Page 1: Loading the T3 Into Ninja Trader

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ProTrader ProTrader

TOMORROW'S TRADING TECHNOLOGY100% automated Fibonacci support and resistance levels that you can count on every single trading day in an instant.

Page 2: Loading the T3 Into Ninja Trader

Loading the T-3 Fibs ProTrader into Ninja Trader

I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to test the application of the T-3 Fibs ProTrader into the Ninja Trader platform. Requirements:

1. You must load the T-3 Fibs ProTrader software and have a working copy on your machine. Our technical support dept. will help you with this.

2. You must have Ninja trader loaded on the machine that you are currently running the T-3 Fibs ProTrader on. Please load latest version of Ninja. Which is now 6.5.1000.11 (as of July 9th 2009) click to load ninja here.

3. You must close all charting programs before loading these files. I have included in the e-mail a zip file that is named Ninja Beta Test Files. zip. This file will include everything you need to have a seamless integration of the T-3 into Ninja.

Open this zip file and you will see there will be 5 files.

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AGAIN it is important to make sure you close Tradestation and Ninja Trader The first file you will want to run is T3setup.exe.

This will update your existing nexgen software so it will support ninja trader. Once you double click to run this file… or on VISTA right click “run as administrator” you will get a success message. Press any key to close this black install window. If you get a warning message running XP then just click run from the message.

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You will see the success message. Again press any key to close this window. Do not do this step more than once after you get success as there is a limit to the number of times you can run it before your software will violate.

You will then want to select the other T3_Setup.exe file to run and double click it to run or right click to run as administrator if you are on Vista.

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This will bring up a Nexgen T-3 Setup Wizard that will install files into Ninja Trader. Click next>

This will bring you to the next install screen. Click Install.

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Now you will click finish to complete the installation of the T-3 into Ninja Trader. The box will disappear once you click finish.

Now from the start menu you will open up your “MY DOCUMENTS” folder. Inside of that folder will be a Ninja Trader 6.5 folder, which you will open.

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Then you will open the workspaces folder and save the T-3 Ninja ES.xml file into the workspaces folder. You can drag and drop this file if you wish.

You will then open the \templates\Chart folder under Ninja Trader and move over the Nexgen ES minute chart and tick chart templates into this folder. These are designed so that if you wish to apply the T-3 to other markets this can be done much quicker. Keep in mind that Flu_Collapse settings may be different on different markets. Use the Tradestation or your existing workspaces as a guideline for settings. Make sure you connect to your brokerage connection by clicking FILE >CONNECT> Then your brokerage.

Now you will be ready to run the T-3 Fibs ProTrader in Ninja Trader. Connect your ninja trader to your broker. Then you will want to click file > workspace> open workspace which will bring you to a workspace selection screen.

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From this screen select the T-3 Ninja ES workspace and click OK.

Initially this screen will start out as collection of 1-minute blank charts. Please be patient as the program receives its historical data.

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You will then see a series of messages that will come up telling you that data is coming in and this process cannot be aborted. Just be patient as the data comes in.

Once all the data is in you will now have the T-3 Fibs ProTrader running on Ninja.

There is no “ containment” window like you will have in Tradestation or MultiCharts. You will have individual windows that you will be able to resize and position on your monitors wherever you wish. Please feel free to position these charts as they best suit your needs.

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Changing the Data on the charts You may wish to trade another market or change the timeframe of your chart. To change the chart right click on it and select format data series.

You can change interval, market and days back settings from this one menu.

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Once you have changed your chart you can apply a template to the new chart by right clicking on the chart and clicking TEMPLATES> LOAD

You will then select the template you wish to apply and click OK.

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TRADING ON THE CHART Let’s take a look at the 576-tick chart a bit closer. You will see on the right side there is what is called “chart trader”. This will allow you to place buy and sell orders and set up an automated stop and target placement that will be placed for you at the time you enter the order to buy or sell. You can minimize this window by clicking the down arrow in the top right corner.

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You will notice on this trading toolbar you will have something called ATM Strategy. If you click drop down menu you will be able to set a custom strategy for the number of ticks to use in your stop and your target.

By clicking the “3 dots” “ … “ you can open a menu to set stops and targets.

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If you where to click “BUY MARKET” this would put you into a position long in the market and would automatically place a stop and a target in for you at your preset number of ticks. Here is an example chart of what that looks like.

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An added benefit to on screen trading if you use multiple timeframes is that the order will show up on all charts in the workspace. This will allow you in your study of the T-3 Fibs ProTrader to easily see the relationship between multiple timeframes. You can also move your stops and targets very quickly on screen by just simply clicking the stop and dragging and dropping to a new area.

Once you click close to exit an order the program will again mark where your exit was and remove your existing stop and targets.

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Simulation and Historical Testing Historical testing during your demo and initial educational period is very important to understand the value of the T-3 Fibs ProTrader. Ninja Trader has the ability to record historical data and not only see what happened in the past but gives you the ability to “RE-TRADE” that data as many times as you wish. The process for doing this is best described in a video that is produced by Ninja Trader.

To import historical data into your ninja trader so that you can really go back and study your charts and more importantly see how the software and data interacted with each other live you will need to receive folder containing the data that can be downloaded from the NexGen Software website at You will save this data in the Ninja trader\db\data folder.

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To record your own data daily you will need to enable this feature. This will allow you to build a database of market replay data so you will be able to go back and practice on past data on the market of your choosing. To do this from the TOOLS> OPTIONS menu on Ninja Trader

Select the data tab and make sure you check RUN MARKET REPLAY RECORDER and then click OK.

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Replay Data and Historical Simulation To connect to replay data in order to view history as if it where live, first you must make sure you are not connected to any feeds and you do not have any workspaces open. Then Click FILE>CONNECT>MARKET REPLAY CONNECTION>”SELECT DATE”.

This will bring up whatever data was recorded for that day and play it live. You will have the ability by using the control to speed up or slow down or pause the data. To

speed up the data simply hit the fast forward button >>. Slow it by hitting play.

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You will then need to open the Nexgen workspace that you wish to view. Do this by selecting FILE> WORKSPACES> OPEN WORKSPACE> “workspace name”. You will then have a chart that you can view and trade as if it where live.

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Should you fast forward using the slide bar and your indicators become corrupt see picture below and notice how the magenta trigger lines are not plotting correctly.

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You will need to right click on the chart and then click reload Ninja Script. This will fix any problems that you have with the indicators. You may do that as often as needed.

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Historical Trading on charts You will be able to place buy and sell orders on the charts as if it where live. You will also be able to move your stops and targets. This will be an invaluable tool when learning to use the T-3 FibsProTrader in your trading.

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Clearing Historical and Simulated Trades from Charts You will be able to simulate and then clear your charts to start over whenever you wish. To do this from control center click TOOLS> OPTIONS> SIMULATOR TAB

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Then you will click the reset button to clear your simulator. Notice you have trades on chart prior to this action.

Then you will make sure you check the clear history box and click ok.

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After you have cleared the history you will see that your trades on the chart will be gone. This will be helpful to you when you are practicing simulation on historical data and wish to trade a day over and over again until you get it right.

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Drawing Tools Drawing tools in Ninja Trader can be accessed from a simple drop down menu. The tools are standard tools that you will find in most charting programs.

You can stay in drawing mode or exit drawing mode after plot by toggling “stay in drawing mode” from the drawing menu.

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To format a drawing object after you have plotted it and to make the format default you will just plot an object by selecting which one you wish to plot then drag and drop it on the chart. You can then right click on that object to format it.

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Formatting Indicators To change the format of the T-3 Fibs ProTrader or any of the other indicators you will simply right click on the chart or “Control I “ to get to the menu.

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Once you are into the format screen you will simply pick the indicator you wish to format and change the settings to what you wish them to be.

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To change the visual format of the indicators just EXPAND the display by clicking the + sign.

For example to change color you simply click in the color box and select from menu. The same can be done for any setting.

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There are a couple of indicators that you would like to see update each tick, T-3 Macd BB lines and T-3 Trigger Lines. You will need to go to the portion of the window that calculates on bar close and set to false. By default the T-3 Fibs ProTrader should ALWAYS wait for each bar to close before calculating.

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TIME FORMATING ON CHARTS If you are not in the time zone of your exchange you trade or in another country it may be necessary for you to adjust the minute charts in your workspace so the data will accurately be reflected. This is not needed on TICK charts. To do this right click on the chart and go to chart properties.

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Then you will format your local time start of the session and end of the session. This example is for USA central time zone, which is in line with the CME exchange. IF YOU CHANGE THIS YOU MUST SHUT DOWN NINJA AND RESTART IT TO HAVE THE CHANGES TAKE EFFECT!

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SCALING YOUR CHARTS You will also be able to move the chart around and expand or contract the scaling of the chart and indicators like the T-3 Macd BB lines by holding down the left mouse either on the chart or on the X or Y axis and dragging.

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You can also scroll your charts or adjust the width of the bars themselves by holding down the ALT button and simultaneously using the up down left right arrows.

If you choose to change the layout of the charts you can save this new workspace as your own by clicking the file workspace save as menu.

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You will then be prompted to name your workspace.

Thank you again for taking the time to beta the T-3 Fibs ProTrader. Any suggestions you may have for instructions or use of the software in Ninja Trader that we can add to an upcoming user guide please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] John Novak

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