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The Love More Project Magazine March 2011

Discover the healing power of colors

Plant seeds of change using simple affirmations

Embrace Mother Nature’s innate power to heal through plant essences.

Learn how your inner child can help you change your life

Photograph courtesy of Kathy Pimentel © 2011 all rights reserved

Amaze at the awe-inspiring power of serendipity

Page 2: Love Letters March 2011

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011 as representative of The Love More Project . Content may be reprinted and disseminated only with written permission from the copyright holder.

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contents March 2011


6 namaste by Megan Gala

Our exclusive reading supports you in navigating the month’s energies in order to experience even more Love in your life.

7 loving dreams by Meg Lawton

A beautiful poem, sweet in its simplicity, captures a heartfelt love.

13 loving the mystery by Ian Lawton

An awe-inspiring examination of the power synchronicity, serendipity and the Universe’s ability to support us

6 13

7 Editor’s letter (4)

Support (5)

Follow us on:

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contents March 2011

8 stop and smell the...

Embrace the power of Mother Nature to improve your health, enhance your well-being and connect you to your Higher Wisdom.

This month’s essential oil: Pan-Away®

10 tools for your transformation

A holistic and heartfelt guide to deliberately creating and embracing change in your life

This month: Embracing Your Inner Child

11 chakra talk

Use an ancient energy system and the healing properties of color to heal, balance and clear on a multitude of levels.

12 soulseeds

A seed of Inspiration created exclusively for The Love More Project

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The Love More Project Magazine

Founder and Executive Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Editorial Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Publisher The Love More Project

Production Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Art Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Web Design and Production Megan Gala, M.A.

We love receiving feedback about how our content. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at:


Or call: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

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About The Love More Project

The Love More Project is an Inspired Media Company and Gathering Place for the next stage of human and planetary evolution. As a holistic merging of media and the metaphysical we deliver content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life. Through this work we fulfill our mission to serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love in this realm.

Welcome! I am so absolutely thrilled to share this exciting issue with you. We have so many wonderful new contributors and, as you have most likely noticed, an awesome new look.

Our new look is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while and with our recent website design being completed (check it out if you haven’t seen it: I decided that now was as good a time as any to launch a fresh new look for our magazine.

To me change, while frightening and sometimes overwhelming at the onset, can actually be quite exhilarating once you take that initial steps into the unknown. That’s how I felt taking on the project of redesigning our website, the magazine and my personal life with my recent move to Seattle. It is a topic so near and dear to my heart right now that I wrote about it in my new monthly column, Tools for Your Transformation.

Another column making its debut this month is Laura Galvin’s Chakra Talk, where she will teach us about color therapy and the energy body. I loved reading her article this month and I am eager to start working with colors in my meditations. I am also absolutely thrilled to be partnering with an amazing company, Soulseeds. Founded by Ian and Meg Lawton, who also contributed amazingly poetic pieces on embracing love and the mystery of life to this issue, this incredible company delivers inspiration and change in bite-sized doses, or “seeds.” I am madly in love with what they are doing and I know you will be to. Be sure to turn to page 12 to check out the soulseed the created exclusively for The Love More Project community!

Spring is in the air my friends, what a wonderful time to embrace the new!

Founder of The Love More Project

editor’s letter Megan Gala, M.A.

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support March 2011

To Our Beloved Community,

Thank you for allowing us to support you.

From its inception, The Love More Project has been 100% community funded. We choose to make our media platforms and content accessible to ALL who seek it, regardless of economic circumstances. And we hold the vision for this beautiful, thriving community to be self-sustaining and self-supporting.

We are proud to serve as a positive resource and community for you. We are grateful to be a source of Love, Peace and Inspiration in your Life.

Our community thrives on your participation and commitment.

Here are some ways you can interact and give back to the community for the nourishment you receive here:

• Express your Gratitude on our testimonial line: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

• Contribute your story to Love Letters

• Engage with us on Facebook and Twitter

• Share us with your friends and family

• Participate in our Gatherings

• Donate money using PayPal to [email protected]

We affirm that all that you give in support of this vibrant community is returned to you 1,000 fold.

We don’t seek to profit from the work we do here at The Love More Project, however, we are committed to meeting our expenses and to be engaged in balanced and harmonious relationships with those we serve and work with. The Love More Project is a for-profit company and your donation is not tax-deductable. Your in-kind donation will contribute to our company as a whole. We are NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but a for-profit enterprise taking part in this donation-based program.

Thank you for supporting us.

Blessings & Namaste

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I invited the Angels and Higher Guides of our readers to bring forward guidance on what opportunities they could follow through on this month in order to experience even more Love in their lives. This month I am using Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Master Oracle Cards (Hay House, 2007):

The message I keep receiving over and over for this month, both for myself and my clients and students is to step fully into your power and begin deliberately creating your life. This month’s reading, apparently is no exception. In addition to “Taking Charge” of our lives, we are also being guided to get clear on what it is we want to create in our lives and what it is we have already created. A great way to do this is by taking stock of your mindset– what are your current beliefs? What are the stories you are telling yourself and others about your life and the world? One of the best ways I know to do this is to get the thoughts out of your head and on to paper and it looks like the folks at the Divine Home Office feel the same way. Something I’ve noticed, too, is how much easier it is to catch those sneaky negative thoughts and limiting beliefs once they are written down in “black and white.” Keeping a journal is a great way to do this, every night before bed “Write” about your day, write about your dreams, etc. then go back and reread it, are your stories positive or are they complaining? Are you feeling empowered or are you in blame? Be honest with yourself and as best as you can, be judgment free in this process, this whole exercise is meant to help you catch your thoughts so you can transform them and by doing so transform your life. It is your essential “Nature” to co-create your life with Spirit so go ahead and embrace it!

Megan Gala, M.A. supports people making positive change in their lives. Using her holistic “toolbox” she provides her students and clients with practical, easy to implement strategies to transform their lives. A life long clairvoyant, clairsentient and student of the Mystic, Megan began her private practice after the miraculous healing and reawakening she experienced working with the modalities she now lovingly refers to as her Toolbox:. Megan is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Reiki Master, Atlantean Healing™ Master and Certified Yoga Instructor. To learn more, please visit her website:

Megan Gala, M.A.

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loving dreams Meg Lawton

His body warm, tangled in blankets. A lump.

Each breath in - dreaming of what might be,

Each breath out -glad for what was.

In - asking.

Out - thanking.

A beautiful rhythm, a chant, a prayer.

He rests peacefully knowing the reality of his outer world, now meets the possibilities of this inner world. Each night as his eyes close, all lines blur.

I tiptoe in, not daring to disturb this magical dance. Each night I am beckoned to watch, to sit gently on the edge of his bed, the edge of his dreams.

Me awake, him asleep. I lean in close, as a whisper only just touches his ear “I love you.” I hope to somehow become a part of his dream, to reach into that inner world and gently place the words safely down onto the soul of this sacred place. A world far beneath the daylight, hidden and precious.

Every now and then when I am especially blessed, he reaches out of his dream and gives me one of the greatest gifts. A warm arm finds it’s way out of the blankets, finds my neck and pulls me close. And in a voice drugged by sleep he sighs with a full breath “I love you too.”

Somehow these words sound more real, more awake, more honest than at any other time. When he speaks these words in sleep, they are a part of his truth. Words spoken not just from his wakeful logical mind, but in that hidden beneath part, in his secret space, in his dreams.

I say a little thank you, kiss his cheek and tiptoe out, knowing he will not remember this moment, knowing I will never forget it.

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Meg Lawton is an elementary school teacher, author, artist, mother of three and founder of soulseeds. She has been blogging for two years about the spiritual life of family and mindful mothering to a growing international readership. Her quest is to find the gold nug-gets of motherhood and humbly offer her discoveries to her readers. Her weekly blog, grassroots, can be found at

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Each month, I have difficulty choosing just one oil to write about because they are like having multiple children; you don’t love one more than the other! I delight in essential oils’ ability to enhance meditation, cloak our auras in protection, and heal on the physical, emotional, and etheric levels. In my opinion, they are a holistic necessity in achieving mind, body, and spirit equilibrium. I chose Pan-Away® this month because of how often I’ve used and benefited from it in my own household. I also find it to be one of those fantastic introduction oils that for people just starting to explore essential oils.

Pan-Away® is versatile and a first recommendation for many symptoms including arthritis, blood clots, and inflammation due to injury. Pan-Away® is a powerful blend of wintergreen, helichrysum, peppermint, and clove. Their healing properties and uses are as follows:

Wintergreen: An antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticoagulant. Used alone, it is a fine choice for arthritis, tendonitis, cramps, high blood pressure, headaches, inflammation of coronary

vessels, hepatitis, fatty liver and skin allergies. Caution: Avoid use if epileptic.

Helichrysum: An anticoagulant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, antiviral, liver protectant and detoxifier/stimulant and nerve regenerator. Helichrysum can be used to combat the herpes virus, blood clots, liver disorders, circulatory maladies including spider and varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hypertension and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

I have been using helichrysum and lavender on my son who had a cyst removed in his third eye area. By massaging the oils on the area once a day, the scar tissue below the skin surface is dissolving and the incision site is healing very quickly. This is an expensive oil, however, it is also quite powerful and doesn’t require more than a drop to begin experiencing the benefits. It is well worth the investment of adding it to your oil arsenal.

Clove: One of the most antimicrobial and antiseptic of all essential oils. An antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, Clove lowers blood pressure and is anti-tumoral, antiviral, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and helps protect the stomach from ulcers. Clove is used for cardiovascular disease, arthritis and rheumatism, hepatitis, intestinal parasites, numbing of all types of pain; throat, sinus, and lung infections, cataracts, ulcers, lice, toothaches, acne, and anti-aging.

Peppermint:Anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, anti-parasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, pain-reliever (excellent for alleviating headaches, especially when used in conjunction with magnesium gel), gallbladder and digestive stimulant, and an appetite suppressant. Used for rheumatism and arthritis, respiratory infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, obesity, viral infections to include cold sores, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, human papilloma virus, fungal infections, candida, nausea, digestive problems, varicose veins, eczema, psoriasis, scoliosis, lumbago, and back problems. (Continued on the next page)

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Oil the “Pan-Away®”

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I have successful results using peppermint on my son and myself to improve concentration.

As you read these descriptions of the individual oils, which are spectacular on their own, you get an idea of how magnificently healing and powerful the mixture of Pan-Away® is. Because of the potent oils used in the blend, some may find it necessary to dilute with a vegetable or comparable oil like olive. Even with my extremely sensitive skin, I do not dilute Pan-Away® for my own personal use. My husband has osteoarthritis and has found great relief when I use Pan-Away® on his lower back, spine, and surrounding muscle areas. I can tell you that he is not one to embrace a product’s claim easily and his endorsement means a great deal. Most recently, he hit his toe against the dresser, so hard that he almost blacked out. He covered it up and didn’t tell me until later in the day and by the time I saw it that evening, it was turning an angry purple and was extremely sensitive. I immediately administered Pan-Away® and he began to feel relief within minutes of it penetrating the skin. By the next day, the color was considerably lighter and less painful. I was concerned that he would lose his toenail, but as we continue to apply the Pan-Away®, it doesn’t appear to be the case. Pan-Away® can be purchased in 5 ml and 15 ml bottles. I recommend purchasing the larger bottle for you household its amazing healing properties make it a must have for any first aid kit.

I know I’m going to start sounding like Bob Barker repeating myself, but my only requirement is that you use high-quality, therapeutic grade oils like Young Living. Do your research and don’t settle for poor quality oils because they are cheap. Many have additives that not only hinder the healing properties of the oils, but can also cause adverse reactions depending

on individual sensitivities and allergies. I will always offer Young Living oils at the preferred customer price even if you don’t choose to register as an independent distributor, making it very affordable for you to partake in these high-quality oils.

I truly believe that using the oils in conjunction with positive affirmations and visualizations take healing of the dis-ease to an accelerated level. All dis-ease in our bodies has its link to a negative thought pattern that we have adopted over time. The area of concern has its own unique origin and by adjusting our unfavorable thought patterns to positive, life-affirming ones, we begin to create a new muscle memory, if you will. It may be difficult to authentically believe the affirmation at first, but over time, we shift our negative view of ourselves to love and our bodies follow suit by healing it’s physical symptoms. Louise L. Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life and Heal Your Body A-Z are must haves in anyone’s journey to self healing. There’s even a handy

iPhone App of Heal Your Body A-Z and an inspiring movie, appropriately titled, You Can Heal Your Life, The Movie. All of these can be found on and by joining their Wisdom Community you can receive discounts on their products as well as have access to the Hay House Radio archives which is an invaluable source.

When working with oils for healing, say a little prayer over them asking that they be used for the greater good and healing of the recipient and charge them with healing energy if you feel guided. Call on Archangel Raphael, or the Angels and Guides you personally work with, to facilitate the healing. Know that these herbs are already vibrating at a high frequency as they are gifts from Mother Earth herself.

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stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

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Take care of your body, think loving thoughts, and believe that you are loved, healthy and whole because, Sweet Soul, you are.

As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns and I’ll be very happy to answer them or get you moving in the right direction. I hope you choose to make essential oils a part of your daily life!

Do you remember being young and playing on the monkey bars? Swinging from one bar to the next with gusto? Do you remember how inherently you embraced the idea that in order to move forward, in order to get where you wanted to go you needed to let go of one bar in order to reach for the next?

That, my friend is change in its most basic element. It is the simple process of letting go of one thing in order to reach for something else.

Unfortunately, as we got older we become conditioned by society and those well-meaning people in our life to become afraid of letting go, to become afraid of moving forward. We stop our natural momentum for change. We begin to analyze the ramifications of letting go, of moving forward, weighing our options, listening to the fears and as a result we become paralyzed and we are stuck mid swing. Some of us even get so bogged down in fear that we give up and drop to the ground, taking ourselves completely out of the game.

This month, I encourage you to embrace the liberation and freedom inherent within change. Ask your inner child to activate the muscle memory of playing on the monkey bars to help you recapture the essential nature of change with grace and ease.

Angela Lawson sees the good in every soul and is committed to supporting her clients in reconnecting with this potential. She is a Reiki Master, an Atlantean Healing™ Master and is attuned to Magnified Healing®. In addition, she is certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. as an ANGEL THERAPY

PRACTITIONER® and Past Life Reader. Angela is also trained as an Advanced Angel Certified Practitioner through Doreen’s son, Charles Virtue. Angela is an independent distributor of Young Living, therapeutic grade essential oils and certified in the Raindrop Technique™, a healing method using reflexology, massage and essential oils to align the energy centers of the body. Passionate about the ability of plant essences to enhance her healing and intuitive work, Angela now incorporates this modality into her holistic practice. Her website is:

tools for your transformation Megan Gala, M.A.

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

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As far as I can remember I have always been drawn to the many colors of the rainbow. I can still remember the first song I learned in kindergarten about the many rainbow colors and it is still a favorite of mine. As a child I colored everything in sight and had countless sets of crayons.

As I began to explore and embrace a path of spirituality and healing I came across the eastern philosophy of the chakra system. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the chakra system, the philosophy is based on early Sanskrit teachings. Chakra means wheel or circle in Sanskrit and they are commonly thought to be energy centers located throughout the body. Over the years I began to incorporate my knowledge of color and the charkas to clear and balance my clients’ chakras before massage work and experienced fantastic results.

It is a commonly held belief in the spiritual community that there are seven main chakras. Each chakra is

thought to vibrate at a different color, each holding specific qualities and powers. Here is a quick run down of the chakras, their corresponding colors and their area of focus:

Vibrant Red Root Chakra

This is where we are solid in the world, giving us vitality, courage, security and self confidence. Passion for life is stirred here along with grounding us to our Mother Earth and manifesting in the here and now.

Succulent Orange Sacral Chakra

Our watery emotional state of our self is held here. Feel what you want and desire at your creation for life center. Orange brings us the color of joy and happiness in our work and strengthens our appetite for life.

Powerful Sun Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra

Our thought and intellect center connects us to our wisdom, clarity

and self esteem. Yellow empowers your awareness stimulating your interest and curiosity. When you think you are using yellow mental energy.

Loving Green Heart Chakra

The color of spring grass brings harmony and balance. This is where the physical and spirit meet. Unconditional love resides here along with peace and self control. Green helps to relax our muscles, nerves and thoughts. Think green and all is well in our being.

Calming Blue Throat Chakra

Think blue, like a calm sea. When we are tuned in to our throat chakra energy we are connecting to holistic thoughts and communication. Blue balances our hormones at our 5th chakra area so we relax and sleep peacefully.

(Continued on the next page)

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Life is color and color is life

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Your life is a love letter, written to all who are ready to see the truth of their inner beauty. Every thought, word and action is left in the world for others to find

like anonymous love letters in the street. The encounters seem to be random, but you know

better. You know that you have set out to intentionally imprint your message on the world.


Say to yourself: I live my message of love intentionally.

Love is all there is.

Indigo Brow Chakra

Connects us to our inner self. This color strengthens our intuition, imagination, psychic powers and increases our dream activity. Mediate and inhale the aromas of this center and you will receive many amazing insights for your wonderment.

Violet Crown Chakra

Our portal to our spiritual self and to the divine, the angels and our ascended masters. Violet inspires us to have beauty and creativity around us. This along with purple is the color of transformation and purifies our thoughts and feelings, enhancing our creativity in our chosen life path.

Knowledge of how you are using the colors of the rainbow in your life can uplift your energy to its fullest potential so you maintain optimal health and to create beautiful rainbows inside you and outside your life. I invite you to select a color, quality or chakra that corresponds with an area you are working on healing in your life. Then sit quietly in meditation and visualize that color flowing in, through and around you. Just by activating the vibration of these colors in your space you will notice a tremendous difference in your health and well-being

This is a soulseed exclusively for The Love More Project community. For further information about soulseeds and how they can benefit your life, visit

their website:

March 2011 12

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Laura is a warm hearted Lightworker with extensive experience and training to support your Healing journey. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, a Grand Master Reiki Teacher, a Certified Massage Therapist, an Atlantean Healer™ and a certified Colour Biopulsar Analyst. She synergizes

these powerful modalities to benefit your quest for guidance, healing and activating your soul purpose. In addition, Laura creates colorful and meaningful jewelry with the assistance of the Angels. Her website is

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“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.”

Joseph Campbell

.When Megan offered me the privilege of writing for Love Letters I felt drawn to writing about synchronicity and serendipity. I felt drawn to this topic because it felt like synchronicity to meet Megan. This meeting was no accident, as Love More and Soulseeds were always destined to collaborate in a partnership for love and healing in the world.

I love the work Megan is doing and the opportunity to put down in words my profound appreciation for

synchronicity and serendipity, as they are two of life’s gifts that fill me with deep gratitude and wonder.

When it comes to synchronicity, I have decided not to spend too much time and energy trying to explain where the mysteries come from. That would be a distraction, like being at the peak of a roller coaster and pausing the scene to analyze where the bliss comes from or whether I am just making up the feeling of exhilaration. Just feel the moment and enjoy the feeling. What is important is that I experience meaning and miracle as much as possible.

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loving the mystery Ian Lawton

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In order for an event to qualify as synchronicity or serendipity it has to be surprising. It has to shake you out of some habitual mindset that deludes you into believing that life has predictable patterns that you can control and explain. Some situations defy easy answers. Déjà vu, uncanny premonitions, recurring dreams, ridiculously improbable meetings, outrageous “jinx” moments – these are all beautiful, if sometimes eerie, experiences.

There is no particular causal link. For example, I am eating in a restaurant on the other side of the world in a place I have never been and there is my neighbor at the next table. We didn’t plan it. There is no rhyme or reason as to why this should happen. And yet, it feels like more than coincidence. We have a conversation that the frenetic pace of home life never allowed for. We forge a new bond. A friendship is born.

As Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said, it’s “more than chance, and less than causality”. It’s a meaningful coincidence, even if just because it leaves me gasping at the possibility of miracles in every day moments.

Birds and creatures so often seem to be agents of meaningful coincidences. The hummingbird appears at particular moments of self reflection as if to remind you to be gentle with yourself. The crow reappears high on the pole as if to warn you to pay attention. Jung had his own meaningful encounter with a beetle. A patient was telling him about a dream that involved a golden scarab beetle, when he heard a tap at his window. Jung opened the window and in flew a scarab beetle. Its colors matched the description of her dream. The scarab beetle was rare in that part of the world. It was an unexpected visitor. He handed the beetle to the woman and said,

“Here is your scarab.” By all reports, the woman had some major breakthroughs as a result of the experience. The beetle became a symbol for transformation and wholeness.

So often, moments of synchronicity and serendipity occur at times of crisis and vulnerability. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The teacher may be a person or a beetle, a meeting or an event.

What is the difference between synchronicity and serendipity? It’s a very subtle difference, and not one that is particularly important. Serendipity is a surprising event or meeting that feels meaningful. Serendipity is running into someone and in the course of the conversation realizing that this is exact connection necessary at this point in your life. Synchronicity is two or more events that seem meaningful because they happen at the same time.

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loving the mystery Ian Lawton

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Synchronicity is hearing the same phrase used several times in the same day and realizing that it’s the piece of a thought puzzle you had been looking for.

One of the most amazing moments of serendipity I have ever heard about was the story of a Jewish man from Ohio who visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. The man had some unresolved tension with his deceased father. He was blaming himself for his father’s death and decided to leave a note to his father in the wall. It is commonly believed that the stones in the wall have healing power. His note said, “Dear Father, I beg you to forgive me for the pain I caused you. I loved you very much and I will never forget you. And please know that nothing that you taught me was in vain. I will not betray your family’s deaths. I promise.” He placed the note into a small crack in the wall and in the process dislodged another note. He couldn’t resist reading it. Incredibly, it turned out to be a note from his father. It said, “My Dear Son Joey, If you should ever happen to come to Israel and somehow miraculously find this note, this is what I want you to know: I always loved you even when you hurt me, and I will never stop loving you. You are, and always will be, my beloved son. And Joey, please know that I forgive you for everything, and only hope that you in turn will forgive a foolish old man.”

The son was ready, and the teacher came in the form of the most amazing and transformative coincidence. Maybe the long and short of it all is to have an open mind and heart so that more and more situations feel meaningful and significant. Choose to live as if coincidences are God’s way of staying anonymous. Choose to believe that people and events, especially the surprising ones, are sacred experiences.

For my part, I choose to believe that my meeting with the love of my life twenty years ago was serendipity. There was no logical reason why we should meet, coming from different cities and worlds. The meeting was meaningful and created a family and a life calling. The birth of my three children, the moves from Australia to New Zealand to America, the encounter with some of the most amazing people in the world – these and more situations are encounters with a mystery that sources my life and fills me with joy.

Serendipity and synchronicity call me beyond the thoughts I’ve known to soar like a bird and shine like a golden beetle. They remind me to trust life which surely has more plans and purposes than I could ever imagine. So many moments are tapping at the window of my consciousness, asking to enter and transform me. All I need to do is open the window.

But don’t take my word for it. Look to your own experience. As Rumi said, “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Find your own meaning. Realize your own miracles. The universe is waiting to greet your openness. Fill the hunger in your spirit by discovering the miracle and meaning that is lurking in every moment. This is the true joy of being alive. Celebrate the conspiracy of coincidences that are collaborating in the creation of your life’s calling.

loving the mystery Ian Lawton

Ian Lawton is spiritual teacher and founder of soulseeds. His weekly blog, grapevine, can be f o u n d a t

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All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011.

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