
Lost my name : Hippo : Designer : Lily Burton : UP697652

Design Lost my name book research Background asset concept art Background layout concept art Hippo concept art Initial Hippo turn around drawings

Colour concept for trees Colour concept for log Colour concept for rocks Colour concept for log mud scene Colour concept for waterfall scene

Reference photos and drawings of hippo at Natural History Museum Voice acted for the boy Video reference, acting out the Hippo

Texturing + UV unwrapping Brush Shower cap Trees Log

Animation Initial boy walk 3D test animation Initial animation of the boy for the first 40 Seconds of the scene (Not used in final shot) Final animation, animating everything between frame 1 -651. (0 - 0:20)

Lost my name : Hippo : Director : Sara Sung : UP714482

Directing Storyboard & Animatic, version 1: Thumbnails of story and key scenes focusing on character interaction Storyboard & Animatic, version 2: There were many scenes cancelled because to created balanced character interaction and the story flow based on the limited time. The final outcome is closer to the final version. For the animatic, added the camera movement and the first voice recording. Storyboard & Animatic, version 3: Clear and tidy to show the flow of the story. Including more information of the facial expression of characters in the storyboard. Group members suggested that it is better to not include the facial expression changing in the storyboard because it is better to merely involve the general flow of the story. Storyboard version 4 & 3D Animatic: Final version using original layout created by Callum.

Initial voice recordings and sound effects. Video reference, acting out the Boy

Animation Initial boy walk 2D&3D test animation Initial animation of the boy for the last 40 Seconds of the scene (Not used in final shot) Final animation, animating everything between frame 640 - 1261. (0:21 - 0:39)

Lost my name : Hippo : 3D Modeller : Callum East : UP680794

Modeling Hippo: Modeled, Rigged, Paint weighted,UV unwrapped, Initial environment layout Rock wall Mud path Log Water pool Initial environment mud splashes (Not used in final animation) Initial environment ground and sky (Not used in final animation)

Reference Reference photos of hippo at Natural History Museum Using Lily's designs as a base, created a second turnaround for personal reference in regards to modeling the Hippo Voice acted the Hippo for final take

Animation Initial boy walk 3D test animation During drafting phase, assisted Lily by animating the Hippo during roughly the first 15 seconds of animation. Initial animation of the hippo for the first 40 Seconds of the scene (Not used in final shot) Final animation, animating everything between frame 1262 -1995. (0:39 - 0:57)

Lost my name : Hippo : Producer : Roseanna Warr : UP683772

Producing Trello: Three list layers; To do Doing and Done. Each week I moved what needed to be done into the "Doing list, and updated the To do So everyone would know what was happening over the next several weeks. It was planned that everyone would get it done and uploaded for Wednesday, with a link to the work in the card. Once it is done it will be moved across to the Done list Tom's planner: A general overview of the week to week "to dos" Facebook: For initial quick talking to one another and updates Later moving away from Trello and onto Facebook Rescheduling and organising according to mishaps

Asked everyone to become familiar with the boy rig, by creating a basic walk cycle Set up event to Natural history museum for direct hippo reference Reference photos and drawings of hippo at Natural History Museum Video reference, camera woman Created all the presentations Gathered all of the notes and feedback and annotated the relevant videos Set up new sounds and re recorded voices

Using Sara's animatic, deleted the boy and hippo from the file and concentrated on getting all of the scene scaled correctly and textured. The assets were placed on different layers so it's easier to navigate. This file was then imported into the original animatic scene available for everyone to use Edited Sarah's initial video of 1:57 to 1:20 with Lily and Sara in the same room giving feedback Created a physical copy of the final feedback annotations and gave each person 20 seconds with both the timing of the old animatic and the new one to help guide them Gave everyone a maya file containing a clear layout, layer organisation and the timings sectioned for each individual person Edited everyone's final rendered 20 seconds of video into final video. Along with timed speech and sound effects

Visual research Colour psychology - With Lily Children marketing - With Lily Platform colour differences Cultural differences Colour blindness (As aimed at children learning to read and to be made as easy to understand as possible Modeled hippo footage Real life hippo footage Cartoon hippo footage

Modeled Brush - Using Lilys drawing as reference Trees - Using Lilys drawing as reference Rocks - Using Lilys drawing as reference Shower cap Waterfall (Initial low poly version not used in final shot) Completely redid the background as it was pointed out that the previous layout didn't make sense. Also implementing "sun and sky" Low poly leaves Bubbles Letter H

Textured Hippo normal, soapy, muddy - With help from Catriona Power in using Mudbox. Rocks - Texture also used for Callums larger rock and the ground Water (Initial low poly version not used in final shot) Low poly leaves Bubbles

Animation Initial boy walk 3D test animation Initial animation of the hippo for the last 40 Seconds of the scene (Not used in final shot) Final 20 seconds of both the boy and the hippo in the final scene 1996- 2800 (1:00-1:20)

I Lily Burton agree that all above is accurate and correct:

I Sara Sung agree that all above is accurate and correct:

I Callum East agree that all above is accurate and correct:

I Roseanna Warr agree that all above is accurate and correct:

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