Page 1: Locations of Filming

When filming our media product, we chose areas that we thought would suit the film best and was more convenient for the group. Harlington was our chosen place, which is a small village near Luton. The reason why Harlington was ideal, was because we all attend to the school there, and so could meet up whenever to film. Despite being a small village, there was many places we could film, including the school.

Eric in his room: we used a high angle close up shot as it shows that the character is small and has been forced to back into a corner. The paper was placed in the centre of the frame allowing the audience to focus on what Eric has written.

Isolation shot: we used an establishing shot for this shot to show that Eric has been isolated from the outside. It also shows Eric blowing out smoke from the cigarette whilst everyone carries on with their everyday agendas, implying how isolated he feels.

School Montage: we used establishing shots for the montage scene as it sets the scene of where our media product will be placed at. We used a worm’s eye view shot, a tracking shot and a close up shot when Eric arrives at the school. This was so we could see his emotion of returning to the place which he dreaded. The worm’s eye view shows just his shoes, making the scene more sinister connoting to the genre of a thriller.


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