Page 1: LOWELL Journal/1889/06_June/06-19-1889.pdfarranfemnila to reiuma btulnea a Baao-luttoua were adopted pleilglng the bu.lneaa I men and morclmnt*

LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Office in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy

V O L U M E X X I V . L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N , W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 19. i88i». N U M B E R 50 .






C l e a r i n g A w a y t h e D e b r i s I d t h e C o n e m a u f f h VtUley.

The xiat* Mm AMmn.rt Control at Ilia Work -HiuIiiom l l . ln( («<l-Nol

Mi Manr l.lirv. I.o.l a . I la . Ila.a Rrporlotf.

4MONO Till HI'INN Joix .mwN, Fa., Juoe III Tb« wotk of

n^torluv unliir lu thil city lion iiawuxl Into tliu Uuud• ol tin- I'ouiuylvmla^taUiortlcilUi". with Ad iitanl-U«neral Haatlnio In cbarire. The ra|iort of tha rrgl.tratlon bureau up to date ahow. iirurly 13,0(1(1 i m t i m i u i anno-connteil for.

JomiirroWN, I'a.. June U.—The general opinion amonir well-poetfil people here la that tbe lorn of life In th* Hood will be be-tween 1I,(W) and 4,00ii The Uital of Iradlea recovered to date la 1,W.'. Yeiterday about tOOmerrhanU who bad iurTlTed the dixxl, many of them wlthont • dollar, met Adju-Unt-Oenaral HoatlnK*. w b o .aid

••I Ban- Seen iltreoteil to clear tti<- x t e e u of Jobnitowa and made coolrart. with men to op«a Ul« way In onW that mercbaaU may be enable to get to and from their bu.lDeu place.. Our work I. proKrexlng rapidly and vlnorou*. ly, and the br . t tliimr lor mai rljanU to do I. to b»fin o t r r J have rommuniiaud with Ka.tern Orma, who offer In a m n you II you will reinme buamrti In tbl. rlty. Let me ulao.ay that all thoe. In orco ol rrlief .hould Innnedlately make thi-lr wunt. known In me. No una ahoslri xohunerr when he can have plenty to •a t tor the uakinn. Wq w II pruiulr ahelter and cloth'. Ijr all differen and try In eiery way to help me oei-Ur one. a . much aa wa can.'

Hearty applaiL-w followed, anil aeraral merchant, anld they war* already making arranfemnila to reiuma btulneaa Baao-luttoua were adopted pleilglng the bu.lneaa men and morclmnt* to n.e their Qtmoat andeaTorx to aei'ttre a . rapidly ai poulbla tha resumption of luulnrM, each to azar t hlmaalf to reitore hla own proaperlty and that of tbe community at large, and pladg. Ing united support to tha State offloiaU In arery way lu their power In tha work now undertakeu, to the end that tha work may ba aipcdlted.

J o n a r n w s , Fa., June I.Il—It la atlll raining, anil the progreaa of the '^000 men employed by I lenrral Halting. In clearing away tbe ruins la alow and unaatlafactory. However, a big hole waa made In tha wraokage Friday above the atone bridge, and aavrral of the main buaineu •traati were pretty well cleared ou t Every effort la Ijelnir made now to got tbe bull-ceia men of Juhuatown on their feet again. Elactrlo lights are being erected, and the wreckage at tha bridge will be lighted up and a foroa of men will proaecute the work • t night aa well ax In the daytime

Eight bodies wore recovered from the rulm Friday, three being Identllled They ware William K lieu, a prominent mer-obant; Captain o'Conurll. an old rcxldent, and Mary Holleman, bla boiuekeeper. Tha bodiaa of au elderly lady and a fair yonng girl were found rlaaped In each other'a arm. and reclining on a aofa. The flva other, were no charred n to lie unrecog-tilllbld

PirrXDUUdU. I 'a . June l.V - t 'nder tha di-rect lupervlalon ol tbe ollluera In charge of tbe engineering and transportation depart-ment* of the Fenn^vlvania line, two armlet have been worklqv at tbe Johoa-town waahout, one from tho eat t toward the won and Iba other from the watt, eaatward. (hi Thursday even-ing the forcet met and tbo I ant rail needed to connect tho aevered parta of thagraa t thoroughfare waa placed In poaltlon. Thi new track i« aubHtantlnlly built, and It wlU be gradually teated until Monday, Jnna 17, when tha great trunk line will be opened

JOHNSTOWN, Fa., Jnne 17.—In tha law chnrobe. remaining in thia city tervloat war* held yesterday, but the largest meat-Ingt of the day took plaoa In tha open air. Tha weather waa fair and the men aeemtd glad of au opportunity to turn from hard work to religion. They gathered abouttha rough pulplta by tbe hnndreda During tha djqr tlx bodies were recovered, but they could not ba Identllled.

R O O M F O R S E T T L E R S .

Thlrtv ThnuMnil Acre, of Iba I.arut. of Ilia Winnelmcoi In Nebraska lo Ba Opened HIOOX Orrt , la.. June IT.—The Winnebago

Indiana on the reservation on the Nebratka •Ida of tha Missouri river, tlx mile* below thlt d ty , have signed a bill providing for tha dinpoHdl of all their untlllad landa Thlt will bring Into the market something ovtr SO.UU) acre*, and the wbltot In that Tlolnlty are excvedliigly gratllled over tha matter. It I" coiilidcntly liellevod that tha Omaha* will follow In the footatepa of tha VlnnabagoH and tlmt In the near future Thnraton County, .Neb., n lll have a good boom. Thate steps have been brought •boot by the attempt of tha aueaaort to 11.1 tha Indiana, They will not pay Uxea

Consul* AppohiteiL VTiaBixuTOK. June IT.—The following

Contol OeneraU have been appointed by Pretldent Harrison: Wakallald O. Frye, of Maine, at Halifax; Joanpb Leonard, of Mlo-netota, at Shanghai; / acha t? T. Sweeney, of Indiana, at Constantinople; Oliver H. Dooktry, ot North Carolina, at Hlo da Ja-Btlro; Oliver H. Slmom, of Colorado, a t S t P t t anburg : Oaorga M. Rooaevalt, of Pann-tylranla, at Bnuta l t ; Levi W. Brown, ol Ohio, at Olotgow.

In.peeling tha i'oatal flervlea. WiwnNOTOX, June 14,—Tha membertof

the Civil Service Commltalon expect to Uav* Sunday evening for Indlanapollt to make an lntpe<-tlun of the poat-ofiloa t t rv-Ica there. Thenca tha comtnltttonan will go to Chlctgo and altar that to Milwaukee on similar butlnesa.

Tamed on Their Torm.etora. Wilwinoton, Del, June l.V—While a

drum corpe composed of colored man were parading the street* Thuraday night a crowd ot tmall boy* made an attack upon them, when the colored men draw plttolt and llred on the boys, kllllug one and wounding tevsral

Ilealh of an Anti-Slavery Leader. Fabmer City, III, June 15.—Levi Rath-

bun died Thuraday In thlt city. Ha wat a leader In the antl-tlavery movement In Ohio, and corrctponded with Garrlton, Horace Mann,' FhlllipH and other dlttin-gulshed abollilonlMte.

Dronned. PlinON, (Int., Juno 14.—Lord Adalbert

Peroy Cecil, the evaugelltt, waa drowned In tha Bay of Qulnle near Adolphuttown Wadnetday. Lord Cecil wat a ton of the teoond Mari|uis of Eziar, and waa born In 1841.

Nebraska Hallway*. Omaua, Neb , June 15.-The toUl atteta-

mant value of all rtllroada In Nebraaka, at flzed by tha KUta Board of £<|uallzatlon, U

an Inoreate over latt year ot T r The total mileage It placed at

Killed at tha Kace^ Lojidok, Jun# l.V—At the races at Btll-

erbeck, In Hanover, the crowd liecama t e excited that they pnahad oue another on to tbe coarte. Many warn run down by tha ra9en and four wore killed.

FreJeiTv T. Ilcbcrla, M H ihvfllclan

to tho Royal College of Surfeeont, Uni-versity of London, England, Bays: "LoeM of eppel l te , toes of eyesight, dyspeptio • y m p t o m e , irregularities of t ha bowels a re symptoms of advanced kidney dis-ease. Warner ' s Safe Cure ouree these troubles, because it removes t h e cause, p a t t i n g t h e kidneys in a healthy oondi-t ion, enables them to expel the poison ous waste mat te r f rom the system. This is why Warne r ' s Safe Cure cures so m a ny f j m p t o n u tha t a re called dii

T H E C A O N I N C A S E .

BAir l . lining M > I n l inns " , a Onllt* One. to Justice.

Ciiicauo, June ill—J, U. Ilnggerty, a wlW neat at the Cronln lni(ii"-l. swore yester-day that Ainxnnder Sullivan told hlin la IHH'i tlmt Dr. Cronln was a traitor to tha Irish caiuw anil shoui.l Iw exb-rniinat'iL Tbe Jury luttnd that Daniel C^iiighlin, Fatrick (I'Suiilvan, WutKlrulT and Alex, under Snllitan were either prlmipalt or acoenorles to the murder. Alexander Sul llvaii wa« irrested In the evening ami pltced In j IL

CKirAno. June i;t The ijiectal grand Jury im|>ani'lml to act u | m i u the verdict of the coroner s jury in the Cronln murder

began taking totitmony yesterday. Tha jury 1* cora|Mi*ed ol butlnrta men. with only two Irishmen upon I t

Albany, N. Y.. June 14.*—A re<|ultltion wat pretented to (iovernor lllll Thurtday from Governor FIfer, of Illinois, tor tha lurrender of John J, Maroney and Chariet McDontld. charged with the innrder ot Dr. Cronln. Tbe (iovernor denied the applica-tion on the ground that the men had not bean Indicted.

Uhicaoo, June l.V—Alexander Sullivan, obarged with conspiring lo murder Dr. Cronln. wa* admltteil to liall by Judge Tnley yeaterday In tho habeas curpnt pro-ceadlngs. Ball was Axed at t.n.i . 0 .

CntCAOO, June IT Frank WWIruII, under arrest for complicity lu the murder of Dr. Cronln. made his fourth voDtnedon on Sat-urday, and In It he attempts lo show tha gnllt of every person no« under arrest or tutpeotad by tbe police lu this confoaslon ha contrtdicU the confession be made to tha olllcert and reportei t at the Twelfth Street ttatlou after hla arrest, tho oonfet-t lonhamade to Captain Schaock and tha confatalon he maile lo Chief Hubbard

S I G N E D T H E ^ T R T A T Y .

An Af reem.n l Kaaelied by the ComuiU-alonara ta lha Hamnan ronlerenea.

Washinoton ,Juue 13.—The agreement between Kngland. Oermany and the United Btatet on Samoan uffaln waa signed at Ber-lin at "J o'clock In tbe afternoon. I t will not ba made public until conflrmad by tha Senate. While It la called an agree-ment by offlcera of the State De-partment, Mr. Walker Blaine said latt evening that be thought It would undoubt-edly reqnira ratlficutlon by the Senate, at It It a matter affecting the foreign policy of tha United State*. Tbe agreement wa* cor-dially approved by all the members of tha conference and by their reaped Ive governments, anil tile beat of feel-ing prevailed at the termination of tbe la-bors of the commissioners.

P L U Q - T O B A C C O T R U S T .

Kanofhataror* to (.'amblna tor Salf-Protae-Han—A Capital af aaS.OOO.OOO.

Br. Loci t , June 1 4 . — T h e Anfl-Trntt law recently pasted by theMlasoiiri legislature la creating gigantic trnat* by the dozant Tha Utest It a trust of ri\00),0(0, which taket In all tha ping tobacco manufacturert of tha United States. Their scheme It elalmed to be one of aelf-protectlon. All mannfactnrert will tell outUi one company and than take stork to the amouut of tha Talnatlon of their plant I ' ggo t t i Mayan andDrummond & Co. of thlt city and F. Lo-rlllard, of New York, are at tho head of the affair,


Four Willie Man and Two Negroaa Killed In a M.laa Near Anslln.

Austin. Tex,. June IS.—Four white men and two negroet were killed and several Others terloualy shot during a melee at Otvona" ttore, eighteen mllet aoutheart of thla city, Thursday night The cause of the trouble wa* an attempt by a negro con-ttable to arrett a white man charged with horte-steallng The w bite man resisted a r ret t and a general Bght ensued, with tbe above result

A Horrible Murder. Mobile. Ala, June i.V—At Marlon Junc-

tion Thursday J. F. Stevens, a aartlon laborer, thol and killed HII. Segner, a con dnctor on tha Mobile a llirmlngham rail-road. Stevens llred six shot*, each bullet taking effect, and having exhausted hit carttldget thrust the barrel of the ttill smoking pistol Into the boles mtda by the bnllata He then beat Segner's head to a Jelly with the butt of the weapon

Three Hanging. In (ieorgla. Maoon, Ga., June I\—Alexander Kendtr-

aon (ooloredi wa* hanged at llalnbrldge Friday for tha murder of Amo* Jackson and hit daughter. Will Dlbell (colored waa hanged at Thomtsvllle for tho murdor of a negro named Lang. John Pickett, a negro boy. aged almut 1» years, wa* hanged a t Leltburg for the murdor of an aged negro and hit wife. All of the execution* were public.

Mora News Irom Htanlay, Zanzibar. June IT.—A loiter hat just been

received dtted UJIJI. March 10, lu whlob It la atated that .Stanley mat Tlppoo Tib and Joined forces with him. He sent hla own tick followers back by nay of the Congo r l re r and Intended to proceed, together with £mln Faaha and Tlppoo Tib, to tha

coat t The letter states that they ex-pect to arrira in Zanxlbar aome time In July.

Idantlflad. Buttalo, N. I . , Jnne 17.-The woman who

threw herself over Niagara falls Friday waa I b a f red t r lok Stanflald, wife of a retired wealthy tosne painter. Hhe had for months oomplalnad ot pains In her uead. but was not considered Irresponsible Shu dltap-gMxed from Prospect P p k In this city latl

A Big 8laek-Tar4s OeaL St. Locit, June 1 4 . - T h e Falrbank Can-

ning Company ot Chicago has purchased the entire plant ot tbe Eatt St Ixiult Pret ted Beet Company fur • It It expected that from 1 ,000 to 1,500 beeves per day will be killed by the new owners

Uown on 1'rohlblUou. Hoc* Island , HI , June 15.—A resolution

wat pasted In the Mweedlsh I.utharn Kvan-gallcal synml of North America .oudemu-Ing prohibition and favoring moral tuatlon and high llnante aa aineunsuf advancing the cause uf

Killed IliuiMir. Cbioaoo, Juno I T . - J a m e s M. Uamble, a

real-estate dealer, who baa lived at the Palmer House for tha post ten years, was found desd In bis room'Saturday night It is bellavod that he oomtuiUed auicldo by drinking carbolic acid

Kought by Hie t racker T r n . t MiLWAimtE, June l.V—Tho cracker trust

bought out tbe Acmu Cracker Ootnpauy Thursday, tha only conoorn in the State not In tbo trust, and prices weru at once

', the only conoorn in tha e trust, and prlcei

advanced about 0 0 per cent

Losses by Klre. Naw Tosx, June 17.—Tha Are lossus lu the

United States and Canads for tho llrst flva month! of this year were •.VJ,513,QUO, against |57,0Hd.4SU during the corretpondlng inonUis of last year.

Death or a Faster. Oasukkm, Me.. Junti l.V — The Hast

Plttston, Me,. ImUntor of Dr, Tanner, nameil Watson Oooaspeod, who Ihih fastad thirty-ulna ilays. died yeaterday.


Ileadachoa and fevers to cleanse t h e system elfectual ly , yet gent ly , when costive or bilious or when tbe blood Is impure or sluggish, to permanent ly cure habitual constipation, t o awaken the kidneys a n d liver to a hoal ty action, wi thout wookoning them, use Sy rup of Figs. _ ( j u n e )


is a poeitiTe specific for all f o rms of t h e disease. Blind, Bleeding, I t ch ing , Ul-cerated and Prot rudi i ig Pile®.—Price 50c. For sale by H U N T & H U N T E R .


A S u n d n y - S c h o o l E x c t i r a l o a T r a i n W r e c k e d In I r e l a n d .

f laaaure-Saakar . Cruwdeil In f a r . Thai Hush liowu a nleep (irada al a » right-

ful lUta of *pe»d-Se»eiil)-Two or ThaiM Killed.

AN AWfUl, UIHAHT. K. Dublin . June III—A train coutaluing an

exuunlon pari) of i.'J^'porsuno, principally Methodist Snmlny echool ciiiiiiren and their tea.'hor» ami re nt lvc, wa* wrecked yettenlay near Arnisgh The acci-dent is without a |inrullel in lha blatory uf rollroadim.' m Ireiaml The

aln carrying the Sunday-school excursion bound for the popular little se sldo resort of Warren's Point wa* made up of two teo-tlont, tnrt fully l.'SW children and their ralatlves and teachers were on board. Thlt train, a short distance out ol Ar-magh, was ascending a steep grade to a hank that rises to a height of fllty leet. when the engine of tbe rear section gave out ami wa* unable to draw tlie heavy train lu some way whioh I* not noi» clearly nnderstood seveial of the rear cars became dciuchvd Irom the balance of tha train andstarted down the swep grade In B few secomls (lie car- were going down hill at a terriilc rate of tpoed. with the brakes either utterly i i m I c b m or, from negllgtn.-e on the part of tha guard, witbi-nt prop<ar al tentloa Had the track on the level lust below the grade bean clear for any considerable dl.lance, tbe detacbeil cam might have lost their momentum and the terrible accident that followed beau averted, but, unfortu-nately, the regu lar train from Armagh fol-lowed Jiiit behind the rear section of tha axenrtion train, and with (he locomotive ot thla train the detached car. came into col-llalon with terriilc force, wrecking tha loco-motive aa well a* the car* themselves

The scene* at the wreck iunnediately after tho accident were heari rending in the axtrsme. Tha rear section of the excur-ilon train, from which tha ill-fated cars bad become detached, was ' topped after pro-ceeding bnt a short distance and the pas-sengers as well as tbiKf of the forward seo-tlon soon ran back to render « bat asslst-anoe they could lu thoso of the little children In the wrecked cars, where maimed and manglod bodies still showed •ympiom* of life The dead and the dying little oue* were mat-tered in inextricable ennfusion among the Jagged timber* and twisted iron work of the wreck, and the grunns of the 1m-prlaoned sufferer' mingled m au awful dlu with the shrieks of their more fortunate companions who s ood by |iuwatless to afford assistance

There Is scarcely a family In Armagh that had not a member on the Ul-fnted train, and tha axidteroenl In that city 1* Intense. The aahankmeut from which tha coaches wera burled by tha collision I* seventy feet high, and IkiiIi engines and cars were al-mott ground to |>owder by tbe shock of Uie collision and tbe terrible plunge from tho embankment which followed.

Immense crowd* visited the wreck dur Ing tha day. Dr, Kyan, who 1* ; t the head ot the tchool to which most of tbe exour-tlonl.itt belonged, if one of the mott promi-nent Motbodiala lo Ireland. Tho train oon-tl t led ol fifteen carriage.. The children paraded the street* of Armagh before boarding the train, and there wa* a general merry making on the part of the whole town before the ntart Most of tboae killed were about 'M y e a n of uge. There were few very ynung shlldreu. There were •evenly two killed sll told, ot whom sixty-four have been so far identllled.

LONDON, June l.V—Tbe Board of Trade bet Instituted an Imjuiry Into the Armagh disaster, Tho total number of deaths up to this time U neventy-Bve. The (vueen hat sent a message of sympathy to Armagh.

r a t a l Kxpluslon of ISanalna. PrrrsafBon, Pa,, June l.V Thursday

afternoon a huge Uuk of benzine at the Bear Creek rehuery, Coleman klatlon, Al-legheny Valley railway, oanght lire from soma unknoun cause and exploded Charles A. Jsck was lusuntly killed. Superintandent John Klrkpatrlck was fatally burned. Mike Pearsoll, llalph Simon ami Charle* Dunn were alao terribly burned, but will prob-ably recover.

Family Hatred ('au>»d a Haparatlun. Ixroisui.t.t, Ky., June l.V—Edward 0.

Cohen, aged |K. and Miss I«e Rosenberg, aged IS, eloped Saturday night and ware married Snudny It developed that a feud of twenty years" standing existed between the families, and the lover* were forced to give each other up Eftorts are now being made lo secure a divorce. The origin of the feud I* withheld by both families

Tlir lullurM K*roril. NfW Yobx. June 1.V Tho business fall-

nrss occurring throughout the country daring the last aoven days number for the United Stales -Ji and for Canada 34, or a total of liV), ki compared with a total of ££> last woek and SL'i tbe weekf>r«vlout to tha lost year tha t h t f u l l ed States and 23 in Canada

Vetoed. ALBANT. N, V,, June 14.-Governor Hill

hat vetoed the Compultory Kductlional bill on tha ground that It contain* sweep-ing and unguarded provitlont offensive In thalr invasion ol tha liberty of the oiliren and Interferenca with tbe control ol par-ants over their children.

Killed Hi . Hlrad Olrl't Pbovippsi e , K I., Jnne 1 7 . - l t i his store

Friday, Albert H. Oiney, member of the firm of Oluev Brothers, shot slid killed Martin Muller, whose wlfa has been a do-mostlo In the Olney family, and had been protected from Mullar's brntallty by Mr, Olney

Killed by the Tar-.. LANHINO, Mich, June 14.—Major Wyninn

W. Staley, of this city. Major of tbe Flrat Regiment, Michigan National Ouards, was killed by a Chicago i Qrand Trunk triiln yeaterday, three mllet west uf Lanslug, Ila w t t Si year* of ago.

A I'rlulara' Home. Umvxb, Col. June 14. At the annual

slon yesterday of the International Typo-graphical Union It wa. decided U> i stablish a printers' home at Colorado Spriugs. Col, tha d t l i ens having offered nighty acre* of land near tho city as a free g i f t

r i a i in . lo Ila Christ., fla, Juno l.V An old man

olalmlng to lie Christ and abowlng scar* on hit hands and foot Is predicting the end of tha world on August IS, and preaching to tho poor people of this placo.

Double Tragedy. D E J T r t B , Col, June 17. - At l^tke City,

Col, Sunday NowUin fl. Moore, an old-time freighter, murdered his young wifo and than blow out hi* own brains He wo* in sanely Jealous of hi* wife.

New l(r«ruue C'ull«clor». Wahmihotom, Junn Aiuuii^ a lint uf

Internal revemte collectors appointed on Thursday are Heury l ink and Karl M. llogers for the Flist and Sovnnd Wisconsin districts respectively.

LADIES H A V E T R I E D IT. A number of my lady ••nstnniprs have

tried Mother's Friend, ami would not be wi thout for many tunes its its cost. They recommend it to al l exp* cl ing to becotuo mothers. B. A. Payne . Green-ville, Aln. Write Brndfleid Regula tor Co., A t l an ta , Oa. Sold by all drtiggisto

The benollts of vacat ion teason may be great ly enhanced if at tho proper t ime the blood it being cleansed and vi-talieed by the use of Ayer 's Sarsaparii la A good appeti te , fn-sh vigor and buoy-ant spirits a t tend ibe use of ibis won-derful medicine.

woek and -i.'i the weeka>ravlout to the For the corre.pondllg weak of lat t

tbe flgure* were i S , mtda np of 800 Id


T h e y A r e Cnunin t f O r o a t D n m a f f o In W l s o o n a i n a n d M i n n e s o t a .

T H E N A T I O N A L G A M E .

• Undlng nf Iho Four A.soolalloiK for tha Weak Knded Juno 1.1

Tha itandlng of the clubs in four of tha leading base liall assooiatlous Is shown In the following tables

Choiiaiuol. of Dollars' (Vorlb of Valnabia | PATtO.NAI. I V A O C r Timber llnrned-Tarrllle Sturm, of

Wind and Hum al Varl. on . l inea l .

a Man i c s s AS-O

«WIPT iiv n.AMr.a S fp rmo i, Wis, June |,i A lerrible Are

It .weeping the fore, a sonlh and wett of hero, aud unlet* the wealhei soon changi'* tha loaa will be enuiinoii* Already over |.'i00,UC0 worth of pine iui> l>een daatroyed. The dl.tricts tributaiy to the NemailJI and Bt Lonla rivers in Wbcontln and Minnesota are aufferlng terribly. Tha smoke from tie ourning districts la obacurlng the sun and render-ing dlfllcuit the entrance of vessels Into tha harbor. Much of the pine on th* (ioqnet reservation la already « l|>ed out A strong wind I* blowing from the xiuthw est and rural villages lire l lueatened wilh destnic-tlon. The lire la raging irom Hie St Croix to Northern P.cinc Junction

Two lUsBoits. Mluu., Jnne IK—Forest flret have been raging with renewed ac-tivity all day along tbe Iron llange railroad In every ilirrutlon. This city 1* «nr-ronnded by cloud* of •.moke. It It reported that tbe >«cilon house at Lower Junction was burnud Wednesday after-noon. A strong wind ha., been blowing from the toulhtvesl Every thing It dry a* tinder. The latext report lioni Kly. Minn,, iayt that from twelve to fllteen buildinga have been burned and much dnintge dona to railroad property

ST. Pal-l, Mlna, June LV-Pretldant Mlnot, ot the Eastern Minnesota railway, anthorizet the statement that the reporta of dangerous forest Urea along tha Eastern Minnesota are entirely sensational. Their road Is having no trouble from fires, which hare been all extlnguitned.

E luxsbi - ro . W. T . Juno IT.—Forest fires are pravalllng on the east side of the Cascade mountains and are destroying vast quantities of fino timber. The roar of the flames can be heard for miles and durimr the night tbe heavens are lighted by liiam L^aiberiuen say that many miilluns of feet of lumber will bo de-stroyed. A strong wind prevails at present and the Are Is extending. Several small bridges along tha Northern Pncltlc have been bnmed, delaying train*,

CBOPS BlItNSD BT ri.OOtli Vincknnkn, I ml, June 15,-The June

floods have worked dUaJter to the farmers of Southarn Indiana who have cropa In the bottom lands. Thousands upon thotuande ot acres of fine corn and hundreds of acres of wheat arc covered by tho water which now aprciwbi over the fertile flelds along White river Tbe farmers liv-ing in tha White river bottoms have been driven from their homes to the hill* Serious trouble baS been evperieuced in getting the stock tnd feed to places uf safety. In placet the grain la entirely submerged and In others the head of the ripening grain It Just seen above the nurface of a vat t tea o( water. The corn prospects have never been belter. From Edu ardaport and other point* along White river the tama report is sent. The Wabash It high and is rising steadily; so far tbe Wabash Is cobfined t« lis banks, yet farmers along this river are in dan-ger if the rise coulinuoa The Embarrass It flooding lu bottom* 1'he mill dam at Law-renoavllle Is likely lo Iw swept away at any moment The crop* ore lielng de*troyed and thousands of dollar* w II be lo*t

DCLfllEII HV MAIN. BFBI.vo VAIJ.kt. I l l , June IT.—The heav-

lett rains tlmt havo fallen tor years In tht* Tldnlty fell Friday evening and Saturday. The Illinois river is overfioning IU banks and thousands of acres of corn in tha bot-tom lands are under water. The Hock Island track was fa r t ly washed out hero tnd train* are dsfayod.

WBWnm BV THS «I.N Ik Lioontks, Ind . June IT. — A cyclone

patted through Ibis town Sunday after-noon about L' lVo'clock, tearing down shade trees and unroofing bouses along its path. The flno brick dwelling of J. M liotts was near!> d.' . i o k l , while the new dwelling ol U i.. liariiing i- a total wreck A laundry. Van Sniltb* big livery ttabla. Ali' (10111*1111111* residence, tha Ugonler Hotel and a nunilwr of other bulldlngt were unroofed Tha big cov-ered bridge across the Elkhtrt river was blown down and I* a total wreck Hundreds of Una shade mid fruit trees woro de-stroyed Several mlraoalons enc.ipes from death arc reported. Tbo lo** will exceed #io,ooa

A CTCLO.VE O* THE tlUtT. Washwotosi, Jyne IT.—Havana reports

that Saturday night and Bnnday morning thare wera very heavy KpialU with six Inches of rain there, A cyclone crossed tha western Caribbean to tha eastern gulf.

WOKK Ol THE UORTMNll. Naw VuuK. June IT, —Dispsu'hes from

K«w Jertay, Delaw are, Maryland, Eastern Ptnntylvaula, Naw York Slute and New England ss far aat t as M.-dna Indicate ex-tensive d tmtga to property and soma lo*s of life by atorms accompanied by lightning Hatnrday evening. In this city a Catbollo church spire wssatruck, the cupola stripped away and stone, weighing jiounils dis-placed.

An oll-L'ink iu Jersey City was struck by lightning and '.'jO.OIM gallons of petroleum woro burned. No lives were lost Allot her lire from the *anio otnta occurred iu the iumlier district, but w t t headed uif, Tha telophoiie exchange caught fire and wa* burned but

A Lad Killed by LlKhlning. CINCINNATI. June 1,V l^iuie Emerson,

aged 10, son of tbe carriage nianufactarer ot Colloga lllll, was struck by lightning yesterday morning and Instantly killed. Ho wat playing with his 14-year-old brother, near lha |>ond on tbo EmerKon place, when tha shower came up. Gay. the btolhe.r, wat also shocked, but hu *1111 survives and may entirely recover,

Kralrlrldp «n«l ^olrlilr. Kibxvii.I.e. MO., Juno l,V—Frank Propet,

ex-school comml*«loner, was shot doad Friday nioruing by his brother. Joacph Propst, who then put a bullet througb his own heart No cause can be auigned savo that tho mm dot or and suicide wa* tem-porarily Insane

He I . Nol Uead. Toubstonic, A. T., June l.V—John H1II-

man. of Lawience, Kan., who was sup-poaad to have lieen killed several years ago, and whose wifo reueived ;40,lHKl from tha lite Insuranco companies, has boon ar-rested here snd will be token to Lawrance at onue.

Thr Ol lr«t Minlatrr NEW Vnax, Juno l.V lUiv. Willlnni N,

Bchall, D, I)., of Caiia|oharle. tha oldest living English Lutheran clergyman, died Thtusday. aged yearn lie waa famous (or building churehes and wns a m m c c o s s I u I and inatjneilu preacher.

A fas tn i - l l I rn i - t . NEW Yuhk. June 14. tnnuuncumant It

mads lhat a cn*t«r-oii trust is forming in th t West, the cnpllal slock U< bn between

und |:>"i,i«>l There aio but novau oattor-oll maiiufiiuliiriiig plunta In tha oountry.

COL. CLARK, U, H. Army write*: For the IiihI two years my hea l th hns Ihh-ii exit-l lenl; I th ink tliiH is due to my using Su lphu r Uitterx, as former ly my heiiltii was mis- 1

erable, owing to the f requent changes ' in the cl imate, etc, , so Incident to 11 sol-dier 's life

i u = 4 5

Boston |3> 'J :m, St. Loms. ..imilS CnT Cleveland., T ID iv.T Aibletle II W KM P n l l t d t i p h i t . 1 : "Jtl llrooklyn, r. 1; tai Naw York II l i ' II li more,.,, Il|il ."-t1 Chletto 1''i'l tv.' i' •.•i;a *79 Plltlbursh . 1 '.'I . Ml Ivan- is C ly . JI1 S1 <<'1 laditnaDnilL. K : >19 ItolumOu*. IS .H UK Waihmgion.^io .1. r: l^m «v li - . - I" if/,

w b s t b i i n T.kauOk ivimi srArt: i.KAnua.

M i """

h t Pau l . . . . Omaha Bloux Oily Minneapo l i s De. Moines Denver Bt Josrph M i l w a u k e e . .

«* yu nev. • S-P Si.niiKtleW. 4.3 I'eona . . t 1 llurlini(ion.. »»• Kv.inv lie..


19 Il -ls IP . Ill,St . IC .•s


Tha Strang* lienlh of un Kngliieer on tha Wabash llallwa.v.

DtrBt'Qi'E, In. June IT. The i)ody of John Meyer* a passenger train englneeroa tbe Wabash who died on Wadnetday, wat burled In this d ty Friday. Ho waa atrlckon with paralysis while on hit engine ]ai t before reai'blng the eud of hi. run at Bptrta, Mo. He knew thai his tlmo bad come, and told his fireman he had only afow boors to live Summoning nil his strength he pulled open tha tbrn'.lle of his enslna and mtda tbe great tnachlue talrly hound In order to reach the lUitiun at Sparta before be becama perfectly heipieia Aa tha train dashed along the rigor be-came Intense, and when he dashed Into the station hu wa* ainiosi completely para-lyiad, h i . left arm alone belnv capable of action, and with It be shut oil and ttopped hit train i t the station. Ho was carried from hit cab, and before his wife and chil-dren conld reach his bedalde he wa* s|ieech-lets and died In a few mlnulet,

F I F T Y P E O P L E - B U R I E D A L I V E .

Eight Killed and I f .ny injured by the Col-lapse of a Mexican Market

Crtr of Mxxico, Jnna 17,—The roof of the Merced market cuved In Friday while the bolldlng and tha streets surrounding were crowded with people. About fifty persons ware unable to ewape, and were buried In tbe debris A troop of soldiers Immediately set to work lo rescued tbe people Imprlaoned under the ruins. Eight dtad bodies wore token out, batldot forty-llva persona who were found to be taverely Injured. The eight un-fortnntlet wera instantly crushed lo death under the heavy rafter* of the fallen roof. Those of the fifty who were iiotkliledor In . jured were llborausi after a short imprison-ment,

Tha Monnmviit lo r r rs idenl Arthur. Auunv .N Y..Juno IT,—Thei<rnnilemonu-

ment to tho lata President Arthur In Rural Cemetery was dedicated Saturday with brief and simple ceremonies conducted by tho New York frlcml* of the lute President, who oontrlbutod to tho cost of l.'ie maiuorlnl, and who came up from that city by special car. Tbe SKSemblage which guthurod lu the cemetery Included iiiauy peraotis dis-tingulshed In political and legal circles throughout the State.

K.ttmnte of Our i'opulatloB. WASHINOTON, Juno l\—Preparation* for

the taking of the censux of KU aro awmm-ing shape. The appropriations provide for 173 supervisors, which Is an oxcesa of twon-ty-flvo over the ouml>er employed In IVO. Thlt exce*s of supervisors will go to lha South tnd West, one each going to Okla-homa and Alaska. The bureau est mate uf the population is i»V"W,"0U for this census.

Itavage. or Dlsaasa. NEW Ohi EANH. June l.V New* hn* Just

been Drought hero by a gentleman from Braxll, who tayt that small. | ox and yellow fever nro raging lu a virulent form, not alone In Hlo Janeiro, bnt througb all tha Btatea within 'AW miles of lhat city. Tht death rate for llitoe days at Santos was 70 per cen t , and tho paoplv who could do to were leaving In droves,

Haallle llauks Did Not Mulfer. WAsmsoTON, Jnno IT,—Tho Comptroller

of the Currency ha* received a telegram from tho ca*hlur uf the I'uget Sound Na-tional Bank at Seattle. W T,, uyIng: "Lost to bankt by fire nominal. All vaults stood th t Ust well Hanks are now doing biisl-n : t t In temporary ituartom

Mothar •n<l Twii f hniu iiml. MONTBEAI. Can., June 17.—A di*|>ntch

frtim Three Rivers states that Mr* Cuiines and her two children havu lieou diowned by t h t swamping of a iioat iu the River Dnloup

A Phlladalphia Ab*«-oiidar Capliirad. MONTBEAL, Que., June IT.-David May, of

Philadelphia, was oaptiired hure Saturday nlgbt on a charge of having stolen f. ' l juu from a brluk-nmking flrin in liilladelphlx

T H E M A R K E T S .

Nt.w Yi LIVE Stock-Cattle


00a to I'liuica Patent.

WHEAT—No. 1 Red No, I While

CORN—No. i Wiilte OAT8-N0. • White KYE—Western — . . . PORK- Me.. LAUD— Steam CHEESE f WOOL—Domrstic

CHK'AdO. BEEVES—Sh pplmr Steer.

Cow* Stockcrt. Feeder. Uutcher.' Stock

! Inferior Cattle 1 HOGS—Llv«-(ii>od to Choice.. 1 SHEEP 1 UOrrEK—Cceuniery I Oood to ('hone Dairy


Balf-Wursiug . Hurl


>hk , June IT. t4 !»• n I « 4 l-J <t 3 l."i t U) Ct * <1 3 IB ut 5 tu 4 is b i :s M'.a «,s 9.1 'it 4i a 4i\( M l& J-. 4. It W'i

II IJIiilM 1; sT'.a 0 ai n'i

M it M

I I 6 0 u 4 CO I VI 1 Ti Si <t * T5 i T5 'li .1 '.U

in * a 1>J I .VI ^ 3 TS 1 r. n 4 m 1 si ^ 4 .n

^ r . 10 ^ 13

I '.J S t 4'i

POTATOES liiu. i . in New ibarl., y in i t S 10

PORK—Hess 11 >1 OH Dili I.ARU—Steam U HT' (4 o no PLOUR-Bpnn* Pmeiit.' 4 ; .1 S TS

Uaker't .1 a) ii ^ «i HlralRhu

GRAIN—Wheill. No. J . . ,1 v) 15 1 60 HlralRhu

GRAIN—Wheill. No. J . . 71) Corn. No. a tl',.« 31 Oats, No.« •-V'.it Ktf % Rye. No. t w lUrlfy-Hailiiilr.

LUMHEIi-w «£ U lUrlfy-Hailiiilr.

LUMHEIi-Coiniiioii llrci.rii K iliiiK. .. IT 00 Oi-iW floonna IW l«l c m iu Comuion ilounl*. 19 IU Oil IK) Fanoing I 'i W UI3 00 I.alli a iu (It i n) bhlnKlui •j ai U « CO

KANSAS CITY. CATTLE—nail M >1 <1 i 10

Pair to Ouotl a rs I.D S H0 UOOB-lle.t i ai us * a

Medium 1 10 U 115 w i uu BBKKP—lleti a U 115 w i uu

Uonimoii •i 51 a j ro OMAHA.

CATTLE—Ileal ii m it 4 a Medium .. . . i si u a so

UOUH i mi « i uri4


Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption is an tibaolute cure fo r colds.

Sold by Yei tkk A Look.

I tliiiik Ely's Cre t in Halm is the licst tviiii'dv f«r uatnrrh I ever saw. 1 never look a n y t h i n g t h a t relieved m e so quick ly, mid 1 have not felt so well for a long t ime. 1 used t o be troubled wi th severe

headaches two or three tlmoa a week, but since using the Balm have only had

' onei and that waa very light competed wi th other fo rmer ones.—J. A. Alcorn, ngt. U. P. Kv. Ea ton , Colo.

1 find Kiev's Cream Halm gissl for oa-I t a r rh of long s tanding . M. N. taaley, I lUSI Weal Ches tnut St..Louisville, My.



Jobn II. ('..rlia. lllll-. * I'oor Mtin's Claim and Hri-Iira4 (.rant I 'n.lll

In 18i'.i David iiavi*. of Detroit, .old hit refrigerator pntcnl to (ieorge 11 ilamitiond for |l0,0t<l, the coniiitlou lieiug that Ham-mnnd should pny tbe monet In ca-« ho af-fected a H«ttlem>Mit witii a IlosKm refriger-t tor car com|iaiiy charged with infringe-ment* of patent* li.immoml dropped tha lull and refused to pay Davis' claims. Tha Utter brought milt but before the matter cametol i ia l llaiiiinonil dieil Tho estate defended, but a piry awarded Davis 110,000 and lotoresl. the whole amoutiting to something over »lt.i««i Ih- Hammondt appealed, and Davis, being a poor man. as-tlgned hi* claim to John II Corllat for a trifle. Tho other day the Supremo Court affirmed the Judgment of the lower court and Corli-* reaps the liemlflt

A Soldiers' Monniiiant. Tho work of raising the money with

which to pay for the Harry County soldiers* monument progresse- slowly, but every cent of it will be ruUed .Meantime the mon-ument, which is a handsome one. It being put up a t IlaMln". It is uf tho flnett Rygalo granite, fo.iv-two feet high, ten foet square at the base, and weighs one bondred Ions It I- surmounted by a finely wrought statue of au infantry soldier at the poaltlon of "parade rest Tho other branches of tho service—artillery, navy tnd cavalry- are represented by proper em-bloms on tbo monument Barry County tent one thousand men to tbo war

Hons of Vctrrno*. The annnal encampment of tbo Sons ot

Vetarant of Michigan was held recently at 8t Joseph. Over fifty camps partlol-pated Camp 14, of Grand Rapids, won the first prixe of for tho best uniformed and drilled camp. Camp .Vi, of Rattlo Creek, secured liTi for tho best drum corps. Camp 20, of Hartford, ITi. The election of offlcert for the ensuing year resulted a* follows: Colonel, W. Williams. Grand Rapids; Lieu-tenant-Colonel, F. M. Oler. Pittsburgh; Major, M. W. Bullock. Ashley; Division Council, F. C. Stlioon, llattle Creek; M. J. Davit, HllltJale; J. C. Schiller, St Joseph, Adjutant

Swindlers Caplnred. William IL Corbelt and Waller Shapard,

well known young men of Grand Ilapldt, were arrested a few days ago with A, <X Ambler, a recent arrival there, for perpe-trating au Ingenious swindle by means of tn alleged patent, which they Induced tho purchaser lo buy, on the claim that thoy would find a purchaser from him at a much higher price Thoy aeenred several hun-dred dollars in this way before thoy were detected.

Health In Michigan. Report* to the Slate Board of Health by

fifty-six observers In different parts of tho State for tho week ended on tho 5th Indi-cated that w hooping cough Increased, and Inflammation of the bowels, tonsilltla, In-fluenza. luflanimatlon ot tha Udneya and pneumonia decreased In area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at eight placet, scarlet fever at fifteen, typhoid t .-or a twelve, measles at five and tmall-poz a t Detroit

Namad HU StaCt Colonel Frank M. Williams, of tho Michi-

gan division Sons of Veterans, has appointed hit staff as follows: Adjutant, Gaorge Q. Coggshall, Grand Rapids; Quartermaater, Alfred II. Aptcd. Grand Rapldt; Surgeon, J, A. Mabbt, Holland; Inspector, A. M. Heeler. Richmond; Mustering Officer, L J. Patterson, Cray ling; Judge Advocate, CI 9. Ourney, Hart

Hhort Imt Nfttviy Item*. The jiolato crop about Cheljoygan la tald

to lie rotting from the oxccsalve ralna Daniel Casey wa* aKsaultod by David

Rreen, a liartender, lu Detroit the other night and fatally Injured.

James E, Soripps has ondowed a per-petual freo bed at the Harper Hotpltal la Detri^t for the printers of the News, and afterwards, for Datroit printers generally.

The engine-house of the Salisbury mine at Ishpemlng wa* burned the other day. The lost on 'ho machinery and building wat $50,000; partly Insured.

Thomas Doylo, ol Detroit, agud fifty-six yean, drank a large dose of ammonia tbe other day In ml.tako for congh medicine, and died noon sfterwards.

The other day William Fnlford, ol Ster. ling, wo* niarrlod at Kvart, and an hour later started for home. On tho train he was token with oongontlv 1 chills, w t t ra-niovod to a hotel, and died In a short l ime

John Shaddock, a Travorso City under-taker. went fishing the other day on Board-man lake, aud bis boat capsized and he wat drowned

11. Brltton. of Three Rlvert, repotted lott at Johnstown, Pa,, turned up all right. He had to walk twenty-one miles In making lilt way out of tho wreck

Arnold Lake, of St Johnt, has a colt lhat wat born without eyes, and that portion of lis head wheru the eyes should be is a t amooth and firm as any other part of l i t tkulL

Mrs. Todd Lottie, of Brontoo, who hat been totally blind for fifteen years, suddenly regained her .Igbt a few dayt ago. The flrtt person .he saw was her daughter, and the exclaimed: "My. how you have grown."

At a tpcclal eleotlon In labpemlng re-cently there was IM majority for Itsning bondt fur to procure water f rom l a k e Sally,

The Ptbst mine, lu the Qogeblo range, was told tho other day to tha Metropolitan Land h Iron Company, ownen of the Norrlt mine, for $ 4 0 0 , 0 1 0 .

F. J. Burns, accond englnour ol tho tug Brockway. wa* killed a t Port Huron the other day by being t t ruek by a line. lilt homo wat at I.udlnglon.

Sui ts m a d e to order a t H. C. Smith 's , f m m | 1 8 tip.

\Tfie Greatest Blood Purifieri K N O W N .

This Great (irrninn MedUinc Is t • che:ip.Mtaiid be.t. I4S doses of Sill... lPHUUBI1TKRSfor$l.00,lr>tlhani lone cent a dote. It will euro the j wont casct of .kin disease, from J l a comniun plimilo 011 Ilia fiicejf • to tlmt awful dlH-ana Scrofula. IscLPiHit nm'Kita u uie. I be«t niedlclno to uao lu alii Ica-e* of tticli stublsiril and#Vmip KM

seated dl—«•*. U o / n J ^ ™ . I no' ''vcr tako Jofonler . l'»e j

BLUE P I L L S # a i i L P i i U R i lormi irury, they are d e a d # i i l | l y . Piacu your Irutt l n ^ ' " . , , "P. |

j willia yellowtlleky#000*1 wait nntll yon I substn nee? l tyoar#aro unable towalk,orl breath foul and#are flat on your back,l offeniivo? Y'oiir#biil gel eomo at once. 111 stomach U outywlll euro you. Snlptmrl of order. UtaiVBluert It S U B i r r E R 8 # ' e l n r a l l d ' i F r i end . |

I, „ . jTuxi jouu^, Ura t t o l and lot-1 / s your Lr Jrtcriiig are toon mado well by I ino thick J U a use. Rcmemher what you I ropy, clo-^n-ad here. It may save your I udy, or#||f,> it ha* savetl hundreds. I

ou t wait until to-morrow,

Try a Bott le To-day 1 S" M Are you imv.tplrlted and weak III "• mot Slliftring fnun the excesses of l l l

fyomli.' If uOf s l 'L l i lUl t BlTTEBsl I "1 cure you. j!^

Send S 2rem stamp, to A. P. Ordway A Co.. IJotlou.Uaj-., for bett medical wotk published r


T h e Makers :f a Well Known Cluiin w r i t e : " W c h a v e b e e n o f . c n a s k e d b y ( l a i n m e n ' W h a t is t h e v e r y

b e s t s o a p t o u s e t o p r o p e r l y c lean c da iry u t e n s i l s ? ' W e havo

invariably repl ied , t h e ' I v o r y , ' but a s for g i v i n g s p e c i f i c d i r e c t i o n s

for w a s h i n g d a i r y utens i l s , it is real ly s u m m e d u p in m a k i n g t h e m

t h o r o u g h l y c l ean . B o i l i n g w a t e r m u s t bt- used, and that , in con-

n e c t i o n w i t h I v o r v So a p , will t h o r o u g h l y c l e a n s e a n d d e o d o r i z e

t h e w o o d , l e a v i n g it c l e a n and s w e e t for further use . A n y da iry

utensi l s ha l f c l e a n e d wil l s p o i l t h e d e l i c a t e a r o m a of ' g i l { e d g e

butter," w h i c h m a y be p e r f e c t in o t h e r respec t s . • '

A W O R O O F W A R N I N G .

T h e r e a r e m a n y w h i t e s o a p s , e a c h r e p r e s e n t e d t o b e ' j u s t a s g o o d a s t h e ' I v o r y ' ; ' t h ey A R E N O T , b u t l ike al l c o u n t e r f e i t s , lack t h e p e c u l i a r a n d r e m a r k a b l e q u a l i t i e i o f the g e n u i n e . Ask f o r " I v o r y " S o a p a n d Insis t u p o n g e t t i n g it.

Copyrlfbt, ISM by Procter A Uttable.

L E A N ' S

B u s i n e s s C o l l e g e ( E S T A B L I S H E D 7 YEARS. )

S h e p a r d - H a r t m a n B u i l d i n g , - Foun la in St ,



B o o k - K e e p i n g , S h o r t - H a n d , T e l e g r a p h y , P e n -m a n s h i p a n d Bus ines s F o r m s .


k't C'oIIab Ilool ('obbohbL.——— . —1 of Collon H.-'I. T . u j u d I rnDT-rojaL wl tKanlkly. Safe, Kltecloal. IMeaunt. II by m^I,ordnif (IIU. Fealed putlculanlinamM. I.adlrt

Sold in I-owpll by W. 8. WLNBOAR.

I s T E W

Lumber Yard. - • < 1 I


IlKAl.Eltri IS


Yard at rear of Train's Hotel,

L o w e l l . M i c h .

C H A - S . L A - W S T B R , rEormirro* o f

NATIONAL HOTEL, Near !>., O. H. i >1 Depot,

X.O W E L X i . - 2iXZCZZ. First Clasa Hoard and ItooiiUBt liiaiwaale Itatr*

Llvrry und Feed Nluiile lu Counecllon-

N E L S O N , M A T T E R & C 0 . ,

Retail Rooms, 33, 35 & 37 Canal St.,

Grand Rapids, - Mich.

Fancy Chairs and Rockers,

Bedroom Suites, in all woods,

Cheap, Medium and Expen-

sive. Parlor Suites and Odd

Pieces, any combination of colors. Fancy Baskets, Tab-les—Center and Dining, Book Cases, Writing Desks -Ladies and OfTice, Side Boards, Shef-foniers. Lace and Heavy Cur-


L a r g e s t & M o s t V a r i e d S t o c k



To Inval id a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S I flip uni ieni^npd a t tlie reqnoet of many

Invalid Sold i t re, lias qtmliflwl and ln-en admi t t ed to pract ice

in the

I n t e r i o r D e p a r t m e n t , ami all the bureaus thereot a n d n now

R e a d v lo P f o s e c u l e C l a i m s , for Uiomc that may lie entitled to PEN-


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

M i l t o n M . P e r r u , At to rney & Counse lo r a t L a w

Train's Hall Block. . Lowell, Mich.

S p w i a l a t t en t ion given to Collection* Coim-ynnctag , Loan# and Sale

of Real Eatate.

T JOHNS, AUCTIONEER."" 1 6 Y e a r s E x D e r i e n c e

Farm or o ther property sold. Charo-i-e reasonable a n d Sat isfaot ion Gua ran -teed. Ordi-ra left a t the J o l h . v a l OFFLOT will rerelvp prompt a t ten t ion . 28yl

F R E E C O N S U L T A T I O N D R . . \ . U . 8 P 1 I V N E Y ,

o k D i m i o i T , wm Ik- at Hi,- iiutlibini House, Orand lUipldi. oa tin1 -1 uf i nch iilumh only, UpeeUl mipnUon tfren to rulnrr l i . K,e. K. r .T l i ra , l a u d L a ° S lllMMel; I'lorliie and f r lTal*

f r a n k ; C . ALOER ; A t t o r u o j r n t L n w .

C o l l e c t i o n s ( i i v e n P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n


Union; lllock. LOWKLu M1CU

AT J. E.LEE'S MEAT MARKET On I lie liruli!!). will slirtTt be found tha

ebdeatt cuu of Meat. Fish «nil I'oul-try in their semons. at I'rkvs

Always Ueasonable. J". B . L E E , - Lowell, J l ich.

N e w G r o c e r y .

A Clean New Stock of

Groceries AND

Provisions IN TI1K

Graham Block

Give I ' s Y o u r T r a d e ! Uf will ik.* you wHI

• — " #

Prices low as the low-est.

Your Pa t ronage Itospeutfully Solicited.


.\ ' 4 -c. viim n i • • •• • •

Page 2: LOWELL Journal/1889/06_June/06-19-1889.pdfarranfemnila to reiuma btulnea a Baao-luttoua were adopted pleilglng the bu.lneaa I men and morclmnt*

L O W E L L J O U K N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , J D N E 1 9 , 1 8 8 9 .

^ t j a C O B S O i l






Strains, Aches and

Pains Rheumatic,

Neuralgic Sciatic, P R O M P T L Y

A n d P E R M A N E N T L Y .





J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .

R A T E S F O R A D V E R T I S I N G .

Ix*itnl ailrcrtlM-mrolitai "Ululr price" CantaorTlitnklCO n-ntii ra>'h, rfKardlfW of

lli» number of Hurt All llcma Intrndpit lo L.-iirflt any one * Imai

lira* Kill lie obarjeJ for al odvortbilnK rail " Rriioliitliinf of rumlolrnrr, JI SO. MarrUftr, dmlta and lilrtli nollrra fm-.


1 w. I < w. j 3 ni. (i m. 1 1 r ' -

Eipl , i lnlnj n Miracle. My f t t h e r , a ! the aKt- (if fiO loct nil tho I Rabbi Haas, of S t Foul, comcs to Minne-1 b a l r f r o n \ , t h 8 ' " P o ' 1 ' c a d - A ' 1 "

a polls quite often, and of Into has lioon n roc-1 ^ l1

n o n t t l d , r i a l o f V c r * " . "T V , R o r ' i nliu-nttendiiDt at tlio mcctinnof thr liberal l ' , e , ^ coming oii'I in llinH-prwichen. Tho r$AM U a l a i c a l CM Tnta- he h a d a f int g r o w t h nf liair of ment student, bat Tritballa|>ractJcal icaaof natural color. J'. J . ( nllcii. Snrnto-

h! ofa inn«t ri'ninl nature ' "PHDOT. I .

B u s i n e s s C a r d s .


I I_ W. TOfNO, riijrulrlaii and Sur-f l . (cuu. Olllfn o»er Yelter 4 l<ook"n atore.

$1.00 1 »KI 00 | $3.00 $15.00 $85.00

«,!» C.ooi 15.00 4S.00 tVOO



| II, MAI.COI.M. I'liynlciai. anil Snrtrcon, 1 . (ifflw In 1II'" V. Went Klilr Caib pradlee only.

OC. MoDANN'KI.I., M I'liyslcian and • Kurgnin. (iRIcr 4U JIlldKpHt.

MO.OItKENK M. I I . Pliyalcun and Bur-• iceon. Oflliv otrr Mcolt a llanlnnrH

VV IIROOK8. I'liyalelan h i i i I Sur-Tt . Rruli. Ufflra ovur M. lllll"'" • iloro.

OIUw lloura-H to 10 a. in . lo 4 anil " lo !< p. in.

• a t t o r n e y s "

ALIIKKT JACKSON. Altornry and .Solici-tor. OTerLowell National lUnk.


| i I), WII.SON. Contractor anil hullder l > . Itmldrnco 57 Hudson at.. Lowell, Mich.


I O. SCOTT, Hardware, Hash Doors and t) , Ulasx. Uullden ilanlware a a|>rclalty. i .|'poalttf Forest Hill«

lOHNCIILKSftCO.. (Irocerieo and Protls fI Ions. Orocknrr. Sc.

( \ idoCAKTT, Wholeaalc and R-tall (Irocer. U . Uuk Block


O v e r F o u r t l i N a t i o n a l B a n k , I'anal Stwl Telephone No. I"'..


VMXOH 111'NT. «*'"'» »• oxyn H U N T .V D A V I S ,

Abstracts of Title, Real Estate, Loan and General Insurance Agents.


William Aldrietilaleuin ATTORNEY AT LAW,

tirrtcaa: G R A N D H A P I D S ,

940 New Houseman Block. M I C H .

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , Kesldonl Vrtorlimry Hurueon,

(Irn.limtu of Ontario Veterinary CojleKc, Torun to Canada, profesalonally

AtUnii to til DUoasoi of H o n n and Cattle llonpllal for Unic and Dlaeaaed H o w Calls

will receive prompt attention nlttht or day. Ok'FICK AT r t l l K I V S LlVKUV IIAUN.

B . W . D O D G E ,

A t t o r n e y a t L a w , R e a l

E s t a t e A g e n c y . Hrwl ice in StaU- a n o u . 8 . t k m r u .

Uunov to loan on tiiMKi Real Esta te So-cu r l ty . Office in Hank lllock,

UridKe St , - Lowell. Mli ltiKan

N E W K A I L U O A D .

N i i W L U M B E R Y A R D Al Clurksvllle.

All Kinds of LUMBER. LATH and SHINGLES. Cuitoin I'lauInK and R»aaH'inK.

M A R K S H A N K S A S O N .

STP.HICKS. Attorney, Lohiin, CollcctioiiMind

l u H i t r a n c e .

MONEY loLOAN o" REAL ESTATE SECURITY In >um> of f'^Oanil npwimln al rurmit



I Column,

)ii column,

U column, j 1.25 r 4.oo j

X column. I i l j t lO | _

. Columns '.*1 Inches in lengtli Cards In Directory Column, (I per line per

year. Cards of I in. in Directory, $.". per year,





H E N R Y N , S T 0 N I ; ,

I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

OflTice with B o w n e , C o m b s iS: S t r ike r ,

L O W E L L , M I C H .

Follclea Written al the Loweat I'l Icea.

B x ' ' M o t h e r s '


flHOKlf 1 I J»l.MiNiMit;>

|)ANGl K To l . i r f . or K u n i K H ^ C H i i . D ,

* * V . L O M - O T H K ^ ^ ^




S l i i n x !'»<•. Collar*, 2 o ; CuITh per pair. If .

Ver/ Best Work al Lowest Prices.

F . G . S T O N E , - A g e n t Uooda dellrerrd ihe *ame week.

Fact* Almut the Mannfaclun. ol IliimmleA The Wood I'ned for Ihe I'urpoae—Coal of tho Noble SavaKV and Ilia AMoclata (Irarcn ImaKea.

Iii u remit Interview with a citlu-n ot Brooklyn who makes dummies, 1 acquired oonsldemblc lufonimtlon relating to this branch ot tho a r t of wood carving which proved entertaining as well as Instructive. As I entered his placu of businwss ho was busily engaged in putting tho finishing touches of color ou a huge, grim looking Indian, which vainly tried to luok mo out of counten-anco during my convenatlou with Its owner.

"1 always finish them up myself," said he, "for no two jninlers tastes, aro alike, and I Uko to havo them finished to my tasto as nearly as posniblo, Tho fin -, big fellow goes to New Orleans to-morrow, und will bring lie n ncot sum, too,**

o r k i i m or n o u n s CABmo. "1 kup|M» hard wood li always u*d for

flgnres," said I. "on account of having to withstand all sort? of wontber and t "m|iera-turel"

"You weru never more mistaken lii|}-our lifo. Wo uso soft pine for carving en-tirely. I get my logs from a spar yard down In Erlo basiu, |iay from IW to CO cent* jier running foot for them, and they aro mostly ruds whleh havo been detaehed from logs in conttrucling spars and masts in tho yard. "ITio only thing we llnd to contend with is the number of knots always found lu pine logs, hut it's the only kind that's over Ikvii used, 10 I taku it for granted it's the best."

"What was tho origin of dummy carving, or is it not a trade in itu lf, but a hmnch of the common wood carving trader '

" I don't know how ilummien In the first IJaii' lieoamc awiclated with the tobacco bus-iness, hut thin 1 do know. Figure carving is a complete trade in itself—a trade iu which ar-tistic Instinct is etsential to success, and with-out w hleh no workman can liecome protleieuL Itdificeiidifroiutlienow olisolotoart of fig-urehead can ing for vessels In ancient times, and requires equally skilled workmen lo prop-erly eiccuto the designs now used. At least twelve or fourteen years' apprenticeship is necosary to lieconio prollclnnt in this branch, oven though pobwssed of theneci^sary talent, and coniid'rlng the wages paid it's little wonder no iipprenticoi aro to bo found now and that very few men follow it for a liveli-hood."

"How do you commenco work ou af lgurcr ' 1 asked.

"It is the simplest thing in tho world. The log is suspended horiiontally between two blocks, just high enough for tho carver to reach handily, llo draws with |>encll tho outline of front and Iwck of thn proposed figure, and hews it out roughly to within half an Inch of the line. Then tho log is turned overandahku pmcoM Is gotio through re-garding tho sides, which completed tho fine work begins. Tho sharp tools are produced tho carver puts Ills thinking cap ou, and in the couno of n few days a perfectly formed aud expressive facu will havo mad., its n|t-poamnee. Tho rest, of course, is easier, tho most dinicult i«irt of tbo remaining work being tho pose, for a poor attitude spoili tho bltcct of tho most perfect facial expression."

a kixo rem $330. "How long does it tako to tu rnout an In-

dian, from lirsi to last V "For un average live foot warrior about

five days is required for tho carving und as manymoro for i>ainllng and finishing up, but for a monitor liko this fellow," |K>inting to tho fierce visagod chieftain ho had just finished touching up, "nearly a month is re-quired for its completion. It's tedious n ork, but a figure liko that will bring mo about $1.10, and an averago sited one from $£i to $100, according to dodgn."

"What do you pay your carvers after their spending so many years acquiring tho necca-sary knowlcdger

"Fom- dollars |)er day is tho highest rato paid, and as steady work can never Iw assured It is u very low prieo for Hie work done."

"Is your deumnd mostly homo trader ' "Not by any tneans. 1 have plenty of ro-

pairing here, but sell very few new ones, its n figure w ith moderato care l u U a lifetbue. My demand is mostly from biland cithw and mostly for Indians, which will alwaya Iw tlie luUstantlol stand by In way of design. 1 get occasional inlers for c I o w i m , or darkiet, or dudes, or some such specialty as a Pickwick or a king, but rarely. Tho finest job 1 ever turned out woo a likeness of King William 1, several years ago, for which I received KiV)."

"What was tho most novel design, in your opiniiiu, that you'vo yet undortakeni''

"I think tho most ridiculous figun. 1 ever got up was ono ordered by a Hi. Louis man a couple of years ago -a likencvs of Knox Dun-lap, the dude, a eliaructer In Mestayer's 'We, Us & Co,,'which was very popular then lu the west. It represented a very homely young limn, with thn tightest of |mnts and tho largest of mouths, tho latter eztanded to Its utmost cupauity in a despuratu attempt lo smile; u noso ornamented with mimerous buds which Ihroatoneil toon to become blos-soms. nnd a beard conspicuous for its irregu-larity of length, scarcity and vermiliou sliade,"'

"Do you havo busy seuHius, as is thn caso with most busineMvsf

"Only in the re|iairing Hue. In tho spring - lioiiMs ieaning time, you know—dealers in

tobacco anil cigars generally I real their figures to a new coat of |siiiil aud a general overhauling, but orders come iu about tho same the year around, ami tlmt," ho ailded, "is slow enough, slo» enough,"

Thu huge Indian here shed a tear of sym|inthy with Its nuuUii, ami fecllug us though 1 had awakoned unpleaNiut thoughtH 1 quietly withdruw lo thu stro't, leaving Iwlh iu a brown study.—Brooklyn Eagle.

affairs, and piswessed o fa most genial nature, Mpedally toward young men who aro inter-ested in a scholarly study of tho Blblo. He makes a speciality of mtraolcs. While oTcr hero on Monday but tho rabbi explained ono miracle very Fatlsfactorlly to a wnall but in-telligent audience. Ho quoted tho twentieth verso of tho fourteenth chapter of Exodu; which gives an account of Iho children of Israel craning tho Bed H-U on dry land nud tho Kgyptlansgetting drowned while follow-ing them.

•• It li true," uiiil the rabbi, "that a strong east wind will jmss right through tho middle of that lake, parting Ihe waters on either side liko a knife, nnd leaving a perfectly dry, sandy bottom. Tho wind Mowing all night In this caso gave plenty of tlmo for such an action lo occur. Tbo Egyptian! coming after woro drowned becauao Iho wind shifted.''— 8 t Paul Pioneer Prca.

Selllshneaa of Han. Have you ever observed how many men

thcro aro that occupy tho corner tent In a street car in such a c m a cut manner as to tako up double rooml It 1» a common, nnd perhaps a thoughtlccs act, but it is ono that, always suggests MlMness, Tho victim to tbo habit takes poraesdnn of his favorite place, leans back very comfortably iu Iho comer nook, twists his legj around until thoy ore In Iho easiest ixwltion, and quietly defies all efforts to bo "scrouged" struight. And yet ho is tho first to growl about ladies, whr-dress forces them to fdl more space thi , . would tho averago man.-St . Louis Republic.

The Reference Handbook of the Med-ionl Science, HpeakniR of k idney dieense, says : " O f t e n syniptonm on t h e pa r t of oilier orgatiH, palnitnlion, dyspepsia, dif-lioult breat l i ing, headaches, or weak vis ion, flrat imind the patient to seek ad-vice." The Byniptonii mislead Ixilli the pa t ient and physician. Tho only wife mothod uf t reutment in a f a i t h f u l use of Warner ' s S a f e (.'tire. It not only secur-es healthy ac t ion of the kidneyH but cures t h e s y m p t o m a of tho disease,

" t e b r i b l e T Two- th i rds of all tho dea ths in New

York Ci ty a r e f rom consumpt ion and meumonia . The same proportion holds 'or moot o ther cities. Delays are ilnn-

gerotis. Dr. Acker ' s Engl ish Remedy for Consumpt ion will a l w a y s relieve, and may save you r lifo.



Doctor W a l t e r K . H a m m o n d says: Af te r a long exDerienee I liave come

to the conclusion t h a t two- th i rd s nf all deaths f rom coughs, pneumonia and consumption, migh t be avoided if Dr. Acker's English Remedy fo r Consutnp-tion wore only carefully used in l ime." This w o n d e r f u l Remedy is sold under a positive gua ran tee by Y e i t e r & LOOK.


Swell ing of t h e ankles or feet when not due to Rheumat i sm, P r o f . DeCoeta says, is a lways caused by a week or dis-eased hear t . So is shortnesa of breath , nain or uneaayness when laying on the left side, smother ing spells. The only cure is Dr. Mill's New Cure.

E I L E R T S D A Y L I G H T L I V E R P I L L S are a boon to sulTerors from Sick-headaches, Hour Stomach, Torpid Liver ami Indiges t ion. Sugar-coaled , pleas ant to lake anil warran ted to go through by day l igh t .


CUF.RUV is a safe, reliable a n d pleasant remedy for Cough, Colds, Bronchit is , Asthma, and all throat t roubles ; will re-lieve a n d benellt cousumption. Try it nnd bo convinced. Every bot t le w a r ran ted; price_50c. and one dollar per bottle. Sold by all druggis ts . Prepared by the E m m e r t Propr ie tary Co., Chica-

g a Springs,

C O L E ' S O A R B O L I S O P E

Is a medical toilet soap. Absolutely pure and free f rom the delelorlouB ingre-dients used in many of the so-called skin soups. It puriiles the skin, a l lays tho irr i tat ion of sun burn, rash and prick-ly heat, sof tens t h e hands nnd prevents roughness nnd chapping , curies black heads, pimides and skin blemishes, a n d preserves, f reshens and purifies tho com plexion. I t prod Uses n soft , creamy emulsion, oven in hard water , and is a positive luxury for the ba th , the toilet and mireery. Get only tho genuine, tho lable on which is black and Iho letters green. Price Wconls. Sold by Clark & Winegar .


The Bible says, " m a n is feareful ly and wonder fu l ly mado." But physiol-ogists all concede tha t the most wonder fill portion of man is his nervous syslcm. In it a re located tho seats of life and mind, nnd the control of all the bodily-organs. W h e n the nerves are deslroyed. the pnrt is paralyzed. Tho flesh, blood nii|l bones are as no th ing to it. De-rangements of t h e brain or nerves nro causes of headache, fits, dizziness. Hut-toring of tho heart , sexual weakness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, cold hands and feet. A f reo trial bottlo of Dr. Mill 's Nervine—tho latest and most success-fu l cure for all these diseases may lie hail a t Yeiler & Looks d r u g store.


Knowing that a cough can Is- c l i c k -ed m a day , and tbe first s inge of c m sumpt ion broken m a week, wo hereby guaran tee Dr. Acker 's English Remedy for Consumption, and will re fund tho money to all who buy , tako it per dimo-lions, a n d do nol llnd our Nlalomont c o r r e c t . Y E I T E R A L O O K .

Il.ickleu'a Arnica Salve.

The Best SAI.VE in t h e world for cu ts .

Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe-ver Sores, Tel ler . Chaiiped Hands, Chil-blains, Corns, and nil Skm Eruptions, and posit ively cures Piles, or no pay re-quired . I t is guaran teed lo give per tec t satisfaction, o r m o n e y re funded . Pr ice 25 cents per box. Fo r sale by H u n t & H u n t e r


Over 00 people were forced to leave their homo yesterday to call for a f ree trial package of Lane 's Family Mcdicine. If you r blood is bad, your liver nnd kid-neys o u t of order , if you are constipated und havo headache and an uns igh t ly complexion, dont fail lo call on a n y druggis t to -day for a f r ee sample of th is g rand remedy . Tho ladies praise It.

y-' > V

' , ~

M C P H E R S O N ' S


L O W E L L , - M I C H I G A N .

A l l G r o c e r s s e l l S A N T A G L A U S S O A P .

M a d e b y N . K . F A I R B A N K & C O , . C h i c u g o , 111.

The Place to Buy Everything Cheap!

" T I E I E O X j I D R E L I A B L E . "


B O O T S :®B- S H O E S , We carry the Largest and Best Stock in town, comprising

everything in the line of foot-wear.

H O W K & B O S T W I C K ,

B A N K B L O C K - U O W E L L M I C H ,


And you will be convinced.


33 K

Kl Everyone likes it , 50 cents.

La rge size package J


B u s L i n e

FOREMAN & TALBOT, PROP'S. Unlers for I'asjteinen or Ha^KaKe left at Train's

Hotel, Davis llouso or Foreman A Al-diich's Market will receive prompt



Arrlrea in Ixiwell on early murnlng train. C O N T A I N S A L L T H E N E W S ,

And Is dellvoml promptly by (Iskc I'eck-ham at cents a week

A Jeltyll-llyile Character I'nsslhle. A Dr. Jekyll und Mr, Hyde character i,

not inconsistent. A man may bo revengeful, and at timw oven murderous, having all ilm baser projiemiliui lu a great degree. To fit thocharacter ho must havo tbo intellectual fne-Ultlessur|xoringlj powerful He can have the money making faculty fully devebped. But ho must havo cimuing, will power and vanity, llo must havu the cunning lo cover up liio lava lires after swrct eruptions. He nuut havo a supremo will power to accomplish Iik designs. But vanity or love of praise or fear of blamo Is the fupremest feeding through his carccr. It can Inflict more mental agony than outraged conscience or excite mot e M-Jf-Isli pleasure than any other faculty, aeuti-ment or propmisity. If it lio durmant ln-causo of a moment's introspective thought, ronsclence. if active, stealthUy send. In the wan specter of remorso. So liavlng the cun-uing to cover up tho results of hereditary brutish propemjtles, and vanity linpo1|liig him to guard the honorable lusitlon In t»-doty achieved by hisinteJloctualattaliiiiieiits, ho lives essentially a dual life. Only when the will power hues iu governing force does tho man of honor beoomo ths brute—tbe Dr. Jekyll bes-umo the Mr. Byde.—Boston Olobo.

«'>. HI. Mothers will (ind Dr. Winchell 's

Teething S y r u p jus t t h e medicine to have in thu house for the chi ldren; it will cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat , and Regula te tho Bowls. Try it.

DR. J A Q U E S ' GERMAN WORM C A K E S dest roy worms und remove them f rom t h e system. Safo pleasant and effect ive.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD P U R I F I E R is Ihe Peoples Popular Medicine lor pur-ifying the blood; prevent ing or cur ing Dysiiepsia, Bilhousness, Headache, Doila and nil Fevers nnd Malarial Disea-ses.

Pr ice 50c. and one dollar per bottle. UNCLE SAM S CONDITION P O W -

D E R will euro Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Fevers and most of the diseases lo w h i c h Horses, Catt le, Sheep, Hogs and Poul t ry are subject . Sold by all d ru fg i s l s .

U N C L E SAM'S N E R V E & BONE L I N I M E N T will re l ievoSpm'ns ,Bruises , Neuralgia and Rheumat i sm. Sold by all druggis ts .

P I L E S ! P I L E S ! P I L E S !

J)r, Wil l iam's Iinlian Pile Oin tment is tho only sure cure lor Blind, Bleeding or I t c h i n g Plies ever discovered. U never fai ls lo cure old chronic coses of long s t and ing .

J u d g e Coons, Mnysville, Ky., says: Dr. Wil l iam's Indian Pilo Oin tment

cured m e a f t e r years o ' Buffering." J u d g e Cofllnlmry, Cleveland, 0 . , s a y s :

I have found by experience thnt Dr. Wi l l iam's Indian Pilo Oin tment gives i iumodiate nnd pe rmanen t relief."

W c have hundreds of such test lmo-nials. Do not suffer an ins tant longer, sold by all druggists a t 50c and (d pe r box. ' (!WyI)

Long-standing B l o o d D i a e a s o s a r o c u r e d b y t h e p e r s e v o r i n g u s e o f A y e r ' a S a r s a p a r i i l a .

This medlcliro is an Altcratlvo, nnd causes a rnil!?nl eh. tnge in tho system. Tho process, in some cases, may not lie qulta so rapid as in o the r s ; but, with jiorslstcnce, tbo r e s u l t Is c o r U i n , Rood these lestimniiiuls : —

" F o r two years I suffered from a se-vere pain In my right sldo, ami had other troubles caused by a torpid liver and dyspepsia. After giving several medicines a fair trial withoiit a euro, 1 began te tako Ayet ' s Satsai arilln. I waa greatly bcnelltod by tbo rirM Is.tlio, and after taking five Isittles 1 w as com-pletely cured. '— John W, Benson, 70 Lawrence st,, Lowell, .Mass,

Last May a huge carlmncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies Inul no elTect and I was cenllned lo my Is-d for eight weeks, A friend indiicod mo to try Ayer's Haniaparilla. l-ess than tliroo Isittles healed tho sore. In all my expe-rience with medicine, I never saw nioro

W o n d e r f u l R e s u l t s . Another t.i&rked effect of the use of this medlclno was tho strengthening of my sight." —Mrs. Carrio Adams, Holly Springs, Toxos.

" 1 had a dry scaly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; and, as my broth-er and slater wero similarly afilicled, I presume tho malady is hereditary. Last winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Femandina, F la . , ) recommended mo to take Ayer's Sarsapariila, and continue it for a year. For live months I took it daily. I Lav not bad a blemish upon my " last th ree i " " Chambers i | B

" L a s t fall nnd winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I •lid, not notice It nntcb at first, but it gradually grew worse timil it became almost unbearaMe. During ihe latter part of this tlmo, disorders of tho stom-acJi anil liver Increased mv truuhles. I began taking Ayer's Sars'apurilla. and, alter faithfully continuing the use of this medicine for somo months, tbe pain disappeared and I was completely cured. ' —Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush, Haverhill, Mass. •

Ayer's Sarsapariila, I ' B I F A R I D UV

Dr. J . C. Aycr & Co,, Lowell, Mais. I'llce $1; sl> bull 1st, $J. Worth f i a butUa.

C l e a n s e

t h e S y s t e m With that taoat rclUble

medlclno—Palac's Celery Compouud. Itpu rifles the bit id. carcs ConsUpatlon, and rtgulalesthcllTcrand kldneyB,cnectually cleans-ing tho syslcm of all waste and dead matter.

Pa ine ' s Celery Compound

comtilnes true nrrvo tonic nnd strengthening qualities, reviving the energies nnd spirits.

" I have lieen troubled for some years with a cotnplleillon of dlfDcultlos. After trying va-rious r-'medles, aud not Qndlng relief, I tried Paine's Celery Compound. Uefore taking one full Isiltle tbe long troublesomo symptoms t«-giiii to sulHlde, and 1 ecu truly say now, that t feel like a new man. Digestion has Improved, and I havu gained ten pounds la wrlght slaco 1 have commenced taking tho Compound."

HoNurrcs MriKKS, FelchTlUo, Vt. Ii.oo. Pix for 13,00. AlUniggtata

Wstxs. ntciUBbsos k Co., liurllngton. Vt

A N Y O N E C A N D Y E <4 Dress, or a Coat, | /fpy Color Ribbons, Feathers, > for Yarns, Rags, etc. ) t e n c e n t s mil in maayother wayt SAVE MoDcy, and make ihii<c> look like NEW, by uting DIAMOND DYES. Thr work li caay. almple, quick; the colors ilir BEST snd FASTEST known. Aik lor DIAMOND DYES and take no other. For Gilding or Bromine Fancy Articles UBB

D I A M O N D P A I N T S . Gold, Silver, Bronie, Copper. Only i o Cent*

B a b y P o r t r a i t s . A Portfolio of beautiful hsby plo lures from life, primed ou nn« • p l a t e iiapor by patent photo

raoccss, sent free in Mother ol any llniiy born within a year. Every Mother wants IhciMi

Kitures; send at once. (live by'a uamu and aco., ">



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O r d e r o f P i i b l l o a t i o n .

OTATE OF MICHIGAN Tbe Circuit Court for O IheOoonty of Kent; InClumcery,

At a session of said oourt held at the Court House, in Ihe city of Urand Rapids, In aald Coun-ty, (111 Ihe thirteenth day of May, A. 1). ono thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.

Present, lion, William E. Grove, Circuit Judge Man- L. Walden, Adelbert A. Waldon, Mortimer W. Uanforth, Admlnstrator of the Estate of Guy H. Walden. Uoc«u od, Guy D. Waldon. Adelaide Waldon, Eva It. Walden ond Violence A. Wal-den, Infants, by Mortimer W. Danforlh their next friend. Complainants.

VS. Cnrrie Jennings, Albert Ilaxter, Edwin llaxter, Ellen Baxter, Onnan Baxter, Uri J, Baxter, Masrgie Baxter, MlloBax-ter. Ella Baxter. Cella Brlgham, Sebri-na B, Cooper, Vinnna I. Corman, Dolly F, Beckey, Koslaa Cadwell, Lucy t Knickerbocker. Carrie Keyes, Morris llulburt, William Hulburt, flvleii Ileus more, Bolon Baxter, Kate Baxter, Mary It. Clark, Cella Teele, Gardner II. Clark. Leonard Clark. Addle Clark. Eplirlam Clark, George E. Clark. Betsey A. I'rlnce, Amanda Flint. Uladya Jones. Lulu Jones, Edmund Prince. Karl Prince, Minnio Prince, Hattis Prince. Nellie I'rlnce, Leo Prlnco, Bertha Prince, Al Prlnco, Maria Dodge, Auro-ra C. I looter, l/jurelltt E. Meeker, T<1» othy L. I.uee, Hrlttanla E. Knapp, Mary Doty, Kiith Carpenter, Acsali Keeler, Aloiuo Stowell, Ituth Stowell, Harah Fisk, Orvllle Fl»k, Milo Parsons, Man- Parsons. Abbie Parsons, David T, Kingsbury and Joaeph Sawyer, Defendanta

In this cause, it appearing from the affidavit on llle that the fotlowing named uf aald de-fendants are not residents of this state, but aro residents of the following States nnd Territories respectively namely. Edwin llaxter. Ellon Baxter and hoslna Cadwell, of the State of California: Uri J. Baxter and Mognle Baxter, of tho District of Oolum-bia: Milo Baxter, Ella Baxter and Orrllle Flsk, of Bute of Winconsln; Cella Teele. of Slate of Nebraska; I^wnard Clark, Addle Clark. Brit-lannla K. Knapp and Mary Doty, nf State of Ohio; Kphriam Clark. Betaoy A. J'rince. Aman-da Flint. Gladys Jonei. Lulu Jones, Edmund I'rlnce. Karl Vrinoe, MIdiiio Prince, KalUePnnce, Nellie 'rinc^•. Leo Prince. Ilertha Prince, Bulh CsrpenUir, Acsah Keeler, Alonxo Stowell and BuUi Btowell, of State of Vermont: George E, Clark, of State of New York: Al Prince, of State of Khode Island: Maria bo-lite. AuroraC. Cooper and Lourelia K Meeker, of tno State of Maasachusetts; Timothy U Luce, of the Terrl-

of Montana; David T. Kingsbury and Jo-isaouri, and It

o bd

i s fed ^



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T O T H E W O M E N !

TjUHEN we tmderslnnd nil Vl the anatomy nnd pin >

iology of women, snd learn of the diseases prctilMr to their sex, there t« .i feeling of svinpathy crca'.cd wiiblii the fcrenst for her wcll-lieiii;. and preservation of her hcidtb,

W E A K N E S S .

On accouut ol the inliniiit.' conncctioii of Uiesc di«eii>cs with the sloinacb, luiilii, heart and liver, Ihrough tin sympathetic splnul .,f ncrvci, the mid kldncv- — diagnosis or livutlng "I I,. , ili«can's be- a-c.uiscd \jy icllcx action.

comes the more dilRcult Thus ns a symptom of her diseases she may have neu-ralgic

H E A D A C H E ,

di/ziucss, unnatural emotions and various dclusioni^mount-iii" lo mania, or may have local paralysis, nausea and voiiiiling, perverted appetite, a dry, hacking cough, palpita-lion'of tbe heart, oppression and laiiitiicss, pain in the back .uul even imaginable disease

lory ... seph Sawyer, of State of Missouri, and It further aptiearing by aald affidavit lhat tho realdence of said 'lefuudant Lucy I. Kuickerbocker Is not

' J ' A I C I C I ' l I E

Grand Rapids k Indiana R, R., T11K -»-

" F I S H I N f i L I N E , " The direet route to TRAVERSE CITY, PET08-

KKV, M&RQURTK, and other delight fur Health and Summer

resort* of NORTHERN MICHIGAN And tha celebrated Trout and Grayling streams, beautiful lakes and craiid forests of this famous country. . •

The waters of Northern Miehlgnii are unsur-liassed. if equalled in ahundanco and itreal va-riety of flah contained.

Brook Trout absimd In Iho atreaniH, and the famous American (Irayilng is found only In these wateia.

The Trout season begins May 1 and enda Sept.

The Grayling season opens June I and ends Nov. I.

Black Bass. Pike, Pickerel and Munoolouit" alsoaliouiid It larve numliers in tin many lakes and lakelets of this territory.

Take your family with you. The s.-enery of Hie north woods and lakes is very besutifol. Thn air is pure dry and bruclHK,

Tlie clliuate is peculiarly benellclal lo those siifferlng with Hay Fever and Asthllllltk, ulTec-tlons.

New hiitela with all iiinderii Impruvemei.ia liave Usui erected, as well as many extensive additions to the older ones, whleh will guarantee ample ocooiundaUon for all

The Grand llapids £ Indiana It. It., in coiinec lion with the Diiliitb, South Klmre A Atlanlle It, IL. at Maukansc City. Ininis the most direct route to Manpiette Sault HU-. Mane, Negauuee, HoutihUiii, Ilanuis'k, and all points In tbe upp'T peninsula of Michigan.

During Ihe ei aton round trip excursion tickets will be sold at low sates and att-aetlve lialn (acliitiea olTereil to toirisls and s|Hiriamen,

For Taurist'a tlulde, tlmn cants and folders, k'lvlng full Information, aildrese

C. L- LOt'KWOOD, Gen Pans. Agt. Grand llapids. fckli

blemish upon my body for tho i months." — T. i l . Wiley, 146 i at., New York City.

OhloHPROYEDCIiesters WsaaSNTIO CHOLERA PROOS-CXPRSS'J PREPAID, Wisa 111 Paina IS U. S. a Poanaa Coua-t s i i i 2WEI0HE0 2 e 0 0 LOS. Qind roa DiaoaisTioH a enioi o* Twiat r»«Boa Moas. «iso rowa un. SILVER CO. CltvlKSD.O

is.ja n h~.l Sir trudlnc pur. -M Ocu aul uMasnlLli |W|« J

U D l I P f e Do Your Own Dyeing, a t Home .

Tli y aill dye rv, rythlng. They aroaold every, where. Price IOC. a pscks,e, Tliaybavsnoisjual t -i strength, Bricbtaua, Amount In Packame .•r for Futness of Color, or non-ln llnt- Qualitl.-a 'I Uoy do uul crock ot smut; <1 color.-. For salo hi

H U N T & HUNTER. Druggisls,


I Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat tent bnainessconducted for UODEKATR FKKS

1 OL'R OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U S PATENT i OFFICE. We havo no sub-agnncles, all buslm-ss I direct, heace can transact patent business in less

time and at LESS COST than those remote from 1 WaHlilngton. j Send model, draeing, or photo, with descrip . tlon. We advise If patentable or not, free of clianre, Our fee is not due Ull paleitt Is secured,

i A book. "How to Obtain Patents, "with refer-eneee to actual clients iu your Slate, onimtr, or town, sent free. Address

C. A. SNOW & CO., ' Opponlle Patent Office, Washluglon, D. C.

C h a n c e r y S a l e .

IN pursuance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for tho County of Kent. In

Chancery, male and entered on Ihe I3lh day of February, A. D. I88B, In a certain cause Inere-In pending wherein

Ixiaaut Z. RicitMOXD Is Complainant asn

Hodsos J. Wikxi.t, J n s s E. tiAaosxs, WlLUASI II, Stosk. AKTUCS J , H k m s d i o w s v a s d WtLLUH A. P s u u a are Defendants.

Notice la hereby given that on Friday .Judo 81st. A. D, 1889, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, of uald day, I. the subscriber, one of the Circuit Court Commlsaloners of Kent County, In tho Stale of Michigan, shill sell at public auctlou to the bigh-est bidder at Ihe south front door of the Court House of said County, to wit: Court Block, (so called) la tbe u t y of Grand haplds In said County, all that certain piece or parcel of land situated and being In the Township of Ada. County Of Kent and Slate of Michigan, known and described as followa, lo wit: All of tbe eaal one half 1H1 of the aoulh-weat ooe-quarter|Vl| of iiecUon twenly-flvo(a5] In town aeven|"lnnrlt cf range ten IlOJwcst. Containing eighty IHO) acres of land more or lean.

Dated. Urand Kaplds, Michigan, May Tib, A. D. INeO.

ALFBF.D WOLCOTT, Circuit Court Coinmiasloiier,

E. F SWEET, Kent County. Mich. Solicitor for Complainant. (iSwS)

n i t O B ATE ORDER. Stale nfMlchlgan.County 1 of At a session ofthe Probate Court for said county of Kent, held al the Probate Office, In the City of Urand Baplda, on tho «nd day of Mny, In Uieyeor one thouaand eight hundred and eighty-nine.

Present Cyrua E.Perkins, Judire uf Pmbate. In the Matlur ot Ihe Estate of

ABTEMUB R. HOAG, daoMMd, An luatrument In writing purporting lo tv tbe

last will and teatament of aald deceased liavlng be..n (lied In this county for probate.

It Is Orderxl, that Slonday, tbe <ltb day nf June next, at ton o'clock In the forenoon, al aald Probate Office, be appointed fur proving said instnimeot, . . . . .

And II Is Farther Ordered, Thai a copy of this onier he publlahed three auceeaslve weeks pre-vloua lo aald day of hearing. In the Isiwxu. JoeasaL, a newspaper printed and circulating lo said County of Kent.

CYRUS E. PERKINS, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate,

Fiwnk W. Illns, Register. (I»wl|

ItnOBATE ORDER.-Stale of Michigan. Coun-t j of Kent, ss. At a session of the Probate

Court for said County of Kent, held at the Pro-bale Office In tbe City of Urand Rapids, on the Tib day of Jtms. fn eight hundred and eighty nine.

Present Cyrus E. Perkins. Judfl In the matter of the estate of 1

n the year on* thousand, ' lily nine.

Ins, Judgo of Probate, state of

FilEDERICKA IIABESKITTENGER. a mentally looompeteat person.

Judson C, West having llied in this court a pe tluonprrylog lhat Robert Hunter. Jr.. maybe appointed giwrdlan of the person and estate of aafd Fredencka Habesritleiiger.

It is oidered that Faioiv. t u x Otu i u v or Jclv, s l x t ,

at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Proliale 031ce, be sppoluted for hearing said petltloii.

And It is Further Ordered. That a copy of this order ho published throe auccessive weeks pre-vious to said day of hearing, in Uie Isrnell Jour-ual, a newspaper printed and circulaUng In said county of Kent. CYRUS E, PERKINS,

T H E B E S T P L A C E To get a Good

B U S I N E S S Education is at

J. W. W e l t o n ' s Comnierc ia l Co l l ege , s:t I 'nntaln Su, (irand llaplda, Mlcli,

Write for W page catalogue.

On motion of Myron H. Walker, Complainants' Solicitor, It la ordered lhat the appearance of aald non-resident defendants Edwin Baxter, El-len Baxter, Uri J, Baxter, Maggie llaxter. Ella Baxter, Roslna Csdwell. 'Jelia Teele, Leonard Clark, Addle Clark, Kphriam Clark, George E. Clark, Betaey A, Prince, Amanda Flint, Uladya Jones, Lulu Jones, Edmund Prince, Earl I'rlnce, Minnie Prince, llattle Prince. Nellie Prlnco. Loo Prince, Bertha Prince, Al. Prince, Maria Dodge, Aurnni C Cooper. Lourelia E. Meeker, Timi L, Luce, llritlania E, Knapp, Man- Doty, Ru Carpenter, Acsah Keeler, A lonso Btowell. Ruth Stowell, On-lllc Flsk. David T. KlugsUury and Jo-aeph Sawyer, bo entered herein within four toonlha from Ihe dale of this order, and lhat Ibe ap|iearaneu of aald defendant Lucy 1. Knlcker-booker, whoso residence Is unknown, lie entered herein within U>e montlis from the date of Uila order, and In caso of their appearance tbey cause Uielr and each of their imawer to the bill of complaint lo lie filed, and a copy thereof lo be served ou the Complainants' Bollcllor within twenty days after service on Uiem of a copy of said bill and netlcu of this order; and indsfault thereof, said bill will be taken as confeAaed by said non-resident defendants:

And It la Further Ordered. That within twenty days thn Complainants cause a notice of thla onier to bo publisiied In tho I.ownx Jooa-Nau a newspaper prinled. publlahed and circulat-ing In sail County, and lhat said publication be continued therein onco lu each week for six weeks in auccesalon or thai he cause a copy of thia onier tu be personally served on said non-reaident defeudanls and aald defendant whoae residence is uuknown, at least twenty days be-lore the time above prescribed for their appear ance, WILLIAM E, GROVE,

Circuit Judgo. Examined, cotinteralgned and entered by me.

Cohsslivs L, Usavrtr, Keglater. Mraos 11, Wauucr. ComplaluanU' Solicitor.

(A true copy, atteal:— t Itj* i Cohskui-s L. Hamvey, Reglate

S l i i ' t i f l ' s S a l e .

BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of

lbs County of Kent, In the State of Michigan, at-teated on thelllat day of May A. D. IKS, to me directed and delivered In favor of

NORMAN CUMMINGS, PUIntlff, and against the goods and chattela,and lor want then-of then of tlie real eatate of

SAMUEL V. MILES, Defendant Ihere-'n named, I have levied thereon and shall eviiose for sale, at public auction or vendue, to thu bigheat bidder, ai the south front antraaos lo Ihe Circuit Court rooms (Court Block, so call-ed,) lu Ihe City of Grand Rapids, that bslog ibe plsce uf holding the Circuit Court of the County wherein said pramlsea are situated, on Saturday, the 13th day of .luly.A. D. ItM. at tun o'clock In the forenoon of said day, Uie following describ-ed real estate, laying and being In the County of Kent and Stato of Michigan, and described as followa, to wit:

Tho north fracUonal half IU| of lbs north-weal fractional one-fourth (t{| of Section num-ber three l-Ualao the north half (HI of the north-east fracUonal quarter (Ml. except twenty-one fill) acres off the north part, of Section numlier

B | County t

Dated May Ud, I8W. I/V)MIHK BISHOP,

Sberiir of Kent Couniy. BY ISAAC f . LAMORIAUX.

Sweet A PsaaiKs, Under ..heritt AUomeya. (IBw.)

>er eight 01 west, lu the


F u r n i t u r e S t o c k F o r S a l e

- _ C U - i r n c OF LOWELL FURNITURE 2 3 O I I A I T B C O M P A N Y S T O C K .

A aafo and desirable investment. Price reasonable to a prompt purchas-

er. Enquire of N. B. III.AIN, - I^iwell, Mich.

P E N S I O N S .

N o w i s a G o o d T i m e t o A p p l y , Aa the itullnxa aud Deelalonaof Ihe

New Citinuilaaioner a re More l.lberul than Ever.

New laws passed regarding wldowa' claims New low regarding deaniess. Many deoendont fathers and mnthen< enJli-sl. Many am enUl-led lo increase ami re-rating. New law regard ing desertion.

I NEVEE GIVE UP A WORTHY CLAM. Correspondence Solid ted. Over 10 years ex-

perience, Address

N E W T O N T . K I R K , Alb ion , Mich . (41 mos a.

H i b b a r c T s R h e u m a t i c S y r u p

A O O M i l P O U N D C Containing l'iulo;ili'loin ( ' .Siigrii(i:i. L'nicorti Ilool, lllnck Cohosh and Poke Root, with tonii - • I ' i i ' . t i . v with .Snixcillc Acid, S'ci-eines, elc,, etc., sclentlflcally combined und |.li!f,:i 1 lo ' I,.. :ill (d them U-hig - p c i • in their action, as well aa laxative und iilienititc. ilia', u i i i i c to'i ,-i l i . . o t u l i i i ii.rMiiinuiiion, und prove all that the most ii-iuic plivsiclaii • 1 | :iliol.M;i-l l u u M -uggcsi llilibnrd's Khcumatic Plasters applied to tlie Mnafi ol tin l..i. k 01 iil ilninci., 01 tu aii\ purls thdt may be painful and weak, will be found vcrv I1e11cli1i.1l Kcumui le:ulics the lesson,


I T IS A RAFF p - I LY M E D I C I N E . Trcante it rnntulio 11.. poison ... opliit.-- . .m tlids jn.l dt-liealc )s-r.(sia will And It tbe ba t mcdldne ami tunU-thrt ..III ...... 1. ., .1 \..,l..r.ii IL Alwsv* In acaaoa, S / r ty , " AhIui" H ill".

If j-oo cannot prism; ii ..I <our drug-.^i • . i -i.ns I'i ire i 1,111; (. Iwittles $5, Plasters 15c.

ASKS, ' IIiM..n.r« hlicuinuli. Sw.,,. hi - 1,., .1.

cann-.t Is- without il 111 imii l.iinil\ Ma«. M \ nmiv \V|i 1 v,, Mi,I

nutlc Simp made roe a well woman. Mas A, D. NoaLS, Jackson, Ulcb.

We j Iliblui J's Rheunutir Syrup entirely cured me. It the l*sl Ijinilv incdicine in the world, t

Mas. Iauis ELxaora, Wsbash, lad.


I m p r o v e i l G i i a m p l o n M o w e r .

THE CHAMPION if the only Mower on which the pitman never w e a n

out, the knife heel never breaks, Iho gears never wear out nor break; tho only

Mower en which the gears run slowly and make no n o i s e ; tho bar c a n bo

stood straight up and the knife will run freely t v o n in that position; tho only

Mower on whioh all lost motion can be taken up on pitman, gearing and box*

ing; the only Mower on which the guards will outwear three s e t s of the c h e a p

guards used on other mowers , and never break nor get out ol line; tho only

Mower on which tho s l ightest forward motion of the master wheel s tarlo tho

knife; t h e only Mower on which tho motion is transmilted directly from tho

master wheel to the knife pitman without any joints to wear loose and ratt le ,

and whore ALL THE POWER is applied to cutting the grass , none being

wasted t n loose joints or fast running gear ing; the only Mower that h a s no

frame work or pitman hanging down in front to run into obstructions or intorforo

with tho cut gras s ; tho only Mower that has no clutches to bother by sl ipping

out of gear, and it can be put in gear at any point without backing.

THE IMPROVED CHAMPION h u l e s s than one-third the amount of

gearing that other Mowers h a v e , and t h e pitman and Its connectiono w o

warranted not to break or wear out. This Mower is so novel nnd so superior

to all others that an examination will convince any farmer that it is worth

much more money than any other.

T H E W A R D E R , B U S H N E L L A G L E 8 8 N E R C O . .

T E S T I M O N I A L S W U K T H Y O F C O N F I D E N C E . it hlo mrfJ my mv M- -J 'n.l T«n sum 1 HATC btco a grral sufferer from djf-

midc me a wrll w m u j i i . -.imI I .. i iv t... iii.mIi | * ji i i . nrur:ilgir hr.11l.1rhc ami utiicrdlsesw. Ifib-In prai«e ol botli Sm.n um! i».iiJ'» llhrumaUc S]

.MR* S ft. llAMts WIiiMmII. Mi.Ii




B A L B R A I T H 8 R 0 S . ^ J A N M V I L L B . W I S . .

-Are Uie Largest Importara of—

BRITISH HORSES C l y d e s d a l e , E n g i i s l i S l i l r e ,

Suf fo lk Punoh , C leve land Bay

And Haoknoy S t a l l i o n s .

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , J D N E 19, 1889.

*. t. vomit. s. a. oouaa. o a s ' i . srstsss. The schools close next week.

B o w n e . C o m b s & Str iker .

^ BANKERS, Lowell. - Michigan. Transact a General BankinR Duslncss

und Issue Drafts available In nil parts of the World.



PiaeGoldEilliDgsa Specialty. All work Wsrranted.

L o w e l l , - M i c h

i ^ u s i n e s s

L O W E L L .

Men 's Association.

Regular M e e l i m ' j Finl T h u n d a y in every month, at B . 0 . Smilli's store.

A . W . W E E K E S , P r e s .



M l j L 4 cents |>cr (|uart a t my house, IVliUVfrom H lo U n. m. and from 5 Hi 0 p. m. 1>. E. BMUNti.

r f t r Q n U _8oTend choice farms lo-r o t o d l c . ^ t e d in Keene, Vergen-tioM, Bowne nnd Boston. Also severnl houses and lots in the villaKe of I/iwell. Can suit all classes of customerB. For further particulars inquire at the /iftlce

8. P. HICKS, | over West & Co's dru/ store.

I lew Milks C o w s ^ W S ? the highest price in cosh. Drop a postal t-i me and I will call at once.

J. S. DaNIKM , Lowell , Mich., P. O. Box 270.

Jersey B U L L FOR BALE. D . E . S P B I N I I .

I'ay Up.

All portiea owing me on account will hert-br take notice lhat unless their nc-uounls are settled immediately they will be placed in the hands of a collector.


' What Shoe dealer has Oents Cordlvan ^hoes,


Lyon Block, Lowel l , Mich.

A General Bank ing Business Conducted.

a i i d C O I . I - E C T I C 1 T O .

Ilrafts Sold on all Korr l tn C ' e i m t r l e s .




And still it rains.

Headquarters for Fireworks at Wm. ckert's. (:i»)

The front of Kopf Bros, store lias la-en repainted.

J. O. Ooodsell. of Vergennes, died ear-ly this morning.

Note Phllley's groat red iction in pri-ces for cab I uc is,

Mrs. Hiler has received a complete stock of summer millinery.

Big reduction in men's Furnishings Hals and Caps at Hudson's.

Lake Odessa will bond itself for $2,000 to build Itself a city hall, jail, etc.

Go to Wm. Riokert's for the best fire-works. A full line and reasonable pri ces. (8w)

AI>out twenty from here attended the lOilDiore concert at Orand Rapids, Tues-N t y .

MIsbm Uitilio nnd Maude Fowler, of C. i uul a, are visiting at Win. McWil-liaios'.

Frank Ernst died Inst night. He htul been ai l ing for a year or more. Fune-ral at the resilience Friday afternoon at 2,-SO.

J. I). F.llinwood and wife exnect lo attend tho meellnK of the Western Michigan Prwas Association, i t Muske-gun, tnls week.

The eighth paper in the series on the "Great American Industries" in llart)-61*8 Magazine will appear in the July nnmbor, and deals with the manufac-ture of glass.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. I). J- MoNuugh-lon of A d a lowoahip, twin babies, a boy and a girl. Thla is said to he the fifth birth c f twins In that township since

J e p t m b e r 1. and Ada begins to reckon . Mhn t ime required to equal Grand Rapids


Ionia has been nftlicled with Qm hugs fcr some time past, and on Friday morniug early tho house of Roman Htelnberg was discovered to be on lire. Tbe entire family was asleep up stairs and undoubtedly would have perished had the fire not h«)eu discovwed and as-Hiatance rendered.

The M. E. church waa crowded Sun day evening by peotile assembled to witnees the Cnildren's Day exercises. The display of flowers was profuse und very boautltul. Ono floral piece was particularly attraotive, being inscribed to "Nelllo"'and "Byron," referring lo Nellie Cooley and Byron Collar,iwo|mem-bers of the Sunday School who were taken away by tbe dark angel of death during the pact year. Tho exercises,

, though short, were very interesting.

W - Benoua Knapp, brother of Abner ^ i K n a p p , of this Tillage, died at Broek-

way Center, Mich., June l lt l i , after an illness of eight days. Mr. Knapp comes of a long lived family. His sister. Miss Polly Knapp, Octobor, in her Mth year. Abner Knapp is 00. Mr. Knapp was bom in New York slate Feb'y Oth, 1797. Tho first of December, 1B34. he moved to Michigan, and located in Macomb county. His trade was car-pentering and he built tho first iratne house In Romeo. He has lived also in Oakland and Clinton counties—in tbo latter 83 vears. He leaves four children out of a family of six.

The "rose b u g ' is a new enemy lo the ih, and unless ho can Ik- overcome

i The Beldtng Banner is a very neat new paper.

Nntii*- the price llinlsoit in making ; on boots and shoes.

j Got on eleganl Scotch suit loordef for [ 180, at B. C. Smith's.

Mrs. L. F. Severy visited friends in Dimondale last week.

Why d.ies a hen lay an egg? If she dropped it slie might break it.

Clolhlpg very cheap at Hudson's. Notice their new advertisement.

Philley is taking bis best cabinets for $1.50 and | 2 |)er do/., for a few .lays.

School Library closed .lune 20 to July 1:1. Bring in your books. LIBRARIAN.

M M . Ed. Iloaken, of Grand Rapids, is making I a j w o I I relatives and friends a visit.

The Vergennea W, I!. T, U. will meet wl;ii Mrs, Schent k, Thursday, June 27.


Mrs. Ed. Rundell and Mrs. Lnther, of Grand Rapids, stienl Sunday at Mrs. G. B. Fuller's.

Tho Jos Ilanlon saloon is to lie mov-ed into tbe west store In Train's Opera House Mock.

Summer hats, lionnvla and trimmings in g m t vat'ety at Mrs. Hiler's. Indies, don't fall to s^e Iheni.

June Wide Awake is overflowing with good things for the children. U. i^itli-rop Co., Boston, ptthlishere.

B. White, of I j iFox, Ind., has been visiting friends in Bowne. where he us-ed to live, the past two weeks.

The LntlieM of the Congregational church give a supper tins evening m tlie storu west of Yeiler & Look's drug store.

R. Marshall has made and shipped 51,000 croquet ina l ld handles this spring, besides a largo numlier of neck yokes nnd whlffletres.

The J O U R N A L should have given tho name of the new landlady of tl o Davis House as Mrs. S. J. Taylor instead of Mrs. John Taylor.

Kopf Bros, are having a line foreign sale for iheir furniture, ond aro shipping goods daily. A great many shipments go lo Ohio and Indiana.

Wool is moving slowly vol. on ac-count of Iho wet weather. Prices are ranKing from 20 cents for unwashed to :!2 cents—tho latter price being paid for some extra line cll|is.

The Water Company have had a sur-veyor at work getting the levels of some of the streets and recording the same, with the hope that before long a system of sowers can Iw put down.

One of the heaviest things on earth is a sheet of paper after it has been trans-formed into a farm mortgage; It always takes a strong man ond his whole fami-ly several years to l ift it, and often it can't be lifted at all.

Ed. Parks, who is in Seattle, W. T„ lost even1 thing ho had in the great lire except llio clothes ho had on, as his boarding place was burned. In his trunk was $40 which ho had laid away. The firm for which ho clerks have re-eumiKl business in a large tent, selling groceries.

The three Imse liall clubs now organl/-od in litis village have arranged to play a series of fifteen games during Ibesuin-mer. the llrst to lie called Juno 15th. be-tween the Belding Manufacturing com-pany and the Business Men, Tho club i.aving lost most games at the close of tho season to pay two-thirds, and the one showing the next lowest record one-third of a llrst-class sunner to be given at Hotel Belding.—BeWinj/ Banner.

Friday morning L. F. Severy drove up to Morgan & Smith's store with thoir delivery wagon, and stooped into the store a moment, leaving Martin Barber's daughter in the wagon. The horse, which had not been hitched, became frinlitened at Miss Barber's parasol and ran for home, but was stopped near the creek, on Mam street. Miss Barber was thrown out of the s e i t upon some lad-ders which wero in tbe wagon, but was nol hurl, and no damage was done.

Report of Lowell public school, for month ending May 81, 18MU :

No. of boys enrolled 835 " " girls " , 2 8 1 Per cent of attendance, IM

" " " scholarship 'JI " " " ptinclimlity 09

Miss Chnpman has the scholarship banner.

MIsh Trnmblo has tho attendance ban-ner.

Miss Tm.uhlu lias thepimctiiality linn-ner.

Times ire hard, money is scarce, hits inew is dull, retrenchment is a duly— please stop my—Whisky? Oh, no, l imes are not hard enough for that. But there is something else.that costs me a large amount each year which I wish to save. Please stop my"—Ribbons, jewel-ry, ornaments and trinkets? "No, no, not these, but I must retrench some-where. Please stop my"—tobacco, cl-Ktirs and snufl? "Not these at all, but I believe I can see a way lo effect quite a saving in anolherdireclion. Pleasestop my "—tea, coifeo and unhealthy luxur-ies? "No, no, not these. I must think of something else. Ah! I havo it now. My paper costs $1,00 per year. Please stop my paper. That wi l l carry tue through the panic oasiiy. I believe in retrenchment and economy, especially in brains."—-Kb.

C O M M O N C O U N C I L P R O C E E D I N G S .


Luwix i . . Mich,. May 31. i m Spedul Meeting uf the t'ommon Coun-

cil of tho village tif Lowell, held nl the oflice of J. M. Malheuson.

Present—Francis King, Pres.: .1- y . Look, Uecordor; O. C. MclMiniell, A, J. How k. A. W, Weekes, Trustees.

Council called lo order by the Presi-dent,

J. M. Mathowson submitted several decisions in regard to the powers of Vil-lage Councils in opening streets.

Tho lluuor bond of James Hanlon with P. Kelley and J. C. Train its stiro ties was received and by vote of the

id iv T

On motion Council adjourned.

ppr warded to the County Treas.

J O H N Y . LOOK , Record-r.

LOWELL, June 3, 1888. Regular Moelingof theConitnon Coun-

cil of the Village of Lowell, hold at tho oflloo of Chas. J. Church it Son.

Present—A. J. Howk as President; J. y . Look, Recorder; O. C. McDannell. Trustee.

Meeting called to order by the Presi-dent.

Minutes of last regular and one s|iec-ial meeting were read and approved.

Tho following bills were approved by the Finance Com. end by vote ( f the O u n c i l the Recorder was instructed to draw oiders on the Treasurer for tho ainounts:

$10 00 Gen'l. Fund 4 w ..

I I 50 " IS 13 "

A. Morgan, 41 OU " " Chandler Johnson, fill 00 " " W. R. Blaisdell & Co., 5 83 "

H. F. Edmonds, II. A. Sherman, J o h n O. Look. I). V. Donick,

Morgan & Smi th . Henry Mitchell, D. 11. Look, Henry Mitchell, J . (.'. Moore, Alert Hose Co,, Alert Hose Co,. Phil Monks,

2 SO H (Ml " "

10 00 " 70 88 Street "

5 00 Fire 18 00 " IS 00 " 1 00 "

ied by R, Vandyke and

tr« somo human moans, ths peach crop will In a short t ime bo greatly lossened, if not wholly destroyed. The bug is tbo same that is' found on tho roso bushes.

>• H e attacks the green peach and eats the - utire inside, leaving the skin. U s t season the bugs made their appearance in Albert Jackson's orchard In great numbers, and he tried Paris green on ono tree and Loudon Purple on anoiher. Both trees died, but the bugs didn't. Mr. Jackson wrote to Brof. Cook, of the Stato Agricultural College for some method of destroying the bugs, but tho

Klessor knew of none, but informed Jatkson that this year ho would

make a study of the post, and wished Mr. J. to inform him on the first ap-pearanco of the bug. The bugs have mado their appearance, and Prof. Cook is expected to make his this week, and a war between bugs and science will bo waged in Mr. Jackson s |ieach -orchard this summer.


I. O. Stevens, of Keuno, is building a new bouse on tho site of tbe one bumed last year.

Supervisor Gould will have his new barn completed this week. It is probab-ly tho best building of tbe Kind in the township.

H. T. Johnson has formed a co-part-nership with D. E. Rogers and tho now firm will largely increafie the stock. Thev will pay particular attention to the butter and egg trade.

The poslolllco was moved Saturday night lutoliilTord's store, and E. P. can now write P. M. after his name. Ex-postmaster Payno is acting as deputy postmaster for tho present.

The Kid Band in this village is now ihorotighly organized and promises lo be one of the features of Saranac. They have rehcrsais Tuesday evenings. Wo mention this latter fact b o that tho rest-di-nlR of the village will not bo alarmed at any unexplamablo noises thoy may hear.

A couple of y.ning follows placed thenvselves In an unenviablo condition a week ago last Sunday at the Union church at South Boston. They went there during services very much under tho influence of ho'.d cider and made quit* a disturbance, so much so that Ibe people of that community felt very m dignont over the matter.—f-oco/.

Card cfTl ianka.

The kind friends and neighbors who so kindly lent their aid and sympathy during the illness and at the death of my son Wallace, will please accept my heartfelt thanks.

Mrs . C l a r a R o w l a d e r .


ra tnr rba l lleafnea*. Hay Fever A Sew Home Trra lmenl .

SulTerers nr.' nut genonilly aware thai these diseases aro contagious, or lltal they are duo lo the presence of l iv 'ng parasites in ihe lining memlinines of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however , has proved this to lu-ll fuel, and tin- result is lha t a simple remedy has been forinulated, whereby 1

catarrh , ca t a r rha l deafness a n d hay fe-ver are |iermant-nlly cured in f rom one lo three applications made a t homo by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.— | For ca tar rhal discluirgca peoulitir to females (w hiles) this remedy is a spt-ct-; lie. A pamphlet expla ining th is ni-.v t reat inent Is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. DIXO.N & Son, !103 W. King St., i Toronto, Canada,—Scienfiflc Ammntn.

SulTorera f rom catarrhal troubles j should read tho ahovo carefu l ly . 117y 1)


Nor lake Ca thar t i c pills when your I Imwls or liver are sluggish. They are I whips. But t ry once a t least—Mill's | Nerve ami Liver Pills. Thoy a c t ! through t h e nerves. S imp les f ree at Voile-r & Looks.

L O O S E S R E D CLOVER P I L E S CURE Sick l leaduche. Dyspepsia, indigestion Coi I L

lioxes lor

A petition s ign ton others asking that a sidewalk bo built from Bit Burdick's lot 4, Richard & Wick ham's tilol, running west on north side of Main street to Sweet & Smith's addition waa read nnd by vole of the Council was referred to the Street Committee.

A petition signed by D. l i . i / s i k and 42 others asking that a City Hall be erected which shall contain suitable ac-commodations for all village elections, olllces, library, engine rouni nnd lockup was received and referred to the Fire Committee with instrnciions to investi-gate os to the advisability of gnmliiiK Ihe petition und when ready lo reisirt to call for a special meeting o f t h e Council.

On niotiun the Council adjourned. JOHN Y . LOOK,


O B I T U A L L V .

Dikh—At the homo of his son, J. S, Dcntols, in Vergennes. Thursday morning, June 13, 1880, in his 71lin year, Thompson I. Daniels. Thompson 1. Daniels was born in West-

moreland, N. H , July 10, 1810. In 1888 he came and settled in Vergennes. whore he hewed himself a home out of the forest, and followed tho avocation of a fanner until 18'i3, when ho was elected Treasurer of Kent County, and moved to Grand Rapids. He served in that capacity for eight vears, and in 1^00 returned to the homestead. Ik-was always a staunch republican and loyal to the cause of liberty aud the Union, and besides allowing his two sons, John S. and Jerome T., who were then 15 and 10 years ot ago,rospectlvely, lo enlist in their country's couso, he was very enthusiastic in raisiiiK iroo|M for the army. He was a man always to bo trnsied. and many wore iho soldiers who, when they left for the war. entrusted their elTecls to his care; and never was a trust betrayed by him. A widow, and two sons, abovo named, remain to mourn his departure. Tho funeral was held at the home of J. S. Daniels, In Vergennes, Satimlav after-noon, Rev. J. T. Husted ofliciating. Thus ono more of our well-known and once sturdy pioneers has passed away.

Headache, fickle appetite, failure of eyesight, tube casts n. urine, frequent desire lo urinate, especially at night. crum|is in calf of legs, gradual litos of flesh and dropsical s w e l l i n g s - a n y one or mure uf the alxivo disrders aro symn-toms of advanced kidney disease or llrlgbt's Disease, and Warner's Safe Cure should lie freely used according to directions. Dr. Wm. H. Thompson, of tho City of New York,says: "More ad-ults ore corried oil in this country by-kidney disease than any oilier ono nial-ndy except consumption." Tho late Dr. Dio Lewis says, over his own signature, sjieaklng of Warner's Safo Cure : "II I found myself tlie victim of a serious kid ney trouble, I should use your prepara-tion."

Lnwrll .Marketa.

Correctod every Wednesday. Bailey $0 90 Wheat 80 Corn 35 Oats 23 Rye, 40 Butter 10-11 Eggs 10 Potatoes 85

New CullaKelur Sale.

A line new cottage, with parlor, ves-tibule, sitting room, dining room, kitch-en, three large- bedrooms, four closets, pantry, woodnouse. Well and city wa-ter and cistern. Lot 8x10 rods. Flno yard. Cheap for cash. Apply at Ibis office.

If j ou want a ni>t class dreaa shoe our Frt-iic-h Cordovan will suit you, Robertaou .t Son's.

HewliiK Muchlnea for Everybody,

C. M. Devendor! has opened a sales-room opposite Wisaer Bro's Mill, where may always bo found the famous machinet), the "Standard" nnd "Jennie June," also a full line of needles, oils, &c. (4310


Fifty shorea llrst series Lowell Build-ing and Ixion association Stock,

Apply to CHAS. QUICK, Bee.

A Salary. With expenses paid will come handy

lo anyone who is out of employment, especially where no previous experience is required lo get the position. If you want a position, see advertisement headed, "A Chance to Make Money."

^ (47 w4)

Our Freoch Cordovan ahoei are band aewed ami will wear as long aa two pair of cnnmiiui calf alien. . Robertaon £ Son.

Constipation, 2oc per Ihix, For sa le by HUNT & H U N T E R .


W. D. Sui t , Druggist, Bippus, ind, . lestities; " I can recommend Electric Bilteni as t h e very best remedy. Every bollle sold has given relief in every case. One man l<s)k six bottles, and was cured of Rheumutiatn of 10 years slantlinij ." Ahrahain Han-, dniKgist, Beilville, Ohio, a l l inns ; "Tho Is-st selling medi-cine 1 have ever handled In my 20 vears' vx|ierienco. is Electric Bi t ters ." I'ltou-sands of o thers have added the i r testi-mony. so tha t tho vinlict is uiinmmoiis tlmt Electric Billers do cure all d i seavs of the Liver, Kidneys or IIIihmI. Only a half dollar a bottlo al H u n t & Hunter 's Drug Store,

A W () >1A N 'S 1) 1 SCO VERY.

" A n o t h e r wonder fu l d iscovery has been m a d e nnd thnt loo by a lady in this coun t ry . Oiseose fastened its clutches upon her und for seven years she withstood ils severest tests, but her vital orgnns wore undermined and 'death seemed imminen t . For three months she conglied incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us n bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so' ni ich relieved on lakitiK first dose lha t she slept all niKlit ac. I w ith om- IkiIIIw has lieen iiiiractilously cured, .-lor i i ame is Mrs. Luther Lutz . " Tims wr i te W . C. Ham-rick & Co.. of Shelby, N. C . - G e t a f ree trial bot t le a t Hunt i t Hunte r ' s Drug Store.

House 1'lanU. All varieties of house plants for sale.

Reductions made in prices when sold by the dozen or half dozen.

Largo geruniuma for bedding, ono dol-lar per dozen, btiuill size, fifty cents a dozen. ,

Cut fiowors for sole. Individual bo-quets for tea parties, etc., 75o a dozen.

MRS . J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

Marsliara Notice. All persons aro liablu to a fine for

leaving horses uuhitched on the streois, H E N R Y M I T C H E U . ,


The peculiar peculhu purifying nnd building u p l owers of Hood's Sarsapa-riila make it the very best medicine to lake at this season.


And 100 Men to call on any druggist for a freo trial jiockngeof Lane's Family Medicine, tho p e a t Root aud Herb rem-edy discovered by Dr. Silas Lane while m the Rocky Mountains, For diteast-s o f t h e blood, liver and kidneys it Is a {KM-Hive euro. For conslipation und clear, ing up tho complexion it does wonders Children liko it. Everyone praises it Large size packogo, 50 cent*. At nil druggists.

Children Cry for Pitchcr's Castoria.

Wlini lUUif k. we- c t tp li«r CuloiiA. WU. it iJ iu van u ChiUl, lUifl crlcnl fur Ow-.toin. Whfti sho Mifi. the Claaff lo rut.>rU, Wh«*u slio tu.i ClilUrra, .lie lb. w Cusiurla.

\ S &

T b e Chicr R e m o n fer (ho great stio-cea* of Iloud'a Sarsapariila Is found In tho nrllclo llielf. II Is merit thai wins, and tho (act that Hood's Sarsapariila aelually ae-eompllshss what Is claimed fur II. Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater thaa that of any other saiiapa-

merit Wins flcrbeforeIhopublh-. Hood's Sarsapurilla cures ScrofnU, Sail Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headaehe. Biliousness, overcomes That Tired FeelltiK. creates :-.ii Aiipellle, ilrength-

teu» Ihe NEI > ;• , bulUU u;. thu Whole System. | | o»d ' a Hnmnpnrillit Is Sold byall dtUK-

glsl.-i. St! »l* for W- 1'rcparedhyC. I. UooJ fcCo., Apoltiecailes, LoVrsU. Mau.

Every En te rpr i s ing T h r e s h c r m a n

knows ilial the threshing machine

lhat will work the most rapidly,

clt.-an perfectly, and save ail the . tin

will br ing him tin: best jobs and best prices,

and so lie will Wr i t e n o w lo

a t o n c e invest igate our claim tha t

v i f e i r o R beats anything here tofore

made in ail t h e s e and oilier pdinis.

T h e wide-awake I 'a r incr

will also g e t our circulars and

satisfy himself whether lie can afford

In liave his grain wasted

by o ther threshoi's when lii-

can make money by having his grain

threshed with tlie N e w V i b r a t o r .

O u r pamphle t giving full information

about Th re sh ing Machinery

und Tract ion Eng ines

sent on application.

N I C H O L S & S H E P A R D B A F T L T C H C U K . M I C H I G A N .

M b e s t low-

priced P L U G tobacco e /er pu.t 0nt/\e mar^ef.


I CLARK <& WltfEGAR'S. Y'ou will now find in our stock


Browns 10 cts. p e r dbl , roll ; (.iilts 20 cts. pe r dbl . roll. Latent IieilKm In Deeornti.iiK to Aliitrh.


We intend not to be beaten in any of the above Lines of Goods, REMEMBER T H A T 1

C L A R K cK: W I N E G A R , I L O W E L L . A I 1 C I I I O A N .

W. R. Blaisdell & Co., D E A L E R S IN

GENERAL HARDWARE. Wo olfer the enliro slock at hcrelofore



y o u r d e a l e r

?• •finzcvt//i-o'i. touisVllle.

-el fo ihe \m ut.lnnd t i j ! than mny *ntt

KrrUf^inr It M,ik« in« iffeme tothi I yrrjr «oel I orrt ta

I- n.1 nunr l.buylhiifr r.f Aik your b Draiurd Ilarbleaa Pence ite, M-JoofN

.how you Prt.ton-i !• j|v-lil.-ril wt

THE HOLLOW CABLE MFG. CO.. Hornellsville. N. K

|.—wber* lk« 1 «.:••• ^ U'la. wcwtllHM irrr i*en«

m stcb lor«>liy.ihe ««ry j Hvild wltk All tba tilt hmeaia ;

1 wtiiako M»drre«a <bni|J«t« | iaef vkt fMUf and valMbi* art '

" k la ratani wa ub ibji • bai wa tMd. U ib^# Nbo

j c«U at yaar b—a. »nd afin IS colbaaJlabiU b#c®n.# tsui »»*a

||«v|arl*. Tbta irathln* ia

Delrolt, C'd Haven S M i l m l i e e VMi.alrret**i.fnoai

L l f i l ••'aliMrliiM is iba woall. All U I t \ I I . W A V 1 n L L - N* •M-Ui r^urt4. Tula. ^ ^ •

brief wewbaeeglfeB. Tlwaa wbo wnte la aa a* ear* raaae-lore Ibe beat aaatsc aiachlaa ia tbe wotld. and tbff T B ' ' t l ' V r a i .1.1. HKI . ia i i i .euuutetu a l l p o i n t c


Satislaclory Teas and Coffees are those that

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E H .

tu .-ITi ct May 1,1.-SJ.

TIIA1NS LEAVE LOWELL UOINO KMT: I I'-iruit Ktprv-ss, 7 M »a 6 Thrniigb Mail, 11 ir. * k s r.viMiiiiL- Expri j , ... t ar p i, n; Mixed IV ™ I- a 10 .\lk-lii Kaprev. , T W r n


1 MornhiK Ejpnsi , *, ThroiiKti Mail

The Verdict of the Family ut tl.e

BHEAKFAST OK TKA TABLE re^miliuir Ibeso itoods anil whence they euiue

a mmt im|Hirtant one

li JI e a I -iu 1- a 8 IH a m 1 00 e a

10 t« r u •J Nik-lit Express. II Mixed :. Urand Kaplds Expres*.

f i f Tlirouch tickets to all priticljialpiilnls l i s t for s-'ilr lit the Company's oillce, 1 owell.

N..s, 7 nnd 10 run daily, other train' daily, Sumlav ex-.-epte.l. A U I'EVlll.AUKK. W.E.DAVIS.

I*.well Ajcenl. Ass t. lien. Pass. Ak'I. Chicago, III,

W l i e r o t l l d y o n g o t l l i t u

Tea or Coffee?

} n i o t W ^



(• co. O. Tay lor anil J. W. Vantlcrlmlc, Practical Painters an.l DecorsUirs.



(iimranti-ed Satisfactory by THE PENINSULA It WHITE LEAD AND COIXJlt WOUK8, Detroit. Mlchiiian. (Uuiosil)

Our ex|H.|ieuee wltli Teas ami Coffee* ena-bles us u.

Guarantee Satisfaction,

or they tnay beretunicd and money refunded.


Please favor us wi th your orders.




W A N T E D !

The Mails. UOINO WEST.

4•ITia. tu.—closoil |iouch for (Iraud Rapids.

12iWli tn,—Way mail. -I p. 111.--Way mail.

OOINO EAST. 7:1:'. a. tu.—Closed pouch for Detroit,

llt-jr. a, tu,—Way mail. L:t0 p. ui.—Way mall.

OOINO SOUTH. 11:110 a.m.—Mail hv carrier to (.'handler,

Campbell, W . Campliell, Clarks-I ville, Curloton Contor.

FROM THE SOCTU. 0:00 i'. ui.—Mail reccivi-d from No.

IrvuiK, O'Donncll, Fris-jHirl, ls> gan, Bowne, Alto.

OOINO NOIlTll. ; 1 p. ui.—Mall for Fallaashtirg,Alton,

(Irani, (irattan. FROM THE NOIlTll.

ILoOa. in.—Mail received from abovo pla.-es,

, i All mails cloro :10 mtiiulcsbefore time : ulMive stated.

Post Oflice oiien from 7 a. tu. to 7::!0 p. m.. sliutdard time.

A F i n e Line of Gasolim . Cook and H e a t i n g Stoves, Bar I ron , A x e s , Cross G u t Saws, Builders ' Material

At Prices Never Offered Before, Give Us a Trial Trip, Liwcll . Jan. 8.


DON T BE A SLAVE to pre jud ice but save m o n e y , t i m e ,

labor, s t r e n g t h a n d c l o t h e s b y u s i n g


It loosen-; a n d separates the d ir t

w i t h o u t in jur ing the fabric, i n s t e a d

of e a t i n g u p tho dirt a n d t h e r e b y

rot t ing t h e c lo th . D o n ' t be p u t off s o m e t h i n g c l a i m c d t o be " j u s t

as g o o d , " b u t insist o n h a v i n g t h r

genui i i j and prove f>r y o u r s e l f t h e

a d v a n t a g e s o f th is s o a p .





Summer Trade If you con templa t e purchas -

ing a

H a l 01? Bonnet , It will pay you to

Look at Our Display! of T r i m m e d Goods , ol

which w e h a v e

An Endless Variety.

At the H i g h e s t Marke t Price.


M O R G A N & S M I T H , DKALl-ntS IN

Shelf and Heavy Hardware AGENTS FOR THE


G a l v a n i z e d H a v e T r o u g h m g a

Have iu Slock a full lino of ihe Latest Improved

G r j ^ S O L I I K r i E ] S T O ' V E S




WOkO VH: SHOW • • Ihr 1 •ntii "l I* • In H I* world * • .111 I M11 iiiililir • • Hi*- nit- li» romr .

THEN R F . . « ! ! v . r ^ - v : i r . h : . . , r « . ! a S«eitunl>or_

THE DllilNE I r - -ijOICE. Exit 1

Lonf 1 ll-n*'. I .1 i 'i« iiiin-1'-'iis Kraph.

HEAVEii HEIL FROM Til l VI It , U I . AMI HI I N . I. • : t :i Ullh lull In-dex nnd liul. \ - . • i i . i i i - | . i - . i i i d • i|iioli->l. I ' r i o - , e - ,1-, .- ~i •,. -i

Addtvsa W. II \ l l>i:N. K. E, Cor. IS.I an,I Ci ! , u t - - Philadelrkla.Pa.

A full eatalLi-u-- - -I rg • and r. ' ili-d Work* "cut ft.. il. -• on apiiliiullnli. AnjIU'iHiri/UiUU th- . . - uiitdJIKiJ



H 2




I would resiK-clfully h-l the c i lwensof l.owoll and surrounding country know that 1 havo


Large New Stock

M R S . J . O ' H E R O N .


Croup Ramedy For Children.

A P l e a s a n t , Safe a m i C e r t a i n C u r e fur W h o o p i n g C o u g l i , C r o u p ,

C o u g h s , H o a r s e n e s s

And Similar Alfeclions Common lo Children.

1 Sold by AH D r u g g i s t s , - P r i e e I k

• lla>e found I'ecUiam'a Cmup Ileinedy thu | U-sl iiieilicine oyer lia.l In tbe house for cmup

IK voir w a n t t o nt'v r o t y o u r hovs Tint | BEST WEARING SUIT MADK IN

. THE WORLD, A H K F O R T H E W E L L - K N O W N !

"Everlasting" Suit,

— l a d i e s IND Gents l:iiieSlioes LtatliBr K I E S l i i i i L I Pauls, Pi.R SALK AT Also a G o o d Asso r tmen t of Chi ldren ' s Shoes ,

CHAS. ALTHENS. | Wh ich 1 will soil a t t in- lowest llRUn-s Ihal^iKHl Roods can be sold for. i a m 1 closely connected w i t h several caslorn niatiiifaclururs a n d with ready cash c a n

Colt. S T u K K T l l A l N ' s O r E l l A H o u s e DLOI.'K, ! buy a t t h e very lowest prices. Thank ing the public for their lita-nl paltoiiane. 1 will do my li«*it in tho f u -

DKauta is t u r ( , t o g j v c u | | m y customers ihe worth of their money. 1 wa r r an t al l tho goods . , 1 1 . 1 r M 1.1 " i as represented, oa I have como here to s tay.

• K c S ^ i i i 8 , B . H O F M A N , P R O P ' R . , t'up», Truuku, Etc., I - ' '

and cuughs." W D

51 na. P. E Mnxin. l,udlD;tuii,Mich. I 'RICES A L W A Y S T H E LOWEST 1, ^ l c ^ l , e ^ r 0 l U ' 0 1 1 ^ " ^ g C . . O W E L L , M I C H

Page 3: LOWELL Journal/1889/06_June/06-19-1889.pdfarranfemnila to reiuma btulnea a Baao-luttoua were adopted pleilglng the bu.lneaa I men and morclmnt*

I j O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , J D N E 19, 1889.

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

T l i l i powdur never r a n w i . A M a r v r l n f p i i r -nv u l r imu t l i an i l whl lenomeni -M. M n r u w jon-u m l c a l t l m n lln- o r d i n a r y k l m U , » i " l e n u n o l bo < ih) I s c o m p e l l l l o n v i l l i Ihe m u i l U i i d e o f l ow r M , t h o r t w e l f l i l a l u m or phoepl ' r [.. i n l c r * •'..Id on ly In cann , l l o y a l Uakl i iK I ' o w d r r Co, I W W a l l HL N i Y . I IB -S5 )


H E A D Try the Cure

E l y ' s C r e a m B a l m C l e a n s e s t h e N a s a l P a s s a g e s . A l -

l a y s I n f l a m m a t i o n . H e a l s t h e s o r e s .

R e s t o r s t h e S e n s e s of T a s t e . S m e l l

a n d H e a r i n g .

A ' p a r l l r l e l« a p p l i M l I n t o n t c h n o a l r l l n n d ! • a K r e e a b l r . P r i c e BOe. ut n i l d r i i ( -( U U o r b y m a l t . E L Y B R O T H E B s . M War-n e r 81.. New Y o r k .

H U M P H R E Y S ' I D S , h t o t h s e y s ' EOOK. m Cloth & Cold Binding,

It •'U l<l~' iMrafl"!. IIIUD n r z .

«44rm. T. 0. !Ui INIO. X.T.

I n n v SO Ti 'anL—Truit i j l P r m r l p l l o r w o f au r m l o w i l r b v i K U n . f ^ n i p l c , H n f e nni l f l a r e .

cvan. riucr. i P r T r m . Conmallon. liiBiuiiro»i!i|n«. I W o r m m Worn) Fi v r . Worm Colic .

rrylngTollc."r 'I ' '>' ' l i lH"Mnranu l l larrheaol i ' l i lMrrnorAdul i r .... l l T M - n l e r r . Or lp InK, l l l l lo iu f o l i o . . I ' bo i r r a Merban.Jonil l l i i* { ' a a g b i f u l d . b i l l . . . . . N e u r n l i f l a . Toolliachis Idccnchi-..

i i leaiacKei . 's ic i llraiiachr.V) I Ujspcpnln. BlUoOiKUimii'h i H n a p r e u e d or PHlnful I'rrlodn 1 Wbllra. Iik. Profuse HcrtocU 1 ("roup, foit i th. IMflli'iilI l lrci i t l i lni l . . .

Sail ((brum, Erylllx'liw. KrupUoM KbeumnllHin. liniuniaili' I'nliui... "reTer anil A a u r , fh l l ln . Malar ia. . .

Mlca . lU ln i l or lU iM lnn ••••• •. i j h M j n l n y . or t l r fe. or Wrak E j r a

OMEOPATHIC J J u a r S r a T n T c ^ T W r n r T n i r i n r u ^ iVkooplav I 'oui 'b. VMeal (•Ikaia. supiin-M"! Hivaihlnit

£ar illaeharara. Impalml lli-arluf I t t c r a i a l * • ' - u lann - l iiUu»U.><i> rlMnn l l i e a r r a i Drb l l l l i r . l 'b j i fc 'a iWeakofrna • Itropar, ami Hoanly Kn n llmn . .. I Sea Hlranraa. Mckii'-Mfron lUdln*

|Kerraaa OeKlhyiScmlnai" . k D < « L u r l n T u l n n u r r l i K l j i r i m . | . 0 0

Hare Maalb. fankrt . . . . . . . , . } • t'naBry Weakaraa. WXIInaBid ..JO Palaial l'er(nd>. «llhHpaam ..Ill IMaraaen nf H e a r t . I'alplliiil'.n. 1 .00

•ay .Mpaam.M. NlluV Dance. 1 . 0 0 k r r l a . Nifr TLr-^i , 3 0

l ' r T i V v ° n r " " , " " n , r " • M P E C 1 F l C S ,

H<4d br I ln igvUln. or acnl I«»I paid on recx lp l of p r lR i . - a ra r l I f i > i » - • >.bii t u in . i n 1 . n - m. 1.1.

A W T N m U l Y A ' ^ -

A \ V \ 7 . V . \ . O W

U T , S \ n w t H . .

l o n c o r i n t n >l tD. Co., 109 Pul lon s t_ S. V.


S F C n N f ) You sl.ouM rt«i! Tn r C'lilCA. OUt/UIIU ^ I l A 1 L V N r > 1 > | < l j U , e

Kivtlkt limitn rtai/il. Tno* U a paper publuhril in Autlralla which ii b i Ijije a IJankrt. This wouldn't >1111 you You waul a nrwkpaprr al mice con-venient, complete :,nd con-(lenied, and ttill you don't want lo ovcilook anythin: of leal impottancc. \ ou don't nanl your neighlior to >-y ti. you, " Did you lead 1. anil in to-day'a paper: an.l l-e "Mined to antwer, " No, I didn't »ce that," anil then h;i\. him udt you "What p:i|"' d • you

Thu uiil ti* *. r hap-ou if yoii '. il Till

Q v

K m e m k r — l u ciiculation i« M o p •• • i l n ovet » mil l ion a week—and it iu«i« 1« i" . . i l j i t i . a month, (bur month* "•"< 1, .1 day.

nlFOR 1 A Genuine Anericta

M a d e Throi '

(ho iRitution.l An U • w .1 JeW. «»H.i|ii,.v in.ti'.-'falfrlil I UllKMlril I.J ntlcbct, inaDticlMThllverlm. h-nyy

»|.inniK nial " IC"I ti'iict I Cut .i.-tljinl •tv), t'lUIr Witmtiili'il. iidOOc. I..r 1 ipraaa duuyni an-i 1 ivlll •. r.l It fur i'uiniinai.141. II Mi!i"l:i > ymt ran lar fur It ubenrinK

will I N - m i ; n H d . In tj>cra..-la imtiHcat. I' -idenl lt..ebiT Wril.-b Cjo.'ClL. tluit it laantaL'tNK -It • . HI.IK nw- v.ilUi»p IU it^nr nnd wear a I I I imi i i i c .

NI 'EtlAI. a5«. OKFKIt:—I .uul \.-i i" h i . ' my I"l-|«u« Caial<«iKi with I."00 lllu«raUon-. ami tl. o'lote, f.c a limited UUK'. wlllaewlM v ;hl|iftlr l;.i:-i Hold I ' l H t r d T N ' T Slewre l lul lom, or 1 I j » I m - l j tc» l l n . at CcnU" Sinrf l l n . ra ' ikvn. t UKK. 1 un uao ptatntia. W. I*. AIOUKIM. \\ iM.e-a'.-•).'teln'. h1.i-nrnra, Wat'-hm ctr., pit FUlb A w . , i lui-iiifu, 111. ' Mwavi. nicnllon tu« laper.

Ilelercnn.: ll'lxi IhuUGrowi Ulller.Piiiilrr-. I re La Bolk-au. Obkagu: Ui. Gnw. K« Huir Tt -... :. 1 u l i*


b** f sS wuk U IM W«*.I I'arUU UmkMi-r Ubi

H*«»j lluiiMfCAMa Hvifc U4m«' ui J c«um ' ».<«•.« iik » urka • '•4 *f •s**' Unr P r r » o a uiMk U> Miiif €•• •*»r* om' frt«,

t«t«ik»r with o«r Uff» tndt*!. tutl* lift# of l luu*rhold HNM|*lr«. T¥#»# m wtll ft* llit Wftlrh, «« Mftd JVer. ft»4 ftfltr fe« Wl# k»M

ft*4 IW* !• U«M TWM

I ho-n* f~T 9 BWlU 17 Itftrc i f t l l ^ . i M f f i

wfil# • ! 'ft® U ftf • 1 H u m p l r . W« mv t i l M j f . u A-tlrtM ••ttuaua A; Mux Hia . l 'ort laad, U u l a e .

r m . l . ' n^ ' l b . i v n t e k u. fllttlil..l«. A lr.11


I^> | p i n .

Airs. W m . C u s t e r h a s b e e n v e r y l o w i t h o p o s t w e e k b u t Is b e t t e r a t p reaont .

J a c o b I l e r r i n g t o n , of .South Cons, is v i s i t i ng r e l a t i ve? h e r e .

Miss L o u i s a U o f f m a n Suuilayc<l w i t h i h e r |>aren ts h e r e .

Mr . an i l Mrs. H . L i v i n g s t o n , of Free- j p o r t , v i s i t e d t h e l a t t e r s p a r e n t s h e r e ) t h i s w e e k .

Miss E m m a T h o m a s w h o has l ieen s t a y i n g w i t h h e r s i s t e r , of F r e e p o r t , f o r ' s o m e t i m e r e t u r n e d h o m e las t w e e k .

Messrs. Or.i P o n l e o a n d H e n r y O l o u g h a i ' c o m | i a n i e d hv t h e Misses J e n n l o J o h n -son a n d A n n a W a l t o n t o o k a p l e a s u r e t r i p t o Morse L a k e S u n d a y .

K K I I K I K T .

Snooml b a r g a i n s H u d s o n ' s .

in d r y goods at


Insurance A G E N C Y .

T h e f o l l o w i n g flint c I h o h c i im|Nmiee r e u r e s e n t e d :

I nBurance C o m p a n y of Nor t l t A m e n -e a "1794" ( T h e oldail A n i e n u a n < '<(,)

F i r e m e n ' s F u n d , S o n F r a n c i s c o . T h e Old C o n n e c t i c u t , H u r t f o n l . D e t r o i t F i r e & Mar ine , ) I ) t . , r i l i . Mich . F i r e & M a r i n e . ( U e t ^ < " , ' W e s t e r n A s s u r a n c e , C a n a d a . Altci govenil o f tho best

Life and Accideot Companies.



jua l . i -1 Iii* f j i u u m l l o n ' c l l ru t i i l Uuku r H U o L e i .

a n d t i m e w h i c h t b e y h a v o i n v e s t e d in t h e r o a d a n d h a v e a t t a c h e d t h e m f o r p a y .

W e a r o s o r r y t o a n n o u n c o t h a t E. H . S i sson , w h o h a s b e e n e n g a g e d in t h e g r o c e r y b u s i n e s s h e r e f o r s e v o r a l y e a r s pas t , h a s c losed u p h i s b u s i n e s s h e r e b y g i v i n g a bill of s a f e t o a O r a n d R o n i d s firm l a s t T h u r s d a y . M r . S isson has h a d ill l u r k w h i l e he ro a n d t h i s w i t h t o o m u c h c r c d l t bus iness , is t h o p n n c i i i a l 1 a u s e of h i s b e i n g c o m p e l l e d t o d iscon-t i n u e . M r . S . is a n h o n o r a b l e , u p r i g h t c i t i z en a n d h a s a h o s t of f r i e n d s in t n i s v i c i n i t y w h o h o p e h e m a y bo a b l e to re-s u m e b u s i n e s s in t h i s p l a c e a g a i n soon . —Herald,

B, C . S m i t h g u a r a n t e e s fits w h i c h c a n n o t bo b e a t e n .

S e e t h e n e w R e e d , C o m a n d F a l l o w w h e e l c u l t i v a t o r s a t N a s h ' s A g r i c u l t u -ra l R o o m s .

Al l t h a l e a d i n g s ty l e s in s t r i j i e s fo r P r i n c e A l b e r t s , a t S m i t h ' s .

Weal Lowell Mnka.

H o r n , J u n e 13,188t», a d a u g h t e r t o Mr. a n d Mrs . W i l l K m y o n .

W o a r e h a p p y to s a y t h a t A d e l a s k a J a y is o n t h e ga in a f t e r h i s long sick* nets.

Miss R u b y B l a n d i n g h a s t a u g h t a suc-c e s s f u l t e r m (*f school a n d g a v e g e n e r a l s a t i s f a c t i o n . S h e h a s e n g a g e d t o t e a c h t h e S e g w u n school t h e c o m i n g y e a r .

Miss M a r y H u s t e d is h o m o fo r a s h o r t t i m e ; wil l b e r eady f o r w o r n a g a i n a f -t e r J u l y 4 t h .

W a s h i n g t o n C a r r lias t a k e n t b e j o b of c u t t i n g a n d s k i d d i n g t h e logs o n 100 I c r e s of l a n d , a n d is j u s t m o r e t h a n f a l l i n g t h e t i m b e r .

T h e s a w mill is o n t h e g r o u n d , a n d a s h a n t y f o r b o a r d i n g t h e h a n d s i n h a s been e r e c t e d , a n d b u s i n e s s is b o o m i n g hero .

$20 wi l l buy you a fino S c o t c h c b e v o i t su i t m o d e t o fit, a t B . C. S m i t h ' s .

S m i t h t b o t a i lo r , h a s t h e very l a t e s t N e w Y o r k s p r i n g a n d s u m m e r s t y l e s .

All t h e la tes t n o v e l t i e s in s u i t i n g s o t S m i t h ' s ^

Al ton Atonia .

M r s C . E . F r a n c i s c o a n d d a u g h t e r M i n n i e o r e v i s i t ing a t R o c k R i v e r in t h e U . P .

W e a r e g l ad to r e p o r t t h a t O . M. W h i t e is a b l e to ride o u t a g a i n .

-Mrs. J . L . Cove r t Is v i s i t i ng in O r a n d R a p i d s t h i s week .

C h a s . J a k o w a y ' s t w o y e a r o ld c o l t g o t h i s l e g b roken o n e d a y last w e e k .

Mrs H e a t h f r o m W i s c o n s i n is v i s i t i n g r e l a t ives a n d f r i e n d s h e r e a f t e r a n ab-sence o f 18 y e a r s .

T h e A l t o n School h a s closed u n t i l t h e t h e first of A u g u s t o n a c c o u n t o f d i p -t h e r m . T h e A l d n c h school h a s c losed f o r t w o w e e k s a l so .

T h e C r u m c e m e t e r y has been deed-ed t o t h e t o w n B o a r d of H e a l t h .

If y o u wish a su i t f r o m g e n u i n e i m -p o r t e d c lo ths . S m i t h wil l m a k e i t f o r y o u a t less t h a n c i t y pr ices .

Klmdale (Acker J t t n c l l o n i , •

Mrs. Coa l i ng m o v e d to O r a n d R a p i d s last w e e k .

:pl a l w u t to l a y t h e r o a d f r o m t h e j u n c t i o n eas t t o t h e n o r t h a n d s o u t h road. W hen t h i s is d o n e we sha l l h a y o a l ega l a p -p r o a c h f r o m all p o i n t s t h a t a r e neces-s a r y , I m p r o v o m o n t s o n th i s r o a d w e r e b e g u n las t w e e k a n d o n e m o r e d a y s w o r k b y t h e s a m e n u m b e r of m e n wil l m a k e t in ma in s t r ee t of Klimlale r e a d y fo r t h o g r a v e l

F e n c i n g o n t h e L . & H . R. R. is near-ly c o m p l e t e d .

J . H e p n e r a n d w i f e h a v e g o n e to V i r g i n i a . I t is r u m o r e d t h e y a r o In s e a r c h of t h e imrad i se w h i c h s o m a n y h a v e s o u g h t a n d f a i l e d t o find.

Miss Cora Can t l e ld has r e t u r n e d f r o m C e d a r S p r i n g s . Q u i FOOY,

• 2 0 g e t s tho v e r y finest s t r i ped Cassi-m e r e s u i t , t o o r d e r , a t S m i t h ' s .

D o n o t fa i l to ^ e t p r i c e s of i m p e l m e n t s w a g o n s a n d c a r r i a g e s bwfote p u r c h a s i n g .


D o n ' t s t e p i n t o B , C. S m i t h ' s , f o r if y o u d o y o u wi l l s u r e l y b r a g a i n f o r a su i t of c lo thes , f r o m o n o of t h e e n d l e s s va r i e ty of s ty l i sh c l o t h s ho h a s o n h is c o u n t e r s . I l l s p r i c e s a r e so r e a s o n a b l e t h a t o n o c a n n o t a f f o r d to b u y r e a d y m a d e g o o d s .

G r u t t a n tiatherltiua.

R . A . W e e k s w h o waa k i c k e d by a h o r s e is ab le t o b e a r o u n d on c r u t c h e s .

Mr . a n d Mrs. Be r t Less i ter a r e v i s i t i ng Q r a n d R a p i d s f r i e n d s .

M r . J a m e s M c C a n l o y , of C h i c a g o , w i t h h i s ne i ce Miss E m i l y M c C a n l o y , of O r a n d R a p i d s , a r e v i s i t o r s a t P e t e r SIc-C a n l o y ' s .

O o o r g e S m i t h lost a p r o m i s i n g y o u n g col t f r o m e x p o s u r e to t h e w e a t h e r las t T h u r s d a y n i g h t .

Mr . a n d Mrs . W . S. F u l l e r a n d Mr. a n d Mrs . W m . S l a y t o n a t t e n d e d t h o c o u n t y O r a n g e he ld w i t h C o u r t l a n d O r a n g e las t w e e k .

F a r m e r s a r e r e p l a n t i n g s o m e of t h e i r c o r n . T h e fa l l of r a in cont inueB, a n d t h e h e a v y s h o w e r of F r i d a y n i g h t lodged w h e a t i n somo p laces .

Mr . a n d Mrs . H . Les s i t e r g r e a t l y en -ioyed a visit f r o m Mr. a n d Mrs . S p e n c e r V a n D u s e n , of V e r g e n n e s , las t w e e k .

S e w i n g m a c h i n e s , Needles a n d Oils a t A l t h e n ' s .

Y o u wil l find 125 d i f f e r e n t l ines of goods f o r s u i t i n g s a n d a s m a n y m o r e fo r pun t s , a t B. C, S m i t h ' s .

Bo. Uo i tun .

N o d u s t t o d i s t u r b t h e t r a v e l e r .

A p l e n t y of c u t w o r m s f o r t h e co rn , p o t a t o o bugs fo r t h e i m t a t o e s a n d wood-c h u r c k s f o r . t h e c a b b a g e a n d w h y s h o u l d n ' t tho f a r m e r be h a p p y .

Tl .e nex t m e e t i n g of tho L . D. C o u n -cil w i l l be a t So. Bos ton H a l l , T u e s d a y , J u n o 25. S t r a w b e r r i e s w i t h a good lit-e r a r y p r o g r a m m e wil l lie a m o n g t h o a t -t r a c t i o n s .

A l m u t t h i r t y of t h e f r i e n d s of H e n r y N e l s o n g a v e h i m a s u r p n e o o n t h e elov-o n t h a n n i v e r s a r y of h is w e d d i n g d a y , l e a v i n g h i m a c h a i n , w h i c h wi l l r e m i n d h i m of t h e occas ion in yea r s t o c o m e .

P o t a t o e s a r e in f a i r d e m a n d a t pres-e n t .

A good p r o g r a m m e w a s c a r r i e d o u t a t t h o U n i o n c h u r c h o n C h i l d r e n ' s D a y . T h e w e a t h e r w a s all t h a t Is u n p l e a s a n t .

T h e n * wil l n o l lie a n y p r e a c h i n g a t t h e M. E . c h u r c h n e x t S u n d a y , a n d S a b b a t h s choo l b e g i n s a t 10:30.

H . Nosh wil l sell y o u o w i n d m i l l ond i l l f t . t o w e r f o r | 5 0 .

W h y buy p o n t s t h a t d o n ' t fit, w h e n $4.00 wil l ge t y o u a p a i r to o r d e r a l H. C . S m i t h s ?

F r e e p o r t .

A n d r e w O e i g e r is v i s i t i n g h i s r e l a t i v e s in t h i s v ic in i ty a t p r e s e n t . H e has been c o m p e l l e d to g i y e u p t e a c h i n g o n a c c o u n t of h is h e a l t h a n d h a s been a p -p o i n t e d as a m i n s i t e r on a c h a r g e in t h e n o r t h p a r t of t h e s t a l e .

M a r r i e d — A t t h e r e s idence of A u g u s t O o s c h . wes t of t h e vi l lage, W e d n J u n o Bth, 168U, Mr . H e r m a n O o s c h a n d Miss M a l t i o N w b , b o t h of I r v i n g , R e v . S p a e t h ofHcia t ing .

i t w a s r u m o r e d t h a t M. L. S w e e t w a s g o i n g lo r e m o v e t h e i ron a n d t i es pi led u p a l t i l ls p lace , firet of t h e w o e k , b u t t h e p o r t i e j w h o h a d c l a ims on t h e m w e r e pre|>ared to h o l d t h e m u n t i l s o m e k i n d of a s e t t l e u i e m w a s m a d e f o r m o n e y

Weal C a m p b e l l .

C o m fields a ro b e i n g l a r g e l y r e p l a n t -e d . M a i n l y on a c c o u n t of t h e d a m a g e d o n o b y c m w o r m s .

J . B. P o s t , o u r l ive a g r i c u l t u r a l i m p l e -m e n t d e a l e r , r e p o r t s b u s i n e s s a s e x c e l -l e n t in t h a t l ino a n d cepec t a l ly in C h a m -pion M o w o r s a n d R e a p e r s .

T h e y o u n g fo lks a r e t a l k i n g of g e t t i n g u p a n o n i o n p a r t y . H e r e ' s b u c c c b b t o t h e l u c k y fe l low.

Mrs . A . E . Or i f l i t h , w h o is r e c o v e r i n g f r o m a v e r y seve re a t t a c k of r h e u m a -t i s m , wa« a b l e t o t a k e a r i d e l o t h e post off ice t h i s w e e k .

H i r a m O l i v e r has r e c e n t l y m a d e s o m e e x t e n s i v e a d d i t i o n s t o b i s j d w e l l i n g h o u s e , t h e r e b y i m p r o v i n g its g e n e r a l a p -p e a r a n c e a n d c o n v e n i e n c e s , x n a k i n g it o n e of t h e m o s t a t t r a c t i v e p l a c e s o n t h e s t r e e t . T h e w o r k w a s d o n e u n d e r t h e m o n a g e m e n t of J . P . O s b o r n . o u r boss a r c h i t e c t a n d b u i l d e r .

D i sc ip l e s of I z a a k W a l t o n a n d o t h e r s w h o a r o n o t d isc ip les a r e n o w e n j o y i n g t h e m s e l v e s fishing i n t h o s m a l l l a k e s a b o u t h e r e . M a n y fine s t r i n g s of fish a r o b e i n g c a u g h t .

Mess rs . Cool a n d S n y d e r a r o n o w in O h i o s e l l i n g t h e Cool P a t e n t F e n c e . T h e y a r e h a v i n g good succesi*,.

MIBB N i n a B a l d w i n is k e e p i n g h o u s o f o r h e r g r a n d f a t h e r , J a m e s B a l d w i n .

, Ada I t em* .

Mrs H e n r y S m i t h a n d h e r d a u g h t e r . H a l t io, h a v e been o u t of t o w n fo r t h e las t t w o w e e k s .

ipen w e e k s w i t h Mrs . E d . Co l l a r .

T h e C a t h o l i c m e e t i n g s a r e he ld a t t h e r e s i d e n c e of J a m e s C o r c o r a n . T h e i r m e e t i n g s a r e hold o n c o in f o u r w e e k s , o n S a t u r d a y .

M r . H a s k i n s b u r i e d h i s y o u n g e s t c h i l d l a s t T h u r s d a y ; i t w a s sicit b u t a s h o r t t i m e .

C . O . T l n k h a m w e n t t o O d . R a p i d s o n b u s i n e s s l a s t W e d n e s d a y .

M r . W m . H c C l o l l a n , f r o m S t a n t o n , w a s v i s i t i n g f n o n d s h e r e l a s t . S a t u r d a y .

T h e L a d i e s A id S o c i e t y wi l l g i v e a n I c e C f o a m a n d S t r a w b e r r y f e s t i v a l n e x t W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g , J u n e 10th , a t t h e B a p t i s t c h u r c h .

Mrs . W a s h B r a d f l e l d a n d h e r d a u g h t e r w e r e u t R o c k f o r d las t w e e k v i s i t i n g rel-a t i v e s .

J a m e s M c C l t l l a n , f r o m O d . R a p i d s , w a s h e r o o n bus iness lus t F r i d a y .

E l d e r F a x o n , L i m e W h i t e a n d J o h n S m i t h w e r e in O r a n d R a p i d s las t w e e k .

Miss H a t t i e W a s h b u r n h a s b e e n visi t-i n g a t C a l e d o n i a f o r t h e las t w e e k .

Mr . R i c h a r d s , f r o m t h e T o w n s h i p of O r a n d R a p i d s , w a s t h r o u g h h e r e las t w e e k s e l l i n g m e a t .

R . A . O u n n , M. D . , D e a n a n d profess -o r of s u r g e r y of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Modi c a l Co l l ege , e d i t o r of M e d i c a l T r i b u n e , a u t h o r of O u n n ' s N o w I m p r o v e d H a n d -l>ook of U3-gfeno a n d D o m o s t i c Med ic ine ,

t o w n Bi{matu re , in s j i e a k l n g of a s e v e r e caso of k i d n e y d i s e a s e : " A


Of a l l d i seases is i m p u r e b lood , w h e n loaded w i t h f o u l h u m o r . H o w I m p o r t -a n t t h e n , t h a t t h u b l o o d s h o u l d b e p u r e , r i c h a n d s t r o n g , w i t h o u t w h i c h i h e r e c a n b e n o h e a l t h . T o p u r i f y t h e b l o o d S u l p h u r B i t t e r s is i n c o m p a r a b l y tin-best m t d i c i n o t h a t il i s poss ib le ti> oh* t a i n .

A • G R E A T • S U C C E S S ! T H A T T I R E D F E E L I N O

A fillets nef i r ly e v e r y o n e in t h e s p r i n g . T h e s y s t e m h a v i n g l i ecome a c c u s t o m e d t o t h e b r a c i n g a i r of w i n t e r , i s w e a k e n e d by t h o w o r m d o y s of t h e c h a n g i n g sea-s o n , a n d r e a d i l y y i e l d s to a t t a c k s of d i sease . H o o d s S a r s a p a r i i l a is iuBt t h o m e d i c i n e n e e d e d . I t t o n e s a n d b u i l d s u p e v e r y p a r t of t h e b o d y , a n d a l so e x -p e l s a l l i m p u r i t i e s f r o m t h e blood.* Tr i t t h i s season .


S P E C I A L S A L E 5 Y | U W R G S



c h e m i c a l a n d m l s c r o p i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e p a t i e n t ' s u r i n e r e v e a l e d q u a n t i -t i es of a l b u m e n n n d g r a n u l a r t u b e cos t s , c o n f i r m i n g B r i g h t ' s d i sease . A f t e r t r y -i n g a l l t h e o t h e r r e m e d i e s in v a i n , I di-r e c t e d h i m to use W a r n e r ' s S a f o C u r e . I w a s g r e a t l y s u r p r i s e d t o o b s e r v e a de-c i d e d i m p r o v e m o n t w i t h i n u m o n t h . W i t h i n f o u r m o n t l i s n o t u b e c a s t s c o u l d be f o u n d , a n d o n l y a t r a c e of a l b u m e n , a n d u s h e e x p r e s s e d i t , h e f e l t |>erfect ly w e l l . "

l ,re\enls in thr motl elejant form HE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE

—or Tin—


C o m b i n e d w i t h t h e n i c d i c i n a l

v i r t u e s o f p l a n t s k n o w n to l i e

m o s t b e n e f i c i a l t o t h e h u m a n

s y s t e m , f o r m i n g a n a g r e e a b l e

a n d e f f e c t i v e l a x a t i v e t o p e r m a -

n e n t l y c u r e H a b i t u a l C o n s t i -

p a t i o n , n n d t h e m a n y i l l s d e -

p e n d i n g o n a w e a k or i n a c t i v e

c o n d i t i o n o f t h e

KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It i< the mo't excellent remedy known lo

FLFMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECmUY , When oneit (lilloui orConillpattd



E v e n - o n e i s u s i n g i t a n d a l l a r e

d e l i g h t e d w i t h i t . ASK YOUR DRUOOIST FOR




I A W E E K 1' a ClubS/titm •hileaa convenient

I to the buyer ai any I butalrr.cnt iyitem, u I a wAallialt i/jlcaji V Ijilrm to us. Tho | co-operation of the 1 club mcmben Mill tu _ ______

&rauhes In each , PHILA. IWatch Club, and we cet cash from Club for each watch before It p x t

lout , though each member only payi l I f t a week. Thil U why we five you I I more for your money than anyoocel>el land why wc are doioc the l a r j n i I Iwatch buiineu In the world We sell I Jonly flrat quality gooda, but outf I prices are about wha t othen Ret fcr sec -l I and quality .OurSlO S l l r e r W o l c l t I • Is a lubitantial Silver (ittl imiUHtn , / l | any HiiJj Stem-Wind American Lever r I Watch—either hunting case cr open. I Our ftU.UO W a t c h Ija Eiem VlnJ.L I OpenFace. finl nunllly, ttiiTened Gold 8 1 AtnericanLcvcrWalch.nMr<iWr<*,//« 9 ivtar to run, Il Is fully equal toanyi!

watch soU for by others. Wc find 1 a first-class StiOcned Geld Case much I more k.itidaclorvand servlceallr than! any Solid Gold Caie thatcan ben ld at 1 less than double the money*, as cheap I solid cases are invariably thin, weak,! ol low qualily, and worthiest after | short u k . Our 8 3 1 Walchcontniru

„ numerous important patenud Itn-'ementa.of vital importance to auur-i

ate timing—/ii/rW I'Hil/rc.'/l PattnlSum WiHj.trc..which wc conttolctcluii»'ly. It isfully equal foraccuracy, oppearance, dun bility and service, to any I j j Watch .citlitr Open Pace or Hunting. Our&Ja.OO I tn l t - ; r o a d W a t c h is especially comtructrd fori the mosteiacting use, ar.d Is Uiehe.t Rail, road Watch made. Open Face or Ifunilng. All tlmo prices are eiihcr oil cash cr in clull, 81.00 n wre l t . i n i j j , rr^ci | /ttylatf fl,n/rl4 wilk tafk "Talc*.

TlieKeyslonB Watch ClubCo • t l i Nc* li Ca'i Owt Billdlii

004 WAlllT tT. IHIIADA. PA. Acenta Wanted.

Altx Witch Imulilor, $1.00 A BrrfoetpnrftciiM ft«ftlftsi nft«arli<a. |fc0Mr«r<k. HCBI'-/aftllte r (Hr* #<|rl e CT r«

> H A T S A N D C A P S .


We love to do a big business, and to and at tne same time increase our ac-

we offer you another big opportunity

Wednesday, June 19, To Thnrsday, Jnly 111, Inclusive, You can purchase Clothing at the reduced prices given below:

$22 Suits for $16.50 20 " 15.00 18 " 13.50 16 " 12.00

$15 Suits for $11.25 14 " 10.50 12 " 9.00 10 " 7.50


Lack of s p a c e will not admi t ou r q u o t i n g t h e r e d u c e d pr ices we shall n a m e in Fu rn i sh ing G o o d s ; bu t if you t a k e ad-

v a n t a g e of this o p p o r t u n i t y t h e pu rchas ing p o w e r of y o u r m o n e y will as tonish you.

— : — " - B O O T S A N D S l I O I ' S ! — W e p r o p o s e t h e c o m i n g fall t o m a k e this d e p a r t m e n t of our bus iness a lead ing special ty , and to enab le us to close out

the p r e sen t s tock we offer t h e fo l lowing r educ t ions f rom regular pr ices on all Boots and S h o e s we pu rchased this season-

$5. Boots or Shoes $3.75 $2.75 Boots or Shoes $2.07 l.SSfc 1.60 1.32 1.13

Balance of this season ' s stock a t t he same p ropor t i ona t e reduct ion. Al l Boots a n d S h o e s pu rchased prev ious to Janua-ry ist , 1889, will be closed at cost a n d less t han cost . T h e reduct ions n a m e d are g u a r a n t e e d genu ine reduc t ions f rom the ru l ing prices t h e coun t ry over . If you can ; to s a v e ha rd ea rned money this is a migh ty fair oppor tun i ty . W e shall add

to this s o m e special b a r g a i n s in our D r y G o o d s S to re .

4.50 (( (( 3.38 3.50 U «

4. (( (( 3. 3. (( U 3.50 t( i( 3.63 1.75 U ((

3. (( (< 3.25 1.50 ( ( u

J. L. Hudson, Lowell, Mich.*


A T W H O L E S A L E .

O . W . S H I P M A I V ,

Cor. (Jriiwold S Larncd Bta., DETROIT. MICH.

(BTori) HT-warr* r o a paints.


D I S C O V E R Y . Quir C r n n l n n Hvalem of M r n m r y Tnilnl i tu

h o u r Uauka l . r a i nrd in on-* r rml ina . Mind svumler in i r u r n l .

Ev r rT child and adul t a r e n l ' v bi-nrrttt.-d. tiroat Inducemoult lu (' .m<i> .nd-n.eUlaam.

A . R . H E N D R I X ,


Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m F i t t i n g a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g .

ARTIFICIAL STONE WALKS. FLAGGING, ETC Any persona Intondlnt to lay walks, curbatonea, or any-

UiinK of lliat aort, will flndlt tothelr InUreat to get my pricea

HSTAIII w o r k a t L o w e s t L i v i n g R a t e s , a n d S a t -i s f a c t i o n g u a r a n t e e d . (13

A Kelley Will Sell You



The World-Famous Buckeye Machines. THE BUCKEYE MOWERS

of the several g r a d e s and sizes, a r e the very bes t in the marke t . T h e n a m e " B u c k e y e " is a l w a y s a g u a r a n t e e of the best . T h e s e m o w e r s were awarded the Firs t O r d e r of Mer i t aga ins t compe t i to r s f rom all ove r t h e W o r l d , in 1S87.

THE BUCKEYE LIGHT DRAFT FOLDING BINDER is t he W o r l d ' s Victor, hav ing ga ined the championsh ip in trials las t season, aga ins t t he pr incipal m a k e s of the wor ld . T h e B u c k e y e mach ines h a v e a lways stood a t t he h e a d of t h e process ion , a n d will a l w a y s con t inue the re .

The Johnston Harvester Go's Machines. THE "MAYFLOWER" MOWER

H a s a solid connec t ing f rame, enc losed gea r ing , rock ing f inger bar, ball and socket p i tman connec t ions . A first class mach ine in eve ry respec t .

CONTINENTAL LIGHT STEEL BINDER W i t h steel wheels and improved kno t te r , is f rom 200 t o 4 0 0 p o u n d s l igh te r than o the r Binders , and ye t it is the stiffest and s t r o n g e s t mach ine e v e r p roduc-ed . T r a n s p o r t i n g t rucks and sheaf carr ier furn ished when des i red .

J u s t a w o r d a b o u t t h e J o h n c i o n U a r v c e t e r C o . S o m e c o m p e t i t o r s a r e i n d u B t r i o u s l y c i r c u i a t i n K t h o r e p o r t t h a i tho J o h n a t o n Co, lion g o n e o u t of bus inexs , a n d t h a t p e r s o n s b u y i n g t b e i r m a c h i n e e wi l l b e u n a b l e to g e l r e p a i r e , & o . S u c h , h o w e v e r , Is n o t t h e case . T h o old c o n i u n n y w a s ilisHoIved s o m e t i m e m n e e a n d a r e c e i v e r a p p o i n t e d , f o r t l i e p u r p o . e of set-t l i n g s o m e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t h e s tock ho lde ra , b u t t h o c o m m n y h a s b e e n r e - o r g a n i r f J w i t h a l a r g e r c a p i t a l M i a n e v e r , a n d a r e in t h e Held lo s l a y .

When you want any kind of Farm Machinery, call on

« • L o - w o l l a . TRAIN'S HOTEL BLIOCK.

S e e t h e g r e a t r e d u c t i o n in p r i ces a t P h l l l e y ' s . Kor a f e w d a y s h e wi l l m a k e h is bea t c a b i n e t s f o r o n l y 11 .50 a n d per d o z e n . A i l w o r k w a r r a n t e d .

WHY WEAR PANTS That do not fit or wear aaliafactorily,when yon can buy the Detroit Brand, that are perfect In atyle, fit and workmatiidilp.

J f tcoe BROWN g C o s

• PERTf CT f i r .

T, S u p f n o r / ^ k P

^ M S and

OVtRALU) A i K . . r o l l THI V I '

A N D A C C E P T N O O T H E R .

O N L Y -

I $1.50 (or 1,000, • $2,80 lor 2,000,

$4.00 for 4,000, N I C E L Y P R I N T E D ,



Proportonatelj LOW PRICES.

A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. .Salary and Kxpenaea paid, or Commlaatoa

if preferred. Kaleamrn wanted everywhere. No eipertence needed. Aildrma, s tat ins a«e.

II. W. KOhTKH ft CO., N n n a r y m e n , B o i n . (47w4l Goneva , N. V.





; O n Peck Ave. , E a s t S i d e , - / ^ -


VERY CHEAP, F o r p r i c e s a n d t e r m a a p p l y t o



A . R . 2 E 3 I T O T J a - o i n s r o - T O


Largest Stock of Wall Paper and Paints In Lowel l , and ou r pr ices a re a lways t h e lowest , c o m e and see o u r G i l t P a o e r S a t

T w e n t y C e n t s a D o u b l e R o l l !


The Sherwin & Williams Liquid Paints are Best AND WE ARB THE SOLE AGENTS.

W e have in s tock pure W h i t e Lead , Zinc, Colors , a n d S T R I C T L Y P U R E L I N S E E D O I L , a lso all k inds of Car r iage , H o u s e a n d Fu rn i tu r e Varn i shes and Japans , a n d Brushes .

O u r line of

Drugs, Medicines, Druggists Sundries, T o i l e t A r t i c l e s , Etc . , E tc . , i n c o m p l e t e . .


W . S . W I N E G A R , L O W E L L , MICHIGAN.

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