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Greetings From Dallas Texas!

Thank you in advance for taking 5 minutes to read this as I want to be impactful in earning your trust. I desire a long term business relationship that will significantly improve your bottom line, our marketplace awareness and proud results amongst our clientele. I am very detailed, direct, transparent, reciprocal and operate with extremely high integrity. Ultimately, if what you read below is true, which it is, then you will be extremely enthusiastic that we work together towards the same goal in 2012 and years to come. That’s my goal and hope to see it become yours.

I am very eager to speak to your entire region, office, or otherwise team on a conference call if you see that as a value.

In 2012, it is a fact that you will have much more difficulty in closing loans. It DOES NOT have to be that way. The laws, guidelines, stipulations and rules are ever evolving, and not for “your” good, or your clients. Buying a home is the biggest investment 99% of the population will ever make. I’m sending you this long note so you are at least “armed” with some of the facts, and a reliable way to work together in maintaining your business in an ever increasingly difficult climate. Frankly, it will likely get worse before it gets better.

As you likely know, we recently became connected on LinkedIn. You may remember from a conversation we’ve had or the National Football League information, which we are indeed partnered with. All my connections (1907) are within the “Real Estate” circle as our service directly impacts that process and progress. Yes, we do credit repair and I’m sure you’ve heard it all before and had misled promises. I know that because in the past few months I have spoken with multitudes of people in your industry personally. It’s what I do all day, every day, and I love it. I will not mislead you, or your clients. Afterall that is counter-intuitive to my goals. Test my resolve and integrity please. The truth is, we may have already spoken but you have yet to try what I’m offering. However, the same questions and concerns come up in every conversation so I thought I would lay it out as it pertains to our process and our uniqueness.

We are indeed in the 5%-10% range of credit repair companies that do NOT send the dreaded dispute letters. 90%-95% simply send those letters every month, thus tarnishing a great consumer service. Those letters quickly become frivolous to the three bureaus and fill your clients report with dispute codes and deliver poor results. Moreover, the timeliness is not conducive to your client’s goals, and your own, in closing on a home.

Here are a few things that you need to know about our service:1. Our program is only 6 months! In most cases, we get your client’s score where it needs to be in half that time. It depends on the repair needed. I AM YOUR QUARTERBACK, pun intended. You only have to go through me and that’s it. I create a user account for you where you can view your clients, and their progress, whenever you desire. But overall you get me at your beckon call.2. We audit the bureaus all at once, and at the same time, right out of the gaits. These audits bypass the $10 per hour clerk that “dispute letters” go to. They get directly to the Consumer Affairs, or Legal Compliance Departments. This is key and we know how to do that. Our owner, James Charlet, worked in Legal and Compliance for Experian many years so he knows how to get this done. Highly uncommon!3. These audits are 15-20 point verification audits which force, through the credit laws written by Congress, the departments to reach out to each creditor in a timely manner (30-45 days), not the perceived 30 day myth. These are by design to ensure accuracy and consistency across all agencies. There is very low hanging fruit here, thus quick results! 79% of credit reports have

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multitudes of inaccuracies and inconsistencies.4. Phase two in the audits begins after we get the phase one results back, which are sent to your client by the way. Once received, we audit them again, except on different criteria. It is very important to note this because anything (like dispute letters) sent twice is considered frivolous to the bureaus. Are you starting to see the difference?5. Phase three is auditing the “original” creditors, assuming only what is left on the report. Although we do deal with collection companies, it is far better to go after the original creditor. They have sold off the account and have no skin in the game any longer by law. 6. We educate/consult your client and help them establish accounts if need be. Sometimes, when you remove all the negative, there is not enough positive left. They need positive trade lines as you know.

By the way, we completely prepare and send out the first wave of audits before your client is charged. Up front fees are illegal.

We have three rules:

1. Do not be late on anything while in the program.2. Do not apply for new credit unless otherwise told to, by us, or the lender.3. Send back your audit results in a timely manner.

If you see more than 2-3 applicants a month that do not qualify then our service WILL have a hugely positive impact on your business. Some see that every day, others in reverse and wholesale never do. Whether you are ready to test drive me or not, I value you as a contact. The reason is because I want to also help people with specific needs in the Real Estate circle. I won’t inundate you with emails I promise, but tell your coworkers and friends please. I work solely on referrals so know that you will be treated with the utmost importance, respect and timeliness. I always answer my phone. If I am on another call, you will get called back within one hour. I GUARANTEE THAT!!

I was reading reviews today online about credit repair companies and it inspired me to write this. Check it out for yourself. It’s under search words “best credit repair companies”. We are at #23. While I will not speak directly about the competition, we are NOT a sponsor. Go pull up what people say about us, mostly Loan Originators. It’s powerful and has substance! Most comments on competitors do not (my opinion only) and the source is questionable.

I love my new position/industry and ask that you give me a chance. I will not let you down.

Thank you for taking the time once again to read this as I truly desire your trust, business and loyalty in a reciprocal manner for years to come. However, like the many who are using my company already say, “let’s walk before we run”. Very true.......

My Best!

Written by Steve Emerson, Business Development Manager for CRE Credit Services, 214.907.4146

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