Page 1: Mackellar Girls Campus Newsletter · 2019-10-14 · Mackellar Girls Campus Newsletter 28 OCTOBER 2016 Term 4, Week 3 Meeting the educational needs of girls P&C Meeting - Wednesday

Mackellar Girls Campus Newsletter 28 OCTOBER 2016

Term 4, Week 3 Meeting the educational needs of girls

P&C Meeting - Wednesday 2 NOVEMBER at 7.30 pm

Director General’s Award for Turning Potential into Performance

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Girls Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Programs

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE - Dear Parents, Staff and Students Yearly Examinations - Year 10 has been engaged in their examinations this week and Years 7 – 9 have examinations in the next two weeks. These are important and require suitable study practices by students. Parents, please assist your children to develop good study habits, to be organised and structured with their time and aim to do their best. Examinations will not be rescheduled for students who miss the examinations due to reasons other than school representation, or illness or misadventure, if it is possible to reschedule. Following the examinations, students in all years will resume their normal classroom studies, working towards completing their subject syllabuses for the remainder of the school term. World Teachers Day - 28 October, World Teachers Day, celebrates the contribution of teachers to the development of our young people and the success of our nation. Australian school students are amongst the best educated in the world, have more positive attitudes to school and better relationships with teachers than most western countries. This doesn’t just happen. It reflects the work and skills of teachers. As a community we need to acknowledge how much our young people benefit from the skills and knowledge, care and understanding and sustained commitment of teachers. World Teachers Day reminds us of the importance of all teachers who have touched our lives in some way. We should all take a moment to say thank you. Schools Spectacular - Once again our talented students are part of the School Spectacular on 25 and 26 November at the Quodos Bank Arena, Sydney Olympic Park. Those of you who have been to previous years know how absolutely wonderful this night is. I commend this event to you – tickets are available through Ticketek. I have enormous pride in our public education system and am delighted that the outstanding talents of our teachers and students will again be showcased through the Schools Spectacular. Parent Volunteers - As Year 12 leaves us I want to thank the fabulous parents of Year 12 girls who have freely given of their time and care in helping the school as volunteers. Your contribution to the success of this school has been greatly valued and appreciated. The Uniform Shop and Canteen Managers are eternally grateful for the time parents have given to make these P&C run facilities be productive assets of the school. The Schools Spectacular only come to fruition with assistance of parents; many of our students’ sporting successes only occur because parents volunteer their time, and cars, for transport to matches and competitions; the school bands have continued to develop with the assistance of the parents of the Band Committee. You all make a remarkable difference. I give you all my many thanks. On Thursday 1 December, in the commercial kitchen function area, we will show our appreciation of our volunteers by hosting an evening for all volunteers. Volunteers will be sent an invitation. Change of family details - If you change address, telephone numbers (including mobiles and work numbers), email address or name it is important to notify the school so we can update our records to contact you quickly when needed.

EMAILING THE SCHOOL— Please use ONLY the [email protected] email address for correspondence. TEXTING THE SCHOOL—Dedicated SMS NUMBER for absences & late arrivals only - 0427 459 133

Freshwater Community Bank is the proud Community Sponsor

of Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale

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Congratulations for high achievement to: HSC Dance students who received 15 nominations for Callback, the best HSC dance works in NSW –Emily, Amber and Ashleigh were nominated for 3 works each, Jacinta and Brielle for two, Jacinta and Bethany for one Charlotte (Y8) for her 3 firsts and a second at the Australian Swimming Championships Lucy (Y10) and Mya (Y9) for their selection in the All Schools U15 Touch Football team Gaby (Y8) for her second place in the teams CHS Tennis Championships the 7/8 Cricket Team who won the Milo T20 competition Djirri (Y11) for her performances in Schools Spectacular in the Aboriginal Dance Company Katie (Y11) for her Sydney North Blue for basketball Jessica (Y10), Sienna and Dakota (Y9) for their selection in the Regional Waterpolo team the Bands for their excellent performances at the Manly Jazz Festival Rosie (Y10) for her touring to Japan in the Northern Sydney Symphonic Wind Ensemble Ilka (Y11) and Margaux (Y7) for their attending the Eco Youth Summit Sasha and Karolina (Y11) for their keynote addresses at the Zonta Northern Beaches Annual Dinner Clare (Y11), Annabel and Jaz (Y9) and Amy (Y8) for their student exchange programs to Germany, France, Sweden and France respectively Alice (Y7) for her A+ in AMEB 5th grade music exams in alto saxophone Lily and Angel (Y7) and Alicia (Y8) for their competing in the gymnastics competition in Singapore Bianca (Y9) for her winning a $500 donation to our science faculty funded by Select Encompass Credit Union’s Tartan Science Education Program

Christine Del Gallo, Principal

W@M REPORT - 28 October 2016

IMPORTANT DATES TO ADD TO YOUR 2017 DIARY - How to support your child though the HSC without becoming the enemy

SPECIAL FREE SEMINAR FOR YEAR 11 AND 12 PARENTS Have you ever asked yourself the following questions? How do I help motivate my child? How do I help my child manage her time? What are reasonable expectations?

Elevate Education, Australia’s most trusted provider of study skills programs, will answer the questions that all parents are asking.

When: Thursday 2nd Feb 2017 Time: 6.30pm – 8.00pm Where: Mackellar Girls Campus Performance Space Cost: Free What to bring: Something to write on and a pen

This 90 minute session will ensure you have all the tools you need to effectively support your child through the HSC without becoming the enemy.

Elevate Education has been running study skills seminars for our Year 11 girls for over six years, 2014 saw the introduction of a study skills session for Year 7 and Year 9 in 2015.

Year 7 - Our Year 7s are heading towards their first Yearly Examinations. The students should use their resources from the Study Skills Workshop earlier in the year and Thinking Skills and their positive Mackellar attitude to see them through Week Five. Plenty of sleep, organised study routines and following the advice of teachers will be the ingredients for success. Students should check their school emails frequently for their timetables, and carefully note the times and locations of their examinations.

Our Merit Award system is a positive way of acknowledging successes in many areas, including academic, citizenship, extracurricular activities and sport. Students collect Blue Merit Awards from their teachers and hand these in via collection box in E Block. The points accumulated throughout the year go towards the achievement of a Blues Banner, and by collecting these throughout their school career students have the opportunity of achieving highly acclaimed Medallions in Year 12. All Merit Awards for 2016 must be submitted by the end of Week 6 to go towards a Blues Banner this year.

Continued / ...

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Week 7 will also see the Year 7s gaining new Lifesaving skills. We’ll see you in the pool! Ms Hawes & Ms Coles

Year 8 - This term, we have received an incredible number of merits and recommendations from teachers nominating students for a Resilience Award. It is wonderful to see so many girls working to their personal best and displaying one of the many important qualities we value at Mackellar.

Year 8 have also demonstrated great initiative in preparing for their Yearly Examinations. Students have been working studiously at home to revise for their subjects and many students have actively sought out advice from their teachers about study tips and techniques to add to their Thinking Skills. We wish Year 8 all the best in their upcoming examinations.

Lastly, Friday 28th October is the Year 8 Charity – Bandana Day. Many students have voluntarily designed posters to advertise the event and will sell bandanas on the day to raise money for young people dealing with cancer and their families. Hopefully the day will be a great fundraiser and a fun way of raising awareness for Canteen. Miss Robertson & Mrs Peachey

Year 9 - Term 4 has already been busy for Year 9. For students of 9M, they have been involved with the High Resolves Initiatives since the beginning of the year and they have just launched a toiletries and fundraising drive for Mission Australia in support of the homeless. In support of this drive, they are asking for any donations of any new packaged toiletries such as toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo and conditioner, wipes and roll-on deodorants to be brought into the collection bin in A-Block. Whilst this is happening, we have a group of students who are in training during Wednesday Sport sessions to become lifesaving instructors for our junior students in the Lifesaving Week. Later in the term, the Peer Mediators training workshop will be opened to any students who are interested in becoming a Peer Mediator in Year 10.

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, the Yearly Examinations occur in Week 5 and the exam timetable has been emailed to each Year 9 student. If there are any clashes, please direct your daughter to see Mrs Karandonis in A-Block so it can be adjusted. All students must attend all days during the exam week in full school uniform and they are expected to conduct private study in designated classrooms if they do not have an exam. If your daughter cannot attend an exam, the Deputy Principal must be notified of this immediately. We encourage the girls to work to their personal best in all of their exams.

At the recent Year Assembly, we have noticed the increase in the number of girls who were not in the correct school uniform such as dress and socks not in the correct length, excessive jewellery and makeup. We would like to seek your support in ensuring your daughter is attending school in the correct uniform. Miss Reeves & Miss Leung

Year 10 - Term Four is an incredibly busy term for Year 10. During Week 3, Year 10 completed their Yearly Examinations. Their dedication and hard work during this time were commendable and set an excellent example for the younger years. Later this term, Year 10 will participate in work experience, Australian Business Week, the MacArchibald Visual Arts and Photography Exhibition and Crossroads. The Year 10 Peer Support Leaders will demonstrate their leadership skills and enthusiasm for their school at the Orientation Day and also at the Taste of Mackellar day.

Term Four is the perfect opportunity for Year 10 to ensure that they have an excellent understanding of the skills and content taught throughout the year. This will give them the best possible start to Year 11 and will help to guarantee their success going into their senior courses.

Finally, welcome to Ms Maxwell who is our new Assistant Year Adviser. A huge thank you to Mr Snow for all your hard work over the past year; your dedication and care was very much appreciated. Ms Griffin & Ms Maxwell

Year 11 - Welcome back! Year 11 begins their HSC courses this term and have been given information regarding rules and procedures for assessments. It is important that students and parents familiarise themselves with the school's assessment policy. Many girls will start working on major projects this term that will be due in Term 3 2017. We encourage Year 11 to work regularly on these projects so the work does not pile up. Year 11 attended a Study Skills session in Week One this term and should use the strategies learnt on this day to help them with their work.

Year 11 will attend the RYDA Driving Training course at St Ives on Thursday 3rd November. They need to return permission notes to the box in A Block. If you have not paid your daughter’s 2016 school fees, then you will need to pay for this compulsory excursion separately as soon as possible. Also, many students who have ordered jerseys need to pay their deposit. Please do this at the front office.

Finally, Mrs Wiggins has returned as the Year 11 Year Advisor and will also be relieving as HT Welfare for Term 4. Ms Wiggins & Ms Campbell

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Congratulations to all students who have sat AMEB exams over the last few months. Preparing and sitting these high standard exams puts many music students in a good position for both their participation in music ensembles but also for their future HSC Music performance exams.

Big Band at the Manly International Jazz Festival

The Mackellar Girls Big Band performed to a fantastic crowd at the Manly International Jazz Festival on the long weekend in October. The weather was great and the atmosphere set by our fabulous musicians was wonderful. It was also the farewell performance for the Year 12 musicians playing their last gig with our bands. The Mackellar Girls involved should be very proud of their professional performance.

The Big Band playing at Soul Central for BIG BAND BOOM

The Mackellar Girls Big Band along with other great Community and High School Big Bands will be performing on Thursday 17th November at Soul Central in Dee Why for the BIG BAND BOOM event. Come along and enjoy a meal while being entertained by talented students in a “Jazz Club” setting. Admission is free but booking online is essential. Meal special $29 adults and $16 children. Concert starts at 8:30pm – 10:30pm. Please check out the website for bookings:

Concert Band Warringah Mall Performance 9th November 2016

A reminder to parents that the Concert Band is performing at Westfield Warringah Mall on Wednesday 9th November at 1:15pm on Centre Stage in the Food Court near Rebel Sport. Please come along and enjoy lunch while the band plays. Assistance with instrument transport still required.

Band Tour – 21st - 23rd November. The Performance/Concert Band are touring to the South Coast and performing at schools and community venues in the Kiama region from 21st -23rd November. This is fantastic event where the students give back to the community across all ages. Events include performances and workshops with primary and high school music student and performances to residents in aged care facilities. The girls also mix socially across all year groups which enhances the students’ ability to work well together. Vacancies still exist for students to join this tour. Please refer to table for all other performances this term. OTHER DATES FOR DIARY: (SEE PAGE 7)

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Wednesday 9th November


STAGE 1:15pm Performance time

(tentative) Thursday 17th November


Soul Central Dee Why Evening

Friday 18th November PERFORMANCE

BAND Creative Arts

Assembly 10am Performance,

rehearsal prior

Monday 21st – Wednesday 23rd



Band Tour 3 Days

Tuesday 29th November


P&C Volunteers’ night 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Monday 5th December STAGE AND BIG

BAND Multicultural Day During Day

Tuesday 6th December CONCERT BAND Orientation Day Morning

Monday 12th December BIG BAND Year 10 Assembly 9am – 11 am

Tuesday 13th December


Presentation Day 9am – 12noon

Vanessa Patterson, Band Director

SPORTS NEWS - In the last week of Term 3 Charli Brown of Year 8 competed in Darwin at the Nation Swimming Championship. She had some great results: 1st 50 back, 1st 100 back, 1st 4x50 medley relay, 2nd 200IM and 4th 400IM. Charli then flew home on the red eye flight to join her team to represent NSW in the National Swimming Championship that took place at the AIS.

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This week we sent a cheque for $1,400 to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation to assist in the work they are doing in remote Indigenous communities to support reading programs. Our three book clubs together with our Aboriginal Studies classes collaborated to assist in the running of the book swap and cake stall on Thursday 20th October. It was a fun day that importantly helped raise awareness about inequalities in our society and the power that we all have to effect change. Thanks to all the students and staff who supported this event.

During this term the library staff are undergoing OLIVER training . This new-web based learning, teaching , information and management tool will vastly improve the services offered to staff and students. For example, it will allow teachers and students to simultaneously search our library holdings,our local libraries, Google and our e book collection. Our 12 week preparation process will be complete when we “ go live” on Monday 14 November. Your daughter will be able to reserve and suggest books from home, check her reading record , download e books to her own device 24/7, rate and review books and very importantly it will greatly focus her research to the most appropriate information sources. We are all excited to finally switch to Oliver!

As a farewell “gift” to our outgoing Year 12 we produced a post HSC reading/podcast listening list and emailed it to the girls to inspire them to be lifelong readers and learners. Here is the link to the reading list.

Finally , please encourage your daughter to use the Library website (link from Student Staff links on our School website). There is a wealth of valuable support for her including: updates of our new books tips on using new Tech Tools research support HSC Zone…..and more!

Librarians Robyn Beyer Rebecca Hewison Reed


Please see the school website for new trading hours for Term 4, 2016.

[email protected]

Please find below roster for End October, November 2016

Monday 31 October Annette Ryan & Felicity McEvoy Wednesday 2 November Mini Kutty - HELP REQUIRED - 12pm-2pm Monday 7 November HELP REQUIRED - 9am-11am and 1.15pm-2.15pm Wednesday 9 November HELP REQUIRED - 12pm-2pm Monday 14 November Maxine Bronier - HELP REQUIRED - 1.15pm-2.15pm Wednesday 16 November HELP REQUIRED - 12pm-2pm Monday 21 November HELP REQUIRED - 9am-11am and 1.15pm-2.15pm Saturday 20 November HELP REQUIRED - 9am-11am and 11am-1.30pm Monday 28 November HELP REQUIRED - 9am-11am and 1.15pm-2.15pm Wednesday 30 November Sandra de Lange, Binnie Sharp - HELP REQUIRED - 12pm-2pm

Please advise if you can assist on any of the ‘HELP REQUIRED’ days above.

If you have or know a student commencing in Year 7, 2017, I strongly recommend you purchase her school uniform this year and preferably not on Orientation Day (Tuesday, 6 December 2016), as queues can be very long.

We are looking for more volunteers. If you can spare an hour or two, once a month to help out in your daughter’s school, please contact myself.

Leigh McPherson, Uniform Shop Coordinator, [email protected]

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Join the Mackellar Family and Friends team in the MS Sydney to the Gong ride. Register and search for the Mackellar Team when you do. Let’s make it a fun day and raise money for a worthy cause. Start training now!! Contact Sue Saunders (PDHPE Faculty) for further details or just join up and you will be contacted closer to the ride.

Here are some pictures featuring some of the 2014 Mackellar team.

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Mackellar Girls Campus Campbell Pde Manly Vale NSW 2093

T: 9949 2083 F: 9949 3028 E: [email protected]


Director General’s Award for Turning Potential into Performance

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Girls Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Programs

If you email us at [email protected] we can email the school newsletter directly to you. It can also be accessed online at

Director General’s Award for Turning Potential into Performance

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Girls Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education

Director General’s Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Programs

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