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Using LinkedIn to get a job or

“I’m on LinkedIn but I don’t really know how to use it”

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Some Facts on LinkedIn● There are over 45 million people now on

LinkedIn but only about 25% are active users● 75% say they are on it to network, 20% say

they are on it to find a job or advance their career, and 5% or less say they are on it to grow their business and make more money

● Recruiters live or die by online media ● IT job ads are almost exclusively online● LinkedIn is used to extend existing online solutions● LinkedIn has a specific solution for recruiters

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Some Philosophy on LinkedIn● Why are you on LinkedIn?

● Jobs: To present a living CV for finding a job and advancing a career

● Companies: To discover companies and information about them

● People: A tool for formally creating and maintaining a network

● Answers: To discover and share information

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Some Philosophy on LinkedIn● It is important to understand that your LinkedIn

profile is your personal brand● You should put as much effort into your profile as CV ● You should have a photo● You should keep it current● You should get Recommended● Title verses a Tag Line● Add Keywords to Your Profile● Quick profile build tool

● TISM (This IS Serious MUM and it isnt facebook)

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Some Philosophy on LinkedIn● Types of LinkedIn Users

● Follow the yellow brick road– Turtle – Hound Dog– LION

● You need to decide your purpose and choose which one you are

● At the very least a job seeker needs to be a Hound Dog

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Connection Types on LinkedIn● 1st degree: People in your immediate network.

Ideally these are people you know well enough that you could introduce them to others in your network, ask and receive an introduction to a direct connection of theirs, or use them to connect someone in your network to someone in their network.

● 2nd Degree: People that have a 1st degree connection to someone that you have a 1st degree connection to.

● 3rd Degree: You (A) are connected to (B). B is 1st degree connection of (C). C is is a 1st degree connection to D. So you have A-B, B-C, and C-D. D is a 3rd degree connection to you.

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Connection Types on LinkedIn● Three networks that everyone has access to

1. Your Direct Network: These are the people who are 1st degree connections.2. Your Group Network: The people that are in the same groups as you are.

– People in groups who are not in your direct network can contact one another directly

3. The LinkedIn Network: Everyone who is a member of LinkedIn.

– If you take out a paid subscription you can reach outside your direct network

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Job Seeking on LinkedIn● Tips to success on LinkedIn

● Get your profile right – Linkulator

demonstrates what you need to do to improve your profile

● Give and receive Recommendations● Provide Answers● Join Groups● Communicate through your status

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Job Seeking on LinkedIn● Link with everyone you already know

● Tip use to load your address book into LinkedIn you will be stunned how many people you know are on LinkedIn already

● Link with recruiters you already know● Accept invitations from recruiters● Invite recruiters

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Job Seeking on LinkedIn● View LinkedIn regularly● Look who is looking at your profile

● Tip use

● Join Recruiters GroupOracle Internal Recruitment team ANZ

● Join Relevant GroupsRBN

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Job Seeking on LinkedIn● Jobs Insider

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Some LinkedIn-quette1. Never send a canned invitation. Always personalise the invitation

2. Don’t send out mass invitations. It makes it difficult to personalize the email

3. Don’t send out Mass Canned invitations…see #1 and #2

4. When participating in answers or group discussions do not blatantly sell

5. Respond to all messages in your inbox. If you don’t want to connect send a brief explanation as to why. If you don’t feel comfortable providing a recommendation or passing on an introduction reply with why

6. Don’t ask for recommendations from people who don’t know you very well. Recommendations should be appropriate and sincere. It’s rude to ask when there’s no basis for one

7. Don’t expect everyone to have the same approach that you do on LinkedIn. Some are open networkers and some are closed networkers. Each person decides what works best for them. No one has a monopoly on the right way

8. If you do not want to connect, “Archive” the invitation. Don’t select “I don’t know this user”. Doing so gains you nothing and it can negatively impact another member

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Some LinkedIn-quetteList of Dont’s in the user agreement that are relevant

1. Include information in your profile or in Status Updates which reveals your identity such as an email address, phone number or address or is confidential in nature

2. Invite people with whom you have no prior relationship to join your network;

3. Upload a cartoon, symbol, drawing or any content other than a photograph of yourself in your profile photo

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The Top 5 Tactical Mistakes1. Typos, Grammatical Errors, Pointless Info

2. Canned Invitations…not personalizing your invitations

3. Requesting Recommendations that haven’t been earned

4. Keeping Your Public Profile Hidden

5. Taking Negative Actions

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Some More FactsSite Rankings:

Google: 1

YouTube (100 million): 3

Facebook (165 million): 4

MySpace (80 million): 11

Twitter (8 million): 20

Flickr (7.5 million): 30

LinkedIn (42 million): 82

Sites Linking In:

YouTube: 489,059

MySpace: 335,770

Facebook: 258,619

Flickr: 236,171

Twitter: 169,785

LinkedIn: 55,771


Facebook: 18-34 (ex – Facebook has a higher share of 18-34 year olds than the general internet population but a lower share in the 45+ age group)

Flickr: 18-34

LinkedIn: 25-44

MySpace: 18-34

Twitter: 25-44

YouTube: 18-34


Facebook: College Graduates and Graduate Degree

Flickr: College Graduates and Graduate Degree

LinkedIn: College Graduates and Graduate Degree

MySpace: Some College

Twitter: College Graduates and Graduate Degree

You Tube: College Graduates and Graduate Degree

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● The demise of the traditional resume has been written and discussed by many for years now. With the advent and growth of social media the topic seems to come up now more than ever. David Talamelli from Oracle wrote an interesting blog piece recently on the subject "Is This the End of the Road for the Traditional Resume".

● In his post David raises relevant facts and observations about how the exchange of personal employment data has changed with the Internet and social media. He believes that the resume is becoming a redundant part of the recruitment process.

● "For example a candidate and I may talk on the phone and go through their online profile together (whether it is on LinkedIn, FB, a Blog, web resume, etc…). Ok so after this that same candidate then normally emails me a copy of his resume in either .doc or .pdf format. This is where the redundancy takes place."

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● Whether you have delved into social media or are contemplating getting involved with social media to build your online personal brand and profile, this 13 minutepodcast by Phil Dobbie from BTalk with Iggy Pintado is definitely worth a listen.

● Iggy is an open-networker who has become one of the 25 most connected business networkers in Australia, and he explores the topic of social media and how to make it work should you decide to get on board. In the podcast Iggy explores the 4 P's in more detail and talks about his 10,000 Twitter followers who he says are more like brand subscribers who follow him because of the value he delivers.

● The 4 P's according to Iggy for making online networking work for your business or career includes:

1. Purpose – what is the outcome you are seeking, what are your goals for doing this?

2. Profile – having an online profile that is visible to the world

3. Participation – staying active online, like anything in life you get out what you put in

4. Persistence – requires a discipline to participate daily where you can is advised

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● There are still a significant number of people who don't understand that people of all ages are actively online. While we may not all be viewing, visiting and going online for the same reasons, we are using the Internet for varying purposes, be it paying bills, reading news, for business purposes, buying goods, searching for jobs, using social networking sites and so on. Even today some employers have not cottoned onto the fact that executives are online to explore job opportunities (both actively & passively) and advance their careers if the job is right.

● In an article by Ellis Booker "Google unveils research on executive Internet use" new research is showing that "seventy-three percent of C-suite executives are using the Internet daily, Sebastian said, referring to new research Google conducted with Forbes of 500 executives at companies with sales of $1 billion or higher."

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