  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Living with Hearing Loss Jennifer R. LaBorde, Au.D., CCC-A Doctor of Audiology and Hearing Aid User Accompanied by Garrett P. LaBorde, (Dr. LaBordes Husband and Hearing Partner) Slide 3 Hearing Loss Humor There is no doubt that hearing loss affects not only the hard of hearing person, but those who live around them as well. Q. What are some fun stories you have about living with hearing loss? Slide 4 HEARING LOSS: WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU AND YOUR LIFE! And. the People in It! Slide 5 How Do We Define Hearing Loss? Degree Type Configuration Slide 6 Conductive Ear wax, Perforation of the eardrum, Middle Ear Fluid, Otosclerosis Sensorineural Inner ear/cochlear hearing loss due to aging, noise exposure, genetics, medical diagnosis, etc. Involves a reduction in sound level, or ability to hear faint sounds, but also affects speech understanding, or ability to hear clearly. Mixed Combination of the above Type Slide 7 Normal range or no hearing loss = 0 dB to 20 dB Mild loss = 20 dB to40 dB Moderate loss = 40 dB to 55 dB Moderately-Severe loss = 55 dB to 70 dB Severe Loss= 70-90 dB Profound loss = 90 dB or more Degree Slide 8 The measurement of how much hearing loss is present at specific frequencies. Sloping Flat Reverse Slope Precipitously Sloping Cookie Bite Configuration Other Descriptive Terms Bilateral both ears are affected. Unilateral only one ear is affected. Symmetrical degree & configuration of hearing loss are same in each ear. Asymmetrical degree and/or configuration of the loss is different for each ear. Progressive/Late-onset becomes increasingly worse over time. Sudden hearing loss occurs quickly, requires immediate medical attention to determine its cause and treatment. Fluctuating changes, sometimes getting better, sometimes getting worse. Slide 9 HEARING LOSS SIMULATIONS Have you ever wondered, What does his/her hearing loss really sound like? or I wish (insert person) knew what it was like to have hearing loss.. NOW WE CAN SHOW THEM! Slide 10 Hearing Loss Simulations Normal Hearing in Quiet Normal Hearing in Noise Mild/Moderate Hearing Loss in Quiet Mild/Moderate Hearing Loss in Noise VS. Slide 11 When would this effect normal conversations? DISTANCE LISTENING POOR ACOUSTICS LACK OF VISUAL CUES Slide 12 WHAT CAN WE DO TO COMBAT HEARING LOSS? Slide 13 Hearing Aids Alone. Are Not Enough! Hearing Aids + Assistive Listening Devices + Speech-reading + Coping Strategies Slide 14 If you only had one coping strategy to employ for better hearing that did not cost anything, what would the single most effective hearing loss coping strategy be? Slide 15 It would be GET AS CLOSE AS YOU CAN! Slide 16 How Distance Affects Hearing Sounds Drop Off At ear level, sound is at 100%. At 2 feet away, sound is as loud At 8 feet, this is 1/64 th as loud At 20 feet (back of the room), the sound is 1/400 th as loud! What a difference it makes in volume! Slide 17 What Else Does Distance Affect? Increased Background Noise There is more between you and the speaker Speech Becomes More Distorted Speech Intelligence Drops Low Frequency sounds carry volume High Frequency sounds carry intelligence Because low frequencies travel well through air, you hear them better at greater distances. High frequency sounds attenuate faster so they disappear at distances Slide 18 Make it Better with a Mini Mic Get Physically Closer to Each Other! Or if youd rather.. Slide 19 VISUAL FACTORS/CUES Hold on, I cant hear you.let me get my glasses! Its too dark in here! I just cant hear you! Slide 20 Visual Cues are a Necessity Lighting Avoid having a backlit speaker (in front of a window) Ceiling lights vs. table lights Candles flickering/mood lightingnot our friend! Speechreading Almost all hard of hearing people speechread, whether they realize it or not. Lighting helps with this tremendously, as does getting close! Slide 21 Coping Skills/Strategies for Hearing Loss Be Your Own Advocate! Take Charge! If you dont tell people what you need, how will anyone be able to help you? Speak slower, speak louder, please come closer, let me come to you, please rephrase that Lets sit here, this is the best seat for me to hear better, sit away from the kitchen at a restaurant, sit where a server has to approach you Slide 22 It takes Two to Tango How this affects relationships Slide 23 Communication is Essential to Relationships Hearing Loss is just that..A Loss One that we must grieve and come to a certain level of acceptance about. Both people in a relationship must do this, so we cannot be each others support system in this process What do we grieve? The loss of easy communication The activities that we once enjoyed together Independence as individuals in a relationship Others???? Slide 24 Is This Bad News? Not Necessarily. it is what we do with this news that makes the difference! Slide 25 Communicating with People Who Have Hearing Loss Face the person Do NOT talk from Another Room Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but NATURALLY without exaggerating mouth movements Say the persons name before talking Avoid talking too fast Keep your hands away from your face Minimize extraneous noise If one has difficulty, find a DIFFERENT WAY of saying the same thing Acquaint the listener with the topic before speaking It is harder to hear when ill or tired (mental fatigue) Bite-sized conversations Take turns speaking Pay attention to the facial expressions of the listener Slide 26 Realistic Expectations In quiet settings, hearing should improve. In moderate background noise, hearing should improve. Hearing in noise is NOT as good as in quiet. Hearing with LOUD background noise is NOT WORSE than without the hearing aids. Soft speech is audible, average speech is comfortable, loud speech is not uncomfortable. Hearing Aids should be comfortable. Aids should allow listening with LESS effort. Fatigue AND Stress make hearing worse! Hearing Aids WILL NOT restore hearing to normal levelsPatience will always be needed! Performance improves gradually. Hearing Aids WILL NOT eliminate background noise, but technology has come a long way. Slide 27 How Would We Expect Hearing Loss to Affect Relationships? In a study of the impact of hearing loss on a spouse, therapists have asserted that communication difficulties related to hearing loss would likely weigh on couple relationships and influence their development negatively. Aside from thinking you can grumble under your breath Slide 28 However, in contrast ..the couples in the study most often reported that they either did not think the hearing loss had affected their relationship development, or that it had influenced their relationship positively!!!!! Slide 29 Now, youre all set! Perfectly Happy Couples. Right?!?! Slide 30 850.474.8328 or 800.874.4542 [email protected] BlabTV (Live & OnDemand) Staying in Touch:

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