
Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Autumn Spr ing Summer


Potential theme Home and Away Toys History of Space Travel Oceans and Seas Mini beasts and Plants Animals and Humans


Core text - hook

Tidy/Masai and I

Lost at the Toy Museum

Beegu/The Darkest Dark

Barry the Fish/Secret of Black Rock

The Hungry Caterpillar/Little Red


Animal Surprises/Into

the Blue/The Word Bird/The Five Senses

(Sally Hewett)/The Five

Senses (Janice Johnston)/Once There

Were Giants

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Long Writing – Main Tasks

Purpose for


Tidy 1)Speech bubbles for

animal characters. 2)Orally retelling (sequencing) parts of

the story 3) Discussion – alternative viewpoints 4)Labelling

4)Descriptive sentences Masai and I

1)Information text- A Day in the Life of Year 1 Child in Oxford 2) Letter

3)Recount Tidy

1)Improve Emily Gravett’s book by adding speech bubbles

to the text. 2)Tell a friend in the class a bedtime story. 3) Role play interviews -

what do the other forest animals think about Pete’s actions? 4) informative labels

added to educational poster about forests for EYFS.

4) Sentences that describe the forest

Lost at the Toy Museum 1)Descriptive sentences

2)Signs and notices 3)Messages

Lost at the Toy Museum

1) i. Lost toy posters ii. fact files

2)Warnings for museum

display 3)Invitations to parents for virtual museum tour

Beegu 1)Messages

2)Develop event in the story 3) Instructions

The Darkest Dark

1)Explanation text – What makes us scared?


1)e-Postcard from space to earth. 2) i. Hot seating to show

different points of view. ii. Diary entry – writing in role as one of the children in the

playground 3) Friendship contract/playground rules for display in year 1

classroom The Darkest Dark

Bar ry the Fish 1)Lists

Bar ry the Fish

1) i. List of animals’ skills for an entry in KS1 Animal Sciences

textbook. ii. Create Top Trumps cards showing animals’ powers.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

1) Instructions - recipe 2) Innovation 3) Recount - Diary

The Little Red Hen 1) Discussion

2) Writing in role – messages.

The Very Hungry

Caterpillar 1)Fruit salad recipes for St Christopher’s

kitchen staff. 2)Innovated storybooks for Nursery children.

3) Food diary of what children have eaten for breakfast to share with the class and

decide on class favourite.

The Little Red Hen

Animal Surprises/The Wor d Bird /Into the

Blue: Under water 1)Non-Chronological reports

2) Factual sentences 3) Instructions

The 5 Senses/Once Ther e were Giants 1)Lists

2)Recount 3)Letter 4) Descriptive sentences

Animal Surprises/The Wor d Bird /Into the Blue: Under water

1)i. Kid’s encyclopaedia entry for favourite animal (including labelled diagrams).

2)Children create their own Zones of Relevance games for children in the other year 1 class to

sort sentences according to particular animals/ types of


Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

before and after Pete has tidied it added to

classroom display. Masai and I

1)Write captions to match photographs of year 1 children doing different activities

during school day and send to Masai schoolchildren to show

what life is like for children in the UK. 2) Letter introducing themselves (all about

me) to Masai pen pal. 3)Children take a virtual trip - Postcards from Kenyan holiday back to

parents at home.

1)Class book of fears (explanatory sentences

using scaffolding frames)

1) Class debate – should the little red

hen share her bread? Write down their opinions, vote at the

end. 2) Letter of apology from the animals to the little red hen.

3) Instructions leaflet for KS2 children - How

to make an animal craft. The 5 Senses/Once

Ther e were Giants 1)Poster of favourite smells/tastes/sounds

(listening walk) for EYFS learning about the 5 senses.

2) Oral/written recounts of favourite smells/taste from a particular experience

for a class memory scrap book. 3) Letter to school cook about favourite school

dinner & thanking her. 4) Challenge cards for senses guessing game -

children describe an object and challenge a partner to guess what the object was.

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Writing reviews

Purpose for writing/audience

Lost at the Toy Museum 1) Oral recount

Lost at the Toy Museum

1) Tell a friend your

experience of a time you were lost or lost something

meaningful to you.

Beegu 1)Orally retelling

(sequencing) parts of the story 2) Speech bubbles

The Darkest Dark 1)Non-chronological report

Beegu 1) Freeze frames for

retelling the story to the other year 1 class. 2)Create comic strip for class book corner – add

speech bubbles to illustrations.

The Darkest Dark 1)Fact file about imaginary aliens from Chris’s bedroom for Nasa

Kids Club website.

Bar ry the Fish 1)Dialogue – speech

bubbles 2)Descriptive sentences – imaginary sea


Bar ry the Fish 1)i. Comic strip showing

conversations between characters sent to animators of Wish Films.

ii. Discussion (I agree/disagree) 2)Notes sent to marine

biologists writing reports on newly discovered sea creatures.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

1)Lists 2)Non-Chronological reports

The Little Red Hen 1)Instructions-recipe.

2) Explanation text – How Do Seeds Grow? 3) Speech bubbles

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

1)List for St Christopher’s kitchen staff to buy necessary ingredients.

2) Leaflets about caterpillars & butterflies informing

parents what we have been learning about this term.

The Little Red Hen 1)Class bread baking book for parents.

2) Laminated posters for Mrs Bowler’s Forest School.

3) Dialogue between the characters when

Al l of the above.

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

they have discovered they won’t be getting

any bread to be performed in front of other year 1 class.

Poetry – Main Tasks

Purpose for


Nursery rhymes

- Learning and performing

poems - Pausing and

predicting - Exploring

possibilities - Generating

rhyming strings

- Patterns Performed during

assembly (virtual)

Happy Poem

- Learning and performing

- Innovation

Performed to other year 1


The Moon Speaks – James Carter

Reply to the Moon. Create a whole class poem in response to this message in the a foam of

a poem

Following on from The Secret of Black Rock – Compose and perform

poem. Group verse poem – under the sea… the secret of Black Rock!

Audio recording to be shared with parents via

email or Purple Mash

Composing poems that don’t rhyme using information

Using a format to create a similar poem about animals

Writing Skills: Non-negotiables

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops

(joining with ‘and’ when appropriate) Applying phonics

knowledge when spelling

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops (joining with ‘and’ when

appropriate) Applying phonics knowledge when spelling

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops (joining with ‘and’ when

appropriate) Applying phonics knowledge when spelling

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops

(joining with ‘and’ when appropriate) Applying phonics

knowledge when spelling

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops

(joining with ‘and’ when appropriate) Applying phonics

knowledge when spelling

Basic sentence structure Capital letters and full stops

(joining with ‘and’ when appropriate) Applying phonics

knowledge when spelling

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Writing Skills: Progression in


Capital letters and full stops.

Letters of the Alphabet.

Capital letters and full stops: Nouns

Adjectives. Exclamations. Using “and to join

sentences. Alphabetical order.

Conjunctions.: and, but Exclamation Marks Questions Singular/ Plural

Prefixes & Suffixes Days of the week.


Potential Theme Fairy tales Great Fire of London Dinosaurs Our World Princesses, Knights and Castles


Core text

Tony Ross Nursery Tales Book/The Three Billy Goats Gruff/Dear

Fairy Godmother

Vlad and the Great Fire of

London/I am Rosa Parks/May Among the Stars/Full, Full, Full of

Love/The Skin You Live In

Fossil Girl/Mary Anning and Florence Nightingale

Biographies (Don’t Say No To Flo?)

Meerkat Mail/George Saves the World by

Lunchtime/I can Save

the Earth/Here We Are/Somebody

Swallowed Stanley

Matilda’s Great Escape/George and the Royal Chocolate

Cake/See Inside


George and the Dragon/How to Catch a

Dragon/ Paper Bag

Princess/ Princess Up a Tree

Long Writing – Main Tasks

Tony Ross Nursery Tales

1)Retelling fairy tale (innovated ending)

Dear Fairy Godmother 1)Letter writing 2)Writing in role -messages in character

The Three Billy Goats 1)Discussion

Vlad and the Great Fire of London

1)Recount - Eyewitness account of Great Fire of London

2)Non-chronological report about rats 3)Retelling escape story (innovated characters)

Full, Full, Full of Love 1)Lists

Fossil Girl 1)Biography

2)Descriptive sentences 3)Information about exhibition event

4)Finding tale (innovated dilemma)

Meerkat Mail 1)Journey Story

(innovated setting descriptions)

George Saves the World By Lunch Time/I Can Save the earth 1)Explanation on

recycling 2)Instructions – ‘How to Make a Bug Hotel’

Matilda’s Great Escape

1)Escape story (innovated endings) 2)Newspaper report

See Inside Castles 3)Information text with labels and


George and the Dragon/Paper Bag

Princess 1)Job description 2)Notices

3)Legend about a dragon (innovated openings)

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Purpose for writing/audience

Tony Ross Nursery Tales 1)Publish book to share

with year 3 audience Dear Fairy Godmother

2)Writing to fairy godmother as agony aunt (extension: write to your pen pal in half

term) 2)Write back to ugly sisters from honeymoon in Maldives

The Three Billy Goats 1)Class debate – is the

troll bad?

Vlad and the Great Fire of London 1)CBBC documentary on the Great Fire of London

2)Fact file for classroom display 3)Escape stories sent to

Kate Cunningham Full, Full, Full of Love 1)Sunday lunch menu for

the family.

Fossil Girl 1)For display in YR2’s natural history museum 2)Labels for exhibition

on fossils 3)Flyer for YR2’s exhibition opening

4)Story published for YR 2 book corner

Meerkat Mail 1)Travel Blog George Saves the

World By Lunch Time/I Can Save the earth 1)Leaflet for families on

how to recycle. 2)Manual shared with forest school children in lower years (laminated


Matilda’s Great Escape

1)Comic strip 2)Children are reporters for ‘The

Medieval Times’ newspaper See Inside Castles

1)Create pop-up books about castles and their features for young readers

George and the Dragon/Paper Bag Princess 1)Poster advert for job

working in a castle 2)Warning signs about dragons for display in

the castle 3)Stories told to parents during medieval storytelling


Writing reviews

Purpose for writing/audience

I Am Rosa Parks

1)Discussion May Among the Stars

1)Writing in role – messages in character

I Am Rosa Parks 1)Debate – was Rosa

Parks right to sit down?


1)Recount of Natural History Museum trip

Don’t Say No to Flo 1)Letter writing

NHM 1)Recount for yr2 parent


George Saves the

World By Lunch Time/I Can Save the earth 1)Non-chronological

report about earth

George Saves the World By Lunch Time/I

Can Save the earth

George and the Royal

Chocolate Cake 1)Recipe – ‘How to Make a Chocolate


George and the Royal Chocolate Cake

How To Catch A

Dragon 1)Instructions – ‘How to Catch a Dragon’

How To Catch A Dragon

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

May Among the Stars

1)Postcard from space

Don’t Say No to Flo

1)Florence Nightingale writing home about her experience of Crimea

1)Fact file on display in school reception area

or school library

1)Class cookery book (bake sale fundraising


1)Guidebooks for young knights and



Purpose for writing/audience

1) Autumn poetry

- senses poem

1) Individual


1) Benjamin

Zephaniah – I love my mother

2) Winter poems (similes and


1) Make a card with poem for families

2) Christmas cards for care home, classroom


1) Shape poems

2) Valentine poems

1) Create class

anthology of shape poems

2) Valentine cards

1) Rubbish rap

1) Eco club – videos shared

with classes

1) Castle Poems

1) Group performance

1) Jester jokes

1) Jokebook (end of year gift) &

storytelling time on medieval day

Writing Skills: Non-negotiables

Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words

Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words Commas Question marks,

exclamation marks

Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words Commas

Question marks, exclamation marks Joined cursive


Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words Commas

Question marks, exclamation marks Apostrophes for

omission and contraction Joined cursive handwriting

Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words Commas

Question marks, exclamation marks Apostrophes for

omission and contraction Joined cursive handwriting

Full stops and capital letters Conjunctions (and, or, but, when, if, because)

Correctly spelling year 2 common exception words Commas

Question marks, exclamation marks Apostrophes for

omission and contraction Joined cursive handwriting

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Writing Skills: Progression in


Adjectives Nouns

Co-ordinating conjunctions

Capital letters and full


Expanded noun phrases Sentence types

Commas in a list Adverbs

Nouns Adjectives

Verbs Suffixes (-ment, -ness, -

ful, -less)

Apostrophes for omission and contraction

Suffixes (-er and -est)

Adverbs Inverted commas




Potential Theme Wolves The Victorians Australian Animals Ancient Greece Conservation Diversity and Black



Core text

Wolves/Good Little Wolf

Oliver Twist/A Christmas Carol

Kevin the

Koala/Dreamtime stories

King Midas myth/Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse

Greta and the Giants/ The Lorax/The Last

Wolf/Wangari’s Trees of Peace

The Spots/The Only

Way is Badger/The Long Walk To Freedom

Long Writing – Main Tasks

Wolves/Good Little Wolf

1)Non-chronological report 2)Persuasive letter

3)Alternative endings 4)Instructions 5)Discussion

Oliver Twist 1)Diary

2)Message from character to another.

A Christmas Carol 1)Introducing new character. 2)Magazine article.

Kevin the Koala 1)Persuasive poster

2)Information text about Kevin 3)Prequel – Kevin’s

backstory Dreamtime Stories

King Midas 1)Adding new incident

to the story 2)Newspaper report about gold objects

found in Cowley

Greta and the Giants/The Last Wolf

1)Alternative endings - utopian vs dystopian

Wangari’s Tress for Peace 1)Instructions – How to Grow a Tree

The Spots and the Dots 1)5 part story with

dilemma and resolution. 2)Invitation from one

character to another. The Only Way is Badger

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Purpose for writing/audience

i.Interview with the wolf

ii. Class debate 6)Alternative viewpoints - retelling

the story from Wolf’s point of view

Wolves/Good Little Wolf 1)School report to Wilbur’s parents

2)Letter to Headteacher persuading her to either keep/expel

Wilbur 3)Send suggestions of an alternative ending for the book to Emily

Gravett 4)Warning sing/notice for rabbits in the library 5)i. video news report

ii.Mock trial 6)Wolf’s self-published autobiography

Oliver Twist 1)Diary of Oliver Twist i- in the workhouse. ii- when he first arrives on

the streets of London. 2)Telegram sent to Scrooge from his family members trying to

persuade him to spend Christmas with them.

A Christmas Carol 1)Children add another ghost to the story as a suggestion to someone

remaking the movie. 2)Magazine article either comparing Christmas in the Victorians and now or

Christmas around the world.

1)Innovate dreamtime stories, retelling

Kevin the Koala 1)Travel agency’s advertisement to help animals decide on

destination 2)Missing person flyer for display in Kevin’s school

3)Published and sent to other characters in the story so Kevin’s friends

might better understand him Dreamtime Stories

1)End of the day Storytime with parent visitors

Leon and the Gorgon’s Curse

1)Comic strip of a new mission for Leon 2)Non-chronological

report on mythical beasts

King Midas 1)Published stories shared with younger

year group 2)Article for Oxford Mail

Leon and the Gorgon’s Curse 1)Comic strips sent to

20th Century Fox as suggestion for new show in the vein of ‘Percy Jackson’

2)i. Top trump cards on mythical beasts for classroom golden time ii. Wiki entry

The Lorax

1)Persuasive poster

Greta and the Giants/The Last Wolf

1)Graphic text sent to National Geographic Kids/Greenpeace for raising awareness

Wangari’s Tress for Peace 1)Laminated

instructions for forest school/gardening club

The Lorax 1)‘Boycott the Thneed’ billboard in Templar shopping


1)Recount – blog post.

The Long Walk to Freedom 1)Biography

The Spots and the Dots 1)Stories about

diversity for Y6 children in the context of going to secondary school and meeting lots of

new friends. 2)Message invite from a dot to a spot inviting them to play.

The Only Way is Badger

1)Opinion post on the behaviour of the Badger.

The Long Walk to Freedom 1)Biographies of influential African

figures to be shared in school library.

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Writing reviews

Purpose for writing/audience

Oliver Twist 1)Letter


Oliver Twist

1)Letter to Dr Barnado explaining what life is like for the orphans in the workhouse and asking

him for help. 2)Explanation before the court of why Oliver stole.

Presented to Y5 for them to decide Oliver’s fate.

Kevin the Koala 1)Messages from one

character to another – writing in role

Kevin the Koala

1)i. Postcards sent home ii. messages persuading Kevin to come down

King Midas 1)Letter - writing in role

as Midas

King Midas

1)Letters sent to agony aunt in search of advice for solving Midas’s problems

Greta and the Giants/The Last

Wolf/Wangari’s Trees for Peace/The Lorax 1)Persuasive writing

i. poster ii. letter 2)Discussion i. class debate

ii. summary of arguments in parent newsletter

Greta and the Giants/The Last Wolf

Wangari’s Trees for Peace/The Lorax 1)i. Placards for environmental activist

protest ii. Letter to local MP 2)Awareness-raising

project with newsletters sent out on Parent Mail.

The Long Walk to Freedom

1)News report 2)Persuasive flyer

The Long Walk to

Freedom 1)News reports on specific event in the anti-apartheid

movement for next years’ Y3. 2)Free Nelson Mandela



Purpose for writing/audience

Wolf in the Park

Writing Skills: Non-negotiables

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters

correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters

correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and

possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Writing Skills:

Progression in Grammar

Conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) Paragraphs

Headings and subheadings. Present perfect tense.

Homophones and near homophones.

Adverbs of time. Adverbs and conjunctions for cause and effect. A and an.

Prefixes. (ir, auto, in, anti)

Expanded noun phrases. Direct speech and inverted commas. Fronted adverbials.

Prepositions. Commas in a list. Prefix (super)

Powerful verbs. Inverted commas. Adverbs. Adjectives.

Suffixes -ly

Imperative verbs. Conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating)

Suffixes- ous -ation

Recap Spell most y3/4 words correctly.

Y4 Potential

themes Electricity Stone Age The Rainforest Mayan Chocolate

Protecting the Environment



Core text

How to Live Forever/Until I Met


Stone Age Boy

The Great Kapok Tree

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Promise/A World of Your Own

The Journey/The Land of Neverbelieve

Long Writing – Main Tasks

How to Live Forever 1)Discussion showing arguments for or

against living forever 2)Adventure story - representing the

Stone Age Boy 1)Survival guidebook 2)Portal Story – time slip

3)Cave painting setting description

The Great Kapok Tree 1)Rainforest sensory setting description

2) Cartoon strip

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1)Play script –

Chocolate Room scene 2)Introduce a new character into the story

The Promise 1)Sequel representing the new young thief’s

story of transformation

The Journey 1)Fantasy story - children imagine they

could draw a magic door from the bedroom wall into another world

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Purpose for


Ancient Child’s point of view

3) Persuasive letter Until I Met Dudley

1)Explanation text

How to Live Forever 1)Class debate on immortality 2)Send suggested

prequel for completing the ‘How to Live Forever’ trilogy to Colin

Thompson 3) Writing is role as ancient child persuading Peter not to

read the book Until I Met Dudley

1)Signs explaining how everyday items function for Argos catalogue

2)User’s manual for products sold at year 4

Stone Age Boy

1)Guide to Modern Life for Om 2)Publish portal story to share with young

historians in lower years 3)Send description to Ice Age animators as ideas for

Ice Age 7 film

3)Diary entry from the small man’s point of


The Great Kapok Tree 1)Brochure encouraging

responsible, eco-tourism in Amazon rainforest 2) Awareness raising

comic book for young readers 3)Publish diary recount in WWF’s Go Wild

nature magazine for children

3)Wonka’s biography

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

1)Perform play script to other class in year group/whole school assembly

2)Add a chapter for future editions featuring a new

character who wins the sixth golden ticket 3)Biography added to Inventors Who

Changed the World book.

2)Instructions writing - ‘How to Improve Your

Urban Community’ 3)Persuasive writing for reducing plastic

A World of your Own 1)Information text

The Promise

1)Create picture book for year 4 book corner 2)Flyers for distribution in Temple

Cowley area 3)Posters for eco-club 4)Parent newsletter

for reducing plastic in lunch boxes sent out on Parent Mail

A World of your Own 1)Estate Agent notice for surreal house in your local area

2)Newspaper report

The Land of Neverbelieve

1)Non-chronological report 2)Persuasive flyers

The Journey 1) Illustrated story

books for year 2’s story time (fairy doors in the classroom). 2)Article about girl who

arrives in the city in a red boat for ‘Daily Divination’ newspaper.

The Land of Neverbelieve

1)Encyclopaedia entry for an imaginary creature/Wiki entry for fantasy land

2)Marketing produce from the magical crop garden sold at local

farmer’s market (link to

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

fun market (link to automata animals, DT


‘wonky’ fruit and veg campaigns)

Writing reviews

Purpose for writing/audience

The Great Kapok Tree

1)Persuasive letter

The Great Kapok Tree

1)Writing in role as child from Yanamomami tribe petitioning Amazon logging company to stop


Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory 1)Explanation text 2) Persuasive advert

Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory 1) Top secret report from a spy sent to steal Wonka’s recipes about what they have seen inside the factory. 2)Convince school children to spend tuck shop money on newly released Wonka


The Promise


The Promise

1)Eyewitness statement describing the robbery for the police

The Journey

1)Setting description The Land of

Neverbelieve 1)Information text i. signs and notices ii. invitations

The Journey

1)Collaborative project with Aaron Becker - adding text to match his illustrations in ‘The

Journey’ The Land of Neverbelieve

1)i. Children transform the school grounds into fantasy land and hang

notices/signs to signpost visitors ii. Children invite Norman Messenger to

their ‘imagined world’

Poetry Purpose for writing/audience

1) ?

1) Create a class


1) Midsummer’s Night Dream

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

poetry anthology.

Writing Skills:


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Full stops, question

marks, exclamation marks and capital letters correctly used.

Varied sentence structures. Paragraphs. Inverted commas for

direct speech. Apostrophes for contraction and possession.

Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt. Continuous cursive


Writing Skills: Progression in Grammar

Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions Punctuation for

different types of sentences Prepositions to express time and cause

Make nouns using prefixes Adverbials expressing

time, place and cause

Paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme Fronted adverbials Expanded noun phrases

Inverted commas for punctuating direct speech Present perfect form of verbs

Possessive apostrophes

Conjunctions to express time, place and cause Commas after fronted adverbials

Subordinate clauses Inverted commas for punctuating direct speech

‘a’ or ‘an’ according to whether the next word begins with a vowel or

consonant Noun phrases expanded by modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition


Appropriate choice of noun/pronoun within and across sentences Apostrophe for

contractions Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions

Punctuation for different types of sentences

Suffixes -er and -est in adjectives Possessive pronouns

Fronted adverbials Commas after fronted adverbials Conjunctions

expressing time and cause Make nouns using suffixes

Noun phrases expanded by modifying adjectives,

nouns and preposition phrases The grammatical difference between

plural and possessive -s

Possessive apostrophes with plural nouns Inverted commas for punctuating direct

speech Adverbials expressing time, place and cause Paragraphs to organise

ideas around a theme Subordinate clauses Noun phrases

expanded by modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Y5 Potential


Crime and Punishment Vikings and Anglo Saxons The Shang Dynasty/Mountains


Core text

Highway Man

The True Story of the

Three Little Pigs

Norse Myths Beowulf

Great Adventurers

The Kite Rider

Long Writing – Main Tasks

The Highwayman 1)Discussion – was Tim

the protagonist? 2)Alternative endings/viewpoint. 3)Developing part of

the story (side plots) 4)Newspaper reports on the Highwayman being caught.

5)Suspense stories (making links between Highwayman and other

ghost stories) 6)Writing messages from one character to another.

7)Warning notice

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

1)Recount/biography 2)Writing in role as the wolf 3)Instructions - How to

eat Children 4)Gender swap fairy tales/twisted fairy tales (introducing new

characters/alternative viewpoints) 5)Blurb for a book

Norse Myths 1)Innovating a myth

2)Quest story 3)Non-chronological report - Fact file on the Norse gods

4)Captions and notices 5)Magazine article

Beowulf 1)Kennings

2)Advert 3)Prequel - back story for Grendel (dilemma story)

4)Guidebook to the swamp

Great Adventurers 1)Persuasive posters

2)Writing in role as an explorer 3)Retelling the text 4)Biography

5)Play script (Touching the Void?)

The Kite Rider 1)Action stories

2)Instructions – How to fly a kite 3) Time slip – retell parts of the story in

modern era 4) Developing story openings – bad omens

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Purpose for


The Highwayman 1)Class debate

2)Published poems for class reading corner. 3)Graphic text for

secondary school students. 4)Articles for the Highwayman Times and

Ostler Monthly – different slants reporting story.

5)Stories for a children’s anthology of Halloween tales. 6)Letters (and/or text

messages in a modern day reimagining of the story) between main characters.

7)Wanted poster for Highway man

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

1)Blog from the Wolf’s point of view to convince people of his innocence

2)The wolf’s twitter history 3)Gruesome recipe book 4)Twisted fairy tales for

young readers – shared with KS1. 5)Design cover for book

published for young readers.

Norse Myths

1)Outline for a new computer game based on Norse myths sent to

creators of Assassin’s Creed/Zelda. 2)Comic strip for young comic book readers.

3)Children use fact files to choose gods for their fantasy league.

4)Regular updates for the league board (in the style of fantasy football). 5)Reporting on fantasy

league and battle between the gods


1)Write a ballad in praise of Beowulf for new and updated

edition of the text. 2)Job advert/description calling to all Danish

heroes. 3)Prequel sent to the makers of Beowulf

fantasy/adventure film as suggested new story in the Beowulf saga. 4)Historical document

for display in the Ashmolean’s Anglo-Saxon gallery.

Great Adventurers 1)Posters calling for

explorers to join in on adventures 2)Sending

postcards/little home to family recounting expeditions 3)Retell story of

explorer in the style of comic book for teenage audience.

4)Entry based on researched explorer added to ‘Great Adventurers’ text.

5)Play script performed in assembly.

The Kite Rider 1)Swap with other year

5 class. 2)Instructions manual for kites made in DT.

3)Chapters for a modern version of book. 4)Suspense stories for

year 6s.

Writing reviews

Purpose for


Beowulf 1)Writing in role as

Beowulf 2)Non-chronological report - Fact file for mythical monster

Beowulf 1)Beowulf’s job

application for

Great Adventurers 1_Magazine article

Great Adventurers 1)Reporting events of

an expedition for

The Kite Rider 1)Persuasive poster

2)Diary entry about being a kite rider

The Kite Rider 1)Flyer advertising kites

made in DT.

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

defeating the monster Grendel.

2)Entry for Encyclopaedia of Mythical Creatures: The

Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings from Myth and Magic.

National Geographic Kids.

2)Entry for CBBC sports blog.


Purpose for writing/audience

Narrative poetry - Performance poetry Concrete poems about weapons.


Writing Skills: Non-negotiables

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters

correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 3/4 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters

correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital

letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings correctly spelt.

Continuous cursive handwriting.

Writing Skills: Progression in Grammar

Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying

adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases Appropriate use of

pronoun or noun to avoid repetition.

Converting nouns or adjectives in verbs using suffixes

To build cohesion within a paragraph Use of paragraphs

Indicating degrees of possibility using adverbs Adverbials of time

Fronted adverbials Inverted commas Brackets, dashes or

commas to indicate parenthesis

Expanded noun phrases Quotes Informal tone,

addresses the reader Dashes, parenthesis Rhetorical questions,

exclamation sentences

Expanded noun phrases Quotes Informal tone, addresses the reader

Dashes, parenthesis Rhetorical questions, exclamation sentences

Subjunctive, passive voice

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Subjunctive, passive voice

Y6 Potential

Themes WW2 Extreme Earth Dazzling Decades??


Core text

The Woman in White/The Boy in the Tower/The Lighthouse

keeper/Letters for a Lighthouse/Friend or Foe

Rose Blanche

Moth/The Stuff of Stars Ice Forest/Escape from

Pompeii/The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Hurricane

The Cobbler of Krakow

Revision and SAT WEEK

Depending on needs for moderation, the

‘greatest hits parade’

Long Writing – Main Tasks

The Woman in White/The Boy in the Tower 1)Mystery/suspense

story 2)Dystopian The Lighthouse

Keeper/Letters for a Lighthouse 1)Quest story –

innovation 2)Writing in role Friend or Foe

Rose Blanche 1)Balanced argument (based on Friend or Foe) 2)Diary writing

(alternative viewpoints/back story of characters) 3)Personification – point

of view of barbed wire 4)Instructions – recipe for a WW2 rationing cake

Escape from Pompeii 1)Escape story - Dilemmas

The Mysteries of Harris Burdick 1)Fantasy story

Hurricane 1)Alternative viewpoints 2)Sequel/alternative

endings 3)Newspaper report about flooding 4)Advert for flood

barriers made in DT

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

Purpose for writing/audience

1)Non-chronological report

The Woman in White/The Boy in the Tower

1)& 2) Halloween story

compilation to swap

with year 5

The Lighthouse Keeper/Letters for a Lighthouse

1) &2) WW2

stories/letters to send

to the British Legion, or

share at Didcot Railway


Friend or Foe

1)Textbook page for primary history

Rose Blanche 1)Class debate – submit balanced argument to

judge. 2)Topic board classroom display

3)Send to Anne Frank museum in Holland 4)Class recipe book to take home

Escape from Pompeii 1) Children’s writing sent to animators who want

to turn the book into an action/adventure film.

The Mysteries of Harris Burdick 1)Writing to match to match mystery pictures

and suggestions sent publishers of The Chronicles of Harris Burdick: Fourteen

Amazing Authors Tell the Tales

Hurricane 1)& 2) Story books made and shared with

year 4. 3) Citizen journalism – children share reports

with Oxford Mail. 4) Advertising products designed and created in DT topic for local


Writing reviews Purpose for


Moth/The Stuff of Stars 1)Persuasive writing – letters

Moth/The Stuff of Stars 1)Write to transport


Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

(benefits/drawbacks of HS2)

Poetry Purpose for writing/audience

The Listeners

Free Write

The Night Before Christmas

Group performance – whole school/upper school assembly.

Moth/The Stuff of Stars 1)Figurative language

Moth/The Stuff of Stars 1) Poems for display in prayer corner/reflective


Writing Skills: Non-negotiables

Full stops, question marks, exclamation

marks and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 3/4 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks

and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 3/4 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation

marks and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation

marks and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation

marks and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Full stops, question marks, exclamation

marks and capital letters correctly used. Varied sentence structures.

Paragraphs. Correctly punctuated direct speech. Apostrophes for

contraction and possession. Year 5/6 spellings

correctly spelt. Continuous cursive handwriting.

Writing Skills: Progression in


Use full stops, commas, exclamation marks,

speech marks and question marks to

Use a wide range of conjunctions to create

compound and complex sentences

Use expanded noun phrases to convey

complicated information concisely

Distinguish between informal and formal

vocabulary and sentence structures

Revision and consolidation

Revision and consolidation

Long term planning: St Christopher’s C.E. Primary School 2021-22

punctuate sentences correctly.

Use expanded noun phrases to convey

complicated information concisely

Use semi-colons or dashes

Use a wide range of

adjectives and adjectival phrases, adverbs, adverbials and

prepositional phrases to add description and elaboration to writing.

Use semi-colons or dashes

Use bullet points and punctuate correctly Use colons and semi-colons in punctuating

bullet points

Distinguish between

informal and formal vocabulary and sentence structures

(incl. subjunctive) Use passive voice to present information in

an objective way

(incl. subjunctive)

Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity

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