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Our New Look

Page 7

Page 4

Liverpool John Moores University

BIM: What is it?

Page 13

Replacing the old with



A brief look at Building

Informa,on Modelling

and its increasing


Web-based Archibus Facilitates FM

One university looks to

develop a highly


comprehensive and

agile FM resource that

will become a core

business system

January 2014

mass realising innova�on

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Title Page Number


Our New Look

A Healthy Start to 2014

Case Study: LJMU


From The Blog


AutoCAD Training Course


Our New


See Page 3

mass realising innova�on

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Page 3 MASS Media January 14 Issue


Happy New Year

I would like to wish all our valued

Clients a very Happy New Year

and I hope that 2014 brings

prosperity to you all.

In terms of the economy, I believe

things are progressing posi�vely

and, personally, I feel much more

of an air of op�mism. Generally

speaking the employment

situa�on has improved

considerably, the UK is leading

our European Partners and at

MASS we are certainly well placed

to react to the upturn in business.

I hope that this op�mism will be

reflected as reality in all our

clients’ organisa�ons, and the

outcome for 2014 will be posi�ve.

I will re-iterate my comments

made in the previous MASS Media

ar�cle: Now is the �me to make a

strong business case for a budget

to move your IWMS systems

forwards, to keep up with the

changing �mes.

My Goal

One of my objec�ves for MASS

during 2014 is to move most

clients, if appropriate, onto Web

Based systems. There is no doubt

that this is the way forward and

the benefits and advantages

offered by the new Archibus

versions are abundantly clear. We

are able to offer some very

a=rac�ve deals to our current

clients for “swap out” moving

from Client Server so@ware to

Web Based op�ons, if they are on

subscrip�on. I would urge you all

to contact your Client Account

Manager at MASS to discuss the

a4ributes and advantages of the

so5ware and to take advantage

of the current offers.

Focus 365

In addi�on to the new “state of

the art” so@ware available for the

Archibus product, MASS has now

taken on board a new “top hat”

product, Focus 365, which will sit

over and above all other

databases including Archibus,

providing excellent management

repor�ng, overviews and

dashboards. Again, I would

recommend liaising with your

Client Account Manager to

arrange a presenta,on of this

new product. During the year we

will be regularly providing

opportuni�es for clients to

experience the merits of Focus

365 and understand how it can

benefit their business. We will in

due course be presen�ng Focus

365 during our annual UK User

Group Mee�ngs.

2014 Interna,onal User Group


I am sure most of you are aware

that Archibus Inc. annually host

an Interna�onal User Group

mee�ng in the USA: This year it is

being held in Fort Lauderdale and

two of our users have been

invited to present at this

pres�gious event. I am sure you

will join me in congratula�ng both

of these users who have been

selected. It is very encouraging to

see our UK clients achieving such

a high accolade for their

innova�ve use of their Archibus

systems. For those who are able

to a=end the conference, I can

assure it will be excellent and very

worthwhile. The benefits are

plen�ful and allow for gaining

knowledge, on an Interna�onal

front, for both FM opera�ons and

FM so@ware u�lised globally.

Again I thank you very much for

your con�nued, valued business

and I look forward to welcoming

you all at the UK User Group

mee�ngs once again this year.

David Bolt


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Page 3 Mass Media December 13 Issue

Our New Look

At MASS we believe that over the past 20 years we have helped to create some great stories of success,

however we cannot forget that our success is of course also that of our clients and so we have taken steps

to ensure that our new website is directed as much towards them as it is to ourselves.

Over 2013 we worked together with a number of our clients to produce new, updated and interes�ng

case studies, which directly relate to implementa�on successes within the Archibus & MASS products.

The NEW website has dedicated areas within both the home page and contents pages to help distribute

this detailed informa�on, and we hope to keep it updated with new case studies of our projects on a

regular basis.

Con�nuing the knowledge sharing theme, we have also resourced for and created a new Media Team

within MASS; a team that is dedicated to publishing key industry related informa�on to a NEW Media

Centre, which can now be found on the website. Within this Media Centre you will find a constant stream

of Latest News and Technical Blogs, which we hope will provide an ongoing feed of useful informa�on for

all our users and subscribers.

Not only are we commi=ed to sharing informa�on through our website, but also through a range of social

medias and publica�ons. We now manage online groups within Linkedin, Facebook and Twi4er, and of

course have an updated MASS Media publica�on which will be issued to our clients and subscribed users

on a quarterly basis.

We are interested in finding more case studies to write about and so if you or your organisa$on have a

success story to tell then simply contact your Account Manager or email [email protected]. Details of

your success could soon be highlighted on our front page!

Luke Bolt

Managing Director

Many of our clients, who

a,ended the recent User

Group Mee$ngs in October,

will have been made aware

of our planned project for

replacing the old and

slightly $red looking MASS

website, which has been

robustly serving us since

rebranding in 2007, with

something new, innova$ve

and fresh.

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A Healthy Start to 2014

As we enter a New Year, many of you will be considering a renewed gym membership,

the latest fad diet, or a ‘dry’ January to combat the effects of Christmas indulgence. With

all New Year resolu$ons, we start with the best inten$ons. The FM Industry is also

looking for a healthy start to 2014 and we have seen various key subjects trending over

the last 12 months. MASS has been working with clients on a variety of projects, from

BIM to Mobile Working. Here, we have a look forward at some of the trends that will

affect the way we work in 2014…


A@er half a decade of cau�on, consolida�on, and

slow growth, there seems to be a shi@ in

recruitment for FM professionals: we see a steady

rise in the numbers of vacancies registered and the

number of applica�ons for FM specific roles on the

various industry job sites. The confedera�on of

Bri�sh Industry/Accenture study has recently

surveyed 325 UK firms of various sizes, and it has

found that 51% expect their workforce to be

significantly larger in 12 months �mei.

Different areas of the industry require new and

mo�vated workforces, as Building Informa�on

Modelling, the green agenda, carbon footprint

reduc�on and energy consump�on control reach

new levels of required exper�se and knowledge.

Within one of the 6 business units, MASS provides

specialist FM recruitment services - so if you are

looking for an experienced FM candidate, or would

like to explore other job opportuni�es, please

contact MASS where we will be happy to assist in

the search.

The other word on everyone’s lips in 2014 is

Outsourcing. CBRE’s global corporate services

division reports that there was a 40% increase in

outsourcing ac�vity in 2013 (from 2012), with

organisa�ons sta�ng their inten�on to outsource

all, or part, of their real estate and facili�es

management func�on. The commercial real estate

services and investment firm’s analysis reveals that

the vast majority, 72%, of new outsourcing

mandates issued in 2013, were mul�-na�onal with

corporates seeking cross-border advice and

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collabora�on across their porLoliosii. So now, more

than ever, it is important to ensure you have a

scalable and fully integrated FM solu�on managing

your en�re organisa�ons estates porLolio. To learn

about ARCHIBUS’s fully integrated capabili�es,

please visit our website or contact your account

manager to discuss further.

MASS regularly work with a variety of outsourcing

partners and FM service providers within the UK, in

many different industries including healthcare,

educa�on, government and those in the private

sector. If outsourcing is a challenge you are going

to face in 2014, please contact MASS to discuss

how we can help and work alongside you to

manage these changes.

Technology- The Cloud

There is one technological trend that everyone is

talking about: The Cloud: This offers fantas�c

flexibility for collabora�on and nearly limitless

storage capacity, but what are the consequences of

this for data security? Do you know where your

facili�es data is stored and how to keep it safely

backed up? How does off site data storage impact

your ARCHIBUS system? If you want to discuss

further informa�on about The Cloud, or general

Hos�ng op�ons, please contact MASS who will be

able to advise on some best prac�ses and cost

effec�ve op�ons for hos�ng services.

Building Intelligence- The BIM Buzz!

Everyone’s talking about big data, but few

organisa�ons are really able to capture and analyse

it on an on-going basis. Now is the �me for

implementa�on of systems that collect real-�me

energy, occupancy, and related facili�es data. The

challenges to corporate real estate and FM

professionals are centralising porLolios, integra�ng

data from various systems and defining metrics

that really ma=er to their organisa�on. Moreover,

most customers will need help to interpret the

data in order to make it meaningful to them. This

will bring the “holy grail”- the understanding of

total occupancy cost - into arm's reachiii. How is the

BIM buzz affec�ng you? Do you have any new

builds or renova�ons scheduled? If so, MASS would

certainly like to speak to you to discuss how we can

assist in your BIM implementa�on, and the

ARCHIBUS technology that is available.

Access and Analysis are becoming key decision

making objec�ves when considering an outsourced

partner or system. The ability to work on the move,

wherever you are and whatever the �me, push

beyond the concepts of Smart Phones and Tablet

working, and require full func�onality and access

to a management system in a truly Run Anywhere

solu�on. Metrics and Analysis of performance and

demonstra�on of compliance and risk mi�ga�on

con�nue to be headline requirements.

As you would expect, ARCHIBUS are at the

forefront of these trends, with the latest version

21.2 release making Access to your system, and

analysis and strategic decision even easier with its

new usability features, and variety of repor�ng

metrics that come out-of-the-box. Keep an eye on

our website for regular updates on the benefits of

the new versions.

I will be bringing you more informa$on on the key

concerns and trends in our industry in the next

edi$on of MASS Media, but un$l then, I wish you

a very happy and prosperous 2014. If you would

like further informa$on, please Contact MASS on

0118 977 8560 or email [email protected], and

we will arrange for someone to contact you and

discuss your requirement.

Paul Munro

Sales Manager

i h=p:// ii h=p:// iii h=p://�ons/workplacenow_e-zine/FY14Trends.html

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Case Study

Web-based ARCHIBUS facilitates FM at LJMU

“The most important goal for me is leBng senior managers see and use the space

informa$on as a cri$cal resource. Senior managers have a stake in the FM system

because it is a key driver for effec$ve resource management. They also want to see what

space they have and what can be developed”- Mark Nevi,

Direct and user-friendly web-enabled access

encourages Liverpool John Moores University

management at all levels to gain more value from

its Archibus FM system, supplied and supported by

MASS. What’s more, a field service system from

the supplier that works on ubiquitous

smartphones and tablets will be linked to the FM

system and promises to streamline opera,ons s,ll


Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is using

the web version of Archibus to enable management

at all levels and in many departments to engage

directly with the facili�es management system. This

will allow data, about use of space, to be entered

straight into the FM system by these users,

speeding up strategic processes like preparing

annual reports for submission to the Higher

Educa�on Sta�s�cal Agency (HESA).

In the near-term Archibus maintenance

management so@ware will be added to the exis�ng

space management applica�on, and a field service

system called FieldFlex introduced that will work on

smartphones and web-enabled tablets. Longer-term

efficiency plans include linking the FM system to

financial and human resource (HR) systems so that

key data about the whole of the University’s

business will be available immediately to all

relevant management staff.

The aim is to create a highly integrated,

comprehensive and agile FM resource that will

become a core business system says Mark Nevi=,

the University’s Assistant Director for Estate

Management. “Across the University, it will make

data about one of LJMU’s largest expenditures, its

property porLolio, space and related facili�es,

available to all management responsible for the

funding, use and maintenance of these assets. It will

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then be shared by FM and non-FM managers

throughout the organisa�on.” Records will be

accurate, up-to-date and reliable, processes can be

streamlined and the whole business of the

University made more efficient and responsive, he


One of the main reasons it is so important to

devolve access to Archibus is that LJMU is a big

university in terms of estate and property. It has

three dispersed campus sites and over forty

buildings, some historically important and some

ultra-modern, plus a wide range of high-tech

workplace assets. The estates budget amounts to

over £15m annually. There is intense pressure to

maintain top standards in a fiercely compe��ve and

global higher educa�on market.

Devolving Archibus to non-FM managers

Over fi@een years ago, to help manage all these

requirements, the university invested in an Archibus

FM system, supplied, installed and maintained ever

since by MASS. Mark Nevi= vigorously promotes the

system to university managers – relevant academic

and opera�onal staff - as one that should be seen a

core business resource, like the university’s finance

and HR systems. It is vital that management – from

heads of department to opera�onal staff – take

ownership of their space alloca�on, cut waste and

minimise response �me. “The most important goal

for me is leTng senior managers see and use the

space informa�on as a cri�cal resource,” he says.

“Senior managers have a stake in the system

because it is a key driver for effec�ve resource

management. They also want to see what space

they have and what can be developed.”

Issues are inevitable and one Nevi= and his

colleagues ini�ally faced was Archibus only being

available on a single worksta�on. As space

management is so important he wanted not only

facili�es managers to use it, but also authorised non

-FM management – managers of departments and

others - so they could enter or access useful data

directly and immediately. He says with other core

business systems in the university – financial and

human resources – managers can do that. Crucially,

in rela�on to those systems, they can work be=er

because they can see and act on data that is up-to-

date and accurate.

The answer to the problem was the launch by

Archibus of the so@ware developer’s collabora�ve

and internet-based Web Central product. Compared

to client-server systems, it enables many users to

quickly access the FM system using a simple web

browser – from their desktop, laptop, tablet or

mobile phone. Interfaces may be tailored to specific

user requirements, so they can use the system on

their own terms.

“The really cri�cal component of this story is the

move to Web Central, because I think a lot of

universi�es may s�ll be working on client-server

systems, and perhaps will start to think about the

benefits of moving to the web. That’s where we've

been pleased with the development of that greater

engagement, that greater ownership of space data

within our organisa�on, and that has huge

benefits,” says Nevi=. He is now looking at

integra�ng other Archibus modules with the space

management so@ware, namely the maintenance

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applica�on. “At the moment we have a separate

system for maintenance and it makes sense to have

one system that integrates space management and

facili�es maintenance management.”

Web-enabled FM service in the field

LJMU is also considering another offering from

MASS, FieldFlex. This is a web-based set of field

service applica�ons that operates on ubiquitous

smartphones and tablets, not costly and dedicated

hand-held devices. The applica�ons interface

straight to Archibus, so data handling is direct and

immediate, leading to shorter processes, higher

accuracy and cost savings. On the move, without

having to wait un�l back in the office, a FM or

service engineer can instantly receive and update

works orders, create on-demand ‘trouble’ reports,

‘to-do’ �ckets and works comple�on confirma�on,

and record the condi�on and loca�on of physical

assets. In addi�on, it supports the growing BYOD

trend – ‘bring your own device’ - or the popularity

of using personal smartphones and tablets for

leisure and business.

The ability to link Archibus to iPads, smartphones

and other mobile devices is an important benefit,

says Nevi=. “A lot of our work is mobile and in real

�me. The ability to link the Archibus system to work

taking place within our buildings in a real �me

scenario is great,” he explains. Having so much

space to manage – over forty buildings spread

across three campuses – makes FieldFlex

technology ideal and will help manage service level

agreements. “It’s a huge plus for us,” he says. “For

example, going back to the maintenance system,

one of the pluses we can see in the maintenance

system, part of the building opera�ons module, is

service level agreements”. PuTng in place a service

level management system is something Nevi= has

been working towards. It entails specifying what

service is to be provided, and monitoring that

performance against the specifica�on. He rates the

Archibus service level agreements func�on as

second to none. “It enables us to put into the

system our performance criteria, and then monitor

the outcomes against those criteria.” FieldFlex will

help in precisely and directly monitoring, repor�ng

and managing service delivery and performance

Summing up, one of the key benefits to LJMU of

using an integrated workplace management system

like Archibus is the means to produce far more

relevant, comprehensive and precise reports. Mark

Nevi= says: “For me and others it provides the

greatest flexibility in producing reports as and when

needed, in the format needed. Reports can be built

very flexibly and we never had that previously.

Before, we were reliant on our client-server system

administrator. Now we can go in and produce our

own informa�on, which has been a huge bonus."

We are interested in finding more case studies to

write about and so if you, or your organisa$on,

have a success story to tell then simply contact

your account manager on 01189 77 8560 or email

[email protected]. Details of your success could

soon be highlighted on our front page!

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‘Archibus to go’ mobile Archibus, or more correctly,

Archibus Mobile Client was the star of the show at

the MASS User Group mee�ngs in London and


A@er a workshop explaining how easily the so@ware

could be used and how it is being developed for IOS

and Android, the a=endees were able to download

the app from the App Store and use on both tablets

and smartphones.

In a role playing scenario, where the a=endees

received work orders on their smartphones, they

were able to complete tasks, add photos to the

work orders request and receive further

instruc�ons and simultaneously the Web Central

Archibus System was being updated automa�cally -

saving �me, paper, and data entry.

A=endees were also introduced to how BIM and

Revit have been implemented by Archibus to not

only ensure compliance for public services new

builds from 2016, but also how to implement BIM

as a best prac�ce to improve deploying automated

facili�es management once any building project is


Several Users presented their success stories of how

Archibus has been implemented at universi�es,

hospitals, and banking. All of the presenters

highlighted the benefits of working with MASS and

the assistance they received in producing an FM

system that matched their par�cular needs.

Two new services offered by MASS, the MOT and

Mentoring, were warmly received. Essen�ally the

MOT (Methods Or Training) offers a visit from a

consultant to establish the status of the Archibus

system as installed and used, then reports back if a

change of methods or extra training could improve

the value and return on investment of the Archibus

system. Mentoring is a new subscrip�on service

that gives users access to a MASS super-user who

will be able to work on the user’s own database to

provide guidance through problems or queries that

might have otherwise been dealt with by an in-

house Archibus guru … if you were lucky enough to

have one!

Paul Munro concluded the day with a brief but

compelling presenta�on showing how the Archibus

Mobile Client kept cra@speople working rather than

traipsing back and forth to the FM office for paper

work orders. He showed that overall the exercise

demonstrated that twice as many tasks could be

completed in half the �me1.

For more informa$on on any of the products

men$oned or details of the User Group please

Contact MASS at 0118 977 8560

Archibus UK User Group Mee,ng

1. The demonstra�on tasks were simple ‘go to’ tasks so the produc�vity figures above would vary depending on task complexity etc.

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At the end of last year, Andrew Dar and Paul Munro

a=ended the ARCHIBUS EMEA Connect event in

Bucharest, Romania. This charming city hosted an

intriguing three days of informa�on sharing,

networking and workshops involving ARCHIBUS

business partners from across the EMEA.

The city is also the base for one of our Business

Partners, the Romanian Solu�on Centre, who have

been instrumental in developing some of the new

ARCHIBUS Mobile Client Applica�ons.

The Archibus Mobile Client also featured

extensively as a central part of the conference

topics as did the new ARCHIBUS Version 21.2 which

is set for release by the end of this year.

ARCHIBUS version and point releases over the past

few years have given us vastly improved features

and func�onality, adding to the already

comprehensive offering from the world’s #1

provider of integrated real estate, infrastructure

and facili�es management solu�ons.

The introduc�on of Green, Compliance, Risk

Mi�ga�on, Environmental Sustainability

applica�ons, as well as compa�bility with the latest

Opera�ng Systems, AutoCAD and Revit so@ware,

has dominated the previous releases.

Version 21 certainly follows this trend but goes

much further - Version 21.2 is set to look, feel, and

operate be=er than every previous ARCHIBUS

version … usability and the latest technology are the

key drivers for this release.

Suffice to say that there is a lot to get stuck into,

and that this is easily the most fluid and visually

appealing release of the product yet.

Furthermore, the Connect Challenge was a great

idea to help partners engage and all get more out of

using and developing the so@ware.

Eight teams were formed comprising Sales,

Applica�on, and Technical people all working

together to build a sales presenta�on according to

par�ally-defined business goals, presented with at

the start of the event.

The objec�ve was to be selected as the most

suitable ‘vendor’ based on:

• Iden�fying the best parts of the product to

present as a solu�on

• Performing some customisa�on using the new

tools available in the latest release

• Building a compelling business case for

choosing our team as the “vendor” for the

proposed project.

Overall, it was an excellent conference with lots of

informa�on brought back to MASS.

Please Contact MASS if you have any ques$ons

rela$ng to Archibus Version 21.2 on 0118 977 8560

or by email at [email protected]

Archibus Business Partner Conference: Bucharest

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From The Blog

Page 3 Mass Media December 13 Issue

Business analysts and managers frequently

champion the benefits of lean produc�on prac�ce,

developed in the 1990s and based on Japanese

manufacturing principles, in par�cular the Toyota

Produc�on System (TPS). In essence, lean principles

are focused on driving down the costs associated

with produc�on, while retaining the same level of

quality. One way to achieve this is through the

elimina�on of waste – removing process steps that

are redundant or fail to add value. Another is to

focus on ‘smoothing ‘ business processes, thus

minimising the bo=lenecks and waste that peak

produc�on can introduce.

In my �me here at MASS I have focused on

developing and implemen�ng mobile and web

technologies, such as Windows Mobile applica�ons,

or bespoke Web Central interfaces, and I have seen

first-hand how these tools can improve business

processes in a ‘lean’ fashion. Many of our clients are

faced with increasing repor�ng requirements for

management and compliance, and paper-based

methods of working are becoming increasingly

inadequate to cope with such data demands. If a

helpdesk call is logged to hang a picture in a room,

the �me taken to search a wall’s length of filing

cabinets for the last asbestos survey performed on

that room can hardly be considered acceptable in


In the last 15-20 years, web services have reached

maturity and are sufficiently part of contemporary

society that users and stakeholders at all levels of

involvement in FM can be expected to understand

how to make use of them. Thus the rolling-out of

Archibus web services to increasingly large user

bases is becoming more commonplace, and the only

ques�on that remains is how to ensure that access

is as universal and seamless as possible.

A similarly logical progression is taking place with

mobile devices. The smartphone revolu�on has

reached a staggering prevalence and maturity in a

mere five years, but prior to that mobile devices

such as Symbols have been a part of enterprise data

capture for more than a decade. Yet many

organisa�ons that have been running web-based (or

even telephone-based) helpdesks for years are s�ll

using paper dockets to manage their actual reac�ve

and preven�ve maintenance. In this era of austerity

and fat-trimming, with increasing focus on value

added to core business, there is s�ll ample ground

to be tread in bringing these systems into the


century. With increased data capture, all the

benefits that digital systems offer – improved

repor�ng, be=er resource management, enhanced

planning, integra�on with orthogonal systems,

convenient visualisa�on tools – are ripe for the


We have been producing and implemen�ng mobile

data capture tools here at MASS for many years,

and the release of the Archibus Mobile Client is a

welcome addi�on to the pantheon.

Andrew Dar

So@ware Development and Support Engineer

Leaning Towards Mobile

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Page 3 Mass Media December 13 Issue

So we are all siTng in our bunkers working away on

AutoCAD, basically minding our own business

producing kick-ass space planning drawings.

However, all is not as it seems; in the background

we keep hearing the Word BIM or the phrase

Building Informa�on Modelling. What does this

mean and how will it affect the way we work with

our CAD drawings?

Let me try to explain: Building Informa�on

Modelling, or BIM for short, is a way of working

rather than an individual piece of so@ware. Though

having said that, Autodesk Revit is o@en a major

part of this workflow, but more of that in future


BIM is a way of managing, colla�ng and storing the

data, not just for one par�cular phase of a

construc�on project, but for the complete building

lifecycle: from the preliminary designs, to the

building hand over and beyond. In fact it extends

right through to the possible demoli�on or

refurbishment of the project. Implemen�ng a BIM

workflow involves the crea�on of intelligent 3D

models from the early stages of a project. All the

project informa�on is collated using a standardised

framework right at the start of the project, and then

through the life cycle of the building. This

standardised data collec�on allows the project

informa�on to flow between the different projects

stakeholders much more easily, therefore

improving the communica�on as the project is

progressed through the different stages- from

conceptual design and analysis, then on to project

documenta�on right through to construc�on and


Through the use of BIM capable applica�ons, such

as Revit, you can produce 3D models at the

project’s early stages. This means you can also

produce visualisa�ons and use the simula�on and

analy�cal tools at the ini�al design phase of the

project, rather than further down the line, in a more

tradi�onal workflow. This gives you the ability to

spot possible design or construc�on issues at the

early stages of the project-saving money and �me.

There is a lot more to implemen�ng a BIM solu�on

than just using Revit and I shall discuss this in

further posts. However, one important point to

make, before I sign off, is that in the UK the

Government has called for industry to achieve BIM

level 2 by 2016 for all organisa�ons and business

involved in public projects. This is having an effect

all along the supply chain from building owners and

Estates departments to structural engineering and

design companies. We all have to think about BIM

and how it affects our business and the way in

which we work with our CAD data.

Mark Li4le

Applica�on Support/ CAD specialist

BIM: What is it?

The BIM lifecycle: The typical phases of the a BIM implementa,on

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Page 3 Mass Media December 13 Issue

Included in the MASS Support Agreement!

The MOT ‘tag’ was coined from the world of automobiles, where every car over three years old has to be

checked to ensure that it s�ll performs within specifica�on and is safe to use on the roads.

When you first implemented the AFM system it was aligned to

solving a specific problem or set of problems and the improved

produc�vity and/or reduced opera�ng costs that were realised

jus�fied the purchase.

Changes in staff, environment, costs, legisla�on etc. affect what

can be achieved. It might seem that your AFM system is adequate

and just �cks along, but changes in CAFM technology have opened

up new opportuni�es to get so much more out of your exis�ng

investment, improving produc�vity and lowering costs at the same �me.

The new AFM architectures can now take your investment and simultaneously free up �me and resources

to develop even more efficient and effec�ve ways to deliver high quality FM services.

The MOT service is a consulta�ve approach to explore the AFM system in its business seTng and look for

ways to get more out of it, or ‘sweat the assets’ without was�ng the �me, energy and learning that has

already been invested.

MOT as an acronym, for us, represents ‘Methods Or Training’ and the report generated from the review

will suggest, if possible, how you could get more out of the ARCHIBUS system (or not, if everything is

already op�mised). The review is conducted from a business perspec�ve rather than the technical/system

review that is already included in the support contract. We conduct the MOT’s at no extra cost to the

clients for the simple reason that if you’re happy you will con�nue to trade with us- so it makes sense to

find out!

Several MOT’s have been carried out at universi�es, hospitals and financial ins�tu�ons since the launch

earlier this year, most revealing low cost routes to get more out of the AFM system. However one thing

that stands out is that the more the client can contribute to the review in terms of business environment

informa�on, 360 degree analysis etc. the be=er the quality and value of the report.

The AFM MOT is currently nearing the comple�on of a review and redevelopment exercise, with help

from one of the UK ‘Big Five’ consultancies, to ensure the best quality informa�on can be gleaned from

the client in what is a rela�vely short engagement - typically a ques�onnaire to as many AFM

stakeholders as available, followed by short interviews as necessary.

To find out more about this service and how it can be op$mised for your organisa$on please contact

your account team on 0118 977 8560 or by email at [email protected].

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Page 15: Liverpool John Moores University€¦ · Our New Look Page 7  Page 4 Liverpool John Moores University BIM: What is it? Page 13 Replacing the old with something NEW, INNOVATIVE

AutoCAD Training Course

Page 3 Mass Media December 13 Issue

This course is for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT users who are engaged in facili�es or estates environments

but feel they are not geTng the most from their investment.

Find out how to automate tasks and improve efficiency by:

• Using Blocks, Dynamic blocks and AutoCAD templates.

• Adding intelligence to furniture and equipment blocks by the addi,on of A4ribute data.

• The ability to extract A4ribute data to AutoCAD tables or link to Excel.

• Mastering AutoCAD’s layout and annota,on commands.

This is a comprehensive course that will provide a ‘toolkit’ of valuable resources that you can take back

and provide immediate benefits for you and your organisa�on. It is an accessible course and the highly

skilled instructor encourages interac�on at all levels to provide a s�mula�ng and absorbing environment

– so that you can get the most out of the experience.

Course Overview: 2 days dura,on

Op,onal Course Content: 1 addi,onal day

• Autodesk Cloud services

Introduc�on to Autodesk 360 and AutoCAD WS

• AutoCAD & FM: The Next Step

A discussion of how AutoCAD can be integrated with an FM solu�on such as Archibus

• What is BIM and why we should be aware of it

An overview of Building Informa�on Modelling and why it is becoming more important in the world

of FM

For more informa$on on this course, or any others that we offer, Contact MASS on 0118 977 8560 or

email [email protected].

• Recap on the AutoCAD Interface. • Using AutoCAD Tables.

• The basic drawing tools within AutoCAD • Adding A4ributes and extrac,ng AutoCAD


• Detailed look at Modifying & Edi,ng. • Crea,ng layouts, then ploJng & publishing them.

• Crea,ng and using Blocks in detail. • Reusing your Content to speed up your AutoCAD


• GeJng your dimensions styles right. • Using External References.

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