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    She Come. She Go. She Came. She Went.

    By Bruce D. Gormley

    circa 1973

    Scene Looking at Same Farm House

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    She Came, She Go

    Throughout Vermont on this morning,

    the alarms

    bells, buzzers, beeps sounded their call in tens of thousands of homes.

    Warm feet hit the frigid floor

    Babies cried. Children screamed.

    Legs swung to the floor and everyone sat still for a while.


    Yawns. Hugs. sharp yelling words.Laughter. gentle talk.

    Eyes looked out to check the weather

    Some paused and took a second look at the sky.

    Hands hurried to pull on clothes and fasten for the rain or sun.

    Water steamed through coffee and the smell soothed the senses

    And made people hungry for toast, eggs and bacon.

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    Children scurried and animals watched and waited for their food.

    Hats, scarves, coat, gloves, mittens

    Kisses goodbye. See you later.

    Today I got up and sat at the edge of my bed for too long.

    I felt alone.

    It was too quiet.

    I wanted to make breakfast for more than just me.

    I wanted to talk to someone about the weather,

    about the news,

    about the aurora borealis I saw last week -

    about anything.

    I was hungry not-for-breakfast-alone;

    I was thinking of you.

    I looked down the long dirt driveway

    lined by aged faithful maples

    forming a tunnel that cuts through the fields.

    The fog hung on the land still.

    The farm was backlit by the rising sun,

    Making the trees glow dark

    red, then pink, then pink-


    I looked out the front window and waited

    for your wonderfully-wispy figure to appear,

    walking as you always do when you

    come to me -

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    slowly (or is it idly or cautiously?)

    On this particular day I envisioned you

    in a country girl dress with pleats that fluttered in the breeze.

    That Day You Came

    From no where today.

    You seemed to drop out of the sky today.

    Silently you walked to me

    with a slow smile.


    You appeared as a tiny distant doting indistinct dot,

    far down the driveway.


    Then soon I knew it was you by the way you walked

    slowly and smoothly although stopping now and then

    then seemingly gliding in soft angel steps inches off the ground.

    Now and then you gazed upward at the maple branches

    and looked off toward the fields and the five mountains one beyond the other

    as though curious and wondering where

    (and perhaps why) you were there.

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    I thought I saw you hesitate once or twice

    You even turned around to face

    the space from whence you came

    Then to my appreciation

    you then walked on a little swifter

    to me

    closer and closer.

    Today you appeared

    just when I thought

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    I had almost forgotten you.

    and just when I thought you

    had forgotten me for sure.

    You appeared though my hopes were

    shrouded like ancient women at a funeral.

    You were dead and arose again .

    You were a mere flash of my mind

    granted (again) flesh and warmth and breath

    and warm skin for me to perhaps touch

    yielding lips to kiss and a quiet voice

    to repair my fragile

    crystalline mind.

    That morning was unusually warm for early spring.

    A fog drifted idly in a ribbon

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    along the insistent and persistent ice of the snow feed stream.

    The fog formed a misty line,

    looking as if drawn in oils by

    the talented dabbing hand of a master artist.

    The stream strayed off as far as I could see

    and then out of sight

    where it cut between two gray hills

    with trees that had only the adolescent stubble of tiny leaves.

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    In the valleys where the sun hardly shines

    The snow melted unceremoniously

    in the changing-to pink-to-yellow-to-white-light-blue-sky -

    intensifying sunlight.

    You walked over the wet grass

    into the middle of the front yard

    and stood stationary as if lost in thought,

    perhaps unsure

    but driven to me by some primordial instinct .

    I held my breath.

    Come to me, I whispered to your image

    I could hear the dripping of dew

    from the naked-warming-slowly branches in the back wood lot.

    The trees are laughing because the snow is gone, I thought ,

    Their sleep is over.

    Spring rain has awakened them

    And their tiny buds aim skyward and absorb the sun

    Soon they will spread as an eager maiden

    And receive the sun light and warmth

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    Come to me, I urged I a whisper.

    And their tiny buds aim skyward and absorb the sun

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    I moved my lips to make those words but am not sure if

    I actually spoke the words.

    No one morns the passing of the snow.

    Its here for a while and then it goes away

    for long hot seasons.

    It is loved at first, then taken for granted

    until one gets tired of it.

    But now even in April, it might snow tomorrow.

    In Vermont, no one is ever sure of

    a particular snowfall being the last of the year -

    until perhaps July.

    No bells echo down the valley

    for the funeral of that cold glistening whiteness.

    There are no final funerals for snow -

    No closure. No condolences. No tears.

    No fragrant bouquets

    to soothe the senses.

    I thought - you come and go,

    go and come like snow

    but without the regularity of seasons.

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    When you go away, you blanket the world

    And take the colors with you

    And make the world black, white and gray.

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    I stood in the window watching you come to me

    And you

    Your weather is New Englands.

    You have your seasons but without the comfortable reliability.

    And you come as in the infancy of spring

    You have not forgotten how to be reincarnated

    For too long you hide from me like a child.

    Then something happens to you

    And you come home.

    (Then perhaps the noreasters of your soul spin for a while

    in some deep cold part of your mind

    that will not be warmed and tamed)


    you go away, perhaps forever

    I never know if it will be weeks, months or years

    or forever.

    Sometimes I feel I am a immobile rough hewn statue

    Of jagged ice

    and you come to me

    with gracious and creative warm hands

    and you smooth away my sharp edges.

    You sculpt me into a masterpiece.

    That is how you make me feel.

    You are a fine artist with most talented hands.

    It is strange how you go away,

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    then appear like dawn at midnight

    and give yourself so completely to me

    as before

    - in time too far away -Then you leave

    To a place with no address.

    When I kiss you, I remember and always say to myself

    With silent suppressed surprised delight, -

    Yes, that's how your kissing was.

    Not quite as I tried yesterday to remember it.

    Oh better, much better.

    You are softer than rainbow rain,

    warmer than the feeling of down quilts thrown over me

    on February nights at two oclock by someone who loves me.

    Each time together is the first time

    so it seems.

    but the last time


    I take off your clothes like a child unwrapping a present,

    but slowly, gently.

    And you watch me


    like a giver pleased to give.

    I love you.

    We never did just take our clothes off

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    and jump into bed.

    I would kiss you

    and you would sigh like you were never before kissed.

    I always touched you everywhere

    In all your hidden places

    until clothes got in the way.

    Slowly - always we undressed each other

    tossing clothes out of the way

    like children laughing at silly inhibitions.

    Often, naked we would dance slowly .

    Often we both were very aware that we drifted

    back in time to enchanted teenage places

    when love was brand new

    and startling.

    "Do you remember..." you would ask

    like you were saying a prayer," ...the time we went to

    Nauset Light beach on the Cape in the storm?"

    (Of course, I remembered everything

    of that occasion so I said)

    "And we defied the lightning

    and walked the beach at the edge of the breakers."

    We felt fearlessly immortal.

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    We felt like together-forever-summer

    As constant and powerful as the waves

    that rolled with delight

    upon finding at last warm sand.

    Without breaking the melodic cadence

    of the incantation you continued,

    "And then the warm rain fell.

    You said it was our baptism."

    I said

    Remember how it washed away the sand and salt water mist

    and we licked the rain from each others bodies."

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    (I do remember thinking that I was glad of the rain

    and the salty spray,

    because there was no way

    you could tell my tears from the raindrops. )


    Underneath it all, deeply inside, even then

    some part of me was saying that autumn

    followed the eternal summer.

    Then and there in that summer - In my mind I was seeing that beach

    as it would appear to me alone in winter --

    sand covered by snow made sloppy by salt spray.

    Into my farm house you came

    straight into my arms without a word.

    Today in a misty dream where nothing existed but us.

    We lost track of time.

    We were not anyplace here or there or then or now

    but every-place where we had been before

    That's what we do to each other still.

    Your breasts are always softer to touch

    after months or years of neglect.

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    (When you are gone, I unfold and touch the petals of

    fragile flowers

    in your honor.)

    My eyes always dwell on your gently stark shapes.

    Sometimes (I can't help it) I find myself

    memorizing, staring

    at your eyes, your nose, your lips, your arms and legs, your breasts -- I stare at.

    every curve and contour of your here-now body

    because I know you will go away again ...

    perhaps this time forever.

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    Countless times in bed alone,

    I try to remember how it was

    that your wispy fingers teased me.

    I try to picture your lips

    when I bend to kiss you.

    I can always fleetingly see your face

    but just as I am about to

    recreate you in my imagination,

    your image stuns me like just as if

    I woke up and.

    The dream is broken

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    How can I explain?

    It was like one day in winter

    I stood on the snow covered upper pasture

    on a frigid winter afternoon - 4:30 and already getting dark.

    I stared out over the curved meadows

    that sloped to the frozen stream

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    Everything was indistinct in dull grayness

    And then abruptly the sun shined through a break in the clouds.

    It felt like a sudden warmness was about

    to caress my back like your hands.

    There was clarity for a moment

    but then my eyes were blinded by the intensity

    I squinted against the brilliance but then

    Black clouds slid in closing the crack in the dome of dusk and ..

    the light was gone.

    That is our story.




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    And too much time in between.)

    Sometimes the light melts the images

    in my imagination.

    I struggle to keep images

    and I try to kiss you,

    and am disappointed you are not there.

    Yes, sometimes in dreams, I hold you closely and you are there.

    I am about to kiss you and then damn it

    I wake up and try

    desperately to return to the dream.

    I curse the noise

    that woke me up.

    I curse the sun and its interfering light.

    I try to recall the dream, to go back,

    but it is gone.

    Every detail, every feeling that I cant

    remember torments me.

    I struggle to remember some little detail,

    something to lead me back.

    But no, I am grasping at rays of light.

    Dulls and makes the details fuzzy

    Rain falls on the water color masterpiece

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    that my mind is in the midst of painting.


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    helpless I watch -

    I cannot stop the November fog and rain.

    Each time you come,

    I think I will forever-remember every movement

    of your hips, your tongue,

    your talented hands ...

    How could such wonders be forgotten?

    But each day drops another cold veil

    Of more opaque snow across your face.

    When you arrive, suddenly you are not just a memory anymore

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    though I know you will go away again

    and become a memory again.

    Each time you come, your kiss-anew

    provides me with months

    of now and then new fresh memories to create -

    Spontaneous flashbacks now and then to enjoy.

    Yes - for memories, I dont have to

    dig so deep, but

    How the dark big-ole-cold winter months-especially

    dull and fuzzy up the details.

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    Sometimes, I look out the window and remember

    the successive frosts of Autumn

    that cover my green lawn with layers of leaves.

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    The red maples are the last to go

    and their broad warped leaves cover all.


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    Naked branches let the sun shine on me

    and I should be warm

    but earlier and earlier in the afternoon

    the sun casts long cold shadows

    cold fingers that touch your back and make you shiver

    Yes, and the nights are darker and last fifteen


    It is a longer night when you are alone.

    When You come,

    I say I'll write it down,.

    Ill write down all the details of our love-making

    and everything we said that made us laugh together,

    but I never do.

    Words are trees that lose their leaves

    when the cold freezes only the sap

    that hesitates to hide in the frigid ground.

    Words are bodies dead on arrival,

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    Yes this is the same tree

    from a different

    perspectivelike all

    your perspectives

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    or worse words are skeletons of what used to be

    They mock the sacred memory of the once-beautiful moments.

    Words are too gross to express the sacred.

    I have no photos of you.

    I'll take your picture, I say to myself sometimes

    but you wont let me.

    It always has to be enough that you are there.

    The only picture I have of you is your yearbook picture

    And the picture that appears and disappears spontaneously

    as a flash in my mind,

    I never know when and why I suddenly think of you

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    But it is often and sometimes I think


    Always you are there wherever I am.

    I torment myself wondering..

    Do you think our time together is a treasure

    to be taken out and appreciated only once in a while?

    Do you think our love would not be so valuable

    if we spent it wantonly for a long period of time?

    Do you think the romance would burn and consume itself

    if we let it be wild?

    How could you think I would tire of you,

    tire of hugging and kissing you?

    In darker moments though,

    I fear you are right.

    God forbid that kissing you would become routine.

    It is everything but routine.

    But the cost of loneliness and wanting is high.

    Once out of the clear blue

    I asked you why you come to me

    And you said,

    "Because I ... Because you ...."

    and then you stopped speaking

    and stilled my mouth with kisses

    that I did not want to question.

    I do not question kisses.

    And why do you go away, I ask.

    You never explain and I do not understand.

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    Sometimes I even entertain the thought that

    you will come and stay forever

    but something in me remembers

    that your shoes are always by the door,

    and when a certain time comes,

    I wake up and the shoes are gone

    You have left at times even in the midst of blizzards

    leaving brief footprints on the path to the road

    and on my mind.

    When it's time to go,

    you're gone.

    You always seem to walk faster when you leave

    and your steps are heavy and deliberate.

    I have watched you leaving.

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    You always look back ...

    So far, you always look back,

    but someday you might not.

    I never know.

    On early November New England Sundays,

    I sit before the window

    and watch the snow slowly cover the still green fields.

    Slowly the distinct edges of the stone walls

    are rounded off in blurry wind curved strokes

    ...and the descending sun colors the landscape

    in all colors from yellow to pink, then

    black, gray and white.

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    I want to see your image emerging from the falling snow.

    And I await your return

    clinging more and more to the last smooth images

    of your magic body that is like


    I try to imagine what it was like when you came,

    what it will be like -

    if you ever come again.

    If you ever come and go again.

    Dancing to me with wanton whimsy

    making footprints brief-just-as-spring

    in and out of the wildly flowering fields of my soul.

    I think of death -

    Someday I will not be there.

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    There will be no answer when you knock on the door.

    Or someday you will not come.

    It may not always be so.

    So be it..

    If it must be

    And it must.

    (No choice)

    Just so long

    And long enough.

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