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How to train academic teachers in the field of disability awareness?

Małgorzata Perdeus

Ireneusz Białek

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

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„The academic triangle”


Academic teachers

Disability Support Service

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JU DSS offer

− Organization of courses and exams in adapted forms;

− Development of educational support strategies;

− English language classes for blind, partially sighted, deaf and hard of hearing students;

− Counseling in terms of advanced technological solutions and adaptation;

− Specialist training, e.g. on handling and use of assistive technologies;

− Co-operation between disability consultants and academic teachers.

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Disability Awareness – a New Challenges for Employees

• DARE 2007-2009 academic teachers & administrative staff • DARE2 2009-2011 academic teachers & managers of SME Disability Awareness of Academic Teachers: Improvements through E-Learning

• DARe-Learning 2011-2013 academic teachers

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Partners DARe-Learning

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Our learners – who they are?

−University teachers – most of them are PhD students;

−Professionals in their fields;

−They have no knowledge about disability;

−They want to help students, but usually they don’t know how;

−They want to keep high level of their work.

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In-class workshop

e-Learning module

Web portal

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In-class workshop

− Enhancing qualifications concerning knowledge

about different barriers in a social life

of disabled people;

− Decreasing of social stereotypes and

prejudices about disabled people;

− Decreasing of fear in a contact with disabled


− Changing the way of thinking about disabled

people: not as objects of charity, but as

subjects of a social life.

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e-Learning module

– Moodle;

– Basic information about different kinds of disabilities;

– Detailed tips for teachers;

– Games and exercises concerning methods of adaptations.

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Web portal

− Inspirations;

−About the training;

−Basic tips for



−Disability language;

−About DARE projects.

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Ireneusz Bialek [email protected]

Małgorzata Perdeus [email protected]

Disability Awareness of Academic Teachers:

Improvements through E-Learning


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