
Lubbock Independent School District Technology Plan

2010-2013By Stacey Price

District Profile Student Enrollment –

28,970 61 campuses 5 students for every

computer 1 teacher for every

computer $1259.03 per student Technology

Expenditures- $36,474,000.00

Teaching and Learning – $10,740,000.00

Educator Prep and Development – $2,109,000.00

Leadership, Administration and Support – $8,880,000.00

Infrastructure for technology – $12,745,000.00

Statistics LISD Technology serves the following

populations• 4 Early Childhood Centers• 38 Elementary Schools• 11 Middles Schools• 4 High Schools• 3 Alternative SchoolsTotal student population is 28,970 and

1,963 classrooms

ElementaryElementary schools have access (but not limited) to

the following: At least one computer lab with multimedia

computers All classrooms have at least one computer 100% networked computers 1:4 ratio of computers to students Alpha Smart Carts Laser Printer Digital Camera Projection Device

Middle School

Middle schools have access (but not limited) to the following:

80% of campuses have Integrated Computer Literacy Programs

Computer Labs for Projects 2 Mobile Wireless Labs

High SchoolHigh schools have access (but not limited) to the

following: Desktop Computer Labs Wireless Laptop Carts Classroom Computers Interactive Whiteboards Digital probes, cameras, and projection devices Classes offered in BCIS, BIMS, Programming,

Digital Graphics, Desktop Publishing, Web Mastering, Networking, CISCO, CNC, ECAD, and GIS

GOALS for LISD Student Centered Skills for the

future: All students will experience a quality, technology infused education to maximize learning.

Professional Development

Access to Technological Resources

Acquisition of Essential Knowledge and Skills


Provide technology experiences to maximize student acquisition of the essential knowledge and skills prescribed by the TEKS.

Information Fluency


Provide opportunities for students to select and responsibly use appropriate technological tools and develop information fluency.

Communications LISD WILL:

Continue to provide multiple methods for dialogue and information exchange within the district and with parents and community members through a standard web presence for all schools and central office departments.

Community Involvement


Provide opportunities for students to participate in real-world technology experiences with members of our local community and global community.

Curriculum Assessment


Develop exit level technology curriculum (TEKS) assessments for the students in grades 2, 5 and 8.

Web based instructional support


Provide web based instructional content for students 3-12.

Technology Competencies


Ensure all staff is trained in technology use for their level of employment.

Professional Development Support


Provide support system for helping staff members acquire technology competencies.



Ensure that the district’s investment in technology has a maximum impact on instruction and job productivity; develop expectations for the use of technology as well as a timeline for implementation.

Hardware and Software


Ensure that hardware, software and access to the internet will be an indispensable and integral part of the entire learning process.

Technical and Professional Support


Develop and fund a plan to provide the human resources necessary to keep the technology performing at optimal levels.

Facilities Infrastructure


Develop and fund a plan to provide the physical infrastructure necessary to operate and connect people to the appropriate resources.

Parental and Community Access


Implement programs to give parents access to individual student information while expanding access to general district information for all interested parties.

Evaluation of Technology Plan LISD will use: Texas Star Chart TEKS notebook Information Fluency assessments Monitoring and documentation of community involvement Documentation of successful completion of industry standard and

certification Records of staff member participation in technoloy training

monitored by sign in sheets and professional development records Support and Maintenance of technology as documented by

technical support records Surveys of staff conducted yearly in regard to their use of

technology in their classroom Evaluation of technology integration by personnel outside the


Evaluation Cont. Informal interviews conducted annually by the campus

technologist Focus groups with representative from each campus conducted

twice annually reflecting on the district plans objectives on a campus by campus basis

Integration of training into the classroom as measured by lesson plans and the number and type of technology and distance learning projects

Monitoring and documentation of community access to technology resources and information on the campuses and website

Yearly inventory of hardware and software Three meeting annually with administrative staff reviewing

progress in meeting district technology goals Review progress toward completion of teacher competencies Usage reports kept by information systems

Suggestions for Technology Plan Professional development opportunities should be

available more frequently and during teacher availability times.

Campuses should have equal access to technology. Old schools should not be “left in the dust”.

Students should have a say in what they believe they want to achieve as their technology goals.

There should be more personnel available for assistance with professional development and for technological issues.

Plan should be followed, consistently without bias of teachers or schools.

Plan should be outlined in more detail about exactly what experiences students should be exposed to.


LISD Technology Plan. Written by the Technology Planning Committee, 2009.

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