
Volume 8, Issue 1

January 2016

Bearing Gifts We Traverse Afar! On entering the house, [the wise men] saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. ~ Matthew 2:11-12

O ne of the most beloved stories we read for Epiphany is the story of the wise men bringing gifts of gold,

frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus. The story is found in the Gospel of Matthew, and it’s captured for us in the classic hymn, We three kings of orient are, found in our Hymnal at #128.

J anuary finds us in transition. We move from the joy and celebration of the twelve days of Christmas, where we

give and receive gifts of all kinds, to the season of Epiphany in which we celebrate Jesus as the light of the world. It’s a great time to reflect on the renewed gift of Christ living and growing in our hearts and lives. It’s also a fabulous opportunity to reimagine the gift of the good news that we bear, and how we share our faith with others. With that in mind, we’re inviting everyone to celebrate all the gifts St. James has to offer by inviting a friend or neighbor by inviting a friend or neighbor by inviting a friend or neighbor by inviting a friend or neighbor to church on Sunday, January 10to church on Sunday, January 10to church on Sunday, January 10to church on Sunday, January 10thththth. There will be a special brunch served after both services and plenty of opportunity to share our excitement about all the great things going on here at St. James and, through our faith in action, in the community at large. It’s going to be a fun day for all, so don’t be shy about inviting others to share the joy.

W hen I’m sharing God’s love with children at this time of year, I usually ask them what gift they’d

like to give to Jesus. Children are amazingly open to God and seem to know immediately what Jesus desires the most.

Here’s a clue, they know it’s not about sharing their toys or other material things! Usually, without prompting, the children draw hearts, or tell me that they’re giving their love, or giving themselves to Jesus. Yes, yes, yes!!! We have nothing to bring to the Lord except our whole self, our love, and our hearts filled with gratitude. And when we give ourselves to Jesus in faith with thanksgiving, just like the Magi, we start out on a new path. Nothing can remain the same after we’ve encountered the Lord, and experienced God’s love and grace in our lives!

A s the New Year begins, we’ll continue to have many new opportunities to love and serve the

Lord, and love and serve our neighbors as ourselves. Let’s take the time to reflect on how God is calling us to step out in faith onto a new path, knowing that we’re safe in God’s loving care, and empowered to do the work He’s given us to do. Let’s think about how we share the gift we bear as disciples and followers of Jesus. Are we listening to God’s still small voice? Are we following God’s lead and Jesus’ example in every aspect of our lives? Let’s reimagine how our lives and ministries reflect the light, life and love of the Lord. Let’s go forward boldly as living members of Christ’s body, as bearers of the greatest gift the world will ever know, and as beacons of light in a world that really needs to know that God’s love reigns, and no darkness can overcome the light of Christ. A blessed New Year to all! Susan+



For. . .

Page 2 Bishop Committee Reports

Page 3

Youth Group in Action

Page 4 Youth Group in Action Community Outreach

Page 5 Reflecting the Light

Page 6 Reflecting the Light, cont.

This & That

Page 7 Fellowship Opportunities

Deacon’s Corner

Page 8 Bring A Friend Sunday

Baby Shower

Page 9 In Appreciation Acolyte Schedule

Bishop’s Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 20th

6:30 pm

Financial Snapshot The financial year is not quite over, but we will close the

year in good financial condition. The 2015 budget

anticipated a slight loss for the year, but instead we have a

surplus. 2016 is shaping up well. More on this at the

annual meeting on Jan. 31.

Please keep in mind that it is your contributions that make

the work of St. James possible. Please continue your

generous support.

We have updated the donations link on FaceBook. Just click the “Donate Now” button.

You can also contribute electronically on our web site: Click on

“SimpleGive,” or: you can TEXT an amount to: 480-725-3889.

McKee Lundberg

Here is to being a “wannabe” audiophile. I love music, but I cannot say I have or have access to the newest technology to make music sound its best. But, that is ok. I grew up listening to George Bernard Shaw and Perry Como. Now that is really dating myself. My parents took us to the Santa Fe Opera and the Santa Fe Chamber Music programs as often as possible. I sadly think of myself, foolishly, as a “Dead Head” because I traveled to see the Grateful Dead three times. I will listen to the Beatles’ “Revolution” one moment and then listen to Paul McCartney’s “Working Classical” the next. It doesn’t matter if it is Pink Floyd or Allison Krause, music means a lot to me. On a side note, knowing and maybe even liking the music your children listen to makes you the cool guy to their friends. I really love the Christmas season. The music is extraordinary in the way it tells the story of my Christian faith. With all of what has taken place throughout the past year, this music brings joy to my heart. My love for music naturally brings me to the musicians that we have at St. James who open their soul to us. They bring us all incredible joy! Their music comes from their heart and to me that is another form of prayer.


Bob Klassen

Treasurer’s Report

Year-To-Date through Dec. 26, 2015

Total Income $233,922.03

Total Expense $259,808.26

Sub-total Surplus / (Deficit) $25,886.23

Diocesan Support $36,750.06

Total Surplus / (Deficit) $10,863.83

From the Senior Warden

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The Junior Warden is happy to report that all the

old chairs and selected preschool inventory have

been donated to church communi�es in Guadalupe

and South Phoenix. Andrew Lwowski, a Boy Scout

working on his Eagle Scout Project, has taken on an

aggressive project for St. James to patch and paint

the damaged areas of the south wall. He will be

spreading stone all along the south wall as well.

This will be a huge improvement to the look of the

back of our church.

All who use the dumpsters MUST keep them

locked at all �mes. If someone from the outside

decides to rummage through the dumpster and

gets injured, there is a chance that the church could

face liability. The keys to the dumpster are over

the trash cans in the kitchen. They MUST be

returned a'er use. Thank you!

This isn’t your parents’ youth group…. We’re getting real about growing in God, living life in your world, serving

our neighbors, and having fun. Be there - bring a friend!

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I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for

all who came and helped with the Angel Tree Party on December 12th. From buying the gifts to bringing in the food for the boxes, we could not have done it without all of your support. The party was a great success. The children played games, had a visit from Santa, did crafts and had a meal and fellowship together. Again thank you for all that you did to make this past Christmas season a wonderful one for the Angel Tree children and families.

2015 has been a great year for the youth of St. James! I would like to

get the 2016 year off to a great start and have a parents meeting to

talk about events that were successful in the past and come up with

some new ideas for the future. Please join me for a parents meeting

Sunday, January 17th in the sanctuary after lunch. I think 2016 will

be a great new year for all of us!

Eileen Flock, YMA

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T he Christmas pageant is a great way for the children to tell the

story of the birth of Jesus. I am very proud of the children for their performance this year. It was enjoyed by all.

Christingle Sunday

C hristingle Sunday the children got together in room 4. We decorated the oranges with ribbons, candies and candles. We then had a Christingle service where the high school and junior high teens read the various parts of the service as we prepared the

Christingles for the presentation to the church. At the presentation the children received donations for children’s charities.

St. James Monthly Outreach to our hungry neighbors is at the UMOM Watkins St. Shelter. There are 10 spots available each month. Please sign up for our next service evening beginning at 5pm and ending about 6:00pm on Friday, January 8th. The Watkins shelter is located at: 1120 W. Watkins St. Phoenix, AZ 85004. Anyone who is 13 years and up is welcome to be part of the team. Also, please remember that if you sign up you are committing to show up, otherwise we’ll be short staffed. If you sign up and can’t come please arrange for a replacement.

Upcoming dates are:

February 12 March 11

April 8

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Reflecting the Light January 6 has a special name: Epiphany. The word epiphany means to “show forth” or “shine.” On Epiphany we hear the story of the magi. (You can read it in Matthew 2:1-12.) The magi were wise people who studied the skies and saw a bright star shining in the sky. They followed it to find the child that God had sent to be a special leader. Prophets had said this leader would be like a light shining in the darkness, showing people God’s way.

The magi didn’t belong to the same community or country as Jesus did, but they saw the star and believed it was announcing something important. They presented their gifts to Jesus; then they went back to their homeland. That was the start of the light of God’s love spreading out to all people.

The following activities are from Have fun learning about light, about how it shines, and about how it can be reflected.

Seeing ShadowsSeeing ShadowsSeeing ShadowsSeeing Shadows

What happens when light hits an object? The light will either pass through it, be absorbed by it, or bounce off it. You will need paper, a pencil, and a watch.

1) Go outside on a really nice sunny day. 2) Find a sunny spot to stand. Find an open area where there are no objects such as buildings or trees.

3) Locate the position of the sun in the sky and turn away from it so that your back is to it. 4) Look for your shadow in front of you. 5) Record the time and write what your shadow looks like. Is it a long shadow or is it a short shadow?

6) Go outside to the same position a few more times in the day. Record the time and your shadow shape.

7) Be sure to go outside in the evening when the sun has set and look for your shadow. Record your findings.

You will find that when the sun is low in the sky your shadow will look long, and when the sun is high in the sky your shadow will look short.


You will need a ball, a mirror, and a flashlight.

1) Place the flashlight on a table in a dark room (switched on). 2) Hold a mirror in front of the beam. 3) Where does the beam of light shine? (Is the light beam where you thought it would land?) 4) Now place the ball close by and try moving the mirror to see if you can get the spot of light to reach the ball. Keep trying to get the light to hit different objects.

You’ll find that when light hits shiny surfaces, like a mirror, it can bounce off and travel in different directions.

Continued on page 4

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Reflecting the Light

Mirror DrawingsMirror DrawingsMirror DrawingsMirror Drawings

Mirrors are designed to reflect nearly all the light that hits them. When you look in a flat mirror you see a reflection of yourself which is the same size as you, but back to front. You will need paper, a pencil, and a mirror.

1) Draw a simple shape like a star or heart. 2) Place the mirror upright behind your drawing so that you can see it in the mirror. 3) Try drawing your shape while looking into the mirror.

When looking in the mirror, the top of your picture becomes the bottom. This makes it very difficult to copy your drawing, especially when the lines change direction. Shiny SpoonsShiny SpoonsShiny SpoonsShiny Spoons

You will need a shiny spoon.

1) Look at your reflection on the inside of the spoon. The surface on the inside of a spoon bends in – it is concave. Dentists use concave mirrors to examine your teeth. These mirrors make your teeth look bigger so the dentist can examine them more easily.

2) Now turn your spoon out and look at your reflection on the outside of the spoon. The surface on the outside of a spoon bends out – it is convex.

The next time you are at a fair, take a look at yourself in the crazy mirrors. They bend in all sorts of ways so that you look bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner, and even wavy.

This. . . and That. . .This. . . and That. . .This. . . and That. . .This. . . and That. . .

Last Year’s Palms and Palm Crosses Beginning the second week of January, we’ll once again be collecting last year’s palm crosses and palms so that I can burn them and make the ashes for Ash Wednesday. This is such a prayerful and holy time for me, and I hope you feel the love and prayers that go into the process when you receive your ashes on Ash Wednesday (February 10th this year!) Thanks for your help! Susan+

Also, because it’s coming so soon…. Save the Date for the Pancake Supper Shrove Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, falls on February 9th this year – so take a moment now to get that date on your calendar. The Men’s Bible group will be hosting the annual pancake supper. Thanks gentlemen!

St James BookiesSt James BookiesSt James BookiesSt James Bookies

December’s book is

“Cathedral” by Nelson

DeMille. We will meet

Sunday, January 3rd,

after the 10:30 service

at The Paradise Bakery in

the Chandler Pavilions,

940 N. 54th Street,

Chandler , 85226.

Please bring a wrapped

book for the gift


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Join Us

for Lunch!!

Thursday, January 28th

11:15 am

Biscuit’s 4623 E. Elliot Road, Phoenix

(SW corner 48th & Elliot)

Tuesday, January 12th

6:00 pm Elephant BarElephant BarElephant BarElephant Bar

3405 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler 852263405 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler 852263405 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler 852263405 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler 85226

“Counting My Blessings” What a blessing I have received…What a year 2015 turned out to be…What a way for God to get my attention! For the first time in my life, I was sidelined in a very deliberate way. In the midst of my health issues, the blessing was that God saved me. We never know why things happen and we always pray for the best outcomes. This time, God saved my life; literally it was a Godsend that I was in the hospital. Merriam-Webster defines the term “godsend” as something that provides great and usually unexpected help when it is needed — and that’s what God did for me. We can’t always understand and yet, deep inside, our faith never wavers. With the love of my own family, the love and prayers of my awesome St. James family, friends and the people of our Episcopal Diocese, I have been able to heal and recover. Your prayers, cards, texts and phone calls have helped in ways that words cannot express. Our own Vicar Susan+ has been with me every step of the way visiting me in hospital, checking in on me and accommodating me as I recover and begin serving at the Altar again. At this time of year, we get a chance to look to the future while learning from the past. While I still tend to fall asleep at times during my meditation J … I know that this rest and time to listen to God and time to let the Spirit heal me has brought me back even stronger. Thank you for the blessing you bring to our St. James family and special thanks for the powerful prayer warriors we have! Wishing you a spirit-filled, blessed, and healthy 2016! Blessings, Deacon Robin

Sharing Ourselves SaturdaySharing Ourselves SaturdaySharing Ourselves SaturdaySharing Ourselves Saturday

January 16th 4:00 to 6:00 pm

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St. James Welcomes Guests……

We Encourage you to bring a friend or neighbor to church for

Services at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m.

January 10th and to join us for

Brunch After the 8:30 and 10:30 Services.

We will serve: Egg and Sausage Breakfast Casseroles Vegetarian Breakfast Casseroles

French Toast Sausage Links Fresh Fruit

Orange Juice, Coffee and or Tea

If you would be willing to bring something to contribute, please sign up at the back of the church.

Tickets are free, but you must have a ticket to attend so that we

have an accurate count of those attending.

It’s a Baby Shower!

Please join us in the Library on Saturday, January 16th, at 2:00 pm as we host a baby shower for Tori Burton. Please RSVP to Jackie Disney or Diana so we know how many to plan for.

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Thank you to the entire ParishThank you to the entire ParishThank you to the entire ParishThank you to the entire Parish for all you did during the Navajoland, Thanksgiving, Advent,

Angel Tree and Christmas events. Thank you to all who “saved the day” for our Angel Tree

Ministry this year. We also give special thanks to those of you who volunteered at UMOM’s

Watkins Women’s Center to make life a little brighter and a little better for those less

fortunate than we are. And we all wish to thank Jim andJim andJim andJim and Carrie McCulloughCarrie McCulloughCarrie McCulloughCarrie McCullough for heading up

the Navajoland Blanket Project. They exceeded expectations once again this year. Your

time and talent are so appreciated.

With gratitude to Nick SpenceWith gratitude to Nick SpenceWith gratitude to Nick SpenceWith gratitude to Nick Spence for acquiring and installing the projector that reflects the

images on the back wall for clergy and the choir. Not only did he acquire the projector, he

installed it using a ladder that was so tall it would make anyone weak in the knees. Thank you

Nick you made life so much easier and better for others.

Dave Faymon, Steve Wilmot and Eileen FlockDave Faymon, Steve Wilmot and Eileen FlockDave Faymon, Steve Wilmot and Eileen FlockDave Faymon, Steve Wilmot and Eileen Flock how do we begin to express our gratitude to the three of

you for you all you do with and for our St. James Youth. You are giving our young people such a

wonderful experience offering our Youth the opportunity to grow in their faith, develop good spiritual

habits, and enjoy the company of good friends in a safe, loving environment. Your patience, passion

and faithfulness are greatly appreciated. You give so much and we thank you.

Larry KenyonLarry KenyonLarry KenyonLarry Kenyon……what can we say. What don’t you do? You have cry windows installed, supervise painting projects,

purchase new outdoor wall sconces, and supervise new wiring being installed when old wiring goes bad. You also supervise

the T-mobile cell tower project with Chris PapaccioChris PapaccioChris PapaccioChris Papaccio, McKee LundbergMcKee LundbergMcKee LundbergMcKee Lundberg and Kim GillespieKim GillespieKim GillespieKim Gillespie, purchase and have new

thermostats installed in the school wing and then turn around and see to it that the school wing

gets cleaned out in anticipation of a new school renting the property. You fix leaking toilets,

change light bulbs, tidy up the kitchen while waiting for some other project to be completed and

you see to it that new chairs by the hundreds are put into place and the old ones get a new home,

that tables and chairs are moved for the Evening of Music and other church events, people

appear to help and things are done that no one knows about all under your careful direction. You

are at church sometimes 2 or 3 times a day sometimes 7 days a week. You count money, repair aged and broken

sprinklers, vacuum, you do it all and all the while with a smile on your face and a kind word for everyone. You are a GEM

Larry Kenyon and we are so grateful to have you at St. James. You’re awesome, Larry!

DATE 8:30 am Service 10:30 am Service

2016 January 3 Barbara C= Pam H. BU=

January 10 Pamela C= Collin BU= Nyah

January 17 Barbara C= Pam H. BU=Brandon

January 24 Pamela C= Nyah BU= Dylan

January 31 John B. C= Natasha BU= Collin

Acolyte Schedule for January 2016

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