Page 1: Lymphatic And Immune system terms

Lymphatic and ImmuneSystem

Chapter 6Medical Terminology

By: Carmelita Chavez

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What Is a lymphatic system?

Is a system that contains lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils.

These organs collect excess fluid to maintain fluid balance.

A function of this system is to defend the body against disease by producing lymphocytes.

This system also transports lipids or fats from intestine to blood.

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Diseases of the Lymphatic System

Some of the diseases of the lymphatic system are elephantiasis, Hodgkin’s disease, lymphadenitis, mononucleosis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Most of the diseases are due to inflammations and obstructions of the lymph vessels or nodes.

The two diseases that I’m going to describe in detail are elephantiasis and mononucleosis.

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Is the inflammation, obstruction, and destruction of the lymph vessels resulting in enlarged tissues due to edema.

Is a disease that is characterize by the inflammation of legs, male genitals (becomes painful and hot), and female breast.

Symptoms include; fever, chills, feeling of being ill, and malaise.

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Causes of Elephantiasis

Causes of elephantiasis can be due to the result of obstruction of the lymph flow due to a bacterial infection .

If intervention is not done on time can cause an enlargement of the area causing the death of the tissue that could lead to gangrene.

This disease is mostly found in Africa.

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Mononucleosis is an Acute infectious disease with a large number of abnormal lymphocytes.

Is an infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus.

Symptoms include; fever, sore throat, fatigue, weakness, swollen glands in neck, loss of appetite, and night sweat. Symptoms develop 4 weeks later after a person is infected with the virus.

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Mononucleosis can be spread as any common virus or cold, but is mostly spread by saliva.

Is mostly spread by kissing, coughing, or sneezing.

Due to is a virus there is no cure or medication the virus will die on its own and it would take 4 to 6 weeks for that to happen.

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Immune system

The immune system is the body defense against infectious organisms,

The immune system is made of cells, tissue, and organs.

The immune system helps the body to develop immunity to viruses, fungi, protozoans, toxins, and cancerous tumor.

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Diseases of the Immune System

Some diseases of the immune system are AIDS, Aids-related complex, graft vs. host disease, Kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis carinii, pneumonia, sarcoidosis, severe combine immunodeficiency syndrome.

The disease I’m going to describe in detail is severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome.

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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Is a disease seen in children born with a nonfunctioning immune system. Often these children are forced to live in sealed sterile rooms.

This disease is also known by “bubble boy” Is a congenital disorder were someone is born

with little or no immune system. People that are born with this disorder have a

higher risk of having pneumonia, meningitis, and chicken pox.

Treatment for this disease is bone marrow transplant.

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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome

For more information of the new treatment for this disease go to this website it would describe in detail the process of bone marrow transplant.

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