Page 1: Localized boundary-domain integral equation formulation for … · The boundary integral equation method/boundary element method (BIEM/ BEM) is a well established tool for solution

Georgian Math. J. 17 (2010), 469–494DOI 10.1515/GMJ.2010.025 © de Gruyter 2010

Localized boundary-domain integral equationformulation for mixed type problems

Otar Chkadua, Sergey E. Mikhailov and David Natroshvili

Abstract. Some modified direct localized boundary-domain integral equations (LBDIEs)systems associated with the mixed boundary value problem (BVP) for a scalar “Laplace”PDE with variable coefficient are formulated and analyzed. The main results establishedin the paper are the LBDIEs equivalence to the original variable-coefficient BVPs and theinvertibility of the corresponding localized boundary-domain integral operators in appro-priately chosen function spaces.

Keywords. Partial differential equation, variable coefficients, mixed problem, localizedparametrix, localized boundary-domain integral equations, pseudo-differential operators.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J25, 31B10, 45K05, 45A05.

1 Introduction

Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with variable coefficients arise naturallyin mathematical modelling of non-homogeneous media (e.g. functionally gradedmaterials or materials with damage induced inhomogeneity) in solid mechanics,electro-magnetics, thermo-conductivity, fluid flows trough porous media, andother areas of physics and engineering.

The boundary integral equation method/boundary element method (BIEM/BEM) is a well established tool for solution of boundary value problems (BVPs)with constant coefficients. The main ingredient for reducing a BVP for a PDE toa BIE is a fundamental solution to the original PDE. However, it is generally notavailable in an analytical and/or cheaply calculated form for PDEs with variablecoefficients. Following Levi and Hilbert, one can use in this case a parametrix(Levi function) as a substitute for the fundamental solution. Parametrix is usuallyavailable much easier than a fundamental solution and describes correctly the mainpart of the fundamental solution although does not have to satisfy the original PDE.This reduces the problem not to a boundary integral equation but to a boundary-domain integral equations (BDIEs) system, see, e.g., [10, 11]. The discretization

This work was supported by the International Joint Project Grant – 2005/R4 “Boundary-DomainIntegral Equations: Formulation, Analysis, Localization” of the Royal Society, UK.



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of the BDIE leads then to a system of algebraic equations of similar size as in theFEM, however the matrix of the system is not sparse as in the FEM, but dense andthus less efficient for numerical solution.

The localized boundary-domain integral equation method (LBDIEM) emergedrecently [8, 12, 13, 15, 16] addressing this issue and making the BDIE compet-itive with the FEM for such problems. The LBDIEM employs specially con-structed localized parametrices to reduce BVPs with variable coefficients to local-ized boundary-domain integral or integro-differential equations. After a locally-supported mesh-based or mesh-less discretization this ends up in sparse systemsof algebraic equations. Further advancing the LBDIEM requires a deeper analyt-ical insight into the properties of the corresponding integral operators such as thesolvability of LBDIE, uniqueness of a solution, equivalence to the original BVPsand the invertibility of LBDIEs. The analysis of non-localized segregated BDIEsis presented in [1, 2, 5] and that of united BDIDEs in [9].

The analysis of the LBDIE corresponding to the Dirichlet and Neumann BVPs,based on a parametrix localized by multiplying with a cut-off function, were pre-sented in [3] and [4].

In this paper we develop analysis of some direct segregated localized boundary-domain integral equations system (LBDIEs) for mixed type BVPs. Our main goalis to prove:

(i) the equivalence of the LBDIEs to the original mixed type BVPs;

(ii) the invertibility of the corresponding localized boundary-domain integral op-erators in the appropriately chosen function spaces.

2 Formulation of the boundary value problem

Let �C be a bounded open three-dimensional region of R3 and �� WD R3 n�C.For simplicity, we assume that the boundary S WD @�C is a simply connected,closed, infinitely smooth surface, which is divided into two nonintersecting, sim-ply connected sub-manifolds SD and SN with infinitely smooth boundary curve� WD @SD D @SN 2 C

1. Further let a 2 C1.R3/, a.x/ > 0 for x 2 R3 anda.x/ D const > 0 for sufficiently large jxj.

In this paper we consider the localized boundary-domain integral equations as-sociated with the following scalar elliptic differential equation:

Lu.x/ WD L.x; @x/u.x/ WD



@xi .a.x/@xiu.x// D f .x/; x 2 �C;



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where u is an unknown function and f is a given function in �C; here @j D@xj WD @=@xj .j D 1; 2; 3/, @x D .@x1 ; @x2 ; @x3/.

In what followsH s2 .�

C/; H s2;loc.�

�/,H s2 .S/ denote the Sobolev–Slobodetski

(Bessel potential) spaces.For S1 � S , we will use the subspace eH s

2.S1/D ¹g W g 2Hs2 .S/, suppg� S1º

of H s2 .S/, while H s

2 .S1/ D ¹rS1g W g 2 Hs2 .S/º denotes the space of restriction

on S1 of functions from H s2 .S/, where r

S1denotes the restriction operator on S1.

From the trace theorem (see, e.g., [7]) for u 2 H 12 .�

C/ (u 2 H 12;loc.�

�/) it

follows that uj˙S WD �˙S u 2 H12

2 .S/, where �˙S is the trace operator on S from�˙. We will also use the notation u˙ or Œu�˙ for the traces uj˙S , when this willcause no confusion.

For u 2 H 22 .�

C/, we denote by T˙ the corresponding co-normal differentia-tion operator on S

ŒT u�˙ D T˙u D T˙.x; n.x/; @x/u.x/ WD



a.x/ni .x/Œ@xiu.x/�˙

D a.x/Œ@n.x/u.x/�˙;

where n.x/ is the exterior (to �C) unit normal vector at a point x 2 S and @n.x/denotes the normal derivative operator.


u 2 H1;02 .�C; L/ WD ¹w 2 H 1

2 .�C/ W L.x; @x/w 2 L2.�



u 2 H1;02;loc.�

�; L/ WD ¹w 2 H 12;loc.�

�/ W L.x; @x/w 2 L2;loc.��/º

we can correctly define a generalized co-normal derivative T˙u 2 H� 12

2 .S/ withthe help of Green’s formula,


�˙ŒvLuCE.u; v/�dx D ˙hT˙u; v˙iS ; (2.1)

8 v 2 H 12 .�

C/ Œ8 v 2 H 12;comp.�



E.u; v/ WD




and h � ; � iS denote the duality brackets between the spaces H� 12

2 .S/ and H12

2 .S/

which extend the usual L2.S/ scalar product.



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In the case of a bounded domain �C and for u 2 H 1;02 .�C; L/ we have the

following Green’s formulas:


�CŒvLuCE.u; v/�dx D hTCu; vCiS 8 v 2 H 1

2 .�C/; (2.2)


�CŒvLu � Lvu�dx D hTCu; vCiS � hT

Cv; uCiS8 v 2 H1;02 .�C/: (2.3)

We will consider the LBDIEs approaches for the following mixed type boundaryvalue problem: Find a function u 2 H 1

2 .�C/ satisfying the conditions

Lu D f in �C; (2.4)

rSDuC D '0 on SD; (2.5)

rSNTCu D 0 on SN ; (2.6)


'0 2 H12

2 .SD/; 0 2 H� 12

2 .SN /; f 2 H 02 .�

C/: (2.7)

Equation (2.4) is understood in the distributional sense, condition (2.5) is under-stood in the trace sense, while equality (2.6) is understood in the functional sensein accordance with (2.1).

We have the following well-known uniqueness and existence result (see,e.g., [7]).

Theorem 2.1. (i) The homogeneous mixed BVP has only a trivial solution.

(ii) Let the inclusions (2.7) be satisfied. Then the corresponding nonhomoge-neous mixed BVP is uniquely solvable.

Proof. The uniqueness result immediately follows from Green’s formula (2.2)with v D u as a solution of the corresponding homogeneous boundary value prob-lem. The existence result follows directly from the weak variational formulationof the above problems and the Lax–Milgram theorem.

As we have already mentioned in the Introduction, our main goal is to reducethe mixed BVP to the equivalent localized boundary-domain integral equationsand prove the invertibility of the corresponding nonstandard integral operators inappropriately chosen function spaces.



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3 Localized boundary-domain integral equations approach

3.1 Basic integral relations

Denote by P1.x; y/ the parametrix (Levi function) of the operator L.x; @x/ con-sidered in [1],

P1.x; y/ D �1

4�a.y/jx � yj; x; y 2 R3; x ¤ y;

with the property

L.x; @x/P1.x; y/ D ı.x � y/CR1.x; y/;

where ı. � / is the Dirac distribution and

R1.x; y/ D



xi � yi

4�a.y/jx � [email protected]/

@xi; x; y 2 R3; x ¤ y;

possesses a weak singularity of type O.jx � yj�2/ for small jx � yj.Let Xk" be the subclass of cut-off functions introduced in [3, 4].

Definition 3.1. We say that � 2 Xk" if

� 2 C k.R3/; k � 0;

�.x/ � 0 8 x 2 R3;

�.0/ D 1; �.x/ D 0 for jxj � " > 0;

and �.x/ De�.jxj/, wheree� is a non-increasing function on Œ0;C1/.

Further we define a localized parametrix

P.x; y/ � P�.x; y/ D P1.x; y/�.x � y/; x; y 2 R3;

with � 2 Xk" .It is clear that

L.x; @x/P.x; y/ D ı.x � y/CR.x; y/;



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where � is the Laplace operator, � D @21 C @22 C @

23 and

R.x; y/ � R�.x; y/

D �1



��x�.x � y/

jx � yjC 2



@�.x � y/





jx � yj








�.x � y/

jx � yj

³; x; y 2 R3: (3.1)

We see that the function R.x; y/ possesses a weak singularity O.jx � yj�2/.For v.x/ WD P.x; y/ and u 2 H

1;02 .�C/, we obtain from (2.3) the third

Green’s identities,

uCRCu � V.TCu/CW.uC/ D PC.Lu/ in �C; (3.2)

RCu � V.TCu/CW.uC/ D PC.Lu/ in ��; (3.3)


Vg.y/ WD �



P.x; y/g.x/dSx;

Wg.y/ WD �



ŒT .x; n.x/; @x/P.x; y/�g.x/dSx;

P˙g.y/ WD


�˙P.x; y/g.x/dx; R˙g.y/ WD


�˙R.x; y/g.x/dx:

We denote by V , W the direct values of the surface potentials, which generate theboundary operators on S , i.e.,

Vg.y/ WD �



P.x; y/g.x/dSx;

Wg.y/ WD �



ŒT .x; n.x/; @x/P.x; y/�g.x/dSx :

Moreover, let

Pg.y/ WD


R3P.x; y/g.x/dx; Rg.y/ WD


R3R.x; y/g.x/dx;

W 0g.y/ WD �



ŒT .y; n.y/; @y/P.x; y/�g.x/dSx ;

L˙g WD ŒT Wg�˙S ; R˙Cu WD ŒRCu�˙S ; P˙C u WD ŒPCu�

˙S :

Due to the results obtained in [4] these operators are well defined. In the nextsubsection we collect some auxiliary material needed in our analysis (for detailssee [1, 4]).



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3.2 Properties of potentials

Theorem 3.2. The operators

V W H� 12

2 .S/! H 12 .�

˙/ with � 2 X1" ;

W W H12

2 .S/! H 12 .�

˙/ with � 2 X2" ;

V W H12

2 .S/! H 22 .�

˙/ with � 2 X2" ;

are continuous. Moreover, suppVg and suppW h are localized in the closed "

neighbourhood of the surface S , and for g 2 H� 12

2 .S/ and h 2 H12

2 .S/ we have,

L.y; @y/Vg 2 H02 .�

˙/ if � 2 X2" and L.y; @y/W h 2 H02 .�

˙/ if � 2 X3" :

Denote by P0 D aP the pseudodifferential operator of order �2 with the sym-bol ./,

P0g D F �1¹./F gº;

./ � �./ D Fx!�





iD �





Z 1


e�0.�/ cos.�jj/d�:

where F and F �1 are the direct and the inverse Fourier transform. For � 2 X1�this implies

c1.1C jj/�2 � j./j � c2.1C jj/

�2; 2 R3:

Then we have the representations

V0g D aVg D �F �1¹./F .gıS /º D �P0.gıS /; (3.4)

W0h D aW h D �F �1¹./F Œ�@n.ahıS /�º D �P0Œ�@n.ahıS /�; (3.5)

where the singular distributions @n.ahıS / and gıS are defined as follows [14]:

[email protected]ıS /; 'iR3 WD �




hgıS ; 'iR3 WD



g'dS 8' 2 D.R3/:


Further, denote by M the pseudodifferential operator of order 2, the inverse to P0,

Mg D F �1¹m./F gº; m./ D1




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The operators

M W H t2.R

3/! H t�22 .R3/ for arbitrary t 2 R;

S.R3/! S.R3/;

S 0.R3/! S 0.R3/;

P0 W Ht2.R

3/! H tC22 .R3/ for arbitrary t 2 R;

S.R3/! S.R3/;

S 0.R3/! S 0.R3/

are invertible. Here S.R3/ and S 0.R3/ are the Schwartz spaces of rapidly decreas-ing functions and tempered distributions respectively.

Theorem 3.3. Let g 2 H� 12

2 .S/, and h 2 H12

2 .S/. Then there hold the followingjump relations on S :

ŒVg�˙ D Vg; � 2 X1" ;

ŒW h�˙ D �1

2hCWh; � 2 X2" ;

ŒT Vg�˙ D ˙1

2g CW 0g; � 2 X2" ;

ŒT W h�C � ŒT W h�� D LCh �L�h D@a

@nh; � 2 X3" :

Theorem 3.4. The operators

V W H� 12

2 .S/! H12

2 .S/; � 2 X1" ;

W W H12

2 .S/! H12

2 .S/; � 2 X2" ;

W 0 W H� 12

2 .S/! H� 12

2 .S/; � 2 X2" ;

L˙ W H12

2 .S/! H� 12

2 .S/; � 2 X3" ;

are continuous.

Theorem 3.5. The operators

PC W H02 .�

C/! H 22 .�

C/; � 2 X1" ;

RC W H02 .�

C/! H 12 .�

C/; � 2 X2" ;

RC W H12 .�

C/! H 22 .�

C/; � 2 X3" ;

are continuous.



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3.3 Auxiliary integral relations

Let us introduce the weighted function spaces

X.��; L/ WD ¹w W .1C jxj2/�12w 2 L2.�

�/; @jw 2 L2.��/;

j D 1; 2; 3; .1C jxj2/12Lw 2 L2.�


Y.��; L/ WD ¹w W .1C jxj2/12w 2 L2.�

�/; .1C jxj2/12 @jw 2 L2.�


j D 1; 2; 3; .1C jxj2/12Lw 2 L2.�


Denote by `C0 the extension by the zero operator from �C onto �� and by `�0 theextension by the zero operator from �� onto �C.

Lemma 3.6. Let u 2 H 1;0.�C; L/ and v 2 X.��; L/. Then the following rela-tions hold:

`C0 uCR.`C0 u/ D P .�`C0 .au// �P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/;

`�0 v CR.`�0 v/ D P .�`�0 .av// �P .`�0ƒ.v//C V.v�@na/;

where ƒ.w/ WD w�a Crw � ra with r D .@1; @2; @3/.

Proof. Using formula (3.1), the properties of convolutions of distributions and theintegration by parts formula we derive

R.`C0 u/ D


R3R.x; y/`C0 u.x/dx

D �1



C 2r�.x/ � r1


i `C0 .au/


�P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/

D �1



C 2r�.x/ � r1

jxjC �.x/�



i `C0 .au/







� `C0 .au/

i�P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.u


D �1



� `C0 .au/



h.�.x/ı.x// `C0 .au/


�P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/

D P .�`C0 .au// � `C0 u �P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.u


Whence the first equality of the lemma follows. The second equality can be ob-tained analogously.



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Lemma 3.7. Let u 2 H 1;0.�C; L/ and v 2 X.��; L/. Then the following rela-tions hold:

P .�`C0 .au// D P .`C0 �.au//C V.TCu/C V.uC@na/ �W.u


P .�`�0 .av// D P .`�0�.av// � V.T�v/ � V.v�@na/CW.v


Proof. The condition of the lemma for u yields u 2 H 1;0.�C; �/. Therefore foran arbitrary C1-regular test function ' with compact support (' 2 D.R3/) wehave Green’s second formula,


�C.u�' � '�u/dx D



.uC@n' � 'Œ@nu�C/dS;


R3.`C0 u/�'dx �


R3'`C0 �udx D



uC@n'dS �



Œ@nu�C'dS: (3.7)

With the help of formulas (3.6), the last equality (3.7) can be rewritten in the form

h�.`C0 u/; 'iR3 � h`C0 .�u/; 'iR3 D �[email protected]

CıS /; 'iR3 � hŒ@nu�CıS ; 'iR3 ;

8' 2 D.R3/;

which implies

�.`C0 u/ D `C0 .�u/ � @n.u

CıS / � Œ@nu�CıS (3.8)

in the distributional sense in the space of tempered distributions, S 0.R3/. Apply-ing the operator P to equation (3.8) and taking into consideration formulas (3.4)and (3.5) we get

P .�.`C0 u// D P .`C0 .�u//C V.Œ@nu�C/ �W.a�1Œu�C/:

Substituting here au for u we get the first identity of the lemma. The secondidentity can be obtained analogously.

Further, we introduce a pseudodifferential operator R�;0 with the symbol �

�./ D Fx!�




C 2r�.x/ � r1



Simple calculations lead to the equality

�./ D �1


Z "


@2%e�.%/ sin.%jj/d%





Z "


@3%e�.%/ cos.%jj/d%; ¤ 0: (3.9)



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Whence, if � 2 X3" , we conclude that � is a C1-regular function in R3 decayingas O.jj�2/ at infinity. Therefore, the pseudodifferential operator R�;0 has order�2, i.e., the operator

R�;0 W Hs2 .R

3/! H sC22 .R3/ 8 s 2 R (3.10)

is continuous.

Lemma 3.8. Let � 2 X3� and .1Cjxj2/1=2g 2L2.R3/. Then .1Cjxj2/1=2MR�;0g


Proof. Due to the conditions of the lemma we have

g 2 L2.R3/; xjg 2 L2.R

3/; j D 1; 2; 3: (3.11)

First we establish that

xjR�;0g 2 H22 .R

3/; j D 1; 2; 3: (3.12)

Note that the operator R�;0 is representable as

R�;0g D F �1�!xŒ�./Fy!�g�;

where in view of (3.9)

j�./j � c.1C jj/�2; j@j�./j � c.1C jj/�2; j D 1; 2; 3; (3.13)

with some positive constant c.Applying the Fourier transform properties we derive

xjR�;0g D xjF �1�!xŒ�./Fy!�g� D �iF�1�!xŒ@�j ¹�./Fy!�gº�

D �iF �1�!xŒ¹@�j�./ºFy!�g� � iF�1�!xŒ�./@�jFy!�g�

D �iF �1�!xŒ@�j�./Fy!�g�C F �1�!xŒ�./Fy!�.yjg/�:

Both summands in the last equality belong to the spaceH 22 .R

3/ due to the bounds(3.13) and inclusions (3.11). Thus (3.12) holds and

h WD R�;0g 2 H22 .R

3/; xjh 2 H22 .R

3/: (3.14)

Further, we recall that M is a pseudodifferential operator of order 2 whose symbolm./ has the properties

c1.1C jj/2 � jm./j � c2.1C jj/


j@jm./j � c3.1C jj/; j D 1; 2; 3;(3.15)



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with some positive constants c1; c2; c3: Therefore, applying the same manipula-tions as above we easily derive

xjMh D xjF �1�!xŒm./Fy!�h� D �iF�1�!xŒ@�j ¹m./Fy!�gº�

D �iF �1�!xŒ¹@�jm./ºFy!�h� � iF�1�!xŒm./@�jFy!�h�

D �iF �1�!xŒ@�jm./Fy!�h�C F �1�!xŒm./Fy!�.yjh/�:

In view of (3.14) and (3.15) we have that xjMh 2 L2.R3/. Since Mh 2 L2.R3/,the proof follows.

3.4 Reduction of the mixed BVP to LBDIEs

From now on we assume that � 2 Xk" with k � 3.If u solves the differential equation (2.4), then from equations (3.2)–(3.3) we

getuCRCu � V.T

Cu/CW.uC/ D PCf in �C; (3.16)

RCu � V.TCu/CW.uC/ D PCf in ��; (3.17)


2uC CRCCu � V.TCu/CW.uC/ D PCC f on S; (3.18)


2TCuC TCRCu �W 0.TCu/CLC.uC/ D TCPCf on S: (3.19)

To get a boundary domain integral formulation of the above mixed BVP we pro-ceed as follows.

Let ˆ0 2 H12

2 .S/ be the fixed extension of the given function '0 from the sub-manifold SD onto the whole of S (see the Dirichlet condition (2.5)). An arbitrary

extension ˆ 2 H12

2 .S/ preserving the function space can be then represented as

ˆ D ˆ0 C ' with ' 2 eH12

2 .SN /:

Analogously, let ‰0 2 H� 12

2 .S/ be the fixed extension of the given function 0from the sub-manifold SN to the whole of S (see the Neumann condition (2.6)).

An arbitrary extension ‰ 2 H� 12

2 .S/ preserving the function space can be then

represented as ‰ D ‰0 C with 2 eH�12

2 .SD/:

If '0 D 0 or 0 D 0 then we take the canonical extension ˆ0 D 0 or ‰0 D 0

on S .Now, let u be a solution of the mixed BVP. Evidently, we then have the equa-


uC D ˆ0 C '; TCu D ‰0 C ; (3.20)

with some ' 2 eH12

2 .SN / and 2 eH�12

2 .SD/.



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With the help of (3.16)–(3.19) we derive the following integral relations,

uCRCu � V CW' D F0 in �C; (3.21)

RCu � V CW' D F0 in ��; (3.22)



W' D rSDFC0 � '0 on SD; (3.23)

rSNTCRCu � rSN W 0 C r


SNTCF0 � 0 on SN ; (3.24)


F0 D PCf C V ‰0 �Wˆ0: (3.25)

We can consider these relations as localized boundary-domain integral equations(LBDIEs) system with respect to the unknown functions u, , and '.

With the help of the properties of the localized potentials and invertibility of thelocalized volume potential operator, we can easily show that the right-hand sidefunctions in the equations (3.21)–(3.24) vanish if and only if f D 0, '0 D 0, 0 D 0, ˆ0 D 0 and ‰0 D 0, which along with Theorem 2.1, implies, similar toproof of Theorem 3.10 below, the following equivalence of the above mixed BVPand LBDIEs system (3.21)–(3.24).

Proposition 3.9. (i) If u solves the mixed BVP, then .u; ; '/, where DTCu �‰0 and ' D uC �ˆ0, solves the LBDIEs system (3.21)–(3.24).

(ii) If the three vector .u; ; '/ solves the LBDIEs system (3.21)–(3.24), then usolves the mixed BVP and relations (3.20) hold.

(iii) The LBDIEs system (3.21)–(3.24) is uniquely solvable.

3.5 Modified localized boundary-domain integral equations system

In spite of Proposition 3.9, the invertibility of the matrix integral operator gener-ated by the left-hand side expressions of system (3.21)–(3.24) is an open problem.Evidently, the choice of the right function spaces and the proof of the invertibilityof the corresponding operator are very important from the point of view of stabilityof solutions, which is crucial for numerical applications. To overcome this prob-lem, in what follows we modify system (3.21)–(3.24) in such a way that the newsystem would preserve the above mentioned equivalence to the mixed BVP and,moreover, the corresponding new operator would be invertible in appropriatelychosen spaces.



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To this end, we introduce a new unknown function v in �� and consider themodified system of localized boundary-domain integral equations (MLBDIE) withrespect to u; v; ; and ':

uCRCu �R�v � V CW' D F1 in �C; (3.26)

RCu � v �R�v � V CW' D F2 in ��; (3.27)


RCCu � rSDRC�v � rSDV C rSD

W' D F3 on SD; (3.28)


CR�v � rSN W 0 C rSN

LC' D F4 on SN : (3.29)

We assume that

u 2 H1;02 .�C; L/; v 2 X.��; L/; 2 eH�


2 .SD/; ' 2 eH12

2 .SN /;

F1 2 H1;02 .�C; L/; F2 2 Y.�

�; L/; F3 2 H12

2 .SD/; F4 2 H� 12

2 .SN /:

We set

X WD H 1;02 .�C; L/ X.��; L/ eH�


2 .SD/ eH12

2 .SN /;

Y WD H 1;02 .�C; L/ Y.��; L/ H


2 .SD/ H� 12

2 .SN /:

Evidently, X and Y are Hilbert spaces.First we show that if

F1 D F0 in �C; F2 D F0 in ��;

F3 D rSDFC0 � '0 on SD; F4 D rSN T

CF0 � 0 on SN ;(3.30)

with F0 defined by (3.25), then the MLBDIE system (3.26)–(3.29) is equivalentto the original mixed BVP (2.4)–(2.6) in the sense described by the followingassertion.

Theorem 3.10. Let conditions (3.30) be fulfilled.

(i) If u 2 H 12 .�

C/ solves the mixed BVP (2.4)–(2.6), then the vector function.u; 0; ; '/, where

D TCu �‰0; ' D uC �ˆ0 on S; (3.31)

solves the MLBDIE system (3.26)–(3.29).

(ii) If a vector function .u; v; ; '/ 2 X solves the MLBDIE system (3.26)–(3.29), then u solves the mixed BVP (2.4)–(2.6), v D 0 in ��, and equali-ties (3.31) hold.



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Proof. Let u be a solution to the mixed BVP (2.4)–(2.6). It is evident that u 2

H1;02 .�C; L/, D TCu�‰0 2 eH

� 12

2 .SD/ and ' D uC�ˆ0 2 eH12

2 .SN /. Thenfrom (3.2)–(3.3) it directly follows that the vector function .u; 0; ; '/ solves thesystem (3.26)–(3.29). Thus the item (i) is proved.

Now, let a vector function .u; v; ; '/ 2 X be a solution to system (3.26)–(3.29). Taking into account relations (3.30) we can rewrite the first two equa-tions (3.26) and (3.27) as

uCRCu �R�v � V ‰� CWˆ� D PCf in �C; (3.32)

RCu � v �R�v � V ‰� CWˆ� D PCf in ��; (3.33)

where ‰� D ‰0 C and ˆ� D ˆ� C '.Since u 2 H 1;0

2 .�C; L/ we can write Green’s identities (3.2)–(3.3). Takingtermwise differences from (3.32)–(3.33) and (3.2)–(3.3) we arrive at the equations

R�v � V.TCu �‰�/CW.uC �ˆ�/ D PC.Lu � f / in �C; (3.34)

v CR�v � V.TCu �‰�/CW.uC �ˆ�/ D PC.Lu � f / in ��: (3.35)

Since v 2 X.��; L/ there hold Green’s identities

v CR�v C V.T�v/ �W.v�/ D P�.Lv/ in ��; (3.36)

R�v C V.T�v/ �W.v�/ D P�.Lv/ in �C: (3.37)

Again by termwise subtraction from (3.34)–(3.35) and (3.36)–(3.37) we get

�V .TCu �‰� C T �v/CW.uC �ˆ� C v�/

D PC.Lu � f / �P�.Lv/ in ��; (3.38)

�V .TCu �‰� C T �v/CW.uC �ˆ� C v�/

D PC.Lu � f / �P�.Lv/ in �C: (3.39)

Equations (3.38)–(3.39) can be rewritten as

� V.TCu �‰� C T �v/CW.uC �ˆ� C v�/

D P Œ`C0 .Lu � f / � `�0 .Lv/� in R3 n S: (3.40)

Applying the jump properties of localized potential operators, we derive from(3.40)

uC �ˆ� C v� D 0 on S; (3.41)

TCu �‰� C T �v D 0 on S: (3.42)



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Therefore, we get from (3.40)

P Œ`C0 .Lu � f / � `�0 .Lv/� D 0 in R3:

Since P D 1a

P0 is an invertible operator, we conclude that

`C0 .Lu � f / � `�0 .Lv/ D 0 in R3;


Lu D f in �C; (3.43)

Lv D 0 in ��: (3.44)

Further we derive the boundary conditions for u and v on S . From (3.26), (3.28)and (3.29) we get

rSDuC D '0 on SD; r

SNTCu D 0 on SN : (3.45)

Consequently, from (3.41) and (3.42) we conclude

rSDv� D 0 on SD; r

SNT �v D 0 on SN : (3.46)

Thus, from (3.43) and (3.45) it follows that u solves the mixed BVP (2.4)–(2.6),while (3.44) and (3.46) show that v solves the homogeneous mixed exterior BVPin ��. Since v 2 X.��; L/ we can write Green’s formula in ��,


��ŒvLv CE.v; v/�dx D �hT �v; v�iS ;

which implies that v D 0 in ��. As a consequence, from (3.41) and (3.42),equalities (3.31) follow. This completes the proof.

Further, we show the following uniqueness result.

Theorem 3.11. The homogeneous MLBDIEs system possesses only a trivial solu-tion.

Proof. First let us recall that the right-hand side functions Fj ; j D 1; 4, givenby (3.30) vanish if and only if f D 0 in �C, ‰0 D ˆ0 D 0 on S , '0 D 0 on SD ,and 0 D 0 on SN .

Further, let .u; v; ; '/ 2 X be a solution to the homogeneous MLBDIEs sys-tem. Then Theorem 3.10(ii) yields that u solves the homogeneous mixed BVP,relations (3.31) hold and v D 0 in��. Consequently, u vanishes in�C due to theuniqueness Theorem 2.1(i), ' D 0 and D 0 on S in view of (3.31).



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3.6 Existence results for the MLBDIEs system

Let us introduce the matrix operator generated by the left-hand side expressions ofthe MLBDIEs system (3.26)–(3.29)




r�C.I CRC/ �r

�CR� �r

�CV r



RC �r��.I CR�/ �r

��V r




RC� �rSD





SNW 0 r



77775: (3.47)

First we show the following assertion.

Theorem 3.12. The operatorN W X! Y

is continuous.

Proof. Due to the properties of the localized potentials (see Theorems 3.2 and 3.5),it suffices to prove that v C R�v 2 Y.�

�; L/ and r�C

R�v 2 H1;0.�C/ for

v 2 X.��; L/, i.e.,

r��.I CR�/ W X.�

�; L/! Y.��; L/;


R� W X.��; L/! H 1;0.�C; L/:


By Green’s formulas (3.36) and (3.37) we have

v CR�v D P�.Lv/ � V.T�v/CW.v�/ in ��; (3.49)

R�v D P�.Lv/ � V.T�v/CW.v�/ in �C: (3.50)

Evidently, V.T �v/ and W.v�/ have compact supports and belong to the spaceY.��; L/. Let us investigate the localized volume potential

P�.Lv/ D P `�0 .Lv/ in R3:

Clearly, P `�0 .Lv/ 2 H22 .R

3/ since P is a pseudodifferential operator of order�2 and `�0 .Lv/ 2 L2.R

3/. Set g D `�0 .Lv/. Then v 2 X.��; L/ yields

g 2 L2.R3/; xjg 2 L2.R

3/: (3.51)

Next we establish that

xjPg 2 H 22 .R

3/; j D 1; 2; 3: (3.52)



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Note that the operator P0 D aP as a pseudodifferential operator is representableas

P0g D F �1�!xŒ./Fy!�g�;

where the symbol ./ has the properties (for details see [4])

c1.1C jj/�2 � j./j � c2.1C jj/


j@j./j � c3.1C jj/�3; j D 1; 2; 3;


with some positive constants c1; c2; c3:Applying the Fourier transform properties we derive

xjP0g D xjF �1�!xŒ./Fy!�g� D �iF�1�!xŒ@�j ¹./Fy!�gº�

D �iF �1�!xŒ¹@�j./ºFy!�g� � iF�1�!xŒ./@�jFy!�g�

D �iF �1�!xŒ@�j./Fy!�g�C F �1�!xŒ./Fy!�.yjg/�:

The first summand in the last equality belongs to the space H 32 .R

3/, while thesecond one belongs to H 2

2 .R3/ due to bounds (3.53) and inclusions (3.51). Thus

(3.52) holds.From the above inclusions and (3.49) it follows that

.1C jxj2/1=2.v CR�v/ 2 L2.��/;

.1C jxj2/1=2@j .v CR�v/ 2 L2.��/; j D 1; 2; 3;

.1C jxj2/1=2L.v CR�v/ 2 L2.��/;

i.e., v CR�v 2 Y.��; L/. Since Y.��; L/ � X.��; L/, as a consequence we

conclude that R� W X.��; L/! X.��; L/.

The second mapping property in (3.48) immediately follows from (3.50).

Next we prove the following basic invertibility result for operator (3.47).

Theorem 3.13. The operator

N W X! Y (3.54)

is invertible.

Proof. From Theorem 3.11 it follows that operator (3.54) is injective. It remains toshow that the operator (3.54) is surjective, that is, the nonhomogeneous MLBDIEssystem (3.26)–(3.29), i.e., the vector equation

NU D F (3.55)

withU D .u; v; ; '/> 2 X is solvable for arbitrary F D .F1; F2; F3; F4/> 2 Y .



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To this end, first we reduce equation (3.55) to the equivalent, uniquely solvabletwo coupled mixed BVPs.

To derive the corresponding differential equations and boundary conditions werewrite the first two equations (3.26)–(3.27) in the form

.u � F1/CRC.u � F1/ �R�.v C F2/ � V CW'

D �RCF1 �R�F2 in �C;

RC.u � F1/ � .v C F2/ �R�.v C F2/ � V CW'

D �RCF1 �R�F2 in ��;


`C0 .u � F1/CR`C0 .u � F1/ � `�0 .v C F2/ �R`�0 .v C F2/ � V CW'

D �R`C0 F1 �R`�0 F2 in R3 n S: (3.56)

We have the formulas (see Lemma 3.6)

`C0 .u � F1/CR`C0 .u � F1/ D P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ �P .`C0 ƒ.u � F1//

� V..u � F1/C@na/; (3.57)

`�0 .v C F2/CR`�0 .v C F2/ D P .�`�0 Œa.v C F2/�/ �P .`�0ƒ.v C F2//

C V..v C F2/�@na/: (3.58)

Moreover, as in the proof of Lemma 3.6, it immediately follows that

R`C0 F1 D R�.`C0 .aF1// �P .`C0 ƒ.F1// � V.F

C1 @na/; (3.59)

R`�0 F2 D R�.`�0 .aF2// �P .`�0ƒ.F2//C V.F

�2 @na/; (3.60)

where aR� D R�;0; and R�;0 is a pseudodifferential operator of order �2 withthe symbol �./ (see Subsection 3.3).

With the help of the equalities (3.57)–(3.60) we get from (3.56)

P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ �P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/

�P .�`�0 Œa.v C F2/�/CP .`�0ƒ.v// � V.v�@na/ � V. /CW.'/

D �R�.`C0 .aF1// �R�.`

�0 .aF2// in R3 n S: (3.61)



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In accordance with the formulas (see Lemma 3.7)

P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ D P .`C0 �Œa.u � F1/�/C V.TCu � TCF1/

C V.ŒuC � FC1 �@na/ �W.uC � FC1 /; (3.62)

P .�`�0 .a.v C F2/// D P .`�0�Œa.v C F2/�/ � V.T�v C T �F2/

� V..v� C F�2 /@na/CW.v� C F�2 /; (3.63)

we get from (3.61)

P .`C0 �Œa.u � F1/�/C V.TCu � TCF1/C V..u

C � FC1 /@na/

�W.uC � FC1 / �P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/ �P .`�0�Œa.v C F2/�/

C V.T �v C T �F2/C V..v� C F�2 /@na/ �W.v

� C F�2 /

CP .`�0ƒ.v// � V.v�@na/ � V. /CW.'/

D �R�.`C0 .aF1// �R�.`

�0 .aF2// in R3 n S:

Whence, using the notation

e‰ D TCu � TCF1 � FC1 @naC T�v C T �F2 C F

�2 @na � ;

e D uC � FC1 C v� C F�2 � ';

we get

P .`C0 �Œa.u � F1/�/C Ve‰ �W e �P .`C0 ƒ.u// �P .`�0�Œa.v C F2/�/

CP .`�0ƒ.v// D �R�.`C0 .aF1// �R�.`

�0 .aF2// in R3 n S:


Taking the difference of interior and exterior traces on S , from this equation weobtain e D 0 on S . Further, the difference of interior and exterior co-normaldifferentiation operators, T˙, of the same equation gives e‰ D 0 on S . Thus

D TCu � TCF1 � FC1 @naC T

�v C T �F2 C F�2 @na; (3.65)

' D uC � FC1 C v� C F�2 : (3.66)

In view of these equalities, multiplying (3.64) by a and recalling that P0 D aP ,we get

P0.`C0 �Œa.u � F1/�/ �P0.`

C0 ƒ.u// �P0.`

�0�Œa.v C F2/�/CP0.`


D �R�;0.`C0 .aF1// �R�;0.`

�0 .aF2// in R3: (3.67)



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Integral equation formulation for mixed type problems 489

Since the pseudodifferential operator M is inverse to P0, from (3.67) we derive

`C0 �Œa.u � F1/� � `C0 ƒ.u/ � `

�0�Œa.v C F2/�C `


D �MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in R3: (3.68)

Note that

�.aw/ D Lw Cƒ.w/: (3.69)

Therefore we can rewrite (3.68) as

`C0 Lu � `�0Lv D `

C0 LF1 C `

�0LF2 C `

C0 ƒ.F1/C `


�MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in R3;

whence taking restrictions on�C and�� we finally arrive at the differential equa-tionsLu D G with

G D LF1 Cƒ.F1/ � r�C

MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in �C; (3.70)

Lv D Q with

Q D �LF2 �ƒ.F2/C r��MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in ��: (3.71)

Further, from the first, third and fourth equations of the MLBDIEs system (3.26)–(3.29) we obtain the boundary conditions

rSDuC D g1 with g1 D rSDF

C1 � F3 on SD; (3.72)

rSNTCu D g2 with g2 D rSN T

CF1 � F4 on SN : (3.73)

With the help of equalities (3.65)–(3.66) and (3.72)–(3.73) we have

rSDv� D q1 with q1 D �g1 C rSDF

C1 � rSDF

�2 on SD; (3.74)

rSNT �v D q2 with q2 D �g2 C rSN T

CF1 � rSN T�F2

C rSN.FC1 � F

�2 /@na on SN : (3.75)

Thus we have proved that if .u; v; ; '/> solves MLBDIEs (3.26)–(3.29), thenrelations (3.65)–(3.66) hold, and u and v are solutions of the following mixed



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Lu D G in �C; G 2 L2.�C/; (3.76)

rSDuC D g1 on SD; g1 2 H


2 .SD/; (3.77)

rSNTCu D g2 on SN ; g2 2 H

� 12

2 .SN /; (3.78)


Lv D Q in ��; .1C jxj2/1=2Q 2 L2.��/; (3.79)

rSDv� D q1 on SD; q1 2 H


2 .SD/; (3.80)

rSNT �v D q2 on SN ; q2 2 H

� 12

2 .SN /: (3.81)

Inclusion (3.79) for Q follows from Lemma 3.8.Now we show the inverse. Let .F1; F2; F3; F4/> 2 Y be an arbitrary vector

function and u 2 H 1;02 .�C; L/ and v 2 X.��; L/ be solutions to the mixed

BVPs (3.76)–(3.78) and (3.79)–(3.81) with the given functions G, g1, g2, Q,q1, q2 defined by the above equalities (3.70)–(3.75). Further, construct the func-tions 2 eH� 12 .SD/ and ' 2 eH 1

2 .SN / by equalities (3.65)–(3.66). In what fol-lows we prove that the vector function .u; v; ; '/> 2 X solves MLBDIEs (3.26)–(3.29).

Rewrite equations (3.76) and (3.79) as

L.u � F1/ �ƒ.F1/ D �r�C

MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in �C;

L.v C F2/Cƒ.F2/ D r��MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in ��:

With the help of identity (3.69) we get

�Œa.u � F1/� �ƒ.u/ D �r�C

MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in �C;

��Œa.v C F2/�Cƒ.v/ D �r��MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in ��;

whence employing the extension by zero operators `˙0 we can write

`C0 �Œa.u � F1/� � `C0 ƒ.u/ D �`

C0 MR�;0Œ`

C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in �C;

�`�0�Œa.v C F2/�C `�0ƒ.v/ D �`


C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in ��:

We can rewrite these equations as

`C0 �Œa.u � F1/� � `C0 ƒ.u/ � `

�0�Œa.v C F2/�C `


D �MR�;0Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in R3:

since the right-hand side is an L2 function in R3.



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Apply the operator P D 1a

P0 to this equation and take into consideration thatP0 is the inverse to M

P .`C0 �Œa.u � F1/�/ �P .`C0 ƒ.u// �P .`�0�Œa.v C F2/�/CP .`�0ƒ.v//

D �R�Œ`C0 .aF1/C `

�0 .aF2/� in R3: (3.82)

Determine P .`C0 �Œa.u�F1/�/ and P .`�0�Œa.vCF2/�/ from formulas (3.62)–(3.63) and substitute into (3.82)

P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ � V.TCu � TCF1/ � V..u

C � FC1 /@na/

CW.uC � FC1 / �P .`C0 ƒ.u// �P .�`�0 Œa.v C F2/�/ � V.T�v C T �F2/

� V..v� C F�2 /@na/CW.v� C F�2 /CP .`�0ƒ.v//

D �R�.`C0 .aF1// �R�.`

�0 .aF2// in R3: (3.83)

In view of equalities (3.65)–(3.66) it is easy to check that in (3.83) the densities ofthe single and double layer potentials are� �uC@na�v�@na and ', respectively.Therefore we arrive at the equation

P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ �P .`C0 ƒ.u// � V.uC@na/

�P .�`�0 Œa.v C F2/�/CP .`�0ƒ.v// � V.v�@na/ � V CW'

D �R�.`C0 .aF1// �R�.`

�0 .aF2// in R3: (3.84)

Add to both sides of the equation the expression

P .`C0 ƒ.F1//C V.FC1 @na/CP .`�0ƒ.F2// � V.F

�2 @na/

to obtain

P .�`C0 Œa.u � F1/�/ �P .`C0 ƒ.u � F1// � V..uC � FC1 /@na/

�P .�`�0 Œa.v C F2/�/CP .`�0ƒ.v C F2// � V..v� C F�2 /@na/ � V CW'

D �R�.`C0 .aF1//CP .`C0 ƒ.F1//C V.F

C1 @na/

�R�.`�0 .aF2//CP .`�0ƒ.F2// � V.F

�2 @na/ in R3:

From this equation with the help of (3.57)–(3.60) we get

`C0 .u � F1/CR`C0 .u � F1/ � `�0 .v C F2/ �R`�0 .v C F2/ � V CW'

D �R`C0 F1 �R`�0 F2 in R3:



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Restrictions of this equation on �C and �� give

uCRCu �R�v � V CW' D F1 in �C; (3.85)

RCu � v �R�v � V CW' D F2 in ��;

which coincide with the first two equations in the MLBDIEs system (3.26)–(3.29).Now from equations (3.72), (3.77) and (3.85) it follows that

rSDuC D r

SDFC1 � .rSDRCCu � rSDRC�v � rSDV C r


rSDuC D r

SDFC1 � F3;

which coincides with the third equation in the MLBDIEs system (3.26)–(3.29),


RCCu � rSDRC�v � rSDV C rSD

W' D F3 on SD:

Analogously, from equations (3.73), (3.78) and (3.85) we get

rSNTCu D r


CRCu� rSN TCR�v� rSN W 0 C r


rSNTCu D r

SNTCF1 � F4;

which coincides with the fourth equation in the MLBDIEs system (3.26)–(3.29),


CR�v � rSN W 0 C rSN

LC' D F4 on SN :

Thus we have shown that the MLBDIEs (3.26)–(3.29) are equivalent to the coupledmixed BVPs (3.76)–(3.78) and (3.79)–(3.81) in the above described sense.

Now the surjectivity of the operator (3.54) easily follows from the fact that themixed BVPs (3.76)–(3.78) and (3.79)–(3.81) are solvable due to the Lax–Milgramtheorem in the spacesH 1;0

2 .�C; L/ andX.��; L/, respectively, for arbitrary data(see, e.g., [6])

G 2 L2.�C/; .1C jxj2/1=2Q 2 L2.�


g1; q1 2 H12 .SD/; g2; q2 2 H

� 12 .SN /:

This completes the proof.


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Received July 3, 2009.

Author information

Otar Chkadua, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 1, M. Aleksidze St., Tbilisi 0193,and Sokhumi State University, 9, Jikia st., Tbilisi 0186, Georgia.E-mail: [email protected]

Sergey E. Mikhailov, Department of Mathematics, Brunel University West London,Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK.E-mail: [email protected]

David Natroshvili, Department of Mathematics, Georgian Technical University, 77,M. Kostava St., Tbilisi 0175, and I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of TbilisiState University, 2, University St., Tbilisi 0186, Georgia.E-mail: [email protected]



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