basically, the idea goes that when there's nothing in your way (the wrong people, emotional blocks, ignorance, dumb patterns, pointless situations) and you have strengthened yourself in many ways (emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, foundationally), what occurs is an increase in flow and a resulting increase in the occurrence of synchronicity. The Attraction dynamic is as simple as that. More on this later, with examples.8. Attraction is a path to self-discovery and provides for an accelerated developmental process.If you are curious about what makes you tick or if you want to accelerate your own personal or professional development, then you'll find the Attraction Principles extremely helpful and enlightening, because you can use them to learn more about how you operating and how the world operates. This gives you an edge. Plus, the process of learning the 28 Attraction Principles is an enjoyable one, with delightful side trips. The bottom line is that you'll learn the key elements of yourself and learn better how to relate with the world (people, opportunities, problems). So, it's not just discovering yourself in a vacuum; it's discovering yourself as your living and relating.9. Attraction is a Value-Added Proposition.Referred to in #8 above, self-discovery and special skills/strengths identification have become vital in the past 20 years as our economy has evolved from being industrial production-based to information-production based. But in the past 9 years (since 1993) one event has occurred which will forever change what it means to be human. That event? The introduction and accessibility of the Internet/Web. Why is this so important? Because the web gives everyone a blank canvas to become a more creative person -- an information artist -- and the platform (like an art gallery or a book publisher) to display and sell their work. It's the beginning of a level playing field for anyone who wants to be creative. You don't have to convince anyone of your value because you'll ATTRACT those who like what you offer. With the development of the Web, a powerful vacuum has been created and this vacuum is 'pulling' (in a good way, like evoking) creativity out of us. Our information-based economy has just become a LOT more creative. Is a creativity-based economy next? I believe so. So, how does all this relate to Attraction? Let me ask you this question: What makes information more valuable and profitable? CREATIVITY DOES. The corporate version of creativity is 'innovation' or R&D, but I'm of the view that raw creativity is what evolves (memetically) us humans the fastest with the least effort. So, the trick is to find a way for everyone one of us to become more creative. And I believe that the 28 principles 'rises' us above the 'muck' of life, so that we feel lighter, learn faster and can AFFORD to experiment. And most people start the creative process by simply experimenting. When you strengthen yourself, build a reserve, sensitize yourself and have more time, you WILL become more creative. And be adding more value in the marketplace (not to mention the personal fulfillment of being creative), thus becoming more attractive.10. Attraction is a filtering system.To say that we are overwhelmed today with information and assaulted with stimuli is an understatement. And it's only going to get worse. You can run from life or you can set up filters to let in only what you want. As mentioned earlier, as you learn and apply the Attraction Principles, you increase flow and synchronicity. That might seem to increase the problem of overstimulation, right? Well, you are increasing flow, but are concurrently educating better those around you about who you are and what's most important to you. This is one example of how the Attraction Principles help you to automatically establish people and situational filters. I can't explain this very well (yet) other than to say that it seems to work, based on what I've heard from the early adopters of the Attraction Approach. They tell me that as they adopt the Principles, their lives simplify and they experience fewer problems or draining people/situations. Why is that? Probably because with a strong personal foundation, one 'rises' above the muck that most people in life seem to be living in. Plus, you tolerate a lot less, so you tend to cut off people/situations that you can tell will become a toleration. (Handling and preventing tolerations is another good example of a filter.)

How to Understand AttractionAttraction means different things to different people and even those who study and utilize the 28 Attraction Principles have different ways of describing what Attraction is and how it works. And, for the person just learning about Attraction, this concept may seem too ethereal to get your arms around. The following analogies should help you get the gist of Attraction.Questions? [email protected] Thank you.

1. The Concorde Airplane.The Concorde airplane flies almost twice as fast as a Boeing 747. Four things make this possible. First, high-thrust engines. Second, a fairly light weight (max 100 passengers). Third, revolutionary wing design. Fourth, the Concorde flies above most of the weather (50,000ft+ vs 41,000 or so for the 747). It takes the lighter load, powerful engines and properly designed wings to cruise at a high altitude. The benefit? Less atmospheric resistance and less chance of encountering weather/storms. The result? A faster, smoother ride with less risk. When you utilize the Attraction approach, you are strengthening your skills (engines), simplifying your life (light fuselage; less of a load), redesigning how you live/work (wings) and developing the reserve necessary to fly above the weather that others always seem to be dealing with.2. Windows 98 Operating System.The operating system of a computer, such as Windows, the Mac OS, Solaris (Sun computers) or Unix is the software code that acts as a bridge between the CPU (like the Pentium II chip) and the application software (such as Word or Excel or Publisher). The application software cannot work directly with the CPU itself; your computer needs an intermediary and translator, which is the OS (operating system). The OS also makes it easier for YOU to access, use and manage all the stuff you're creating with the application software. We often refer to the Attraction Approach as the Attraction OS, or AOS for short. So, when you adopt the AOS, you are essentially upgrading your personal OS. The benefit? You can do so much MORE with your mind, body, spirit, heart. The AOS is sophisticated and helps one to properly integrate their mind, body, spirit and heart. (Most personal and professional development programs usually focus on just one or two of these 4 basic elements of humans; the Attraction Operating System includes all four.)3. Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.One of the participants on an Attraction-oriented conference call shared with us the idea that perhaps the 28 Attraction Principles are similar to the Periodic Table. Each element (and principle) is identifiable and available separately in nature. And when you combine certain elements, you get very interesting compounds. For example Oxygen and Hydrogen are two of the basic chemical elements. Each is distinct, but they join up chemically to form different compounds, notably water (2 hydrogen plus one oxygen; H2O). It's an interesting analogy because it illustrates the power of combination and the resulting change in form and substance. What do you get when you combine selfishness (principle #1) with building character (principle #20)? What happens when you concurrently work on any two or three of the attraction principles? Synergy, certainly. But also, the unexpected. So, Attraction is a *creative* process, not just an application process.4. Electrical Schematic.Have you ever seen a drawing that diagrams the flow of electricity/power in a motor, radio or computer? It's fairly complex and not understandable unless you're an engineering type of person. But what matters is that the flow/system *is* diagram-able. What an ignorant person might call magic, the educated engineer calls a logical system. My view is that the 28 Attraction Principles is essentially a schematic of how humans work and can become more effective and productive (and happy!). It is *not* a mystery; each element of the human 'system' *is* identifiable. There are probably many ways to illustrate the human system and performance dynamic and every discipline (eastern/western religions, philosophy, psychology, medicine, nutrition, etc.) has its own way of describing what is happening and how to tweak or accelerate the process. From my view in the personal development field, the Attraction approach is the most effective, sustainable and enjoyable path.5. Chakras.Chakras are power/energy centers located in different parts of the body. I don't know a lot about chakras, but if you view each of the 28 Attraction Principles as 'power centers' or nodes in your 'system,' each is massagable individually and the complete network of them provides you with the structure and distribution system to be very, very effective.6. Baskin-Robbins.Baskin-Robbins is known for it

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