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LISTENING: Meaning & Types


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Introduction. Defining Listening. Know different Types Of Listening.

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Listening is an important skill . Most people are oblivious of the time they spend in powerful listening.

Listening is quite similar to reading as it involves the reception and decoding of verbal messages from the other person.

Meticulous effect should be made not only to receive the messages but to interpret them correctly.

No communication process is complete without listening. Several studies have indicated that business people spend

almost 45 per cent of their working time in listening.

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DEFINATION : Listening is a process of receiving , interpreting ,and reacting to

a message received from the speaker. In simple words, Listening means to feel , to perceive, to sense ,

to understand. Hearing & Listening are not the same.

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TYPES OF LISTENING : There are five types of Listening :

(1) Pseudo Listening : In reality probably pseudo listening, is pretending to listen but not really

absorbing anything from the conversation. Believe it or not, we do this for many reasons.

Sometimes, the information we receive is something we just don't want to hear.

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(2) Appreciative Listening : Appreciative listening happens when we enjoy the message,

like listening to your favorite song , comedian , or entertainer. There are a few reasons we practice appreciative listening. The

presentation itself may be appealing to us. Nobody wants to listen to someone who grates on our nerves. So, if the presentation is appealing, we will likely relish the experience more.

Our perceptions have much to do with appreciative listening.

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(3) Empathetic Listening : Bad news is just a part of life. When a friend shares something

unpleasant with you, empathetic listening is probably the best way to go. It involves emotionally connecting with another person using compassion.

 When we listen with empathy, we are less interested in facts. Our goal is to grasp the situation as they feel it , provide emotional and moral support.

Psychiatrists listening to their patient is classified as empathetic listening.

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(4) Comprehensive Listening : This type of listening is needed in the classroom when students

have to listen to the lecturer to understand and comprehend the message.

Similarly , when someone is giving you directions to find the location of a place , comprehensive listening is required to receive and interpret the message.

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(5) Critical Listening :

When the purpose is to accept or reject the message or to evaluate it critically , one requires this type of listening.

For example listening to a sales person or a politician involves critical listening.

Similarly , when you read a book with the objective of writing a book review , you use your critical abilities.

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Great Quotes On Listening :"Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk." --Doug Larson

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." --Bryant H. McGill

“Smart people talk while wise people listen.” -- Confucius

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