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Lightning Connect Custom Adapters Connecting Anything with Salesforce

 Lawrence McAlpin  Principal Member of Technical Staff  [email protected]  @lmcalpin  

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 This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions proves incorrect, the results of, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for future operations, statements of belief, any statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and customer contracts or use of our services.

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Safe Harbor

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  Background on External Data Sources   Custom Adapter Framework Overview


  Provider Implementation

  Connection Implementation

  Pagination   Search



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●  Simplifies integration with external systems

●  No magic ○  data is still remote

●  Ideal for use cases: ○  data is infrequently

accessed (such as archival data)

○  you do not want to present stale data

○  single point of truth

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External Data Sources

• Data must be in a format we understand

▪  OData v2

▪  OData v4

▪  Salesforce

• Apex Custom Adapter Framework

▪  write your own!

• Data must be accessible to Salesforce

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Custom Adapter Framework

Allows you to write your own Lightning Connect adapters

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Custom Adapter Framework

●  Standard Governor limits apply

●  No limit to the number of Apex custom adapter classes you can define

●  Need Lightning Connect license to configure an External Data Source to use the custom adapter

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Custom Adapter Framework

●  DataSource.Provider o  describes the capabilities of the external data source o  creates the Connection class

●  DataSource.Connection o  called whenever you import the metadata o  called when you execute SOQL, SOSL, DML or equivalent UI interactions

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global class DummyDataSourceProvider extends DataSource.Provider { override global List<DataSource.Capability> getCapabilities() { List<DataSource.Capability> capabilities = new List<DataSource.Capability>(); capabilities.add(DataSource.Capability.ROW_QUERY); capabilities.add(DataSource.Capability.SEARCH); return capabilities; } override global List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> getAuthenticationCapabilities() { List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> capabilities = new List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability>(); capabilities.add(DataSource.AuthenticationCapability.ANONYMOUS); return capabilities; } override global DataSource.Connection getConnection(DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionParams) { return new DummyDataSourceConnection(connectionParams); } }

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override global List<DataSource.Capability> getCapabilities()


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override global DataSource.Connection getConnection(DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionParams) { return new DummyDataSourceConnection(connectionParams); }

ConnectionParams properties

String username

String password String oauthToken

AuthenticationProtocol protocol String endpoint

String repository IdentityType principalType

String certificateName



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Data may be retrieved using HTTP or Web service callouts ●  Authentication must be handled manually

o  throw OAuthTokenExpiredException to refresh the stored access token o  all callout endpoints need to be registered in Remote Site Settings

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(''); req.setMethod('GET'); if (protocol == DataSource.AuthenticationProtocol.PASSWORD) { String username = connectionParams.username; String password = connectionParams.password; Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(username + ':' + password); String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue); req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader); } else if (protocol == DataSource.AuthenticationProtocol.OAUTH) { req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + connectionParams.oauthToken); } Http http = new Http(); HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); if (res.getStatusCode() == 401) throw new OAuthTokenExpiredException();

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Callouts with Named Credentials

Named Credentials are more flexible but require additional setup ●  no direct access to credentials ●  no need to add to Remote Site

Settings HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(‘callout:test’); req.setMethod('GET'); Http http = new Http(); HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);

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Callouts with Named Credentials


// Concur expects OAuth to prefix the access token, instead of Bearer req.setHeader(‘Authorization’, ‘OAuth {!$Credential.OAuthToken}’); // non-standard authentication req.setHeader(‘X-Username’, ‘{!$Credential.UserName}’); req.setHeader(‘X-Password’, ‘{!$Credential.Password}’); // you can also use it in the body req.setBody(‘Dear {!$Credential.UserName}, I am a Salesforce Prince and as a Prince of Salesforce I naturally own a metric crap ton of RSUs. If you send me 10,000 of teh bitcoins now I will deliver my stock to you as it vests which wil be totes winwin.’);

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override global List<DataSource.Table> sync() enumerates the list of Tables that this data source knows about

override global DataSource.TableResult query(DataSource.QueryContext c)

called when executing SOQL or visiting the List or Details pages in the UI

override global List<DataSource.TableResult> search(DataSource.SearchContext c)

called when executing SOSL or using the search functions in the UI

override global List<DataSource.UpsertResult> upsertRows(DataSource.UpsertContext c)

called when executing insert or update DML; also called when editing a record in the UI

override global List<DataSource.DeleteResult> deleteRows(DataSource.DeleteContext c)

called when executing delete DML; also called when deleting a record in the UI

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Sync - DataSource.Table override global List<DataSource.Table> sync() {

List<DataSource.Table> tables = new List<DataSource.Table>();

List<DataSource.Column> columns;

columns = new List<DataSource.Column>();

// next slide...

tables.add(DataSource.Table.get('Looper', 'Name', columns));

return tables;


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Sync - DataSource.Column columns = new List<DataSource.Column>();

columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('ExternalId', 255));


columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('Name', 255));

columns.add(DataSource.Column.number('NumberOfEmployees', 18, 0));

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Query override global DataSource.TableResult query(DataSource.QueryContext c) { HttpRequest req = prepareCallout(c); List<Map<String,Object>> rows = getData(req); // don’t forget the standard fields, especially ExternalId for (Map<String,Object> row : rows) { row.put('ExternalId', row.get(‘key’)); row.put('DisplayUrl', connectionParams.url + ‘/record/’ + row.get(‘key’)); rows.add(row); } return DataSource.TableResult.get(c,rows); }

QueryContext properties TableSelection tableSelection Integer offset Integer maxResults TableSelection properties string tableSelected List<ColumnSelection> columnsSelected Filter filter List<Order> order TableResult properties boolean success String errorMessage String tableName List<Map<String,Object>> rows integer totalSize String queryMoreToken

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Query Filters /** Compound types **/



OR_, private string getSoqlFilter(string query, DataSource.Filter filter) { if (filter == null) { return query; } DataSource.FilterType type = filter.type; List<Map<String,Object>> retainedRows = new List<Map<String,Object>>(); if (type == DataSource.FilterType.NOT_) { DataSource.Filter subfilter = filter.subfilters.get(0); return ‘NOT ‘ + getSoqlFilterExpression(subfilter); } else if (type == DataSource.FilterType.AND_) { return join('AND', filter.subfilters); } else if (type == DataSource.FilterType.OR_) { return join('OR', filter.subfilters); } return getSoqlFilterExpression(filter); }

/** Simple comparative types **/ EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN,

private string getSoqlFilterExpression(DataSource.Filter filter) { string op; string columnName = filter.columnName; object expectedValue = filter.columnValue; if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.EQUALS) { op = '='; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.NOT_EQUALS) { op = '<>'; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.LESS_THAN) { op = '<'; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.GREATER_THAN) { op = '>'; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO) { op = '<='; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO) { op = '>='; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.STARTS_WITH) { return mapColumnName(columnName) + ' LIKE \'' + String.valueOf(expectedValue) + '%\''; } else if (filter.type == DataSource.FilterType.ENDS_WITH) { return mapColumnName(columnName) + ' LIKE \'%' + String.valueOf(expectedValue) + '\''; } else { throwException('DF15SpeakerWasLazyException: unimplemented filter type' + filter.type); } return mapColumnName(columnName) + ' ' + op + ' ' + wrapValue(expectedValue); }


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  Can’t return all results in a single batch!   Not all external data sources handle pagination the same way

•  page number •  token •  limit, offset

  Three strategies to handle pagination: •  client driven, known total size •  client driven, unknown total size •  server driven

  Driven by comabination of capabilities: •  QUERY_TOTAL_SIZE •  QUERY_SERVER_DRIVEN_PAGINATION

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QueryMore - Client Driven, Known Total Size

  Provider class declares QUERY_TOTAL_SIZE   /services/data/v35.0/query?q=SELECT...FROM+Xds__x ⇒

  query •  QueryContext maxResults = 1000 •  TableResult should have 1000 records as requested!!!

  API call returns { "totalSize" => 1500, "done" => false, "nextRecordsUrl" => "/services/data/v35.0/query/01gxx000000B4WAAA0-1000", "records" => [ … 1000 RECORDS … ] }

  queryMore call to /services/data/v35.0/query/xxx ⇒   query

•  QueryContext maxResults = 1000, and offset = 1000 •  TableResult should have 500 records

  API call returns { "totalSize" => 1500, "done" => true, "records" => [ … 500 RECORDS … ] }

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QueryMore - Client Driven, Unknown Query Result Size

  Default strategy used when provider does not support QUERY_TOTAL_SIZE or QUERY_SERVER_DRIVEN_PAGINATION   /services/data/v35.0/query?q=SELECT...FROM+Xds__x ⇒

  query •  QueryContext maxResults = 1001 •  TableResult should return 1001 records as requested!!!

  SFDC API call returns { "totalSize" => -1, "done" => false, "nextRecordsUrl" => "/services/data/v35.0/query/01gxx000000B4WAAA0-1000", "records" => [ … 1000 RECORDS … ] }

  queryMore call to /services/data/v35.0/query/xxx ⇒   query

•  QueryContext maxResults = 1001, and offset = 1000 •  TableResult should have 500 records

  API call returns { "totalSize" => 1500, "done" => true, "records" => [ … 500 RECORDS … ] }

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QueryMore - Server Driven

  Provider class declares QUERY_SERVER_DRIVEN_PAGINATION   /services/data/v35.0/query?q=SELECT...FROM+Xds__x ⇒

  query •  QueryContext maxResults = 0 •  TableResult should have however many records you want •  TableResult must provide a queryMoreToken

  API call returns the following if queryMoreToken is not null { "totalSize" => -1 or 1500, # depends on QUERY_TOTAL_SIZE support "done" => false, "nextRecordsUrl" => "/services/data/v35.0/query/01gxx000000B4WAAA0-1000", "records" => [ … ??? RECORDS … ] }

  queryMore call to /services/data/v35.0/query/xxx ⇒   query

•  QueryContext queryMoreToken will be set to the token previously supplied •  TableResult should have however many records you want

  API call returns the following when queryMoreToken is null { "totalSize" => 1500, "done" => true, "records" => [ … ??? RECORDS … ] }

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●  SOSL and Search UI operations invoke the search method on your Connection class ●  Multiple tables for a single connector may be searched in a single call ●  Display URL is intended to point to the search results in the external system

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 SearchContext properties  List<TableSelection> tableSelections  String searchPhrase global static List<DataSource.TableResult> search(SearchContext c) {

List<DataSource.TableResult> results = new List<DataSource.TableResult>(); for (DataSource.TableSelection tableSelection : c.tableSelections) {

QueryContext ctx = new QueryContext();

ctx.tableSelection = tableSelection; Table table = c.getTableMetadata(ctx.tableSelection);

tableSelection.filter = new Filter(FilterType.CONTAINS, ctx.tableSelection.tableSelected,

table.nameColumn, c.searchPhrase);

results.add(query(ctx)); }

return results;



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Inserts, Updates, Deletes

Requires DML capabilities in DataSource.Provider ●  ROW_CREATE



Requires ID mapping Requires Allow Create, Edit, and Delete selection on External Data Source

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Insert, Updates override global List<DataSource.UpsertResult> upsertRows(DataSource.UpsertContext c) { List<DataSource.UpsertResult> results = new List<DataSource.UpsertResult>(); List<Map<String,Object>> rows = c.rows; for (Map<String,Object> row : rows) { String externalId = String.valueOf(row.get('ExternalId')); // insert or update record in the external system boolean success = // insert or update record if (success) { results.add(DataSource.UpsertResult.success(id)); } else { results.add(DataSource.UpsertResult.failure(id, 'An error occurred updating this record')); } } return results; }

UpsertContext properties String tableSelected List<Map<string,object>> rows

UpsertResult properties Boolean success String errorMessage String externalId

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Deletes override global List<DataSource.DeleteResult> deleteRows(DataSource.DeleteContext c) {

Set<Id> externalIds = new Set<Id>();

List<DataSource.DeleteResult> results = new List<DataSource.DeleteResult>();

for (String externalId : c.externalIds) {

boolean success = // delete record in external system

if (result.success) {


} else {

results.add(DataSource.DeleteResult.failure(id, 'An error occurred updating this record'));



return results;


DeleteContext properties String tableSelected List<String> externalIds

DeleteResult properties Boolean success String errorMessage String externalId

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●  New Database methods used for external objects (only) ○  insertAsync ○  updateAsync ○  deleteAsync

●  DML operations are asynchronous ●  call getAsyncResult later to get results

Order__x x = new Order__x(); Database.SaveResult locator = Database.insertAsync(x); if (!locator.isSuccess() && locator.getAsyncLocator() != null) { // save was queued up for execution, when the result is ready, do some additional processing completeOrderCreation(asyncLocator); } // must be in another transaction!!! @future public void completeOrderCreation(String asyncLocator) { Database.SaveResult sr = Database.getAsyncResult(asyncLocator); if (sr.isSuccess()) { … } }

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DML Callbacks

●  Callbacks to handle post-save processing global class XdsSaveCallback extends DataSource.AsyncSaveCallback { virtual global void processSave(Database.SaveResult sr) { if (sr.isSuccess()) { … } } } XdsSaveCallback cb = new XdsSaveCallback(); Order__x x = new Order__x(); Database.insertAsync(x, cb);

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DML Callbacks

●  Callbacks to handle post-delete processing global class XdsDeleteCallback extends DataSource.AsyncDeleteCallback { virtual global void processDelete(Database.DeleteResult dr) {} } XdsDeleteCallback cb = new XdsDeleteCallback(); Xds__x x = [SELECT Id FROM Xds__x WHERE ExternalId = ‘...’]; Database.deleteAsync(x, cb);

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Lawrence McAlpin Lawrence McAlpin Principal Member of Technical Staff

[email protected] @lmcalpin

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