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  • 7/28/2019 life offering




    The Most Holy Virgin favored with abundant locutions and extraordinary visions, during several years, Sister Natalia Magdolna

    (1901-1992), Hungarian nun, born near Pozsony (in present Slovakia), pertaining to the congregation of Sisters of the Good

    Shepherd of St. Mary Magdalente of Kecskemet.

    Her life was full of supernatural graces and an intense communication with God. She died in odour of sanctity at an advanced age.

    The promises that we next offer, are selected from several messages that Jesus and Mary communicated to her, and that were

    published in the book "The Victorious Queen of the World" by Ediciones Xaverianas, S.A. of C.V. - Bird. Hard-twisted Juan and Arias

    694 - Meadows Providence - A.P.1/133-44100 Guadalajara, Jal. (MEXICO).

    Fr. Jeno Krasznay, Spiritual Director of Sister Maria Natalia for some time, famous European theologian and Auxiliary of Bishop IsvanHasz, declared these mystical experiences as legitimate, as well as the visions and messages, after a long period of investigation and



    Our Heavenly Mother requests, especially to the mothers of family, to offer, for love, their lives for the intentions of her Immaculate

    Heart, so that She will be able to save more and more families from going to hell.

    The Virgin specifically says: "The pain burns In the heart of many mothers. Their hearts are oppressed by the spiritual state of

    their children, by its immoral conduct, the destiny of their lives after death. For love towards them, moved by compassion,

    I reached with my requests the five promises. Let them be consoled, offering to deliver all the events of their lives".

    For this end, it proposes the life offering, that must be made with full awareness and seriousness, offering it for the greater Glory of

    God and of the well being of the Holy Church.

    Encouraging us with great promises, that someone has catalogued as the most generous ever made by Most Holy Mary to date. Let

    us not despise them!


    The divulgation either of the messages or revelations, or the Promises and Offer of Life, enjoy competent license of the Hierarchy of

    the Church.

    Mons. Gabriel Diaz Cueva, Aux. Bishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador), on July 16, 1987, extended "Imprimi Potest" to the diffusion of these

    divine manifestations.

    Additionally on June 15, 1988, the Imprimatur was granted by Fr. Agustn Gutirrez, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of

    Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

    The "Nihil Obstat" was issued by Fr. Alberto Valenzuela, S.J. Censor, delegate to this end.


    It is sufficient to make this offer once, if made with the necessary dispositions of humility and love. However, it is possible to be

    renewed frequently.

    Thus the Redeemer confirmed it to Sr. Maria Natalia: "If anyone, my daughter, makes but a single time the Offer of Life, you

    understand, my daughter, a single time, in a moment of Grace, the fire of heroic love was ignited in its heart. With this it sealedall his life! Its life, although they do not think consciously about it, already belongs to the Sacred Hearts ".

    And He added: "Although a soul has made another offer, this one encompasses everything and is over them. This will be, then,

    the crown, the most precious dressing and the symbol of its spiritual nobility in Heaven ".

    It is also possible to make other private and personal offers independently of this one.


    "Prodigy of Love of Our Mother of Mercy, the Most Holy Virgin Mary.


    "My Beloved Jesus:

    In front of the Most Blessed Trinity, in front of Our Mother of Heaven, and of all the heavenly Court, I offer, according to the

    intentions of your Eucharistic Heart and those of the Immaculate Heart of Most Holy Mary, all my life, all my holy Masses,

    Communions, good deeds, sacrifices and sufferings, uniting them to the merits of your Most Holy Blood and death in the cross:

    - To adore the Most Holy Glorious Trinity.

    - To offer atonement for our offenses.

    - For the unity of our Holy Mother Church.

    - For our priests.

    - For good priestly vocations.

    - And for all the souls until the end of the world.

    Receive, my Jesus, my offer of life and grant me the grace to persevere faithfully until the end of my life.

    Amen ".


    1. Nobody amongst the members of its family will be condemned even when the external appearances would make it appear

    so, because before its soul leaves the body, it will receive, in the depths of its soul, the grace of the perfect repentance.

    2. On the day of their offer the members of their family that were in Purgatory, will leave there.

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    3. At the hour of death I will be at their side and I will take their souls, without passing through Purgatory, to the Presence of the

    Most Holy Glorious Trinity where, in the house made by the Lord, they will be eternally happy with Me.

    4. Their names will be inscribed in the Heart of Jesus, burning with Love and in the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

    5. By his offer of life, together with the merits of Jesus, they will save many souls from condemnation. The merit of their

    sacrifices will benefit the souls until the end of the world.

    The most beloved children of the Virgin (1986)

    The Most Holy Virgin said:

    - Make it known, my children, the great graces that the life offer brings: to those who suffer a lot in body and soul, to the

    incurables patients, to those who are crippled and unable to move, to those that are bedridden. Tell them that their suffering is not

    in vain. They have a treasure trove for all mankind, and themselves, because in their heart and soul, they have peace, strength, andrelief, that by their patient acceptance of its sufferings, great joy and happiness await for them in heaven.

    The chosen soul

    This request from our Most Holy Mother, by the grace of the Lord, am already practicing it for a long time, and I have experienced

    how much relief it has brought to patients, when they have been able to understand the great benefits that they receive by the

    acceptance and the donation of themselves.

    I visited in the hospitals the serious patients, especially those who not even their relatives were going to see and who had lost

    contact with their relatives. The greatest suffering was found amongst the patients who suffered of cancer or were bedridden. Most

    of them were aware that they were terminal, and for that reason, life no longer had sense for them. They thought that they could

    not be useful to anybody anymore.

    But when they managed to understand:

    - that they are the most loved children of the Most Holy Virgin,

    - that in them the Lord Jesus is looking for companions,

    - that Jesus calls them to so they their sufferings with the sufferings of his sacrifice in the Cross continuing his .redemption,

    - that they are the true treasures of the Church,

    - that with their sufferings they can save souls,

    - that they can reach saintly priestly vocations, that can contribute to world peace, that by means of their sufferings they can repair

    their own and other people's sins,

    - that at the time of death they would arrive - without going through purgatory - to the kingdom of heaven: then, when taking

    conscience from this, the grace worked admirably in them. They cried of joy when seeing how much God and the Most Holy Virgin

    loves them. They had thought that God was upset with them and took its suffering like punishment. There were some who did not

    think that God exists and thought about taking their own life. When they realized what great grace hides in making the offer of life

    and that the creature cannot give more to its Creator, they have experienced a great change. They became patient and their general

    prognosis improved. The nurse could not help but notice the change in demeanor of the patients, its new and beautiful

    behavior. They have become hidden saints from the Lord and have maintained the offer faithfully until the end. Some recovered

    the health, others died peacefully.We prayer every night along with our kind and sweet heavenly Mother so that she increases the number of those that have the

    grace to offer their lives for love, which will give relief, peace, and strengthen them to support their suffering on Earth, and the

    eternal well-being in heaven. Our heavenly Mother also prays for those to who have reached the moment of grace to offer their life

    so that they persevere faithfully in it, with faith, until death.

    Prayer recommended by the Most Holy Virgin to the patients

    My Jesus, I know that You love to me. That who You love is sick. If at all possible, pass of me this chalice of suffering. But I also add

    what You said in the orchard of Gethsemane: "Do not let My wil l be done, but Yours".

    Strengthen and console me, my Jesus. Our Mother, Most Holy Virgin, You who cure the sick, pray for me before your Holy

    Son. Amen.

    A small participation in the sufferings of Christ

    During the Holy Marian Year (1983-1984) the Most Holy Virgin said to me:

    - You, dear children, must with greater fervor still share the feelings of the Savior. Watch with compassion how he sweated blood in

    the orchard of the Olive trees, watch the chains, the ropes, how He was dragged from one judge to another, the spittle in the face,

    the different tortures, how He was whipped, the mantle of ridicule, the crown of thorns, the weight of the Cross, His falls and painfu

    encounters. From your heart, you must follow Him to until His arrival at Calvary hill and to see Him there him, since they strip his

    garments and they crucify Him. Hanging from the Cross, soaked in His blood in agony, how much pain, how much torment, until

    exclaiming: "Everything is completed"

    - My holy Son, dear children, made the work of the Redemption. His repairing sacrifice was total, but off Him He also left you a smal

    participation since He chooses and calls to some souls to offer in intimate union with Him, the sacrifice of their life. He jointly

    shares with them the sufferings for the glory of the Father and the good of the souls so that nor a single one of them is lost. These

    souls are souls entirely given and can do much for the glory of God and salvation of the souls. My holy Son finds His joy in them.

    - In todays world, my children, my holy Son has one hundred times greater necessity of lambs for the sacrifice. But you must think

    that the participation in the work of the Redemption can only consist of the sacrifice. It is necessary to start off from the orchard of

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    Gethsemane and follow the way of the Cross of my holy Son. Without this there would be no merits nor offering of fecund life.

    - The sooner a soul is offered, the more it glorifies the Father, and thus more souls help to save and will be beneficentto

    mankind. Oh how many graces can it reach for the Church and the priests! A soul thus cooperates effectively to the conversion of

    sinners, to the relief of patients, the salvation of the dying and for the souls to arrive at the mother country of eternal happiness. A

    soul thus makes, in union with my Most Holy Son, a true redeeming work.

    - With all your heart and complete confidence, can you, my beloved children, count with your heavenly Mother, who is always with

    you, so that together we can pursue the divine Redeemer to the foot of the Cross where His Mother followed Him.

    - Let yourselves be the trees of the Lord that produce always good fruits, blessing for the Earth and joy for heaven! Blessed be the

    Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ever and ever.l Amen!

    To those that bear the cross of sorrowThe Most Holy Virgin said:

    - When you are afflicted, my children, by a great corporal or spiritual sorrow and you accept it with an oblation spirit, which can be a

    source of innumerable graces. This can serve to atone for all life sins, all life omissions, and once all debts are cancelled, you

    can reach, with the remaining suffering, taken with patience, the conversion of the hardened sinners, giving glory to God. The saved

    souls, thanks to the sorrows accepted by you, can even reach sanctity.

    - When the cross of sorrows weighs on you, due to a disease or a spiritual suffering, remember that you are pilgrims on

    Earth. Beyond death, there is a wonderfully more beautiful world, that God has prepared for His children, where it awaits for them a

    happiness greater than the one than they deserved due to their patiently borne sufferings. In a state of happiness that neit her eye

    have not ever seen nor ear ever heard will be submerged their souls through all eternity. While life is always full of suffering and

    sorrow, it will always be very short, and it will finish soon. Be happy, even when suffering, because you are advancing towards a

    safe goal and at the end of the road awaits for you the tender arm of his Mother and the eternal love of the Most Holy Trinity.

    - I call you, my dear children, to an apostolate of special election, so that you withstand the spiritual martyrdom for the sins of

    others, and through the sacrifices of your lives, offered with great heart, God can spill rivers of His mercy. Think, my

    beloved children, what immense multitude of souls can be saved from eternal condemnation if they carry patiently that small chip

    of the Cross of my holy Son, that He has given them, so that taking the hand from your Mother you can also participate in the work

    of redemption. Do not request, my children, the suffering; but always accept with humble delivery, what the Lord gives you.

    "I cannot remove the cross from the chosen souls"

    Jesus said:

    - My children, my apostles: the souls need the sufferings accepted by you so much as the patients need their medications. I cannot

    remove the cross from your shoulders even when at times it seems to them that they are going to fall under its weight; because if I

    did, the healing process of the souls would be interrupted and many would perish that could still be saved. When the debt of one

    or several souls is cancelled or finishes due to the healing through suffering offered for them, then I remove the cross some time so

    that my apostle can receive new vigor, destined to such sublime vocation.

    - My children, a single soul that goes on the altar of sacrifice for love to me and its brothers, increase to one hundred fold the glory

    of my Father and the joy of my dear Mother. Get up, my children, with a more intense fervor! My church has never has such a greatnecessity of generous victims as now... We need souls that are not brooding their own problems, but who are watching others

    looking how to help them in the corporal and in the spiritual. Turn your thoughts and your disinterested love on how to be able to

    save the unfaithful and the sinners, because they know very well that there is nothing more precious in the world as the souls...

    Thrust yourselves, my children, time and time again towards the sacred goal to save souls! Become holy so that you can truly be my

    apostles filled with Christ before the face of my Father!

    Message of the Virgin for those who make the Offering of Life

    The Most Holy Virgin said:

    - When the Eternal Father chooses a soul to give him the grace of being one of the chosen ones, he destines it so that already on

    Earth is similar to his Only Son. And, how should it be similar to Him? In the love and the acceptance of the sufferings. If in this you

    follow Jesus, the Eternal Father will recognize in you his holy Son.

    - The souls who the Eternal Father chose so that they make the offer of life must make an effort to save the greater number of souls

    for God. This can be attained through fervent prayer, with the practice of active charity, with serenity, humility, with mortification,

    but mainly with the patient acceptance of suffering. I believe that my maternal Heart will find between my children, souls that with

    the ardor of the martyrs, love God.

    - Even at time of the greatest challenges, my beloved children, must take with limitless confidence the hand from their

    Mother. Together you go to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus who is your strength in your earthly pilgrimage. Thus, fortified daily by

    Him, you continue the path towards the home of eternal happiness where in glorious ecstasies, those

    who have made an offer of life for love for the glory of God and the good of the souls will recognize each other.

    - Then, my most holy Son is going to bring them to His inflamed Heart of love, to submerge them in the joy of the unit of love of the

    Most Holy Trinity, in a state of eternal happiness, so that they can be deliriously happy in the company of the souls that reached

    salvation with their generous offer of life.

    - Amen and have confidence, my children, because God is with you! The Lord loves the life of each soul that delivered itself. Indeed

    for that reason do not put limit to the sacrifices. To give more, to love better! Let this be the slogan of your life.

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    The Merciful Love of Jesus

    Once I received a book and read in it that our Jesus complained that souls fell to hell as snowflakes fall in winter. When reading this

    began to see the world around and in spirit I cried at the feet of Jesus. Then Jesus said to me:

    - Do not cry, because this comes from the malignant spirit who loves to denigrate the Merciful Love of my Father. Understand my

    daughter. If the souls fell to hell as the snowflakes in winter fall, my Father never would have created man. But he created them

    because he wanted to spill on his creatures the happiness of the Most Holy Trinity.

    - It is true that man committed sin with his disobedience, but my Father sent the Son, who with his obedience repaired everything.

    The only souls that fall in the outer darkness are those that reject God until the last moment of their existence. But the soul that

    before leaving the body only said with repentance: "My God, be merciful with me", has already freed itself from the outer

    darkness.- But look, my daughter, the Merciful Love of my Father even reaches the most hardened sinners. For that reason therefore I

    request the life offerthat, as sacrifice together with my bloody sacrifice, at least reaches that Divine Justice is satisfied and this way

    there can also be mercy for the hardened ones, at least on the last moment or the last day of its life. For this reason I will summon a

    multitude of souls given for this apostolic fishing of souls.

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