  • 8/11/2019 Little English Picture Dictionary.pdf


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    E-mail.: madopol(at)




  • 8/11/2019 Little English Picture Dictionary.pdf


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    An adjective is a word that describes something.

    afraidWhen you're afraid,

    you are scared.

    ajarSomething that is ajar

    is partly open. The

    door is ajar.

    alikeWhen things are alike

    they look the same.

    angryWhen you are angry,

    you are very mad.

    asleepWhen you are

    asleep you are

    not awake.

    awakeWhen you are awake,

    you are not asleep.

    badWhen something is

    bad, it is has

    unpleasant qualities.

    The opposite of bad is


    bigWhen someone or

    something is big, it is

    above average size.

    biggerThe boy in the middle

    is bigger than the boy

    on the left.

    biggestThe boy on the

    right is the

    biggest of the


    blackBlack is the color of a

    very dark night.

    blueThe sky is blue during

    the day.brave

    Someone who is

    brave has courage.

    brittleSomething that is

    brittle will break or

    snap in two easily.

    Potato chips are



    something is

    broken, it does

    not work or

    has been


    brownBrown is the color of


    cleanWhen something is

    clean, it is not dirty.

    closedWhen something is

    closed, it is not open.

    The door is closed.

    colorfulSomething that is

    colorful is brightly

    colored or has many


    courageA quality in

    which a person

    can face

    danger or pain



    excessive fear.

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    darkWhen it is dark, there

    isn't much light.

    differentWhen things are

    different they are not

    the same.

    dirtyWhen something is

    dirty, it is not clean.

    earlyWhen somethings

    happens early, it

    occurs in the

    beginning part of the

    day or it occurs

    before it was

    expected to happen.


    something is

    excellent, it is

    very, very


    fastThis girl can run very


    fatThe opposite of fat is


    fieryFiery means very hot.

    Fiery embers flew

    out of the campfire.

    fullThis glass is full.

    Empty is the opposite

    of full.

    frightenedWhen we are

    frightened, we

    are afraid.

    goodWhen something is

    good, it is has nice

    qualities. The opposite

    of good is bad.

    grayElephants are large,

    gray mammals. Gray

    paint can be made by

    mixing black and

    white paint.

    greenGrass, broccoli, and

    many other plants are

    green. You can make

    green paint by

    mixing blue and

    yellow paint.

    happyPeople usually smile

    when they're happy.

    healthyWhen you are

    healthy, you

    are not sick.

    hotFire is very hot.

    largeWhen someone or

    something is large, it is

    above average size.

    lastThe last item or

    person is the one at

    the end.

    littleWhen someone or

    something is little, it

    is below average in


    littlerThe boy in the

    middle is littler

    than the boyon the right.

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    littlestThe boy on the left is

    the littlest of the three.

    longWhen something is

    long, it is not short.

    loudThe opposite of loud

    is quiet.

    madWhen you are mad at

    someone, you are

    angry with them.

    manyThe are many

    apples above.

    multicoloredMulticolored means

    having many colors.

    narrowWhen something is

    narrow, it doesn't takeup a lot space from

    side to side.

    newWhen something is

    new, it hasn't beenused before.


    When someone orsomething is old, it

    has been around for a

    long, long time.


    Something thatis open is not

    shut. The door

    is open.

    orangeOrange is a color. You

    can mix red andyellow paint to get



    Pink is the color youget when you mix red

    and white paint.


    The color purple ismade by mixing red

    and blue paint.

    quietWhen it is quiet thereis no noise.


    Red is the firstcolor in the



    Sometimes people crywhen they're sad.


    When you're scared,you are afraid.

    shortWhen someone or

    something is short, it

    is below average



    The boy in the middleis shorter than the

    boy on the right.

    shortestThe boy on the

    left is theshortest of the


    shutWhen something is

    shut, it is not open The

    door is shut.


    When you are sick,

    you are not healthy.


    When something isslow it does not

    move quickly.

    smallWhen someone orsomething is small, it

    is below average size.

    smallerThe boy in the

    middle is

    smaller than

    the boy on the


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    smallestThe boy on the left is

    the smallest of thethree.

    smartSomeone who is smart

    can think well.


    When something issplendid, it is very,

    very good.


    straightSomething straight is

    not curvy or bent.


    someone or

    something istall, it is above

    average height.


    The boy in the middleis taller than the boy

    on the left.

    tallestThe boy on the right is

    the tallest of the three.


    When someone orsomething is tiny, it

    is very small.


    The boy in the middleis tinier than the boy

    on the right.

    tiniestThe boy on the

    left is thetiniest of the



    Something that is uglyis not nice to look at.


    Sometimes people crywhen they're unhappy.

    upside downWhen something is

    upside down, its top

    is where its bottomused to be.

    violetViolet is a bluish

    purple color.


    Snow is white.

    wideWhen something is

    wide, it takes up a lot

    space from side to


    yellowYellow is a color. The

    sun is yellow. Lemonsare yellow.

    youngWhen someone or

    something is young,

    it has only been

    around for a shorttime. A baby is


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    An adverbis a word that describes an action, telling "how," "when" or "where"the action took place.

    angrilyWhen you act

    angrily, your


    indicate that

    you are very


    bravelyWhen you act bravely,

    you face danger and act

    without fear or despite

    your fear. Firefighters

    bravely face danger.

    dailyWhen something

    is done daily, it is

    done each day.

    Some people

    exercise daily.

    earlyWhen something is done

    early, it happens in the

    beginning of the day or

    before the expected time.

    The sun rises early in the


    fastWhen something or

    someone moves

    fast, they change

    position very

    rapidly. The sprinter

    ran fast.

    fieryWhen something

    acts in an intense

    or hot way, it isfiery. The fire

    burned hotly.

    friendlyWhen people

    act nicely toeach other, they

    are being


    gracefullyWhen you do

    something gracefully,

    you do it with

    elegance and beauty.A ballerina dances


    happilyWhen you do

    something with

    pleasure or joy, you

    do it happily. She

    happily helped her


    harmoniouslyWhen people, countries,

    or other groups behave in

    a friendly manner, theyare acting harmoniously.

    horizontallyWhen something

    moves horizontally, it

    moves left and right.

    Trains travel

    horizontally along their



    When you dosomething with

    great pleasure or

    happiness, you do it

    joyfully. She

    joyfully went on


    lateWhen somethinghappens late, it is

    done after the

    expected time or is

    done towards the

    end of the day.


    When something is

    done with magic and

    mystery, it is done

    magically. The rabbit

    appeared magically out

    of the magician's hat.

    monthlyWhen somethingis done monthly,

    it is done each

    month. People

    pay their bills


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    quicklyWhen something

    or someone movesquickly, they

    change position

    very rapidly. An

    athlete runs


    rapidlyWhen something or

    someone moves rapidly,

    they change position very

    quickly. A cheetah runs


    sadlyPeople behave

    sadly when theyare sad or

    depressed. She

    cried sadly when

    she found out the

    bad news.

    strenuouslyWhen you do


    strenuously, you

    put a lot of force

    and energy into it.

    verticallyWhen something

    moves vertically, it

    moves up and down.

    Elevators move

    vertically in a


    violentlyWhen something acts violently,

    it uses great force. The wind in

    a tornado spins violently.

    weeklyWhen something is

    done weekly, it is

    done each week. Sue

    shops weekly for


    wigglyWhen something

    or someone is

    wiggly, it twists

    and moves all over.

    yearlyWhen something is done

    yearly, it is done each year.

    People celebrate their birthday


    Astronomy-Related Words

    asteroidAsteroids are tiny

    planets that mostly orbit

    between Mars and


    asteroid beltThe asteroid belt is a


    concentration of

    asteroids that orbit

    the Sun between the

    orbits of Mars and


    astronautAn astronaut

    goes up into

    space to explore.

    astronomerAstronomers are

    people who study

    astronomy and

    learn about

    objects in the

    universe, like

    stars and planets.

    astronomyAstronomy is the

    science that studies the


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    atmosphereThe atmosphere is the

    gas that surrounds a


    atomEverything is made

    up of tiny atoms.

    auroraAuroras arebeautiful lights

    in the near-polar


    Big DipperThe Big Dipper is

    a group of 7 starscontained in the



    constellation Ursa

    major (the Great




    A billion is a thousandmillion. The Earth is

    billions of years old.

    cometA comet is the a small,

    icy object that orbit the

    Sun. It's tail always

    points away from thesun.

    constellationA constellation

    is a group of

    stars that we

    see in the sky.

    They are notnecessarily


    together in

    space, but

    looks as though

    they are from



    moonA crescent

    moon is smallerthan a half


    EarthThe Earth is the

    third planet from

    the sun. It's wherewe live!

    eclipseAn eclipse happens

    when the moon blocks

    out light from the sunor the Earth's shadow

    goes across the moon.

    falling starA falling star is not a

    star; it is a meteor

    (made of rock and/or

    iron) which is burningup in the Earth's


    full moonA full moon appears

    as an entire circle in

    the sky.

    galaxyA galaxy is an

    enormous group

    of stars.

    gibbous moonA gibbous moon

    is between a half

    moon and a full


    half moonA half moon looks like

    half a circle.

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    JupiterJupiter is the largest

    planet in our solar

    system and the fifth

    planet from the sun.

    Little DipperThe Little Dipper is agroup of stars in the

    constellation Ursa

    minor (the Little

    Bear). This group of

    stars ends at Polaris,

    the pole star of the



    MarsMars is areddish planet

    and the fourth

    planet from the

    sun. It is the

    planet that

    comes closest to

    the Earth.

    MercuryMercury is a

    moonless planet;

    it is the planet

    closest to the Sun.

    meteorA meteor is a

    meteoroid that has

    entered the Earth's

    atmosphere, usually

    making a fiery trail as

    it falls. It is sometimes

    called a shooting star.

    Most burn up before

    hitting the Earth.


    A meteorite is a meteor

    that has fallen to Earth.

    Meteorites are made of

    stone, iron, or stony-


    meteoroidMeteoroids are tiny

    stones or pieces ofmetal that travel

    through space.


    showerA meteor

    shower is when

    a lot of meteor

    fall through the

    atmosphere in a

    short time.

    Milky WayThe Milky Way is

    a bright line of

    stars stretching

    across the night


    Milky Way Galaxy

    Our solar system is inthe Milky Way galaxy.

    We can see the Milky

    Way as a band of stars

    in the night sky.

    moonThe Earth has one

    moon. The moon has no

    atmosphere. The sameside of the moon always

    faces the Earth.

    nebulaA nebula is a cloud of

    gas and dust in space.

    NeptuneNeptune is the

    eighth planet

    from the Sun.

    This frozen

    planet has 8moons.

    North StarThe north star is a

    star that is located

    almost due north

    and is useful for


    Polaris is

    currently the polestar of the



    observatoryAn observatory is place

    where people observe

    the skies, using adevice like a telescope.

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    orbitThe Moon orbits the

    Earth. The Earth orbits

    the Sun.

    phases of the

    MoonAs the moon circles

    the Earth, the shape

    of the Moon appears

    to change. The phases

    of the Moon are: the

    new moon, waxing

    crescent, first quarter,

    waxing gibbous, full

    moon, waning

    gibbous, last quarter,and waning crescent.

    planetNine planets

    orbit our Sun.

    planetariumPlanetariums put

    on star shows that

    teach astronomy.

    PlutoPluto is the ninth and

    usually the farthest

    planet from the Sun.

    Pluto is the smallest

    planet in our Solar


    quasarA quasar is a distant

    energy source in space

    which gives off large

    amounts of radiation.

    satelliteSatellites orbit the


    SaturnSaturn is the

    sixth planet

    from the Sun. It

    has beautiful


    shooting star

    A shooting star isnot a star; it is a

    meteor (made of

    rock and/or iron)

    which is burning

    up in the Earth's


    Solar SystemIn our Solar System,

    nine planets, many

    asteroids, comets, and

    other objects orbit

    around our sun.

    space shuttleThe space shuttle flies

    into space and back

    down again, carrying

    people and equipment.

    spacesuitAstronauts wear

    spacesuits when they

    walk in space.

    starsEach of the stars

    we see in the

    night sky is

    another sun, but

    much farther

    away than our


    SunThe Sun is a


    yellow star in our

    Solar System. We

    get our light and

    most of our

    energy from the


    UranusUranus is the seventh

    planet from the Sun.

    Uranus looks bluish

    and is covered with

    clouds. It has an

    unusual, tipped axis,

    which gives it extremeseasons.

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    Venus is the secondplanet from the Sun and

    the hottest planet in our

    Solar System. From the

    Earth, Venus is the

    brightest object in the

    sky except for the Sun

    and the Moon.

    zodiacThe zodiac is a band

    of 12 constellations

    (groups of stars) in

    the sky, including

    Capricorn, Aquarius,

    Sagittarius, Scorpio,

    Libra, Virgo, Leo,

    Cancer, Gemini,

    Taurus, Aries, and


    At the Firehouse: Words

    ambulanceAn ambulance

    takes sick

    people to the


    axAn ax is useful for

    chopping wood.

    bootsBoots are a type of shoe.

    Boots cover the feet and

    part of the lower legs.

    DalmatianThe Dalmatian is a

    white dog that has

    dark spots.

    dangerYou can get hurt

    in a dangerous


    fireFire is very hot.


    A firefighter is a personwho puts out fires and

    saves people's lives.

    fire truck

    Fire fighters on a firetruck help put out fires.


    A flame is a fire.

    flashlightA flashlight

    helps you find

    your way in the


    hatchetA hatchet is an

    ax with a short


    helmetA helmet protects your

    head. Firefighters wearhelmets.

    heroA hero is someone who is

    admired for great courage,

    noble character, andperforming good deeds,

    like a firefighter.

    hoseWater flows

    through a hose.

    hydrantFire fighters

    hook a hose upto a fire hydrant

    to get water.

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    ladderYou can climb

    up a ladder to

    reach tallthings.

    ropeA rope is useful for tying

    things together.

    waterWater is a liquid that can

    put out some types of


    wrenchA wrench is a tool

    that turns nuts or

    bolts, like those on

    a fire hydrant.

    Bathroom-Related Words


    You take a bath in abathtub.


    It is fun toblow soap


    combA comb is a used tosmooth or untangle hair.


    An eyedropper is used todrop liquids one drop at

    a time.

    faucetYou can turn waterflow on or off at a


    hairbrushA hairbrush is used

    to brush and

    untangle hair.


    You can seeyour reflection

    in a mirror.

    shampooA shampoo is a liquid

    soap used to wash hair.

    When you shampoo your

    hair, you wash it.

    showerWhen you shower, you

    wash your body in a

    stream of falling water.

    sinkWe can wash ourhands at a sink.

    soapSoap and water helpclean things.

    toiletToilets are in



    You can keep your teethhealthy by using a

    toothbrush to clean them.

    toothpasteYou use toothpaste to

    clean your teeth.towel

    You can dry things

    with a towel.

    tubA tub is a large

    container. Tub is

    also another wordfor bathtub.

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    At the Beach:

    Beach-Related Words

    ballA ball is round

    and fun to

    bounce, throw,

    kick, or catch.

    bathing suitA bathing suit is a

    garment you wear

    while swimming.

    beachA beach is where the

    water meets the land.

    You can build sand

    castles on the beach.

    clamClams are animals

    with two shells.

    They burrow under

    the sand.

    coral reefCoral reefs are warm,

    clear, shallow ocean

    habitats that are rich in


    crabA crab has a

    hard shell and

    eyes on stalks

    on its head.

    fiddler crabThe fiddler crab is

    small crab that lives

    on beaches. The

    male fiddler crab

    has one enlarged


    fishFish live in the water

    and breathe with gills.

    fishing rodPeople use fishing

    rods to catch fish.

    hammockA hammock is a large

    net or cloth that is used

    for sleeping or

    relaxing; it is hung up

    by both ends.

    ice cream

    coneAn ice cream

    cone is nice to

    eat on a hotsummer day.

    intertidal zoneThe intertidal zone

    is where the sea

    meets the land, the

    area between hightide and low tide.

    kelpKelp is brown seaweed

    that grows in cold


    kiteYou can fly a kite

    on windy days.

    netA net is used to catch


    popsicleA popsicles is a

    sweet, frozentreat on a stick.

    reefReefs are warm,

    clear, shallow oceanhabitats that are rich

    in life.

    sandSand is a loose material

    composed of finedebris of rock and

    mineral particles.


    S andals are openshoes worn in warm


    sandcastleA sandcastle is a small

    castle made of damp


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    sand dollar

    Sand Dollars arecoin-shaped


    sea bed animals

    that have 5-part

    radial symmetry.

    seaA sea is a large

    body of salt water

    that is connected toan ocean. A sea may

    be partly or


    surrounded by land.

    sea gullSea gull is the common

    name for some birds

    that live near oceans

    and lakes.


    Seaweed is a plantthat lives in the sea.


    Some animals grow ashell for protection.

    starfishStarfish (also

    known as sea

    stars) are

    animals that live

    on the ocean


    SunThe Sun is a


    yellow star in our

    Solar System. We

    get our light and

    most of our energy

    from the Sun.

    swimWhen you swim, you

    move around in the


    swim finsPeople wear swim

    fins on their feet to

    help them swim.

    towelYou can dry things

    with a towel.

    trash canA trash can

    holds garbage.

    waveThere are waves of

    water in the ocean.whelk

    Whelks are ocean

    animals with a hard,

    spiral shell.

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    Bird-Related Words

    albatrossThe albatross is

    web-footed bird

    that can fly for

    a long period of


    Arctic ternThe Arctic tern is asmall bird that flies

    from the Arctic to the

    Antarctic and back

    again each year.

    bald eagleThe bald eagle is a

    large bird of prey. It

    is the symbol of the


    beakA beak is the hard,

    outer part of a some

    animal's mouth. Birds,

    octopi, squid, and

    other animals have

    beaks. Some dinosaurs

    had them too.

    bipedA biped is an animal

    that walks on two legs.

    People and birds are

    bipeds. Tyrannosaurus

    rex was a biped.

    birdBirds have

    feathers and

    wings. Most

    birds can fly.

    blackbirdBlackbirds are black!

    bluebirdThe bluebird is a

    beautiful song bird

    that is the symbol of

    many of the states in

    the USA.

    blue jayThe blue jay is a

    beautiful, noisy blue


    bonesBones are hard,

    structural parts of the

    body of many animals,

    including birds.

    cageSome people

    keep birds in


    Canada gooseThe Canada goose is

    a large North

    American bird that


    canaryCanaries sing very


    cardinalThe Northern Cardinal

    is a bird with a short,

    wide bill. The male is

    bright red; the female

    is brownish-red.

    carnivoreCarnivores are

    organisms that eat

    meat. Many birds, like

    eagles, are carnivores.

    cassowaryA huge,

    flightless bird

    from Australia

    with a helmet-

    like crest on its


    chickA chick is a baby

    chicken. Some other

    baby birds are alsocalled chicks.

    chickenA chicken is a farm


    clawA claw is a hard,

    sharp, curved nail on

    the feet of some

    animals. Bears, cats,

    birds, dinosaurs, and

    many other animals

    have claws.

    cockatooCockatoos are birds

    that have a large,

    feathery crest and a

    hooked bill. They arefrom Australia and


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    The crane is awading bird with

    a long neck, a

    long bill, and long



    A crow is a verysmart black bird. cuckoo

    Cuckoos are birds whose call

    sounds like coo-coo.

    dodoThe dodo is anextinct, flightless

    bird that lived on

    an island in the

    Indian Ocean

    near Africa.

    doveThe dove is a bird

    that is a symbol

    of peace.

    duckDucks are birds

    that have webbed

    feet and a

    flattened bill.

    They swim well

    and live near the


    ducklingA duckling is a

    young duck.

    eagleThe eagle is a large bird of prey.

    It has a hooked bill and sharp


    egretThe egret is a

    large wading



    penguinThe emperor

    penguin is the

    largest penguin; it

    lives on ice packsin Antarctica.

    emuThe emu is a large

    Australian bird

    that cannot fly.


    speciesEndangered species

    are types ofanimals or plants

    that may become

    extinct soon. Many

    birds species are



    When a group of animals orplants goes extinct, they are

    gone forever. Some extinct

    animals include dinosaurs,

    saber-toothed cats, and dodo



    Birds havefeathers.


    The flamingo is apink bird that eats


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    flyThe fly is a small,

    flying insect.

    food webThe food web (or

    food chain) is all of

    the interactions

    between predators

    and prey in which

    plants and animals

    obtain food.

    goldfishA goldfish is a type of carp that

    makes a nice pet.

    gooseGeese are

    migrating birds

    that honk!

    goslingA gosling is a

    baby goose

    great horned

    owlThe great horned

    owl is a large bird

    of prey fromNorth and South


    groundhogThe groundhog is a

    rodent that is also

    called the


    gullGulls are birds that live near

    oceans and lakes.

    guppyGuppies are a

    type of small

    tropical fish.

    habitatA habitat is the

    natural place

    where a plant or

    an animal lives.

    For example, a

    toucan's habitat isthe rainforest.

    harpy eagleThe harpy eagle isone of the largest

    eagles in the

    world. It lives in

    rainforests of

    Central America

    and South


    hawkThe hawk is a bird

    of prey, a raptor.

    henA hen is a female chicken. Hens

    lay eggs.

    heronA large wading

    bird with


    plumage and a

    long, sharp bill.


    are tiny birds thatdrink flower

    nectar. They can

    hover in the air

    and even fly


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    nuthatchThe nuthatch is a

    small perching

    bird that can

    climb down trees

    and opens nuts

    using its bill like a


    orioleThe oriole is ablack and orange

    bird that eats fruit

    and nectar. It builds

    a hanging nest.

    oropendolaThe crested oropendola is a

    tropical black bird that makes

    long, pendulous nests.

    ostrichThe ostrich is thelargest bird. It

    can't fly, but it

    runs very fast.

    owlOwls are birds of

    prey that havelarge eyes and

    very good

    eyesight. Most

    owls hunt at


    parrotThe parrot is a

    beautiful bird that

    can imitate

    sounds very well.

    peacockThe peacock is a

    beautiful bird from

    india. The male has

    a large train of


    pelicanThe pelican is fish-eating bird

    with a huge, pouched bill.

    penguinPenguins are

    birds that cannot

    fly but swim verywell.


    falconThe peregrine

    falcon is the


    bird. It prey upon

    other birds.

    petsPets are animals

    that live with us,

    like parrots and


    pigeonThere are a lot of

    pigeons in cities.prairie chicken

    The prairie chicken is a bird that

    lives in grasslands of NorthAmerica.

    puffinThe puffin is an

    Arctic sea bird.

    quailA quail is a

    bird; it spends a

    lot of time onthe ground.

    quetzalThe quetzal is a

    beautiful rain

    forest bird with

    very long tail


    rainbow lorikeetA small, colorful,

    brush-tonguedparrot from



    The rhea is a large, flightlessbird from South America.

    roadrunnerThe roadrunner is

    a bird is a fastrunning bird that

    rarely flies.

    robinThe robin is a

    common bird

    with red-colored

    feathers on itsbreast.

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    The rockhopper

    penguin is a

    small, aggressive,

    crested bird that

    cannot fly.

    sea gullThe sea gull is the

    common name for

    some birds that live

    near oceans and


    snow gooseThe snow goose is a migratory

    bird from North America.

    snowy owl

    The snowy owl isa white owl that

    lives in the North

    American tundra

    (a cold, snowy


    sparrowThe sparrow is asmall, common


    spotted owlThe spotted owl is

    an owl from the

    Pacific coast of

    North America.

    swanSwans are long-

    necked water birds.

    ternTerns are birds that are

    sometimes called "sea


    The toucan is a

    rainforest bird

    that has a big,colorful beak.

    turkeyTurkeys are

    large birds that

    nest on the


    umbrellabirdThe Umbrellabirdis a rain forest

    bird with a large

    tuft of feathers on

    its head.


    The vulture is abig, bald-headed

    bird that eats dead


    woodpeckerThe woodpecker is a bird that

    can peck holes in trees.


    Xenops is arainforest bird

    from the


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    Birthday-Related Words

    balloonsBalloons are rubber

    sacks that are filled

    with air or other


    birthdayYou have a

    birthday every


    birthday cakeBirthday cakes are

    sweet and delicious!

    cakeCake is a sweet


    candleA candle is a stick of wax

    with a wick that can burn.

    candyCandy is very sweet. children

    Children are

    young people.

    chocolateChocolate is a tasty

    treat made from

    cocoa beans and


    clownClowns are people

    who dress up in

    funny clothes and

    try to make you


    cupcakeA cupcake is a tiny cake.

    giftIt's nice to give

    gifts. It's nice to get

    them too.

    ice creamIce cream is

    cold, creamy,

    and sweet


    juiceJuice is pressed from

    fruit or vegetables.

    lollipopA lollipop is candy

    on a stick.

    paper plateA paper plate is a

    disposable plate that is

    made out of paper. Peopleuse paper plates at picnics

    and some parties.

    pizzaPizza is made of

    dough that is

    covered with tomato

    sauce and cheese; itis baked in an oven.

    popsicleA popsicles is

    a sweet, frozen

    treat on astick.

    presentA present is a gift,

    something you give

    to someone.

    ribbonYou can tie a bow

    in a ribbon to


    toysWe play with toys.

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    Body-Related Words

    anatomyAnatomy is a

    science that

    studies the body.

    ankleThe ankle is the

    joint between your

    foot and leg.

    bandageA bandage is a clean pad

    that is used to cover and

    protect cuts and other


    bipedA biped is an animal

    that walks on two legs.

    People are bipeds.

    Tyrannosaurus rex was

    a biped.

    bodyEveryone has a


    bonesBones are hard,

    structural parts of

    the body of many

    animals. We have

    206 bones in our


    brainWe think with our

    brain. The brain is

    protected by the


    cheekThe cheeks are the sides

    of the face between the

    mouth area and the ear.

    chinThe chin is the part of

    the face below the


    earWe hear things

    with our ears.

    Our ears give us

    a sense of


    elbowThe elbow is the

    joint in the middle

    of your arm.

    eyeWe see with our

    eyes. Our eyes give

    us a sense of sight.

    eyebrowThe eyebrows are dense

    patches of hair above the


    eyelashEyelashes are long

    hairs on the edges of

    the eyelids.

    eyelidEyelids are flaps

    of skin that cover

    and protect our


    faceThis is a funny


    feetWe have ten toes

    on our feet.femur

    The femur is the upper

    leg (thigh) bone. It is the

    longest bone in the

    human body.

    fingerWe have five fingers

    on each hand.

    fingernailFingernails grow

    at the ends of

    your fingers.

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    fingerprintThe pattern marks

    on our fingertips

    are fingerprints.

    footWe have five toes

    on each foot.

    foreheadThe forehead is the part

    of the face that is above

    the eyebrows and below

    the hair.

    hairHair grows on all


    handWe can do

    amazing things

    with our hands.

    headWe all have a

    head on our


    healthyWhen you are

    healthy, you are not

    sick. heart

    Your heart pumps blood

    throughout your body.

    heelThe heel is the back

    part of the foot.

    hipsYour hips are

    below your waist

    and above your


    intestinesIntestines are a

    part of thedigestive system.

    The intestines

    help digest food,

    absorb it into the

    body, and excrete



    The colored part ofthe eye around the

    pupil is the iris.jaws

    Jaws let you open and

    close your mouth and

    take bites.

    kidneyThe kidney are bean-

    shaped organs that take

    waste from the blood

    and produce urine.

    kneeThe knee is

    where the leg

    bends. It itbetween the

    lower leg and the

    upper leg (the


    legsMany animals

    have legs. People

    have two legs,

    cows have four

    legs, insects have

    six legs, and

    spiders have eight

    legs. Tables andchairs also have


    lipsChickens don't

    have lips, but

    people do.

    lungsSome animals use lungs

    to breathe. People have


    mouthWe use our mouths to

    eat and talk.

    nailNails are hard

    scales that grow

    at the ends of

    your fingers.

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    When you arenaked, you aren't

    wearing any



    Your neck isbetween your head

    and your shoulders.

    noseWe use the nose to

    breathe; it also gives us a

    sense of smell.

    nurseA nurse takes care of

    you when you're sick or


    pupilA pupil is the

    opening in the

    center of the

    eye's iris - the

    pupil looks like a

    black circle in the

    middle of the


    shoulderYour shoulders

    are under your


    skeletonA skeleton is the

    set of bones in a

    body. People have

    skeletons, and so

    do many other


    skinThe skin is the outer

    covering of our body.

    skullThe skull is the bony

    structure of head that

    encloses the brain and

    supports the jaws. This

    is a T. rex skull.

    tongueOur tongue helps

    us eat, taste, and


    spineThe spine (also

    called the

    backbone) is a

    series of

    connected bones

    in the back that

    surround andprotect the spinal


    stomachThe stomach is a

    pouch-like organ

    that is part of the

    digestive system.

    The stomach helps

    digest food by

    churning it in an

    acid bath.

    thumbThe thumb is the widest

    finger on a person's hand.

    The thumb is next to the

    pointing finger. All apes

    (like gorillas and chimps)have thumbs.

    toeWe have five toes on

    each foot.

    toenailToenails grow at

    the ends of your


    toothWe use our teeth

    to chew food.Teeth are held in

    the gums by roots.

    vertebraA vertebra is one of the series

    of small, connected bones inthe spine that surround and

    protect the spinal cord. Theplural of vertebra is


    waistThe waist is the middle

    of the body, between thechest and the hips.

    x-rayAn x-ray is a picture of

    your bones or teeth.

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    Building-Related Words

    archAn arch is a curved


    bankYou can put your

    money in a bank

    for safe keeping.

    brickThis fireplace is

    made out of bricks.

    buildingA building is a

    structure built by


    cabinA cabin is a small,

    simple house.

    castleA castle is a huge,

    fancy building where a

    king or queen lives.

    churchSome people

    worship in


    doghouseSome dogs live in


    doorYou can go in and out

    through a door.

    elevatorAn elevator carries

    people and things up

    and down a tall


    entranceYou can go into an

    area through an


    exitYou can leave an

    area through an


    Many items, like

    cars, are made in


    gargoyleGargoyles are stone

    sculptures of grotesque

    creatures that sit

    perched atop some

    buildings; they act as


    greenhouseA greenhouse is a

    building, usually

    made out of glass, in

    which people grow


    homeHome is where you


    houseSome people live

    in houses.

    hutA hut is a small,

    simple shelter.

    iglooAn igloo is a house

    made out of blocks of

    ice. Brr!

    libraryLibraries have books,

    tapes, and computer


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    lighthouseA lighthouse shines a

    very bright light so

    ships won't sail ashore

    or into rocks bymistake.

    log cabinA log cabin is a

    house made oflogs.

    marketWe can buy things

    at a market.

    museumMuseums exhibit art,

    historic objects, and

    scientific finds - likedinosaur fossils.

    palaceA palace is a huge

    house where a king

    or queen lives.

    pyramidThe pyramids in Egypt

    are huge buildings that

    have a square base and

    triangular sides.

    roofThe roof is the

    top covering of a


    schoolA school is a place

    where you learn


    skyscraperA skyscraper is a very

    tall building.

    stadiumA stadium is a large

    building in which

    sports events are


    storeA store is where we

    can buy things.

    tentA tent is a

    temporary shelter

    made of fabric.

    tepeeA tepee is a house

    made by some

    Native Americans.

    urbanUrban means relating

    to or located in a city.

    wallA wall is a side of a

    building or a room or

    a fence.

    White HouseThe White House is

    where the President of

    the United States lives

    and works. The

    address of the White

    House is 1600Pennsylvania Avenue

    NW, Washington,



    A windmill usesthe wind to

    generate power.

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    Camping-Related Words

    backpackA backpack is a sack that

    is worn on the back and is

    used to carry things.

    cabinA cabin is a small,

    simple house.

    cameraYou can take

    pictures with a


    camperYou can travel

    and sleep in a


    camp fireA camp fire is a fire

    made during a

    campout; it is used to

    cook food and to

    warm up people in

    cold weather.

    campingWhen people go camping,

    they go into an outdoor

    area and sleep in a tent,

    cabin or camper.

    candleA candle is a stick

    of wax with a wick

    that can burn.

    canoeA canoe is a small


    compassA compass

    always points


    eastEast is a compass

    direction. East is

    opposite west.

    flashlightA flashlight helps you

    find your way in the dark.

    forestA forest is a large

    group of trees and

    underbrush where

    many animals live.

    kayakA kayak is a small

    boat with an

    opening in the

    center for a person.

    lakeA lake is a large

    body of water

    surrounded by

    land on all

    sides. Really

    huge lakes are

    often calledseas.

    lanternA lantern is a device

    that gives off light.

    logA log is a short piece of a

    tree trunk.log cabin

    A log cabin is ahouse made of logs.

    mapA map shows the

    features of an area.

    You can find your

    way around by

    using a map.

    mountainA mountain is a

    very tall high,

    natural place on

    Earth - higher

    than a hill. Thetallest mountain

    on Earth is Mt.


    northNorth is a compass

    direction. North isopposite south.

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    sleeping bagA sleeping bag is a fabric

    sack you can sleep in.


    South is a compassdirection. South is

    opposite from north.

    tentA tent is a

    temporary shelter

    made of fabric.

    water bottleA water bottleholds water.


    West is a compassdirection. West is

    opposite east.

    City-Related Words

    alleyAn alley is a narrow

    road between


    ambulanceAn ambulance takes sick

    people to the hospital.

    art galleryYou can see works

    of art at an art


    automobileAn automobile is a


    avenueAn avenue is a

    wide street.

    bankYou can put your

    money in a bank for

    safe keeping.

    bridgeA bridge is a structure

    over water, or over

    another thing that is

    difficult to cross.

    buildingA building is a

    structure built by



    A bus is a largevehicle that can

    take many

    passengers to


    cabCab is another

    word for taxi.

    carYou can travel in a


    churchSome people worship in


    cityA city is a place

    where a lot of

    people live.

    crosswalkA crosswalk is a

    marked area on a

    street where it is

    safer to cross.

    elevatorAn elevator carries

    people and things

    up and down a tall


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    factoryMany items, like

    cars, are made in


    fire hydrant

    Fire fighters hook a hoseup to a fire hydrant to

    get water.

    fire truckFire fighters on a

    fire truck help put

    out fires.

    garbage truckA garbage truck

    picks up garbageand hauls it to the



    Some people livein houses.

    hydrantFire fighters hook a

    hose up to a fire

    hydrant to get water.

    intersectionAn intersection is a

    where two or more

    things, like roads, meet.

    laneA lane is a small


    libraryLibraries have

    books, tapes, and



    mail carrierA mail carrier

    delivers the mail.

    marketWe can buy things at

    a market.

    motorcycleA motorcycle has two

    wheels and can go


    museumMuseums exhibitart, historic objects,

    and scientific finds

    - like dinosaur


    neighborhoodA neighborhood is

    the place where

    you and the people

    around you live.

    obeliskAn obelisk is a tall,

    four-sided tower

    topped with a


    palaceA palace is a huge

    house where a king

    or queen lives.

    roadA road is a wide path

    made for travelling.

    schoolA school is a place

    where you learn


    sidewalkA sidewalk is a

    paved path for

    people to walk on.

    skyscraperA skyscraper is a

    very tall building.


    A stadium is a large building inwhich sports events are held.

    stop signA stop sign is a t raffic sign that tells

    cars to stop moving before they

    continue; it has eight sides.

    storeA store is where we can buy


    streetA street is a public road.


    People pay a taxi driver todrive them places.

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    A town is a verysmall city.

    traffic lightA traffic light directs

    traffic safely. Greenmeans go, yellow means

    prepare to stop, and red

    means stop.

    trainA train has an

    engine that pullsrailroad cars along

    a track.

    truckA truck is a vehicle

    that can carry bigloads.


    Urban meansrelating to or

    located in a city.

    vanA van is a truck used

    to haul people and

    things from oneplace to another.

    villageA village is a very small



    A wall is a side of abuilding or a room

    or a fence.

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    Clothing and Grooming-Related Words

    apronAn apron protects

    clothing from

    getting dirty.

    backpackA backpack is a

    sack that is worn

    on the back and is

    used to carry


    bathing suitA bathing suit is a

    garment you wear while


    beadsBeads are small objects

    with a hole through them

    so that they can be strung

    together to make jewelry

    or other things.

    blouseA blouse is a

    shirt, a type of

    garment worn

    on the upper

    part of the body.

    bootsBoots are a type of

    shoe. Boots cover

    the feet and part of

    the lower legs.

    bowA bow is loops of

    ribbon or sting that

    are tied together.

    braceletA bracelet is jewelry

    you wear on your wrist.

    braidA braid is three or more

    strands that are woventogether into a rope-like


    buttonA button is used

    to fasten


    caneA cane is a

    walking stick.

    capA cap is a type of


    capeA cape is a flowing

    piece of clothing that

    hangs loose on your


    change purseCoins are carried in a

    change purse.

    clothesPeople wear


    clothes hangerWe hang up

    clothes on clothes


    clothespinClothespins are

    used to hang wet

    laundry on a

    clothes line to dry.

    coatA coat helps you keepwarm when it is cold.

    costumePeople wear costumes to

    pretend they are someone

    or something else.

    crownA crown is a

    fancy hat worn

    by kings and


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    dressA dress is a piece

    of clothing with a

    top and a skirt.

    earmuffsEarmuffs keep

    your ears warm.

    earringEarrings are jewelry for

    the ears.

    eyeglassesEyeglasses help some

    people see more clearly.

    glassesGlasses help

    some people see

    more clearly.

    gloveWe wear gloves to

    protect our hands.

    gownA gown is a fancy


    hairbrushA hairbrush is used to

    brush and untangle hair.

    hangerWe hang up clothes on


    hatSome hats

    protect you

    from the sun.

    Some hats are

    just for fun!

    helmetA helmet protects

    your head.

    ice skateWhen you wear

    ice skates, you can

    glide across ice.

    ironIrons press the wrinkles

    out of clothes.jacket

    A jacket is a short coat.

    jeansJeans are pants

    made from

    denim fabric.

    jewelJewels sparkle and


    jewelryRings, pins,

    earrings and

    necklaces are


    kimonoA kimono is a beautiful

    gown worn by Japanese


    knittingSweaters and socks are

    made by knitting.

    laceLace is a very

    delicate fabric.

    laundryDoing the laundry

    means washing

    and drying clothes.

    laundry basketLaundry is put in

    laundry baskets.loafers

    Loafers are a type of

    slip-on shoe.

    lorgnettesLorgnettes are glasses (or

    opera glasses, which are

    small binoculars) that are

    mounted on a handle.

    This type of glasses was

    used a long time ago.

    mittenMittens keep

    your hands


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    mortar boardA mortar board is

    a square hat that is

    worn by people

    when they

    graduate from



    A necklace isjewelry for your


    necktieA necktie is a narrow

    band of fabric tiedaround the neck.

    nightgownA nightgown is a long,loose garment worn to


    overallsOveralls are

    baggy pants

    with shoulder

    straps and apiece of fabric

    covering the


    overcoatAn overcoat will

    keep you warm

    when it is cold.

    pajamasSome people wear

    pajamas to bed at


    pantsPants are clothes that

    cover the legs and up to

    the waist.

    pinA pin is a small, sharp

    piece of metal used in



    A purse is asmall bag in

    which some

    girls and

    women carry

    their money and

    other things.

    raincoatA raincoat keeps

    you dry when it


    safety pinA safety pin is a

    type of pin that is

    used to fasten

    clothes and


    sandalsSandals are open shoes

    worn in warm weather.

    scarfA scarf is a piece of cloth

    that people wear around

    their neck or on their


    sewYou can sew

    using a needle

    and thread.

    Clothes are

    made by


    sewing machineA sewing machine

    sews stitches very

    quickly and easily.

    The sewingmachine was

    invented in 1846

    by Elias Howe.

    shirtSome shirts have

    short sleeves,

    some have long

    sleeves, and some

    have no sleeves at


    shoePeople wear shoes on

    their feet.

    shortsShorts are pants that reach

    above or around the


    silkSilk is a delicate

    thread that is

    used to make

    fine fabric. Silkis obtained from

    the cocoon of

    the silkworm


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    skirtA skirt is a pieceof clothing that is

    worn on the lower

    part of the body.


    A slipper is acasual shoe wornaround the house.


    A sneaker is a type ofshoe used for many



    We wear socks under ourshoes.

    spectaclesSpectacles is

    another wordfor glasses.

    suitA suit is a set of

    matching clothes.

    suitcaseWhen you travel,

    you carry your

    clothing in a



    Sunglasses help toprotect your eyes from

    too much sunlight. swimsuitA swimsuit is a garment

    you wear while


    tieA tie is anarrow band of

    fabric tied

    around the neck.

    t-shirtA t-shirt is a

    simple shirt

    without buttons or

    a collar.

    tutuBallerinassometimes wear

    tutus when they


    umbrellaAn umbrella protects

    you from the rain.

    undershirtAn undershirt is a shirt

    that is sometimes worn

    under clothes.

    underwearPeople wearunderwear

    under their


    uniformA uniform is a

    special outfit worn

    by members of a



    A vest is asleeveless piece of

    clothing that is

    usually worn over

    a shirt.

    walletPeople carry money in a


    watchA watch is a small clock

    you can take with you to

    tell time.

    wigA wig is fakehair.


    Sweaters are madeout of yarn.

    zipperYou can open and

    close a zipper.

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    backpackA backpack is a sack

    that is worn on the

    back and is used to

    carry things.

    bagYou can put

    things in a bag.

    barrelA barrel is a large,

    wooden container.

    basketYou can carry things in a


    bottleA bottle is a

    container with a

    narrow neck and


    boxA box can hold


    containerA container can

    hold things.

    bucketA bucket is a container

    with a handle.cage

    Some people keep birds

    in cages.

    canSome food anddrinks come in


    cartonSome liquids (like

    milk and orange

    juice) are packaged in



    A cork is used asa bottle stopper. It

    is made from tree


    egg cartonAn egg carton holds

    eggs and keep them

    from breaking.

    envelopeAn envelope holds aletter.

    jarJars are

    containers with

    a large opening

    and a lid.

    lidA lid is a top for a

    pan or other


    oilcanAn oilcan is a

    container for oil.

    packageA package is a

    wrapped box that

    contains something.

    pailA pail is a container with

    a handle.

    sackA sack is a

    container. You

    can put things in

    a sack.

    spray canA fine mist of liquidcomes out of a spray


    suitcaseWhen you travel,

    you carry yourclothing in a


    trunkA trunk is a very largetraveling case.

    tubeSome pastes and gels

    (like toothpaste) come intubes.


    An urn is a largevase.

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    vaseVases are holders for


    vatA vat is a large

    tub that holds


    water bottleA water bottle holds


    watering canYou can water plants

    with a watering can.


    abacusAn abacus is a

    ancient device that

    is used for



    aileronAilerons are the

    outer flaps on the

    rear surface of the

    wings of an airpane.

    Ailerons are used to

    keep the airplane

    from rollling from

    side to side.

    airplaneAirplanes fly in

    the sky.

    bulbA light bulb turns

    electricity into light.

    cameraYou can take

    pictures with a


    can openerA can opener is a

    device that opens


    deviceA device is a piece

    of equipment that

    does a job. For

    example, a can

    opener is a device

    that opens cans.

    engineThe engine of a

    train pulls the

    railroad cars along

    the track.

    engineThe engines of an airplane

    propel it through the air.

    fanA fan is a machine

    that makes a


    flashlightA flashlight helps

    you find your way

    in the dark.

    freezerA freezer keeps

    things icy.

    funnelA funnel is a

    device that lets

    you pour things

    from one

    container toanother.

    gyroscopeA gyroscope is a spinning

    wheel set in a movable

    frame. When the wheel

    spins, it is very hard to

    move the gyroscope - it

    essentially stays in its

    original orientation.


    light bulbAn incandescent

    light bulb turns

    electricity into light

    as an electric

    current causes a

    filament to glow in

    an air-free


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    An inventor designs andcreates new, useful things.

    ironIrons press the

    wrinkles out of


    joystickA joystick is used

    to play some

    computer games.

    lockYou can lock and unlock a

    lock with a key.


    glassA magnifying glass

    is a lens that makes

    things look largerthan they really


    microscopeA microscope lets you see

    very tiny things.

    microwave ovenMicrowave ovens heat up

    food quickly.

    mirrorYou can see your

    reflection in a


    padlockYou can lock and unlock a

    padlock with a key.

    pliersPliers are tools that

    hold things.

    radarRadar is a device that uses

    reflected radio waves to

    located objects at a

    distance. Radar is short

    for "radio detection and



    A radio lets you hear

    broadcast music and talk


    refrigeratorA refrigerator is a

    machine that

    keeps food cold.

    remote controlA remote control lets you

    operate a machine from

    far away.

    rocketA rocket is a

    machine that

    propels itself into


    safety pin

    A safety pin is a type ofpin that is used to fasten

    clothes and diapers.

    scaleA scale is a machine for

    weighing things.


    machineA sewing machine

    sews stitches veryquickly and

    easily. The

    sewing machine

    was invented in

    1846 by Elias


    sonarIn sonar (also called

    echolocation), a high-

    pitched sound (usually

    clicks) is sent out. The

    sound bounces off the

    object and some returns.

    The returning echo is

    interpreted to determine

    the object's shape,

    direction, distance, and

    texture. Dolphins (and

    other toothed whales) and

    some bats use sonar to

    navigate and find prey.

    telephoneYou can talk with

    people who are faraway by using a


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    telescopeA telescope is a optical

    device that makes

    faraway objects appear

    closer and larger,

    allowing us to see distant

    objects in space.

    televisionA television is a machine

    that receives pictures and

    sounds. People watch and

    listen to shows on


    thermometerA thermometer is

    used for telling

    what the

    temperature is.

    toasterA toaster is a machine that

    heats up slices of bread,

    making toast.vacuum cleaner

    A vacuum cleaner is a device

    used to clean rugs and floors.

    yokeA yoke is a device that

    holds two working

    animals (like oxen)


    Farm-Related Words

    barnA barn is a farm

    building where animals

    and animal feed are


    bullA bull is a male cow.

    bunnyA bunny is a young


    calfA calf is a

    young cow.

    catCats are mammals

    and are great pets.

    Cats were revered

    by the ancient


    chickA chick is a baby

    chicken. Some other

    baby birds are also

    called chicks.

    chickenA chicken is a farm


    cowMost of the milk we

    drink comes from


    dogDogs wag

    their tails

    when they're


    donkeyDonkeys can be very


    duckDucks are birds that

    have webbed feet and a

    flattened bill. They

    swim well and live near

    the water.

    ducklingA duckling is a young


    farmFarms are where plants

    are grown and animals

    are raised.


    animalsFarm animals

    are very

    useful to


    farmerFarmers produce

    food by growing

    plants and tending


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    A fence is a type ofbarrier.

    gooseGeese are migrating

    birds that honk!


    A gosling is a babygoose.

    haystackA haystack is

    a big pile ofhay.

    henA hen is a female

    chicken. Hens lay


    hoeA hoe is a garden tool.

    hogA hog is a hoofed

    mammal that issimilar to a pig.

    honey beeHoney bees are insects

    that live in a hive and

    make honey.

    horseHorses are

    very fast


    horseshoeA horseshoe is a

    metal protector for ahorse's hoof.

    kidA kid is a young goat.

    kittenA kitten is a young


    lambA lamb is a baby sheep.

    milkMilk comes

    from cows

    and other


    oxOxen are large,

    hairy mammals that

    live in the far north.

    pigPigs are hoofed

    mammals that oink!

    pigletA piglet is a young


    puppyA puppy is a young


    rabbitA rabbit is a

    small, cute

    mammal with

    big ears.

    roosterA rooster is a male


    scarecrowA scarecrow is a figure

    of a person that is made

    of straw. It is used to

    scare crows away from


    sheepSheep are farm

    animals that are

    raised for wool and


    sheepdog, old

    EnglishThe old English

    sheepdog is an

    affectionate, long-

    haired dog that wasoriginally bred in Great


    shovelShovels are

    used to dig.

    siloA silo is a building

    in which bulk food,

    like wheat, is stored.

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    tractorA tractor is a powerful

    vehicle that can pull a

    plow or other farm


    wellA well is a deep hole

    in the ground fromwhich you get water.

    Flower-Related Words: Little Explorers Picture


    bluebellBluebells are bell-

    shaped flowers. bouquetA bouquet is a

    bunch of flowers.

    bulbA plant bulb wil sprout

    into a new plant. Tulips

    grow from bulbs.

    California poppyThe California poppy is a

    small, cup-shaped flower

    that lives in dry areas.

    carnationA carnation is a

    flower; it can

    be white, pink,

    or red.


    The daffodil is ayellow flower that

    blooms early in

    the spring.

    daisyThe daisy is a

    pretty flower.

    dandelionDandelions are weeds

    with pretty yellowflowers that turn into

    seed puff-balls.

    flowerA flower makes seeds.

    Flowers are a plant's

    reproductive organs.Hummingbirds, bees,

    butterflies, and other

    animals drink the sweet

    nectar that is made by




    are plants that

    have beautiful

    blue flowers.

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    gardenPlants grow in a


    greenhouseA greenhouse is a

    building, usually

    made out of glass,

    in which people

    grow plants. Some

    flowers are grown

    in greenhouses.

    irisIrises are beautiful

    flowers with long, thin,

    flat leaves.lily

    A lily is a funnel-shaped



    Nasturtiums areplants with

    bright, pretty

    flowers and

    round leaves.

    orchidOrchids are

    colorful flowers

    that live in warm


    poppyA poppy is a

    delicate flower.

    rootsThe roots are the parts

    of a plant that gets

    water and other

    nutrients from the soil.

    Roots also store energy

    and provide support for

    the plant. Most rootsgrow underground.

    roseThe rose is a beautiful

    flower with a sweet scent.seed

    Seeds grow into


    stemThe stem is the

    part of a plant that

    provides support

    for the plant.

    tulipThe tulip is a cup-

    shaped flower.

    Venus flytrap

    The Venus flytrap is aplant that catches and

    digests bugs.

    violetsViolets are deep purple


    yuccaYucca is a

    flowering plantwith stiff

    leaves; it lives

    in dry areas.

    zinniaZinnias are pretty


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    Food-Related Words: Little Explorers Picture


    almondAn almond is a

    type of nut.

    appleAn apple is a

    juicy fruit that

    grows on an apple


    Appleseed, JohnnyJohnny Appleseed was

    a legendary man who

    planted apple trees

    through the USA. His

    real name was John

    Chapman, but he was

    called Johnny

    Appleseed because ofhis love for growing

    apple trees.

    artichokeThe artichoke is a spiny,

    green vegetable.

    avocadoThe avocado is an

    oily, green fruit; it is

    sometimes called the

    alligator pear.

    Avocados grow on

    trees in warm areas.

    bagelA bagel is a

    chewy kind ofroll.

    bakerA baker bakes

    food in the oven,like breads, cakes,

    and cookies.


    Bananas are a sweet,yellow fruit.

    batterA batter is an uncooked,

    liquid mixture of flour,

    eggs, butter and other

    ingredients. When a

    batter is cooked, it

    becomes solid. Cookies,

    cakes, and muffins are

    made from batter.

    birthday cake

    Birthday cakes aresweet and delicious!

    blackberryBlackberries are

    dark-colored,edible berries

    that grow on

    prickly vines.

    bowlYou can eat soup

    or cereal in abowl.

    breadBread is made from

    flour and is baked in an


    breakfastBreakfast is a meal thatis eaten in the morning.

    broccoliBroccoli is a green


    bubble gumYou can chew

    bubble gum and

    blow bubbles.

    bunA bun is a sweet


    butterButter is a rich spread

    made from cream.

    cakeCake is a sweet dessert.

    candyCandy is very sweet.

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    carrotA carrot is an

    orange vegetablethat grows


    cauliflowerCauliflower is a

    white vegetable;

    it is related tobroccoli.

    celeryCelery is a crisp, green


    cheeseCheese is a food made

    from milk.

    chefA chef cooks food.

    cherriesCherries are a

    sweet, tangy, red


    chocolateChocolate is a

    tasty treat made

    from cocoa beans

    and sugar.

    chopsticksChopsticks are eating

    utensils used by many

    people in Asia.

    coffeeCoffee is a drink made

    from roasted coffee


    cookieCookies are small,

    sweet, baked treats.

    corkA cork is used as

    a bottle stopper.

    It is made fromtree bark.

    cornCorn is a yellow

    vegetable you can

    eat on its cob.

    Corn was grown

    by Native

    Americans for

    thousands of

    years before the

    Europeans settled

    in North America.

    cornucopiaA cornucopia, also

    called a horn of plenty,

    is a horn-shaped basket

    that is filled with fruit

    and grains. It is a

    symbol of abundance

    and prosperity.

    cotton candy

    Cotton candy is a sweettreat that is spun from


    creamCream is the richest

    part of milk. Butter

    and ice cream aremade from cream.

    cucumberCucumber is a

    cool, crisp

    vegetable that isgood in salad.

    cuisineA cuisine is a

    style of preparing



    Things are stored incupboards.

    cupYou can drink from a


    cupcakeA cupcake is a tiny


    dessertDesserts are

    sweet treats.

    dietA balanced diet is

    good for you.

    dinnerDinner is a meal that is

    eaten in the evening.

    dishWe eat food on a dish.

    doughnutDoughnuts are sweet

    and have a hole in

    their middle.

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    drinkPeople need to

    drink water

    every day.

    egg cartonAn egg carton

    holds eggs and

    keep them frombreaking.

    eatWe eat when we are


    eggMany animals hatch

    from eggs. Dinosaurs

    hatched from eggs.

    People eat a lot ofchicken eggs.

    eggplantAn eggplant is a

    purple vegetable.

    flourFlour is ground

    up grain (like

    wheat). Bread is

    made from flour.

    foodWe eat food to

    get energy and to


    food pyramidThe food pyramid is a

    diagram that lets you

    know the US


    recommended diet.

    food webThe food web (or food

    chain) is all of the

    interactions between

    predators and prey in

    which plants and

    animals obtain food.

    forkForks are used for

    eating solid food.

    freezerA freezer keeps

    things icy.

    fruitFruit is the part of

    some plants that

    contains the

    seeds. Apples,


    oranges, and

    bananas are fruit.

    frying panYou can cook food in a

    frying pan.

    gingerbreadGingerbread is a spicy

    cookie. Gingerbread

    men and gingerbread

    women are cookies

    shaped like little people.

    glassWe drink out of


    grapefruitGrapefruits are a

    type of citrus

    fruit that

    sometime squirt

    you when you

    eat them.

    grapesGrapes are

    delicious fruit that

    grow on vines.grater

    A grater is a tool used

    to cut food into tinypieces.

    green beanA green bean is a long,

    thin, green vegetable. It

    is pod that containsbean seeds. It is also

    called a string bean.

    hamHam is a type of

    meat that comes

    from the top part of a

    pig's leg.

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    hamburgerA hamburger is a

    cooked patty of

    ground beef,

    usually served ina bun.

    honeyHoney is a sweet

    substance made

    by bees.

    hot dogA hot dog is a type of

    cooked meat in the

    shape of a sausage; it is

    usually served in a long


    hungryWhen you're hungry,

    you want to eat somefood.

    iceIce is frozen water.

    ice creamIce cream is

    cold, creamy,

    and sweet treat.

    ice cream coneAn ice cream

    cone is nice to eat

    on a hot summer


    iced teaIced tea is a cold drink.

    jamJam is a spread made

    from fruit.

    jellyJelly is a spread

    made from fruit


    jellybeansJellybeans are

    colorful and


    jugA jug holds a

    liquid, like water.

    juiceJuice is pressed from

    fruit or vegetables.

    kettleA kettle is a pot in

    which you boil water.

    kitchenPeople prepare and

    store food in a


    kiwiThe kiwi is a tangy fruit

    that grows in warm areas.

    knifeYou can cut things with a


    A ladle is a large spoon used toserve soup and gravy.

    lemonA lemon is a sour, yellow fruit.

    lemonadeLemonade is a drink made

    from water, lemon juice, and



    Lettuce is a leafyvegetable that is

    good in salads.

    licoriceLicorice is a type

    of candy.


    A lime is a sour, greencitrus fruit.

    lollipopA lollipop is candy on a


    lunchLunch is a meal

    eaten in the middle

    of the day.

    lunch boxSome people

    carry their lunchin a lunch box.


    Macaroni is atube-shaped



    Breakfast, lunch, anddinner are meals.

    measuring cupA measuring cup is

    useful in baking andcooking.

    meatMeat is a type of

    food that comesfrom animals. Some

    types of meat are

    beef and ham.

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    melonMelons are fruits

    that have a rind.


    ovenMicrowave ovens

    heat up foodquickly.

    milkMilk comes from cows

    and other mammals.

    muffinMuffins are small,

    baked goods made from

    a batter.

    mugA mug is a large


    mushroomMushrooms are


    fungi. They grow

    in dark, damp


    napkinAfter you eat, you

    can clean your

    face with a


    nectarineA nectarine is a sweet,

    juicy fruit with smooth

    skin; it is related to the


    noodlesNoodles are flat strips

    of pasta. Noodles were

    invented in China.

    nutA nut is a dry seed

    or fruit with a hard


    oatmealOatmeal is a


    oilOil is a greasy


    oliveAn olive is an oily fruit

    that grows on an

    evergreen tree.

    omeletAn omelet is a dish

    made from eggs.

    omnivoreAn omnivore is an

    animal that eats

    plants and meat.

    People areomnivores

    onionOnions are sharp


    orangeOranges are

    sweet, juicy fruit.

    orange juiceOrange juice is made

    from oranges.

    ovenOvens get very hot. You

    can bake food in anoven.

    oven mittAn oven mitt

    protects your hand

    when you put things

    in or out of an oven.

    oysterThe oyster is a

    soft-bodiedmarine animal

    that is protected

    by two hard


    panYou can cook

    food in a pan.

    paper plate

    A paper plate is adisposable plate that is

    made out of paper.

    People use paper plates

    at picnics.

    pastaPasta is a type of food

    made from flour.Spaghetti and macaroni

    are types of pasta.

    peachPeaches are sweet,

    juicy fruit with fuzzy


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    peanutPeanuts grow

    undergound; they are

    a type of legume.

    pearThe pear is a

    sweet fruit with a

    thin skin.

    pea podPeas grow in pea


    peasPeas are small, round


    pepperPepper is a spice that

    many people use to

    season their food.

    pepperA pepper is a sharp-

    tasting, hollow

    vegetable. Peppers can

    be red, green, yellow,

    and orange.

    pickleA pickle is a

    cucumber that is

    preserved in brine.

    pieA pie is a dessert

    that is made with

    fruit and has a crust.

    pitcherA pitcher is a

    container for pouring


    pizzaPizza is made of

    dough that is covered

    with tomato sauce

    and cheese; it is

    baked in an oven.

    plateA plate is a flat dish

    on which we put food.

    plumA plum is a sweet,

    juicy, purple fruit.

    podPeas grow in pea


    popsicleA popsicles is a

    sweet, frozen treat on

    a stick.

    potPeople cook food in


    potatoPotatoes are starchy

    vegetables that grow


    pretzelPretzels are salty,

    knotted snacks.

    pruneA prune is a dried


    pumpkinThe pumpkin is a

    large, orange

    vegetable that grows

    on a vine.

    pumpkin piePumpkin pie is a

    dessert made from


    radishA radish is a sharp-

    tasting vegetable that

    grows underground.

    raisinRaisins are dried


    raspberryRaspberries are a

    type of edible berry

    that grows on a

    prickly vine.

    recipeA recipe is a set of

    instructions for

    making a type of


    refrigeratorA refrigerator is a

    machine that keeps

    food cold.

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    riceRice is a food. It is a

    grain that grows inwarm, wet soil. Rice is

    an important food in

    much of Asia.

    rollA roll is a small

    piece of bakeddough.

    rolling pinA rolling pin is used

    to roll out dough.

    saladA salad is a type of

    food that is usually

    made with lettuce

    and other vegetables.

    salamiSalami is a type of

    salty, spicy meat

    product, usuallymade from beef

    and/or pork.

    saltSalt is an importantcrystalline mineral

    that we use to season

    our food.


    A sandwich ischeese,


    meat, or another

    filling between

    two slices of


    sausageSausage is a type ofmeat.

    sliceWhen something is

    sliced, thin pieces are

    cut from it.

    soupSoup is a type of

    food. Vegetable soup

    and chicken soup are

    two kinds of soup.

    spatulaA spatula is a tool that

    has a wide, flat end.

    spoonA spoon is usedfor eating food

    like soup and


    squashSquash grows in warm


    steakSteak is a slice of meat.

    stoveYou can cook food on a


    strawberryThe strawberry is a

    sweet, red fruit.

    string beanA string bean is a

    long, thin, green

    vegetable. It is

    pod that contains

    bean seeds. It is

    also called a green


    sugarSugar is a sweet


    sunflowerA sunflower is a

    plant that turns to

    face the sun.

    teaTea is a drink that is

    brewed from tea


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    teapotYou can brew tea in a


    toasterA toaster is a

    machine that heats

    up slices of bread,

    making toast.

    tomatoTomatoes are soft

    and tangy; they

    grow on vines.

    tunaThe tuna is a very

    large, bony fish that

    lives in the ocean.

    People eat a lot of



    Turkeys are largebirds that nest on the


    utensilsUtensils are tools used

    in the kitchen, like

    knives, forks, andspoons.


    Vegetables arevery good for you.

    vinegarVinegar is a sour

    liquid that is used toflavor or preserve


    walnutA walnut is an edible

    nut from the walnut


    waterWater is a liquid that

    we drink and use to

    wash. Water covers

    over two thirds of the

    surface of the Earth,and much of our

    body is made of


    water bottleA water bottle holds


    watermelonWatermelon is a

    large, delicious,red fruit with a

    thick green rind.

    wheatWheat is a grain.

    Flour is made from

    ground-up wheat.

    whiskA whisk is used to

    beat eggs or batter.

    wokA wok is a cookingpot used in Asia.

    yamYams are sweet

    vegetables that growunderground.

    yogurtYogurt is a dairyfood made from


    yolkThe yolk of an egg

    is yellow and

    contains stored foodfor a bird or reptile

    before it hatches.

    zucchiniZucchini is a type of


    Furniture Words

    armchairAn armchair is a

    chair with arms.bed

    People sleep in beds.

    benchA few people can sit

    on a bench.

    bookcaseBooks are stored in



    A chair is apiece of

    furniture that

    people sit on.

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    couchA couch is a big, soft

    piece of furniture

    that many people can

    sit on.

    cradleA cradle is a small bed

    for a baby.

    cupboardThings are stored in


    dresserA dresser is a piece

    of furniture in which

    you can store things.

    footstoolA footstool is a

    small piece of


    furnitureTables, chairs, sofas,

    and beds are


    grandfather clockA grandfather clock is

    a large, free-standingpendulum clock.

    shelfA shelf is a small

    platform on which

    things can be placed.

    sofaA sofa is a large, soft

    piece of furniture

    that many people can

    sit on.

    stoolA stool is a seat

    with neither

    arms nor a back.

    tableA table is a piece of

    furniture with a flat

    top and legs.

    Geology-Related Words

    atomEverything is

    made up of tiny


    crystalCrystals are solids

    whose atoms form

    a very regular


    diamondA diamond is a very

    hard, shiny jewel.

    emeraldAn emerald is a hard,

    shiny, deep green


    gemGems sparkle and


    geyserA geyser is a

    natural hot spring

    that occasionally

    sprays water and

    steam above the


    geologyGeology is the

    study of the Earth's

    structure, including

    rocks and minerals.

    glacierA glacier is a large,

    slowly-moving river

    of ice.

    goldGold is a precious

    metal. Coins and

    jewelry are made from

    gold. The Sacajawea US

    dollar coin above looks

    like gold.

    graniteGranite is a common

    type of igneous rock.

    Granite is formed in a

    slow cooling process.

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    igneous rockWhen molten rock

    cools, igneous

    rock is formed.

    impact craterImpact craters are

    the remains of

    collisions between

    an asteroid or

    meteorite and the


    ironIron is a common

    metal that is used for

    many things, like traintracks, pots, and


    lavaLava is molten rock. It

    comes out of eruptingvolcanoes.

    limestoneLimestone is a type of

    sedimentary rock that

    is made of the

    skeletons of tiny


    magnetA magnet attractsthings made of


    marbleMarble is a


    metamorphic rock.

    metalA metal is an element

    that has a crystallinestructure when it is solid

    form. Many metals are

    shiny and many conduct

    electricity. Some metals

    include iron, copper,

    silver, and gold.

    metamorphic rock

    Metamorphic rocksare compacted by

    pressure and heat from

    deep inside the earth.

    mineralA mineral is a naturally-

    occurring solid whose

    molecules form a regularpattern (usually forming

    crystals). Some common

    minerals include quartz,

    salt, diamond, and


    pebbleA pebble is a

    small, smooth


    quartzQuartz is a

    common crystalline


    rockA rock is a stone. The

    Earth's crust is made

    of rock.

    rubyA ruby is a hard,

    shiny, red jewel.

    saltSalt is an important

    crystalline mineral

    that we use to season

    our food.

    sandSand is a loose


    composed of fine

    debris of rock and

    mineral particles.


    Sedimentary rock

    is rock that has

    formed from

    sediment and is

    where most fossils

    are found.

    silverSilver is a valuable

    metal; it is also the

    shiniest metal. Some

    coins and jewelry are

    made from silver.

    soilPlants grow in soil.

    solidA solid is a matter inwhich the molecules

    are very close together

    and cannot move

    around. Ice, quartz,

    and diamonds are


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    A stone is a rock.streak

    A streak is a long

    mark or stripe of


    tsunamiA tsunami is a rare,

    giant series of waves

    caused by an


    earthquake or other




    volcanoA volcano is a

    mountainous vent in

    the Earth's crust.When a volcano

    erupts, it spews out

    lava, ashes, and hot

    gases from deep inside

    the Earth.

    waterWater is a liquid that

    we drink and use to

    wash. Water coversover two thirds of the

    surface of the Earth,

    and much of our body

    is made of water.

    wellA well is a deep

    hole in the ground

    from which you

    get water.

    House-Related Words

    armchairAn armchair is a

    chair with arms.

    bathtubYou take a bath in a


    People sleep in beds.

    benchA few people can sit on

    a bench.

    bookcaseBooks are stored

    in bookcases.

    brickThis fireplace is

    made out of bricks.

    broomYou can sweep the

    floor with a broom.

    can openerA can opener is a

    device that opens


    carpetA carpet is a floorcovering made of

    woven yarn or thick


    chairA chair is a pieceof furniture that

    people sit on.

    chimneyA chimney is a

    structure in which

    you can build a


    chinaChina is well-made

    pottery that was first

    made in China.

    clothespinClothespins are used

    to hang wet laundry

    on a clothes line to


    couchA couch is a big, softpiece of furniture that

    many people can sit on.

    cradleA cradle is a small

    bed for a baby.

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    cuckoo clockA cuckoo clock

    has a mechanical

    bird that sings

    every hour.

    cupboardThings are stored in


    curtainsCurtains are cloth

    hung on and around a


    doorYou can go in and out

    through a door.

    drapesDrapes are cloth

    hung on and

    around a window.

    dresserA dresser is a piece

    of furniture in

    which you can

    store things.

    fanA fan is a machine

    that makes a breeze.

    faucetYou can turn water


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