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LIMITED TIME OFFER: Free Flash Catalogue (See last page for details)

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Lead Generation at its Best . . . Lifestyle Media Group, which was established in 1999, has over 10 years of online marketing and lead generation experience and is the UK’s most highly targeted lead generation specialist. The flagship brands, and, are used by millions of households across the UK.

LMG clients range from niche mail order companies, through to high-street retailers and department stores; from tourist boards in the Outer Hebrides to multinational package holiday and travel companies; from political parties to charities; but they all have one thing in common, they all have a message they want to convey.

Whether it is “buy my products”, “vote for my party”, “visit my county”, “fly with me” or “help my cause” they all want to engage directly with new consumers and realise lead generation offers them the perfect opportunity.

With over 2 million adult members (growing by 30,000 every month), generating over 4 million page views across our network of sites and an ever expanding network of high-profile partners across the full range of media, LMG provides the perfect medium for its clients to promote themselves and their products or services to a huge audience of potential lifelong customers.

A Selection of Our Unique High Profile Direct Partners

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Back to Basics – Lead Generation . . .

Lead generation ISN’T like Google’s Pay Per Click (PPC) where you

bid on keywords and hope an unknown visitor you have just paid

Google £1.50 to click your advert, goes on to make a purchase.

What you pay for with lead generation IS the actual name,

telephone number, address and email address of a person who

has purposefully shown a genuine interest in your brand.

Lead generation ISN’T like list rental where you rent a million

“one-time-only-use” names and send out costly “one-off” mail

shots or email campaigns. What you pay for with lead generation

IS a prospects contact details you keep for life, consumers you

can communicate with, contact by email, conventional mail or

even SMS and use as many times as you want.

It’s all in the definition! So, let’s make sure we are all on the same page . . .

Lead generation ISN’T like an affiliate program with costly upfront

setup fees and maintenance fees, with no guaranteed returns and

commission rates driven up by your competitors. What you pay for

IS a pay-for-results only service based on a budget you can

control with no large setup fees or monthly maintenance and no

commission, just a one-lead-one-payment basis.

Lead generation ISN’T like printed adverts with big upfront costs

for limited space reaching a largely miscellaneous audience and

providing little or no ROI tracking. What you pay for IS unlimited

space to engage with a targeted audience who you can track and

identify as they request your literature or click through to your


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All Forms of Literature . . . LMG provides lead generation services for a wide range of clients and across an equally wide range of formats. Whether you have a traditional printed catalogue or holiday brochure , a downloadable PDF or online Flash brochure, or simply an eNewsletter you send out regularly, LMG can help you grow your customer base.

Using proven, effective methods, we introduce exactly the type of consumers who are a match for your brand, helping to:

Build targeted permission-based customer email and address listsBuild your brand awareness from within a new environmentAcquire new customers who otherwise may never have come across your brand

LMG Puts You in Control of Your Lead Generation

Choose with whom you want to engageChoose how many new leads you needChoose how much you want to spend

Digital Signups

Traditional Paper Requests

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Standard Features . . . Each client is provided with a dedicated page on the Catalink and Travel Brochures websites with unlimited space for their company/literature description, an image to promote their literature or newsletter and a link to their website. Each client can then:

Choose relevant categories in which to feature their literatureAdd up to 20 keyword tags to enhance search results furtherSet their own budget to ensure there is no wasted expenditure

Which means they only attract genuinely interested consumers.

The Small Print – Please Read Carefully!

No Setup Fee

No Subscription Fee

No Annual Fee

Only Pay for Results

Standard Listing

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Enhanced Features . . .

Video Capabilities

Visual Effects: Extra ImagesIf you wish to add an additional image to your page, we can accommodate that.

Extra Bonus:- Improving your Google PageRank. Every company wants to appear as near the top of Google natural searches as possible. LMG websites enjoy very high Google PageRanks of 6-7. Over time, this powerful “inbound” open web link from one or more LMG websites will effectively help to increase your own website’s Google PageRank (for more details on Google PageRank please visit

Visual Effects: VideoHave you spent a fortune producing a commercial or short video? Great! We can embed it into your page alongside your text so that visitors can watch it while reading about your company.

Open Web Link &Extra Image

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Increased Reach . . . Partnerships

LMG have setup and continually develop new relationships with leading media companies and other high profile partners, all of whom embed our lead generation platform within their website and drive their visitors to it. These partner sites dramatically expand the reach of LMG and the audience it attracts.

Clients feature on partner sites in much the same way as on LMG. This “front page advertising” provides excellent increased promotion and brand awareness and enables you to reach specific consumer audiences as they:

Visit their favourite newspaper portalEnjoy their chosen TV or Radio programmeMake use of lifestyles sitesArrange a trip, move house or seek advice

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A Selection of Our Retail Clients . . .

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Whether you have a holiday brochure, electronic catalogue, information pack or any other type of literature, arranging to feature it on one of the LMG websites will take up just a few moments of your time. Just send us:

A jpeg image of the cover of your literature (or send a copy in the post)A short description of your products or service

That’s it! We do the rest . . .

There are, however, many optional promotional opportunities which your customer care executive will be pleased to discuss with you such as:

Monthly newsletter advertisingBanners and various other visual sponsorshipsFront page (and white label front page) advertisingSolus email broadcastsDedicated campaigns to generate larger volumes of leads

For more details or if you have any questions please call us on 01799 544656

The Next Step . . .

tel: 01799 544656 fax: 01799 541747e-mail: [email protected]

Lifestyle Media Group Ltd

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As an added bonus, for this month only, new clients are offered a completely free conversion and hosting service for an Online Flash Catalogue*. Simply provide us with a PDF version of the literature you would like to display and we will do the rest! Visitors to your specific page on one of the LMG websites can then instantly view your literature online. The details of each LMG member who has viewed your Flash Catalogue will be provided to you in the same way and on the same basis as your normal requests. If you have enquired about Online Flash Brochures through other companies before, you will know what a costly business this is running into many hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds to setup and usually involving an additional fee per page view. So, hurry and take advantage of this generous time-limited offering.


*Online Flash CatalogueWe take your standard PDF file and convert it into a

catalogue which can be viewed online via a normal

Internet Browser:

Example Links: Example 1 Here Example 2 Here

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