Page 1: Logical Data Model Project Plan


Logical Data ModelProject Plan

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Page 2: Logical Data Model Project Plan Logical Data Model Project Plan

Project Objectives

To deliver a clear, understandable, and consensus-driven logical data model for the <CLIENT> data warehouse implementation. This data model will be useful to both the business community as a tool to understand the design of the operational data store and to the technical implementation team as a tool to generate the physical database structures. The process used to create the logical data model for <CLIENT> will then be leveraged to create subsequent logical data models in a fast, orderly, and precise manner.

Project Scope

The scope of the project is to design a logical entity relationship diagram to support the <CLIENT> data warehousing efforts. Completing the logical design of a subset of the clinical business data will result in an entity relationship diagram that incorporates the following:

selected Enterprise Data Model entity types broken down to the logical level;

selected components of the Phase 2 Logical Model;

user requirements as defined in <CLIENT> workshops;

<CLIENT> first draft logical design and;

<CLIENT> source system database structures for System 1, System 2, System 3, System 4, System 5, and System 6.

The end result will prepare for either a physical relational implementation or a multi-dimensional warehouse design and will allow for rapid deployment of data warehouse subject areas.

Project Deliverables

Entity Relationship Diagram

A logical data model with be documented using Cayenne Groundworks software. For each entity type identified, the following documentation will be included:

Entity Type definitions

Business rules


Attribute examples

Foreign Keys

Primary Keys


Synonyms (where applicable)

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Subject Area definitions

Subject Area associations

Business Data Model and Phase 2 Logical Model Matrix

A matrix identifying the entity type associations between the Business Data Model and Phase 2 Logical Model.

Logical Model Variance Log

A log containing differences between the Phase 2 Logical Model and <CLIENT> Logical Model.

Logical Data Model Process

A reusable process for completing logical data model design including deliverable templates and project plans.

Workshop Minutes

Minutes from all <CLIENT> workshops.

Project Constraints/Assumptions

Project Start Date

The <CLIENT> logical data model project will begin on 01.19.

Executive Sponsor

The project will have an executive sponsor and the team will have access to <CLIENT> senior management for decision making and issue resolution.

Workshop Participation

<CLIENT> Enterprise Data Warehouse team in conjunction with the <CLIENT> team will provide the appropriate business contacts and allot the necessary time to hold workshops with source system subject matter experts and business analysts.

Source System Documentation

<CLIENT> Enterprise Data Warehouse team and <CLIENT> team will provide documentation for <CLIENT> source systems in the form of record layouts, DDL, data definitions, etc.

Source System Coverage

The <CLIENT> logical data model will cover the following six source systems:

System 1

System 2

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System 3

System 4

System 5

System 6

Project Approach

The project team will work with MANAGERS to gather <CLIENT> current system documentation and any identified user requirements. They will also work with MANAGER to further understand the Phase 2 Logical Model and the first draft <CLIENT> Logical Model that she designed.

The team will map the entity types in the Enterprise Data Model to the entity types in the Phase 2 Logical Model. This mapping will allow for the identification of entity types that need to be incorporated into the <CLIENT> Logical Model that were not included in the Enterprise Data Model. This identification is essential since Phase I of the <CLIENT> Data Warehousing project will begin design based on the Phase 2 Logical Model.

The current system and model research along with the matrix will provide the information necessary to create the <CLIENT> baseline logical model.

Upon completion of the baseline model the team will conduct workshops with system experts for the following <CLIENT> systems:

System 1

System 2

System 3

System 4

System 5

System 6

The team will spend one day with the systems expert in a facilitated session and the following day incorporating any changes into the baseline model. After all systems have been incorporated into the model senior CONSULTANT management will perform an accuracy and conformity review on the model and finally review the completed model with <CLIENT> staff.

Project Standards

Word processing tool -- Microsoft Word

Spreadsheet tool -- Microsoft Excel

Database tool -- Microsoft Access

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Project management tool -- Microsoft Project

Electronic mail -- Lotus Notes Mail

Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool -- Cayenne Software, Inc. GroundWorks 2.2.1

Attire -- Business Casual, except for workshops, which will be Business Formal

Project Risks

Project Risk Risk Management Strategy

Contingent Action

Appropriate subject matter experts will not be available to participate in the workshops.

Schedule participants at least two weeks prior to workshop.

<CLIENT> staff become frustrated with the data warehousing project initiative and become less responsive to project needs.

Minimize points of contacts; coordinate workshops with MANAGERS to minimize the time requirements placed on <CLIENT> staff.Explain how the data warehousing system will benefit the <CLIENT> staff.

<CLIENT> logical model will be reverse-engineered to fit the Phase I implementation of the model at <CLIENT>.

Work closely with DA to ensure that Phase I physical structure is retrofitted to match the final <CLIENT> logical model.

Phase I implementation will not fully reflect the business requirements and source system data elements (since it is being implemented before the completion of the logical model).

Project Costs

The cost to deliver the <CLIENT> logical data model will consist of:

$<Cost> in consulting fees

$<Cost> in expenses

60 man-hours of time for workshop participants over the course of six workshops

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Project Benefits

At the conclusion of the <CLIENT> logical data model project, <CLIENT> will have a logical data model that will be used as the design for the three phases of the <CLIENT> data mart implementation. This logical data model will insure consistency over the three phases and will serve as an excellent communication tool between the business community and the technical implementation team. The process used in creating the <CLIENT> logical data model will then be leveraged for creating subsequent logical data models across the <CLIENT> organization. This process will insure reduced cycle time, cost, data redundancy, and effort, while increasing consistency, precision, and customer satisfaction.

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