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    12. Safe Working Loads and Operating Conditions

    12.1 Mode of Operation and Control 

    12.1.1 Each crane control shall be clearly identified to indicate its purpose

    and the mode of operation (Regulation 16(2)(b) of the LALGR). hen practicable!

    the crane control shall also be pro"ided #ith suitable spring or other loc$ing

    arrangement to pre"ent accidental mo"ement or displacement (Regulation 16(2)(a)

    of the LALGR).

    12.1.2 %efore starting any lifting operation #ith a crane! the operator should

    ensure& (a) that he has a clear and unrestricted "ie# of the load and operational

    area' if not! he should act under the directions of an authoried signaller #ho is

    positioned to ha"e such a clear and uninterrupted "ie#' (b) #here telephone or 

    radio communications are being used! that the calling signal is functioning and that

    "erbal messages can be clearly heard' and (c) that all gauges are reading correctly

    and that air or hydraulic systems are up to operating pressure.

    a. 12.1. *andling of loads near personsi. 12.1..1 hen loads ha"e to be handled in the "icinity of persons!

    e+treme care should be e+ercised and ade,uate clearances should

    be allo#ed.ii. 12.1..2 Lifting of loads o"er high#ays! rail#ays! or other places to

    #hich the public ha"e access should be a"oided.b. 12.1.- le#ing/tra"elling clearances

    i. 12.1.-.1 here a crane ha"ing a tra"elling or ste#ing motion is in

    use an unobstructed passage#ay! not less than 600 millimetres

    #ide! shall be maintained bet#een any part of the crane liable so to

    mo"e and any nearby guard rail! fence or other fi+ture (Regulation

    of the LALGR).ii. 12.1.-.2 here it is not practicable to maintain such clearance or 

    #here only limited sle#ing or tra"elling motion of the crane is

    possible! special precautions should be ta$en to a"oid a trapping

    haard&1. personnel should not be allo#ed to approach near a crane

    #hen it is operating or tra"elling as there is a danger of 

    being struc$ or trapped bet#een fi+ed and mo"ing parts of the crane'2. 3eep 4lear notices in English and 4hinese #hich are "isible

    from the sides and rear of the machine should be painted on

    the sle#ing upper#or$s'. for safety a#areness purpose! the counter#eight or rear5end

    of the crane should be painted distincti"ely (e.g. striped high

    "isibility yello# and blac$)' and

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    -. a further notice in English and 4hinese should also be

    displayed on the crane to the effect&b) 78 9ER87 : ALL8E; A44E

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    h. 12.2. Allo#ance on the safe #or$ing load should be made according to

    the manufacturers instructions #hen au+iliary e,uipment such as fly5Bib or 

    additional lifting attachments are used.i. 12.2. hen #or$ing at depths belo# ground le"el! the actual loading of 

    the crane is affected by the #eight of the long hoist rope. ierce mo"ements of any operational control e"en #ithout a load

    on the hoo$ should be a"oided because these could be dangerous and

    damaging to the structure or machinery of the crane.p. 12.2.16 >or cranes fitted #ith long Bibs (and particularly e+tended

    telescopic Bibs) at large radii! the influence on o"erturning moment due to

    the #eight and dynamic effects of the Bib itself #ould be "ery large by

    comparison #ith that due to the suspended load.

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    No-load Radius

    Loaded Radius

    Change in Radius


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    (b) :n some instances! operation of the hydraulic cranes #ith telescopic Bibs should

    be restricted to the bloc$ed condition #ith outriggers set and free5on5#heels duty

    may not be permissible (see sub5section 6.2.6).

    (c) Reference should be made to the manufacturers manual for details of 


    12.2.1 here a means for loc$ing out or reducing the spring effect of the

    suspension is used during crane operations for truc$ crane! the manufacturers

    instructions should be follo#ed in respect of its use.

    12.3 Near Maximum Working Loads

    12..1 hen handling load #hich approaches the ma+imum #or$ing load for 

    an operating radius (C 5 100)! crane motions should be operated #ith e+treme


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    12.-.2 afe #or$ing loads appropriate to free5on5#heels or mobile operation

    should not be e+ceeded #hen tra"elling #ith suspended loads.

    12.-. Any special restrictions imposed by the manufacturer should also be



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    (c) the load should al#ays be placed on the uphill side of the crane and precautions

    ta$en to ensure that neither the Bib nor crane become unstable on release of the


    (d) the load should al#ays be carried as near to the ground as possible'

    (e) the s#ing bra$e and/or sle#ing loc$ should be engaged during the negotiation'


    no sle#ing should be allo#ed e+cept to maintain the load in the uphill direction'

    (g) before starting up a gradient by a cra#ler5mounted crane! digging loc$s! #here

    fitted! should be engaged in the position to pre"ent the crane from running


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    (b) no part of the receptacle #ill gi"e rise to a serious bumping haard to the


    12.( Communication S%stem

    12.6.1 :n the interests of safety! a standard signalling code (see

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    or because the load cannot be ade,uately secured against s#inging or spinning'

    #ith some loads this can occur at #ind speeds belo# that specified for in5ser"ice

    conditions. ?nder such circumstances the sie of the load should be limited to that

    #hich can be safely handled by the crane and #hich #ill not create unsafe

    conditions for operati"es. >urthermore! a tag line or control rope should be used for 

    assisting in the control of the s#ing or rotation of the load.

    12.D.C 7ame boards or other items presenting a #ind catching area should

    not be fitted to the Bib of a mobile crane #ithout the e+press appro"al of the


    12.D.6 %efore a lifting operation is started! information on #ind conditions

    should be obtained through the #eather forecast to ensure the #ind speed limit

    specified by the manufacturer is not e+ceeded.

    12.D.D Any lifting operation should be stopped and the mobile crane should be

    secured in an appropriate out5of5ser"ice condition #hene"er the #ind speed limitspecified by the manufacturer is e+ceeded.

    12.* Mo'ile Cranes for Ot#er +uties

    12..1 General

    12..1.1 A mobile crane should not be used for piling operations!

    grabbing! magnet ser"ice or any other duty #hich might impose e+cessi"e and/or 

    indeterminate loadings onto the crane structure unless it is also designed for such

    operation. Reference should also be made to the manufacturers manual on the

    limitations and conditions #here such operation can be used.

    12..1.2 or$ing loads are often re,uired to be reduced in accordance#ith the duty conditions of a mobile crane to be used for such duties.

    @anufacturers recommendations should therefore be strictly follo#ed for each

    specific usage.

    12..2 9iling er"ice

    12..2.1 9iles are usually dri"en into the ground by means of an impact

    or reciprocating hammer. %ored5pile techni,ues! #ith or #ithout casings! may also

    be used #hereby the pile is cast in its location by pouring concrete into a hole

    dri"en or bored into the ground. 9iling operations! on occasions! are to #ithdra# or 

    e+tract the pile (or pile casing) once their useful purpose has been ser"ed.

    12..2.2 9iling ser"ice necessitates the use of special e,uipment.

    ;epending on the type or sophistication of piling! this e,uipment may either be in

    the simple form of a temporary attachment to a crane or! at the other e+treme! may

    form a permanent special5purpose installation on a machine.

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    12..2. >or pile e+traction! an e+tractor! #hich is usually of 

    reciprocating or "ibratory type (and may be used either for dri"ing5in or pulling5out

    piles) stri$es the pile up#ards and loosens its adhesion in the ground.

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    12..-. pecial lifting tac$les may be also necessary to suit the

    ma+imum "ariation in load distribution and direction of application #hich can occur 

    during tandem lifting.

    12..-.- All tandem lifting operations should be thoroughly planned in

    ad"ance by a competent person. here possible cranes of e,ual capacity and

    similar characteristics should be used. or the safe operation of hydraulically dri"en mobile cranes #hen dri"ing

    other machineries! the follo#ing haards should be obser"ed&

    (a) bursting of hydraulic hoses of machinery causing interruption of supply of fluid to

    the crane'

    (b) decrease in stability of crane #hen attached #ith these machineries'

    (c) increase in bac$ pressure #hich may affect the safety of crane' and

    (d) o"erheating of hydraulic fluid due to e+tra loading.

    13. Maintenance

    13.1 Statutor% ,e-uirements

    1.1.1 4ranes shall be properly maintained (Regulation -(b) of the LALGR).

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    1.2.2 :n addition to any statutory regulations! a record or log should be $ept

    for all cranes! gi"ing information such as diameter! length and construction details

    of ropes! hours #or$ed! adBustments! insulation chec$s! rene#al of parts! thorough

    e+aminations and repairs.

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    1.$  here a test or a thorough e+amination sho#s that a crane is in a safe

    #or$ing order! the competent e+aminer shall deli"er the test or e+amination

    certificate to the o#ner of the crane #ithin 2 days after the test or the thorough

    e+amination (Regulation 6A(1)(a) of the LALGR).

    1.(  here a test or a thorough e+amination sho#s that a crane cannot be usedsafely unless certain repairs are carried out! the competent e+aminer shall

    immediately inform the o#ner of the crane of that fact and shall! #ithin 1- days after 

    the test or the thorough e+amination! deli"er a report to the o#ner of the crane and

    a copy of it to the 4ommissioner for Labour (Regulation 6A(1)(b) of the LALGR).

    1.  A competent e+aminer or competent person shall not deli"er to an o#ner a

    certificate or ma$e a report #hich is to his $no#ledge false as to a material

    particular (Regulation 21(2) and 22(2) of the LALGR).

    1.*  All test certificates and related documents shall be $ept in a safe place and be

    made a"ailable for inspection by any occupational safety officer. A copy of therele"ant and the most recent certificate or report shall be displayed in the dri"ing

    cabin or other prominent place on the e,uipment to #hich it relates or in a

    prominent place nearby (Regulation 14 of the LALGR).

    1!. Sec"ring of Loads #efore Lifting

    1$.1 Loads to 'e safel% secured


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    1C.1.- :t should also be noted that loose materials! such as stones! bric$s!

    tiles! slates or other obBects ha"e to be lifted in a receptacle of ade,uate strength.

    here a receptacle is used for raising or lo#ering stones! bric$s! tiles! slates or 

    other obBects! the o#ner of the lifting appliance or lifting gear shall cause the

    receptacle to be enclosed or to be so constructed or designed as to pre"ent the

    accidental fall of any such obBects (Regulation DI() of the LALGR).

    1$.2 &recautions to 'e taken 'efore t#e lifting operation


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    number of "isible bro$en #ires in any length of 10 diameters e+ceeds C of the

    total number of #ires in the rope' (d) there are or more bro$en #ires located at a

    particular point on the rope' (e) there is significant distortion of the rope due to

    $in$ing or crushing! e+cessi"e corrosion or other ob"ious defects' or (f) there is an

    ob"ious damage on any fitting! ferrule or splice of the sling.

    1C.2.D :t should be noted that a chain sling should be #ithdra#n from ser"ice

    if any of the follo#ing is re"ealed during an inspection/e+amination&

    (a) the mar$ings on the chain sling disappear or become illegible' (b) there is a

    reduction of more than 10 in nominal diameter on any lin$ due to inter5lin$ #ear'

    (c) there is noticeable elongation on any lin$ or any sling leg' (d) there is an ob"ious

    crac$! significant cu?nic$/gouge! bent/t#isted lin$! e+cessi"e corrosion or other 

    ob"ious defects' or (e) there is an increase of more than 10 in throat opening of 

    any hoo$ of the chain sling.

    1C.2. here a sling is employed! the sling should not be allo#ed to damagethe load! nor should the sling itself be damaged. :f the sling is to be attached to the

    load! the points used for attachment! e.g. lugs and eyebolts! should be suitable and

    ade,uate for the purpose of lifting the #hole load.

    1C.2. uitable pac$ing/padding should be pro"ided and used to pre"ent

    damage to slings by sharp edges on loads.

    1C.2.10 hen lifting rigid obBects #ith slings ha"ing three or four legs! any t#o

    of the slings! after considering the angle bet#een the legs! must be sied in capable

    of supporting the total load.

    1C.2.11 hen using multi5legged slings to lift loads in #hich one end is muchhea"ier than the other! the decision to select the appropriate sling should be based

    on the most hea"ily loaded leg.

    1C.2.12 As far as reasonably practicable! the effecti"e diameter of any pin!

    hoo$ or other component o"er #hich soft eyes are used should not be less than

    t#ice the rope diameter for single part legs! and four times the rope diameter for 

    double part legs.

    1C.2.1 :t is important to note that the #eights of loads! the rigging methods

    adopted as #ell as the safe #or$ing loads of the lifting gear! e,uipment and tac$le

    should be made $no#n to the rigging cre#.

    1$.3. Met#ods of Slinging t#eir application and limitations


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    has its limitations. ig. ) 5 A bas$et hitch should only be used #hen the sling is

    passed through part of the load and the load is balanced on the sling. ig. 11) 5ig. 12) 5

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    >ig. Jertical or traight Lift >ig. %as$et hitch

    >ig. 10 imple 4ho$er *itch >ig. 11 ;oubled and 4ho$ed

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    >ig.12 4ho$er *itch ;ouble rapped >ig. 1 ig. 1)'

    (b) t#o5leg slings used in cho$er hitch (>ig. 1-)'

    (c) t#o5leg slings used in bas$et hitch (>ig. 1C)'

    (d) t#o5leg slings used in double #rap cho$er hitch (>ig. 16)'

    (e) t#o5leg slings used in double #rap bas$et hitch (>ig. 1D)' (f) three5leg slings

    used #ith direct attachment (>ig. 1)' and

    (g) four5leg slings used #ith direct attachment (>ig.1).

    1C..C. hen using multi5leg slings! care should be ta$en to ensure that&

    (a) the slings are of the same length'(b) #here the slings ha"e different safe #or$ing load ratings then the load that can

    be lifted is related to the least safe #or$ing load' and

    (c) the attachment points of a t#o5leg sling to the load are far enough apart to gi"e

    stability #ithout e+ceeding 0 degrees (>ig. 1! 1- K 1- :n the case of a t#o5leg

    sling used in bas$et hitch or a four5leg sling! the angle bet#een any t#o diagonally

    opposite legs should not e+ceed 0 degrees (>ig. 1C! 1D K 1). >or a three5leg

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    sling! any one leg should ma$e an angle of not greater than -C degrees #ith the


    Note/ !#e t0oleg slings used in c#oker #itc# 'asket #itc# dou'le 0rap c#oker

    #itc# or dou'le 0rap 'asket #itc# s#ould not 'e used for #andling composite loads

    suc# as loose 'undles or tu'es 'ars of 0ooden 'attens unless t#e friction grip'et0een t#e parts is sufficient to pre"ent t#em slipping from t#e sling. s far as

     possi'le suc# composite loads s#ould first 'e tied up securel% at t#eir ends '%

    steel 0ires or similar means of ade-uate strengt#.

    >ig. 1- ig. 1C

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    >ig. 16 ig. 1 ig. 1D ig. 1 >our5leg sling

    in double #rap bas$et hitch

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    1$. &recautions to 'e taken in fitting t#e slings

    1C.-.1 hen fitting the sling to a load! steps should be ta$en to ensure that&

    (a) sling legs are free of $in$s or any tendency to $in$'

    (b) only the eye termination #ith thimble is placed on the crane hoo$'

    (c) the terminations are properly seated #ithout o"ercro#ding'

    (d) the load is effecti"ely secured by the sling'

    (e) the rele"ant leg angle does not e+ceed that for #hich the sling is rated and


    (f) the sling is not bent around any corners that might damage or reduce the

    effecti"e strength of the sling. here necessary suitable pac$ing pieces should be


    (g) #hen using cho$e hitch&

    (i) the angle of cho$e is allo#ed to form itself naturally and is not forced'

    (ii) a thimble or stirrup is used #here practicable at the eye to reduce damage to

    the rope and thereby prolong the life of both the eye and the main part of the

    rope' and

    (h) a tag line or control rope is a"ailable for assisting in the control of the s#ing or

    rotation of the load.

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