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Saint Luke FamilySaint Luke FamilySaint Luke FamilySaint Luke Family

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Saint Valentine

Page 3: Love..saint luke family

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Saint Valentine

Page 4: Love..saint luke family

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Page 9: Love..saint luke family


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Mina ToniMina ToniMina ToniMina Toni

FREEDOMFREEDOMFREEDOMFREEDOMTOP Five OpinionsTOP Five OpinionsTOP Five OpinionsTOP Five Opinions

Page 11: Love..saint luke family

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Marvy Saleh

Page 12: Love..saint luke family

أه�اف أ:�ة ��ر�@� ا,��2

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Saint Luke FamilySaint Luke FamilySaint Luke FamilySaint Luke Family

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Page 14: Love..saint luke family

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Page 15: Love..saint luke family

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Umeda Sky Building Osakais the twelfth-

tallest building in Osaka, Japan, and one of the city's most recognizable


Superbus DubaiThis is the world's first super bus, crafted with state-

of-the-art materials which seats 23 passengers and had a top speed of 250kmh.Developed in Holland by an astronaut

and a former Formula One aerodynamics expert, the midnight-blue, electric-powered vehicle costs £7million


Page 17: Love..saint luke family

Star Wars Keyboard With LCD Touchpad

with Ten dynamic adaptive tactile keys so that you’ll be

able to customize them according to your behaviors skills and hotkeys for faster accessibility. Multi-touch LCD

track panel makes if more faster and convenient. Border around keys looks awesome. The lights can be changed to

almost any color

Pandora Flexible Laptop PC Pandora Flexible Laptop PC Pandora Flexible Laptop PC Pandora Flexible Laptop PC

conceptconceptconceptconceptPandora Flexible Laptop PC concept Pandora Flexible Laptop PC concept Pandora Flexible Laptop PC concept Pandora Flexible Laptop PC concept

by designer by designer by designer by designer JeabyunJeabyunJeabyunJeabyun YeonYeonYeonYeon, , , ,

features a flexible display and features a flexible display and features a flexible display and features a flexible display and

many technologies, available in many technologies, available in many technologies, available in many technologies, available in

the near futurethe near futurethe near futurethe near future. . . .

The Pandora Flexible Laptop is The Pandora Flexible Laptop is The Pandora Flexible Laptop is The Pandora Flexible Laptop is

convenient to carry, easily gripped, convenient to carry, easily gripped, convenient to carry, easily gripped, convenient to carry, easily gripped,

and uses materials like high and uses materials like high and uses materials like high and uses materials like high

polymer and siliconpolymer and siliconpolymer and siliconpolymer and silicon


Page 18: Love..saint luke family

��Z �� ا��8��� ا(:��ن ��P�4 2%��F4)2 ا�+� �2، �� �%����ت XAة آ���ة و����= ، أ�8 أW,� ا(��اض ""Type Type Type Type 1111 Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes�2��f �� ��ض ا+<� �� ا��ع ا(ول

�G�)ص ا�W R>A4' و%�ص �8ل ا�VP)ا �� ����� L�[? B�2، ا��I�.ل ا]�fر ا

= 2�=����ة )b*F و(ول وأ�Pر ا��8��ن إB أ)�' ?�<��ا و(ول ��ة �� ?,��� و:��2 � �W �� Oع ا(ول، وذ��+<� �� اض ا�� �� BJ��( R>A4 k�V�ا Bل ا��Fرب ��ة

��8�F( b�#ب وأ�.ا�آ����<�2 ا�B أ=��B�� b ��8ا)�ت ا<

�2 �4شو?�<� اZ��G ا�*�B 4 ��دة ا�آ��ر ���24 4��ض ا+<� �[��ج ا<�ب ا� �� �8� �� ا��ع ا(ول )���Jً�، وذ�V�:�4 Oام ا%�ج اB��F، و�� أول =�+ ،� 2�=�� 2

��E أ��اض ا��ض ا = �� k�V�ى، و?' ا�Wة أ�� ���*T ب����Iا:�%�دت ا< .

���A�? B�� R ا%�ج اB��F وأ�5ف ا��8��ن، أن � ��ب، �8>� � ?' 8 �9 ��ة وا�8 ��ن �+����ت =�� ه���ن ا()+��� و?*I�G =�� أ)�I' ا��Fآ�آ���ز، وا�/�� ��;��ة ا��Fآ�ز �4�م و� ��ن �+��ى ا+<� �4�م، وا:���ت ه/0 ا���J| ا 2%Jات �٤ا��:

Td4 2�5���ج ��ض ا+<� �� ا��ع ا(ول، و' ?%�ود ا(��اض ا� L � ب ��ة��24 ا<. أ�Wى

..(ول ��ة BJ��( R>A4 ول)ع ا��+<� �� اج ��ض ا� )�Fح ?�Fرب �


Medical News

Page 19: Love..saint luke family

The first bionic eye is here!After years of research, the first bionic eye has seen the light of day

in the United States, giving hope to the blind around the world.

Developed by Second Sight Medical Products, the Argus II Retinal

Prosthesis System has helped more than 60 people recover partial

sight, with some experiencing better results than others.

Consisting of 60 electrodes implanted in the retina and glasses

fitted with a special mini camera, Argus II has already won the

approval of European regulators. The US Food and Drug

Administration is soon expected to follow suit, making this bionic

eye the world's first to become widely available


Medical News

Page 20: Love..saint luke family

Learn To Lo


Learn To Lo


Learn To Lo


Learn To Lo



Page 21: Love..saint luke family

1111----No one can not but respond No one can not but respond No one can not but respond No one can not but respond

to itto itto itto it 2222----No one can No one can No one can No one can escapescapescapescap from itfrom itfrom itfrom it

3333----No one can be placed instead No one can be placed instead No one can be placed instead No one can be placed instead

of itof itof itof it4444----No one can blind to itNo one can blind to itNo one can blind to itNo one can blind to it

5555----No one is beyond itNo one is beyond itNo one is beyond itNo one is beyond it 6666----No one can say a NO to itNo one can say a NO to itNo one can say a NO to itNo one can say a NO to it

Page 22: Love..saint luke family

7777----No topic is specific to itNo topic is specific to itNo topic is specific to itNo topic is specific to it 8888----No one can not but have itNo one can not but have itNo one can not but have itNo one can not but have it

9999----No reason can win over itNo reason can win over itNo reason can win over itNo reason can win over it 10101010----No count down can run No count down can run No count down can run No count down can run

in itin itin itin it

11111111----No one can break itNo one can break itNo one can break itNo one can break it 12121212----No enemy , we can have No enemy , we can have No enemy , we can have No enemy , we can have

in itin itin itin it

Page 23: Love..saint luke family

13131313----No one can not but obey itNo one can not but obey itNo one can not but obey itNo one can not but obey it 14141414----no one can resist itno one can resist itno one can resist itno one can resist it

15151515----Nothing is impossible to itNothing is impossible to itNothing is impossible to itNothing is impossible to it

18181818----It is perfect balanceIt is perfect balanceIt is perfect balanceIt is perfect balance17171717----It is to be reIt is to be reIt is to be reIt is to be re----defineddefineddefineddefined

16161616----it will never endit will never endit will never endit will never end

Page 24: Love..saint luke family


23232323----Love of sportLove of sportLove of sportLove of sport

22222222----Love of statusLove of statusLove of statusLove of status21212121----Love of revengeLove of revengeLove of revengeLove of revenge

25252525----Love of moneyLove of moneyLove of moneyLove of money

24242424----Love of powerLove of powerLove of powerLove of power

26262626----Love of unlimited freedomLove of unlimited freedomLove of unlimited freedomLove of unlimited freedom


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Page 26: Love..saint luke family

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Page 27: Love..saint luke family

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. و ر)��� @�ذا

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Page 28: Love..saint luke family

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O�P�W �F:r%� ا��م =،4�� b%�T �� أ=�� �%���+�،

��� O?ذا XV? ' O() ك�>Pأ ،+<�F4 b+�ي �4وO8 ا �وس،

b(أ O(��%4 '�%أن أرى ا � b*�،و:E��Fا L�@ �>+? أن O��Mا أ�4 (ن ر�>P ،

���S ع�+� ':r4

Prayer �F�أ�4)� ا+��وي O ا

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Page 29: Love..saint luke family
Page 30: Love..saint luke family

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Page 31: Love..saint luke family

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Page 32: Love..saint luke family

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collect your self collect your self collect your self collect your self azarwiseazarwiseazarwiseazarwise I will collectI will collectI will collectI will collect

zazazaza street on youstreet on youstreet on youstreet on you

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