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Lifestyle Diseases

Also called “non-communicable diseases”

Unit One (3)

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5 Leading Lifestyle Illnesses:

1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. (Respiratory Diseases)

4. Stroke 5. Diabetes Notes will be taken over the bulleted


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Heart Disease

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Anatomy of the heart

Animation 4 Chambers:

2 upper Atria2 Lower Ventricles

Blood, low in Oxygen, returns to the heart by way of veins and enters the right atrium through the Superior or Inferior Vena Cava.

With one contraction,The blood that has filled the ventricle is pushed down into the right ventricle. With anotherContraction, the blood in the right ventricle is pushed through the pulmonary artery to the lungs.

In the lungs, carbon dioxide will be dropped off and fresh oxygen will bePicked up.

Blood, high in oxygen, returns to the heart from the lungs and enters the left atrium. From there, it’s pumped to the left ventricle. When the ventricle contracts, it forces the fresh supply of blood into the aorta to be circulated through the body.

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The most common form of heart disease is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

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Coronary ArteriesArteries that supply the heart muscle

(myocardium) with oxygen-rich blood.

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CADCoronary Artery Disease


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CAD can cause:

Angina (left shoulder/chest pain)

- A warning sign of coronary artery

blockage, atherosclerosis.

Heart Attack (Myocardial infarction)

- Blood supply has stopped in one or more

of the coronary arteries. Heart muscle

damage occurs.

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Congestive Heart Failure

The mycardium (heart muscle) weakens and can not push blood out

of the heart effectively.

Besides CAD, another form ofheart disease is:

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Congestive Heart Failure

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A Concern for Young Athletes Sudden Cardiac Death

Also called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,

- What happens? This genetic condition causes the heart muscle thicken and loses its ability to sustain a regular rhythm.

- Athletes should have their heart screened during their yearly physical exam.

- It’s normal for athletes who are out of shape to have symptoms of a racing heart, shortness of break, or unusual fatigue during workouts. But, athletes who find these symptoms to be regular or unusual should be evaluated by a___________________________.

According to the CDC, About 70 young athletes in the United States die each year from Sudden Cardiac Death.

Video about Ben Breedlove and his Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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• Which of the 3 risk factors for lifestyle-related diseases are most associated with causing heart disease?

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CancerWhat is Cancer?

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Cancer defined:

“Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that have the ability to migrate from the original site and spread to distant sites.”

There are over 100 different types of cancer.

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Metastasis: The spread of cancer cells from the original tumor to other tissues of the body.

Malignant: A tumor that is cancerous. It will metastasize.

Benign: A tumor that remains in one place and does not consist of malignant cells.

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Common Cancers

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Lung cancer is the most common cancer killer in the U.S. among both men and women.


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Leukemia Cancer of white blood cells

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Blood has four parts:Plasma: the liquid partRed Blood Cells: they carry oxygen*White Blood Cells: they fight infectionPlatelets: cause blood to clot

Withdraw blood


*White blood cells


Plasma(55% of whole blood)

White blood cells and platelets(<1% of whole blood)

Red blood cells(45% of whole blood)

Red blood cells

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Leukemia occurswhen any of the white blood cell types become

mutated and begin dividing out of

control to crowdout healthy cellsand invade other

Organs. It is one of the most common cancers found in


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Prostate CancerMost commonly occurring cancer in men,

although not the most deadly.

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Oral Cancer Any cancer that occurs on the lips, gums,

tongue, roof, or inner cheek of the mouth.

Tobacco is the prime risk factor:Chewing Tobacco



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Prevention of Cancer

1. Avoid the known risk factors such as excessive exposure to the sun and carcinogens.

2. The key to surviving cancer is early diagnosis and treatment.

3. Once cancer has a chance to metastasize, it’s much more difficult to treat.

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Brain damage caused by a loss of blood circulation. The blockage

usually occurs when a clot or (less often) piece of plaque breaks away

from an artery elsewhere in the body and lodges within a blood

vessel of the brain.

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Warning Signs of a Stroke

Act FaceAarmsSpeechTime


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A stroke is often called a “brain attack” and the risk factors are the same as for heart attack.

Heredity + Lifestyle Choices(family history)(tobacco, poor diet, lack of exercise)

*Women are at an increased for cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke, if they are a smoker and use hormone-based birth control such as birth control pills, vaginal ring, patch, or injections.

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Characterized by high levels of blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin production,

insulin action, or both.

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Most of the food we eat will end

up as glucose in our bloodstream.

Another term for glucose is “blood sugar”.

Glucose is the body’s main energy supply

to fuel bodily processes.

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Too much glucose in the bloodstream at once can be fatal. This is where insulin comes into play....

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas responsible for transporting glucose out of the bloodstream to be delivered to the body’s cells.

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Besides secreting pancreatic juice and digestive enzymes, the

pancreas produces several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin).

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Type 1 Diabetes Insulin dependent

An autoimmune disease

The person’s immune system destroys

the cells of the pancreas (beta cells) responsible for creating insulin.

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With Type 1 Diabetes,the person must putInsulin into his body since the beta cells

are unable to produceand release insulin.



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Type 2 Diabetes Non-insulin dependent

Most Common Type of Diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.

Obesity is the prime risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes

Can often be treated through diet and exercise.


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