Page 1: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Location Map


Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley lies entirelywithin the Lake District

National Park around 6kmfrom the coast at Ravenglass.

Giggle Alley lies within theparish of Eskdale and is verymuch a part of the character

of the village of Eskdale Green.

The forest lies within the LakeDistrict National Park Authorities"Quiet Western Fells" designation and Natural England's "Cumbria

High Fells" character area.

Giggle Alley





Eskdale Green

Page 2: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

Eskdale Green


St Begas School

The Mill


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Photo SurveyViewpoints


Giggle Alley


[� Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley

This map indicates the locationsof panorama photos used tounderstand how the plan arealies within the wider landscape.

This map should be read alongwith the photo survey images.

Page 3: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Current Species


Current Woodland Species




Japanese Garden

Open Glades

Mixed Species

Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley

The area of mixed species includes larch, spruce, pine, cherry, oak, sycamore, birch, rowan, holly and ash

The clearence of windblow from the storm of January 2005 has left new glades which are partly regenerating, partly being planted and partly being allowed to develop as open grassy areas.

The Japanese garden includes species such as Japanese Maple, Magnolia, Azalea, Rhododendron and Cotoneaster

Rhododendron Ponticum is rampant in parts of Stag Wood. In addition Gaultheria continues to be a major problem to the west of the garden. Both species are considered weeds.

The area of mature beech is much valued by the local community and visitors andwas accepted as part of the future character of the woodland in the last plan revision.

The species distribution within Giggle Alley is very mixed and

diverse. This map tries to illustrate the principal species

and areas only.

Page 4: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Recreation and Access


Giggle Alley

Japanese Garden

PO Narrow Gauge Railway Station

Railway Line

!i Car Park & Toilets

!̄ View Point

Public Roads

Permissive paths

Forest Trail

Church Way

Public Bridleway

Public Footpath

Forest Roads

Giggle Alley

This ramped access has been improved and is maintained annually for people who find the steeped access difficult.

The stepped access is the main access point to the woodland.

Lack of signing continues to be a problem and needs addressing.

Managing tree growth and views continues to be necessary as the glades created by the 2005 storm are regenerating with birch and mature oak grow in front of other view.Thinning planned for 2010/11 will hopefullyopen up views again.

Stag Wood continues to be inaccessable to people due to dense trees and rhododendron.

The Japanese Garden is an important feature valued by the local community and visitors alike. Over the last five years the garden has featured in a number of regional and national magazines and articles as well as in a book about Thomas Mawson.

Through the dedicated work of a local volunteer in partnership with the Forestry Commission the garden continues to be developed maintained and expanded.

Irton Road StationRavenglass and Eskdale Railway

Page 5: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,




This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan



Giggle Alley

Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway

Public Roads

Parish Council Boundaries


�) Agricultural

�) Commercial

#* Community

�) Residential

Giggle Alley

The community around Giggle Alley is a mixture of residential and agricultural

with a few community and commercial facilities. Whilst lying wholly within the Parish of Eskdale

the forest is also visited by people from Muncasterand Irton with Santon parishes.

Eskdale Green

This map illustrates the distributionof the local community and wider access routes to and from Giggle


The Parish of Eskdale has a small population which is focused in and

around the village of EskdaleGreen. This is an atractive villagewith a shop, primary school, pub,

and village hall.

St Begas Primary School

Post Office & General Store


Bower House Inn

Eskdale Outward Bound

The location and classification of property shown on this map is meant to be indicative.

Please advise Gareth Browning on 017687 76816 of any errors

Page 6: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Social and Economic


Population density

(People per hectare)

0.01 - 0.10

0.11 - 2.00

2.01 - 3.00

3.01 - 10.00

10.01 - 25.00

25.01 - 75.00

Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley

IMD Score

3.96 - 9.41

9.42 - 13.28

13.29 - 18.65

18.66 - 26.94

26.95 - 37.56

37.57 - 61.11

Giggle Alley





The two maps presented on this page try and give a flavour of

the social and economiccharacteristics of the area around

the plan by presenting viewsfrom the UK Governments

Indicators of Multiple Deprivation data set compiled from the most

recent population census.

This map shows the population density by parish and ward. illustrates that Giggle Alley lies in an area of very low population density,

the Lake District High Fells.

This map shows the level of deprivation as measured by the Office of the Deputy prime Minister. The score is a summary of 7 aspects:- Income, Employment, Health, Education, Skills, Training, Barriers to Housing, Services, Living Environment and Crime. For more information visit

This illustrates that Giggle Alley lies in an area of average deprivation.

Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley

Page 7: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Water, Heritageand Nature



Giggle Alley

!( Historic Site


Extent of Garden Features

Lakes and tarns

Giggle Alley

Possible prehistoric ring cairn

Possible old greenhouse location

Twentieth Centurysmall building platform




Charcoal burners platform

Medieval bloomery including slag and waste

This map presents a sample of sitestaken from a survey jointly fundedby the Lake District National ParkAuthority and the forestry Commissionpublished in 2000. The survey was carried out by the Lancaster UniversityArchaeological Unit and recorded 184 sites within the Miterdale Valley including Giggle Alley

Giggle Alley has a surprising numberof features for a small woodland.Some of these features are associatedwith past woodland industries suchas charcoal burning. One or two aremuch older possibly even prehistoriccairn circles. There are also a numberof small quarries which are thought tobe linked to the winning of stone for the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses, garden terracing and paths associated with the Japanese Garden bringthe historic record into the 20th Century.

Giggle Alley provides a home for wildlife such as a small range ofbirds, badgers, Red squirrel and occasional deer. The location of badger setts is known but not made public to protect the animals from unwanted disturbance.

Grey Squirrels are present in the local area and area.

Deer are occasional visitors to thewoodland but unlikely to bepermanent residents.

Rhododendron and Gaultheria bothpose a threat to native ground floraand any plans to transform Stag Wood to native woodland.

Native tree species such as birch and rowan are regenerating into the glade created by the clearenceof the 2005 storm windblown trees.

Page 8: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,

This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan

Roads andHarvesting

Giggle Alley


Giggle Alley

! ! Overhead Power Line

! ! telephone line oh

� Lorry Turning Point

! ! water supply


Cat 1 Core Lorry Roads

Cat 2 Temporary heavy usage

Cat 3 Light usage

Miterdale Forest

Public Roads

Private Road No FC RightOf Access

FC has right of access up the lane from Eskdale Green to this point only

FC has right of access across fields to Giggle Alley, but fields are often wet and would become significantly rutted if used for major timber extraction work.

In wood extraction is difficult becuase of terrain, walls and avoid paths and garden features

The lane is not suitable for timber lorries to use

Harvesting timber from Giggle Alley poses a number of problems.

Areas for timber stacking and access fortimber lorries to pick up timber are severelylacking. Equally there are no obvious opportunities to improve this situation. Recent thinning has been carried out manuallyusing tractor trailer forwarder for extractionand this seems to be the best way forward - low level, frequent but small interventions.

Overhead Telephone and Power cables restrict felling operations along the boundary with the public road throughEskdale Green.

Page 9: Location Map - Forestry Commission · PDF fileThis map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance ... the Japanese Garden. Lastly the remains of glasshouses,




























2 00









1 70


12 0















This map tries to illustrate the work and actions completed

during the last five years


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings [Forestry Commission]

[100025498 ] [2010].

Date Spring 2010

±Contact Gareth Browning017687 76816

North West England

Forest Design Plan



Giggle Alley

Contour Lines



Giggle Alley

This plan illustrates the underlying landformof Giggle Alley and shows that the

woodland lies on either side the westernend of a ridge that forms the southern

side of the Miterdale. At its highestGiggle Alley rises to just under 100m asl.

Research shows that we look at mountainouslandscapes in a certain way. Our vision is naturally drawn to follow the concavities

up onto the ridges and then our eyes followthe convexities back down again.

Forest design works best when felling andrestocking boundaries do not cross these "lines of force" at right angles. The forest should flow up and down these lines toencourage, as against block, our eyes

from following these landscape features.


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