  • Lucians

    On the Syrian Goddess An Intermediate Greek Reader

    Greek text with running vocabulary and commentary

    Evan Hayes and

    Stephen Nimis

  • Lucians On the Syrian Goddess: An Intermediate Greek Reader Greek text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary First Edition (Revised Dec. 2012) 2012 by Evan Hayes and Stephen Nimis All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publisher. The authors have made a version of this work available (via email) under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The terms of the license can be accessed at Accordingly, you are free to copy, alter and distribute this work under the following conditions: 1. You must attribute the work to the author (but not in a way that suggests

    that the author endorses your alterations to the work). 2. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. 3. If you alter, transform or build up this work, you may distribute the

    resulting work only under the same or similar license as this one. The Greek text is based on the Loeb edition of Lucian, first published in 1921. Unless otherwise noted, all images appearing in this edition are in the public domain. Those images under copyright may not be reproduced without permission from the artist. ISBN: 978-0-9832228-8-0 Published by Faenum Publishing, Ltd. Cover Design: Evan Hayes Cover Image: Two belly dancers (Lys and Lyn Gamal) at the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, 1958 Fonts: Gentium (Open Font License) GFS Porson (Open Font License) [email protected] [email protected]

  • Table of Contents

    Introduction .....ix-xii

    Notes on Ionic Greek ....xv-xviii

    Abbreviations ....xix

    Text and Commentary .1-87

    Grammatical topics:

    Common Ionic words ...4

    Loss of aspiration (psilosis)..10

    Dative Plurals...12

    The Different Meanings of ....14

    Time and Aspect: Translating the Aorist Participle ..19

    Third Declension Nouns..35

    Lack of Augment in Past Tenses 40

    List of verbs ...91-97

    Glossary ..101-114

  • v


    The idea for this project grew out of work that we, the authors, did with support from Miami Universitys Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program, for which we thank Martha Weber and the Office of Advanced Research and Scholarship. The Miami University College of Arts and Sciences Deans Scholar Program allowed us to continue work on the project and for this we are grateful to the Office of the Dean, particularly to Phyllis Callahan and Nancy Arthur for their continued interest and words of encouragement.

    Work on the series, of which this volume is a part, was generously funded by the Joanna Jackson Goldman Memorial Prize through the Honors Program at Miami University. We owe a great deal to Carolyn Haynes, and the 2010 Honors & Scholars Program Advisory Committee for their interest and confidence in the project.

    The technical aspects of the project were made possible through the invaluable advice and support of Bill Hayes, Christopher Kuo, and Daniel Meyers. The equipment and staff of Miami Universitys Interactive Language Resource Center were a great help along the way. We are also indebted to the Perseus Project, especially Gregory Crane and Bridget Almas, for their technical help and resources.

    We owe special thanks to Carolyn DeWitt and Kristie Fernberg, whose administrative support, patience, and good humor were essential for the completion of this manuscript.

    We also profited greatly from advice and help on the POD process from Geoffrey Steadman. All responsibility for errors, however, rests with the authors themselves.

  • Helen Jacob Abdo Syriae matri aviaeque almae

  • ix


    The aim of this book is to make Lucians On the Syrian Goddess accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Greek. The running vocabulary and commentary are meant to provide everything necessary to read each page. The commentary is almost exclusively grammatical, explaining subordinate clauses, conditions etc., unusual verb forms, and dialectic peculiarities. The page by page vocabularies gloss all but the most common words. We have endeavored to make these glossaries as useful as possible without becoming fulsome. A glossary of all words occurring three or more times in the text can be found as an appendix in the back, but it is our hope that most readers will not need to use this appendix often. Brief summaries of a number of grammatical and morphological topics are interspersed through the text as well, and there is a list of verbs used by Lucian that have unusual forms in an appendix. The principal parts of those verbs are given there rather than in the glossaries. We have provided brief explanations of allusions and proper names, but the comprehensive commentary by J. L. Lightfoot can be consulted for details on the literary and religious character of the work, and she includes a generous bibliography of critical studies of the text.

    Lucians On the Syrian Goddess is a great text for intermediate readers. The simple sentence structure and straightforward presentation make it easy and enjoyable to read, while its subject matter, the cult and sanctuary of Atargatis in Hierapolis, is interesting at many levels. The author recounts personal observations about the worship of this Near Eastern goddess, whose cult included numerous exotic practices, such as temple prostitution and self-castration. There is a version of the Near Eastern flood story as well as unusual versions of myths familiar from Greek mythology. In addition, the author has crafted a careful imitation of the Ionic prose of Herodotus, a dialect that existed only as a literary artifact at the time of the works composition. Who wrote this peculiar work and why?

    The text survives among the works of Lucian of Samosata, one of antiquitys cleverest authors and a frequent critic of religious hypocrisy. The pious narrator of De Dea Syria is most unlike the Lucian of Samosata that we know from his other works dealing with religion, leading critics to doubt its authenticity or to understand it is a clever parody performed with tongue in cheek. Lightfoot deals with these questions at length and concludes that the work is in fact that of a master imitator, such as we know Lucian to be. From a literary standpoint, the work mingles incredible matters into a rational account

  • x

    under the cover of mild credulity, much like its model, the Histories of Herodotus. Lightfoot prefers the term pastiche to parody, understanding that the former does not seek specifically to mock what it imitates. She concludes that although On the Syrian Goddess is not satirical in the manner of many of Lucians works, it is consistent with important themes in his works, particularly with his penchant for multiple perspectives and complicated attitudes toward Greek and barbarian. She notes further that religion, being an arena in which the non-Greek could most easily find a place within the Greek cultural framework, was a major area where patriotic localism could coexist with allegiance to the political center (Rome) or the cultural center (Greece). And not only coexist with it, but also gain ground against it. (p. 207)

    Among those contesting Lucians authorship, T. Polanski has made the intriguing suggestion that the work dates from the fourth or fifth century CE, and that the outlandish account of the practice of climbing to the top of giant phalluses (section 28) is meant to parody Christian ascetics such as Simon Stylites, who lived for 37 years atop a pillar in northern Syria. Polanski also highlights the unique character of this text among descriptions of artworks in imperial Greek literature. He argues that the Greek genre of literary description of art--especially prominent in imperial literature by authors such as Philostratus and Plutarch as well as Lucian himself--was unable to account adequately for the artistic achievements of the near eastern predecessors of classical Greece. The peculiar characteristics of On the Syrian Goddess, he asserts, stem from its attempt to grasp and describe oriental art in a completely different way. So, for example, the goddess who is the main subject of this work, Atargatis--whose name is known to us from coins and images--is referred to only as the Assyrian Hera. Other deities mentioned in connection with her are also identified by their Greek equivalents, such as Zeus for Hadad, the consort of Atargatis. But while the author regularly makes this important indication of his intended (Greek-speaking) audience, he is also quite careful to present details that highlight the local and exotic character of his subject matter, details that have often proved to be authentic by reference to the archaeological record. Indeed, despite the persistence of the Herodotean practice of Hellenizing various cults and deities from the near east, On the Syrian Goddess stands apart by its intimate enthusiasm for its subject matter.

    The Greek text contained in this volume is based on the Loeb edition of Lucian, first published in 1921 and now in the public domain. This Greek text was made available by the Perseus Project via a Creative Commons License, as is our version. We have made a few minor changes to the Loeb text in the name of readability. This is not a scholarly edition; for that the reader is referred to the OCT edited by M. D. Macleod.

  • xi

    A Note on the Images:

    Throughout the text, we have included images of relevant works of art from antiquity to enhance the readers experience of the text. A few are in the public domain, but they are largely the work of Stphane Beaulieu, a student of comparative religions and illustrator. Please note that the Creative Commons license under which this volume is distributed does NOT apply to these images. The artist retains full copyright, and anyone wishing to reproduce these images must contact him directly to obtain permission:

    Stphane Beaulieu, [email protected].

    Suggested reading:

    J.L. Lightfoot. On the Syrian Goddess: translation and commentary. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

    L. Dirven. The Author of the De Dea Syria and his Cultural Heritage. Numen 44 (1997), 153-97.

    J. Elsner. Describing Self in the Language of the Other: Pseudo(?) Lucian at the Temple of Hierapolis, in S. Goldhill (ed) Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (Cambridge, 2001), 123-53.

    ------------- The Origins of the Icon : Pilgrimage, Religion and Visual Culture in the Roman East as Resistance to the Centre, in S. E. Alcock (ed.) The Early Roman Empire in the East (Oxford, Oxbow Books, 1997), 178-99.

    R. A. Oden, Jr. Studies in Lucians De Syria dea. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1977.

    Tomasz Polanski. Oriental Art in Greek Imperial Literature. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1998.

    How to use this book:

    The presentation assumes the reader has a basic acquaintance with Greek grammar. Generally, particles have not been included in the page-by-page glossaries, along with other common nouns and adjectives. If necessary, all of these words can be found in the glossary at the end. Verbs, being a special problem in Greek, have been treated more fully. A simple and more generic dictionary entry is given in the glossary on each page, with a more specific meaning provided in the commentary below if necessary. We have also included a list of verbs with unusual forms and their principal parts as an appendix, which should be useful in identifying the dictionary form of verbs. A

  • xii

    good strategy for attacking a text like this is to read a section of the Greek to get as much out of it as possible, then to look at the glossary below for unrecognized vocabulary items, and lastly to consult the commentary. The fuller glossary at the end of the book can be a last resort.

    In translating expressions we have sought to provide an English version that reproduces the grammatical relationships as much as possible, producing in many cases awkward expressions (sometimes called translationese). Good idiomatic translations are available for this text, but the translations in the commentary are meant to provide explanations of how the Greek works.

    The Greek text contained in this volume is based on the Loeb edition of Lucian, first published in 1921 and now in the public domain. This Greek text was made available by the Perseus Project via a Creative Commons License, as is our version. We have made a few minor changes to the Loeb text in the name of readability. This is not a scholarly edition; for that the reader is referred to the OCT edited by M. D. Macleod.

    An Important Disclaimer:

    This volume is a self-published Print on Demand (POD) book, and it has not been vetted or edited in the usual way by publishing professionals. There are sure to be some factual and typographical errors in the text, for which we apologize in advance. The volume is also available only through online distributors, since each book is printed only when ordered online. However, this publishing channel and format also account for the low price of the book; and it is a simple matter to make changes to the pdf file when they come to our attention. For this reason, any corrections or suggestions for improvement are welcome and will be addressed as quickly as possible in future versions of the text. Evan Hayes [email protected]

    Stephen Nimis [email protected]

    Evan Hayes is a recent graduate in Classics and Philosophy at Miami University and the 2011 Joanna Jackson Goldman Scholar.

    Stephen Nimis is a Professor of Classics at Miami University.

  • xv

    Ionic Greek

    The dialect of On the Syrian Goddess is literary Ionic, whose main sources are Herodotus and Homer. It differs from classical Attic Greek, which is also a literary dialect in Lucians time; both Attic and Ionic are throwbacks to an earlier period and are different in many respects from the contemporary koine (Common) Greek, the Greek of the New Testament, for example. A concerted effort has thus been made by our author to imitate the language of Herodotus, in particular phrases and in general style. There are a number of Homeric expressions, but Herodotus too often used such expressions, so it is the latter who is the key source for DDSs dialect. Lightfoot provides a complete discussion of this aspect of the language of De Dea Syria, so we will confine ourselves to identifying potential problems for those used to reading Attic Greek.

    Many features of Ionic Greek present no difficulty at all. Uncontracted verb forms, for example, are easily recognized from the regular verb endings: Similarly, nouns often look more regular without contraction: So also the retention of where Attic would have an is easy to spot:

    Ionic Attic

    Ionic Attic

    Ionic Attic

  • xvi

    The loss of aspiration (psilosis) in compound verbs only affects a few forms: The appearance of for ; for ; and similar minor modifications are also minor problems. Here are some examples:

    A - is regularly substituted for - in interrogative words, following Herodotus: Note the endings for the dative plural of first and second declensions:

    Ionic Attic

    Ionic Attic

  • xvii

    Note the genitive singular of and similar words:

    The following Ionic forms might give a little trouble: The use of the definite article as a relative pronoun requires some adjustment, but the forms themselves are familiar:

    , .

    I will speak of the laws which they use and the festivals which they hold and the sacrifices which they make.

    Other pronouns, familiar from Homer and Herodotus are:

    Ionic Attic

    (acc. s.: him, her, it) (dat. s.: to him, her, it) (acc. pl.: them) (gen. pl.: of them) () (dat. pl.: to them) , (gen. s.: of me) , (gen. s.: of you)

  • xviii

    More common than usual is the use of anastrophe, the placement of a preposition after the noun it governs, with a change of accent on the preposition:



  • xix

    abs. absolute acc. accusative act. active adj. adjective adv. adverb ao. aorist app. appositive comp. comparative dat. dative dir. obj. direct object f. feminine fut. future gen. genitive impf. imperfect imper. imperative ind. com. indirect command ind. quest. indirect question ind. st. indirect statement indic. indicative ind. obj. indirect object inf. infinitive

    m. masculine n. neuter nom. nominative obj. object opt. optative part. participle pas. passive perf. perfect pl. plural plupf. pluperfect pred. predicate prep. preposition pr. present pron. pronoun reflex. reflexive rel. relative seq. sequence sg. singular subj. subject or subjunctive superl. superlative voc. vocative


  • Lucians

    On the Syrian Goddess

  • Outline of De Dea Syria:

    1-2: Prehistory of the City and its Temple 3-9: Phoenician Temples 10-11: The Temple of Hierapolis 12-13: The Story of Deucalion and the Flood 14: Semiramis and Derceto 15: Attis and Rhea 16: Dionysus 17-18: The Story of Stratonice and Antiochus 19-27: The Story of Stratonice and Combabus 28-29: The Phallobatoi 30-31: Layout of the Temple 32: The Iconography 33: The Semeion (Standard) 34: The Throne of the Sun 35: The Statue of Apollo 36-37: Apollo's Oracle at Hierapolis 38-40: Other Statues and the Courtyard 41: The Sacred Grove 42-44: Priests and Sacrifices 45-47: The Sacred Lake 48: The Sacred Rooster 49-51: The Spring Festival 52-53: Cultic Regulations 54: Sacrificial Animals 55-57: Pilgrimage 58: Sacrifice from the Propylaea 59: Tatooing 60: Hair-Cutting

    A goddess (probably Atargatis) with mural crown, framed in a zodiac and carried by Nike. Limestone relief from Khirbet Et-Tannur, Transjordan. (Late 1st century BCE to early 1st century CE) Drawing S. Beaulieu

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    Prehistory of the City and its Temple

    [1] , ,

    . ,

    , ,


    : ,

    : i.e. it is called Hiera-polis, the Sacred City (sc. ): it is the sacred city of + gen. : of the Assyrian Hera, whose native name was

    Atargatis, attested on coins : dat. after , at the same time as the city was populated : ao. of was not born (=): dat. with them ... : while in the old days ... but later : gen. abs., when the great sacrifices were

    happening (sc. ): to this name (= ): ao. of - , arrived (= ): therefore : periphrastic, I am going to be telling : fut. part. of : fut. of I will say (= ): introducing an ind. quest., what sort of things are in it (= ): rel. pron. dat. with , the customs which they use

    , - , - : another, other : at the same time : to come to, arrive , - , - : ancient, original , - , - : Assyrian : to seem , : a name, title : to go , - , : Euphrates , : the goddess Hera , - , : sacred rites, sacrifices , - , - : sacred, holy

    : to call , , : large, great , : a custom, law : to inhabit, occupy , - , - : as many as , - , : a name , - , : a city , , : many , : a river , : Syria : to use

  • Lucian


    (= ): rel. pron. acc. pl., the festivals which they enact ... : ind. quest., what sort of tales they tell : ao. part. of gen. pl., about those who established (= ): being an Assyrian : pr. of - , I am relating ... : with the preceding , of which some things ... other things : ao. part. of , having learned : from the priests : ao. of , I learned : gen. of after comparative , things older than me : whom we know, the rel. pron. is attracted into the case of its

    antecedent : ao. inf. of in ind. st. after , are said to have taken

    notice : ao. inf. of after , are said to have founded

    : to lead, carry , - , - : Egyptian , : a man : to lead from, relate , - , - : Assyrian , : a seeing with ones own eyes : to write : to learn , : a conception, notion : to complete, accomplish, per-

    form , : an offering : to found, establish

    , : a priest , : a sacred place, temple : to inquire into : to take : to learn : to tell tales , : the dwelling of a god, a shrine : to know , , : how many, how great : how, in what way , - , : an assembly, festival , - , - : older, elder , - , - : first



    . ,


    , .


    Watch out for these common words:

    Ionic Attic (so, therefore) (being: nom. s. masc.) (being: acc. s. masc.)

  • On the Syrian Goddess





    , ,


    Phoenician temples: Tyre

    [3] ' .

    : ao. inf. of - after , to have proclaimed : ao. of , they came to know : 1st ao. of , they spoke : dat. of degree after adv. , afterward by the least time, i.e. very soon

    after : ao. of , they heard : ao. of , they erected : in which : ao. mid. of ,they placed : ao. trans. of , they set up : adverbial, in the old time (= ): there were : there are also temples : not beyond (i.e. later) by much

    , - , : a statue , - , - : Egyptian : to hear , - : without images : to appoint, proclaim , - , - : Assyrian : to (come to) know : to rise , : a god , : a sacred place, temple , - , - : sacred, holy : to stand up, set up , : a word, speech

    , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , : a carved image , - , : a name , - , - : old, ancient , - , : an assembly, festival , - , - : the smallest, least , , : many , - , - : first , : Syria , - , : a sacred precinct, dedi-

    cated land : to set, place , : time

  • Lucian


    : pr. part. n. pl., temples equal in age to + dat. : perf. of , most of which I have seen : even that of Heracles : rel. pron., not of that Heracles, whom : adverbial with , older by much (=-): there is in... : Phoenician goddess associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks : pr. inf. of after , I think her to be : impf. of - , one of the priests told me : it is (the temple) of Europa, the daughter of Agenor whom Zeus

    ravished : acc. dir. obj. of , they honored her since she was : plpf. of , after she had become : dat. of means, with a sanctuary

    , : a sister : to sing, praise , - , - : Egyptian : to relate , - , - : original, ancient , : Astarte, the goddess of Sidon , - : unseen, invisible , - , : a king, chief , , : a Greek , : Europa , - , : Heracles , : a warrior, hero , - , : a daughter , : a priest, sacrifice

    , : a sacred place, temple , - , - : sacred, holy : to be as old as, rival in age , : Cadmus , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , - : most, largest , , : many , : the Moon Goddess , - , - : Sidonian : to honor , - , - : of Tyre, Tyrian , : Tyre , : Phonecia , - , : a Phonecian

    , ,




    Phoenician temples: Sidon

    [4] , . , : '


    , :


    , '

  • On the Syrian Goddess



    . ,



    Phoenician temples: Heliopolis/Baalbek

    [5] , ' , .

    , .

    : ao. part. mid. of , having changed himself : ao. of , he snatched her (= ): ao., he arrived to Crete : gen. of source after , I heard also from others : dat. rel. pron. with , which the Sidonians use : pr. inf. of in ind. st., they disagree that the sanctuary is : gen., from the city of the Sun i.e. Heliopolis in Egypt. The name is

    not given, but the temple at Baalbek must be meant, which the Greeks also called Heliopolis.

    : perf. of , I have not seen

    , - , - : Egyptian : to hear : to change : to come to, arrive : to snatch away, carry off , - , - : original, ancient , - , - : Assyrian , - , : a form, shape , : Europa : to sit upon , : Zeus , : the sun , - , - : sacred, holy

    , - , - : beautiful , : Crete , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , : a coin, currency : to agree : to long for, desire , - , : a city , - , - : Sidonian , : a bull : to bear , - , : a Phonecian : to use

  • Lucian


    : a temple to Adonis, the tragic beloved of Aphrodite who was mourned annually

    : ao. of , I learned : for indeed, the combination is rare, but is common in

    Herodotus. : expressing agency, at the hands of the boar : ao. inf. after , they say that it happened : acc. of resp., in memory of the suffering : gen. of time within which, each year i.e. annually : pr. trans., they display sufferings

    , - , : Adonis , : Aphrodite , - , - : Byblian , : Byblos : to learn , - , - : every, each : to complete, discharge , : a deed, work , - , : a year : to wail

    , : a temple : to make to stand , : a remembrance, memory , - , : secret rites, orgies , - , : an incident, accident , - , : grief, sadness, sorrow , , : a boar, pig , - , - : their own : to beat, strike , : a place, land

    Phoenician temples: Byblos

    [6] ,




    . The Temple of Byblos. Coin. (3rd Century CE)

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    : ao. subj. of - in gen. temp. clause ,whenever they beat (their breasts)

    : as though to a dead body : inf. after , that he lives : as the Egyptians do : ao. part. in gen. abs., when the Apis bull dies. The Apis bull

    was an incarnation of Ptah. : pr. pas. inf. complementing , whoever do not wish to be

    shaved : for sale, there are numerous traditions about such temple-

    prostitution : dat. with , to foreigners only : pred. nom., the profit becomes an offering

    , : the marketplace , - , : Adonis , - , - : Egyptian , - , : Apis, a bull deity : to die : to break off : to cease beating : Aphrodite , , : a woman, wife : to wish , , : one : to accomplish, achieve : whenever (+ subj.) , : a penalty, damage : to live , , : the air , : a day , : an offering

    : to stand up : to dedicate, offer , : a head , : wages, pay , - , - : alone, only : to tell tales , - , : a corpse, dead body , : a foreigner : to shave , , : how many, how great : as, just as : to be available : to send , - , : a selling, sale , - , - : first , - , - : such , : a time, period





    : :



  • Lucian


    [7] ,


    . .


    : perf. pas. inf. of in ind. st. after , that Osiris is buried. Osiris, like Adonis, is a god of death and resurrection.

    : pr. pas. inf. of (= ) also after , that the rites are done

    : fut. of , I will say (=): introducing ind. quest., whence these seem trustworthy : gen., a journey of seven days : the intervening sailing (distance)

    , - , : Adonis , - , - : Egyptian , : Egypt , : wind : to come to, arrive , - , - : Byblian , : Byblos , - , - : every, each , - , - : some : seven , - , : a year , : a day

    : to bury , : a head : between : whence, from what place , - , : secret rites , : Osiris , - , : grief, sadness, sorrow , - , : to be trusted, believable : to sail , : a sailing, voyage : to make, do

    Note the loss of aspiration (psilosis), especially in compound verbs:

    Ionic Attic

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    : dat. of means, by a divine seamanship (=): the whole thing is a wonder : gen. abs., me being present : ao. of , it happened : ao. of , I saw (=-): there is in... (=): pr., discharges ... : the name Adonis : dat. after , is placed on the river : ao. part. of , having lost : it dyes (red)

    , - , : Adonis : to bloody, stain with blood , - , - : another, other , , : the sea : to come to , - , - : Byblian , : Byblos : to fall into , - , - : each, every : to give up, discharge : to be placed , - , : a year , : a sea : to look on, behold , - , - : divine, of the gods , - , : a wonder, marvel , : a head , : Libanus (mountain)

    , - , - : alone, only , : sailing, seamanship : to destroy , - , - : not even one, no one , - , : a name , - , : a mountain : to be present , - , : a sea , , : many , : a river, stream : to make a sign of, indicate , - , - : all together, all at

    once : to turn : to bear, carry : to make red , : a surface, appearance, color , : a place, space, land

    : , '

    . .


    : . [8] . :


  • Lucian




    . .

    . : , , :


    : dat. of time when, in these days : pr. (= ) : seeming to speak truly : impf. of - , he related to me : pr. part. trans., standing against, i.e. blowing continuously

    , - , : Adonis , - , : blood , : a cause , - : true : to change, alter , : wind : to relate , - , - : Byblian : to give , : a name : to come, go , : a day : to make to stand

    : very, extremely , : Libanus (mountain) : to say, speak : of yellow earth , : foreigner, stranger , - , : an incident, occurrence , - , : grief, sadness, sorrow , : a river, stream , : a stream, current : to wound , - , - : rough, strong , , : water : so, thus

    Dative Plurals First and second declension forms generally follow Herodotus and Homer:

    First declension: - instead of -

    Second declension: - instead of - and

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    : dat. after , they carry dirt upon the river ... : agreeing with , being reddish : to the greatest degree : acc. obj. of , it i.e. the river : pred. adj., makes it bloody : gen. after , is the cause of the incident : which they say ... , : simple cond., whether he was speaking the truth,

    still the occurrence seems to me : ao. of - , I went up : cognate acc. with , I made a journey : ao. part., since I had learned : pr. inf., that there was : ao. of , which K. founded

    , - , : blood , - : bloody, blood red , : a cause : to go up , : wind : to relate , - , - : ancient , - : real, genuine : on the spot , : Aphrodite , - , - : Byblian , : Byblos , : earth : to bring upon , : a day

    , - , - : divine, supernatural : to place, establish , : a sacred place, temple : very, extremely , : Libanus , - : red, reddish , : a path, journey , - , : an incident, occurrence , : a river, stream : to learn , : an occurrence, event, inci-

    dent : to set, put, place , - , - : so much , : a place, space


    : ,

    , ' . : ,

    . [9] , , ,

    , , .

  • Lucian


    The temple of Hierapolis is the greatest of all these Phoenician temples

    [10] .




    : gen. abs., and being such as they are : gen. of comp. after , to be greater than those in Hierapolis : pr. inf. complementing , seems to be : for indeed, the combination is rare, but is common in

    Herodotus. : among them

    , - , - : devoted to the gods, sacred, holy

    , - , : a votive offering , - , - : ancient , - : visible, manifest , : a work , - : meet for a god, marvelous , : a god , - , : a wonder, marvel : to sweat, perspire , : a sacred place, temple

    , - , - : sacred, holy : very, much , : a shrine, a temple , : a carved image, statue , - , : a city , - : very expensive , - , - : of or from Syria , - , - : so many, so

    much , : a place, space

    Note the different meanings of the word :

    1. The nominative forms of the word without the definite article are always intensive (= Latin ipse): , he himself; , they themselves; , as they themselves say. The other cases of the word are also intensive when they modify a noun, either without the definite article or in predicative position: ' , by the Assyrians them-selves.

    2. Oblique cases of the word, when used without a noun or a definite article, are the unemphatic third person pronouns: him, them, etc. , whatever is in it. This use is the most common in De Dea Syria.

    3. Any case of the word with an article in attributive position means the same: , they lived the same life-style as him. , the same road

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    : pr. mid., they move themselves : ao. pas. part. of in gen. abs., the temple having

    been closed : indicating a climax, and yes moreover : concerning wealth : parenthetical, I myself know : it is foremost (source) ... : some also the Cilicians bring, some the Assyrians ... : rel. cl., (the things) which are placed ... : perf. of - in rel. cl., as many as have been

    rendered : dat. of ref., for no others : perf. of - , so many have been approved

    : to hear , : a man : to come to, arrive : to accept, approve : to be laid away : to set apart, render , : Arabia , : silver , - , - : Assyrian : Babylonian , : a loud cry, shout , - , : dress, clothing , : a sacred place, temple , : Cappadocia , - , : a Cilician : to move : to shut : secretly

    : yes, truly , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , : a statue : to know , - , - : as many as , : wealth , : a feast, holiday , - , - : no one , - , : an assembly, festival : many times, often , , : many , - , - : first, primary , - , - : so much : to bear , - , : a Phonecian , - , : money : to utter oracles , : gold


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  • Lucian


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    The story of Deucalion and the flood

    [12] ,

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    : concerning years (=): introducing ind. quest. after , to me inquiring how

    many there are : and whom they deemed the god to be ... : some were sacred, others ... : (= ) I accept none of them : (= ) therefore : ao. inf. if after , some say that Deucalion founded : in the time when : the great flood. Flood stories are common to many near

    eastern traditions. ... : rel. cl., which they say : present day people : ao. of , all were destroyed : the second (race)

    : to hear , - : barbarous : to receive, accept , : Deucalion : to deem, suppose : Greek , - : manifest, well-known , - , : a year , : a goddess : to place, establish , : a sacred place, temple , - , - : sacred, holy

    : to inquire into : very, much , : a story, tale , - : legendary, fabulous , - , - : as many as : to agree , - , - : no one, nothing , , : many , - , : a Scythian , , : water : so, thus

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    : ao. of - , arrived to fullness : the following things are said, usually a neut. pl. takes a singular

    subject (=): impf., they used to do : impf. of - , they wouldnt suffer suppliants, note the double

    augment : rel. cl., in response to which : ao. of - , they descended : more full : ao., the sea rose up : rel. cl., up to which point : all became water : ao. of , all perished

    , - : lawless, without law : to go up, mount : to hold up, suffer , : a man : to come to, arrive : straightway, at once : again , : a race, family , - , : a race, family , : earth : to take, accept, receive , : Deucalion , - , - : second : to give up, discharge , : a deed, work , : a sea , - , : a suppliant, fugitive

    : very, much : to come down : to speak, tell , : a foreigner, stranger : to destroy , : a heavy rain , : an oath , - , : a crowd, multitude, full-

    ness , , : many, much , : a river, stream : to make, do , - , - : first , : an event, circumstance , - , : an insolent man , , : water : to keep watch, guard

    , , , ' ,

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    : ao. mid. of , was left : gen. with , because of good character : dat. s. of the pers. pron., his : rel. pron., an ark which he himself had : ao. part. of , having put on board : (= ) his own : ao. of - , he boarded : other beasts, as many as grazed : all in pairs : and he (Deucalion) : dat. pl., to them : from Zeus : impf., while the water was ruling : concerning Deucalion

    , : a man : to come to, arrive , : a race, family , - , : a race, family , : earth , , : a woman, wife : to take, accept, receive , : Deucalion , - , - : second : sent from Zeus : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) , , : one : to go into : to put on board : Greek : to rule : while, until , : good counsel, prudence

    , - : righteous, pious , - , : a yoke, pair , : a horse : to inquire , - , : an ark : to leave , - , : a lion , - , - : alone, only : to pasture, inhabit, dwell , - , - : as many as , - , : a serpent, snake , : a boy, child : to sail : to do harm, hurt , , : a boar, swine , : salvation, deliverance , , : water , : affection, friendship

  • On the Syrian Goddess


    Time and Aspect: Translating the Aorist Participle

    The term tense (from the French word for time) is a little misleading, since time is only one factor in the Greek verb system. The forms of the indicative tenses are a combination of time and aspect, the latter indicating the character of the action, of which there are three: continuous action, completed action, and simple action. So, for example, there are three time-aspect combinations in the past:

    The traditional names for these tenses are also often confusing. In the examples above, the names imperfect and aorist refer to aspect only. However, the name present tense refers only to time. It is too late to change this nomenclature now, but it is important to be aware of the true differences among various verb forms, particularly since the morphology of the Greek verb is based on the three aspect stems, underlined for the verb in the example above.

    Imperatives and subjunctives are only distinguished by aspect. This is true for participles as well, except for the future participle, which has limited uses and always refers to future time. English has a present participle (ceasing) and a perfect participle (having ceased), but no aorist participle. It is thus difficult to translate accurately into English aorist participles without some circumlocution to give the sense of simple action. Usually we are stuck with something like having ceased, which sounds more like a perfect participle. The alternative is to use a noun or a subordinate clause:

    : with a laugh : in answer : once he had ceased

    In our commentary, we have consistently translated aorist participles as though they were perfect participles, but this is a case of translationese that is meant to indicate the syntactical relations, and there is often a better way to render such expressions in English. Here are some examples from the commentary:

    : ao. part. of , having gotten this : ao.part. of , having fallen : ao. part. of -, having deposited : ao. part. of -, each having inscribed on : ao. part. of , having lost : ao. part., having arrived : ao. part., having summoned : ao. part., having put themselves underneath : ao. part. of , having placed

    Time-aspect Form Translation Traditional name past continuous action I was ceasing imperfect tense past simple action I ceased aorist tense past completed action I had ceased pluperfect tense

  • Lucian


    : acc. of resp., as for the part from here i.e. from the end of the Greek story of Deucalion

    : ao. epexegetic inf. after , worthy to wonder at : ao. mid. of - , was received : ao. mid. of , he dedicated : sacred to Hera : ao. trans. of , he established ... : whether (the chasm) became such as it is now, i.e.

    whether it became smaller later : being large in the days of old : gen. of time within which, twice in the course of each year

    , - , - : sacred, holy , - , - : worthy : to come to, arrive , : an altar : twice , - , - : each, every , - , : a year , : Hera , : a sea : to wonder, marvel , - , - : sacred, holy : to make to stand, set up , : an inquiry, history : very, much : to receive, admit , : a word, account : greatly

    , - , - : small, little , : the dwelling of a god, a temple : to know : long ago , - , : a city : to make, do , - , : a sign, mark, token , - , - : all together, all at

    once , - , - : their own : to set, put, place , - , - : such , , : water : to bear, carry , - , : a chasm, gulf , : a place, space, land

    [13] ,


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  • On the Syrian Goddess


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    Semiramis and Derceto

    [14] . ,

    ... : at first ... but later : pr. part. concessive, although being small : those doing these things : ao. inf. in ind. st. after , that Deucalion established : inf. of purpose, in order to be : dat. pl., among them : is as follows : Semiramis is based on the historical Shammuramat,

    a late 9th C. Assyrian queen. : rel. pron. gen., whose many works indeed

    : on both sides , : a man , : Arabia , - , - : ancient : Babylonian : to take, accept, receive , : Deucalion : to pour out : to go , : well-doing, good work , - , : Euphrates , : a sea , : a priest , : a sacred place, temple : to go down, descend , - , - : small, little , - , : a memorial, remem-


    , - , - : alone, only , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , : a law, custom : from beyond, from the far side : to make, do , - , - : first , - , : Semiramis , : an event, circumstance , : Syria : to set, put, place , - , - : such , , : water : to bear, carry , - , : a chasm, gulf , - , : a lot, a deal

  • Lucian


    ... : ao. inf. of after , that she founded ... : whose name was Derketo, a goddess of Ascalon sometimes

    described as a mermaid ... : while half is ... the part as far as : pred. of , extend out as a fishtail : the figure in Hieropolis ; nom. pl., the assurances of this account (sc. ): after , they think that fish are (= ): not ever : gen. pl. after , they never touch fish : this (the pigeon) is sacred to them

    , - , - : outermost, furthest : to stretch out, extend , : Asia , , : a woman, wife , - , : Derketo , - , : a sitting-place, foundation , - , : a form, shape, figure , - : visible, evident , : a deed, work , - , - : half , : the goddess Hera : to view, behold , - , : a sight, show, spectacle : to establish, found , - , - : sacred, holy , - , : a fish : very, much , : a thigh

    , , : a mother , - , - : alone, only : to believe, think , - , - : foreign, strange : this , - , - : as many as, as much as , , : a bird , - , : a name , : a tail , : a pigeon , - , : faith, assurance , - , : a city , , : a foot : to eat , : Phonecia , - , : an object : to touch


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  • On the Syrian Goddess




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    : pr. pas. inf. after , these seem to be done : the lower part of Semiramis : ao. of - comes to a pigeon ... : while the sancturary I will accept ... the

    temple I do not believe : probably : pr. inf., that the temple is of D. : among some of the Egyptians : dat. ind. obj., they do not grant these things to Derceto

    , - , - : Egyptian : to come to : to take, accept, receive , - , : Derketo : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) , - , - : some , : a deed, work , : a sacred place, temple , - , : a fish

    , : a form, shape , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , - : no one, nothing : to win over, persuade , : a pigeon : to make, do : take food, eat : quickly, forthwith , - , : an end : to grant

    Bust of an aquatic goddess, crowned with twin fish. White limestone, from Khirbet Et-Tannur, Transjordan. (Late 1st century BCE to early 1st century CE) Drawing S. Beaulieu

  • Lucian


    ... : the acc. expresses what was heard, the gen. the source; which I heard from a man

    : the Phrygian goddess Cybele, along with her consort Attis, was associated by the Greeks with the Cretan goddess Rhea.

    : acc. of resp., by race : ao., he first taught : and these things which the Lydians practice : gen. of source, from Attis : ao. of , they learned : ao. of , when she cut him, i.e. castrated him : ao. mid. of - , he ceased from + gen. : ao. of , he changed to + acc. : ao. of - , he put on

    : to hear : to change , - , - : of a man, manly , , : a man : to stop from, make to cease

    from , - , : Attis , : life , - , : a race, family , : earth , - , - : of a woman, feminine : to teach : to go into, put on : to accomplish, perform , - , : dress, clothing , : a goddess

    , , : female , : a sacred place, temple , - , - : Lydian : to learn , : form, shape , - , : orgies, sacred rites , - , : anything made or

    done , - , - : first , : Rhea , - , : a Samothracian , - , - : wise : to cut : to wander , , : a Phrygian

    Attis and Rhea

    [15] , , ,

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    : impf., he kept performing : ao. of , (the things) which he had suffered : impf. of - , he narrated : impf. of , he kept singing of + acc. : among which (places) : impf., they would receive neither : on that very spot : n. pl., and here are the indications (that this is true) : pr. of - , comes upon i.e. befits or resembles : acc. of resp., in many ways : her, i.e. Atargatis; note the casual change in subject : she carries a tower, an image of Cybele common in

    representations, along with the lions and drum : such as they portray Rhea : concerning the Galli, the castrati devoted to Cybele : not at all , : dat. of advantage, for Hera, for Rhea

    : to sing, praise with song , : a man : to relate, narrate : to come to, arrive , : a priest of Cybele : to take, accept, receive : to come upon : to finish, perform , : the goddess Hera , : a sacred place, temple , : a head , - , : a lion , : a Lydian : to imitate, represent

    , - , - : of what sort, what kind , - , : orgies, secret rites , - , - : no one, nothing : to suffer : on the other side, beyond : to make, do : to carry a tower , : Rhea , : a sign, a mark, token , : Syria : to cut , : a kettledrum : to bear , : a piece of ground, place

  • Lucian



    [16] , :



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    , : while plausible ...not true : adverbial, more trustworthy by much : what they say, the clause is the subject of : pr. part. agreeing with the subj. of , agreeing with + dat. : acc. of resp., in many things ... : supposing the goddess to be ... the building to be : for indeed it is true : along that journey : ao. of , which he came : gen., signs of Dionysus (being) the maker : rel. cl., among which are

    , : Aetheopia , : a cause : to hear , - : true, genuine : to please : to come to, arrive , : Dionysus : Greek , : a deed, work : to go, come , - , : dress, clothing

    , - : specious, plausible , : Hera , : a sacred place, temple , : a way, journey : to agree , - , - : trustworthy, believable , - , : something made , - , : one who makes , - , : a sign, mark, token , : Syria , : a cutting, castration

    Goddess with mural crown and doves, probably Artargatis identified with Aphrodite. Relief from the temple of Adonis at Dura-Europos. (1st century BCE) Drawing S. Beaulieu

  • On the Syrian Goddess






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    ... : ao. of , which D. brought : pf. of , phalluses are standing : upon which : perf., is inscribed : ao. 1 s. of - , I, Dionysus, dedicated : dat., to Hera, my stepmother ... : for me this suffices ... but I will also tell ... : another rite the singular form is more rare than the plural

    : rel. cl., upon which : also something else as follows : perf. part., made of wood

    , : genitals , - , : Aethiopian : to set up, dedicate , , : a man : to be enough, suffice , - : barbaric , : Dionysus : two : to rouse, erect , - , : an elephant : Greek , - , : an inscription : to mark, write upon , : the goddess Hera , - , - : Indian

    : to make to stand, set up : very, much , : a horn, tusk , : a stone , - , : a stepmother , - , - : small, little , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , : wood , : a rite : to make, do , : an entrance, gateway , - , - : such , : a phallus : to bear, carry

  • Lucian


    : there is the very thing : about the sanctuary : fut. of , I will speak : ao. in ind. quest., how it became : acc., it, i.e. the sanctuary : the phrase is attributive, the present one : pr. inf. in ind. st. after , that the sanctuary is certainly not,

    instead of expresses strong assurance : perf. part. pred., is not the one that was built : acc. of resp., originally : ao. pas. inf. of - continuing ind. st., that the former one

    was destroyed : pr. inf., that the current one was the work : The wife of Seleucus Nicator (358 BC - 281 BC) and then his son,

    Antiochus (d. 261). Her story is told in numerous Greek sources.

    , : genitals , : a beginning, origin , - , - : Assyrian , - , : a king, chief , , : a woman, wife , - , - : on the right hand , - , : a setting, placement , : a sacred place, temple : to sit : to call : to bring down, destroy , - , - : small, little

    : to tell tales or legends , : a puppet , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , : a founder : to make , - , : something made , : Stratonice , - , - : such , - , - : latter, last , - , - : of bronze , : time

    . :


    Stratonice and Antiochus

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  • On the Syrian Goddess


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    : rel. cl., whom her stepson loved : ao. mid. of , desired passionately + gen., but not the usual form

    () and occurs only here : whom, i.e. Antiochus the stepson : ao. of , exposed : him, i.e. the stepson : ao. of - , misfortune seized him : pr. part., being at a loss in the face of + dat. : dat. pred. of after , an evil seeming to be shameful : impf., he started being sick : pr. part. concessive, although suffering no pain : dat. pers. pron., and his color : day by day ... : pr. part. in after , he saw that he was ill : ao. of , he recognized : pr. inf. in ind. st. after , that the disease was love : gen., of invisible love

    , - , - : shameful : to feel pain, suffer : to be at a loss : to be sick , - : weak, feeble , - : unseen, invisible : to know : to disgrace, expose , - : visible, evident , : though, attention : to love , - , : love , : a day , : stillness, silence , : a physician

    : to seize upon, lay hold of : to be laid : to waste, wither : to be sick , : a sickness, disease , : an eye : wholly, altogether , : a stepson , : a sign, mark, token , : Stratonice , : a circumstance, misfortune , - , : a body : to turn, change , : a sound, tone , : a surface, appearance, color

  • Lucian


    : ao. part. of , having learned : dat. of means, with his hand : impf. of , he was holding : pr. part. of - in gen. abs., others entering : ao. mid. of , he suddenly changed : ao. (unaugmented), he began to + inf. : impf. mid. of , he was seized by + dat. : impf., the heart began beating rapidly : acc. pred., made the love obvious : ao. of , he treated him : pr. part. acc. agreeing with , being anxious

    : to change, alter : to dance, beat : to come to, arrive : to begin , : a tear , - , - : right, on the right , - : manifest, visible , - , : love : to go in , : rest, quietude : to heal, cure : to sweat, perspire , : a physician : to call , : a heart

    : very, much : to learn , - , : a stepmother , : a youth, young man , : an illness, sickness , : a building, house, dwelling : to fear, dread, , : a child, boy , : a father : to make, do , : a trembling, quivering , , : a hand , : a surface, skin, color : so, thus

    . :



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    ... : while he suffers nothing ... yet love : has him, note the singular verb with the compound subject : fut. of , he will not come upon + gen. : fut. of - , whom I will not release : dat. of manner, wisely : but he, i.e. the father : impf., he began begging : + gen., in the name of ... : ao. subj. of in prohibition, dont destroy! : ao. mid. of , unwillingly he is held by + dat. : dat. of poss., his illness : neut. dat. used as a connective, as in Homer, on this account or wherefore : ao. imper. of , dont stir up suffering for + dat. : pr. inf. used as imper., dont cause death (for him)

    , : wrongdoing, injustice , - , - : involuntary : to feel pain, suffer : to be sick : straightway, at once , : a kingdom, dominion , , : a woman, wife : to awaken : to wish , - , - : mine : to desire , - , : love : to be jealous , : medicine , : a physician : to beg, pray, entreat : to let go

    , - , - : none , : an illness, sickness : to destroy , - , - : no one, nothing , , : a boy , - , : grief, sadness, sorrow : to manage, effect X (acc.) on

    Y (dat.) , : wisdom, skill , : a circumstance, misfortune , - , - : such : to happen upon, come upon : to love , : murder, death , : madness, folly : to lie, trick

  • Lucian


    : dat. of means, by your art : impf., he kept begging : n. pl., unholy things : ao. in past contrafactual apodosis, how would you have

    acted? : impf. in pr. contrafactual protasis, if someone were desiring : gen., demanding such things from me ... : ao. of in another past contrafactual apodosis, this time

    in ind. st., that he would not have spared + gen. ... : impf. in pr. contrafactual protasis, even if he were desiring : pr. inf. in ind. st., that it was not the same disaster : ao. inf. of , epexegetic after , the same to lose : pr. 2. s. mid., why do you beseech me? : (= ) impf. of , these were lies

    , - , - : ignorant, unknowing : to hear : to exchange, answer , , : a man , - : unholy, profane : to take away : to force , : a wife , : a wedding, marriage , , : a woman, wife : to ask, beg , - , - : mine : to desire , : medicine , : a physician

    : to beg, pray, beseech , - , : a stepmother : to destroy , - , - : like, similar , , : a boy : to desire, long for : to make, do, act : to urge on, hasten , : an event, misfortune , : salvation, safety : to spare : to begrudge, be jealous , - , : a falsehood, lie : so, thus

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  • On the Syrian Goddess







    Stratonice and Combabus

    [19] ,

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    : dat. of means, by these words : i.e. Seleucia on the Tigris : gen., named from himself : ao., his death happened : ao. of , he recognized : this one indeed, as in Herodotus, identifying the main focus of the coming

    section. : while she was living with + dat. : ao. of , she saw ... : the dreams content is set forth in ind. st., that she ordered : ao. inf. after , ordered to raise : pr. opt. in past gen. protasis, if (ever) she disobeyed : dat. ind. obj., against her : impf. of , the apodosis of the past gen. cond., still part of the

    ind. st. of the dream, she kept threatening ... : at first ... but later

    , , : a man, husband : to be disobedient, refuse : to threaten : to come to , : a kingdom, dominion : to know , , : a woman, wife : to raise, erect : there , - : named , : Hera : to view, behold, see : to heal, cure , : a physician , - , - : sacred, holy : to urge, command, order

    : to leave, quit , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , : a dream, vision , , : a boy, child : to win over, persuade : to make , - , : a city , , : many , - , - : first, former , - , - : first : to dwell together , : a finishing, end, death , : a place, space : so, thus , : care, concern, heed

  • Lucian


    : ao. of , because a disease took her : ao. of - , she narrated : fut. act. inf. of complementing , she undertook to

    establish : ao. mid. of - : ao. part. agreeing with implied obj. of , her having

    become well ... : the former to build ... the latter for protection : ao. part., having summoned : dat. of poss., whose name was Combabus. The name suggests a companion of

    the Hittite goddess Carchemish and this story is an etiology of the eunuchs of the new temple of Hieropolis.

    : pr. part. causal, since you are good : gen. of cause, because of your wisdom : towards me

    , , : a man, husband : to relate, narrate , - , : security, safety : straightaway, at once : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) : to approve, commend , - , - : good , : good-will, kindness , : Hera : to appease , - , - : sacred, holy : to set up : to call : very, much , : Combabus : to take, receive

    , - , : a youth , : the dwelling of a god, a temple : : a sickness, illness : to build , - , : a name , - , : a vision : wholly, altogether : to send, dispatch : to make, do , - , : a city , : wisdom , : an army , - : healthy : to undertake : to love , : a friend , - , : money

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  • On the Syrian Goddess


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    : ao. 2 s. mid. of - , which you have displayed : gen. after , I have need of trust : dat. by that account, i.e. therefore, an epic usage : ao. mid. part. of agreeing with , the acc. subj. of

    , I wish you, having followed (+ dat.), to accomplish : ao. inf., and to perform the rites : gen. after , and to rule over the army : ao. part. agreeing with , for you upon returning : epic fut. of , there will be : unaug. impf., he begged : pr. inf. in ind. com., begging him not to send : gen. of comp. after , greater than himself, i.e. than his station

    : to come to, arrive : straightway, at once , , : a woman, wife : to wish : to send out, dispatch , - , - : my, mine : to show, display : to rule, command : to complete, accomplish : to follow , : a deed, work

    , - , - : sacred, holy : to persist, hold out : to beg, pray, beseech : to trust, put faith in , - , : trust, faith , : army : to complete, fulfill , : honor : to want, need , - , : money

    Third Declension - Nouns: Third declension nouns ending in - (like ) retain the -- making them look more analogous to other third declension nouns.

    genitive singular - for for for for

    nominative plural - for for

    accusative plural -


  • Lucian


    : unaug. impf., he was dreading ... : ao. opt. in cl. of fearing after , lest some jealousy would

    arise ... : rel. cl., whom he was about to + inf. : fut. inf. of , to lead away ... , : since he (the king) was not persuaded, he (Combabus)... : pr., he fastens onto + gen. : ao. inf. of in app. to , namely, to grant : ao. inf. of - in ind. com. after , he asked him to

    send him forth : ao. part. agreeing with , once he had accomplished : of those things especially (important) : ao. part. of , having gotten this : ao.part. of , having fallen : impf. of , he lamented ... : rel. cl., the end of which I see clearly : fut. of , I will accompany + dat.

    : to lead away, carry off : to come to, arrive : to send off : to fasten, (mid.) to touch , , : a woman, wife , - , - : wretched, sorry : to ask : to see clearly , - , - : second : to give, grant : to follow : seven , : jealousy, rivalry , : a day , : the prayer of a suppliant : to be about to, be going to , - , - : alone, only

    , , : young , : a way, path, journey : to lament, bewail , : a house : to fear , - , - : no one, nothing : to win over, persuade : to fall , - , : trust, faith , - , - : easy, ready : to complete, fulfill, finish , - , : an end : to hit upon, happen , - , - : latter, last : to the ground , : time

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  • On the Syrian Goddess


    ... : epic fut., this will be ... : fut. mid. of - in protasis of fut. emotional cond.,

    unless I shall put away : dat., by that account, i.e. therefore, an epic usage : ao. inf. after , it is necessary that I accomplish ... : rel. cl., which will heal : ao. of , having said : pred. acc. after , he made himself incomplete : ao. part. of , having cut : ao. of - , he deposited them : dat. of means, with a seal : rel. cl., which he used to carry : ao. part. of , having sealed : contracted impf. of , he set about healing : gen. abs., many being present

    , : a vessel , : genitals , : a cause : together with (+ dat.) : to come to : to complete, accomplish : to put away, remove , - : incomplete , - , : a king , - , : a master, lord : to give : thereupon, then , : a deed, work , - , : incense : to heal, cure

    : to place, put , - , : honey , - , - : small, little : to travel, walk : to be present : to make : to mark with a sign, seal , : myrrh , : an event, misfortune , - , : a signet, ring : to cut , - , : a wound , : a fear : to carry, wear : it is necessary


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  • Lucian


    : impf., used to lie : fut. of , I will place it : pr. inf. as imper., keep it! : gen. of comp. after , better than gold : epexegetic gen. after , equal in worth to my life : ao. subj. in gen. temp. cl., when(ever) I return : fut. of - , I will retrieve : ao. of - , he enjoined them to guard : from this point, the prepositional phrase is made adverbial by the

    accusative : impf., he accomplished : dat. of manner, enthusiastically : ao. part., having arrived

    , - , - : worth just as much as : to achieve, accomplish, complete : to come to, arrive : to be laid away : to return, (mid.) to take back , - : steadfast, firm, safe : back, again , - , - : better, more excellent : to take, accept, receive , - , - : my, mine : to enjoin, command : to go, come : when, at the time when , - , - : sacred, holy : very, much , : a treasure, heirloom

    , : the dwelling of a god, a temple : this , : a way, path, journey , - , - : of the house, domestic : to long for, desire , - , : a city : to mark with a sign, seal , - , - : safe , : haste, speed , - , : a signet, ring , - , : a steward, treasurer : to set, put, place : to keep watch, guard , : gold , : soul, life

    , :

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    [21] :

  • On the Syrian Goddess







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    : unaug. impf., they started building : dat. of reference, for them : ao., three years passed : in which (years) - : just those things which : unaug. impf., was dreading : pr. part., him being together (with her) : ao. of - , later she became madly in love ... : ao. inf. in ind. st., that Hera was the cause : pr. part. agreeing with , willingly : ao. inf. of expressing purpose, so that Combabus not go

    unnoticed : pr. part. supplementing , so that Combabus being a good

    man not go unnoticed : ao. inf. expressing purpose, so that Stratonike be punished : ao. of - , she had not undertaken

    , : a cause : to step off, result : to begin : to will, wish : to be born, (time) to go by : to be mad about , : a deed, work , - , - : good , - , : a year , : the goddess Hera , - , - : sacred, holy : very, much : to escape notice

    , - , - : none , : the dwelling of a god, a temple : to build : to fear, dread : to long for, desire , - , : a city , , : many , - , - : easy, ready : to be together, be with : to punish : three : to undertake , : time

  • Lucian


    : impf., she kept controlling herself : gen. of comp. after , greater than inaction i.e. too great for inaction : ao., became , , : impf., she was pining, weeping, calling upon : pred., to her Combabus was everything

    : to be at a loss, be helpless : to call up, call out for , - : manifest, apparent , : a day , : rest, quiet : to weep, lament, wail : to hide, cover

    , : a sickness , - , - : first : to be sound of mind, be

    prudent , - , : a completion, end : to consume, spend (time)

    [22] : ,



    Lack of Augment in Past Tenses Following erodotus and Homer, Lucian often omits augment in verbs that begin with a vowel or a diphthong:

    Ionic Attic (3) (9) (12) (17) (18) (19) (21) (21) (22) (22) (22) (25) (39)

  • On the Syrian Goddess



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    : dat. of ref. with , being helpless toward the illness : dat. after , to anyone else : pr. inf. supplementing , she was ashamed to enact : vivid pr., she hits upon the following : ao. part. of , having made herself drunk : ao. inf. of purpose, to come to words, i.e. to speak to him : pr. part. dat. of - after , with wine entering : pr. part. gen., each of the things done : impf., she also did these things : when they were from the table, i.e. after dinner : unaug. impf., she began begging : gen. after . Touching someones knees is a gesture of supplication.

    , : ignorance, oblivion : to be ashamed to , - , - : shameful, abusive : to reject, spurn : to go back, withdraw , - : harsh, rough, hard : to come to, arrive : to accept, receive , : failure : to fasten, touch : to lie (in the court-yard), live , , : a knee , : dinner : to seek out, look for , - , - : each, every : to think of, contrive : to attempt, enact , : a deed, work

    : to go, come , - , : love : to go in, enter , - : decent, suitable , - , - : suppliant : very, much : to beg, pray, beseech : to make drunk, intoxicate , - , - : of the house, household , : wine : to agree, allow, confess , : openness, frankness : to make, do : to do , : a circumstance, misfortune , - , - : such : to guard, take care

  • Lucian


    : impf., he accused her of drunkeness (sc. ): pr. part. gen. in gen. abs., but with her threatening to +

    inf. : ao. inf. mid., to harm herself : ao. part. nom. s., he fearing : ao. of , he revealed : ao. of - , he explained : ao. of , he brought to light : ao. part. of , she having seen : rel. cl., what she never hoped for : gen. of separation after , she checked herself from that madness : ao. mid. of : ao. mid. of , she did not forget + gen. : pr. part., being with him : epic gen. s. agreeing with , consolation for her unavailing


    : to threaten : to relate, narrate , : unavailing, unprofitable , : a priest of Cybele , , : a woman, wife : to fear : to make to hope , - : manifest, apparent : to desire : to invoke, charge : to work, bring about , : a deed, work , - , : love

    , - , - : sacred, holy : to escape notice , : madness, frenzy , : strong drink, drunkenness , - , - : no one, nothing , : a misfortune , : encouragement,

    consolation : to make, do , - , : a city : to be with, be together : to show, reveal : to bear, carry





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  • On the Syrian Goddess



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    : pr., they desire + gen. : they are mad for + dat. : dat. of reference, sacred for them ... : plupf. of , the events had not escaped the notice of +

    acc. : impf. - , they were accusing : impf. of - , they were telling : impf. of - , he summoned : but others say, introducing an alternate version of the story : acc. of resp., not at all ... : ind. st., that Stratonike accused + gen. : ao. of - , after she lost : both - and take the gen., what she was seeking : ao. part. agreeing with , having written to her husband : pr. inf. of in ind. st. after , claiming that he had

    made an attempt on + dat. : about Sthenboea, whose story is told in Iliad 6

    , - : true , , : a man, husband : to relate, narrate : to come to, arrive : to fail, mistake , - : without end , - , : a king : to write : to ask : Greek : to call upon, claim : to be mad about , : a deed, work : to be jealous

    , - , - : sacred, holy : very, much : to speak against, accuse : Cnosian, Cretan : to escape notice : to call away : to think, believe, practice : to attempt, make an attempt on : to be greatly pained , - , : a city , : Stheneboea , : Phaedra , - , : an object, matter

  • Lucian


    : Cretan Phaedras story was told in Euripides Hippolytus. : ao. inf. after , that they did such things : 3 s. imper., let that be : ao. of , he realized : impf. of , he went forth being brave : loc., at home : ao. part. obj. of and , him having come, : gen. abs., his friends being present ... : ao., who had been beside + dat. : pr. part. dat. agreeing with , beside Combabus when he was

    being dispatched : ao. part of - , having brought him beside

    , : a message, news , : a charge, accusation : to come to, arrive , : a defense , - , - : Assyrian , - : real, genuine : straightway, at once , - , : a king : to know : to bind : to finish, accomplish : to come, go : to take courage , : Hippolytus , - , - : sacred, holy

    : to leave : to tell legends : at home : to lead by, bring beside : to be present : to win over, persuade : to send, dispatch : to long for , - , : a city , : Stheneboea , - , - : such , : Phaedra , : a friend , : a watch, guard





    [24] , ,


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  • On the Syrian Goddess








    : impf., he started reproaching Y (dat.) for X (acc.) : impf., he called up + acc. : ind. st., that Combabus was thrice unjust ... ... : causal participles, because he was an

    adulterer... he had wronged ... he was impious : gen. rel. with antec. , the goddess in whose work : ao. of , he had done : perf. part. of - , standing around ... : ao. in ind. st. after , charged that they had seen ... : pr. part. in ind. st. after , them consorting : dat. pl. with , it seemed to all : epexegetic gen. after , things worthy of death : perf. part. acc., having done things

    : to do wrong, be unjust , : licentiousness : one another : to call up : visibly, openly , - , - : worthy : to begin : to be impious, profane : straightway, at once : to complain loudly of suffer-

    ings : to disgrace, shame : to work , : a deed, work , : death : to die

    : very, much : to accuse, charge , - , - : middle, in the middle , : adultery , : an adulterer : to make to stand around , - , : trust, faith : to do : to bring before : to be with, be together , - , : an end, completion , - , - : such , - : threefold : to outrage, insult , : affection, friendship

  • Lucian


    : plupf. of , he stood : impf. pas., he was being led : ao., he spoke up : pr., that he (the king) is destroying him : but because desiring + gen. : ao. of - , which he (Combabus), departing,

    had deposited with him (the king) ; ao. inf. of in ind. com. after , he ordered the steward to

    bring ... : ao. of in rel. cl., what he (Combabus) had given + dat. : inf. of purp., to guard - : n. pl., the things inside : ao. of - , he showed : plupf. of , himself what he had suffered : pr. part., because I dreaded

    : to lead, bring : to ask, beg : to raise, destroy : to go away, depart , - , : a king, chief , : a wedding, marriage : to give : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) : to show, reveal : to desire : when : to make to stand : to call , : a treasure, heirloom : to bid, command, order

    , - , - : lewd : to loose , : a way, path, journey , - , - : of what sort, what kind : to fear, dread : to put away, deposit : to suffer , - , : a seal, signet , - , : a steward, treasurer : so long, meanwhile , - , : wantonness, insolence : to bear, bring : to utter, speak up , : murder, execution : to keep watch, guard

    [25] : , ,



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  • On the Syrian Goddess


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    ' :

    : impf. of , I went ... : ao. of - , took hold of me : ao., I did these things ... : note the chiasmus, good things to my master, to me bad ... : being this sort of a man : pr. pas., I am accused : ao. of - , having raised a shout : ao. of - , he embraced : ao. 2 s. of , what did you do? : you alone of men : ao. 2. s. of , why did you do this : ao. of , you who dared ... : such things ... as : ao. inf. after , neither you to suffer not

    me to see

    , : wrongdoing, injustice , - , - : unseemly, shameful , - , - : unwilling : to shout aloud, cry out , : force, necessity , , : a man : to weep , - , : a master, lord : to call in, accuse : to approve, commend : to complete, accomplish : to work , : a deed, work , - , - : good

    , - : lucky, fortunate, prosperous : to seize upon, lay hold of : and not, neither , - , - : alone, only : to owe, ought : wholly, altogether : to suffer : to send, dispatch : to throw around, embrace : to make, do , - , - : unwearying,

    unflinching : to bear, suffer, undergo , - , - : such

  • Lucian


    : gen. after , need of defense : an epic future, there will be : fut. of - , will arrive : fut., you will arrive among us i.e. you will be allowed an audience : fut. of , nor will anyone bar you : gen. of sep. after , from our sight : not even if ... : these (the sycophants) ... but to him (Kombabus) : plupf. of , gifts had been given : plupf. of , had become : dat. after , equal to Combabus : acc. of resp.

    : to lead, bring : without : to keep away from : to come to, arrive , - : boundless, immense , : a defense , : silver , - , - : Assyrian : straightway, at once , - , - : kingly, royal , , : a woman, wife , - , : a spirit, fortune : to lack, need : to give , : a gift, present , : a gift, present : to wish , - , - : like, equal

    , - , : one who announces , - , : dress, clothing , : good fortune, happiness : to put to bed , - , - : our , : death , : a horse, mare , - , : an appearance, sight : to make, do , - , - : first , : wisdom , - , : a false accuser, slan-

    derer , - , : recompense, retribution , - , - : such , : friendship , : murder, execution , : gold

    . ' ,

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  • On the Syrian Goddess


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    : ao. part., having sought to + inf. : dat. of ref., the remaining things of the sanctuary : plupf. of - , for he had left it : impf. pas., he was sent out : acc. of dur., the rest (of his life) : in that place : ao. of , he granted + inf. : perf. inf. of , to set up : for honor : acc. of resp., in form : part. gen., of his friends : for consolation : ao. inf. mid. of after , that they chose : gen. with , a share of the disaster

    : to take up, grasp : to ask, beg , - , - : of a man : to leave behind , : virtue, excellence , : without end, unfinished : again, back , - , : a king , , : a woman, wife : to give : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) : to complete, accomplish, achieve , - , : dress, clothing , : good work : to be well-inclined , : a sacred place, temple : to make to stand , : communion, fellowship,


    : to leave, quit , - , - : remaining, the rest : to stay, remain , : form, shape , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , - : of what sort, what kind , - , : an incident, occurrence , : encouragement,

    consolation : to send, dispatch , - , : something made, a

    work , - , - : Rhodian , : an event, misfortune , : honor , : a friend , - , - : of bronze, brazen

  • Lucian


    : ao. of , they cut : the same to + dat. ... : impf. in ind. st., that she placed : dat. of ref., into the mind of many ... : pr. opt. in purpose clause, lest he grieve : ao. of it happened : gen. of time within which, each year : whether consoling or whether they

    honor : for the sake of Combabus, i.e. in honor of C.

    , : a cause : to hear : to be laid up, be ascribed , : manliness, manhood , - , - : of a man, manly : once : to throw , - , - : of a woman, feminine , , : a woman, wife , : a way of living : to lead a life, live , - , : custom, habit , - , : a garment : eitheror , - , - : each, every : to complete, accomplish , : a deed, work , - , : dress, clothing

    , - , : a year , : Hera : to make womanish, emasculate : to speak of sacred matters , : a sacred place, temple : to pain, distress, grieve : to stay, remain , - , - : alone, only , : a mind : no more, no longer : to encourage, console , - , : a deed, act, matter : to cut , : a cutting, castration : to love : to bear, wear : to gratify, favor




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  • On the Syrian Goddess




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    :ao. pas. of - , the following things happened to him : ao. part., having arrived : ao. part., having seen , : pr. part. in after , that he was, that he wears : dat. of means, by a great passion : ao. mid. of , she was held : pr. part. in ind. st., having learned that he was incomplete : ao. of - , she destroyed : after these things : dat. of ref., for him ... : the things of Aphrodite are unlucky ... : pr. opt. pas. in purpose cl., lest another be

    deceived : 3 s. pr. imper., let such things be said i.e. and no more : fut. of , I will make mention of + gen. : ind. quest., how they cut themselves

    : to be disheartened , : a cause , - , - : of a man, manly : to come to , - : incomplete , - : luckless, unfortunate : back, again , : Aphrodite , : a priest of Cybele , - , - : of a woman, feminine , , : a woman, wife : to make an end of, kill : to go into : to deceive

    , - , : love , - , : dress, clothing , , : female , - , - : equal to, the same as : to learn : no more, no longer, no further : to remind, put , - , - : foreign , - , : a general assembly , : a equipment, dress : to bring together, gather , : a cutting, castration , - , - : so much , , : later, last

  • Lucian


    : and of their burial, how they are buried : on account of what i.e. why : ao. inf. after , it is my desire to speak : both about the layout : and so I will speak : in the very center : acc. of degree of difference, not by much : gen. of comp. after , older than us : perf. of - , is oriented : acc. of resp., in size : approximately, an epic and Herodotean usage : perf. of , they stand

    , : wind : to separate, set apart , - , - : ancient : north , - , - : two, double : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) : a hundred : to go in, enter : to bury, honor with funeral rites , - , : a setting, placement , : the soul : to seat, situate , : a sacred place, temple , - , - : sacred, holy : to make to stand : to be laid

    , : a hill , - , : greatness, magnitude,

    size , - , - : middle , : the dwelling of a god, a temple , - , - : of what sort, what kind , - , : a fathom : to lie around , - , : a city : old , : an entrance, gateway , - , - : before, earlier : to cut , : burial , - , : a wall , : a phallus , : a ground, place

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    The Phallobatoi

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  • On the Syrian Goddess






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    : ao. mid. of , which D. set up for himself : acc. of resp., in stature i.e. height : 300 fathoms, an impossible number : up to one of these : acc. of resp., for a period of time : gen. after , cause of this ascent : up high : dat. ind. obj. with , he consorts with the gods : dat. of ref., for all Syria : and they, i.e. the gods : from nearby : these things too seem + inf. ... : impf. of , when men went : to the very largest + gen.

    , - , - : good : from nearby : to ask, beg , : a cause, reason , - , - : at the highest point : to go up, ascend , : a man , : a way up, ascent , : Dionysus : twice : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) , , : one , - , - : each, every : to listen, attend : seven , - , : a year , : a prayer, vow , : stature

    , : a day , : a god , - , : a remembrance : to think, believe , - , - : all together : to inhabit, occupy : when : to be in company, consort with , - , : a fathom , - , : a mountain, hill : to make, do , : an event, circumstance, mis-

    fortune , : Syria , - , - : three hundred : aloft , : a phallus , : time

  • Lucian


    : the flood, see section 12 above : dat. of ref., for Dionysus : dat. of means, from the following : whoever raises phalluses for Dionysus : pr., they set X (acc.) down : gen. rel. pron. with , on account of what : for the imitation of + gen. : his ascent up it, i.e. up the phallus : he puts X (acc.) around Y (dat.) : acc. of resp., in extent : to the space

    , - , - : at the furthest point, the tip

    : to go up, ascend , , : a man , : a way up, ascent , - : incredible, unlikely, im-

    probable , : a tree , : Dionysus : to raise, erect : on account of, for the sake of (+

    gen.) : to go upon : to make to sit, seat , - , - : small, little , - , : an imitation

    , - , - : of wood, wooden , : a piece of wood , - , - : as many as : to fear, dread : to throw round : very large, huge : to make, do , , : a foot , - : attached to (+ dat.) , : a cord, rope : to throw together, conjecture , - , - : such , , : water , : a phallus , : a place, space



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    : pr. part., as though being a charioteer : perf. in

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