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JULY 2009

PCOM IN THE SPOTLIGHT ..............2 PEOPLE’S PASSIONS ............6RESEARCH NEWS ........................3 NEW HIRES ........................7what’sinside

Commencement Marks MilestoneWith the hooding of 78 new physicians onSunday, May 17, PCOM history was made. TheGA–PCOM DO class of 2009 was the first tograduate from the College’s branch campus.

“Every graduation is a joy,” proclaims PresidentMathew Schure, PhD. “This one is especially sodue to the Herculean efforts of the PCOMcommunity to reach this special day. We rejoicewith our graduates and know that they join us inthanking the faculty, staff and administrators ofthe College in making that education possible.”

Campus Executive Director John Fleischmann,EdD, MBA, MPA, proudly states, “I havewatched as our pioneer class of 2009 hasevolved from eager, over-achieving medicalstudents to professional, caring, thoughtful andhighly-educated student physicians, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.”

Also at the ceremony, 12 graduate students were awarded a master’s of science in biomedical sciences degree.

The Philadelphia campus celebrated its 118th DO commencement on May 31. William G. Anderson, DO,known for his significant contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and to the osteopathic profession,spoke before the 270 graduating students.

In 1961, Dr. Anderson founded and served as the firstdirector of the Albany Movement, a desegregation coalition in

Albany, Georgia. Dr. Anderson is also a former director of theSouthern Christian Leadership Conference and worked closelywith Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Abernathy and other civilrights pioneers.

Currently, Dr. Anderson is vice president for academicaffairs and osteopathic medical education at DetroitMedical Center and associate dean for the Michiganregion at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.

The first graduating class of DO students at GA–PCOM takethe Osteopathic Oath.

A very happy Zachary Engler, DO ’09 inPhiladelphia is hooded by Dr. Veit.


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PCOM in the SpotlightPCOM faculty, students and staff are everywhere. They’ve beenspotted on television, in the press and heard on the radio. Whatan amazing group. PCOM faculty weighed in on importantevents of the day—from the H1N1 virus to food allergies.

Harry Morris, DO, MPH, director and chair, family medicine;Rani Bright, MBBS, HCLD, assistant professor; and SusanHingley, PhD, professor; pathology, microbiology andimmunology, were in the spotlight for their expertise on viruses.Drs. Morris and Bright appeared on NBC10 while Drs. Brightand Hingley were heard on Delaware radio station WDEL. Dr.Bright was also heard on KYW radio and was quoted in theonline magazine

Christine Mount, PA-C, assistant professor, physician assistantstudies, appeared on NBC’s 10Show! to discuss Lyme diseaseand physician assistant studies.

PCOM folks from the Activities Group and beyond providedChannel 10’s Morning Wake Up Call on May 18.

Two student groups heading to Ecuador were featured onChannels 3 and 6 discussing their commitment to providinghealth care in a third-world country.

Brian Balin, PhD, professor; and Scott Little, PhD, assistantprofessor; pathology, microbiology and immunology, wereinterviewed by PCOM trustee Lita Cohen, Esq., about theirwork through the Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging(CCDA). Dr. Balin discussed his Alzhemier’s research and Dr.Little reviewed his work studying peanut allergies. Theirinterviews will appear on Lower Merion/Narberth public accesstelevision.

To view most of these television segments, click on “PCOM in the Spotlight” on the College’s Web site home

Learning a Thing or TwoConnor McGuinness, son of MichaelMcGuiness, assistant professor, anatomy,searches for heart sounds during Take OurDaughters and Sons to Work Day. Childrenages 8–13 spent time in PCOM’s ClinicalLearning and Assessment Center while theolder kids participated in a Work Readyworkshop. All the visitors had theopportunity to meet President Schure, tourthe campus and watch demonstrations ofthe College’s clinical simulators.

PCOM news

Dr. Morris discussed the mechanics ofsneezing on the evening news.

Dr. Bright appeared with Penn bio-ethicist Art Caplan on a live broadcast.

The PCOM Activities Group celebratedits 10th birthday with a wake-up call.

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Health AdvocateBeing sick is no fun. Being sick and trying tofind the best care can be exhausting. Andcertainly negotiating with an insurance companyfor approvals and payments can send thestrongest among us to back to bed. Luckily forPCOM employees and their families, theCollege has contracted with Health Advocate, aservice that helps people find the right doctor,jump through insurance hoops and manageother medical headaches.

The services of Health Advocate are availableto you, your spouse, your dependent children,your parents and your parents-in-law.

When you need help, call Health Advocate at866-695-8622. You will be assigned your ownpersonal health advocate (PHA) who will workto solve your problems and support your needs.

Your PHA can help you with the following:

• Find qualified doctors and hospitals

• Schedule appointments with hard-to-reachspecialists

• Identify “best-in-class” medical institutions fora serious illness or injury

• Help maximize your benefits

• Help resolve eligibility, benefit and claimsissues

• Assist with eldercare issues

• Save money on healthcare bills and helpreduce out-of-pocket costs

• Help negotiate with providers on your behalf

• Navigate through the healthcare system tohelp you obtain the services you need

• Secure second opinions to help providepeace of mind

• Help find community services

• Assist with correcting billing mistakes

• Help find clear, objective health information tohelp you make an informed decision

For more information about your PCOMbenefits, contact Naja Foushée, x6552 [email protected].

for your benefit

Research NewsThanks to an endowment from the OsteopathicHeritage Foundation, interdisciplinary research isongoing under the umbrella of the Center for ChronicDisorders of Aging (CCDA). Some recent researchinitiatives include:

Randal Gregg, PhD, assistant professor,pathology, GA–PCOM, is studying the effects ofweightlessness on immune function, specifically howweightlessness (or microgravity) affects melanomacell growth. Dr. Gregg is collaborating withresearchers at the University of Rochester MedicalCenter in New York and at Saint Joseph TranslationalResearch Institute in Atlanta.

Francis Jenney, Jr., PhD, assistant professor,biochemistry, GA–PCOM, is researching a proteinthat is a potential agent for detection, diagnosis, andtreatment of many different diseases, includingcancer. Dr. Jenney is collaborating with a scientist atVanderbilt University.

Michael McGuinness, PhD, assistant professor,anatomy, is studying how estrogen affects spermproduction.

Mary Owen, PhD, JD, associate professor,pharmacology, GA–PCOM, is exploring the role ofsmooth muscle in the vision problems and blindnessthat can occur in diabetes. Dr. Owen is doing herresearch in conjunction with scientists at the MedicalCollege of Georgia and the University of Georgia.

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PCOM news


Dr. Woodruff DeliversAs Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, it’s Tina Woodruff’s job to help students. But no job description everincluded the responsibilities she assumed on April 27.

Dr. Woodruff was in her office that Monday morning when a student rushed in to announce that a pregnantstudent’s water had broken. Dr. Woodruff walked to the exam room where first-year medical studentAmanda Ellis had just finished her cardiovascular 2 exam. Dr. Woodruff accompanied her back to StudentAffairs and asked who she could call to take her to the hospital. Ms. Ellis replied that her husband was ona plane to Puerto Rico for his grandmother’s funeral. Her parents live seven hours away, and she and herhusband are newcomers to the area so there were no friends or neighbors to call. Without a secondthought, Dr. Woodruff guided Ms. Ellis to her own car, and off they went.

Once at the hospital, “Amanda asked me to stay,and I told her that of course I would,” recalls Dr.Woodruff. With Ms. Ellis due for a C-section, Dr.Woodruff donned a pair of scrubs and prepared tobe her coach.

Thinking back to when her own daughter had givenbirth two weeks before, Dr. Woodruff knew howimportant photographs of the birth would be andgave a nurse ten dollars to run to the gift shop tobuy a disposable camera. “I couldn’t bear thethought of them not having photos of that magicalmoment,” explains Dr. Woodruff, and that’s whatoutweighed her apprehension of seeing the surgery.“Amanda’s husband should have been there, and Iwanted to make sure he could at least have photos.”

“She kept me calm,” recalls Ms. Ellis. “She kepttalking to me and telling me everything was going tobe alright. I don’t know what I would have donewithout her.”

Dr. Woodruff remembers the day with awe. “It was an honor for me to be there for Amanda. You can’tcontrol what happens in life, you can only control how you handle it, and she handled it beautifully. I justhope Amanda remembers this day not as the day the Director of Student Affairs took her to the hospital,but as the day she delivered a beautiful baby boy.”

Amanda Ellis and Dr. Woodruff proudly display aphoto of baby Gus.

One easy way to go green is to do nothing. Well, almost nothing. Every time we make a purchase,the cost is greater than what we see on the price tag. Consider the energy and materials used tomake and ship the product and the waste created by the packaging. Here are some easy ideas tosave money and the environment:

• Share power tools and other equipment you use infrequently. You’ll get to know your neighbors andcut down on the clutter in your garage or basement.

• Visit the library and borrow books, DVDs and CDs. Not only will you save money, but you’ll reducethe use of ink and paper used to print new books and the plastics used in CDs and DVDs. Andthere’s no packaging to throw away.

• Buy in bulk to save money and packaging.

• Keep your cell phones, computers and other electronics as long as possible. When the time comesto replace these items, donate or recycle them responsibly. Electronic waste contains mercury andother toxic materials that pose a threat to the environment. Do an Internet search for a hazardouswaste recycling program in or near your community.

go green

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Bonnie Buxton, PhD, professor, GA–PCOM, andRandal Gregg, PhD, assistant professor,microbiology and immunology, GA–PCOM,coauthored the board-reviewed book Lippencott’sReview of Medical Microbiology and Immunology tobe published September, 2009.

Stacey Cahn, PhD, assistant professor; VirginiaSalzar, PhD, associate professor and director; clinicalresearch, psychology, and Roger McFillin (PsyD)coauthored the poster “Social Information-Processand Coping in Adolescent Girls with an EatingDisorder” presented at the 2009 Academy for EatingDisorders International Conference on EatingDisorders in Cancun, Mexico.

Marina D’Angelo, PhD, associate professor,anatomy, coauthored two manuscripts: “RadiographicEvaluation of Mucopolysaccharidosis I and VII DogsAfter Neonatal Gene Therapy” published in MolecularGenetics and Metabolism and “Mechanism ofGlycosaminoglycan-mediated Bone and JointDisease: Implications for the Mucopolysaccharidosesand Other Connective Tissue Diseases” published inThe American Journal of Pathology. Dr. D’Angeloalso coauthored the chapter “F-Spondin: A newregulator of cartilage maturation in development andosteoarthritis” published in TemporomandibularDisorders and Orofacial Pain: Separating Controversyfrom Consensus.

Camille DiLullo, PhD, professor, anatomy, attendedthe American Association of Anatomists 2009 NationalMeeting where she chaired the symposium “All AboutMyocardial Infarction: A Paradigm for IntegratedCourse Delivery.” She also presented “Together atFirst: Integrated Delivery of Basic and ClinicalSciences.” Its abstract was coauthored by Dr. DiLulloand Richard Kriebel, PhD, professor and chair,neuroscience, physiology and pharmacology. At thesame meeting, Dr. DiLullo’s laboratory presented theposter “In Vivo Reorganization of Alpha 1 Integrin inDeveloping Skeletal Muscle.”

Robert DiTomasso, PhD, professor and chair;Arthur Freeman, EdD, clinical professor; psychology,Bruce Zahn, EdD, professor and director of training,school psychology; and Raymond Carvajal (PsyD)coauthored the chapter “Cognitive-BehavioralConcepts of Anxiety” published in Textbook ofAnxiety.

Katherine Galluzzi, DO, professor, chair anddirector, geriatrics, presented the lecture “It’s AboutTime: Smoking Cessation” at the ACOFP AnnualConvention in Washington, DC. At the sameconvention she moderated “New Horizons in theManagement of Type 2 Diabetes: Expanding theTreatment Paradigm for Glycemic Control and Risk

Reduction.” Dr. Galluzzi and Larry Finkelstein, DO’87, associate professor, family medicine,coauthored the chapter “Malnutrition and Depressionin Older Adults” published in Medical Nutrition andDisease: A Case-Based Approach (4th ed).

James Hale, PhD, associate professor andassociate director of clinical training, schoolpsychology, coauthored the article “Differential AbilityScales–Second Edition (Neuro) PsychologicalPredictors of Math Performance for Typical Childrenand Children with Math Disabilities” published inPsychology in the Schools. He also coauthored thechapter “The Enigmatic Population of SpecificLearning Disabilities: Comorbidity ofPsychopathology in Cognitive and AcademicSubtypes” published in Emotional Disorders: ANeuropsychological, Psychopharmacological, andEducational Perspective. He also presented threeposters at the International NeuropsychologicalSociety in Atlanta and several posters, a paper anda workshop at the National Association of SchoolPsychologists meeting in Boston.

Michael Kuchera, DO, professor and director, OMMresearch, was inducted as an inaugural fellow andchair to the National Academy of OsteopathicMedical Educators.

George McCloskey, PhD, associate professor anddirector, school psychology research, coauthored thebook Assessment and Intervention for ExecutiveFunction Difficulties.

Rosemary Mennuti, EdD, professor and director,school psychology programs; George McCloskey,PhD, associate professor and director, schoolpsychology research; and Tita Baldino, PsyD ’08presented the poster, “Mindfulness: ExtendingTreatment for Early Onset Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder/Tourettes Syndrome” at the July 2009 FirstWorld Congress on Positive Psychology. Dr. Mennutiand Ray Christner, PsyD, clinical assistantprofessor, psychology, coedited the book SchoolBased Mental Health: A Practitioner’s Guide toComparative Practices.

Dianzheng Zhang, PhD, assistant professor,biochemistry/molecular biology, coauthored theposter “Activity of GMP Grade Adenovirus GM-CAIX:A Novel Molecular Targeted Vaccine Therapy forKidney Cancer” that was presented at the 2009American Urology Association Annual Meeting. Dr. Zhang was also interviewed by journalist MaryannHammers. His comments and suggestions forresveratrol consumption were cited in an articlepublished in the March issue of the online magazineDelicious Living.

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Dr. Simelaro and his CraftWhat’s the difference between practicingmedicine and woodworking? Accordingto John Simelaro, DO ’71, professor andchair, internal medicine, if you mess up aproject in woodworking, “you can just doit again.”

When Dr. Simelaro isn’t teaching orpracticing medicine, there’s a goodchance you’ll find him in the 15 x 30 footwood shop he built as an addition to hishome in 1984. “It’s where I go to relax,”he explains.

It started on a snowy day in 1954 or 1955,recalls Dr. Simelaro. With school closed, hisfather, a contractor, told the 12-year-old

John to come to workwith him for the day,and handed him a broom.“That’s how you started,” Dr.Simelaro explains, “as a‘broom’.” My dad dideverything—plumbing,electric, brick—everything

but stone cutting. Iworked for him on andoff until my fourth yearin medical school.”

Like his dad, Dr.Simelaro can doeverything exceptcut stone. “That’san ancient art thatnot many peoplecan do,” he says.But his true love iswoodworking. He

rebuilt his house andmade all his own oakkitchen cabinets. Hespent a year makinghis daughter, anattorney, a law desk. “Ilove to take a piece ofwood and turn it intosomething—I love tocreate. If I could make aliving doing this I would.”

His workshop is his pride and joy, “I have acomplete shop,” he boasts, “every tool you canimagine and not howdy-doody tools—commercial-grade Delta tools. My saws are the same sawsthey use in lumber yards. I even have machines to fix my machines.”

Although he works in his shop to get a break frompracticing medicine, he can’t quite make a cleanbreak. The tops of his work benches are doorsfrom City Avenue Hospital and he has solid steelcabinets from PCOM that were replaced duringthe College’s renovation.

“I don’t work in my shop as much as I used to,” he admits. “When I was younger I’d come homefrom work and go right to my shop. I’d be there allweekend. Now I pretty much do it just onweekends. But it’s great. Nobody complains. Mywife is my only customer, and she can’t complain.”

people’s passions

Dr. Simelaro renovated his kitchen with cabinets he made by handin his wood shop.

Dr. Simelaro goes to his woodshop to relax whilemaking doors and other beautiful and functional oakcabinetry and furniture.

“I love to take a pieceof wood and turn itinto something—I love to create.”

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New Hires 1. Cliff Akiyama, MPH, Assistant Professor,Forensic Medicine

2. Christen Aldermatt, MD, Assistant Professor,Clinical Education, GA–PCOM

3. Michael A. Becker, DO, Vice Chair, FamilyPractice

4. Jill Cunningham, PA-C, Assistant Professor,Physician Assistant Studies

5. Nicole Dillard, Secretary, Dean’s Office

6. Michelle Ingram, Administrative Assistant,Clinical Education, GA–PCOM

7. Karen Kelly, Administrative Assistant, Dean’sOffice

8. Mark Litzinger, RPh, Director ofExperiential Education, School ofPharmacy, GA–PCOM

9. Michelle Repass, AdministrativeAssistant, School of Pharmacy,GA–PCOM

10. Cindy Rosario, Sergeant, PublicSafety and Security, GA–PCOM

11. Nancy Shapiro, PharmD, AssistantProfessor of Pharmacy Practice, School ofPharmacy, GA–PCOM

12. Dean Sykes, Technical Support Specialist,MIS

13. Rouslan “Russ” Tzonev, Sergeant, PublicSafety and Security, GA–PCOM

Promotions Shaun Carlin, from Technical Support Specialist,to Telecommunications Specialist, MIS

Rick Lansford, from Technician, to ClinicalTraining Coordinator, Standardized Patient Program

Barbara Smith-Muhammad, from Registrar, toBilling Representative/Assistant Supervisor, FamilyPractice

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11 12 13

7 8 9 10

News from HR


Send, fax or e-mail news items to: Marketing andCommunications, Levin Administration Building; fax6307; e-mail: [email protected]. We can also bereached at x6300.


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JULY 16PCOM and GA–PCOMEmployee Appreciation Day

JULY 31Graduate ProgramsCommencementAcademy of Music,Philadelphia, Noon

WEEK OF AUGUST 17Classes start for DO,Biomed, SchoolPsychology, ClinicalPsychology, Counselingand Clinical HealthPsychology

AUGUST 19Board of Trustees MeetingEvans Hall 327 A&B, Noon

SEPTEMBER 2Department Heads/KeyPersonnel MeetingEvans Hall, 334 A&B, 2:30Administration ConferenceRoom, GA–PCOM

Executive FacultyMeetingEvans Hall, 334 A&B, NoonAdministration ConferenceRoom, GA–PCOM

SEPTEMBER 7Labor Day Holiday

SEPTEMBER 8Faculty Senate MeetingZedeck Amphitheater, 4:00

SEPTEMBER 14PCOM Golf ClassicAronimink Golf Club, Newtown, PA

Why Wait?Why wait for Friday, when you can celebrateStress Free Friday on Tuesday? The PCOMActivities Group helped the Collegecommunity relax with games, snacks and acake raffle.

calendar of events

Brian Balin, PhD,professor,pathology,microbiologyand immunology,nails the hulahoop portion ofthe scavengerhunt.

Left: Jeff Morris,custodian/mechanic,plant opeations, perfectshis cotton candy twirling.

Below: Kea Tull (left),secretary, psychology,and Cindy Coleman,administrative assistant,anatomy, celebrate theActivities Group’s 10thbirthday.

Frank Windle, director, plant operations, encouragesPCOMers to try their luck.

This newsletter wasprinted on FinchCasa Opaque digital,a paper manufacturedwith 66% renewableenergy, utilizing 30 percent post-consumerrecycled fiber.

30% PCW

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