
Local Disability Action Plans2008-2010

in 4 municipalities in MacedoniaAfrim Ilijazi, Handicap International South East Europe

Developing local Disability Action Plans as an instrument for

ensuring equal treatment and life free of discrimination at a

local level in Macedonia



Preliminary training seminar for DPOs Approaching municipalities Signed memorandum of understanding Forming a working group for designing

the draft version of LDAPOrganizing trainings for the working

groupsIdentification of needs, obstacles and

establishment of reliable local dataOrganizing workshops for drafting of


Steps taken after draft version

Organized public debatesFinal version of LDAPPublication of LDAP Lobbying activities for adoption of

LDAP Adoption of Disability Action Plan by

Local Government Announcement and Promotion of the

publicationImplementation of LDAP

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

8. Adoption of LDAP

8. Adoption of LDAP

9. Promotion

9. Promotion

7. Lobbing Activities

7. Lobbing Activities

6. Public debates

6. Public debates

5. Development of LDAP

5. Development of LDAP

4. Training working group

4. Training working group

3. Forming working group

3. Forming working group

2. Negotiation and agreement

2. Negotiation and agreement

10. Implementation

10. Implementation

Local Disability Action PlanLifecycle

Local Disability Action PlanLifecycle

1. Introduction1. Introduction

8. Adoption of LDAP8. Adoption of LDAP

9. Promotion9. Promotion

7. Lobbing Activities7. Lobbing Activities

6. Public debates6. Public debates

5. Development of LDAP

5. Development of LDAP

4. Training working group

4. Training working group

3. Forming working group

3. Forming working group

2. Negotiation and agreement

2. Negotiation and agreement

10. Implementation

10. Implementation

Local Disability Action PlanLifecycle

Local Disability Action PlanLifecycle

Priority Area-Strategies Raise awareness of general population and

representatives of public institutions about disability issue

Developing and implementing accessible communication tools that ensure people with a disability are given the opportunity to be informed

Progressively implementing better accessibility and inclusion within, open space, transport, facilities and services for all people with a disability

Providing direct services to people with disability and their families

Create employment opportunities for people with disabilities, and to set an example to other businesses and employers in the area.

Inclusive Education

Lessons learned

DPOs need to have sufficient organizational capacity and resources to be able to take a pro-active role in the working group.

DPO should also be aware of the representation of all groups of persons with disabilities.

A previous link or cooperation between DPOs and local authorities facilitates largely the process.

Disability awareness should be part of such a process, and in fact elaborating a LDAP is a good opportunity to make community stakeholders aware of disability.

The involvement of the local authority or council from the start is extremely important in order that the ownership of the LDAP already partly is theirs.

The LDAP should as well have a clear and realistic finance plan, which makes it more easy to incorporate in the municipal budget.

Objective Action Target date


Indicator Needed recourses

Developing and implementing accessible communication tools that ensure people with a disability are given the opportunity to be informed

Production of material in alternative formats including audio and zoom printing

Continuously 2008-210

Municipality of Veles Number of

beneficiaries using the information Number of requested information

Human and material recourses ensured by municipality Veles

Opening of information office within municipalities for PWD

January-May 2008

Municipality of Veles

Number of beneficiaries requesting informationThe information office

Human and material recourses ensured by municipality Veles

Making website of municipality accessible for people with disability

January –April 2008

Municipality of Veles and Association Open the Windows

Accessible web site Number of visitors

Human and material recourses ensured by municipality Veles

Table of Implementation – extract from a local action plan

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