Page 1: Log 8: Hell's Eternal Fires

You have just entered room "PA DBZ RPG Darkness Saga."Raditz52 has entered the room.PAandroidX has entered the room.SoulBomb77 has entered the room.Karthias01 has entered the room.Taroek36 has entered the room.Ztark has entered the room.xavosbourn has entered the room.BlkDrgn246 has entered the room.KrayziePardus has entered the room.SagaManDarkness: ((Once everyone is here, we will begin. You may begin early, on the RULES.))DarkSlayer717 has entered the room.SagaManDarkness: ((Attack order should be: |MT|, Pai, 16, Pardus, Reno, Xar, Raz, |Goten|, Karth, X, Wolf, Kash. SSJ's attack after 5 people, so after Xar and after Kash, for remainder of battle))SagaManDarkness: ((If you have Senzus, please state how many, now))Karthias01: ((1))BlkDrgn246: ((I have 1 energy bean))Ztark: ((One))DarkSlayer717: ((four))SoulBomb77: ((Energy beans=1/4))Mooja3 has entered the room.SagaManDarkness: ((Once everyone is here, we will begin. You may begin early, on the RULES.))SagaManDarkness: ((We will wait 4 more minute for Wolfwood and Goten))SagaManDarkness: ((Attack order should be: |MT|, Pai, 16, Pardus, Reno, Xar, Raz, |Goten|, Karth, X, Wolf, Kash. SSJ's attack after 5 people, so after Xar and after Kash, for remainder of battle))Ztark: ((The rules say I should do special attacks now, but does that mean now now, or when we're ready?))SagaManDarkness: ((Now))Ztark: ::swift-parry::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 1 5-sided die: 2Mooja3: ((can use my transformation now?))SagaManDarkness: ((No.))WolfwoodTheCross has entered the room.SagaManDarkness: ((Once everyone is here, we will begin. You may begin early, on the RULES.))SagaManDarkness: (Attack order should be: |MT|, Pai, 16, Pardus, Reno, Xar, Raz, |Goten|, Karth, X, Wolf, Kash. SSJ's attack after 5 people, so after Xar and after Kash, for remainder of battle. If Goten isn't here, we won't replace, and turns stay)Mooja3: ((just so everyone knows brolli is having ISP trouble and said that lz should play for him till he gets back online))SagaManDarkness: ((Chibi Goten is now officially absent, and will not be participating here. He will be penalized, as well.))

Page 2: Log 8: Hell's Eternal Fires

SagaManDarkness: ((The next useless IM I get will cost the sender 500 RPG credits.))SagaManDarkness: ((Alright, we can begin))SagaManDarkness: ((You can see the attack order. Brolli and Mirai Trunks will use SSJ on their first turn, and then attack after Xar, and then after Kashini))SagaManDarkness: ((State KI costs with all attacks, and bonuses gained by your transformations.))SagaManDarkness: ((Does anyone not understand a rule?))SagaManDarkness: ((Reno, Raziel and Karthias should have the only Beans, aside from the enemies))SagaManDarkness: ((We will begin with storyline.))SagaManDarkness: ((Oh, one last inquiery; is anyone NOT on A2?))Taroek36: (( brb ))SagaManDarkness: ((Alright. Storyline. No talking. If I see a "Now I'm back" or something in the middle of this, you will be penalized just the same))SagaManDarkness: The warriors of Earth gathered on Kami's platform, knowing the date had drawn close, and Janemba was looking for his battle.SagaManDarkness: They hadn't seen Evangelion around, although rumours circulated that he had been given a type of 'promotion' in Heaven, and was now working with a Cherubim on that world.SagaManDarkness: Without any type of warning, even for the Warriors, fire reemed down from the sky, scorching down onto the platform. The Warriors backed off, watching the flames seemingly end at the ground of the tower.SagaManDarkness: Out stepped Janemba, his now-familiar goat body creating tension in all who partook his sight.SagaManDarkness: Paikuhan nodded, before looking upwards, seeing Brolli in the sky above him, landing slowly.SagaManDarkness: Once his feet hit the ground, the Saiyan grinned insanely, before looking at Janemba, who couldn't help but smile.SagaManDarkness: With that, the demon raised his hands, and balls of fire appeared all over the platform, consuming several warriors, before merging with the one surrounding himself.SagaManDarkness: With as much warning as he had arrived with, Janemba - and the chosen warriors - were gone.SagaManDarkness: When the heat subsided, they found themselves in a valley, on an island that none of them recognized.SagaManDarkness: Android 16 decided to check his Scouter for a location, only to find that he didn't have it!SagaManDarkness: He cursed, not knowing what had happened to it, but would make sure someone would pay, dearly, for it.SagaManDarkness: "I see you," Brolli muttered aloud, laughing softly to himself, before falling silent again.SagaManDarkness: Janemba grinned, knowing that the warriors were as ready as they would ever be.SagaManDarkness: With this, he grew, the ground shifting and erupting around him, as his physical form changed and growing, while flames occasionally licked out of the ground to encase a piece of him.

Page 3: Log 8: Hell's Eternal Fires

SagaManDarkness: After a matter of minutes, he was entirely blocked off from sight by these flames.SagaManDarkness: A few warriors stepped forward, trying to get a better look.SagaManDarkness: That was their first mistake.SagaManDarkness: Janemba struck, lunging out of the fire, his towering twelve-foot tall body, with rippling muscle, twin horns, and a thin, end-spiked tail now accesorizing hisself. SagaManDarkness: The black substance that flew from his mouth hit several warriors, causing them to scream in pain as it burned, before solidifying them.SagaManDarkness: ((Android16, Xar, Raziel, and Kashini all take 40 dmg, and are stoned for 1d3+1 turns, rolling now.))*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 3-sided die: 1SagaManDarkness: ((2 turns.))SagaManDarkness: Brolli smiles, before bursting into Super Saiya-Jin. The battle had now commenced.Ztark: brbSagaManDarkness: ((MT, your move))xavosbourn: ::transforms into a super saiay-jin:: (-100ki)xavosbourn: 697,000 pl 706 hp 456(681)ki 54 speed 22 skillxavosbourn: ))((Mooja3: ::paikuhan glows as his legs grow and his chest becomes more muscular:: ((+20kPL +60Max/PresHP +30MaxKi -30PresKi +3spd gains SD))KrayziePardus: ::Burning Attack to Brolli:: ((-30ki))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 90-sided dice: 82 29 70*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 30-sided die: 30KrayziePardus: 30comsny has entered the room.SagaManDarkness: ((Reno Tri-Forms to 279-139-138))Taroek36: :: Stunned Turn1 ::Karthias01: ::Tri-Forms, main has 246HP 248KI clones have 131HP 124KI::xavosbourn: ((do i attack now again or does brolli?))PAandroidX: ::X buster to the giant shiny ape::*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 20 4 24 11PAandroidX: drat!SagaManDarkness: ((How do you have more KI than HP, Karth?))PAandroidX: ((39, sorry))PAandroidX: ((ki used))SagaManDarkness: ((263 HP, Karth))Karthias01: ((oops 264HP on main))SagaManDarkness: ((526/2 = 263))Karthias01: ((ok))xavosbourn: ((umm hey karth can i have my ssj attack after xar please :-) ))SagaManDarkness: ((No, that's next round, MT))SagaManDarkness: ((It's after Round 1))xavosbourn: ((oh ok... heh that was something i was confused about))SagaManDarkness: ((Wolf's move))

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WolfwoodTheCross: ::group heals Kashini and raziel::SagaManDarkness: ((Full? You have 4 uses of that, correct?))WolfwoodTheCross: ((per person yes))SoulBomb77: ((Brolli?Janemba?))SoulBomb77: ((Kahsini's stoned...))SoulBomb77: ((Kashini*))DarkSlayer717: ::....believes that it's his turn, and DS's reno's 2nd clone::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 58 67 84 90 47*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 48 31*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 1SagaManDarkness: ((81))SoulBomb77: ((O.O))SoulBomb77: ((2d56?!))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli laughs again, before lunging at X with his Galactica Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 18 85 72 2 67PAandroidX: barrierPAandroidX: FULL DODGE!WolfwoodTheCross: ((isn't borlli here? why isn't he doing his own character?))SagaManDarkness: ((MT, move))SagaManDarkness: ((Next stupid question is a 500 credit fine))xavosbourn: ((umm im in ssj ..))SagaManDarkness: ((Right. Attack after Kashini, beginning round 2))SagaManDarkness: ((And Kashini was just stoned on her turn. You always attack after Brolli.))xavosbourn: ((oh ok so i attack now and after xar? and kash?))xavosbourn: ::charges::Mooja3: ::thunder flash on brolli:: ((and anyone let me know if your hp gets kinda low))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 37 70 21 5SagaManDarkness: ((+05 KI Charge. Alright. Paikuhan.))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 14Mooja3: ((21 -40ki))SoulBomb77: ::Stoned::KrayziePardus: ::Moko Flare Beam:: ((-43ki))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 90-sided dice: 21 65 72*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 36-sided die: 6KrayziePardus: 8SagaManDarkness: ((To a tree. Fair enough.))KrayziePardus: ((oops))SagaManDarkness: ((You didn't say it. Tough luck.))KrayziePardus: ((its only 8))SagaManDarkness: ((Reno misses his turn. If he is not here by next, he will be fined as Chibi Goten is))Taroek36: :: Stoned ::xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::SagaManDarkness: ((Attack after Brolli, MT...))xavosbourn: ((oh ok sorry))

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SagaManDarkness: ::Attacks X with another pair of energy blasts::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 54 91 61 34 99*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 38 2*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 1SagaManDarkness: ((42))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Karthias01: ::main uses tears of destruction(-50KI) on Janemba and clones use renzoku energy dan(-35KI) also on Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 12 100-sided dice: 67 71 13 94 27 87 71 81 88 11 90 27*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 40*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 10 6-sided dice: 3 5 4 2 4 6 3 1 4 2*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 10 6-sided dice: 5 3 6 6 6 3 2 4 1 2Karthias01: ((114))PAandroidX: ::X spits at broli:: That's nothing you monkey! X-buster! ((-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 13 60 55 47SoulBomb77: ((I believe someone else is at Reno's computer,judging from the pair of messages I got in return...))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 5PAandroidX: ((7....))WolfwoodTheCross: ::prays to god as well as his kaistar::SoulBomb77: ((And now I'm sure of it.))SagaManDarkness: ((Well, that's too bad for him.))SoulBomb77: ((Janemba's turn))SagaManDarkness: *The blade glows faintly, but lacks... 'reason'... Or so the warriors feel*WolfwoodTheCross: ((no. Brolli and Trunks turn))DarkSlayer717: ((no, kashinis))WolfwoodTheCross: ((kashini is stoned))SoulBomb77: ((Kashini's STONED))DarkSlayer717: ::fires his Dark Slash on Reno's first clone::Raditz52: {{heh i guess being stoned was a good thing on my part}}*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 40 86 99 15 40*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 56 37WolfwoodTheCross: ((its Brolli and Trunks Turn!))*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 5SagaManDarkness: ((No, it's not!))WolfwoodTheCross: ((i thought they went after Kashini?))SagaManDarkness: ((Be quiet, Wolf. If I wanted him not to, I'd say so.))))SagaManDarkness: ((Very dead clone))WolfwoodTheCross: ((::nods::-))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli uses another Crusher on X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 47 50 47 83 99PAandroidX: barrierxavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Mooja3: ::tf to brolli:: ((-40 ki))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 69 25 39 37

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*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 40Mooja3: ((47 woot!))SoulBomb77: ::16 tests his joints,then smiles as a cage of electricity forms around everyone::SoulBomb77: ((-50 ki))KrayziePardus: ::Moko Flare Beam to Brolli, instead of tree:: ((-43ki))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 90-sided dice: 14 33 67*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 36-sided die: 22KrayziePardus: 24SagaManDarkness: *Reno takes 1 turn of being fined*Taroek36: :: Tri-Form. 179-89-90 :: BlkDrgn246: ::Raziel blinks as his stone state wears off and fires a Burning Attack at Brolli:: ((-30ki))SagaManDarkness: ((179?))SagaManDarkness: ((169))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 3 70-sided dice: 3 21 57*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 30-sided die: 5BlkDrgn246: ((5.......))SagaManDarkness: ((169-85-84))Taroek36: (( ok ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli uses his Crusher on X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 66 3 11 42 51*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 14 20*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: 108xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba :: -70 kiBlkDrgn246: ((I'm suffering from some Lag so dont be mad if my attacks and such are a little late))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 49 55 38 72 62*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 27*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3xavosbourn: ((78))Karthias01: ::all attack Janemba with Tears of Destruction(-50KI) ::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 12 100-sided dice: 28 2 51 64 17 50 77 85 41 99 4 56*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 3 45-sided dice: 2 24 19Karthias01: ((49))SagaManDarkness: ((51))PAandroidX: ::X fires an X-buster at his main tormentor:: ((-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 12 31 6 46*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 19PAandroidX: ((42, w00t!))WolfwoodTheCross: ::prays he will be enough to help even without his blade and dual smashes his Cross punisher:: ::*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 4 80-sided dice: 58 40 69 4*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 1 16-sided die: 4WolfwoodTheCross: ((22))

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SagaManDarkness: ((It hits a tree.))WolfwoodTheCross: ((brolli))WolfwoodTheCross: ((Do'h! didn't type fast enough!))SagaManDarkness: ((Type it in description))Raditz52: {{am i still stoned or not?}}SagaManDarkness: ((No, Kashini))WolfwoodTheCross: ((no))Raditz52: {{aighty}}Raditz52: ::shakes off the stoned feeling and transforms{{+20 to hp, +4 to speed+10 to ki}}::DarkSlayer717: ::laughs at raziel for not fusing yet, and spits at him::DarkSlayer717: ((main that is))*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 89 37 79 62 25*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli chuckles, before slapping Reno's clone with a Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 77 51 45 74 55*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 1 9BlkDrgn246: ((*sigh* so how many turns is that?))*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((It failed, Raz))WolfwoodTheCross: ((0))SagaManDarkness: ((24 to it))BlkDrgn246: ((oh....))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at Janeba again:: - 70 ki HEY deamon pick on someone your own size*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 82 31 90 7 92*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 23*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: ((99?))xavosbourn: ((105))Mooja3: ((me now?))SagaManDarkness: ((How? It was +10 Bonus last time))SoulBomb77: ::16 tosses his left hand behind him,smirking brightly as it reveals the machine-gun type m(yes))echanism underneath,and fires a barrage of energy bullets aimed at Janemba's head::SoulBomb77: ((ACK!Sorry))xavosbourn: ((its +10 and the signature has its own +2))SagaManDarkness: ((You didn't do that last turn))Raditz52: {{brb}}SagaManDarkness: ((Pai's move))xavosbourn: (( yea i said ki filled bf last turn for 70kiMooja3: ::tf to brolli::*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 60 27 80 38*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 12Mooja3: ((19 -40 ki))SagaManDarkness: ((And you had 27, and 78 total. 78/2 = 37. 37-27 = +10

Page 8: Log 8: Hell's Eternal Fires

SoulBomb77: ::16 tosses his left hand behind him,smirking brightly as it reveals the machine-gun type mechanism underneath,and fires a barrage of energy bullets aimed at Janemba's head::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 78 99 78 73 61*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 4SoulBomb77: ((....12))KrayziePardus: ::Looks at Raziel, and confirms fusion, gets in fusion dance position:: FU-SION-HA!!!!!!!SagaManDarkness: ((-100 KI. Fair enough.))BlkDrgn246: Fu-Sion-HA!*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 6-sided die: 1*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 6-sided die: 2SoulBomb77: ((Sorry,-60))BlkDrgn246: ((whew))SagaManDarkness: ((No, -100, 16))KrayziePardus: ((Ture Fusion))KrayziePardus: ((*True))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 5-sided die: 5*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 5-sided die: 3BlkDrgn246: ((whoops))KrayziePardus: ((12 turns in fusion))BlkDrgn246: ((count was first))Taroek36: :: Main Double Slash's while the CLones Rapid CHop. All To Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 12 50-sided dice: 43 31 38 19 19 13 8 6 37 12 47 17SagaManDarkness: ((1081/829 Fusion))Taroek36: ((Middle missed))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 6 14*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 12 2-sided dice: 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1Taroek36: (( 43 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli throws a Galactica Crusher at X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 56 88 85 61 53*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 33 16*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((51)BlkDrgn246: ((when does Parziel go now? hes fairly fast))xavosbourn: ::fires another ki filled bf at janeba:: (-70 ki ) ((this includes the bonuses....))SagaManDarkness: ((Same order))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 12 98 37 5 90*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 27*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 2xavosbourn: ((39))SagaManDarkness: ((Karth's turn))Karthias01: ::main uses tears of destruction(-50KI) clones use kikoho(-10HP, -35KI) at Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 12 100-sided dice: 50 24 27 89 15 74 47 33 75 17 82 55*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 27

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*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 2 40-sided dice: 18 6Karthias01: ((53))PAandroidX: ::X jumps at a tree, skips off, does a sommersault, and comes down firing his X-buster at broli:: ((-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 24 10 59 16*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 4PAandroidX: ((12.....))WolfwoodTheCross: ::group heals 16 and X +45::SagaManDarkness: ((Kashini has 1 turn's grace, and will be fine next turn on))SagaManDarkness: ((For future reference; if you sign up for a Saga, you sign up for ALL of it!))Raditz52: ::fires pulsar barrage @ brolli{-38 ki}::*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 29 52 55*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 1 29-sided die: 28Ztark: ((I, Reno, is back...stoopid brother...errr...))Raditz52: {{33 dmg i think}}SagaManDarkness: ((You only lose 1000 credits, Reno))Ztark: ((Fair enough.))DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes Karthias' clone 2::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 42 50 33 78 11*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 35 18*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 1SagaManDarkness: ::Finishes off Reno's last clone with a Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 100 52 87 76 99*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 35 10*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((Dead clone. Reno has only main left))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Mooja3: ((is it me now?))Mooja3: ::tf at brolli:: ((-40ki))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 76 68 45 70Ztark: ((Do I have any ds/1.5 slashes left?))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 10Mooja3: ((17))SagaManDarkness: ((Didn't use any attacks, Reno))SoulBomb77: ::aims for Janemba as he fires a Hell's Flash::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 15 9 54 21 60*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 11Ztark: ((Except for tri-form, I see...Anyways...))SoulBomb77: ((26...MINUS 60 ^%$%##%^%$%^ KI!!!))SagaManDarkness: ((Parziel....))BlkDrgn246: ::The newly fused warrior smirks as he begins to summon up energy and fires a Necro Flare Beam:: ((-95ki))BlkDrgn246: ((sry))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 7 93 12 41 45BlkDrgn246: ::at brolli::

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SagaManDarkness: ((In description, next time))Mooja3: ((not a tree))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 3 35-sided dice: 6 16 2BlkDrgn246: ((ok sry))SagaManDarkness: ((26))Ztark: ::double slashes janemba::-((Unless turns have switched))*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 60 82 88 28*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 20 12 26Ztark: 70Taroek36: :: Main Rapid CHops while the CLones Simply Punch. All to Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 12 50-sided dice: 13 31 50 27 48 19 47 26 13 1 50 23*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 12 2-sided dice: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 5-sided dice: 4 4Taroek36: (( 22 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli uses his Galactica Crusher to finish off Karthias' last clone::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 95 30 76 46 77*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 38 31*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((Way past dead))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled BF at janeba ::-70 ki ((includes the additons..))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 74 14 62 18 67*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 58*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 2xavosbourn: ((70))Karthias01: Tears of Destruction(-50KI)SagaManDarkness: ((And clone?))SagaManDarkness: ((One is undamaged))SagaManDarkness: ((Save for -10))Karthias01: ::clone charges (+20KI) ::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 71 83 88 40Karthias01: ::at janemba::SagaManDarkness: ((The attack hits a tree. IN THE DESCRIPTION!))PAandroidX: ::X jumps to the air, then swings around a wire, landing behind broli, and aims his arm at the back of broli's head:: I sure hope this hurts:: ((-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 17 26 11 33SagaManDarkness: ((X. Move. I am now enstating 15 second turns. That includes rolls.))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 20PAandroidX: ((44:-D))WolfwoodTheCross: ::prays once more. hoping to be forgiven for his past transgression in another life and for the power he needs to help keep his friends safe from evil::SagaManDarkness: *The blade responds nearly identically as before*Raditz52: {{fires another pulsar barrage at brolli{38}}::Raditz52: ::*Raditz52: {{my turn right?}}SagaManDarkness: ((yes.....))Raditz52: {{aight}}

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*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 8 57 27*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 1 29-sided die: 27Raditz52: {{32 dmg}}DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes Xar's clone 2::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 2 3 66 20 25*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 11 11*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: ((72))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli finishes it off::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 94 73 96 50 36*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 14 15*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 1xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba::-((-70ki includes the additions))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 18 71 33 5 26*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 17*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 1xavosbourn: (29))Mooja3: ::tf at brolii:: ((-40 ki))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 80 31 69 70*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 39Mooja3: ((46))SoulBomb77: ::16 lets loose another barrage of energy bullets,this time,at Brolli::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 39 19 68 37 68*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 58SoulBomb77: ((120,-60 ki))KrayziePardus: ::Starts to use Super Ghost Kamikaze, and spits out ghosts:: ((I dont have to have a target now do I?))SagaManDarkness: ((no))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 4-sided die: 3*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((60 KI, and 15 for keeping))Ztark: ::attacks janemnba with a 1.5 slash::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 30 42 97 64*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 1 7 30Ztark: 35.Taroek36: :: Main 1.5 Slash's while the CLone punchs All at Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 8 50-sided dice: 36 33 34 18 33 24 43 31*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 3 10*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 1 5-sided die: 4Taroek36: (( 16 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli decides to kill Karthias' other clone::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 60 54 25 88 61*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 4 3*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((........ 9....))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at Janeba::-(-70ki includes the additions)

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*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 60 73 55 66 100*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 33*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 1xavosbourn: ((45))Karthias01: ::main uses kikoho(-10HP -35KI) on Janemba and clone charges(+20KI) ::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 46 44 68 42*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 40-sided die: 24Karthias01: ((24))PAandroidX: ::X flips over janemba's head, then X-buster's broli::*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 28 32 1 21*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 36PAandroidX: ((76, -39ki))WolfwoodTheCross: ::Dual smashes Brolli.::*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 4 80-sided dice: 10 20 2 68*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 1 16-sided die: 10WolfwoodTheCross: ((34))Raditz52: ::fires another pulsar barrage @ brolli{-38ki}::*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 58 54 59*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 1 29-sided die: 14Raditz52: {{19 dmg}}DarkSlayer717: ::DSes Xar's clone 1::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 29 25 11 35 2DarkSlayer717: ((.......))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli laughs in a crazy fashion as he eats a Senzu, before blasting Xar's clone with his Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 92 36 90 19 29*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 8 22*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((64))SagaManDarkness: ((MT))SagaManDarkness: ((MT skips his turn.))Mooja3: ::tf at borlli::*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 36 29 79 80*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 23Mooja3: ((30 -40ki))xavosbourn: ((hey im kinda lagging a bit now..))xavosbourn: ((stupid aim xpress))Raditz52: {{ my heart goes out to ya}}SoulBomb77: ::16 notices how badly his attack damaged Brolli,and this time changes aim to the 12-foot monstrosity,hoping for slightly better results:: Hell's Flash!*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 62 47 8 7 39*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 55SoulBomb77: ((110,-60))SagaManDarkness: ((114....))SagaManDarkness: ((WWMU))SoulBomb77: ((Oh,yeah,thanks...:-P))

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BlkDrgn246: ::continues to spit out ghosts::*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 4-sided die: 2*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 3-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((-75 total KI for the turn))Ztark: ((Who was that?))SagaManDarkness: ((Parziel))BlkDrgn246: ((LZ...Parziels Pl is alot higher now...did the die roll for SGK go up?))Ztark: ::swinsg sword at janemba::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 51 38 98 64SagaManDarkness: ((d71))BlkDrgn246: ((ok))*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 29 26Ztark: 61Taroek36: :: Main SLash's While the Clone Punch's. All at the Golden Boy (aka Brolli) ::SagaManDarkness: ((d31?))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 8 50-sided dice: 21 16 49 30 19 7 7 44SagaManDarkness: ((When was your sig 2d31?))Ztark: ((Yea. 2d31+6))Ztark: ((at 120 skill))SagaManDarkness: ((Yuck))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 1 18-sided die: 16*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 1 5-sided die: 5Taroek36: (( 23 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli finishes off the Xar clone::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 69 25 12 25 32*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 12 10*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba(-70ki includes additions)SagaManDarkness: ((48, dead))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 77 51 67 49 92*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 47*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 1xavosbourn: ((59))Karthias01: ::main charges(+20KI) and clone uses Kikoho(-10HP -35KI) on janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 58 39 55 53*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 40-sided die: 19Karthias01: ((19))PAandroidX: ::X buster to broli:: (-39)*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 13 45 48 33*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 8PAandroidX: ((20))WolfwoodTheCross: ::heals xar and reno::Raditz52: ::fires anothe pulsar barrage at brolli{-38ki}::*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 13 6 16Raditz52: {{*winces*ooooh....miss}}SoulBomb77: ((...Janemba...))

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DarkSlayer717: ::Fires another Darkslash on Pai::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 34 40 75 94 67*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 30 56*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((176))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli attacks Karthias' clone::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 18 41 38 78 80*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 26 17*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: ((Dead clone. 135 dmg))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Mooja3: ::tf at brolli:: ((-40 ki, and prediction on how much longer this is going to take?))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 63 16 59 59*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 1Mooja3: ((8 -.-))SagaManDarkness: ((No prediction))SoulBomb77: ::16 cocks his gun and fires another round at Janemba,using his Hell's Flash::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 27 93 67 84 94*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 56SagaManDarkness: ((Electrical Field is now off))SoulBomb77: ((116,-60))KrayziePardus: ::Still continues to keep spitting out little devilish good-looking Parziel look alike ghosts::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 4-sided die: 1Mooja3: ((i absolutely need to get off in the very near future or i will be grounded, i need a prediction or i wont be able to stay))SagaManDarkness: ((40 min))SoulBomb77: ((Was gonna ask if it went off after my turn or until my next....Thanks))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((40 and 40 is 80 KI for the turn))Ztark: ::double slashes jan. again::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 7 5 22 69*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 19 29 17SagaManDarkness: ((8 Ghosts made))BlkDrgn246: ((yep))Ztark: 77Taroek36: :: Xar Double Slash's at Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 30 29 44 33*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 4 11SoulBomb77: ((...We gotta get Korin to quit giving Insane/Evil people senzus...))Taroek36: (( 19 ))Raditz52: {{LOL}}SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli takes on Android X with a Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 5 9 41 15 27SagaManDarkness: ((Or not))

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xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Mooja3: ((i doubt ill be able to stay on that long can "brolli" take my turns after i go since hes just sitting there watching?))Karthias01: ::charges(+20KI) ::SagaManDarkness: ((Perhaps))PAandroidX: ::an aura of energy forms around X, as he charges his Energy core:: ((+20))Mooja3: ((i have maybe 10 minutes))WolfwoodTheCross: ::sighs and asks for forgivenss more from his past life as Krillin((feels like coming out of the closet.....but in a non gay way)) and looks to all his friends hoping he can stop there pain::Raditz52: ::fires another pulsar barrage at brolli{-38ki}::*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 36 49 49*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 1 29-sided die: 12Raditz52: {{17 dmg}}DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes on Wolf::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 61 17 28 71 47*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 51 21*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((74))SagaManDarkness: ::Attacks X with a Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 22 45 71 11 49*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 9 19*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((60))xavosbourn: ::attakcs janeba for attakcing wolfwood with a ki filled bf:: (-70 ki)*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 49 46 85 72 27*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 53*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 1xavosbourn: ((65))Mooja3: ::tf at brolli:: ((-40 ki))*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 12 45 62 14*OnlineHost*: Mooja3 rolled 1 40-sided die: 31Mooja3: ((38))SoulBomb77: ::16 smirks again, happy to be doing so much in the name of good,and forces another cage of electricity to encompass all of the fighters present::-((-50 ki))BlkDrgn246: ::Spits out more good looking lil ghosties:: ((they're so handsome...err nevermind))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 4-sided die: 2*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 3-sided die: 1BlkDrgn246: ((poo...9 ghosts so far))SagaManDarkness: ((95 KI used))Ztark: ::runs forward and 1.5 slashes jan.::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 78 71 76 58SagaManDarkness: ((409 KI left))SagaManDarkness: ((Done turn 5/12))*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 18 11 6

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Ztark: 44Taroek36: :: Xar 1.5 Slash's Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 48 2 40 19*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 2 9Taroek36: (( 10 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Laughs and smashes Mirai Trunks with a Crusher::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 77 51 98 22 47*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 35 35*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((72))SoulBomb77: ((Wow...Awesome roll,no multiplier...:-P))xavosbourn: ::laughs at brolli:: oh you really cant hit the braud side of a barn don touxavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at brolli (-70 ki))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 8 62 2 90 1*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 60*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((144))xavosbourn: ((yea))Karthias01: ::charges(+20KI) ::PAandroidX: ::X presses start, then turns on rapid fire and auto charge, presses start again, then begins firing at broli:: ((-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 48 11 17 34*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 21PAandroidX: ((46))WolfwoodTheCross: ::prays to god. trying to become one in mind and spirit and shed his sins so he may become a true priest once more::Raditz52: ::fires another pulsar barrage at brolli{-38ki}::*OnlineHost*: Raditz52 rolled 3 60-sided dice: 3 26 14Raditz52: {{ergh.....another miss}}SagaManDarkness: ((Stats))Raditz52: {{>.<}}SagaManDarkness: ((Quiet during this:-))SagaManDarkness: ((In order of attack:-))SagaManDarkness: Ja: Taken 1140 dmg. Br: Taken 355. MT: 634/56. Pai: 334/95. 16: 683/338SagaManDarkness: Parziel: Will use 6th turn here, has 9 ghosts. 1081/409.SagaManDarkness: Reno: 324. Xar: 214. Karth: 253/53SagaManDarkness: X: 194/93. Wolf: 411. Kash: 265/30DarkSlayer717: ::Fires a Dark slash at 16::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 76 85 4 59 16*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 28 32SoulBomb77: ::Barrier::SoulBomb77: ((Ack,laet))Mooja3: ((ok im leaving "brolli" is taking over for me as of now))SoulBomb77: ((late*))*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 4

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SagaManDarkness: 186Mooja3 has left the room.SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli Crushes X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 69 67 57 88 84*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 3 34*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((78))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki :: brolli pick on someone your own size..comsny: ::tf at brolli:: ((-40ki))SoulBomb77: ((Okay,ummm,whoever is Paik should take for X now...))*OnlineHost*: comsny rolled 4 80-sided dice: 53 31 13 25*OnlineHost*: comsny rolled 1 40-sided die: 5comsny: ((12))SoulBomb77: ::fires yet another Hell's Flash at Janemba::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 44 25 69 56 22*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 60-sided die: 1*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 45SagaManDarkness: ((That was funny :-P))SoulBomb77: ((94,-60))SoulBomb77: ((yup))KrayziePardus: ::Spits out more ghosts, then tilts head back and to the side, then grows an evil half smile::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 4-sided die: 4*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((284 KI left, fusion))Ztark: ::slashes jan. with his "holy sword"::KrayziePardus: ((yup))*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 17 95 37 85*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 17 13Ztark: 36Taroek36: :: Xar Rapid Chops. Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 28 35 46 18SagaManDarkness: ((Jan had just taken 1234 dmg... lovely))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 12 2-sided dice: 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2Taroek36: (( 20 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli Crushes X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 3 83 55 4 94*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 32 26*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 4SoulBomb77: ((...KILL HIM BEFORE HE USES A SENZU!))SagaManDarkness: ((180))SagaManDarkness: ((On a 116 HP Android))comsny: ::jumps in using split defence::PAandroidX: Pikhaun!SagaManDarkness: ((How much?))SagaManDarkness: ((leave him with 1?))

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comsny: ((yah))SagaManDarkness: ((Taking 65, then)SoulBomb77: ((Lol,That's just not right))SagaManDarkness: ((MT))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki charge taunting at brolli to pick on me instead of x::Karthias01: ::charges(+20KI) ::PAandroidX: ::X buster to broli's pretty face::*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 5 49 58 37*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 16PAandroidX: ((36, -39ki))SagaManDarkness: ((Wolf already said he's healing 16 and X))Raditz52: ::recharges ki{+20}::DarkSlayer717: ::eats a senzu, and Darkslashes MT::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 22 55 34 54 15*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 54 17*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 5SoulBomb77: ((Ack...))SagaManDarkness: ((292))PAandroidX: trunks....Karthias01: ((.......))PAandroidX: ((can he take it?))xavosbourn: ::laughs at him::SagaManDarkness: ((He has 342 left))SagaManDarkness: ((After))xavosbourn: ((how much ki did that take might i ask))SagaManDarkness: ((It takes a lot, but he has an insane amount))xavosbourn: ((so how much would it be if i peaking it back at him :-) ))SagaManDarkness: ((You have nowhere near enough))xavosbourn: ((heh ok))xavosbourn: ((whos turn is it now.. brollis?))SagaManDarkness: ::Blasts Parziel::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 86 61 78 75 55*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 11 19*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((64))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::comsny: ::tf at brolli:: ((-40ki))*OnlineHost*: comsny rolled 4 80-sided dice: 40 75 65 65*OnlineHost*: comsny rolled 1 40-sided die: 35comsny: ((42))SoulBomb77: ::16 resists the urge to Meter Exchange X,due to the Android's advice,and fires his signature at the insane,laughing abomination of a Saiyan::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 23 44 11 2 6SoulBomb77: ((And misses,using 60 ki...))BlkDrgn246: ::Parziel smirks as he spits out more ghosts, knowing the time to strike was soon at hand::

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*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 6-sided die: 1*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 6-sided die: 4BlkDrgn246: ((sry))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 6-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((sides4))BlkDrgn246: ((errr))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 6-sided die: 5BlkDrgn246: ((IT WONT DO IT))SagaManDarkness: ((.//roll-dice1-sides4))WolfwoodTheCross: ((or let Pardus do it maybe?))KrayziePardus: ((i roll))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 4-sided die: 1BlkDrgn246: ((yea my comp is fruity))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1SoulBomb77: ((That happened to Janemba,only with 5d100...))KrayziePardus: ((Can Raz try and roll again? to test it?))SagaManDarkness: ((No))KrayziePardus: ((Or do i just roll for now on?))KrayziePardus: ((i will, i think))BlkDrgn246: ((i found the prob so nevermind))Ztark: ::double slashes brolli::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 3 43 84 32*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 4 27 1Ztark: 44..Taroek36: :: SLash's Brolli ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 16 33 42 11*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 13 13Taroek36: (( ack ))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 1 18-sided die: 18Taroek36: (( 20 ))SagaManDarkness: ::Blasts Karthias::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 45 5 71 18 84*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 32 7*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((82))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki while smileing::Karthias01: ::eats a senzu::PAandroidX: ::X somehow manages to stay up on one knee and fires another X-buster at broli:: (-39ki))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 32 1 38 58Karthias01: ((can I tri-form more than once in a saga?))*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 26SagaManDarkness: ((No, Karth. And it's Still Karth's turn))PAandroidX: ((well then...))Karthias01: Tears of destruction(-50KI) ::to Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 24 37 76 28

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*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 35Karthias01: ((37))PAandroidX: ::X-buster at broli:: (-39)*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 16 28 40 57*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 1 38-sided die: 24PAandroidX: ((52))WolfwoodTheCross: ::Dual Smashes janemba::*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 4 80-sided dice: 78 79 64 71*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 1 16-sided die: 15WolfwoodTheCross: ((44))Raditz52: ::Recharges ki{+20}::DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes at 16::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 51 26 16 91 36*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 29 47*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((78)0SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli crushes X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 94 61 63 1 14*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 2 9*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((26))PAandroidX: TRUNKS!SagaManDarkness: ((20 HP left on the Android))xavosbourn: ::extreem speed saves him::*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 3-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((Take double dmg?))xavosbourn: ((no damamge __PAandroidX: ::coughs up blood:: thanks....SagaManDarkness: ((I thought 1 was no dmg))xavosbourn: ((its a 3 no damage))SagaManDarkness: ((Why do I always wait until Sagas to test these things...? First Freedom Fighters... then this... phaw. MT move))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::comsny: :: charges ki:: ((+20ki))SoulBomb77: ::Zanzokens in front of Brolli and fires a barrage of energy bullets directly into the Saiyan's face::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 35 15 59 100 61*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 38SoulBomb77: ((80,-60))KrayziePardus: ::Continues to spit out ghosts::SoulBomb77: ((Speaking of which,is the multiplier consider a special attack bonus?))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SoulBomb77: ((considered*))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 3KrayziePardus: ((-75ki to keep right?))Ztark: ::1.5 slashes brolli::

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*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 26 65 86 98*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 3 31-sided dice: 9 14 22Ztark: 46SagaManDarkness: ((59 KI left, Fusion))KrayziePardus: ((for 15 ghosts))Taroek36: :: Xar DOuble Slash's Hoping for Max Damage ;-) ::KrayziePardus: ((yup))*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 30 5 4 4*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 4 1Taroek36: (( 9.... ))SagaManDarkness: ((It hits a tree))Taroek36: (( oh yeah ))SoulBomb77: ((....I guess not,considering Lander's lack of an answer,lol))SagaManDarkness: ::Brolli caughs up blood, before Crushing X::*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 5 100-sided dice: 85 22 95 67 16*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 38-sided dice: 16 31*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SagaManDarkness: ((49))SagaManDarkness: ((he dies by 3 HP))WolfwoodTheCross: ::takes damage:;SoulBomb77: ::Takes the damage for X::SagaManDarkness: 9(Or not))SagaManDarkness: ((Wolf takes))SoulBomb77: ((Drat...I wanted to take...))SoulBomb77: ((lol))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at brolli:: hit me you fool -70 ki)*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 71 20 1 9 20*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 40*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 4xavosbourn: (156))SagaManDarkness: ((Storyline))SagaManDarkness: Brolli growls, before flying backwards at the blast's incoming path.SagaManDarkness: He takes heavy damage, and realizes that this is not how he wants to go.SagaManDarkness: He is nearly invincible, so it must be Janemba that is bringing this upon him!SagaManDarkness: Brolli growls at the Demon, before flying off, to be rid of his misfortune.SagaManDarkness: Janemba shrugs, before grinning evilly.SagaManDarkness: ((Alright. Karth's move))Karthias01: Tears of Destruction!(-50KI) ::to Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 67 41 83 52*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 1Karthias01: ((3...))PAandroidX: ::X hold himself on hand and knee, regenerating:: ((+20ki))WolfwoodTheCross: ::self heals +45::

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Raditz52: ::continuyes to recharge ki{+20}::DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes karth::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 37 84 1 81 78*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 34 17*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 3xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba::-(-70)SagaManDarkness: ((106))SoulBomb77: ((...Is the damage multiplier considered a special attack bonus?Never got an answer...sorry if I'm being bothersome...))xavosbourn: ((i assume brollis gone))SagaManDarkness: ((Generally not, 16))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 64 100 29 77 100*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 25*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3xavosbourn: (74)comsny: ::charges +20ki::SoulBomb77: ::Fires a Hell's Flash at his only remaining enemy::*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 72 90 82 100 91*OnlineHost*: SoulBomb77 rolled 1 65-sided die: 1SoulBomb77: ((...6...-60...))BlkDrgn246: ::Parziel clenches his fists and takes bean as he prepares to use his attack:: I'm am not Raiel nor Pardus...I AM PARZIEL AND YOUR DESTROYER! ::Parziel leans back and smirks as he points at Janemba and launches his SGK:: Bang....*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 15 100-sided dice: 38 37 14 5 34 49 82 56 3 87 86 51 39 1 56*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 15 100-sided dice: 77 60 87 32 39 40 51 7 15 39 50 85 63 67 51*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 15 100-sided dice: 53 27 82 16 34 31 14 42 11 42 22 99 86 95 8SagaManDarkness: ((2 misses))BlkDrgn246: ((yea))SagaManDarkness: ((And that is... 9 accs))BlkDrgn246: ((oops))SagaManDarkness: ((30d100 left))SoulBomb77: ((65d100 total...))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 15 100-sided dice: 8 63 21 28 3 76 51 89 55 61 57 52 85 65 77*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 15 100-sided dice: 63 84 12 86 7 87 38 88 44 16 80 43 23 43 28*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 1 3-sided die: 2SoulBomb77: ((All right...))BlkDrgn246: ((here goes))SagaManDarkness: ((13d71))*OnlineHost*: BlkDrgn246 rolled 13 71-sided dice: 29 48 12 63 41 69 69 38 37 49 9 65 32BlkDrgn246: ((..........))

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BlkDrgn246: ((and that is? got no calc))SagaManDarkness: 561KrayziePardus: ((561 dmg.))BlkDrgn246: ((darn))Ztark: ::slashes jan.::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 66 52 45 89*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 23 9Ztark: 38Taroek36: :: Kicks the Dead clones of Xar as he turns and 1.5 slash's Janemba ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 43 9 46 50*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 4 8Taroek36: (( 12.... ))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::SagaManDarkness: ((Actually, the clones vanish when dead))Taroek36: (( oh Kicks the memory then ))Karthias01: ::fires tears of destruction at janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 3 95 80 87*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 28Karthias01: ((30))SoulBomb77: ((*laughs as Xar slips and falls,kicking at nothing,making himself look like an idiot*))PAandroidX: ::X props himself up on his right arm, coughs up blood, points his X-buster at the huge demon, and fires:: This one's for Evangelion, infidel........*OnlineHost*: PAandroidX rolled 4 60-sided dice: 12 22 23 22SagaManDarkness: ((Wow, what a way to remember Eva by))WolfwoodTheCross: ::heals the 2 X named fighters. X and Xar::Ztark: ((lol))SoulBomb77: ((...))Raditz52: ::continues to charge ki{+20ki}::PAandroidX: of course, it'd be even better if it'd hit ((-35ki, -2hp))Taroek36: (( YaY go X's ))BlkDrgn246: ((moment of silence for eva))SagaManDarkness: ((Moment's up. Kashini's turn.))Raditz52: {{already went}}Taroek36: (( she charged ))SagaManDarkness: ((Ack, good point))Raditz52: {{heheh}}SagaManDarkness: ((Storyline))SagaManDarkness: Janemba growls as the Ghosts explode on him, but grins when he realizes it is all done, and was not anywhere near as bad as he had expected.SagaManDarkness: He then screams, his deep voice rumbling with a ferocity in everyone's mind that they are forced to clench their hands over their ears. Kashini, with her sensitive hearing, begins to drip blood from them.SagaManDarkness: The ground cracks open, and fire erupts forth.SagaManDarkness: ((Are you Good or Neutral, karth?))Karthias01: ((good))

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*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 8 10-sided dice: 4 6 8 2 2 5 3 8SoulBomb77: ((I clal on eof the 2's...))SagaManDarkness: 40 MT. 60 Pai. 80 16. 20 Parz. 20 Reno. 50 Karth. 30 X. 80 Wolf.*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 2 30-sided dice: 9 13SagaManDarkness: ((9 Xar, 13 Kash. Kash takes 50 for the shriek, as well))Raditz52: {{hp dmg?}}Raditz52: {{i will take the silence as a yes}}SagaManDarkness: ((202 HP, Kash))SagaManDarkness: ((Total))SagaManDarkness: ((Mt's turn))SoulBomb77: ((I despise thee,Janemba...))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba :: hey you deamon attack someone else*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 64 68 19 36 64*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 43SagaManDarkness: ((He just attacked everyone...))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3SoulBomb77: ((LOL))BlkDrgn246: (( an estimate how much time left? in incraments of half hour?))xavosbourn: ((110 -70 ki))comsny: ::Charges +20::SoulBomb77: ((Well,gee...3's 7:30...))SoulBomb77: ::Solemnly charges,eyes closed,as he regains his life energy::-((+20))Raditz52: {{correction...7:34}}KrayziePardus: This should shut you up Janemba!! Necro Flare Beam!! ((-95ki))SagaManDarkness: ((It's not 3 hours, yet.))SagaManDarkness: ((It's 2.5))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 5 100-sided dice: 72 53 65 49 56SagaManDarkness: ((Since when we were supposed to start))SoulBomb77: ((Yes))SoulBomb77: ((Since we actually started,2))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 35-sided dice: 19 18 9BlkDrgn246: ((ok..jus making sure my mommie wants to know he he he))SoulBomb77: ((Be safe and go with an hour...:-P))KrayziePardus: ((42? i did in my head))PAandroidX: ((46))SoulBomb77: ((I get 38...))SagaManDarkness: ((48))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 2SoulBomb77: ((Ehhhhhehehehehe...))KrayziePardus: ((amulet :-D))SagaManDarkness: ((19+9 = 28, +2 = 30, +18 = 48)0Ztark: ::uses the only usefull attack he can do. Attacks with his normal sword slash::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 51 26 1 29*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 10 14SoulBomb77: ((I added 8 instead of 18,lol))Ztark: 30.

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SagaManDarkness: ((Umm, hold up 1 minute))SagaManDarkness: ((Fusion, you had 59 KI))BlkDrgn246: ((no))BlkDrgn246: ((i used bean))BlkDrgn246: ((before i launched SGK))KrayziePardus: ((we took bean before launching ghosts))SagaManDarkness: ((Oh? Alright))SagaManDarkness: ((And Field is down))SoulBomb77: ((It is?))KrayziePardus: ((999/990 weird))SoulBomb77: ((Thought it was down after this next turn of mine?))BlkDrgn246: ((read it if u dont belive me :-D...field?))KrayziePardus: ((16's))Taroek36: :: Slash's ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 44 27 11 32*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 1 18-sided die: 17Taroek36: (( 19 ))PAandroidX: ((energy feild, doubles all of energy android's attacks, 16's new shiny))xavosbourn: ::gives pikkon 15 ki from meater exchange::Karthias01: ::Fires Tears of Destruction(-50KI) at Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 96 90 4 66*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 1Karthias01: ((3))PAandroidX: ::kneels down and uses force he.....charge:: ((+20))WolfwoodTheCross: ::goes back to his prayer. trying to be interrrupted from it for nothing but healing his friends::Raditz52: ::continues to recharge ki{+20}}::KrayziePardus: (2 more turns of Fusion right?))SagaManDarkness: *The blade shimmers slightly, but then returns*SagaManDarkness: ((Yes))Taroek36: (( Janemba ))SagaManDarkness: ((Storyline))SagaManDarkness: Janemba laughs, knowing that the pinpricks that are hitting him are slowly adding up to be much larger wounds than he had expected.SagaManDarkness: Of course, they don't know what he has in store.SagaManDarkness: Holding his hand forward, a blade of flame, much brighter and larger than his regular sword, 'appears' in his hand, before he glances at the warriors before him, and lunges.SagaManDarkness: With the Hellforged Blade he rushed past Reno, Trunks, and 16.SagaManDarkness: He ran past the Fusion, the blade trailing behind him in his hand.SagaManDarkness: Xar and Karthias both missed the monster when they blinked, while Android X cringed and fell backwards.SagaManDarkness: Wolfwood was sitting on the ground, the blade before him, glowing softly, when Janemba ran by him.SagaManDarkness: Kashini could only yelp in fear, before the blade was drawn upwards, and brought down.

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SagaManDarkness: Her shriek of terror and pain seemingly wrenched tears from the very air.SagaManDarkness: As the blade sliced downwards, flames flickered, burning her body's insides.SagaManDarkness: Beyond repair.SagaManDarkness: After withdrawing the blade, Kashini fell to her knees.SagaManDarkness: Before her guts fell out, and her head hopped backward, nearly completely severed.SagaManDarkness: Parziel roared in sheer anger, a bestial sound that wrent the very air - the very fibres - askew.SagaManDarkness: The fusion glowed white, before... somehow, De-fusing.SagaManDarkness: Pardus looked at himself, wondering what had happened, but Raziel ran past a snickering Janemba, up to Kashini, before holding her hand in his.SagaManDarkness: Rage and anger, never before felt in him, coursed through Raziel's veins.SagaManDarkness: A hatred so strong, that only Janemba could relate to it, in the least.SagaManDarkness: From within the depths of his body - his essence - Raziel brought forth energy, the glowing green light becoming deeper and more full.SagaManDarkness: The energy moved towards Janemba, even faster than he or Mirai Trunks could follow.SagaManDarkness: It smashed through his blade, sending shards of fire down to the ground, and connected with the Demon's right side.SagaManDarkness: Janemba roared in pain, as the ball seemed to fly through him, but not leaving any physical mark behind.SagaManDarkness: After this, Raziel collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, while Janemba stumbled to a knee, his breath forced and quick.SagaManDarkness: Something happened at this point, that the Warriors could feel, but not see.SagaManDarkness: Something had been severed, but only time would tell what it was.SagaManDarkness: ((MT's turn))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba in anger that he has killed kashini::*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 70 56 75 48 43*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 54*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 4comsny: ::charges and starts to grin:: +20kixavosbourn: ((198))xavosbourn: ((-70 ki))KrayziePardus: ((whats our stats?))SagaManDarkness: ((285 HP, and...))SoulBomb77: ((*sweeps Kashini up* Eeeewwww...))Raditz52: {{XD}}SagaManDarkness: ((((282 KI))Taroek36: (( lol ))KrayziePardus: ((sick))PAandroidX: ((sorry, was i hit?))SagaManDarkness: ((16's move))

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SoulBomb77: ((What about Paik?))SagaManDarkness: ((He charged)0SoulBomb77: ((oh))SoulBomb77: ::Charges::SagaManDarkness: ((Hustle, people))KrayziePardus: ::Fires a Moko Flare Beam at Janemba:; ((-43ki)0SoulBomb77: ((+20))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 90-sided dice: 15 55 8*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 36-sided die: 15KrayziePardus: 17*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1Ztark: ::slashes with his 'holy sword' once more at, of course, jan.::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 94 13 93 42*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 9 17Ztark: 32..Taroek36: :: Double Slash's ::*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 4 50-sided dice: 36 48 22 39*OnlineHost*: Taroek36 rolled 2 18-sided dice: 2 9Taroek36: (( 15.... ))BlkDrgn246: ::Raziel tried desperatly to rise from the ground stumbling as he rose, he stared at the demon with pure hatred running through his veins, every fiber in his body screamed as he charged in his aura:: YOU WILL DIE JANEMBA NECRO FLARESagaManDarkness: ((MT's move))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki while shouting at janeba to attack me instead of anyone of the others::BlkDrgn246: ((or not))SagaManDarkness: ((Now your move))BlkDrgn246: ::necro flare beam::SagaManDarkness: ((Ack, not yours, Raz))SagaManDarkness: ((Yours was that Special))SagaManDarkness: ((Karth))BlkDrgn246: ((huh? oh ok))Karthias01: ::fires tears of destruction(-50KI) at Janemba::*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 4 100-sided dice: 83 95 16 8*OnlineHost*: Karthias01 rolled 1 45-sided die: 39Karthias01: ((41))PAandroidX: ::charges:: ((+20))WolfwoodTheCross: ::sits still praying. as tears fall and hit the blade. crying over the loss of his close friend. his tears touch his blade as he prays more. wishing he could have done something::SagaManDarkness: *The blade hums softly, and glows whiter, before shimmering down a little*DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes X::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 19 48 90 85 47SoulBomb77: ((Janemba is skipped :-D))SoulBomb77: ((Aww darn...))

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*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 39 16*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((114))PAandroidX: Trunks!!!comsny: ((how much can x take))SagaManDarkness: ((He has 61))PAandroidX: ((58))SoulBomb77: ((like 10...))SoulBomb77: ((He does?))xavosbourn: ::extream speeds the damage::comsny: ::takes it useing split::PAandroidX: ((60 then))SoulBomb77: ((What about Hellforged blade?))SagaManDarkness: ((MT called first))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 3-sided die: 3SagaManDarkness: ((The blade never hit him))xavosbourn: ((i take no dammaage))Taroek36: (9 lol ))SoulBomb77: ((...oh))comsny: ::throws all but 1 ki into a ball and charges the gd::xavosbourn: ::charges +45ki:: hey pick on someone your own sizecomsny: ((oops))SagaManDarkness: ((105 KI in it, rounded))comsny: ::now start a gd and charges it::comsny: eveyone charge it!!!!!!!!!SoulBomb77: ::Synthetic tears flow from 16's eyes as he can do naught but charge his ki sadly::-((+20))comsny: ((just state charges the gd))comsny: ((it doesn't take ki fomr u or anything))SoulBomb77: ((I think Everyone that is ki/HP deprived that doesn't have anyhting special should charge it))BlkDrgn246: ((whos turn?))SagaManDarkness: ((Pard's))KrayziePardus: ::Moko Flare Beam:; ((-43ki))*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 3 90-sided dice: 82 8 29*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 36-sided die: 21KrayziePardus: 23*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1comsny: ((idiots charge the gd it will do more damage then any of u can))KrayziePardus: ((I have ki to use to hit))Ztark: ((Helpin' the GD takes away HP I thought. Doesn't it? I'm talkin' for me btw, not warriors, duh))SagaManDarkness: ((Wow, that's Paikuhan to a T))Taroek36: :: Charges GD +10 Ki ::SagaManDarkness: ((It doesn't, no. Does not cost you anything but a turn))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba:: you will pay

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*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 38 69 6 59 95SagaManDarkness: ((The only 'costs' are the initial KI put in, and the recoil roll in HP))*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 41*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 2SoulBomb77: ((Can you add any number of ki into it that you want?))xavosbourn: ((53))BlkDrgn246: ::charges the gd..although hes very ticked off while he does it::SagaManDarkness: ((No. Cannot add your own KI))SagaManDarkness: ((Can only spend your turn charging it))Karthias01: ::helps charge the gd::PAandroidX: ::charges the gd::WolfwoodTheCross: ::Cries softly while praying to god:: Please god. give me the strength to stop the loss. help us defeat this evil and end the blood shed. Please lord help us all ::His tears still flow as his pairs fall on the ears of god::SoulBomb77: ((God*))WolfwoodTheCross: ((and Priars* too ^^))WolfwoodTheCross: ((Prayers*DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes X::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 8 77 82 73 49*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 53 7*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 5SoulBomb77: ((...Uh-oh...))Taroek36: (( umm ouch ))PAandroidX: ((how much?))DarkSlayer717: ((240))comsny: ((bye x))SoulBomb77: ((Over 200,I think))DarkSlayer717: ((244))SoulBomb77: ((Yup...))SagaManDarkness: ((248))DarkSlayer717: ((ouch))PAandroidX: father, into your hands, i commend my spiritSagaManDarkness: ((X has 61 HP))SagaManDarkness: ((No takers?))comsny: ::takes what he can of the damage::SoulBomb77: ((Can I use Life Protection as if the multiplier is a special?))SagaManDarkness: ((No))xavosbourn: ((can i go to 1 hp 1ki for life saving?))BlkDrgn246: ((.......))comsny: ::leaves x with 1 hp::SagaManDarkness: ((Pai has 21 HP left))SoulBomb77: ((...He's gonna ened more than that...))SoulBomb77: ((ACK))comsny: ((any senzus would be nice now))SoulBomb77: ((I think Wolfwood's gonna need to heal...))comsny: ((go mt))

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xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki: Attack me you Sorry deamon... im not going to let ANYMORE people die todaycomsny: ::charges the gd::SoulBomb77: ::Charges his ki,looking at the ground sadly::-((+20))KrayziePardus: ::Helps charge the GD::Ztark: ((How much 'ki' is put into the GD each charge?))SagaManDarkness: ((10 per person, 15 for Pai))Ztark: ::Charages along with the rest::Taroek36: :: Charges GD ::xavosbourn: ::charges+45 ki::BlkDrgn246: ::Cries out in agony for his lost Kashini, while the green ball appears before him again, and fires towards the charging Genki Dama::Karthias01: ::charges the gd::PAandroidX: ::X lays on his back, slowly bleeding from his head, and charges the genki dama::WolfwoodTheCross: NO MORE BLOODSHED!! ::stands and holds the kaistar. it now fully fixed as he runs at Janemba and slashes the evil demon lord::SagaManDarkness: ((That's +90 KI to ball))Ztark: ((Okay, I'm doen chargin' this GD now...We need to kill him now, before more die))*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 4 80-sided dice: 6 21 64 23*OnlineHost*: WolfwoodTheCross rolled 1 60-sided die: 14SoulBomb77: ((Rock on..))WolfwoodTheCross: ((54))DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes X::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 36 32 5 82 13*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 18 37*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 4SagaManDarkness: 150 + 21 = 171PAandroidX: goodbye friends, it's been fun....Taroek36: (( it just keeps coming ))SoulBomb77: ((Jeez...Got issues with X,do you?))SagaManDarkness: ((300 in the GD, now))xavosbourn: ((would i survive if my xtream speed fails?))comsny: ((mt extreme speed))PAandroidX: ((don't chance it, trunks))comsny: ((do it u panzy))Ztark: ((lol))PAandroidX: ((i can fight tobias))SagaManDarkness: ((16 can survive it))SoulBomb77: ((171x2=342...I think))WolfwoodTheCross: ((or KAshini, or Stratus))Taroek36: (( I like the way Brolli thinks ))Karthias01: ((i could survive i think))SoulBomb77: ((Hmmm...Then Janemba's gonna be aiming for me...))

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SagaManDarkness: ((16 can 100% guarantee survive it, and MT would only survive with the ESpeed))SagaManDarkness: ((16 has 1 more Barrier left))SoulBomb77: ((I do?))SoulBomb77: ((I wa slate on the first!))SagaManDarkness: ((You were too slow on the 2nd))Taroek36: (( just do it 16 ))SoulBomb77: ((I'v eonly used 1))SagaManDarkness: ((Oh? I thought that was 2nd. Anyway))SagaManDarkness: ((I know. 2 per battle))SoulBomb77: ((And it was slow))SagaManDarkness: ((Look, you have 1 left))SagaManDarkness: ((Taking it, or not?))SoulBomb77: ::Dives in front of the blast for X::SagaManDarkness: ((42 HP left))PAandroidX: ::is too damaged to talk::Taroek36: (( mt ))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf at janeba:: hey hit me instead of my friend*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 82 7 95 27 93*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 28*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3xavosbourn: ((80))comsny: ::charges gd::SoulBomb77: ::charges the GD::KrayziePardus: ::Helps charge the GD::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1Ztark: ::Slashes Jan.::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 50 59 96 38*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 21 9Ztark: 36Taroek36: :: Charges Gd :: (( whats the dmg Die at? ))xavosbourn: ::fires a ki filled bf leaving him at 1 ki:*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 5 100-sided dice: 32 86 42 73 28*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 60-sided die: 33*OnlineHost*: xavosbourn rolled 1 4-sided die: 3BlkDrgn246: ::Cries, still unable to get over the sorrow, and throws another green blast into the Genki Dama, before collapsing from KI exhaustion::Karthias01: ::charges the gd::xavosbourn: ((90))PAandroidX: ::X charges the dama::WolfwoodTheCross: ::stabs the blade into the ground as it cools off from the holy power ir uses and Group heals 16 and X ((last heal i can give you X))::xavosbourn: ((-70ki leaving me at 1ki))DarkSlayer717: ::Dark slashes 16::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 83 75 60 96 79SoulBomb77: ::places a Barrier around himself::

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*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 56-sided die: 14DarkSlayer717: ((rolled wrong anyways, hehe))SoulBomb77: ((That was close))comsny: ((mt hurry))SagaManDarkness: ((Mt's turn))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::comsny: ::charges gd:: everyone charge forget everything elseSoulBomb77: ::Charges GD::KrayziePardus: ::Helps charge the GD::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1Ztark: ::Slashes::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 18 68 2 94*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 15 29Ztark: 50Taroek36: :: Charges Gd :: (( whats the Gs's Ki at? ))SoulBomb77: ((...Kinda sad...11 vs. 1....))SoulBomb77: ((And the 11 are losing...))SagaManDarkness: ((500 KI in it, now))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::BlkDrgn246: ::falls to his hands and knees breathing heavily as he suffered from ki exaustion:: Kashini.....I'm sorry.....::a few tear drops fall to the ground as Raziel closes his eyes thinking of his lost loved one::Karthias01: ::charges the gd::Ztark: ((Hush!))Ztark: ((That was too 16...stoopid lag...))PAandroidX: ::genki dama charge::WolfwoodTheCross: ::heals himself +45 Hp::Taroek36: (( throw it at 665 or 820 ))DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes Raziel::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 70 85 61 30 24*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 31 8*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 5SagaManDarkness: ((164))BlkDrgn246: ((ow))SagaManDarkness: ((121/1 Raz))KrayziePardus: (((Nooo))xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::SagaManDarkness: ((Pai charges GD))SagaManDarkness: ((16))SoulBomb77: ::Charges the GD::KrayziePardus: ::Looks at Janemba, with an angry expression on face:: I am not losing any more friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::Throws hand up and helps charge GD::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 3Ztark: ::Slashes, wishin' he had some "dice altering" attacks left::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 35 9 32 7*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 14 30

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Ztark: 50Taroek36: :: CHarges Gd ::xavosbourn: ::charges +45ki:::BlkDrgn246: ::charges ki:: ((+10..pretty pathetic))Karthias01: ::charges the gd::PAandroidX: ::X lays in a pool of his own blood, staring up at the clouds:: beautiful... ::X puts energy into the genki dama:: you friends...WolfwoodTheCross: ::heals 16 and Raziel +45 Hp::WolfwoodTheCross: ((Wait))SagaManDarkness: ((Isn't there a turn limit on that?))WolfwoodTheCross: ((yeah i thought it was 2 turns my bad))WolfwoodTheCross: ::charges GD::comsny: ((60 more and we will be doing good))DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes Karth::*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 11 81 26 96 61*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 4 52*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 3xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::Taroek36: (( how come he never rolls a 1 ))SagaManDarkness: ((116))comsny: ::charges gd::SoulBomb77: ::16's head is about 1/8 gone,and oil is spurting heavily from a hole in his chest,as he charges the GD:: Get him...Paikuhan...KrayziePardus: ::Runs infront of Raziel, then turns around to charge the GD::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 3Ztark: :swings his trusty sword again, at of course, Jan.::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 69 25 85 54*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 11 10Ztark: 27Taroek36: :: CHarges GD ::xavosbourn: ::charges +45 ki::BlkDrgn246: ::pushes Pardus to his side not in hatred but still in anger and charges the GD::Karthias01: ::charges gd::PAandroidX: ::gd::WolfwoodTheCross: ::heals 16 and Raziel this time on the correct turn::DarkSlayer717: ::Darkslashes Wolf::SoulBomb77: ((Back over 100,babay...))*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 5 100-sided dice: 42 48 31 100 71*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 2 56-sided dice: 51 7*OnlineHost*: DarkSlayer717 rolled 1 5-sided die: 1SagaManDarkness: ((60))Taroek36: (( YaY a 1 ))comsny: ((we need 14 more charges))xavosbourn: ::throws his ki into the air, forming the

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xavosbourn: best rushed Genki Damage he can, before attempting to merge it with Paikuhans's ::comsny: ::charges his gd::SoulBomb77: ((Can you do that?))SagaManDarkness: ((+350 to ball))SagaManDarkness: ((1035 now))SoulBomb77: ((Ooooh....Beefy...))BlkDrgn246: ((i guess so))WolfwoodTheCross: ((chou Genki Dama!))SagaManDarkness: ((Hustle))BlkDrgn246: ::charges his ki:: ((+10))Taroek36: (9 sweet ))SoulBomb77: ::Charges GD::KrayziePardus: ::Goes back to stand infront of Raziel, and gets in his face:: Dont let the anger distract you from destroying Janemba, ALRIGHT! ::Turns around and charges the GD::*OnlineHost*: KrayziePardus rolled 1 3-sided die: 1BlkDrgn246: ((errr sry))Ztark: ::Slashes the enemy with his sword::*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 4 100-sided dice: 12 71 82 50*OnlineHost*: Ztark rolled 2 31-sided dice: 7 12Ztark: 25Taroek36: :: Charges Gd ::xavosbourn: ::charges his Gd::BlkDrgn246: ::charges his before:: ((+10))Karthias01: ::charges gd::PAandroidX: ::X sits up off the ground, then comes to one knee, and stares up at the ball of energy, charging it::WolfwoodTheCross: ::self heals +45::SagaManDarkness: ((Storyline))SagaManDarkness: Janemba glares at the monstrous ball of energy, knowing that his time is drawing near.SagaManDarkness: Suddenly, something siphons. And not into the Demon.SagaManDarkness: He screams out, not knowing what is happening, as power seems to be leaving him.SagaManDarkness: A faint laugh seems to fill the air, as Miruuko withdraws his services, and vanishes.SagaManDarkness: Janemba, his power fleeting fast, draws upon his last reserves, to burn his opponents to dust.*OnlineHost*: SagaManDarkness rolled 8 200-sided dice: 105 7 78 103 72 77 188 127SagaManDarkness: Mt livesSagaManDarkness: Pai lives... YuckSagaManDarkness: 16 livesSoulBomb77: ((YAY!))SagaManDarkness: X is the only casualtySoulBomb77: ((...We can't save him,can we?))

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Taroek36: (( how much to take it ))Ztark: ((What was his damage? Can we take it for him?))SagaManDarkness: And with that, the ball drops.WolfwoodTheCross: ((can anyone take it for him?))PAandroidX: ::X grins as he turns to ashes::SagaManDarkness: ((Can't take an attack that already hit you))PAandroidX: goodbye...Ztark: NoooooooSoulBomb77: NOOO!FIRST KASHINI...NOW X?!WolfwoodTheCross: ((looks like Janemba will be collecting the money from Rufus))Ztark: Argggg....Taroek36: (( now who am I going to Sell the Clothing to? ))KrayziePardus: ::Drops to his knees::BlkDrgn246: Not another...::turns his head away from the Android and growls to himself::Raditz52: {{LOL}}Taroek36: (( lol WOlffy ((comsny: ((ITS STILL A STORYLINE SECTION U IDIOTS))SagaManDarkness: ((1d40+90))*OnlineHost*: comsny rolled 1 40-sided die: 6SagaManDarkness: (((144 dmg))comsny: backfire)?)SagaManDarkness: ((Doesn't matter; cannot kill))SagaManDarkness: Janemba grins, before the fire envelops him, and vanishes, leaving no trace of the demon, behind.SagaManDarkness: The warriors sit, stunned, at the swiftness of the blow, before mourning their losses.SagaManDarkness: They have much to mourn.SagaManDarkness: Well, there you have itSoulBomb77: ...PAandroidX: ((is that it?))SagaManDarkness: Yes

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