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We had so much fun with you all over the summer at lunch club, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Lot’s of you said you would like to know how to prepare the meals we ate together in your own homes – so we have put all the recipes into this special

Olympic Summer Recipe Book.

This cook book is the result of some excellent team work. Thank you for all your positive feedback, amazing pictures and ideas for what to cook next.

Most of the meals are not recipes to follow exactly - there is no right or wrong way to make them. They are ideas for meals that include lots of

different fresh and ready prepared ingredients to make meal times interactive and fun.

Eating together everyone can encourage each other to include lots of different colourful ingredients to make their very own recipe as healthy as


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Well done on filling in your Olympic Food Diaries.

Don’t forget that eating lots of different coloured fresh fruit and vegetables is an easy way to know you are giving your body what it needs to be:

healthy and fit, have strong bones, teeth and healthy, shiny hair, build your muscles and help you concentrate.

A colourful, balanced diet can even make you feel HAPPY!

Your high scores show how adventurous you are and how much goodness you put inside your body.

There’s a copy of the Olympic Food Diary on the next page so you can challenge yourself to eat new and healthy food again.

You could even make some copies and get your friends and family to do it too!

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Date Red

5 points


5 points


5 points


5 points


5 points

Write down any new foods you


10 points


Olympic Food Diary

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Cottage Pie with Peas, Carrots, Broccoli and Green Beans.


Week 1

Tip 1: To make a veggie version of this pie, use Quorn mince and vegetable gravy granules instead of beef.

Tip 2: If your kids don't like pieces of courgette, try grating it instead so that it will not be noticed.

1kg potato chopped into chunks350g extra lean minced beef1 small onion finely chopped1 carrot finely chopped1 courgette finely chopped100g green beans chopped1 tsp dried mixed herbs1 pinch ground black pepper50g sweetcorn4 tsp reduced salt gravy granules

Learning how to cook was the best thing.

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What to do:1. Cook the potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling

water until tender, about 20 minutes.2. Meanwhile, heat a large saucepan, add the minced beef - a handful at a time - cooking until browned.3. Stir in the onion, carrot, courgette, green beans and mixed herbs. Add 450 ml water and bring to the boil.Simmer without a lid for 20 minutes.4. Preheat the grill and warm a large baking dish under it for 1-2 minutes. Drain and mash the potatoes,seasoning them with some pepper.5. Add the sweetcorn to the mince mixture, then sprinkle in the gravy granules, stirring until thickened.Season if needed, then tip into the baking dish. Spoon the mash on top, spreading it out to cover the mince,then grill until browned. Serve at once.

““I liked having nice food to eat for lunch !”

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Week 1 Pineapple Sponge Cake and Custard

½ pineapple peeled, cored and thinly sliced115g/4oz self-raising flour115g/4oz caster sugar115g/4oz unsalted butter3 free-range eggs


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.2. For the sponge cake, grease a small,

shallow baking tray with butter. Place the pineapple slices onto the baking tray, spread evenly.

3. Place the flour, sugar, butter and eggs into a food processor and blend together to form a loose mixture.

4. Spoon the mixture over the pineapple and spread it out evenly with a spatula.

5. Place in the oven to bake for ten minutes, or until risen and golden. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.

Thank you for our food!

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Week 2

Big Baked Beans and Sausages on Toast


1 tbsp oil2 x red onions, finely chopped2 x cans of butterbeans rinsed and drained2 x 400g cans of tomatoesVegetable stock cubeBlack pepper

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1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the onions for 2 minutes to soften

2. Stir in the remaining ingredients and simmer for 2 minutes, check seasoning and adjust according to taste.

3. We added some sausages and peppers to make a sausage casserole, served with peas, sweet corn and toast.

To get all the goodness and none of the fuss you can blend this mixture into a

very nutritious tomato sauce which can be used for pasta, casseroles, dips,

or as a soup. We froze leftover sauce and used it the next week to spread on the base of our muffin pizzas. Lot’s of you loved this sauce, even

though it was made from the same Big Beans from the week before – gotcha!

What to do:

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Apple and Almond Bake

Week 2

3 Bramley cooking apples, about 550g, unpeeled, cored and diced250g ground almonds2 tsp ground cinnamon½ tsp baking powder

3 medium sized free range eggs150g sugar

Approx 85g flaked almonds to sprinkle


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1. Preheat oven to 180c/350F/Gas 4. Line a baking tin, about 20 x 30 cm with baking paper.

2. Place the apples, ground almonds, cinnamon and baking powder in a mixing bowl and stir together. Set to one side.

3. Beat the eggs and sugar in a clean bowl until they become pale and creamy and start to thicken slightly.

4. Fold the apple and almond mixture into the beaten egg – a bit at a time. If you do this gently with a metal spoon you will keep the air in the beaten egg which will help the bake rise. A good way is to draw a figure of 8 in the mixture.

5. Quickly pour the cake mixture into the prepared tin and sprinkle with flaked almonds. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. If the almonds on top start to turn too brown, cover with foil.

6. Leave to cool on a wire rack before cutting into slices and storing in an airtight container. We served ours with custard.

What to do:

“Lunch club was fun!”

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PizzaWeek 3

We loved making these quick and easy pizzas and choosing our own colourful healthy toppings. Be as

adventurous as you like!

• wholemeal pitta breads or breakfast muffins• tomato puree(or blended Big Baked beans!)• cheese


We tried:mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, chicken, sweetcorn, red onion, courgette, carrot, pepperoni, red, yellow and green peppers, tuna.

Sprinkle with your favourite herbs and some garlic granules for extra yumminess.

Then pop them in the oven gas mark 5/170º for 10 minutes

Be careful when you eat them as the cheese is really HOT.

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Fruit Salad

Week 3

Everyone can help make a fresh fruit salad ! Prepare all your favourite fruit and don't forget to try some new things too.

Ingredients we tried: StrawberriesRaspberriesAppleBananaBlueberriesMelonCherriesPlumsGrapesPineappleKiwi fruitPearorange


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Week 4

Make a change from the typical sandwich with this easy peasy wrap recipe. Use your favourite flour tortillas or pitta breads to make a delicious wrap, perfect for picnics or filling packed lunches.

Ingredients we tried: HamTunaCucumberPeppersCheeseChickenLettuceTomatoSweetcornCarrotCeleryMayonnaise

“Trying different things and putting it in a wrap was what I liked best”

Look at our colourful lunch!

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Banana Split Week 4

1. Place the banana into a serving bowl 2. Place the three scoops of ice cream on top.3. Squirt on your squirty cream, sprinkle with

nuts and enjoy!

For a healthier optionuse low-fat flavoured yogurt

instead of ice cream.

1 banana1 scoop of your favourite ice cream – we used neopolitan so we had vanilla, strawberry & chocolate togetherSquirty creamChopped nuts

This is an easy peasy no cook pud which all the family will love.


What to do:

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Week 5

Stir fry Noodles and Vegetables

Ingredients:pack medium egg noodles 1 tbsp vegetable oil 2.5cm piece fresh ginger , finely chopped 2 garlic cloves , finely chopped 2 spring onions , finely chopped bag of beansprouts2 tbsp soy sauce1 tbsp sesame oil

Then add any vegetables you like. Stir fry them

separately to make sure they’re cooked perfectly.

We used:Red, green and yellow peppersCabbageCarrots

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1. Place the rice noodles into a bowl of boiling water and leave to soak for 3-4 minutes, or until softened. Drain well and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan, then stir-fry the onions, ginger, garlic for 2-3 mins.

3. Drain the noodles thoroughly, add to the pan stir-fry for 5 mins, then add beansprouts.

4. Add the soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper and stir well, then cook for 1-2 mins. Divide between individual plates or bowls and top with your favourite veggies, omelette, or some cooked meat.

What to do:

We added omelette too. Lots of you had a go at

making your own. Can you remember how??

•Beat 3 eggs in a bowl season with a pinch salt and pepper.• heat a little oil in a frying pan.•Pour in enough egg mixture to evenly and thinly coat the base of the pan. •.When cooked cut into strips and add to your noodles.

“I like the noodles. I love trying new


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Fruit SmoothiesWeek 5

Making smoothies is easy. All you need is a blender, liquidiser, food processor or a hand blender and selection of your favourite fruit. Fresh is best ,but frozen works just as well. We love using frozen bananas!

Just choose some of your favourite fruit, chop it roughly and pop them in the blender.

Add a little fruit juice, milk or yogurt, and blend until smooth. Pour in a tall glass and enjoy.

You can use any fruityou want, sowith a little imagination you can create your dream smoothie!

We loved watching

the mixture change colour!

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Week 6 Chicken Curry


“If you eat healthy food you

will be strong”

4 free-range skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2" /1 cm cubes1" fresh ginger, peeled and grated1 garlic clove, finely dicedSalt and pepper½ cup/small handful fresh coriander, finely chopped, plus extra for garnishJuice and zest 1 lime3 tbsp vegetable oil1 tsp chilli powder1 red onion, roughly chopped1 tsp ground turmeric1 tsp ground cumin10 fl oz/ 250ml light/single cream or plain yoghurt1 dessertspoon tomato pureeJuice of 1/2 lemon

“Can I have some more


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What to do: 1. In a large stainless steel or glass bowl place the chicken with the ginger, garlic, salt, pepper, chopped coriander, lime juice and zest with 1 tbsp of the oil. Stir then cover with a clean cloth, leave to one side for 30 minutes.

2. After 30 mins, heat one tbsp of the oil in a large frying pan or wok add the chicken and cook for 8 -10 minutes until browned all over.

3. Remove the chicken from the pan and put to one side. In the same pan heat the remaining oil and gently cook the onion and chili powder for 5 minutes. Add the turmeric and ground cumin, stir and cook for another minute.

4. Stir in the cream and gently simmer for 5 minutes. Add the chicken and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add the tomato puree, stir then add the lemon juice. Cook for one minute more then serve garnished with fresh coriander. Boiled rice, warm naanbread or chapatis are delicious served alongside.

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1. Put the flour in a bowl and make a well. 2. Add the oil. 3. Gradually mix in the water until a soft, but not

sticky dough is formed (add a little more flour or water if needed).

4. Knead for about 10 minutes and leave to rest in the fridge for 30-60 minutes.

5. Divide the mixture into 6 balls. 6. Roll into very thin rounds with a little flour. 7. Heat a frying pan ,when the pan is hot place a

chapatti in the pan. 8. When bubbles appear, turn and cook the other

side. Serve warm.

What to do:


“I learnt to always listen especially in

the kitchen.”

50g/2oz wholewheat flour50g/2oz white flour4 tablespoons of cold water 1 tbsp vegetable oil

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Week 7

Eton mess

2 tablespoons of low-fat crème fraîche 1 small pot (150g/5oz) of fat-free Greek yoghurt2 meringue nests, roughly crushed 200g/7oz fresh strawberries, sliced

1. Blend the crème fraîche and Greek yoghurt together.

2. Stir in the crushed meringue and gently fold in the strawberries, being careful not to damage the fruit.

3. Spoon into serving bowls or cups and enjoy!

What to do:


“It was fab they had all my favourite


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Summer 2012

We hope you continue to try new things so that your plate is full of colour and you are full of health and happiness.

With ideas from this recipe book you can make meals for your friends and family and get them to try new things too!

Remember – no one is allowed to say “eeew” before you’ve tried it… you might just be pleasantly surprised!


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