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Luck Has Nothing to do With It

Page 2: Luck has nothing to do with it

Remember back when?

Before cloverleaf on-ramps

drivers merged on to a busy

highway or interstate in

much the same way they

would any road.

Look to the left, look to the right, often more than once, and when clear,

at their discretion, enter the highway. Go on, get moving . . .

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Some drivers misjudged, weren’t paying attention, made

mistakes . . . and consequences were serious.

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Now, the cloverleaf on-ramps are designed to prevent us from our

human errors in judgment. They are meant to nudge us in the right


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You no longer have to look

left and right (but you

probably should, just in case).

You just get in the right lane,

enter the cloverleaf and it

routes you in the only way

you can go, onto the busy

highway. (Can’t you just see

the metaphor here?)

There’s more . . .

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Cloverleafs are a lot like wellness, or maybe like the way wellness should be.

Our wellness cloverleafs should be designed to save us from poor

judgment, mis-judgment and our own behavioral mistakes.

Put another way, they should save us from ourselves.

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The trick in saving ourselves from ourselves is in finding ways to

create a forgiving environment, one that steers us in the right

direction. Every element of every design has the potential to

influence our choices. Do we close our eyes, cross our fingers

and hope for the best, do we believe every advertisement we

see, or do we take what we know and apply it to making

rational, positive behavior choices? If others are doing it for us,

shouldn’t we find ways to do it for ourselves?

A parable if there ever was one.

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This is what the LoneStart

Wellness Team Esteem Challenge

is all about—sustainable behavior

change that moves us in the right


Let us show you how your organization can work its way through

the highway of self-imposed wellness roadblocks, on-ramps, off-

ramps, and even through a few places we just shouldn’t go. And,

that’s what a cloverleaf is for—a lot more than luck. / 512.894.3440

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