
The Descent-LO1B: Mise-En Scene & Sound Analysis

Kashmire Hawker


The lighting within this scene again varies, just like other parts of the film, do. The top picture shows the only light within the cave is off the helmet; not even the camera can show enough light to generate a brighter look on screen.

The second shot is from a different camera which has an altered and has therefore caused the shot to be filmed in green and get a brighter shot of the inside of the cave.

These shots run out frequently throughout the movie.


The Location of the cave can really be shown within this scene, a shot like this being a good example. The floor of the cave can clearly be seen and demonstrates the difficulties the group are experiencing in their task of trying to find the exit.


The Costumes within the scene again relate to the events within the film. They are wearing what should within a caving world, despite most of the gear being lost within earlier parts of the movie. However, the last point would suggest that they could be in grave danger if anything goes massively wrong.


The props include all the safety gear for the caving system, special camera equipment needed due to the place they are in and other bits and bobs.

The Mise-En-Scene shows the situation that they are all in and what is needed for them to attempt to get themselves safe; which of course we find out they fail to do so.

SoundThe Sound within the scene is effective when the situation intensifies and things such as the caves collapsing and the alien type creatures come into the scenes. Most of the sound is natural; the actors speaking and the noises from within the caves themselves. Therefore, due to no narration within the scene, the sound is of a Non Diegetic nature.

Why the Elements were used

The Elements stated which were used within the Mise-En-Scene was included with The Descent to really increase the effect they have on the film. The sound that was used conveyed the serious nature that the movie was trying to show, particularly within the situation of the women being stuck in the cave. The lighting feels for me the same as the sound-used in an effective way for the serious nature of the plot.

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