Download - Luis Marte

  • 7/29/2019 Luis Marte


    Luis Marte

    Abortion is a voluntary termination of a pregnancy. This happens to a woman first trimester during her

    pregnancy. This is most likely legal on the united State. Abortion was legalized in 1973 by the supreme

    court of law. When this law was pass it says after the first trimester a women can decided what to do

    with her body. Is the right to privacy. The only way the state can intervene in abortion is during the

    second trimester of a pregnancy and the third, because the child is already form. All abortion most likely

    to occur in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy. Abortion causes psychology problems and stress. Also give

    the child for adoption can be a better idea instead of aborting it. Abortion can cause women medial

    problems later in life. They can have many diseases

    Women right towards abortion, I dont support the idea that women have the right whether to keep

    the child or not. This might seem harsh in a way; however no one has the right to take childs life. I dont

    support abortion for many reasons. Abortion is against humanity. If a child was sent by god to come to

    earth he or she was supposed to be here .everything happen for a reason. We never know what that

    child can become to be. How would someone feel if someone from so places else and kill one of your

    family member, abortion is basically the same thing. Some people believed that even though the baby

    its fetus, its still alive and aborting it is a murder. Some religions also dont support it at all. In the

    government the democratic support abortion while republicans oppose it. Its a contradiction how

    barrack Obama Christian support this issues knowing that it goes against gods beliefs.

    Abortion most likely happens between blacks and Hispanics Issues about aborting; More than 3,000

    million babies in America are killed by abortion every year. About 41 percent of most pregnancy in New

    York ends up in abortion. About 86 percent of abortions are done for convenience. Abortions are

    expensive. The average cost of a first trimester abortion goes up to 45 thousand dollars. Over 50 million

    babies have been slaughtered seen abortion was approve in 1973. United states have become a nation

    with so little respect for humanity that no one really talks about this important issue. Government thinks

    that we are over populated so murders have been the answer. For example Capital punishment andabortion fall under the same category and how some women can be against capital punishment but it

    can abort at the same time. Is wrong how can certain women be with aborting when is basically the

    same thing as capital punishment.

  • 7/29/2019 Luis Marte


    1/3 of all pregnancies worldwide are unplanned, which is one of the reasons why the abortion rate is so

    high. One woman dies every seven minutes around the world due to unsafe illegal abortion, many

    countries around the world have very strict abortion laws. Abortion is very risky it can cause disease or

    infections which can lead to many other problems. There are many organizations around the world that

    perform abortions at low cost. These organizations are legal, however whether abortion is legal or illegal

    it doesnt have an effect on the number of abortions perform in the world.

    Women should consider adoption instead of aborting a child. Adoption has many have many benefits.

    Some people can take a better care of the babies because theyve been preparing their whole life. The

    welfare system can help the child. The baby would have opportunities. They might have a fulfilling and

    meaningful life. Place a child for adoption is an act of love, some more women are on able to care for

    their child. More benefits are they will provide with a safe household and loving parents. They adopted

    parents can help the child financially. They will have a better chance to attend to college.

    The adopted child will know he has parents that love him or her. This the best thing a mother will want

    for the child. In 2001, 127,000 babies were placed for adoption. Adoption could be great alternative,

    however some people dont want to complete nine months, especially teenagers who h ave fear of how

    they would be judged by their parents or people who they know, or who havent finish high school and

    are not ready to support a kid.

    Women have many reasons for aborting .Women feel that they should abort because they think having

    a child can affect a relationship between a wife or husband or boyfriend and girlfriend. They feel like

    having a baby would change their life completely they dont want to be a single mother havingrelationship problems. Also having a baby will interfere with school or other responsibilities such as

    working .They can I afford a child. They dont want to have any economic hardship. They wont be able

    to give a child needs. Most like young teens that abort they just not ready to be a parent. If like they

    wouldnt be willing to give up their social life. Having a baby feel like its taking all fun from their teens

    years not being able to go out with your friends to babysit your child can make women depress. Also can

    be victims of rape. Maybe they dont want people to know they had sex. They parents can also obligate

    them to have an abortion.

    Women should not abort, babies should have the privilege to live their lives and grow into the person

    they are meant to be. Women should be more humanitarian and less egoistic. Their religious beliefs will

    not let them. Her conscience will always remind her of the baby she might have had. She will think

    about the future she could have had with the baby she would have had. Abortion may lead to a

    disastrous life. Most women regret their decision of aborting, because its a very traumatizing

    experience. Some dont even know the high risk they are taking by aborting.

  • 7/29/2019 Luis Marte


    Some people say they are some positive things about abortion such as the rate of girls dropping out of

    school might decrease, and the child wont suffer or live in bad conditions since some people cant

    afford to have a child. However there shouldnt be any excuses to abort, a responsible person would

    take the responsibility to raise their child, and work hard to give them a better life.

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