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Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project

12-Month Strategic Plan

November 2009

prepared by

The Block Marketing & Consulting LLC


The Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration ProjectState of Louisiana Department of Social Services

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Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project

The Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project (LHSSCP) strives to create and offer support to state to statewide partnerships among Head Start program, child care programs and public school pre-kindergarten programs. By identifying gaps and overlaps in service delivery to low-income families and initiating strategies that result in improved access, delivery and coordination of services for families with young children, the LHSSCP plays a vital role in improving the developmental, social and economic conditions for low-income children and families.

Head Start Collaboration offices were created by the 2007 Head Start Act, in which Section 642B contains provisions for the award of a collaboration grant to each State, including the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and to each national administrative office serving American Indian Head Start programs and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs. The purpose of these grants is to facilitate collaboration among Head Start and Early Head Start agencies and entities that carry out activities designed to benefit low-income children from birth to school entry and their families.

Head Start and Early Head Start

Louisiana Head Start and Early Head Start programs serve more than 22,000 children and 100 pregnant women in the State of Louisiana. These 43 programs are operated by several different types of grantees, including community action programs, public school districts and non-profit organizations.

Louisiana Head Start programs provide quality, comprehensive services to low-income children three to five years of age and their families in all 64 Louisiana parishes. Head Start promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services to enrolled children and families. There are 41 Head Start programs in Louisiana that serve more than 21,000 children.

Louisiana Early Head Start programs serve pregnant women and children birth to three years of age. Early Head Start programs promote healthy prenatal outcomes, enhance the development of infants and toddlers, and promote healthy family functioning. There are 11 total Early Head Start programs in the state of Louisiana, and only 2 are stand-alone Early Head Start programs. The remaining 9 Early Head Start programs are run in conjunction with Head Start programs.

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Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project12-Month Strategic Plan

This strategic plan will serve as a guidance tool over the next 12 months for the Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project in an effort to increase the effectiveness of its activities in the creation and support of statewide partnerships between Head Start programs, child care programs, public school pre-kindergarten programs and other entities that can help deliver coordinated services to children and families in nine priority areas. Those nine priority areas are

1. Education

2. Child Care

3. Health

4. Welfare and Child Welfare

5. Family Literacy

6. Community Services

7. Children Experiencing Homelessness

8. Children with Disabilities

9. Professional Development

This plan was developed from a cursory needs assessment evaluation conducted by The Louisiana Head Start State Collaboration Project and an in-depth analysis of needs assessment data by The Block Marketing and Consulting LLC. Five goals for the next 12 months have been identified, and supporting objectives, action steps, outcomes and measurements have been included to increase the likelihood that each goal is met within the proposed timeframe.

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Goal #1: To increase public understanding of early childhood education, health and school readiness as major contributors to student academic success and the overall economic vitality of the State of Louisiana.

Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Improve and increase awareness and understanding of the achievements of Head Start and Early Head Start Programs in priority areas of education and health.

Identify, create and distribute educational materials on Head Start and Early Head Start to elected officials, parents, key stakeholders, state agencies, policy makers and the child care and early education community for reference and guidance.

More educated citizens in Louisiana on the Head Start and Early Head Start programs by providing relevant and state specific information on Head Start and Early Head Start to assist parents, service providers, policy makers, state agencies, advocacy groups and other stakeholders with information and data for reference and/or planning purposes.

Number of educational materials distributed to elected officials, parents, key stakeholders, state agencies, policy makers and others over the next 12 months

Make Head Start and Early Head Start-specific data and information available through website services and early childhood related links.

The Head Start and Early Head Start brand will become synonymous with quality early childhood education in the State of Louisiana.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Louisiana Head Start Association website updates and traffic counts

Conduct and create educational opportunities for the general public, elected officials, state agencies and the early childhood community on the comprehensive services of Head Start and Early Head Start and the contributions of Head Start programs in Louisiana.

Parents, service providers and the general public will have access to resources (documents, websites and links) that can assist with identifying and locating Head Start and Early Head Start programs and other quality early child care and education information and data.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of increases in the number of families inquiring about Head Start and Early Head Start Services

Louisiana Head Start Association website traffic count

Number of mailers and palm cards disseminated

Goal #1: To increase public understanding of early childhood education, health and school

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readiness as major contributors to student academic success and the overall economic vitality of the State of Louisiana.

Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes MeasuresImprove and increase awareness and understanding of the achievements of Head Start and Early Head Start Programs in priority areas of education and health.

Educate and encourage collaborations between Head Start, the Department of Education, child care providers, advocates and state agencies on joint efforts (QRS, Early Learning Guidelines and shared professional development opportunities) to achieve common goals and outcomes for children and families in the areas of education and health.

Increased opportunities for public education on the comprehensive services provided by Head Start and Early Head Start programs and the importance of early child programs and services in the success of Louisiana’s children and families.

LHSSCP Annual Report

Documentation of number of opportunities for public education facilitated by LHSSCP

Develop organizational websites and links for public access to information on Head Start and Early Head Start, child care, Quality Rating System, EITC and educational and professional development opportunities.

Increased effectiveness of early childhood education and health services provided in Louisiana through collaborations with state agencies, policy makers, parents, and child care providers, Head Start and Early Head Start, advocacy groups and other key stakeholders.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of the number of collaborative relationships between Head Start and Early Head Start programs and state agencies, policy makers, child care providers, advocacy groups and other key stakeholders

Promote the importance of health in school readiness and the comprehensive services provided by Head Start and Early Head Start programs in the areas of nutrition, health, social emotional, parent involvement, education and disabilities.

Increased number of educated citizens on the importance of overall health as an indicator of success in the success of children.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Louisiana Head Start Association website traffic counts

Number of materials delivered/distributed (palm cards, mailers, etc.)

Goal #1: To increase public understanding of early childhood education, health and school readiness as major contributors to student academic success and the overall economic vitality of

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the State of Louisiana.

Objective #2 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Improve and increase awareness and understanding of the achievements of Head Start and Early Head Start Programs in priority areas of education and health.

Serve on the Louisiana Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board by supporting and addressing issues related to children’s health and preventive health measures through a series of monthly meetings.

Continued participation on Louisiana Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board.

Number of Louisiana Children’s Advisory Board meetings attended by LHSSCP staff

Louisiana Children’s Advisory Board meeting minutes and initiatives

Serve on the Louisiana Partnership for Children and Families Board of Directors and assist with framing messages and creating dialogue with policy makers, advocacy groups and associations on issues that are vital to the success of children and families in the State of Louisiana.

Increased ability to educate policymakers by engaging partners and local champions in policy dialogue concerning vital issues related to the success of children and families in the State of Louisiana.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation on the introduction of State legislation and/or new policies

Research and promote policies that support state agencies related to child care and welfare, children, families and communities.

The development of policy and initiatives that has the support of state agencies and that are in the best interest of children, families, and communities.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation on the introduction of policies

Goal #2: To improve the ability of families to access quality preschool and early childhood learning programs that meet the needs of families.

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Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Improve coordination and policy development between Head Start and Early Head Start programs and the Pre-K System (local education agencies, and the Department of Education) concerning special education preschool, data tracking and transitions.

Support collaborative working relationships between local Head Start and Early Head Start programs and the corresponding local education agencies, primarily on the issues of Pre-K and transition.

Develop a Memorandum of Understanding between Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Louisiana Head Start Association, LHSSCP, and the Region VI Office that focuses on Special Education and transitions.

Development of an inclusive and comprehensive Early Childhood Education System consisting of the Department of Education, Head Start programs and child care providers focused on the successful transition of children from Head Start and child care to the state funded Pre-K program.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of meetings focused on the development of an inclusive, comprehensive Childhood Education System in the State of Louisiana

Status of Memorandum of Understanding between OSPI, the Head Start Association, LHSSCP and the Region IV Office focusing on Special Education and transitions

Minutes from meetings conducted with the aforementioned parties

Support coordinated efforts between the Department of Education, Head Start and Early Head Start and child care to track children and students statewide, to collect basic demographic information, special services obtained, and test scores.

Development and/or revision of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to provide participants and their respected agencies with opportunities to understand the roles that each agency performs related to the needs and services available to families and children with disabilities.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Developed or revised Memorandums of Understanding between the Department of Education, Head Start and Early Head Start, and child care programs

Support parent involvement in planning and decision-making on policies related to the needs of children and families in Louisiana

Increased opportunities for families to be actively and effectively involved in policies related to education and child welfare.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Testimonials from parents

Minutes from policy meetings involving parents

Goal #2: To improve the ability of families to access quality preschool and early childhood learning programs that meet the needs of families.

Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

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Improve coordination and policy development between Head Start and Early Head Start programs and the Pre-K System (local education agencies, and the Department of Education) concerning special education preschool, data tracking and transitions.

Work with the Department of Education and school districts to support school readiness.

Increased commitment to the successful transition of every Head Start and child care child into the public school system.

Increased parent involvement in the planning and implementation stages of the program.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Support coordinated efforts between the Department of Education, Head Start and Early Head Start and child care to track children and students statewide, to collect basic demographic information, special services obtained, and test scores.

Development and/or revision of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to provide participants and their respected agencies with opportunities to understand the roles that each agency performs related to the needs and services available to children and families with disabilities.

Ability to monitor longitudinal tracking of children and compare Head Start/Early Head Start and child care children with low-income students who did not receive services.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Developed or revised Memorandums of Understanding between the Department of Education, Head Start and Early Head Start, and child care programs

Longitudinal studies comparing children served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs and children who did not receive services.

Serve as a State Team Leader on SpecialQuest Birth-Five to increase collaboration, effectiveness and coordination of service providers for early intervention and the inclusion of children and families with disabilities.

Provide continued input as a State Team Leader on SpecialQuest Birth-Five for early intervention and the inclusion of children and families with disabilities.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation from SpecialQuest Birth-Five state leadership team meetings

State Interagency Coordinating Council for Early Steps (SICC).

Goal #2: To improve the ability of families to access quality preschool and early childhood learning programs that meet the needs of families.

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Objective #2 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Improve coordination and policy development between Head Start/Early Head Start programs and State Education programs.

Serve on the BrightStart Initiative Steering Committee and assist with the development of policy and collaborative systems to support and maintain the development of the state’s Early Childhood Comprehensive System.

Support collaborative working relationships between Head Start and Early Head Start programs and their local childcare programs around common policy areas and early childhood systems.

Develop a working partnership agreement between child care, Region VI, LHSSCP, and the Louisiana Head Start Association that focuses on blended funding for programs and common policy areas.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of progress toward a working partnership agreement between child care, Region VI, LHSSCP, and the Louisiana Head Start Association.

Development and/or augmentation of dual enrollment practices within the State.

Explore the roles of Head Start and child care in the expansion of Pre-K services to allow access to all four-year-olds and coordinate early childhood programs to establish one high-quality system.

Legislation that encourages publicly funded local education systems to partner with Head Start and child care to provide pre-k services through a diverse delivery system which includes Head Start and child care.

Documentation of introduction of and/or advocacy for legislation

Goal #3: To increase the availability of appropriate and coordinated mental health services for children served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

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Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Improve coordination and policy development between Head Start/Early Head Start programs and State Education programs.

Recruit Head Start and Early Head Start Directors and/or staff to participate on statewide committees.

Increased opportunities for Head Start and Early Head Start Directors, Head Start staff and child care providers to participate on statewide committees.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

State Committee appointments

Support programs and curricula that have been proven to enhance teacher and caregiver knowledge of social, emotional and mental health of young children.

Enhanced ability of teachers and caregivers to provide adequate services around the social, emotional, and mental health of children and families.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Support and promote assessment strategies that include social, emotional, and mental health components and outcomes that are measured, reported and used as a tool for improvement.

Development of effective assessment strategies and tools that include social, emotional, mental health components.

Developed assessment strategies and tools

Goal #4: To increase the awareness of public and private partners on the use of Early Learning Guidelines and the promotion of Quality Start Child Care Rating System.

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Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Promote the use of Early Learning Guidelines to public and private partners.

Distribute the Early Learning Guidelines and information on QRS to child care providers, Head Start programs and the general public via the Internet and literature.

Increased knowledge and understanding of the state’s Early Learning Guidelines and the Quality Start Child Care Rating System among the public, child care providers, Head Start and Early Head Start programs and the early education community.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of the distribution of literature and posting on the Internet.

Increase public knowledge of the Early Learning Guidelines and QRS while illustrating the implications for Head Start and Head Start programs and child care.

Use meetings, conferences and public forums to maximize educational opportunities to educate public officials, the early childhood community, state agencies, and the general public about the Early Learning Guidelines, QRS and the comprehensive services provided by Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

Increased understanding of Quality Start and the Early Learning Guidelines and collaborations focused on achieving expected outcomes for children and families in the State of Louisiana.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Facilitate collaborative working relationships by encouraging local collaborative processes with action outcomes focused on opportunities to increase alignment and integration, reduce duplication of efforts, and maximize resources.

Effective coordination, implementation, and execution of newly accepted strategic initiatives to increase alignment and integration, reduce duplication of efforts, and maximize resources.

LHSSCP Needs Assessment Report

Documentation of results of meetings

Development of policy and plan

Goal #5: To improve the governance, functional operations and perceptions of the LHSSCP to be an inclusive, neutral and objective leader in supporting and promoting policies that help

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early learning programs better serve the needs of children and families.

Objective #1 Action Steps Outcomes Measures

Secure appropriate level of autonomy to conduct LHSSCP mandated functions.

Work with the Department of Social Services Child Care Division and the state Civil Service Department to restore the HSSCO Director’s position to its original Civil Service status prior to relocating the LHSSCP to the Child Care and Early Education Division.

LHSSCP will have the level of autonomy required to conduct the functions mandated by the School Readiness Act of 2007.

Documented changes in the autonomy of the LHSSCP.

Identify the contact person responsible for early childhood education related issues on behalf of the Governor’s Office to schedule a meeting.

Development of a formal working relationship between the LHSSCP and the Office of the Governor.

Documentation of contact with the person responsible for early childhood education issues in the Governor’s Office.

Identify and share contact information with the person responsible for early childhood education related issues on behalf of the Department of Education to schedule a meeting.

Development of a formal working relationship between the LHSSCP and the Department of Education.

Documentation of contact with the person responsible for early childhood education issues in the Department of Education.

Communicate widely the ability of the LHSSCP to promote and represent diverse viewpoints on various levels.

Maximize flexibility of the LHSSCP by engaging non-traditional partners and underrepresented voices.

Improved perception of the LHSSCP as an entity that engages all potential partners and minority voices, concerns and issues that have an impact of the lives of children and families in Louisiana.

Number of opportunities to serve as an advocate/partner for non-traditional partners and underrepresented voices.

Program Enrollment Information

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Enrollment by Eligibility





Recipient of Public Assistance Income Eligibility Over Income Foster Children


According to the 2006-2007 PIR, the total actual enrollment in Head Start and Early Head Start programs was 22,812.

Enrollment by Eligibility3,685 Recipient of Public Assistance17,947 Income Eligibility985 Over Income195 Foster Children

Enrollment by Age243 Under One Year388 One Year Old641 Two Years Old

11,098 Three Years Old10,154 Four Years Old

184 Five Years Old

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Enrollment by Age







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Under One Year

One Year Old

Two Years Old

Three Years Old

Four Years Old

Five Years Old

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Enrollment by Program Option14,864 Full Day (5 days per week)

17 Full Day (4 days per week)4,672 Part Day (5 days per week)

0 Party Day (4 days per week)261 Home Based0 Combination Program0 Family Child Care0 Locally Designed Options63 Pregnant Women Included Above

Enrollment by Race70 American Indian/Alaskan82 Asian

18,201 African-American6 Native Haw./Pac. Islander

3,739 White493 Bi-Racial or Multi-Racial10 Other211 Unspecified

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Enrollment by Program Option




0 261 0 0 0 630









Full Day (5

days per


Full Day (4

days per


Part Day (5

days per


Party Day (4

days per


Home Based Combination


Family Child









Enrollment by Race









0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000

American Indian/Alaskan



Native Haw./Pac. Islander


Bi-Racial or Multi-Racial



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