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Location Recces & Risk Assessment

Location One: Ashridge Date of Visit: 17/10/15 Time of Visit: 4:00pm

In this location I intend to record the ‘dream’ scenes where the main character Alice is going to be wake up within these woods. In these scenes this is where the murder of the mum will happen and a lot of the montage clips with a lot of drama are going to take place, this is going to be the main place where all the action happens.



The lighting within this location can vary, as it is an outside space the lighting will change frequently and this will make filming difficult as it will mean that clips will have to be recorded within a short space of time to make the lighting consistent. This may mean that I need additional lighting within these scenes as it may get darker quicker so we need to have consistent lighting to make it clear what is going on within these scenes. Although having shadows within the scenes outside and the cast over of tree’s and other elements that effect the lighting is going to cause a horror effect and so may work in our advantage if the lighting is a little darker.

Noise Level:

At the time the noise level was very quiet and secluded, the deeper into the woods we got the quieter it was and it enabled there to be rustles of trees and natural sounds that would be expected within the film. The timing is not very restrictive as I was there for a few hours and we did not see anyone for a while which is going to be very helpful when recording as there will be little interruptions. The distance of recording may cause issues, as when recording outside without microphones not all dialogue can be picked up so this may cause an issue, so I may need to get microphones or dub over the film so that the sounds can be a lot clearer.

Potential Hazards:

The main hazards that we may come into is the risk of meeting strangers within the woods that may present a risk although this is highly unlikely to happen. Other risks may be getting to the location

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and make sure that we don’t get lost when recording. Although the area is rather safe and doesn’t present that many hazards as it’s a very secluded area.

Overall Suitability:

Overall this location is my ideal location for the recording of the scenes I want and will provide the exact setting I am aiming for. The risks and hazards it presents are small and there are ways to go around them such as supplying lighting of our own and/or getting microphones or recording the sounds after within the editing stages. The weather may be an issue as we will be filming in winter so this can mean that the weather can be unpredictable, although dim days and poor lighting may be a good thing as this is in the horror genre so this type of bad weather may actually further the genre and create a scary effect.

Location Two: 5 Norcott Close (inside&outside) Date of visit: 11/10/2015 Time of visit: All day

In this location I will record all the other scenes I plan, such as the scenes that have the main character and the mother arguing and the clips of her going to sleep or sleeping. These clips will be the longest out of the clips shown I will also be recording a small clip of the street.


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The inside of the house can be supplied with either natural lighting or artificial lighting depending on the timing, I will be recording most of the scenes seen at night as the character will be just about to go to sleep and there will be a scene within the daytime but this will end up outside. The artificial lighting may create a yellow tinge to these scenes and this means we might not have consistent lighting throughout so this means that I may have to edit the lighting afterwards. Although the artificial lighting may create the dark shadows that we want ad this can cause the effect of horror I want. The natural lighting will be easy to achieve, although it may depend on the weather, the best time to do it will be midday as this is when it is brightest especially within the winter.

Noise Suitability:

The noise on the inside is very quiet although at times sounds from other houses such as builders etc can be heard so we need to make sure that we record during a time and day that they are not working or this can affect the recording a lot. Other noises will come from people within the house but this can easily be contained by letting them know the times and days we intend to record so that other sounds do not affect the recording. I also have a dog and this may cause some issues with recording especially if he begins barking this means we may have to choose times when he is more relaxed and less likely to bark.

Potential Hazards:

As one scene will be outside the house and will be recorded within the day and night it may cause the hazards of cars and other people getting in the way. As the scene I want to record is in the middle of the road this creates an even higher risk of there being a hazard so we will need to make sure we are extra careful and possible have someone supervising to let us know of any potential hazards that may occur. Apart from that there is a minimal hazard as the rest of the recording is going to be done within my house where there is none too little hazards. Although there is a scene where we want the camera to come out of the window and this may cause a hazard as someone may have to lean out of the window a little and potentially get a ladder on the outside of window to create the feel it’s coming out the window.

Overall Suitability: Overall this location is the ideal location in which I want to record in and it presents very little risks and hazards and therefore will be a safe location to film in. The only hazards it presents is the short scene out of the window where someone may have to hold a camera out of it and go up a ladder but we can take extra to measures to assure the safety of the person. The other hard presented is recording in the middle of the road that again we can receive supervision as to lower the risk. The lighting level is going to easy to achieve as a lot of it will be in the dark or daylight and the artificial lighting can be edited if needed. The noise level can also be contained by recording at various times to avoid disruption.

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