Download - Long ago

Page 1: Long ago

Jessie M.

Long ago, the evil queen Victoria was banished from the beautiful land of Dew Drop

because she was too harsh. Even though Dew Drop was a great place, Victoria hated the

creatures and people. The magical land of Dew Drop was so great and had so many buildings

that it was just elaborate to the point of ridiculousness. By using their magical powers Dawn,

Sharon and Margaret took over her kingdom and saved all the people of Dew Drop. The three

princesses were gorgeous, all were tall but their hair and eyes set them apart. Dawn had flowing

blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Margaret had a shade of light brown hair that freely

leaped down her back, matched her eyes and her skin was just one shade darker. Sharon had

wavy dark brown hair that reached mid-way down her back her eyes were one shade lighter than

her hair and had flawless skin. To thank the girls for saving them the people of Dew Drop gave

them equal power as princesses, and Victoria was banished to the dark forest forever.

“It’s my crown and I want it, and what makes those three better than me?” Victoria


The bat sheepishly said, “My queen, you’re far better than any other ruler there is or ever


“I know what I’ll do, I’ll take revenge on all those fools of Dew Drop who banished me,”

said the banished queen who ignored everything the bat had said.

The bat had been putting up with this too long, so he flew to the three towers of Dew


Page 2: Long ago

“Princesses Victoria has plans for revenge on you and Dew Drop you should prepare

yourselves,” The bat exclaimed.

“We should go and prepare girls. Thank you for warning us,” Margaret thanked.

“You’re welcome, goodbye and good luck,” the bat spoke slowly and mysteriously.

The princesses had been preparing for something like this to happen by perfecting their

magical powers. Dawn controlled light, Sharon controlled plants and flowers, and Margaret

controlled animals. Dawn used the power of light to manipulate people’s feelings and emotions

by adding and subtracting sunlight. Sharon’s ability to talk to flowers and use plants means that

she has an army of unexpected minions. Margaret could summon animals of all sizes to join the

army of plants, what an awesome fighting force. Even Victoria’s bat became part of the army.

She wouldn’t miss him.

Margaret devised a plan. She would make Victoria believe that the bat was her close

companion and friend. The bat normally could not be fully trusted; however, Margaret knew that

her powers would make that bat do whatever she needed. As the three princesses trained they

decided they had to create an army of plants and animals. The bat would secretly meet the

princesses to help train their army. The plants Sharon took care of and the animals Margaret took

care of. While Margaret and Sharon took care of the army Dawn practiced her powers. Dawn

was having a hard time controlling light so right away she knew something was wrong, so she

went to investigate.

Margaret and Sharon finished creating their army and went looking for Dawn. The bat

arrived to meet with the princesses and decided to take an eye to the sky.

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“I told you I flew all the way around Dew Drop. Through the mountains all the way to the

forest all I could find was this,” the bat said handing Margaret, Dawn’s bracelet that Dawn would

never dare remove.

“Maybe it’s a sign!”Sharon announced.

“Yeah!” Margaret replied.

So they continued to search for the remainder of the day searching high and low and anywhere

in between.

When they couldn’t find her they became frantic and searched everywhere and questioned

everyone but it was as if she fell off the earth, never to be seen again. When all of their faith was

lost they decided to fight the evil Victoria alone without Dawn.

“Did you find her?” Margaret questioned the bat.

“No,” the bat sadly stated.

“we will have to fight Victoria without Dawn then,” Sharon decided.

It took all but a few days to gather an army, lose Dawn, and leave to fight Victoria. When

they arrived at the dark forest they prepared their army and told them what they were up against.

The princesses soon spotted a shadowy figure staring at them through almost a mile of shrubbery

and bushes. Then they sent out their army trying to finally deprive Victoria of her dark magic.

When they arrived they saw Victoria, but they also saw a lifeless looking girl with short black

hair trying so hard to come out and say something. She also looked as if she was questioning

herself whether she should or even could say anything. The two princesses looked up at the sky

to see it was dark gray but not very late in the day.

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The princesses immediately knew something was wrong. They looked into the girl’s heart

and saw Dawn trapped inside of this depressed, motionless, tired looking girl.

Then it began Victoria spread her dark magic and their army attacked but Victoria made most

of their army fall dead. The army Victoria destroyed with darkness was something the

princesses couldn’t repair or so they thought.

Quickly and silently Margaret glanced at the bat and he knew they needed a distraction. The

bat automatically knew what to do. “You can no longer control me you evil witch!”

And with that the offended queen chased after the creature casting spells as the bat simply

dodged the magic as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

Victoria laughed and then used her magic to trap the other two princesses just like the first.

Then Victoria left to meet with her bat in Dew Drop to destroy the kingdom. The princesses

struggled but managed to join hands they closed their eyes and were transformed back to

themselves when they opened their eyes they wasted no time and fixed all what Victoria did to

their army and left to Dew Drop. When they arrived they found Victoria and once again joined

hands and finally defeated her with all the joy and happiness they shared. They had made her

powerless and Victoria realized all she was missing was friendship. The explosion of friendship,

happiness, and joy was so strong it fixed all that Victoria had done. Including what she had done

to the bat. As a sign of victory the bat now, a beautiful, free bird flew over their heads.

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