
How to put together an effective LinkedIn profile for Work Placement.

Team LinkedIn Presents

The outline for today’s presentation.

How to create a LinkedIn account and simple guides.

Profile Photo



Your Experience

• Start with an overview

• Use action words

• Use correct tenses

• Frontload your achievements

• Spelling and grammar

Keyword and SEO

Top Categories of Keywords:

• Your professional job.

• Your current or your target city.

• Your skills.

• Awards & recognition.

Fully Completed Profile

LinkedIn’s Definition of a Fully Complete Profile:

• Your industry and location.

• Your education.

• Your skills (maximum of 3).

• A profile photo.

• At least 50 connections.

Tips and Tricks in LinkedIn.

Creating a Wholesome Profile

• Detail.

• Add links to your blogs or websites.

• Include your contact information.

- Pro-Tip: Put your email address in an obscured format like username (AT) website (DOT) com to evade bots.

Proactive Approach to LinkedIn

• Regularly share Status updates.

• Network in groups.

• Regularly update profile.

Using images

• Profile Picture.

-Absolutely Vital!

• Make a multimedia profile.

Additional Features

LinkedIn Profile badge.

Resume Builder Tool.

Additional Features

LinkedIn Classifieds.

Custom Profile URL.

Privacy Control

Other Privacy Controls.

Viewing Profiles Anonymously.

What the employers expect to see on your LinkedIn account.

Professional Profiles• Employers want a

professional profile.

• Do not mention illegal substances.

• Profanity is unappealing to employers.

Social Network

Is the candidate extroverted?

-Connections on LinkedIn.

-Connections in common.

Could candidate fit (socially) into job environment?

-The candidate must show willingness to learn.



-Are previous employers satisfied with candidate?

-Are recommendations NOT boilerplate?

Skill Endorsements.

Consistency and Attention to DetailLinkedIn profile must match CV.

-Use correct employment dates.

-Education must be the same.

-Employers use LinkedIn to cross-reference CV.

Typos are a red flag to Employers.

Final Pieces of Advice

• Keep your LinkedIn profile relevant.

• Work on getting experience before finishing college.

• Be mature on other social networks.• Do not mention illegal substances.• Do not be offensive.• Profanity is unappealing.

• Use common sense.

Benefits of having a LinkedIn account.

Benefits and Advantages

• Over 300 million active users worldwide.

• 39 million students/recent graduates.

• Available in over 200 countries.

• Available in over 20 languages.

• Create a positive first impression.

• Receive alerts about recommended jobs.

• Learn about potential employers.

• A global networking platform.

Benefits and Advantages

• A platform to network with likeminded people.

• Make connections, recommendations and referrals.

• Secure internships or jobs while still in college.

• LinkedIn offers employers more detail than a resume.

Benefits and Advantages

• 94% of recruiters use social media.

• Employers experienced 49% increase in candidate quality.

• Search and apply for jobs on your smartphone.

Benefits and Advantages

Student’s and People Interviewed.


Our group decided to gather data on people in 4th year as well as people on the street to see

how much they knew about LinkedIn.

Gaining some Perspective

• Each slide will contain one question.

• Nine surveys done on 4th years.

• 20 were done on strangers.

• 5 of the strangers were employers.

Do You Know What LinkedIn Is?

• All 4th Year students answered: Yes.

• 18/20 Strangers answered: Yes.

Do You Have a LinkedIn Profile?

• Two 4th year students answered: Yes.

• 8 People from the random survey answered: Yes.

How Important Do You Think a LinkedIn Account is to Finding a Job?

• Our first non-binary question.

• We decided to take all surveys into account.


Employers Question

Do you think employers are actively looking at LinkedIn profiles of potential candidates?

• None of the 4th years were employers.

• Five of the random people were employers.

• Two working at local grocery stores.

• Three working In Pubs/clubs.

Employing a Person Question

If you were to employ a person, would you check his/her LinkedIn? Why?

Mostly positive answers.

All employers admitted to using LinkedIn even for the smallest of jobs. E. G. Cashier.

LinkedIn Future Question

• 7/9 4th years answered with a strong: Yes.

• 2/9 did not know.

Do you think LinkedIn will become more prevalent in the future?

• 14/20 of the people from the random survey answered with a strong: Yes.


Premium in LinkedIn

Look your best

• Stand out on LinkedIn.

• Attract people.

• Larger photo.

• Better background image.

Track Your Impact

• More visibility.

• 90 day list of who viewed your profile.

• Expand top 100 list.

• Get noticed by the right people.

Key information

• Take a look at their profile

• Use the information as a conversation starter

Reach out with InMail

• Get in contact with anyone.

• Contact people who aren’t connected to you.

• InMail makes it easy to contact people.

LinkedIn Premium Free Trial!

For more information

Go to:


End of Presentation

Thank You for Listening!

Team LinkedIn

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